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JOS. E. GARLAND E. SCOTT MARTIN FRANK S. BLANTON "INSURANCE THAT INSURES" REPRESENTING COMPANIES WITH TOTAL ASSETS OF $349,085,834.00 ???????????HBMBHMHMHMHBMMHMBBMBBBHBB GARLAND &, MARTIN CO. FARMVILLE, VIRGINIA successors ro PAULETT-VENABLE-GARLAND-CO., INC., and E. S. MARTIN & CO. Preen Crewe. election the people roted lo bond rh.- town tor $25,000 to furnish electric lights and pure Miss Sallie Johnson, of Windsor, is Visiting her aunt. Mrs. \V. T. Bradshaw. Mi's Maude G Juli? et Covington, ot Koanoke, have latelj vis- | \ crii* Mi. Temple Crittenden and wife Mrs. Way! Royal] and children, who .1 her litth >w in Bed? ford city with the family oi Rei W. .1 Royall. Rev. W. W. Kain is taking his ion. a po which will ig ..ii york R Glou< Mty Mrs. Kain is with her p.'opie iii Richmond. ? Presbyterian Church, met with Mrs. Clall Monday night, Mrs. J. H it was decidi | supper in ber and hold a bazaar in 1' temi** leavor itlg to build ;i lliii Mrs Henrj of near -itini; Mr. and Mrs. Kai lle.*t Moi i -i. hool in li,*, county. Misses Alice A.lams and \ * i > ii Darlington ii itghta. - il Terry ? Et Terry. Mist for V/asbingt ? make ber home for tbe winter with lier sister, Mrs. R nee M 1 at? tend ? month, ! .Mr - imlay. Sept. 20th_A p: ing will start at the Methodist Church Sunday morning. la and Bessie Bondurant left Monday for the B. F. I. tiristlne and Eulalia Brad k in Richmond their aunt. Mrs. P. J. Hawks. Mrs. Rosa Sears returned last Monday after spending some time friends and relatives at Prospect. Mrs. Mn returned to her home tn Pamplin Monday after a (Continued OB 50 Per Cent Better "I have used less than one bottle of Cardui," writes Mrs Gertrude Ward, of Rushville, Neb., "and am feeling fifty per cent better than when I began taking it " before taking Cardui, I had suffered with female trouble for eight years. My greatest trouble was irregu an I also suffered with severe pains, every month, but now I am greatly improved and will recommend Car? dui to all my suffering friends." CARDUI The Woman's Tonic The rare medicinal herbs of Cardui are imported by the manufacturers direct from Europe and are not to be ^^Tn^TenSlr^wtot^ Cardui its superiority, na a female ni-dicine and tonic, over any other medicine. For over 50 years Cardui has been the favorite wom ,n\ ne icme The ladies like it because it is so easy ^tSSAWS^SiW Try it today. Were You Satisfied WITH YOUR LAST SUIT? If not I CAN PLEASE YOU. I guarantee to give the BEST GOODS, Fit and Work sold in this town or it don't cost you one cent. I Take All The Risk. You Benefit by It Winter samples now ready for your inspection. My prices are hard to beat. My $25.00 Suit Cannot be Equalled. J. G. WELLMAN, The Tailor 121, 3rd St. Phone 249 Opera House, Friday Night, Sept. 23 The Play That the Entire Country is Talking About j THE ST. ELMO CO. (Inc.) Announce for vour approval Neil Twomev's dramatization of ST. ELMO The Famous Southern Romance by Augusta J. Evans. A Metropolitan Cast! A Superb Scenic Production: A Great Play With a Great Moral! Read the Book. See the Play. Priecs?50 and 75. Seats on sale at Garland's Drug Store. 001 IPI IPI-u^ 1 HOME, SWEETjflOME Have You a Home? If Not Let Us Tell You How You Can Get One ATJt HAVE Vi if un <.M .Irlil (in tm** hom* ^1 lo pu it off- lt will tx Jl baudin* .*? ? allow ri.- i r?t v\a?? rrai < ? 'ia! aecurity. tu ? ? Farmville Building and Trust Company Farmville, Virginia OFFICERS * DIRECTORS n ^ ? ***** tf**- tn** W. T. DOYNE FURNITURE DEALER LICENSED EMBALMER AND UNDERTAKER. A wt-!] selected stock of Furniture, Mantels, &c. Burials in town or country given careful attention. THOMASA. BOLLING BRICK "I MAKER CONTBACTOB AND BUILDER. My l| I'.rick Work, Team- for Heavy Hauling, id (tradiuji. Heft -teat man '.2 the dt| ' ana dradiuiz. H Kvery Firm?I