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THE FARMVILLE HERALD HOKOH M>Ii THK I IHK PRESENT, HOPE FOB IHK FUTURE. i'DI, XX. \K.\r- VA . FRIDAY, OCTOB sumr IN THE CHURCHES. i B i> \v wu un . wm wkii-.s FILLED w un HTOftSHIPPERS, S U-.ns \!,,i Spirited Staging. 'a day Mid our cl : their which ? Mire h. Hie. latter ! Ull : . ' rori . Our prayer, then. from . ? il comfort should ( t that when c ? - our sins, G<>d li just ( and He not only for- t IUOU ] nd filled with j, I, Mr. Hallinan. j, hodlsl Churoh t . orship and ? ?wded the j, md ai ? ll] | I _ TRIP TO lill MOI TAIX9 : e Pi : climb l i are li The ? ? hunt for the Great, ho* ?ii.'linet whoa it was B trust badu ' rom tin' parent branch them to seek I earth. .ting was first pro igreei to take a ?lankets tnul spend the mountain side ? en sky as roof, but ??da home In the a resting place, and i was given and il followed. Then pleasant memories mountains. They tull Bri Mr. thei Mab , and pt-rf ter to tl Miss roon Ai food by tl Ol M I Loni J. R. ami viii**. Mr J. F. arnon 1 Thin Three Decades. y and Tar has been a ??_ I >r couch colds i of the throat, che9t cog, *? .'-Jiitains no opiates. At . . shoul _ nolds, umbu lg Co. sell Foley's Hon V B, l>\\ll>v>\ PRIZE S, U . W atkin*} \\ ins Rog |; - . ill Majority. cont. ?ly dis put' ? I Mis. I. with a goodly W. u with jui,i ? DOt "Told jump lit. ? fort un;??? with * ample of the handsome i popular di DEA.TR OF lo!l\ B. PHILLIPS. P The end Sunny Side, on P ind the burial took iirday. "J.-1 familiarly and * 'nan. WODI ounty oi' Cam borland, as well o many people He w:is the Demoi i i democrats', loyal In the dai ours of its history *nd exultant iii i hour of triumph, He eld many offices in his conn- ( *.. treal - ol' his party and when ? led sunshine with him. . Ria keen, bat wit and bis abounding good hum r never tailed him. He was a ? friend of the late Ill be sadly m - in ]| arith do Hamil M I'l I IL El in I - i vin I nu POWI LIj?ROISTER. gu ? ? l. of mville, of a d in palms and foi n ed the redding man h. T ? d with ins i..*.-t ma Walter .7. Hutton, of Farmvili. i of honor, Mi el Rovster, in blue satiu, and _ Tot r her the bride in white satiu picture hat. The ceremony was ormed by Dr. R. H Marsh, af- War which the bride led the way r?01 ie punch bowl, presided over by Sue Powell, and to the dining to 1. -mat, nid showers of rice and hearty ***** wishes, the happy pair left (hoard for a northern trip it of tow ii aD0j laddox, Miss Sue Powell Miss appl se Powell, of Black The Barsdale tings, j010 Mr. Walter J. Burton, of Farm Va. . Powell is the book-keeper for Di Walton & Co., and ls popular by t g a large circle of frlei - Tt faasoaal To Otmamaamti teed Information which Co'8' ne a fortune, and feel that I i let every sufferer know aboir xperir - S. If. Rey- \onc Central National Bank, Col- rural s. Ohio. oc-21. Co. '? ihe hm mm locate UM.i; lill l'i.\< I . 8 d To B -m. ? '.ill". Ti uv should i fur? niture tb the indi. i;i;o\\ \....n,\) s. led al 8myrna M. I Sbeppa al ten ni . Tu :. llth, 19 and Dr. William Edward Brown. r of Mr. ami Mra Pani Ma lon Jones, and physician, is a SO and Mi's. '. Th.* I and a large ?row,] assembled tn ???? tn 'ny. which was preform* lohn o. Mi M. K. i'h ind Ri ?. i' W. Ba .ni. The ch ni' un- . isuallj 'lt v. ell Po ! Mr. .1. I. ? built up a : Itv. Hudg lia and M lond, Mr, Johu s Tuc'* Backlog a, dow ..ol ;?-! "ol - io Tobacco Bales During Fair. qua Lt a meeting of the Farmville one lacco Board held Sept. 6, 1910, and vas moved and carried that the (.,u ehouses close on Oct. 21, and be ?en on Nor. 1st, on account of ere! Farmville Fair. No tobacco ls esca ie sold during this time. be i H. H. Gilliam, -Sec. mah '-7t pagi _ pull rais: My child was burned terribly ma(1 it the face, neck and chest. I led Dr. Thomas" Eclectic Oil pain ceased and the child sank or a restful sleep."?Mrs. N'an<w don' lanson, Hamburg, X. Y. - apt i r. Thomas' Eclectic Oil ls sold he White Drug Co. C? - well ilrty different styles of guaran- Bur^ Tooth Brushes at White Drug ly, t TOO Ing us your "Prescriptions." w are too difficult for us to "ac ely compound." White Drug He 0 liit CBMPETITIff ML <*l IKD l\ I M A . i I ? ill. ? IVOTHEH si IDLE Bl RX1 l?. Mr. fort um tenta d thought to he I ?d in ' . I ? urn nd If ? I . \ "BOOST I RS' ? I BASK ? \ \m\i.i; Kl ut ... ? i- i > not a flaw a i _ i CAN HAKE ll. if- J. 1 i.illly . tl b tie in champagne i, patting la and b. clove in each bottle; cork Mrs wire securely, keep in a cool k ar, and in three months it will |? fit for use. Care must be ex- -. sod when opening to let the g;i .pe gradually, or your bottle will t(j t rnptied all over the roora. It r^ . :es a drink superior to cham- ^. ie, and does not make the hair after using. More than one ack in put in will burst any bottle Q, *?" , lngs nd if the above recipe smacks b< smells too much of alcohol, then a(iJ. t, but convert your cider Into ^ lg vinegar and that you are not Q{ Q) ?o drink in any hurtful amount. Qew - in't look well, eat well or feel the with Impure blood feeding your menti . Keep the blood pure with reque ock Blood Bitters. Eat simp- comri ake exercise, keep clean and _ e will bave long life. filed ??'- ed fo hlte Drug Co. sell Burdock route the 1 _along ?raid and M. Y. World ?0. CONTEST ADDI l ll! *?! ? i?\>ivr ni THI \Mn( Vis ni \| i\\ \ <?\ v\ MU l? siim ia is Pauper Account. ? J. a. Armistead, rations .. .*?. . . . IV. H. 'Walden. . I. H. . arne Lamb * nu for pauper. Poor lions.- \( -oiiut. I i.J. \ Son. clothing ; th work I.E. Barrow t Co., sui.;* auleti A Bogg, .supplies .. .8. Bi I-' f* til armvllle lamber. '. T. fin and bed . poor . . 1.2 ~i M M M Ml Ml Mi I . ? ' ! 'I ? iiild ('(?!! R. Wea ll. Hub ? mi. T and lot ed i t* 7.7.". H. Joi . . . 00 t 2 lambs ki Mr . 4.00 P. Cap] ? ip killed . 1 5.00 . F. M. Newblll, ill.d b] . 39.00 Md .1. W. N'oiinck's. his day came Mattie W. Wom? by her attorney and objected he report of the commissioners at the last meeting, assessing damages to be paid for that of the land of Mattie W. Wom (erroneously stated in the said rt and in the former proceed of the Board in this matter j the property of J. W. Wom , taken for the proposed new extending through a portion Nf property, and asked that a set of commissioners be ap? ed to assess said damages. But Board, after hearing the argu 3 advanced in support of such st, refused to appoint said new lisslonerrs and proceeded to ap said report of commissioners at the last meeting, and adopt r said proposed new road the des'gnated lu said report as Vomack route, and extending route of private easement Continued on page I Fi Lay n her i 100 Mr rone\ has tal 1 On class Thi M. St cently for tl please feel i ni I evei cold a monia relief ed mi Sold t Fl the W "Gr: Drug < iiONAL PRIZES. i I Mi ITE8 OF STA! ED H PHI I Pl \\n i in H |\\| B ESIRE. to Fla.. v. i ito Fr | Mnd Furnt TH1 rr? $175 FIFTH I i hie, rill be Standing i i two We : 2th. ?.174.011 J. Pretwell. 360.411 W. Watkins. ?'atty Hubbard. . . ilalia Bradshaw . . . Ulen.... ll ? lilian Harris. 4.-50 Ins Bldwin. 4 1!. . W. Watkins. 270.380 i'ty Hubbard. Julia Bradshaw.... ? :te Allen. . . . 10,071 ss Lillian Harris. 4,259 ?ie Baldwin. 4,03t d a If to ime ??'? ho ufo * ' 1 I \ .111, he I mi Ute ? lo < .inn i'. \ ?'??*?. Inf with *. ? ? "ni ballot nf commit hal* ?unt intil tl ? mit. criptlon blank to tally ii/ count. men Walk. Mr. Horace Ir. R. w. i. >r new sob* I'. -V. 0 heads the list. Sin- lias to and renewals, total I .?.ell has 142 new and 71 .tal 220. Mrs. Watkins ll new and 90 renewals, to 86. lers taken for all kinds of high engraving. White Drug Co. 'It Boats All." 8 ls quoted from a lteter er ockwill, Hannibal, Mo. "I re? used Foley's Honey and Tar ?e first time. To say I am d does not half express my gs. It u --ats all the remedies r used. I contracted a bad .nd was threatened with pneu The first doses gave great and one bottle completely cur ?." Contains no opiates. >y all druggists. ?y's Honey and Tar ls sold by bite Drug Co. iduate Pharmacists." White m\