OCR Interpretation

The Farmville herald. [volume] (Farmville, Va.) 1890-1934, November 18, 1910, Image 3

Image and text provided by Library of Virginia; Richmond, VA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn94059373/1910-11-18/ed-1/seq-3/

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Thumbnail for THREE

\I\M i , 1 K.< lee ,? Bl
lld I ,\\S.
1st. Tua,
sionth render b
lld be pay<tj.e a*.
I penalty of 5 per e-ent. s
. months from the- ll iloi have
aid bul. the a*
?<>t again r>-n--wed until ail arrears and
2nd Arl bills
??>r a pt riod of t?
: out in tue nam.*
3rd. T'
tlia time wheo due an.: .
This ordinanee shall be from tts passage.
I \T1S(. THK 1.1? ?Asl TAX <>N
Be it e x og JV*..1
-ball be as follows: -
> ial table.
.ai. 1: unlawful man
> publ c billia:
? >
? ?
S \l.l.
1 w
* .
? he amount di.
ag i
a a lot, as it is *
? ad
..f shall be gi
? . once a wee-k for two we*?ks.
sell separately so much cf
ar part of a lot as shall b
?? ind charges thereon, with a
? int of taxes doa. The town sercant shall not dire.??
va* real estate sold, except for the city as r
? of this ordinance. If he does, he shall forfeit j
I -J ' tvath purchase and the same shall more-- ?
? -ulle and void.
Th*" town sergeant shall make out for each purehaseer a rta '
? ba following effect- '
orandum of real estate within the town of Farmville.
I . . .day of.lt.. . . For th ? non-payment
?w''reon for the year
ived of.
! mentioned
M price.
* :th the
town of
ns mn
t be found In
I not re
n shall be
:*iont, thev
it his ex-:
fl ?
?j. Ilea., h
? chase
als joini -
sd to roon
.n ti.e 11th
a) If ai
1 .ld for taxes, his
dinar).* ? of such deed, shall have
i in the Clei k's of;
Prince Kdwa. d. such e, a.e sha.l s.ar.*: .-, tua gran.ee in suc.i
: ihe taxes nm ?
:e| at tn.*
*.rlty in th
be al
\\ ?>i;|>|\ \ ' * . ! !i \ -
I WI.-.
\ .M., a
I sl.ul! fail to pa
to pay the tat
oth day of November, I
shall i .tum upon the amount of taxes so charg- ' t
4 !1 daily from the loth day . ??
t>er to the .'Huh Incl e bank or banks designated
is a depository in th?- teiwn eif Farmville the amount received by him
'or town taxes during the Mid per money to be deposited te.
? town e.f Farmville, n-taining himself, however, his
?omrn: im thereon. All other times he shall de
>oslt In the said depository all mon. ted by him on Wednesday
>f every we^ek. retaining his legal commissions thereon.
5. The town sergeant shall make out lists of the taxes n-ceiv
(d by him from the 15th to the 30th of December inclusive, show
ng the date of ree-eipt. the names of the persons charged with the
axes, the amount charged and the amount paid, and the town ser?
vant shall as soo.i as practicable, after the expiration of the above
nentl"- BOOt, prepare an alphabetical arrangement of
he said "lore convenient ref- ??reto.
6 Tn- tetmt shall proceed to collect all the taxes aa
0S8ed on the books of the Commissioner of the Revenue and all taxes
il wblcb an account or statement is delivered by the Commissioner
o the town sergeant uncle r aa ordinance of the town.
7. If all taxes with which any person of any estate of a de^een
ent is assessed be not paid before the first day of September, the
own sergeant shall distrain therefor if not collected otherwise un?
ion is su?pended by order eif the Finance Ceemmlttee.
ind when Mich collection is suspended he shall report the reason there
r>r to the n.*xt meeting of the Ce>uncil.
8. Any goods or chattels In tho town belonging to the p?-rson or
state .-. may b<- el is'ra and the el,
hall be for a sum sufficient to include all expenses of hauling, stor
ge, insura'c and other necessary costa attending the sale of the !
oods and chattels so dlstra
The goods and chattels of the tenant or other person In pos
claiming under the party Ol eased with taxes on land,
lay be distrained if found on the premises, but when taxes ar.
-.holly n> om parson on a lot. part of which has become the
id of another by a title recorded before the comme:..
ie year for which said taxes M nglng
> the owner of that I] not be .: due
roportion of sue nd the owner of such p.. that
art from any lien for d.-linnuent taxes in favor of tl;- I
the entire pi. og such proportion of th
Town A
". ard a payment by
o asset-sol. If the person applied to
so much as it may se?
date In his hands - shall. If I
} sum | | 00.00. pr
a summons dir him at such i
ill procure from the Clerk of
Ince Edward a sunni! ni to appear before said j
irt on the 1st day of the ne:. and from the tim**
' 1 tax shall constitute a Hen j
.:>bt so du>- ' In his hands. I
n so '
sr, judgment shall be entered against him
I sum due
nave I
I found, su: * with.n I
forfeit to t.ie c.ty a sum equal to ti t>e
16. For horses or a: e>k elli:ra; vied upon
town sergeant snail provide sui'f.cient sustenance -while they rema.n in
his posse-son. Whether distr.i ? led ape .il
it of the e.-jp-er ally pio
vided. The distress or levy in all eases snail be reason*
- rain
or le>> ?' u may
ind p ibl I ?
? ? bowl
led Sell to
' ?
I leg I
? ?
'* ?j
? '
?ich taxe
I ? ..
:n bank to the er-sdlt '
.f esc'
? *
:-iclI all taxes <
: OM for delinqueat tax. s
ime time make ont two e
t tax
r of Public A<' ? mts
' town t . ?
' r
? |
* '
? t.l
' ?"
I mi m
i a.i
* w
a .1*1
ie* n
f the ? ?s-tar
iv the ' i tm **
- -amah o'
?-*r?onal pr -eil rrav >irtwt an
ler the rrecd'ng section", ar I OB amt o*
eal estate oarchssed for the town under the 0" waors'r*'
? of land for tUOS. anv of the tti-ep* ire. h
vands remain unnald. he or Ms ronrese-Btattrss shall <?a s-flln*'
I thereof by tbe Town Coun-il n?v info thi ?*,***>*) the
mern tftxe??eleduetlna thoeetrem ? om et
ter cent, thereon. If there be a failure tn n ? ? tor
hree days after such notW. f ?om
on sa'd account, and the Town Council -?'->')
f the sergeant's bond to the Town AW******* *-v" "Itali n*nm*mi '
n for the eoMe-eMon of such amount sa nrw-fW-t* fi?? ??? law
All Ordinances or parts of Ordinances In eoafltd ? ? *? I
erebv repealed.
27. This Ordinance shall be enforced from Ha ?avt.ee
Farmville Creamery
The largest butter producing
plant in the State
Write or call.
<anges, Cook
ilerit. Palace and other
Also have a complete stock of anooga" Plows.
Ind another Car of Page's "i
lakes the best, strongest ar..:
While the "Ubiko" Uni
nd your cows give richer, better and , majry
large stock of this and other feeds on '
H. E Barrow & Co.

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