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? t JUST ONE CENT A WORD. Wanta. Few Sal*. I-wt. ****A- ta fact I a-n and all e<l?- M '-1 ?" I ?un for 'INK i:ENT a wor*' .. with a minimum charge of t?-n j Amature* cwuntod an part of ad- ? vortiaeraent. / U-ileaa the numl>er of insertion-*, deeired J ti the '.ime of entering the ail- / ? ??nt. it well be continued at the \ .-- until LOtice to diacontinue ia I i IAL1 Building lot coreter Virginia and 100 ft. front ( 148 ff. depth Apply . I). Farmville. Va. no-.* 1- e - Wyandotte Onckeaeia e.f t J hn Stoke*. Karmvi le. Va. ?' _._ l.ADY of refinement and education neekapoei (,? iu houi?*e-keep*-re?riDari*R<-r of home or boarei a I'nd.Tatamis all norn of <*ome?tir n "motlier" children an* can? for inva i Haa kees left support with eaire *.\y paralyzed grown ?on. Apply al thia ? information. nov ? Main ? _si. e Upre-N. t ? t - - ?...ow that Ul vii.-- you aug. . Onliiuti. AS: tbe franchise; ol the ? ?? Barnet and D.a pany baa expired by limLalion: And whenan, tba town eu hain: thioiigu its Town ( ..nation to and relmburaa tu I I ompanv t, ? phy aied plan) ..i the iwn and i ; aa prcperl ied for in tha fi ai I ? Farmville a i Dia Qt to thu Teiw ii ? * n ('e<uncil pay the for the ? ,VBD al a 1' an .* ii.iie-by au-; aegotiated to an ? t not to ez< ???? I J >>oi-<ls of tle> town, hearing ? ' Dg 6 per cent, in I ada from which art- to be Um purchase, installing of < ? ru e?f tbe present sewerage ? ? the town of Farmville and1 - ' the same a.-i may seem TIM proceedB from aaid ? used expressly and only trpose aforesaid, and to! i*. kn ?n as Bonds?Seriea H; Bald to be negotiated, however, |B and after the question, * nd Issue haa been aub- i ' to the quallftt-d voters of; *n of Farmvill?. ? That an election be held on day of De-cember, 1910, to ted In the manner author * any election held In the to be for the purpose of 1 | the sense of the quail IB the te.wri voting at 1 n on the question of ' ' \aamm, at which electiem ll be pro-Idod. and have ? rhedr fife these we>rds: f be>nd Issue fe>r I ? ? exceeding $lr>.000. " ND ISSUE. AGAINST BOM. *o desire te> | bonds shall era.-**- the 1 tgalnta." and those who ?? **?? f,fjt-nsf the- bond 1? ? HM the word "For;" ? \n sergeant be and ls, lei I pool not e ? n em the front d MC and nt five OT more aa i b> band bills d's a tl town; and bave nbllsbed two successive a Hera'd. ?? i;? Heit Wbt i-i un Co. .?nethylenetrramlne name of a German cheml * of the many valuable In r" ta of Foley's Kidney Rem- ' ***}? Hexamethylenetetramlue 19 i : by medical text booka x rltiea aa a urie acid a->I- , ?'?( fer tr.t urine. , Fotey'a Kidney Remedy t the first sign ot kid-, 1 ?<?.' trouble and avoid a aerloua ( **lady?Sold by all druggists. A Household Medicine. To be really valuable mu9t ahow , JluaUy food results from each mem ] ?f ot the family ualng lt. Foley'a ' ?oney and Tar does Just thia < r tey. children or -grown per * ?uv ? t, nr.,| Tat '? b-*-' , rna am tolda. , r al? ?*-- - ?? Tbs largest and heat line of i jfck room" gooda la town. White t ' Ca PERSONALS Iii BRIEFS. Notes of Happenings and People You Know. Povertv ia aodiie*-* A fact luitw wiv ol.) nate di-cloeee. But ! would tell him to hN face. "Nor U it any bed of roar*." ?Detroit Free Free*. Read cir.-fully the- e>rdinances to une! elsewhere in this issue of the Herald, and having read be careful te> l>*>'J. Mrs. MeOeacby and children. e?f l.enoire, S. C., are gue-.sts in the home of Rev. W. K. Hill. is a sister of Mrs. Hill. |0 week Of prayer is being observed by the Normal V A.. anel interesting service-. are Ix t. W. Hubbard and I nd on ? ? Chuic ?? ai in aboin Mr. W. W. Jackson ha - has nothing to do in the aol Bg but to shake-, add ind let her go. Herald with the linotype at command can devote foul ie. job printing. Ia < na le-rs, anel they will >u wait. The* ' -walk in front aldwin pi , IIinh St., lo tows. Farm ? i le should enlargs bar b and give OUld be- ii k well on tha ?n. 6th, Wile : a voter in Farmville- you will be r your verdict rs to Of buying tha The general opinion is that all public utilities should ba owned by cities, big and little On last Saturday at Richmond, I the Hampden-Sidney boys wont down in defeat before the p of Randolph Macon, but they wast down with colora flying. Nothing daunted they will try again They didn't run away and are living to fight again another day. "What's the attraction at Farm? ville anyway? There is neithiug there but the Greek restaurant and the- Normal."---Hampdcn-Sidne-y Ma? gazine. The writer of the above must have mixe?d thc dispensary with tbe restaurant and lost clear? ness of viaion. -, a student at th. Normal, goee to her home In Cumberland each Friday evening and returning on Monday never for? gets to bring a Cumberland "Mollie Cotton Tail," fat and fine, to the .The courtesy ls thoughtful and beautiful. Farmers should look well to their they prefer to buy' farmville markt' say lt la r to btu tbat if you * too. bore n pies. Hut Virginia aui lithia water stt's spring. Man can not live on i apples alone. ' The wood cutting machine of Mes? srs. Howard & Harrison is kept:' busy these days and sometimes n'orks after dark. And what would ; ( we do without the mach' shoppers all dead or To < lave a cord cut for tbe stove with < :he axe now a days would be like ] 'eversing the flow of tho ' ox, or removing Will!s' MountaIr -. rom Its base. < Rossal BAKING POWDER ? Hur" Of Mu the-ir sub . . and for a ye-ar will until Jan. 1st, ..illy to theise who : Bl in pops during ami Cuni Prlnc . ll known ? in Rich ?ml ? L i merci milar ; ! te> g*tA a ted with a young fat turk* The-r.. |a a lt; le* light in the from window eef the Je-hne * Hunt ie h ahlnaa or sings out during the- quiet watches of the night. "Nw yon see me, and now you don't." think tm eef the taps of the policemen' Tlie Chief in his looka like- stern old Bismark, and his lieutenant* 'ike Marshals of Na poleon. The bazaai and supper to be giv? en by the ladies of the Presby n the 9th of De? cember will be unique in character and n tt ural in feature tion taber 22nd was the date for the f paning sale of Ilurly tobacco, but o'.vinp to lack e>f a aaMOl th.* date has boen postponed to some future tina The date for sale viii be announced later In the'se columns. As the Methodist parsonages are furnished by the members of the different church-ns, lt. Isn't such a tax on the changing ministers to pack and move from place to place. Progressive preachers, however, do not rely on the old stock of sermons If the ministers of the different churches think lt desirable, the Her? ald would be glad to publish each v lor the- fe.llowlng Sun * .lee so the-v shoulel b> office on or before Wed? nesday. J. H. Farrar left on ? for Florida, Farm? ville '" od wishes, ? they may health real 1 and satisfied that no placo like Farmville. h the moon in ecllps ! And do you know what the shadow? And can you i how it ls that the as rronimers foretell the changes i: the heavenly bodies with such accu? racy? A world of mystery, and yet i world of beauty. Rev. C. E. Stuart, D, D., tbe not- i ?d Baptist preacher, and earnest ? emperance worker, died suddenly o -lay, while riding in the ( railway from Ashland to Richmond. Dr. Stuart was well tnown to the people of Farmville. ften moved by bis elo jnence and earneftnesa. iii be pul em ama. Isling har race - Wall. and Mr. e. L Mor* . B6d fr .ni a hunt In Buckingham, win Major J. H. Knk army, is visiting in the home- of Ml Every ei:er. aunt. Ml ll Fl home ? HES. ii -iif, laapooatUe With a There is ne.thiDt: that will . than a diaordori li, ami many *..'>? c mtract serious mala simply through dis: abuse of the stomach. We urge every one suffering from any stomach derange-ment. indigestion or dyspepsia, wt acute or chronic, to try R l.sia Table-ts, with the dis? tinct understanding that we will refund their money without ques? tion or formality, if after reason? able use of this medicine they are not satisfied with the results. We recommend them to our customers every day, and have yet to hear of any one who has not been benefited by them. Three aires, 26c, 50c. and $1.00 a box. Sold in Farmville on? ly at our store?The Rexall Store? Th" Winston Drug Co, Main St., Farmville. Va. Then- ff. 'e'hns. re-pre-sentlng D B. Ryland & Co., Jewelers, of '.ynch burg, will be In Farmville, Nov. | 17th to 22nd, at J. A. Oarland's ? J Drug Co., with an unusual display eif beautiful goods. Orders for holiday gifts can be placed with him and will have best attention, and will be shipped on any date in Peeember desired. He asks your inspection of his stock. Mr. Otto Paul. Milwaukee. Wis., Jj says Foley's Honey and Tar ls still I more than the best. Ho writes us. |? "All those that bought lt think it ,, is the best for coughs and colds they ever had, and I think lt is still than the best. Our baby had a bad cold and lt cured him In one I'lease accept thanks."?Sold ? by all druggists. The Home Bakery will be pre? pared to furnish you with a good line of cakes this Xmas. Fruit cakes a specialty. nor ll Batt Speedy anti Kffrcttve. This indicates the action of Foley Kidney Pills as S. Parsons, Battle Creek, Mich., illustrates: "I have been afflicted with a severe case of kidney and bladder trouble for which I found no relief until I used Ti Foley Kidney Pills. These cured g me entirely of all my ailments. I Bi waa troubled with backaches and levere shooting pr Ins with annoy? ing urinary irregularities. The steady use of Foley Kidney Pills ?ld me aatfraty of all my former ;r-"inbles. They have my highest ?eeommendation."-Sold by arl drug? gists. A ^^ I The White Drug Co. sell FoleT ot Sidney Pill*. U. S. Senator Clay Die*. T'nlted States Senator Alexander lanta, fia, sanitarium to w .ie h he was tal.en tan days ago for special ir. ul menu Senator Clay had been ill for a lone time, but death wa*nt ?i ted so suddenly. He was chatting wi*h Mrs. Clay and his sem whoa BO i and in a moment was de .J. Dilation of he heart is p cause eif death, but it i? Ke-ne-ra'h un? derstood that Senator Clay wa- ..t flu vd with earner ot thc sfeimach. Senator Cte] was in his Ifty aovoath year and hael he-en in the i States since ISM. having been e hoaen to aucceed Oeneral John B. Gordon. Taft Sends Photo to Flower Worn)-. Bee khart. wh flowers in Cincinnati, o., and wt senta President Taft with a hen**, et when** 'icinnati, h with I ntiein: "To Mi- \n h many ? Bj alag I : ?d to the ri has had a fl wer :or many Railroads. ? ' ! * fill. ' | . I 'axing Everybody 13 <*ents Richer. I*" ? were to 1 '' oil o th< mon v lu ? month than he wis last. ] . i la n w an at the same May Succed Wlson at Princeton. It v \. Y . that lamiltoa ? - ? i \ i' i i ? I eiay's '.670 SI ka, ? ri vat* Ranken-- * npaniea .... - .i<-leela 117 ?8 2.770 00 TotH . I 431.037*. LIAHII.I1 io.Urti -to. k patel u. I .urptuafuuei n.||v|.lt-el }.milts. Ie?? h mini nt puld for Int. i< pv, i i|w*n* 17..V4 11 >ivi'lerol<i unpaid 6 IX) nell-. Mein! deposit* Mil.jei't tooh'k 123.304 4? Has c.-rtlfl<-*ate*of deposit. 14S.WI-3 'ertifled cheek* Bl? SIS 'aahier's cheeks outstanding.- * 40 )ue to National Banka . 6.683 36 lue to State Banka. Private Banker* and Trust Companies Ul 41 J*Ila payable, including certificate-s of depoait representing rooney borro'd 46.000 OS Teital.f C1.66J 76 I. Walker Scott. Cashier, do solemnly wear that the above lan true statement of he fl mindai condition of Tin* Pliimlers ttank if Karmville, lo.-Hte-el at I-arni vii le, lu the ounty of Prince Edward, ^tAt^ofVlrglnla, at tie clexe of iniHlneHN em the lofh dav of N<.v. 910, to the best of my knowledge asst belief. WAiJtnt Scott. Caahler. 'ORRBCT? Atleal: HA. Stokm. ) H. C. Pairm. V Directors. M. E. Wall, ? tate of VlrKlnla.e'(iiinl> eif Prlm-e Edward: Hwon to and "iil.Horltieel iH'for.. ene l.y ?/a'ker Scott, Cashkr. thin l.Sth dav of Nov. seio. E. Peabody Dahl. Notary Public My commlaalon expire* 25th of Keb. 1911. Io. 9222. { KPORT OF THE rONOITIOV OE THE PEO 1 ll.KS NATIONAL BANK OF KARMVILLE. I Farmville. in th<* State of Virginia, at the rloae fbuainesa Nov. 1(1, !*? SOURCES. oana a- . 112*4,W 14 ured. .S. Bonds to sec ur.- circulation . 60.0ej0 00 ?ooo 2.687 81 i \am m rlank* (not ka and ompanies ar.: 4.344 .19 1 re-serve agent*.- 6.4.' .nh item*. 1,011 06 I e ithrr National Hank* ... 860 00 |. srrency. nickela and Iii 37 Kmervk in Bank, viz: .' oral-tender note*. fut ' S. Treaaurer S per cent of circula* 2.600 00 4 ni n Total. $20*404 75 LIABILITIES. ipilal stock paid in. . 60.000 00 irp ua fun.) 2,600OS redivide.) profits leaa expenses and Lax ea paid ... 3,026 71 itional bank note-" outstanding.... 60.00"; 00 je to State and Private B.nka and Banker* . nm ri vjdualdepo*i-*a subject to cheek... 68166 31 me certificate*of depoait . J.44 3fi rf ified cheeks. . 1,186 eu shiers checks outstanding. jo Ila payable, including -Certificate* of depoait far money bo.rowed-. 86.00060 Total .-.-. 00*40476 tte of Vinrinia. county of Prince Edward, sa: . J. L. Burs. Cashier of the above-named blank. solemnly swear that the above statement ** ie to the beet of my knowledge and belief. J. L. BUGG. Caahirr. rr-ect- Attest: G. M. Robeson. ) E. I Bon Di-sant, r Vi. M. Uoali. I inbeerlbed end rroni to before me thia 16th dar Nov. ma j. l. Booa. Notary Pubk. IL H ip women Dmr m. i Baap ttt tr\)'Ottt.,-*\. ti Mould Urilla Tei PkawtaWa ?iaaa ? Hare) to ile> kor "? - h aa .tching haek. Bim;*.-, yoa hours nf mai-ry al leisure or at weirk. ll women i*mj k.>?".*e the cause . that b tr..ui Bick k iel ne* Twoald saw ii.i * -ti., fJtths cure ale*: fi (1 ? Pai neill. . ii.irx. this: 1 I..-.j. Hlajl Ht.. Farm? ville. Va. taft "Keir "win-* time 1 nuffer-ad kielne-*, . -omplaint al? though I triad a n-imh-?r of reme? dies, I eli il Bot seem to Improve. I waa troubled bv pain* through th.* mall al Bkjl tunk and eluii i aaa I I finally told <>f the- I . D 'an'a Kidn. r . ?:. . il Hand's Drup gare me r.-l et from tl:.1 first, and I am i la kmw I <lne*y lill reliat ?' |j and ? ? rece Dimond them." F r tala b) all dealer cents Poater-Mllbnri '? ffalo - r the aa ? anJ take nu other tf Drug Co. tall 11 . Mila Perhaps Yet' Have Forgotten in the press of fall ?? to order year Trees and Plants. It is not loo late li | bart the'tn ni m and we f.lling oreleTs you. Green's Nurseries, WE SELL LOTH'S STOVES AND RANG KS and carry in thu \< BACKS and QR\TH tm LEE, FARMFK OtttL I HCtLHOR, p. I- V. ANF) NEW SOI Tl I ( PAULETT & BUGG. gHHHMHMHHHHPi' Time to Think **%, CAKES, MIN' i: 1 I and CRANBERRY IA! for THANKSGIVING. ? JCottoIene i j JUS Hi. Chas. Bugg & Son a K!i??HHHHnMHfe Tba White Drug Co. nett toity o Id ney Remedy. Bring your goeid fr-nk e?gfw to * Dome Bakery. Ord er a taken for all kinda of L us engraving. White Dru* | tt