V iLlR
ir THE OR rm
M . (
HKLD IN Till; Off] <>i ROANOKE
A litrgf ?na ' Bod]
Of Thc <l I-.-. \n I I/i.mii ii
I'l i-ciU.
The State Association of the
Baptists of Virginia met in Roanoke
on Friday ol last week, with u large
and titre body ol ths
> and laymen in atti
? * . hurcta
and the cause of Christ on
were disc noon,
the t
the |
,he hospitality ipi* of the
rous, and those who wera prlvileg
In saying
lt was irood to
No note of discord disturbed the
hamp .md it was
& plea t to witness "the
brethren dwelling together in uni?
The next meeting will be held in
the city of Norfolk.
The Farmville Church was rep?
resented by Ber. .Mr. Fugate and j
Mr. Beverly Winston.
Married at Crewe, by the Rey.
?J. L. Bray, on the evening of Not.
17th, Miss Etta Karie Smith and
Mr. Cha*. W. Harrison. They re?
tarned on the midnight train to;
"Needham," their future home.
Mrs. Harrison, having taught
?school in Cumberland, hat many
friends, who are glad to welcome
ber back. Mr. Harrison is well
known in Farmville. and ls a popu?
lar and efficient member of the
1 s'aff, and. with their many
trli nds. we offer our cougratula-,
na \\ nu A.tv intakes of Town
vh.-rti-.e<i i. World.
Hoard ol Trade of Norton,
\a., has employed H. M. Weir, of
fund of |l
idvertising Nor
a manufactur
? *
i le ni> iii
, bl blank i
? ? tool ? I . in
'. :.
!i\f, Up-I"
*><? adv.
?lain duty.
i li OTIOM NO] *< i
to a resolution of the
a calle.)
' said body on Nov. 14.
an election will be held at
i polling place in the Court
-.n.i town on Tl'ESDAY.
MBER the 6th. 1910. to as
ntll ol tbe qualified vo
sald town on the question
}f issuing bonds for the purpose of
?;g a sewer system in said
ot purchase the proeont eew- ^
?ni and extending the same. |
Tlie issue of said bonds not to
I $15,000.00 and to bear in-1
not exceeding 6 per cent.,
payable as the law directs.
F. W. Hubbard,
Town Sergeant.
R> order of the Council. novl8-3
Notice To Tax Payers.
Taxes for the year 1910 are now
?lue, and unlesi same are paid on
v before Dec. 1st, 1910, a penalty
?f 5 per cent will be added. Pay
*>w and save the penalty.
F. W. Hubbard.
' lt Town Sergeant
v le agents for Hess Stock Foods
Drug Co
The largest and best line of
lick room" goods in town. White
Herald and N. T. World 11.60.
Mann H I nee 1 ? (*eri
Him At Liberty,
? 'I om" P
itentiary from ... 1*.
is a remarka:.
the Governor who
ni to pardon Price him
in the courts.
Price for a numbs
i large lii
farm, where he ha if tbs
He ls known ii.
"Pap," is required to do no wort
and i.n to the
miliar to him.
? writer is Indi
.Mary Lee Badgett for a generous
of her pi
The little Miss is only nine sum?
mers old, and yet at tbs
borland Fair was awardi
piize for the best pound cake made
.'?nd exhibited by the public ?
children of the county, and now tbnl
lt has been submitted to anotbei
Di test there is no doubt of
their decision.
Just as perfect as though moth?
er had made it, and that's high
pi al se.
.Hceting Of K\ck-ntl ve Commlttw.
The Executive Committee of tbs
Virginia Press Association met In
Lynchburg on Friday of last week.
attended to routine business and
named Lynchburg as the place for
the next annual meeting of the As?
sociation, fixing July 11th as the
An automobile ride to Sweet
Briar was greatly enjoyed by inem
of the committee, and the
beauties and charms of the place
w.*i. a revelation to those of them
who enjoyed their maiden visit to
the id.-al spot.
It is subject of genuine satisfac?
tion to know that the srtlks of
the slate workers at Arvonia has
? ? tied, and that BOO Den will
ll work and draw pa]
Our congi atulati. i
N0TIO1 i > i ?H - '" -i" vis.
VOl hi?
ll writing
the pa
r,d will ta ?' tha
* Itoiia] coln
it in ' Wed
under ihe Im
?ii that 11
pay J | plant, but
oh is $10 D for
now Wi With I ti un illo.
(?ne day la-t week the writer
was asked by a
Jnst reached the town, to direct
him to a hotel. Walking with
him first along Third Btreet and
then Main, at the evening hour
when the electric lights were in
full glow, he remarked, "This is
one of the most attractive towns
I have been to in my travels."
He had traveled far and wide.
No doubt as to the attractive f.-a
tures of the town, and all that
needs be done is to let the out?
side world know about it and in
the manner so judicious that when
the stranger conies he will say:
"The half had not ber>n told "
Bring us your "Prescriptions."
None are too difficult for us to "ac?
curately compound." White Drug
C.t\y\ Rosalia Alwavg Follow.
The use of Foley Kidney Pills
upbuilding, siren tr* hening
aud soothing. Tonic in action, quio
in results_Sold by all druggists.
Foley Kidney Pi'ls are sold by
The White Drug Co.
i l his MORE Hi XN I ll tOt
lill <.'.!?>.
Partial vii. Bal (. a*mla
te i
ind in
: Off at his
* -arbon tbs
. Climax, was follow.-il
Vernon Paulett, winn again tl
diet was.
Monday evening Dr. ti
?I tin.- crown on thi
? u
a happy
.1 bird, the
i lie quail, nnd ths
thal holds
? ail comp
Tn. * i well up
to th.- Uni i ..f fun dntjr, tl*.
; good
ths companj a na a congenial
one, and tbs bOSDltallt] Ol the
? hs air and grace and
dignity ot tbs old time Virginia
The evening waa roW of all form?
ality, hut fragrant with gentle
courtesies, filled with creature com?
fort and now lives in memories as
a bright particular star In the social
Turn to the Herald of last week
and read over the statements of
the Farmville banks and remember
that their aggregate resources will
amount to the comfortable sum of
$1,178. 017.33.
Let some of that money be used
in advertising the resources of the
town and then watch Farmville gro
on ail lines of boslneta Wa are
doing well, but can do erma better
Normal SChOOl pupils and high
school pupils in Washington will
* *i to read the
that they aha) bs
informed about the current .
loard of Education havi .
su..<] an order or prefer:
quest to i tbs Rich?
mond patch, and how for?
tunate the Farmville Nonnah*
i heil i. ad) command.
\ . ..indent noni their
ranka should ld a
But ws
D a-k
in va
irould be
Black *?>:? tte \
li notbl
the black il fol
drivel a broom and
tly and efficiently to
niak.' Ightlj jilin
of the leading:
walk black dirt
kUoWl d to remain during the
entire day of last Sunday and per?
sons going t.. more than one of
the churches were forced to step
on it, have it stick to their shoes
with the result that lt was scatter?
ed the length of the square.
With strong men and strong hors?
es engaged In the good work of
keeping the streets fo Farmville
clean, they might also look after the
side walks, lt is simply amazing
that this unqualified nuisance should
remain unabated. The Herald han
done its duty in this regard and
its skirts are at least clean.
The Bonantfnl OOnrteaj OM * Little
Walking up Rand I on
a recent afternoon as the rain bs
gan to fall, the writer was joined
by a little girl of not more than five
summers, who carried an umbrella
which she attempted to lift high
enough to protect him from the
As she did so she stood well nigh
on tip toe. and stretched her tiny
arms to the full length,
for the time that an angel had
touched the earth and walked that
way. Her presence drove all dark?
ness, out of the clouds and saturat?
ed the storm with sunshine.
mulji un
0, N Lae. Hon M inj Kr
Ia *
W. K
In doing
"f ' and
? . . .
. . *
with all : in lt
Ml the
known and hoi of the
bia moth
father was Russel] B, i
Methodist Itinerant
On .-.opt.*mbe! |tb, 1817, William
bom. The greater part of his
life has been spent at the farm in
[Dinniddls county.* As a boy, bs
of a religious east of mind,
t in deportment, truthful and
affectionate, responsive to the Godly
teaching of his parents and remar?
kably considerate of the rights of
Others a boy to be depended on and
In IH?2 he was converted and
Joined the church, under the mlnis
; try of Rev. W. W. Lear. Of his
call to tbe ministry, he says:
"Soon after entering my eigh
teenth year (1885), 1 sensibly twit
that God was calling me to the work
of the ministry; but I hesitated to
make it known even to my parents
I tried to drive away the conviction
that it was my duty to pi each. I
had ehoaen a different walk in life.
and wished to follow thai Be
1 wanted to be sure." Hs
doubtless tried to peis.iade I.
that h.* was misiaken; but he
honestly laid the whole in.-nt<*r
before Ood and "wrestled with Him
in prayer." with tbs
tu foiiou the guidance of divine
i*i ovldei ce, i became atlsfled,"
that it was mj dutj to
I, and !???. bappj at
being counted
In l s,^7 hs
hort; that fall Randolph
b* id t<> affirm tba: Will
ed p:
o. n
f<dk, np io a i, gi
dani of ministerial demandl in the
1> il it, pa .1 in th.*
i p n of "those without" Tbs
by the
great waters and capita
port Methodism ? -l by
whom William H P is a
potent factor. Hs ra i ? ? w it ti him
an atmosphere of " and
light," Christian refinement, t.*m
I ardor of high duty, res.
ful enterprise and vigorous mind.
Vii Katani Bm vu ional.
The ladies of the Presbyterian
Church did not ask that the Her?
ald should say that their bazaar,
for the 9th of December, would be
natural, but national in design
that is the national colors would be
In the decorati
Charge the error to the linotype,
and don't shoot the operator.
la the name of a German chemi?
cal, one of the many valuable In?
gredients of Foley's Kidney Rem?
edy. Hexamethylenetetramlne is
recognized by medical text books
and authorities as a uric acid arl?
ine ari ne.
Take Foley's Kidney Remedy
promptly at the first sign of kid
ner trouble and aroid a serious
malady_Sold by all druggists.
Tbe White Drug Co. sell Foley's
Kidney Remedy.
Herald and N. T. World tl.CO.
k III i'l nl'l t loll.
n. at Woi
*: wai
'1 *'? on one
, harv* crib
making 16
uia is
si \nu in nu i in nilli,*,.
.1 farm
u l< i ths pul
Church morning
and ev. nug and p
e.-n.it sermons, wblcb were great
1> enjoyed by the large congrega
tion present on each occasion.
Presiding Elder Dadman pi
ed at the Methodist Church at
! both services.
Rev. Boogher was with his peo
pie, and the pastor of the Presby?
terian preached in the morning, but
owing to the fact that he was suf?
fering from the effect of a severe
cold, there were no services at the
evening hour of worship. Mr. Hill
, will on uext Sunday evening be
i gin a series of sermons to the
young ladies of Farmville.
On last Friday evening, Novem?
ber the eighteenth, the Conserva?
tory- of Music gave the first one of
als lor the ses
. t 1 li 1 0.
Thees musicals are helpful to all
of tue students, but they are indis?
pensable io those who are studying
with the intention ol making music
life work. Students may at
lam great power in technique and
if bowerer, thej have
not i lent opportunltj t<,
!?? ti... public, then* first
appes ll be, In ail proba
bility, a ta: I iii*
! on
tie- li
*, -? i which several ol
me "1 I
would ti
?pport unity
? ?lop
..lid to
ni evening with
.mme was
--'- Hermes, Little
Prayer bj Hejns, Mitt Sarah
ll. . Ethel
Silvery Mool. Eth?
el l-facy.
Niemann. Gitana
-son Pavanefavorite, Miss Jan?
ie Thompson.
Kern, In Sweet Dreams, Mi
McDowell, Good Night. Miss Al
tha Duvall.
Durand, Jaunesse d'amour, Miss
Judson Robinson.
Vocal Solos:? Wildenberg, The
Ivy Leaf, Miss Helen Stoneham.
Grieg, I Love Thee, and Lassen,
A Dream, Miss Lockett Walton.
Piatti, Prayer, Miss Nellie Bris?
Sketch of Chopin's life. Miss An?
nie Myers.
Chopin, Waltz, C sharp minor,
Miss Eldridge Moss.
Prelude, D flat, Miss Lettie
' Doak.
Andante and Polonalre, Mr. Schem
Doan's Reguleta cure constipa?
tion, tone the stomach, stimulate
the Urer, promote digestion aud &f
petite and easy passages of the bow?
els. Ask your druggist for thom
25c. a box.
White Drug Co. sell Doan's Regu
flt DAiAHIi
\ (.IM IM Ni I | j .SN |\ 1 .)>.
( Bl I H'N ?M> I MM -
? .i ii I n I . I -. > , o| Th*
l. I ? .1 I .?in-- >| | .i hy"
Tbs sn ia
.. exo?
d waa
Tbs ta
illy, dreee
atb the Itu land aad
I arled
I and the product of th
and skill. The crowd gathered
and went boms ladened with
The proceeds amounted lo the
goodly nm ai |ZM.g| Again we
ask, what would the churches de
without the consenated hands aad
, hearts of the women?
It was a woman who gave Ler
j costliest and best offering to the
! Saviour while on earth, and through
the ages her sisters have been im?
bued with the same loving and Hb
! era! spirit.
DmuKaaUm op law.
The Code of Virginia. Sectloe
1033 c, Pollard's Edition, says: "No
ordinance or resolution appropriat?
ing money, exceeding the Bum ef
lluO shall be paated by a
ms pi. d a.; i matti i rot of a
majority of all the members elect?
ed to ihe council, or ,,f a
blanch thereof, where there are
I wo."
This is a law which the cou neg
of Farmville would do well to keep
in mind.
i nu i rr ooi m.
'ihe Hovembei term of *r
colt Court for Prince Edward, op-eo
? .i on Tuesday with Judge Hnndbsp
Criminal i tanee
in th. public, but of
major im;. miimate
?urt and iinf.irtua
? i falls of
.1 Ta
in tbs cs Bunk
Rice thi - toff
ths plaintiff.
Ihe Case of Young vs. Glenn, the
mill dam controversy, is now on.
from other places ia
attendance were: M>- n Klood,
Kirkpatrick and Watson.
Coal Gikiim rp.
We understand that the *o*l
dealers will advance the price of
coal twenty-five cents a ton OB
the first of next month.
Coal is btghei at the in lue* now
than it has been for years paBt, and
of course our local dealers have be
follow the market. Coal is ooh*
here however, from 26 cents to 71
cents per ton cheaper than it is ha
Richmond, Petersburg or Lynchburg,
so people in our town can enjoy a
fire at a much use tb**
the people in the cities.
Rt. Rev. B. D. Tucker, D I)., wilt
visit and administer the Rite of
! Confirmation at the Epscopal Church
jon next Sunday at tlie il 0
nning with the first Sui T
in December and continuing through
the winter months, the hour for
the second service at the Episco?
pal Church will be changed from
7:30 to 4:30 in the afternoon.