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THE FARMVILLE HERALD H >NON COR THK PAdT, HELP Pf)B I HF PRESENT, HOPE FOR rilK FUTURE. VOL. XXI. - I RMVILLE. VA., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 9, Plo \<>. ,; THE SEWER ELECTION. HMM* OH LIST Tl KSDAV, MM ?TH. mtn*ia%? 'ann] Mts sn*\j*..<iifiti[ Three Against. But Hjw The Vuetttloo Boen Settled ? An election to decide whether o wot there shall be a bond Issue 01 Hie part of the town to the ainoun of $15,000 for the purchase (.r thi l plant, was held on T. when 84 votes in favor ol m.e proposition and tl against it Under the charter of the towt ihis meai tot the issue ai ??iee-fiftli8 of the votes cast ? ??.. but a State law requiring a .* i such el? .' to as I r^ul! I complica a cit' bia ? ii'"!. - SKAT. ? | w '? ? in ? iniiiar and formidable I '?ceeded to administer the ry ? tl and vigorous touch down. (-'' mistake cost $2 and costs, bu g~ was worth the price. c,, _ dh ta igenti for Heat Stock Fooda (i0 I ?kite Drug Co l< argect and best line of ^k room" gooda In town. White Xe baking your cakes for . see the H rae Bakery. ave you time and money. 9th. cu Co ?hi tre ru: patronize the Home ,s ftntr bread a;d cakes. bU' ready to help the housewiv- , dec 2nd A 9th ( Ho ri i wwi sm i w f \ is i MgBNI l?-lt-i I "itt .*? nit v I li? lias. An evening of social enjo was indulged in at the Phi Sigma ? Fraternity halls on Friday lag last from 9 to ll :30. I The halls were artistically deeo rated with evergreens, potted plants. . the fraternity's colors, and nume? rous incandescent lights. The oc? casion was marked with many at? tractive features that made up r ? the manner of the entertainment, ?? J rock as gaines, telegram oo t music and afterwards a sumptuous I luring the entertainment. , PW Sigma Helta pa 0. <>. Hawftl presiding at the . bowl. Misses Grace Wallon, I i K> le and Tatt ? i the prize winners of the evening U ll: 45 tie into the dining hall winch wa? nted ain! tiful - I I I 1 ILE full W( Uh. th fuU lai and In .. its full .. ork. - Hull.I ty (lift*! gnment froi Soi ec 19th to 25th, from D. B. B d & * ch burg. :iul stock of f. ls, Watches. Brocbea, Rings, >n ina, Cuff Locks, bar i'd laces and every class of Jewel- ros] . Also Toilet Ware, Silver Ware, _ at Glass, Brass goods, Leather leds. Umbrellas, Opera Glasses, &c. we! It will be a pleasure to have you me and look over this beautiful splay and Mr. TI109. W. Johns will \ n showing you. Or- and Cited and promptly filled, thn igravlng fi. do i J. A. Garland, Druggist dy, c-2-3 - rao< Bring us your "Prescriptions." CoM me are too difficult for us to "ac rately compound." White Drug j Gat the Gonuine Alway*. A submitu'e ls a dangerous maV In medicine. T s Hutley and Ti es c-'Uglis and cl Is quickly a: In ay jstituUs. Bold by all druggist rhe Whit* Drug Co. sell Foley's D ney and Tar. THE OVERALL OPENING. M\(HI\Ks 1\ I'OslTluN f*?? "*> H amis Manniriiijf Th IBB While OaaattM Pams* Mama Them. Monday, Dec. 4th, 1910, was made memorable in the business history of Farmville by the opening of the ?.?verail factory, corner Third ami St. George streets. While the factory is not yet in finished form many machines are in position, a gaso tliem and deft hands direct them. I work? ers and long air le and or I ** ry. A n : th.- ll * I rho will meet ? ng, Ir. OUlis of the '?Bedford County hi,. not yet nths old, and yet has mads fOOi ne bank i .;<>rn grea i he is one of them. to Hiough Richmond i-^n't included Ja 'Group 4," a number of lu occ ike will be represented c p iival occasion. To one aud all mville extends the hand of glad Lar come. Lap day Vhen your feet are wet and col 1 your body chilled through and jugh from exposure, take a big a of Chamberlain's Cough Rena- v ? bathe your feet in hot water !?? i going to bed, and you are al- y()"u rain to ward off a severe I. For sale by all de i. by i U 8< -cont he White Drug Co., soil C!iam- first aiu's Cough Remedy. ln.-|t _ ter and lazy liver leads to chronic dys- lnfls >ia and constipation ?weakens keet whole system. Doan's Regu-. Tar ??nts per box) correct the tute; -, tone the stomach, cure con ition. _ F< the ^an's Reeulets are sold by te Dtug Co. H. THE BAZAAR BRILLIANT. THIS nm IN ( H MO! OF THF I.AIHKS QT TH! Mil II-MW-.I rill.Ut H. The Lecture Hinno lUdl&nt Ami Beautiful, tatt** Articlus, Fin? Sapper. Re* eyits >?:.?<?*. Since the building of the new charrb, with all its convenient at a well furnish . ti.-- ladii 'hurcli an* nf many ol the 1.. and hand and this fact * ? ? ? ? . I! old m< ? ? _ SF' 1 ran '] fro hin froi gat go Stock of Horse Blankets and |Dg Robes at cost for the next 30 dea s at Llewellyn Bros. a ot t I ijituous dinner was served and heartily by all sent. Xo one knows I prepare the old fashion Virgin ? iian the hostess on this asion, Mrs. Geo. W. Davis. simple Sa/ejuard For Mothers. [rs. D. Gilkeson, 326 Ingles Ave., cuU ?gatowa, Ohio, gained wisdom thrr experience. "My little girl bad Tho were cold and coughed almost hou lnuously. My sister recommend ? Honey and Tar. The tj , dose I gave her relieved the Dy . imation in her throat and af using only one bottle her throat .^ lungs were entirely free from . . i. Since then I always *? i a tattle of Foley's Honey and ? in the house. Accept no substi I sale by all druggists. ] y fl* - con' kiev's Honpy and Tar is sold by dru* White Drug Co. - Tl arald and N. Y. World fl 60. M Mt \Y IN I \KM\ 11.1,1 I'*. I rsl Son tn ut' Wini -eft >'i i in Til ? j hal Pani. With the first Sunday of tin winter came the first snow of th* season. It soon melted, but wai followed again on Monday morning and winter was out in full .lr The congregations were large in all the churches and again tl. pie heard the preachers gladly. At the evening hour of worship the pastor of the Presbyterian Church preached the second of a series of ?ns to young women, having as his theme. "The young woman in the home." The trial of Christ wa ject of the lesson taught in our Sun 1 it thrilled with in ? i mt's M ? and I ll ? ? (D THE BEAR \\ 18 \ I" ? ? ? f for his gun :h buck-sh .taring sh for tho terror of young chlld :gging .n gun shot rhe dauntle-s warrior returne m the bloody field bringing with I the trophy, the tribute to bis II and courage, and placed it in fit of the postoffice. The crowd hetti when lo and behold the liv bear was transformed Into a d dog. .nd now all's quiet on the banks .he Appomattox. f. i mt a : Wt iii it ti!?. to J > ] daj pla fur ureB baby's croup. Willie's daily I i and bruises, mamma's sore >at, grandma's lameness ?Dr mas* Eclectic Oil ? tho great Behold remedy. ger full - epa r. Thomas' Eclectic Oil ls sold we ihe White Drug Co. ead - to 'orse than an alarm of fire at and . matalllc cough of croup ging dread to the household. '^ a ?fill mothers keep Foley's Hon- the ind Tar in the house and give ,,9 first sign of danger. It ,.. DO opiates. Sold by a!. the ie White Drug Co. sell Foley's ey and Tar. ?agl we THE BIBLE CLASS BANQUET \ Bl MIMI <)( s NlTM'KJt Sl'LKH DUDLY SKR\l|. Food For tlie Rad) an<l For tho B >ul ii i lao I ??w*t. On Thursday Staving of last h. a. Harrow gave its annual banquet la f'iodlat Church, an id.-al place for sm ? ma tt business men ot Farmville, all of wh ? ill on the :, and a number of thi ? meet with ? A. a \ ? i ta 1 ram* i rn The t < 7 a . * l)<V ig a i . t a } I Mott l. L 'i ta voU? v ta a ? ny ? J. B. ' I 'f rt in trying to I to a? !id mi/* i Ineraa* roit? ? nnnlngham:?Tall how ta ? <r not .ending How is the beet y to interest an 0 > man Suuday School work? Ur. I. L. Jarman:?Do you think aids interest and is helpful ta ? life of the Sunday School Clsai have evenings of social en ment? *ev. W. R. Proctor:?Is the 3ob> ' School a place for Instruction, a ce for exhortation, or a placa worship, and why? t w< uld be labor of love to Ha? iling in drawing lessons nf help? less and uplift from each of tha rt-to-heart talks, but this tho ce at our command forbids, and must be content to say that ii of the speakers caught on the real spirit of the occasion. answered the questions tersa ,nd with tolling effect Such waa Interest kindled as the address were being delivered that Pro? ng Kider Dadmun broke in upoa regular order with the t i jestion that "Just here and now all unite In singing the Long (Continued on page five.)