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farmville Herald. " PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY f _ c ?I. L. Uart, Owner ami Publisher. I _ t RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION One Copy (hie Year.-11.00 ' One Copy Six Months. 50 I One Copy Three Months.2"? ' Fmtered at the Postoffice as Second- < Class Matter. < All communications and Money Jhould be Addressed to THE HER Al D, FARMV1LLB, VA. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 1?, 1910. i hi: PARKER is & Much ba 'id and written ^ of late on the subject ol th. ar iu politics, and so far as tho one scholar in tba new role ; bas made Ami now tba fa: m?'r a ?inane., that bo will g<> Into office knowing tho ?rights of the people, and knov. will dare maintain th-'in do nore of wants ot the country than he d<- movements of 1 enly bodies. If thc men who go Lo Ington t<> make laws would 8ometim> | visit their country con? stituents in mid-winter th?> would return to their work full] topra* ad with the thought that the one foremost and pressing i e.'d of the people of this country is tho im piovement of tlie public Highways of tho land. To giv proeedonee .v.-n to tariff iuds is to put the cart before tho horse, while to deal first with irrigation, or waterways, i- to give the great body of the people I stone when they ask for bread. When successful and thoughtful busine*-.-. nun engage th. to lt that they master the details of their par? ticular business, while. Senators and Congi esemeii hurry to Washington densely Ignorant of what their duties as representatives demand of them During boated eal they all "norate" to the "dear people " in public places bled, but when there la no oppoal tion - na at their own homes lo r their oe.. a ? bj.? with un faillug regularity, instead ol ing from community to community and house to house to study needs. not as they arc imagined or read about, but seen face to face. pay and perquisite <-f Con ?i.n is lunch more than the average Congressman can make outside ot Office Ordinary hon? esty requires tbat h.- give his time, all of it; his talent, all of it. to be is paid to serve | as ia well known, a seal in Congress interrupts no private eiiteipri* with any personal en? gager.: The fan neighborly of disposition to i>e guilty of any ? *. honest not The ag' ni ?Abo do.--ut know tbs wants and ??i isn't worth his * Congre mai who goes to Washington not carrying on his mind as a burden the rn- tssltj for public roa-l improremenl certainly isn't worth legislative ..I Som. acbola -*;ii men * tem rich nun. but a great many . Of courage and Judgment FARMVILLE. araburg Index-Appeal Karmville wants a new publi. building, ami wanta it bad. The Her aid says it il*> than it need Index Appeal ia for whatever Fmrmvilli .linville people are the killi who . get what they go af ter. The Herald suggests J ur D.Watkins as chairman of a commit too to go to Washington and tel Congress what the town needs Judge Watkins knows, tann ba a mighty takin' way. He and DoetOl Jarman and Doctor Anderson, back ed up by Representative Turnbull will . ng tha building." Which gOSS to Show that th) Herald made BO mistake ia its sug rt N"i only has Judge Wat kins a "takin' way." hut so ha Dr. Jarman and Dr. Anderson. Send them to Washington an. they will bring back the plum. Am 1st it not be forgotten that the Her aid's suggestion ls that they gi with the committee already namw by Mayor Blanton. Three Pennsylvania hunters spen three weeks In the woods of Maine and killed six deer. And it wai a dear hunt, costing them $450 And yet a night Sn the city tnighi ?ve cost even more. moke i'av tom sQLonata The general Government will in he future pay the officers and men if the roll il States double pay while on ex ra duty, and one-third of the pay >f the regular soldiers all the time. This seems to bs just and r.ason ible as the volunteers aie training ?vice in tune of war should t unfortunately come. The laborer s worthy of his hire, and al! ? imaged in work for the 'inimnn good. ? I.YNTHItl KO \?.\IN WET." Lynchburg is again "wot" and by a majority ol ll with a full roto cast. There is talk of a con? test, when tlie fad is that but few mount to a row of pins it is unfortui. communl erreil by a liquor fight every iWO mont Incldonl to the campalg all bad. and tho want of charity I deplorable. It is Idle to say that all is, or that all ?'dry' ? mt man ; learn (mw to HERALDINGS. Mark Twain's only regret about smoking was that he could only amoks one cigar at a tins ? ?Ik -*; ll . A court ? ii adds 11.uii'i t<? its popula? tion. Nothing small about Norfolk. \ ..' a '.nie Coi;' .Idler, now the Chief i owl o Tunes change ami marvellous the .bange wrought Well done, Mr. Taft, tlie work of tl,.- patriot rather than that of the politician (Uris at Hampden-Sidney, Rice, . Bay and Pampllna ar.* in the ?burg Index-Appeal for the European trip and \ Niagara The Herald'a good wishes id them. Richmond is a .slow old town to got t... it takes ti... Roam ki I In.-.- days to renell (be I burg, whereas th.-y come to Farm ville in about so many hours The socialist candidate for Con in the recent election spent him down * '?' read to empty chairs, and the impi* made upon them bas not been reported It seems that the lords of Eng? land are still to lord it over th. people What w.. mortals be" A humer peanut crop ? and all of us may be aid. to stand si Follow tb., example <>i th. thoughtful and generous hon? ers of Karmville and scatter some is in the yard for the birds. Among the personals in tb. Charlot!, danette this is oft. "That E. Watkins is in Farmvill. this week on business ' Uwa to have him with us \".'. ::: I tl en the Herald is ii ;.t of a legibly and well writt.-i ut it Kai mville. and nothing is ii: ? e management Le' th-- good work go on. Hot f itfa tu! trust ni theos cold daya Might sus without serious los I until als " Norfolk must lie rich Qotug b abolish taxes on business house except where liquor is no friends save th.* boo Woodron Wilson making il fight for tb . "fun of it " Ap..I tlie* man win laughs while he worka will winftout ind that ?h.. followers <-[ nu it isn't the end, tor aftOI .bath th 1 judgment. - SCALP HELD ID THIS TREATMENT Why experiment trying to driv the dandruff germ from underneetl ? tbe skin with greasy lotions or fan - cy halr-dreesing when White Dru s Co., will guarantee ZEMO an. ZEMO SOAP to entirely rid th scalp of the germ life that cause 1 the trouble. 1 ZEMO and ZEMO SOAP can b . obtained In any city of town 1: America and are recognized as th best and most economical treatmen 1 for all affections of tbe skin o scalp whether on infant or grow: person. One shampoo with ZEMI SOAP and application of ZEMO wil - atop Itching and cleanse the seal , of dandruff and acurf. We Invite you to try ZEMO am ZEMO SOAP and If not entire! eatisfied we will refund your mosey Herald and N. T. World ll.Cl. / REV. SAMUEL \7, PURVIS. D. 0., AUTHOR OF "SATURDAY NIGHT SERMONS" REV SAMUEL \v. PURVIS, I? 1?. writer of the "Saturday Night Ser? mon-- ' Which have been secured for this paper, la pastor of Cookmsn Methodist Cpi---"I'iil .burch. Columbia, Pa. nnd ? - a splendid type of the twi ntury minister that tbs modern church hus made possible, ile is .pu. h. quiet, alert spiritual a Ons combination <>f preachst, pastor, financier, sdm!nlxtnitor and organizer, with rare social and esecutlTS ability. I?r. 1'urvU is | prancber, inngH/itie writer, traveler, lecturer, journnllst and author. Hi? lectures oa "Kings A room: Men," "Who'll Paj the Freight?" and Toward the Setting Sun'' hav,. the bighcsl , * .iiiii.iulatioiis. As a commencement and after dinner speaker bc h in great demand. He has been unusually WI IS?fill In church debt paying, He --ays he "knows a tree on which money grows." His article In the hist Mardi number of the Circle jhlagai ed "Ths Church Debt f>o tor." . ?-??- an idea how he does the trick. A series of nrttnes In the t'burcb fGrooomtet B few years ago on "The Chu* h In the Tannery'' gave him national prominence. Dr Purvis ?peaka without n->tes or pulpit on :ui open platform In style bs is short. epigrammatic, hns rare powera --f description and cnn paint a vivid pic? ture. He is a native of New York city. An Irish mother gnve him n quick. magnetic personality: a Mnedsalppl father gave Mm ths ardent, oratorical dlar to Wxle Lend. He hi n grsdnsta of Dickinson college. ..hut of tr-ri-e or four schools nf el.xution and dramatic ul! of which i- sunk into a personality that la modest naturalness audience* -iv and his t.rinte.l would indicate thnt he ls "different " Ho w ? bundle <>f vibrant nerves, ami in- bobby is "mora worn." MARTHA ?; HAMMOND. ESTABLISHED IN 1868 WHITE DRUG COMPANY FOR THE XMAS SHOPPER w i tRl SHOWING ix ht <.i.\.ss Berry Bowls ? I c.-lery Trays Dishes Pia Tray8 I'uif Dosi Water Bott Tankards Hud Vases And many other trlnr Manicure Bets, in Pearl, Stag leo ry, Bllrer Hand i Collar Collar and Cuff la of all kinds Stationery In Fancy B Christmas 'I Christmas cards Christmas Beale Empty Holly Boxes Holly Paper Bridge Whist > Cards and Sot* Collar Boxes Curses Card ; Jardineres Fern Dis Candle Sticks Shaving Bots and Ra In Silver Nickel Si lara Kean Kutta Safety Raao Hillier's f 1 BafOt) RS Crumb Tr.. Comb and Brush Military Brush Music Rolls Calendars Baking Dishes with quadruple silver plate bold Perfumery: Hudnuts, Houka gouts, Colgate*, Binat: | Fane Celluloid Buff and Soap Chamois Skins iu white, gray and tan Nut Picks and Cracks Fountain Pens, < guarant..*-.! for one year) $1 and $ ? Cut Class I'orfume Bats LA0I bit xor LBAflT, EVERYTHING roi: nu BICK ROOM. ROT WATER BOTTLES, hm vim SYRINGES, INVALIDS' uis<;. I i\<, di's. THEMOMETERS, ATOMBBR0, PAC1 itM.s. (CB* CAPS, STEREO DRUGGISTS ALWATB IN CHARGE "V ou Take X.? i'o - A Train Wrtcker. ? 'Kier is a minister. Willie. iu violation ut tba law of tl^" bouse hold, had entered his father's atttdj His (athel , "How many times must I tell y.-n not to come In here when 1 am busy7" he demanded. "You must play some where else fem tee*fOy my train ul th..light." Willie hune his head and depart.-.! Half an hour later, however, be rah* ed up to hif mother \ "Mamma, de you know what I am''' he asked. -Yes." the mother replied, "yon are a dear, sweet little boy " "No, I'm not ' the young hopeful de dared; "I'm a train wrecker. Papa said so."?Brockton Times. Buy a range with a reputation, and take advantage oLour Free Of? fer during our Demonstration Week. I '.nh to Dec. 24th. Come in and let ur show you. Duvall. Son <?*. Co. Hj, nn-ortunity. "How dui v.. hr* Ot I Muck Ul hi" day light " * tu heiug dei. Rskt'-I ? V.ry ea-ny replied the other. when a moving u drove up to .-? rai ant dwolliug I moti ed while the neighbors were bangu: out of the front windows to critici: the furniture,**?Washington Star. Roil The undersigned having been du appointed as the administrator < the estate of C. H. P.ttus, de. hereby gives notice that all persor Indebted to the said estate are r. quested to call upon the undersigt ed at once and make payment, ap all persons having claims again; said estate to present them dui vouched to the undersigned f< payment. H 0 PETITS Adm'r. of C H. Pettus estate. d< ceased KeysTllle, va i > dec-16-2 >? SMILE WITH SANTA CLAUS We want you to come to our Store before you make your select; XMAS PRESENTS. We have a complete assortment of things that will help sou ing the question of "What to give." Especially attractive is our line of High Grade tattooer) really must see it. It is the nobbiest and largest High Grade Stationery ever shown here and is equal to thoa .. ments found in the larger cities. Peculiarly acceptable z> ! Gift. ANDERSON DRUG COMPANY FARMVILLE, VA. ''& rn \ ^**x**aa*>ti WHISKEY j FOR CHRISTMAS SEND AT ONCE FOR A GALLON OP OUR LEADER WHISKEY It's a fine, old, mellow whiskey. Just the thing to pMBOtt Christmas Cheer. Our leader whiskey is richly stimulating, thoroughly pure and guar? anteed to (hrs every satisfaction. You need to have a gallon in the hristma**! and you cannot dp better than order a gallon of OCR LEADER from us. Send two dofars and a gallon will be shipped to reach you in time for the holidays. But time is short. You must send your money today to The Peters Distributing Company, 20 Fast Broad *t., Richmond, Va. ttm* ?tv .?+? .??? 1*9' .tm* r?? s ,?4 CHICKERING Henry & S. G. Lindeman Marshall & Wendell PIANOS THAT ARE KNOWN Also nine other makes. Send for catalogues. Yours for the asking CRAFTS, 5th and Grace Streets, RICHMOND, VA.