Newspaper Page Text
a JUST ONE CENT A WORD. Wanta. Far ?*> Loot. Pound- in fact any and all uitv.rV*?rnenU inserted in Ihiaoalvimn ferONl CENT* word, arneb gaaa Mon, with a iiinimum charge of ten ?arila. Signaturaaeounted aa part of tii vertiaement. Unless the number of insertions desired I la ?tat?l ?t tha tim* of entering the ad ivartisement. it will be eontinued at the aboverate until Lotice to discontinue ia rmcmhml. ?ir-n foi wm wait or l<v>V for a transier man,,., -hen , P (.. Travlor ??? and cockere's. Jno. Stokes. Karmville. Va. _ WANTED Party with some capital to take through South Florida Kamm. * etc . toe tj. daitrict n fur lease up ? ? . x.uth Jacksonville, fla, ros town. 29 acres in graaa. k< *? dec. Ctn an.! fer thi? animal FOR SALK CH KA: double tene? ment d > v to 1. S. Blanton. WANTED.?To buy corn on cob. A ? wman. ;rood us i ? * . H. A. barrow, Kaimviile. WAN I 'ute girls tn work iii overall factory. Comfort... good waxes. f, H. Mead Uta-. Co.. (. '.-tf. ? armvilli*. - r <k -.ty-tive White, Orpington Cothatala, < Kellorbtrasa strain) at two an* three E. C. Wiltae. nov. fi- lu FOR SALE.-Upright piano, walnut caae. ele? gant tone, nearly new very ch.-ap. or for young cattle. W. A. Disbr D l nsv | FOR RENT.-Second story titree room flat on Randolph street. Terms $7.50 per months foi sealion Riven LHcember 1. . nov 'iii. J. Taylor Thompson. r'i lit KENT:?Nice four room and kitchen hou.-w. ape-hall m.le from tow... Ciood stable and trmr 4en. price tlo.Oti per month. no.?-t/. Wm. W.Jackson. WANTKD-Everybody toknow'that tas? ia ready for your shoea "while you j a.ig. M tf itu; it>KKits. Walthall Bros. have killed their r kers, and one welshed unds. v ir old tl's | I, but ? the beam at nine hundred and odd. and the - not want tl ing in rich gravy Of course they A have lard "to burn," and the hams will bc worth the price of a veal ... I ol The largest and beet line of ?%tck room" goods In town. White *? eg Co. ra da .lu you have a cold get a b"t- . Chamberlain's Cough Reme? lt will soon fix you up alright niJ ll ward off any tendency to-; .eumonia. This remedy con DO ord uni or other narcoti and may be given as confidently t>> Pr 11 to an aiult. Bold by all -j^, \. A'hite Drug Co., sell Cham- art ''ough Remedy. family has need of a good. r liniment. For sprains, bruis ' of the rnus.lfs and T** nans th.'r.- ls not** Chamberlain's. Sold by all Ma Lim S T DAVIS EXPERT OPTICIAN ' Washington. I) C N.w perma ( ha ?ea o\e inp Office: 212 Maia St, Sttool Fltm. fn,r ' with the trade, until hoi) inakethef.* incl! i for $7.60 sad HIM ,.,?(j Eyes Examined Free.1 up , w ''?' ' ^'s'" Ii :Y BACK mtjtm the . ly t letta mud JUST RECEIVED Ar il..- . Mr 1 to Fi ored dent ?OF? rank ficialt Mr cordia ! He be j der in spi worke the bi city. Farmv young orable A CAR XMAS COOK STOVES All Prices. ?Wall. Son & Co. nrnnniiiio mn nfllT rtslDUMLS Notes of Happenings and People Yoi Know. jurt cl?*rk OST*. >n accents slow "You're charged with sp., ding Richard R<*we!' The ropper say... in a. c .nts sour: "Tbe rate was eighteen miles an hour." * The chauffeur murmurs, with a whine: j "I wasn't going over The Judge as de hi', law book lays, And sa.w: "Ten dollars or ten days,'' -Waahington Herald have pim* to Ball Unas. Pawns k Ir. im iliad** B trip t<> New York last Mi . home ag! Mr. P. H I -tm con sad hts friends lum iron. * thea William - sad .luii.'t win be school Auditor? ium tonig Mr K E. Handle and that's unusual fo at this ssason of the The Presbyterial Banda) -s win tts for t. children, and na) bs the grown children vviii bs iememix Charley Jones, s ho haa Batta COUntjr, ls at home for tbs Christ? inas holiday, th.* first of tbs hi U 1* with the .. market of Paraville arlli send weekly report to ths Herald, t will he given to the public itter of treat public Inti Ice has been of unusual thick aud yet thll ion claiming some victim * that ph.'s out a on nd. Mr. and tmos returned ) th.'ir home In Hamilton Sal unlay. in-r appal arith parents, Mr. snd Mrs Lea *: Cumberland Mrs .1 Y Phillips has a bush [ I'oinretta. or Christmas tiow.-i lied with rich blossoms, lt is a .rc bloomer with us. and is worth ?Inf. Mrs ll W Flonrnoy left on Tues iy for th.- ! her brother, idge H"nr> \\'?.od. at Clarksvtlle, :er.- sh.- will spend h'-r Christ Pickett I tod gen applied ti*. >f the esbytertan Church arith water for ? si their basaai Mi L C utin printed the menu car In i. ? I rs in .la B t.h he I"' hu ? without CO Mr and Mrs J c Hafflletl and nily are living temporarily in B sri Idenee near Hampden 81dm ce living tl de pl.. b) one Lei the nami I mpden Sidney Hamlen enj knows it . ten unusual!) cold for : son. as he has tuner worn his,. to rcoal ? nilly in the cl* ? .: Nor em Ix ? open I ber Sta old Irs Louis 1'aul' * I urn.'.I , Isl n a pleaaani vtsii to nat <>id t ie in Fauquier. She left tweiVi es ot snow in the mountains. found it warm in Karmville in ? parison. Must be rather chilly Lhere In the hills . for cting }<>ur ('hr: ?aid for 111, t<> bs mailed regular friend. Two F< r. and each COO) will contain and i more of home news than you jn \ nm j into a letter. have nong the bankers who attended , he f( Of Group 4, waa iichard Cunningham, who came irmville in the arms of bis hori , L L no w father when he became presl of the Normal. lt seems but rday. and fe* hes toda) the Vnry i man, and occupying front ?,, among the younger baal i of the State Sot Julian Shafer, of Cincinati. , rer]uc i town on Wednesdaj, anil .Hy welcomed by many friends ?gan his business life here un disouraging conditions, but on aa 22nd, 1910. returt ite of serious handicap has COunt d ?ay to front ranks in good jsines'S circles of hi? adopted 8Cne<jt He got hia inspiration In Hie. where so many other men have prepared for hon and useful life work. fares, Agent D. P. Myron said he was "mo OM on a sunshiny day," and thei ? mus not hate been many such da) 1 his life. Hog pens and diphtheria ko han In hand in Waynesboro, Penn. N such combination should h.- allows uinville. Did it '\er occur to you that rabbit made his front tracks arti ala hind feet? Such is said To h a .act at any iat.-. lax.d and must have Christmas ii its bones." May the relaxing cou tinue until it ionics this S If ? merea.-e In number! in the woods around and abou Pei i. a ill have to send foi to help OS OOt of our trou | th If ?-.peal? ing * pa) tania kill pounds. ll, Ti..- Peon thought to bs at have fallen in Falinville I into 'wmville horses and * and so are still doing good work. ..thing || Inst Fa: ? mi turkey h.rd, hut it ls long 00 turkey-buz? zard Th. y crowd o ir trees, knock nt our doors, and some of them 1 ing from I Of our comps food for them in the \ard. A small colored boy of Farmville r one of our doctors, and " had delivered the BBS sad named tbs street hs was ? ror the number of the ho ie promptly said: "De number ls on le door " Burnish up ths si.ate*-, boys and tirls tOO, for there's fun ahead. No iporl niore manly, more womanly. i-i.l none more health giving. rare, however, of the thin loo, but ear not the fall It is part of the an. Get up and go again Tf there are nine mil. niks in Parmvllle ajk them over some afternoon and * \irn how |< ng if ts : lake the rounds. The wri'' .iirs and twenty minu Mr John Richardson is enclos ig with a perfect wire fen ie garden. The land hasn't been cultivation for a number of years, ol fine quality, and with the .stern exposure catches the first vs of the morning sun. which sans fii ibMS for market "H. of I'. " was in town on Fri .y ol Inst w.-.-k but was in such hurry that he failed to give us e news from Huckingham, nor did his version of English He is on the Lord's Bide, t what of the lords of the King's in try? In Philadelphia dock in tl.. . *:i. and this will gi\ ? ? ev. n chane., nnd shoe me And sn, oined h;, the Maker of man to surely the al ion should be show i. members of the human family .. sh venbi i sr in the r i Lunenburg, ls not town nor a large one, hut to tl of i" i ere has baan sold i trite! 1,01 1,1 ti pounds ioi.acc.. for tbs Black le must feel tbe knock, hut mviii. congratulations. re is room enough in Virginia many more prosperoua and pro sive bn to mil fro n. I raaaflleMn Lind lniesfm< in others bought a strip of land na for |4lt. and "Hy sold it for |tl I and gas did it, and it may >und in this section Why not. chip in a few thousand of idle al and drill for them' Tl ild-cat suggestion Inti on and for [lOS* Jinten Account I'lirist ,? Holiday.. vin. Shi Ul ern Railway. ifhern Railway announces tmtf ed fare tickets from all points le Dec. 15th, 16th, 17th, 21st, 23rd, 24th, 25th. and 31st. January 1st, 1911. limited to i until January 8th. 1911, ac Christmas holiday. Tickets on regular trains Excellent iles. For full information, etc., apply to nearest Ticket or write R. E. BURGESS, A., 920 E. Main St., Lari Lap days R< neyg dang Y., a shari whlcl gish was start* Each and am c ter a: Sold V*'h Richmond, Va. MJ j Ml i i is<; ol Bl Pl i:\ l?OI(H. (Continued fr. m i si ? .? Paraville Herald, printing Di m i; v ling luna t . ? R B il C H. A : to .He was ? open Bri run a tel..;,hoi..- lins SlOBg thc ? ad, im.. be pla.e.i uti on the road and not to interiors with working and drainage of the i * It was ordered that a proper Rup toxln bs pince,i at 1 .t m th K B. Taylor, and at the White Drug Co., Farmville, ? told to the public at 10 per cent ? .'ci t ? ths po r fro.- of hal ge upon |iroper certificate. The treasurer was authorized to ?urchase a BOW adding machine, not osting over J-f.O. and an exchange f the old machine. Mr. Hart was authorized to work he new road near Womack's as to him the best snd most conomical way. Mr. DavpJ was instructed to have porch built to the new hou ie Poor House, and af the most conomical coal On motion the treasurer was In ructed to adv.. Redford ISO on cost of erecting a new adding at the Poor Honan, bal * be paid upon presentatli ?count. paid as ?yd |{.> iel mei y Dillon illie Carter I 16.00 l 0.00 Obituary. -JV nu ju: Ml an du 4th, 10. The i ! departure. Ths am 1st That while we bambi ? ins Will, we shall . norn thi in the Sunday Behool, in wi. was a pi oi. '?fer. ? .'nd That thf 1 hy in this hour of sa : rd That a copy of I ons be sent to the fan th.- minutes <>f tbs Aid irmville Herald publication. Mis m W Marshall, Wm J Shipman. Committee lira ry. Cut gooi It com. dlip take ders k of Horse Hlanketa and j Engi Robes at cogt for the next 30 at Llewellvn II Takp Care. imember that when your kid are affected, your life ia in er. M. Mayer, Rochester, N. sys: "My troubles started with ) shooting pains over my back li grew worse daily. I felt slug and tired, my kidney action Irregular snd infrequent. I ?d using Foley Kidney Pills, dose seemed to put new life strength into me, and now I ompletely cured snd feel bet ad stronger than for years." by all druggist1*!. ite Drug Co. sell Foley Kid J. Buffel bago. 1 wai tions ed wi back pa ral} tracte and this v longer old ei druggl Folc the W Mari th i one Sandra! Yemre OM. Bedford Joi sd I. who lived Mi u* N .11, of this county, died on Jaturdaj lost st the ag.- of i"T of this man , by reliable data in the I Mr. Ma.i Uncle Bedford a mother died h. in ? of over i To Ho.- Holiday. Thc Herald staff will be givea hristnias w.ek as the ustom In the past In ths mean in.' i .-.iii be ready ? Be ri ad) with your h -k now for space In tha 1st I r the Herald for IOU. It will contain a full review of ie happenings of 1910. and this eans that the j>ap?'r trill bl ad. Your advertisement will not se? pt not A Little J un. If now and then a little fun is ?.?.led into the malta up of the ft aid. ? -Hld get their indar OP. Nothing is ^--t down in r with intel tloa to . little now and tin n is od i'.r most men." Ir\-1 The Suit QOM l?;?ni -I A Richmond attorno) was hurry on Tue***.:. ? W to *rning. and reaching the de*] lt it as the train was moving ipad from the. boggy dragging I * attar hJm. This flew op ill oa| and bolt..! for the ks, peanut . much m i small t})tJ cn*! hoy, who I the rell.l . ling. Moral a boc and be oi Holiday Gifts! Ve will have on consignment froi . 19th to 25th, from D. B. Ry 1 A Co., Jewelers, of Lynchburg, fal stock of fine . Watches, Brooches, Rings Scarfpins, Cuff Locks, klaces and every class of Jewel AJso Toilet Ware, Silver Ware, Glass, Brass goods, Lc ls. Umbrellas, Opera Glasses, &c. will be a pleasure to have you e and look over this beautiful lay and Mr. Thos. W. Johns will pleasure in showing you. Or soliclted and promptly filled. ?avlng free. J. A. Garland. DruegisL 1-3 Mast RmmI This If Yon Want The Ben (Vin W. Greer, Greenwood, La, ?ed with a severe case of lum "The pains were so intenso j forced to hypodermic injec for relief. These attacks start th a pain in the small of my which gradually became fairly zing. My attention was at d to Foley's Kidney Remedy lam glad to say after using wonderful medicine I am no bothered in any way by my isasy lumbago." Sold by all ?tS. in of mu. tua com be men and R prep an e Thia to i ailmt .?uric ti.lie. ing tn nco We Toi,. not b not sa will h Mucu 50 cei you ( only a Winsto ville. \ >y's Kidney Remedy Si sold by bite Drug Co. lld and M. T. Wars! fl io. It wi time to In this I Hh * '>i St II. IN NLSNIOV. and I ut ure oaads, wo; k on Ma.* coming spring. The matter ol ti.-* taxes os th.* Lindsay property was reported u ;oied. ? 'hick and Bm'th? I ? the tai aiturs a - <i li I *?- imt.iK ? I under their :?s ho? tel keepera Tin mal er wa* re f<4- con? sideration and report \ An ' made to t: a like sui i ril. county tav ts own I : Report from I 'ion on b* tt ? * I I .ry \ f ] ad ami W ' fer with the 1 company, and if p.. upon a price for the prop.. .. j will make report to a HU] rn lt bad not been d' imittee Just what of pump v. | r>n High street. The chamber was comfortab" :he business of the bod) Wt lucted under pleasant end t Adjournment Just before ths >f mid-night, ar:d rn ow.-d. Mernda <>f filial Start ???? M Farmville will feel a i lal . Q I mder interest ir. I '. i.own tha' lend of ths . bo was tu? on, a ld ho .? .< naive,| him ly in his I oft* sd j ' * ? GERMS IN HEB SISTEM. rerj Wamsmm yioald-gilead lad Ti..- Oemmremn Oi i r Ital U "?- WMk U. i... namber of i?**cu -ai .uta. .. ere mention of thai ? ? * * i.S ll , .* I suppl) \ .< Ul! ? uli! h< j to r claims to a ti bIj one i-. ne cai a blood You inches ... rS WithOll' mole I ipoi al ? | ul th.- system that si ? membrane * for the % lition if h reached. Thai . ir t should h.- sclentifieall) di faithfully adnu areil Hom the pri minent physician who tor th ?t made catarrh i'a, y remedy is adm tbe treatment ol u , a , alda In rei impurities fro; ils and st' US tissue*, and bringa ab lng of health and strength, want you to try H.-xall Mu. on our guarantee if you a BBaflttad, or for coy reaa ii .tisfied, simply tell us and and back your money. Bl Tone cornea In two si?" fits and 11.00. Rein, mb an obtain Rexall Remed it?The Rexall Store T i n Drug Co., Ma*n Si . Fa: ll more than pay you r?>ad our large advert paper. Duvall, Son *