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A DCG OUT IN THE SUBURB. Stranger Refused to Leash Him?Joke on the Pe up the sve ane, tbe d - * ahead um! lui i. md thc-u to wai; bis Trail pleasantly in i spirit of eoturiidosh emed to be re-ry finch absorbed in his reflections, ?or, (Vf* paid very IK tie attention to what . was going on around him. Throat's of jfople and throngs of ve? hicles passed bim by as he strode on srafii, b\u U iras as If they were not, arbes'suddenly be was rudely awak? ened ftum bi* preoccupation. "See bere, mister." said a police offi? cer, "you'll bave to put a leash on that ?nsf." "Ab? Indeed!" the wayfarer an? swered. "Why?" "Because the law says so?that's erny." said tbe offi. "^ell. you'll excuse tbe apparent re? flection Bi^n your ferocity, officer, but I don't believe the law says anything of tbe lort 1 6 put a leasb apon answered the way? farer. "You mean te shy yon won't obey the JswT" denian., er. "Notbin;,' of il..- -".'?.?' replied tbe wsyfarer. dei Moe to put a Usuals ori I hal .. I deny in that tbe law requires me to do say'sui-li t "What's tbe matter lure?'* asked an ether officer, coming up. "TL: ?. lines to leash the returned tbe enuse b<* suva the law d-op't require Sim f ' '' r butting In here." .11 who of tii.' * "I ; "Then penult D 1 that tbe officer ls rig tbe Intruder - IU very uiu-ii obi Q for ! even at tue niln^ unappreciative I must *?#>!! ' .sour adv: run bim In, Bill," said tbe sec tud <> Til hire to come along with me, putting bis -h >u der, "i'll go alon^ with y<>u." said the Bun. "There isn't auy power on this ?Krill ? ompel tue to leash tbe ssimal. and I shan't do lt?not lt I Save to carry the case to tlie supreme newt." f walked sion-; the street in si crowd following and tbe I person w b.i had tried to avert flie trouble once more luter|M>sed with ? l\ i.e. but the prisoner ?as brm. ? I know my light* sir " be said. "If ? i ?. D, and fin? nie desk looked up ? put n i "1 told hit. could . "bul * oil of i e statute ? ? Wil. i thai i I.. Why in thunder 1 "a man of sens iffender, li ' r the i'U|> in my I ? d wagfjsd bis tali. sergeant wagged bis head * lo Ond a few bul Utting words ? es ????-.- his feeing*. - * W .ekly. The Letter That Never Went u Th t.,,. ?o callina or quite eo . illina used In o ->.dullnf your v our ulster re I ? to mall for your THI I Lttle S:he~e of Hera. you by 'dm to 1 of my but name.? is kit nif ret the thc jdr. H< A "A Bank account is a sacred trust and >e 'zval&taly safeguarded both for individua' a v ? 'T'HIS BANK is under the^s^trvisHJif of the State Nan rigid and thorough examination of that orga"hizatl&n$oard of "Directors are H. K. iWALU A. E. CR LLLE lie good." DattmJppt.aniJ .subject Jo the Jl. C. CKCTE H. I> COBB ' W. T. CLA^K H. A. STOKES S. W, PAULET and recognizing their responsibility to the deposi d general public, also make personal examinations and have an accura|wledge of the affairs of the Bank. The deposits are invested in such ully selected .bonds mortgages and notes as they approve. Being e; ed in 1S*17 it is there? fore "FARIfVTLLE'S OLDEST ANO STRONGEST C three years of conservative banking metho I all the financial panics during that time, and thive been successfully withstood. Ttu> accounts of those desirins.' are cordially invi Uhr During its fprty th his bean tested by of a STRONG BANK panto Bank nf anmttllr, FARMVILLE, City and County Djository. WANTED 300 WHITE GIRLS 'leasaat, Profitable and Permanent Edo ni mt acking Cigarettes. For full particulars ^Ite or apply, PETERSBURG BRANCH BRITISH-AMERICAN TOBACCO CO., Ltd. or Brown and Perry Sts., Petersburg,[a. O TOBACCO GROWERS OF PRINCE EDWKD AND THE ADJOINING COUNTIES: ti the 19th Day of October, 1910, tlj RICE WAREHOUSE for the 1st and on that day will be formally opened to Its patrons ? tbe floor I their join', and it is i THEIR INTEREST to co-operate in mal pectfully, W. H. HUBBARD, PROPRIETR. rr otvaa rm Mar atsuusj UOHT. ^IT Tb. SMITHSON! CORR6Q M*m re You Looking >r a Position? Wc can offer you good Paying Employment that you will enjoy and it home. Write to-day Attdrtns e Bo Merl ck Publlshtnq Co. ?teri***1*. Kit flit I na. Vriv Vortc *r V. i -_ I ? Sold and fitted exclusively bj tbC ECANTON PURE RYE'1 EADINGDRUGGISTS WHITE DRUC CO., one of the finest "strain d whis- F ... .. '8 made in Maryland. It is old. farmville. Va. How and full proof. Wp also on-mcnil the Hopkins Choice, ! German Club and thc Paca; sc are blend* . of fine, old ;ensary ill f rs t-class hotels and family LLN AN.ECYKIN&Cc i<ii n?lnt- I J A 4orablr root, easy lo pal an I* ' Alli HAI I tmtt.uttmm, I ttaWtWaS MM. '. 0. MBM-ate. fa BFFORE order-in* MaKoilnea r*S nor bl* * i catalogue and l| ind aav V SOUTHERN SUBSCRIPTION /GFNCY. i (A Postal card will do.) kala 9h. H. C. erald arid World $1,60 --r***** aiw.?*p*%' Im Lilly Fleming & Clark. *****--^S+r Fure Whisky has all the smooth? ness and meliownr's that comes from re, mellow w eitiy distilled. Specially purified. ? aged. Mellow as Moonlight Orifinil borhnr ba* old roU: li CEO. A. DICV. Na*. FARMVILLE DISPENSARY Herald and N. T. World f 1.60 HEWS BF MICE EBWIRD MUS jjpE ? From Darlington H-igliU. .mr n Mr. H. L Ta ?Hft?<r a stay in Lynch but g. Rei Bprlpg ch uni 1 last ?MonrJay.,''-i(.v-' after which be gave au iiiterealtng talk. Manar Richard Gilliam is \ and out at school again. Wo wel? come bim back. Our school is progressing rapid? ly, enrollment seventy-five. Roll of Honor for the Darlington Heights' h Ma Ok, Martha Watson, E\ a Oropp, Robert Malone] Qropp, Jacob Overton, Georgie Fos? ter, Berala away Myr ? ? Ile BOdi r. M:i : i ii. Anna . ?Irs. Kliiior Gil Koll : nu time ? ? in all sub irg. nf confirmation Met bo allot on the 4tli Sm. Lng, and -Mr. J. ll. Mi ore, of tbe rtertan chu.cb , .n tb ..lay night. ! with bis Lunenburg Court Mr. Moore and ] to K'-nbridge. n this rietnltj to market, and ar- realising fine pri> Ol farm? er near bare got $60 per hundred for 1. at Kriibridge on is visiting at of Chase and Lula Hawkins, of ts at ? la I Sn Dr. ' Mrs. 8. ? i the ? g at 'he ti un Bucktnghsos. * M r. I that I E. W. Hutmill like? ly an oj.inion will be handed down ' ? n the 3rd of January, in the ? ases. There was a meeting of the offi? cers of tho Mayville Presbyterian Church here on Saturday last, at which time It wa8 decided that each member of the church should be asked to contribute so much by the to defray the Incidental ex? penses of the church. This fund ia Lo be paid to Mr. F. M. Swoope, who waa elected as treasurer of this fund. It was estimated that $50 Bhould be sufficient to pay the ex? penses for a year. A private letter received here brings the sad news that Mr. Char? les Hall, a son of Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Hall, is In R'chmond for an operation for appendicitis. Mr. Themas B. Hall, Jr., has se? cured a position In Southwest Va., and expects soon to leave and take charge of this work. Mr. W. R. Connor had a sale of goods belonging to the estate of the late a. w. M *>ro on the 10th. Dr. G. L. Morris returned from R'chmond on Saturday, where he went to take Mrs. Sliver, who was to undergo an a One of our merchants let hi do the buvlng of the Chr knowing ones say she displayed decided taste in her ons. Mr. R. S. Ellis haa been quite" * ? ot ? a ? and i .*? I ia . the 2Tst ) ,\Mjif H. T. Austria caine up to ht*\\ on the train >a* Hs ls a busy man, but finds tims to ba erful. i '.J'rof. 0. S Morgan continues te ba quits sick, and Judge Ha'-i offer? ed to teach f..r him until he waa well again. Kn.m Sheppards. Dec. ISth.?Mi r.ifflimire and Sina-ac of Canada, are bera on a vlsti r.. their relativ.-. Mr. * Btlemeu wera astonished and disappointed at see? ing more sleet and snow in "IS Virginia than Cae* we all think ai Canada an and bleak . pay sot I haven't heard ni hoing barral it mi*st be fully es thick. ^H CURE ran. Us Easy, Pleasant, and Oeets Dat a Ti .1 la, ? ? larald kiioA ftiow .u ab * i ? - I am till ca ii out ie l ... || de? stroyed. ll >ou have catari h you cannot 6o to Inland Australia* except at ? ut you ca. bi callie ilgbt in yi ur own hou/e'thu same al ng, gena killing air y* u w,,uld breathe it yu v. in the eucalyptus di.-Ulct of j nit b. eatl.e ii "i OM KI; it is made from eucalyptus and ii eutifical.y Combined wait thymol i.ud other i. i Pour a few drops of H'iOMLI la? lo the inhaler aud bi eat he it. Aa tbs ci an b inf- ? tad membrane it kills tbs germs and e raw, inflamed sui face. HYOMEI is guaiantei'd to cure Cl* ta rt h, 'oiigh-, colds, croup and st rt throat, or n H'-v hack Com .' indi. aler $i.oo. Extra b ttl. but . bite Drug Co., Farmville. Va . and timi: * over) v. .1 or cheal ir a tea ?ooa ho\t ' in b rn] wita and I^^H^^^^I^^^I CALL US UP Vt'lu etta in the prtnl I We Rive PROMPT SrPVICB and GUARANTEE SATISFACTION. All Builders TAKE NOTICE The great fires out Went have not men -ascii our pricea on Dressed Lumber We are still selling Heveled Siding at $7.00 to $13.0<V German Siding at $15.00 t# $2000, Kiln Dried Floorinf $10.00 to $25.00. % Cciline; $K>.00 to $15 00,%1'eilingat $13.00 to $20.OD. We keep a large stock on hand all the time and OM fill a nv order promptly. Window nnd Door Frames made to order. Cumberland Planing Mills CUMBERLAND, VA. GLASS plain Window. Crown**. Cblpn-f-l ota* Cathe**at. *a**nntit *S*? tn '? mm**a. va. H?rald and N. Y. World fl. M.