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VOLUME IV ACCOMAC C. H., VA., ? SATURDAY, MAY 9 NUMBER 44 PUBLISHED EVKKY SATURDAY AT ACCOMAC C. H.. VA. Jno.W. Edmonds, ? Oh hit und Killtor. Subscription Rates. 1 Copy, one year.SI 00 1 u six months. 60 5 " one year. 5 00 and a copy for six months free to the one sending club. 10 copies, one year.$10 00 and a free copy to the sender. , Advertising Rates. 1 Inch, one insertion.SI 00 1 - three . 1 75 1 " one year. 7 50 egTRates for larger advertisements for a longer time made known on appli? cation. t@"A cross mark on your paper indi? cates that your subscript ion has expired, or is due, and you are respectfully solic ed to renew or remit. ^"Commission men or business men of any class in Baltimore, New York, i Philadelphia or Bo-ton, can reach more \ truckers and fanners through the col- ? umns of The Exteuciuse than in any other way. John j. Gunter. John W. G. Ulnoksiouo. G?NTER & BLACKSTONE, ATTORXE YS-A T-LA W. I Accomack C. IT., Va., will practice in the Courts of Accomack : and Northampton counties. John ?ely, I Dpshur n. Qulnbr, Accomac C. H. Va. | Ouaucock, v.i. NEELY & QTJINBY, ATTO Ii N E YS-AT-L A W, Accomac C. II-, Va., practice in the Courts on the Eastern Shore of Va. Prompt attention given 1 to the collection of claims. L. FLOYD NOCK, ATT OK NEY-AT-LAW AND NOTARY PUBLIC, Accomack C. EL, Va., will practice in all courts of Accomac 1 and Northampton counties. Prompt attention to all business. JOHN W. EDMONDS, ATTORNE Y-AT-L A W, Accomac C. n., Va. N. J. yv. LeOATO, a t t o k n e y - a t - l a w . Postoffice SA VAG E VILLE. Will resume the practice of his profes? sion in the Counties of Accomack and N O RT11a >i PTON ? j JUDGE GEO. T. GARRISON, ATTO ItNEY-AT-LA W, Accomack C. II.. Va. Has resumed the active practice of | bis profession and solicits the patron? age of his friends. Office?opposite the private entrance of the Yt addy Hotel, j DR. LEWIS J; HABMANSON, ?Dentist.? Office?Market St., near Baptist church, Oxaxcock, Accomack county, Va. L. W. CHSLDREY, General Insurance Agent, NORFOLK, VA. g35\\ll communications promptly at? tended to. G. H. Bagwell, Civil Engineer and Surveyor. Ouaucock, Va. "Will attend to surveying and di? viding lauds in Accomac and Northampton counties. T{up crt T. iJ}jnsiian 1 UM CIIA rR EA G UE, VA. Bricklayer & Plasterer, Offers his services to the public by the Day or Contract. "Will furnish all material when desired. IIu has had sever? al years experience as a practical work? man and vriH gnrantee satisfaction. BLACKSTONE & BELL, Accomack C. H., Va., DRUGGISTS a full line of FANCY ARTICLES, DRUGS, OILS, PAINTS, SEEDS, &c, &c, &c, &c, kept on hand for sale at lowest prices. INSURANCE The undersigned, in the interest of the VALLEY MUTUAL LIFE and VIRGINIA FIRE AND MA? RINE Insurance Companies, will make frequent visits to Accomack and will be glad to have the patron? age of those, desiring their risks carried by good companies. All communications promptly attended to. Respectfully, G. G. SAVAGE, Agent, Eastville, or Shady Side, Njrth ampton county, Va. CEDAR ISLAND, Accomac County, Virginia, Wish to call the attention of the farm? ers of Aceomac and Northampton counties to their different grades of Pure Fish. Guano, all of which they are prepared to supply those wishing a first class fertilizer. They have established a depository at Custis' Wharf, Po weiten, where farm? ers may purchase in quantities to suit. Prices until further mice, as follows Dry.eaoLGT) Two-thirds dry -0 01 \.CASH. Green. 13.0 I J For further particulars, call on or ad-1 dress E. B. FINNEY, Agent, LOCUSTMOUXT, Aceomac county, Va. Sewing Machine STANDS AHEAD Or ALL OTHERS In Quality and Simplicity, It has no Rival .to put it down, but It Stands Bold at the Front. Having sold over 400 in 1SS1, 1SS2 and 1S.S3, shows that the People of Aceomac Appreciate Its Merits. I can seil you other machines for less price. Singer pattern, drop leaf and two ] drawers, for ?25:00; Wilson. Domestic ' Howe and any other pattern. Will sell the Royal St. John, drop leafand six (6) drawers, for SSfl.OO, but I cannot put i TSJC 151 L?STE with these inferior 1 ri? &? m I C tothe price. Having sold machines for nearly fourteen years, gives me a chance to know something of the tricks which others practice on those who are not posted in machinery. If YifajtaM Sewina Macbine ? enme and see me. or write to me. and I W ILLS E L L Y O ? A X Y MAC Hl N E ! that can be bought, but none so good as Also, a large stock of FURNITURE, MATTRESSES, &c., on hand. Repair- j in? of Furniture, Pictures Framed, or anything else in our line prompllv at? tended to. COFFINS, CASKETS and TRIMMINGS for sale. Respectfully. &c, R. H. PENNEWELL, Onancock, Va. OF EVERY DESCRIPTION; It gives us pleasure to announce that we have completed arrange? ments direct, with a Large Carpet j Manufacturer in New York, by which we can show a very large assortment of Carpets selected with the greatest care from a Stock of Several HUNDRED THOUSAND. DOLLARS, Thereby saving our customers the wholesale dealers or job? bers intermediate profits. Ii in eludes the most beautiful de signs of Velvets, Brussels and Ingrains, as well as all the less expensive grades of Carpets. We show you this immense stock through a new and very practi-1 cal iuvontiou, called Croft & Peterson's "PATENTED CARPET EXHIBITOR"' So constructed that we can ex? hibit a very large number of sam? ples within 5 minutes, and show a J continuous floor covered from each sample of half a yard. As we are relieved from any loss j by rerunauns or depreciation in val? ue of stock by old unsalable pat terns and do not require any extra door room or investment of capital, we can afford to send for and sell you Carpets AT LOWER PRICES' than the same qualities are even sold for in New York or elsewhere. We cau always show you the newest designs as soon as they ap? pear. ?'Carpets cut to fit the room, also made up if desired." Very respectfully vonrs, O. J. LUCAS, Dealer In General Merchandise, Modest own. Va. FARMS, &C Browne, Jacob 4 Co., dealers in REAL ESTATE, ACCOMAC C. H., VA. Fruit and Trucking lands, improved and unimproved of (it). 163, 225. 340and 000 acres eligibly located on the line of the N*. I'.j P. & N; R. R , NOW for sale cheap. Also, four sea-side farms with oysters, fish and wild fowl privihges unsur? passed on easy terms. And town lots for business men atthe new stations on the railroad constantly on hand ut reasonable rates. Send for circular. SUPERIOR Cedar Island Guano. The cheapest fertilizer on the market according to results ascer? tained by the farmer and chemist. ANALYSIS. Du. W J. Gascoyke, Chemist. per cent Moisture det. .it 100c.10.2(5 Soluble Phosphoric Acid. 2.17 Reverted Phosphoric Acid. 0.46 Available Phosphoric Acid . 8.63 Insoluble Phosphoric Acid. 2.45 Nitrogen. 4.S2 AMMONIA. 5.S6 Potash. S.05 CEDAR, ISLAND GUANO is a complete manure, coutainingall the elements of good plant food, and in proper proportions, to sustain veg? etation through the entire period of its growth, and brings crops to their full maturity. It has been found especially good on peas, po? tatoes and onions, and has given equal satisfaction on corn and grass. It is fully up to the standard of last year, and is registered in Virginia. It is now ready for de? livery. ORRIS A. BROWNE, Accomac C IL, Va. Gait. O. A. Bkowxk?Dear Sir:? T used half a ton of your "Cedar Island Guano" last year on Corn and can say that it doubled my crop in corn and fod? der, and my neighbors and all others who passed the field can testily to it. It was on very poor land. 1 think it paid me well?would like to use two or three tons this year. Very Truly Yours. George S, Mapp. Bobtown, January, 20,1SS3, 1 used Cedar Island Guano on Sweet potatoes, and I am perfectly well satis- j lied with tili result, I also used it on Onions and other vegetables with the [ best result \V. J. Fosque. Sturgis P. 0. Mi;. Buowxe:?I tried your Cedar Is? land Guano last Spring on Sweet Pota? toes, alongside of other fertilizers, and think it nearly doubled in yield of any other used, in fact,if I had not used it at all, my potatoes would not have been worth digging. -lohn J. Ward, Iladlock, January, 20,1SS5. CaitvO.A. Bkowae;?Deai; Sin:, I used half a bag of your Cedar Island Guano last year on Sweet Potatoes, ai d can truly say it excels any fertilizer 1 ever used. If 1 had used it more exten- j sively I am confident it would have doubled my crop, Will try it again next ' season. 11. C. Johnson, Willis1 Wharf, January, 29,1SS5. f used Cedar. Island Guano on Sweet-] and Irish Potatoes and Corn. On the Irish it was fully equal to Peruvian Guano, and better than any other fertil-! izers* On the Sweets and Corn it was ! equal to any fertilizer 1 have ever used, | Accomac C. II. Va. Thus. Beasley, | I used Cedar Island Guano on Irish Potatoes, next to Peruvian guano, there ! was no difference in the yield of either. I am of the opinion that with time Ce? dar Island will yield more. I also put it on Sweet Potatoes, and the results were satisfactory, its yield was one third more than "where 1 put no guano. Dnunmondtown, Avm. W. Coxton. I used Cedar Island Guano on Peas by the side of Pe ruvian Guano, your guano excelled the Peruvian by far, and on Irish Potatoes my experience is they grow longer and yield more: I mean by growing longer, that the vines do not give up so early and outyield the Peru vian. I also applied it to Corn, only about a handful to every three or four hills with very good results. A. T. James, Locustvflle, December, 19, 1SS4. I I used your guano last year side Peru vian guano and other commercial man? ures, on Irish and bweet Potatoes, the Cedar Island was equal to any. 1 prefer| it. for the quality is up to any, and it costs less money. W. R. Bunting. Folly Creek, near Drumnioudlown, Jan? uary, 9,1SS5. I used one-half ton of Cedar Island Guano on Irish Potatoes side by side willi Peruvian guano that cost SCO per ton of 5.000 pounds and other commer? cial fertilizers, that on which Cedar Is? land was used was better than Peruvian, and there was no comparison with the | other fertilizers. Of course, the loiif drought and bugs prevented a full crop 1 from maturing. E. C. Parkes. Matomkiu, P. O. 1 used Cedar Island Guano on Irish Potatoes with Peruvian Guano, and I believe it to be equal to the Peruvian, I also used it on Sweets; and the result was excellent, I am goiug to use it again. E. M. Savage. Bells Neck. October, 9,1SS4 I used Cedar Island Guano on Sweet and Irish Potatoes with other fertiliz? ers, and on Sweets I bad better results than any other, and fully as good on Irish. I ain going to use it again next viar E. W. Kellum. Stuigis, October, 9,18i'4. I used the Cedar Island Guano on Irish Potatoes notwihstanding the drouth I realized at rate of 40 barrels from one barrel of seed by the use of 300i> pounds of guano per barrel of seed. I think it the cheapest and best fertilizer in the market. 1 shall continue to use it in the future. Edwin T, Parks. Leemont, Va., October, 23, 1SS4, I used your Guano last spring on Irish potatoes side by side with Peruvian f Guano and yours excelled itbyonethi'd ' and was green while the others dried al? most out. from the long drought. Modestown. G. J. Northum. I used your guano last year by the side of Peruvian guano, the season was bad. the Peruvian started first but the Cedar Island was fully equal in yield; and fron my observation would have sur? passed it had it been seasonable. W. T. Duncan. Matomkin, P, O. I used Cedar Island Guano on Sweet potatoes, at the rate of 200 pounds per acre, and believe it to be fully up to anything I have used. Will use it again. St?rgis P. O. J. C. Fosque, I used Cedar Island Guano on Sweets by the side of other fertilizers, and found it equal to any, F. S. Smith. Willowdale, ?cteber, 9, 18S4. ski: KUE.ES. Kineo Falber A<!iim Ural was tooted. Tl.o world has bcon,by w imanVulod; Sho rules by tactics ol ho." own? A laugh, a algh, a snillo, n. frown. A ctioortul wordjto banish caro. a goaUe touch; ii stloni prnyor, A tender hug, a good-night kins. Impartial poaco and hallowed bliss. Blio rulotb not with gun or spcer, nor choson weapon Is a ioar; Slio conquers ott by tenderness Aud sympathy ror ?uro distress. Slio many cunning ways can Und To make submissive vain mankind; From any crail appealing troo, A clovor actress aho can bo. A lion can bo, r.r else a lamb; A rlcaiio, or else a calm; A furious ?awk or cooing dove, So run of iru or run o: love. Now ihla la woman'a Mu le plan To rnloibo world, by rullug man; Ami hp who dotibiritbat sl.e dotli rule. Should try Uio matrimonial achool. MY WEDDING. How Cupid managed to send Stephen Barker sifter me I never could find out; bat that is between themselves, and is none of my bus? iness. A man good enough for Elizabeth and Janet and all such ornaments to their sex, to lay his honest heart at my foolish little leer! I own that for a day or two the honor almost turned my head. Then L began to consider. I had loved Norman Strong ever since 1 could remember, and Norman had been my friend when ho one said a kind word to me. The ease stood thus: I was an oiphan, left to (he care of an uncle and aunt remarka? ble for that kind of propriety thai wins our admiration and awakens our hearty desire to get away from it. I had a small fortune of 825, 000; that is, 1 was to have it if I re? mained unmarried until I was .'55, or if I married before with my un? cle's approval. Now, ancle did not approve of Norman. In fact, uncle never ap? proved of any one that, I liked. But with Stephen Barker disapproval was out of the question. Stephen was the great man of our small town. To have insinuated that Stephen was not worthy of a saint, a boa- far and an heiress united would mive been a heresy seriously affecting my uncle's social aud com niereial standing. Stephen Barker's offer was therefore accepted, and the next Sunday we walked to church together. After this public avowal of our; intentions the. marriage was consid? ered inevitable by every person but me. I must, do myself the justice to state that I never regarded my engagement to Stephen seriou-ly; it was part ol a plan to secure my happiness and rights. And as Ste? phen fully coincided in it I do not expect censure from.anyone I think it was no later than the third night after Stephen had I spoken to my uncle that I frankly told him that I thought I ought: not to marry him. lie asked me why, and I said: "All my life long, Stephen, I have been a crushed, un? happy girl. I have been afraid to speak, or laugh, or sing, ami no one but Norman Strong ever said a kind word to me until you came." "And you love Norman?" he asked, bluntly. So I answered: "Yes, I love him, and he loves me, and when he got the position (if cashier in your bank he wanted to marry me, but uncle I said we were neither of us to be! trusted with my ???L,5.000." "So you have 825,000!" "Papa left me that much, but Uncle Miles can keep it until I am 35 unless 1 marry to please him, or unless he is so satisfied of my good sense that he voluntarily gives it up to me. lie will never do that.'' Stephen was silent a long time, and then he said, a little sadly: "Yon are a good girl to be so hon? est with me. If your uncle could be made to give up your little for? tune, do you think you could use it wisely?" "I could?with Norman to help me." I Then we had a long conversa? tion, which it is not necessary for me to repeat; it will be understood by what fellows. There was no change apparently between Ste? phen and me. Ue behaved exact? ly as a lover of his age. and char.ic tor would be likely to behave. He sent aunt presents from his hot? houses, and he made me presents of pretty jewelry. He spent the evenings at Uncle Miles' house, and sometimes we were left alone to? gether, and sometimes wewentout for a walk. Norman came to me occasionally on a Sunday night, and my aunt said he had really be? haved with more good sense than she had expected. I think she t hought that if I married the bank? er it .might not be a bad thing for cousiL Malvina, who was very plain,to marry the banker's cashier. Everything went on with the the greatest propriety. 1 had an? nounced my intention to have au extraordinary trousseau, and this being a point on which aunt could feel with me, the next four months were pleasantly spent in shopping and sewing. Never in our little town had there been seen such dozens of elegantly trimmed under garments, such lingerie, such hos? iery, such morning dresses and ev? ening costumes, such wonderful hoots and slippers and jewelry.? We had little receptions every af? ternoon, a mouth before the wed? ding, aud my wardrobe was laid out in the best bed room for cjui ment and inspection. It was about this time that Ste? phen Barkersaid to my uncle: "I un derstand Frances has $25,000. I wish her to have it settled on her Ko.lJ-onfl .'or licr own absolute use, then, I prpposc. Mr. Miles, ifyon are v.-illing, jo add 810,000 to it. buy for her 'the, Stanford estate. It is only three irfiles from hen1, the house is a Very fine one, the land excellent, and; then, whatever changes come, it secures her a competency, for as soon.:. a?*tlie railway is finished it wilF-be .worth double. What do you say?'' ''I " think yonr offer extremely generous, Mr.. Barker, and of course for such *a purpose l am willing to handover to you at once Frances's fortune. The interest has been ap plied'to her own use always. Will yon look at the account?" "Your word is sufficient,Mr.MHes" So;in about, two weeks the trans? fer was safelv and amjcnbly effect? ed, and Stamford hall and estate \1vre firmly and surely made over to Frances Hnlliday, spinster,, for hefaiiftner heirs forever. I must state here that I opposed as strong? ly as I thought right, Stephen's gift of 810,000, and subsequent out? lay of 81,000 on furniture; hut. both uncle and aunt said that the settle? ment was small enough for a man of his means, and that it would be [affectation to oppose it. Ami real i Jy, Stephen managed the whole af? fair with such fatherly kindness and thoughtf'ulness that I could not bear ! to oppose him. At length the wedding day drew 'near. It had been arranged fo.i Wednesday morning, anil we were j to leave for New York immediate ly after the ceremony. Cousin Jose, who had prepared himself to look | dowr. on all the world from the pul? pit, was to perform the ceremony. This showed in Jose a very forgiv? ing spirit, seeing that he had once looked on me and my $25,000 with affection, and 1 had not. appreciated the honor. However, lie forgave nie at this interesting epoch, and came benignly to bless my venture. He brought me as a present a black onyx ring, on which was set across in seed pearls. He had offered me it.?nice before, with his a flections and his mauve, and 1 had then re? fused it. I took it this time. It helped to swell the list of my presents, and they certainly made a goodly show. First, there was j The Stamford estate from my fath? er and Stephen Barker and the [settled bill lor 81.000 worth of new I furniture, which Stephen had sent to make the old rooms comfortable. Uncle gave me a set of silver and aunt some, fine china, both of which I gifts I took care to send to Stam? ford before my wedding day. My cousins and aunts and friends gave me all sorts of jewelry and pretty personal knickkuacks, and these I carei'dlv packed iu "the half-dosjen trunks, w'-iich were already corned and directed two days before the marriage day. For Stephen had proposed to send all my trunks to our New York hotel two days before we Ldt, in order that we might have no concern about them, and that I might be sure to have all I wanted on my arrival. I opposed this at first, but aunt said that it was "em inently proper and thoughtful." So all my wardrobe, except my wed? ding dress and a traveling suit, ar? rived at. the Fifth Avenue hotel New York, on tho last day of my maid? en life. Norman Strong called that night, and was in remarkably high spirits. Ill; wished me every happiness, and was very attentive to Malvina. Aunt thought his behavior charm? ing?so unselfish?nnd I also was very well satisfied with it. "Ishall call for you about 8 o'clock, Frances." said my aunt as I bade ber good-nigh'; "the hair-dresser comes at S::io." I I said: "Very well, aunt," and I went to my room. The first thing 1 did was to pack my wedding dross in as small compass as possible, and then put on my traveling costume. This done I sat down in the dark. About 1 o'clock I heard the signal ?1 watched for. I went softly down stairs, unlocked the back door ami walked out. Norman was there. We did not speak until we were outside t he grounds. There a bug gy waited, and we drove rapidly ro a main line about three miles on. Here we caught the. 2 o'clock ex? press, and were safe in New York, and were very respectably married by 10 o'clock. My trunk, which had arrived the day before, was then redirected for Washington, and aller a delicious little wedding breakfast?all by ourselves?we left for that city. In the meantime there was trou? ble enough in Milford. Our flight was not discovered till near8o'clock, and then Uncle Miles sent word at once to Stephen Barker, wiio se? cluded himself for that day entirely. My aunt and cousin's chagrin and disappointment were very great; in fact, when I considered the amount ofcondoleuee and gossip they would have to endure, I felt that for all the slights and scorns of my un? loved girlhood I could cry quits. And I had got my fortune also, and Norman and I were so completely happy! We had not a care, for Stephen had given him a 8500 bill and a month's holiday, and told us to get all the pleasure we could out of it. We obeyed him implicitly. During that month things settled d iwn a little. I did not expect to be forgiven all at once, and I was not; but then I was in a position not to worry particularly about it. We returned very quietly after dark one night, very much like two chil? dren who have played truant all day and creep home at nightfall with as little ostentation as possible. But at Stamford hall everything had been prepared for my comfort. The fires were blazing, the gas ligh t? ed, aud an excelleut supper waiting. The- next morning. Norman went back to Iiis desk, and Stephen took no more notice, of bis return than if lie had never left. People who hail been speculating about his los ing Ins position knew'in five min? utes there would be, no qb'nnge. And every one took his tone from Stephen. We were treated verv much like two children Mio liad been forgiven, and wh(>se lrtilt was not to be thrown up to-them.. That's the way the m&ft.bok it.and Norman pretended to -tie, satisfied. The women acted with -agreat deal, . more intelligence. They, all came to see me, and though I did not give - them all credit for the very kindest of motives I made them all welcome. I told them about my wedding trip, and showed them my new things, and* I.dnresay the men talked evey thiii'g over with-them afterward. . J3ut what, mpsf puzzeled . every? body was that Stephen Parker, came so often to see ns', and wnssov friendly with Norman. Some thought it very mean-spirited in him, and others reni'Miibered that when he was very young he had loved my mother dearly. Even those who spoke kindly of him did not give him credit for half the noble unselfishness he had shown for he would not let me fell any one that it was he himself who had planned everything about my property and my wedding. '?Just let them say you jilted me, Frances, if they please to do so.We know better, and we will keep our secret until uncle Miles comes round." Aunt and uncle both came round sooner than we expecled. When it was known that Stephen spent so much of his time with ns. Aunt Miles considered I he advantages of having her daughters brought fa miliarly in contact with him, and for their sake* she came to see me, and gave me kiss of reconciliation. Dilt as for catching Stephen's heart "in the rebound" was con? cerned, she was j nst a little too late. Norman's sister, who was a teacher in one of the public schools o( New York, came to spend her vacation with us, and Stephen fell in love with her inn way that convinced j me that his love for Frances Halli-I day had only been the the shadow of the love he had lor her mother. Why, Norman himself never be? haved more foolishly about me than Stephen about, this little plain Ruth Strong; lor she is plain?every one must allow that. And the preparations that are going on for the marriage quite amuse m<', who might have been the banker's wife myself. Dear me, I think Love must laugh at the kind -Jtl people he ?omesin contact with. Hh'kJfeBojie Stephen will be happy; 1 do indeed. This is all I have to say about the marriage. I think it was rather peculiar. Some women will doubt? less say they don't believe such men as Stephen exist. But let a girl, when she discovers that she does not like a man, tell him so and ask his advice and help, and ten to one she will find another Stephen. How can men be chivalrous and self-de nying if women don't, give them opportunities'/ L think this is wrong, and I intend to give Norman every chance to cultivatesncli noble quali? ties.?Phi la. Record. "A continual dropping on a very rainy day and a contentious wo? man are alike." No wonder, poor souls, they are sucli slaves to head? ache. One twenty five cents spent for a bottle of Salvation Oil will re? store harmony in the household. How mikes Booth Passed the Pick? ets. "Did you ever know how Booth passed t lie pickets on the bridge of the eastern branch of the Potomac that fatal night?" said my'friend. "I will tell you as it was told to me by the old sentinel who was that night on duty there. A half hour before the time agreed upon by Booth to meet Harold, the latter, who had lived in the neighborhood of the bridge all his life, and who was across the river in the village of Uniontown then, crossed the bridge to come over on the Wash? ington side. 'Who goes there?'said the sentinel on the bridge. 'A friend, going for a doctor,' replied Harold. 'Pass,' said the sentinel, lie quickly rode up Eleventh street to Pennsylvania avenue and Eighth street, and there in the darkness waited until the thundering hoofs ol Booth's horse were heard coin? ing ttown Pennsylvania avenue.? The two horsemen then started down Eighth street, toward the bridge on that ride for their lives, which -nded in Garret's burning barn in Virginia, a hundred miles away. 'Who goes there!' rang out on the air from the startled sentry as the two horses came rushing to? ward the bridge. Harold was ahead and cried out, "A friend with the doctor.' The two men passed over the bridge, and it was per haps several hours after the rever berat ions of the horses' hoofs had died away before the sentry knew who the men in such a hurry real? ly were, and when lie found it out he was nearly seared to death for i'eai he had failed to do his duty." ?Philadelphia Times. As if by magic ones pains van ishif hepe a sufierei from rheu? matism or neuralgia and applies St. Jacobs Oil, the paiu-banisher. For Coughs and Colds Red Star Cough Cure is a safe, pleasant, sure remedy. Enterpiuse only ?1 a'year. TIic. Brammer. A commercial traveler who has 'seen service, or who devotes his whole the work, will say that Mie life is a hard one. The young man to whom the excitement is a pleasant novelty, the travel and attendant amusements, good sports, laughs at the story at first; hut not alter a couple of years.? The constant strain, irregular hours and habits and frequent tempta. tions to imbibe, quickly combine to tear down the strongest system: The last item is a large one. "Un? less a traveling man is very care? ful," says a veteran in his line; "he is apt to turn out a drunkard be? fore he knows it." For the travelers themselves, they prefer chic to check, and would bo termed seif-.confldent rather than "gaily;?' but whatever it may be, no drummer'with any ;qther manner, could sell as'much: and the compound of bonhommie, shrewdness, knowledge of human nature and acquaintance with the world, his customers and particu? lar lines of goods wins the day.? Sam'l of Posen has it all condensed in a degree exaggerated to the point of burlesque, and the begin? ner at the business is apt to assume rhc commercial manner to an ex? treme to conceal his greenness, but in the trained man it is pleasantly mellowed and indispensable. Some, men never get this faculty com? pletely, and perhaps in a way "a drummer is born, not made."? Meeting a new customer, he must bo able to get his size in a flash.? To sell him goods ii may be neces? sary to joke, wheedle or bully. A good story may catch a man at once, or strike him so unfavorably that he cannot be "worked" at all. And only by aid of a keen eye and mind will the traveler meet success. But once acquainted with a cus? tomer's ways and stock the drum? mer is always sure of ground in tlii* future. lie will be careful in selling so as to sell again. He will not. be niggardly in "doing the right thing," or annoying. "A good drummer," says a keen old commercial man, "is a partner in a house in all but possession of an interest." One leading shoe house in this city, indeed, is said to en? courage its travelers by giving them small interests in (he con? cern. The drummer's business is to know all about the house's cus? tomers. The better he does this the better able he is to sell his goods, both profitably and safely. If he knows''where his head is lev? el," he stays with a good house, when he gets with one. The man who is continually dodging from one firm to another hardly ever does well; either'for' htitiself or his employers. He. must be posted thoroughly on the goods and prices of his competitors, for it is com? parison in a majority of cases that makes the sale. The commercial traveler is a good talker. To get into the graces of his customers he finds the news of the (lay a help, and he devours newspapers. In the last campaign no one man was more prolific in speculations, bets, or so full of al leged political news as the drum? mer. The train that he was on never escaped the taking of a "straw" vote. The commercial traveler rarely accumulates money. The evenings of his inevitable ho? tel life oiler nothing to occupy him. Uis devotion to the rink is a favor? ite theme of newspaper witlings; billiards, the theatre and kindred kill-times knock wide, holes iu his otherwise large salary. It is con? ceded that with 81,500 on the road a man saves no more at least, than one with ?1,000 staying at home, the persons having the same tastes ?Springfield Republican. The Jury System. The jury system, when devised, was ideally perfect; through various stages of alleged improvement it has deteriorated, until now it is ut? terly worthless when left to the mercy of lawyers, as it usually is, says the New York Hour. Trial by one's own peers was t lie basis of the system. In those days soldiers and sailors were almost the only men who ever left their homes: the great majority of nitelligant men remained always at or noar their birthplace; they kuew every native from his youth up, and strangers were so few that they, too, were well known. Any men selected for jury duty were sure to be acquaint? ed with accused and acuser, and to know the character and habits of each; to have formed an opinion was no bar to jury duty, neither were any personal relations but those of consanguinity. Intelli geuce did not disqualify a man from serving as a juror; on the con? trary, it was supposed to especially commend a ma". But now-a days no man?iu the United States?is tried by a jury of his peers, nor by his person j I acquaintances, nor men of intelli? gence. An American jury in a criminal case is us stupid a body of men as the combined ingenuity of the lawyers on both sides can make It. Every man who is sun-, moncd as a possible juror is closely questioned by one side and then by the other; any knowledge of the prisoner disqualifies him. An opin? ion already formed debars him, although the lawyers well know that what most men call opinions are mere impressions that the least bit of pertinent evidence or argu? ment will overcome; indeed, so lit? tle faith has the court in the -tena? city of opinion of the men finally selected that it usually prohibits ihe reading of newspapers and any conversation, except with jurors, about Hie case in question, the tear being that the impressions made by counsel will he modified. With the men ordinarily selected no man of self respect cares to serve, so it is customary to avoid jury service by admitting that a positive opinion has already been formed. What cannot lawyers do with a jury from which intelligence and decision of character have been ex? cluded? Evidence, skilfully twist? ed as it leaves the mouth of the witness, still more distorted by the counsel on both sides. The lawyer conducting the prosecution may, for the time, be a regularly elected officer of the court, but Iiis term lasts only a year or two and lie knowns his subsequent career de? pends upon the skill he displays hi his address while rii office, .go. lie >seidom exhibits,. ,more .conscience.',-, than the counsel for the defence.' Frequently he creates much sym-" pathy 'for the accused by trying to extract mountains of guilt from mole hills of evidence, and thus for prospective gain, weakens the cause of justice. The defense theti pro? ceed to belittle all testimony that bears against their client; they quote copiously from the proceed? ings of eases that sometimes bear no resemblance to the one before them, and they envelop and di? lute everything of importance in a mass of verbiage so vast that the jurors entirely lose perception and memory of the salient points of the evidence. The mental strain to which a stiq id jury is subjected would be exhaustive even to a panel of lawyers. Fi nail v, in a murder ease, comes the appeal to juror's conscience, his sympathy, his maul mess. He is told what a dreadful thing it would be to send an innocent man into eternity. By this time the jurymen feel as if they were themselves on the verge of dissolution, and their verdict is usually a compromise be? tween justice and apathy, and con? sequently entirely contrary to law, which requires of them only to de [ rermine whether the accused is inno i cent or guilty, and, if the latter, to specify the degree of crime. It is not the duty of the news? paper press to devise a substitute for the jury system but to see and to say that the system as now exist? ing is doomed, and that, until a remedy is devised, lynchings and outbreaks like that at Cincinnati, and the less violent but equally earnest protests in the Dukes case in Pennsylvania, and Emma Bond casein Illinois, will continue.?Bos? ton Traveller. A Touching Sccuc. . ?. Amid the ruins, of thcii^.capitaL.. with bare, bowed heads, in utter si? lence and bitter tears, Lee and his Generals separated and went their several ways to homes destroyed, families broken up and scattered, and often into exile and oblivion. The final parting was in front of's mansion in Richmond, two days after Appoinattox. Lee's house is on ordinary square brick, standing akve on Franklin stieet, one square from the Capitol. All the other houses on the square are connected; Upon the afternoon of the second day after the surrender people in that vicinity were sur? prised to see coming riding up the street from the south a company of Confederate horsemen. They were unarmed. Their gray uniforms were worn, soiled, and often tat? tered, their trappings old aud patched. They wore slouched liars, ami here and there was a feather remaining of the once smart and jaunty drooping plume of f lie Con federate cavalryman. They were bronzed and browned and bearded. They sat erect and came on with the splendid horsemanship for which they were noted. Upon the collars of some of the gray jackets could still be seen the faded and tarnished gilt stars, the emblems of the wearer's rank. In front of them rode Lee. His two hands held the loosely swing? ing reins and rested upon the pom? mel. His he-id was bent and his eyes were looking straight ahead from under his downcast brow, but they seemed to see nothing. As the troops cantered up to his old home his horse stopped at the gaie, and he aroused himself sud? denly, as from a dream, and cast his eyes upon the familiar windows aud then around over the group of gallant soldiers who had followed his fortunes for four bloody year* and gone down in defeat under his banner. The end of it all had come at last. Iis threw himself from his horse, and all his companions fol? lowed his action. They stood hat in hand, with an arm through the bridle rein, while Lee went from man to man, grasping each hand, looking intently into each face as though he would press it upon his memory forever. Then he turned and walked through the gate and up the steps to his door. Asa ser? vant opened the door lie paused with his left foot upon the veranda, his right upon the last step and looked back for the last time. Not a word had been spoken, not a goodbye uttered. There was no sound heard but that of sobs as these unkempt and grizzled heroes of a hundred battles leaned their heads against the shoulders of their horses and wept. Lee gave one look, and broke down at last. His hands were over his eyes, his frame shook with sobs, as he turned quickly and dis? appeared into his lonely house.? With the closing of the door be? hind him ended forever the wild dream of the Southern Confeder? acy.?Cinciuuatti Commercial Ga zette.