Newspaper Page Text
|)n?nsu[a ?rpse. ACCOM AC COURT-HOUSE. VA.: SATURDAY, May 0. 1885 ci^" A cross-marK on your paper, liefere your name, made with pen and ink. Cijr indicates that your subscription lias C-A' expired, or is due. and you are re spirt fully solicited to remit or re C-A" new. LOCAL S^EWS. A farm of Hon. Ceo. T. Harrison, lo-' cated near Belle Haven was sold last i week by Browne. Jacob ?.V. Co., real es tate agents at a satisfactory price. Mr. Wm. Ward, a gentleman well known and highly respected in the low-, er part of this countv, died near Pungc teuguelast Monday after an illness of1 many mouths, agrd f>3 years. Mr. John II. Wise, sheriff of Acco mae county, authorizes us to state that the.jurors summoned to attend at the special term of the circuit court. com- ! menchig May !?th, need not do so. Mr. A. T. Johnson, by-virtue of a power of attorney Riven itim, will sell "ti the 28d day of May. valuable real es? tate, improved by dwelling &c. of Wm. AI. Ward, situated near Locustville. Agricultural reports received this, week from Washington by lion. Geo. | T. Garrison and a copy of them will be given to any citizen of the Eastern' Shore; who desires it and will call for it at his office. The registration books will be opened at Accomac C. II., next Tuesday by; air. Wm. T. Bi ll, registrar and the op-; portimity giveu to everyone who has! the right to qualify himself as a voter *- - i at the May election. Miss Ida A*. Cuard has moved to our Town mid opened a dressmaking estab lishment. The patronage of our ladies \vill be appreciated by her and we feel sure that the services rendered to them wiii be satisfactory. A primary election will be held at Ouaucock. Drumiuondtown and Tan? gier Wand to-diy by the Democratic party, for the purpose of selecting candi ? dates for the regular election to hf held on the fourth Thursday in this mouth. Mr.Jno. B. Blizzard ufCrlsfield, Md., has moved to Foxes Island, this county, which he lately purchased of Mr. Plan ner Crochett. and proposes to engage largely in the plantinguf oysters mid the soft crab busiues there, and at no dis? tant dny will open a iirst-class summer resort. Mr. Win. II. Mears. an inmate of the lunatic asylum at Wiilianisbliru from tins county, died last Monday, lie was a brother of our couutymeit, Mr. C;d vin T. Mears and Until his sad affliction was a useful citizen, who had the good opinion of all who knew him. Messrs. John E. Lewis and L. James Gunter are candidates for the nomina? tion for the office of constable at the primary election to be held in Lee Dis? trict to-day. Mr. Wesley Melson who has served the people so efficiently for the last two years, we are informed, de? clines to be a candidate again. Mr. Lorenzo B. West had the misfor? tune to lose his poeketbook. containing S72 and a receipt from Powell & Garri? son on the first day of May. either in DrumuKMidtown or on the road between this point and Mr. Wm. C. Barnes near Woodberry. A liberal reward will be paid for its return to Tile EsTEKPlUSK office Messrs. John .1. Gunter and J. W. G. Biackstoue, through our columns to-day advertise the College property, for sale, situated at Ouaucock. By reference to advertisement it will be seen it is sub? divided for purposes of sale, into 27 lots. Our people need not be told that there is not more desirable lot property on the Eastern Shore and that such an oppor? tunity is seldom offered them to invest their money advantageously. Messrs. J. E. Hendrickson & Co., first-class commission merchants of Philadelphia, advertise through our columns to-day. It will be seen by ref? erence to their cards that ample money w ill be deposited with their agents, to meet all demands for shipment made to them. The fact that Messrs. Silby & Conquest allow them to use their name is a sufficient guraufee that the firm is worthy the patr< nage of our people. The verdict of the jury in the case of the Commonwealth vs. Wm. S. Kellam indicted lor an attempt to kill Judge T. C. Pairatuore, and tried at this term of court, was imprisonment in the county jail 6 months and 8500 fine. Thecaso will be taken by writ of error to a higher court, and sentence was therefore sus? pended for the present. The defendant plead guilty to the indictment for car? rying concealed weapons and was fined $2u. Another indictment against him for endeavoring to impede the course of justice was nolle proseijuied. ' CrHildockvlllc. Mrs. E. P. Allen, seriously ill of late is now convalescent. David Pew'will be entered in the walking match, to come oil at Pungo tcague in June. Mr. James E. Scott has the finest pea patch in this section and perhaps in the count j. They are eighteen inches tall ami full of blossoms. Rev. C. D. Crawley preached the fun? erals of Mrs. Turner, sou and niece, drowned some weeks ago, to a large con gregation hist Sunday. Mr. T. II. Selliy will visit Baltimore in a few days to get medical advice in regard to a disease of his eyes, from which he is now suffering. Mr.'E. C. Ames has a horse 33 years old which lie claims is fast developing into a trotter. He is willing to match him with Morrell for a few hundred yards. Miss Nannie Miller has a nourishing school here. She hits the patronage not only of our community but numbers among her pupils several fiom Pungo teague "West & Mason caught the first sheep head of the season. P. II. Davis the first sturgeon and Carmine & Pro., the first mackerel. Fish are caught, perhaps of greater variety and abundance in our waters than in any other part of Vir? ginia. A Mr. Chandler, a spry widower of our village, in attempting to have bis matrimonial prospects foretold last, week '?by winding the hair' received a check which has cooled somewhat the ardor of his "love's roung dream." When he threw in the ball the goddess of love did not respond, but some bail boys, the imps of wickedness did, and filled his eyes with red pepper. Tempern n?-c> Hie Dr. Broadwater will build a new house. Dr. Broadwater will suit us for the Senate. Mr. Geo. Gladding, has the finest wheat that we have seen. The Methodist parsonage will shortly be improved by,a coat of paint. Broughton and Mathews will move their stock of merchandise in the new Masonic Hall. Mr. Sewcll Dennis will soon erect for himself a fine two story residence on Pruitt Avenue. Prot. Clark and Miss. Fannie Lang, are teaching private schools and both are well patronized. The new Masonic hall that is now un? der c instruction by Mr. John II. flaryis will be completed in ten days. Copes and "White have now the most complete and best arranged steam mill in the county. They will soon build a three story addition to theirmill. "W. II. Pruitt is the boss strawberry man here. He recently sold to one party from Maryland. 30,000 Hyslop plants, and to other parties he has sold right many. Mr. Neal Taylor and N. W. Nock, are spoken of as suitable men for the Legis? lature. Either of them would serve us well, and would work faithfully for the interest of the country. Fodder is a scarce article in this sec? tion and those who have any to sell do i not folget to ask the wcrth ot it. Sev-j end of our fodder buyers have concluded hay is cheaper, and so are using it. Helle Huven. Doughty & Jacob's barroom now com? pleted is one of the neatest on the East? ern Shore Our pop-corn king is making prepara? tions for this year's crop. He still be? lieves there's millions in it Trout fish are plentiful in our market. A party of four gentlemen of elegant leisure of our town have just returned from a trip of a day with three bushels ' of them. Our farmers have commenced toset out sweet potato sprouts, and the wails of the owners of Irish potato patches of the ravages of the "'tater hug" are be? ginning to be long and loud The citizens of our village were great? ly shocked on Thursday, to hear of the death of Dr. Edward W. Anderson, one of the most useful, worthy and high? ly respected citizen of our county. It was not known to us until the morning of his death that he was seriously ill ? He died of measles complicated by pneu? monia or typhoid fever. Chlncoteaifue. Mr. .T. T. Kenney has just left for New York to purchase his supply of goods. Samuel TVhcalton, one of our best col? ored citizens, died suddenly on Sunday the 3d instant with pneumonia. Our oystermen are scarcely getting cost out of their oysters, at thirty to forty cents per bushel. Large quantities are being sold at these figures. The new supply of operators at the Signal Office, consist of Messrs. Crane and Sheanen, Mr. Dickt ns having gone to Fort Iteno, Iindian Territory, and 1 Mr. Williams to Cape Henlopen. No aspirants yet for district offices. Our Menhadden catchers are over? hauling boats, mending nets and setting their houses in order for the summer work. Messrs. Gum and Hickman j have sold their interest in the fish bu'ri j ness to Messrs. Mumford & Coffin. The j management is to be under Mr. Samuel J. Mumford. Ouaucoek. A "Cantata" will be among the Whit? suntide entertainments T. W. Parker commenced an addition to his dwelling this week R. L. Hopkins is making great im? provements ou his lot in the way of new and neat fences, &c Hopkins & Bro., are erecting a large ice-house at the wharf which will soon be filled with northern ice Tlie Onancock* Mill Company h;is shipped several cargws of lumber to Haiti more in tlie last few weeks Mr. E. F. LeCato has resigned his po? sition iis clerk on the steamer Tangier, and Mr. Otho L. Parker of this place, lias been appointed in bis stead Fosque, Bros.. & Co., have finished the addition to their store, aud have just gotten in a new aud complete stock of spring goods which they advertise to be cheap Lecmont. Mr. P. II Johnson is still confined at home by rheumatism. Mr. JohnD. Grant is home on a visit to relatives and friends. Mrs. Folly Lewis, of Doe creek, died on Wednesday, aged bO years. Fate cy Mason's storehouse is being made as bright as a new pin, by a coat of paint; Anew line of millinery and fancy goods has lecently been received by Mrs. D. S, White. ?. P. T.15 well of Kansas, arrived here Monday, and will he the guest of rela? tives and friends for a month. A large dwelling house has recently been erected by Mr. Jno-. T. Powell on one of his farms near Leemont. Tcachcm* Institute The Teacher's Institute met at the Eastville Baptist Church on the 5th hist. A large number of teachers were present, and the community generally (?raced the occasion. Mr. T. M. Scott ?waselected chairman, and Kev. T. C. Bundick, secretary. On motion of J. C. Weaver a committee was appointed to wait upon the lion. John S. Wise aud request him to present his view to the Institute of the working of the public schools iu Virginia. Mr. Weaver offered the following res? olution: Resolved. That a committee of four he appointed to select members of the Institute to introduce thefollowingsub jpcts, whose remarks shall be limited to 10 minutes, viz: G ram mar. geography, history, map drawing ami school discip? line. Resolved, That all teachers be re? spectfully requested to submit in wri? ting all difficulties that may have oc? curred to them iu their school work, or any question they may wish to have dis? cussed. Resolved, That all clergymen, teach? ers of private schools, members of the press and all friends of educational pro? gress be invited to participate in the cx ercists of the Institute. The report of the committee was adopted, and the following were appoint? ed: Spelling. Kev. Mr. Bundick; read? ing. N. J. W. LeCato; arithmetic, A. M. Hughlclt; writing. Miss Orelia Wil Williams; grammar, Miss Lina Not? tingham; {geography. Isaac D. Robins; history. Levin Merrill; school discipline, John Nelson. The Hon. John S. Wise, of Rich? mond, who happened to be in Eastville, addressed the Institute iu a line speech, in response to a call upon him. After Mr. Wise's speech, Mr. Weaver, the Superintendent of public schools in Ac mac, made a very fine and instructive address upon the object of the Insti? tute. The following query was sent up t? the chain "Why is there a want of co? operation and sympathy of patrons and community at large with the public schools.'' Discussed by Rev. L. J. Ha? ley. Messrs. Jas. B. Dalby and John L. Didby. [to be continued.] Our Mail?. Mb. Editor?In common with many of my fellow citizens, 1 am growing very weary of our mail methods. lam glad to testify to the general rfficiency of our local postmaster, although we differ po litically, and I wish to "turn him out," but I must protest against the methods at Tasley station. I co itinually miss my daily papers four days?papers within live hours of this oflice. Letters from Norfolk reach here not infrequently from five to eight days, and Philadelphia four to six. For one my patience is threadbare. I mention Tasley especial? ly because a friend tells me (as an exam? ple of matters) that last night registered and others were "lyiug around loose" on the floors and the bags had to he brought back after delivery to carriers to receive matter left. Now, sir, this of itsfclf is an outrage. But. my friend goes further. He says it is not uncom? mon for the carrier to assort his mail! Sir, this is utterly intolerable. I make no charge against the carriers?I believe both entirely honest. I make no charge of dishonesty against the station post? master, for I believe he to be honest; but, I do charge lum with gross neglect, and permitting his oflice to be "run" by outsiders wilfully and unlawfully to the detriment of the service and injury to the public. And I demand, with the whole people, an immediate arid clear re? form in the matter. If things are to go on ;ts at Tasley?and I hear they exist at other points?we had as well return to the "old blind hots and stick gig" we have just escaped. I am afraid we've "swapped the devil for a witch" and got burnt in the trade. Can't you do something in the premises for us? Kkgotank. \ Religious Policen. Appointments of Rev. J. IL Amiss, Presiding Elder, M. E. Church, South. Third round quarterly meetings, East? ern Shore District: Atlantic. Sanford's, May 16 and 17. Accomac, Conquest, May 23 and 24. Berlin, Bishopville. May 30 and31. Onancock, Locustville, June 6 and 7. Pungoteague, Oak Grove, June 13 and 14. Belle Haven, Upshur'sNeck, June 21 and 22. Wiccmico, Asbury, June 27 and 2S. District Conference, at Capeville, Eastville circuit, will convene July 21. Camp-meeting, Turlington's ground, Pungoteague circuit, will commence on August 6. Entebtkise only ?1 a year. BUSINESS NOTICES Notice?All who may desire to have their business cardn or notices in the Kastern Shore Fair Pamphlet of Ihi year, will at once forward the same to I the secretary. Hate of charges: Onc| page, SS; half page, r?4: business card. $2.50; payable when pamphlets are is? sued. .1. E. Mapp, secretary Keller, Accomac county, Va Comic.?New Millinery and Fancy| Goods at Miss Addie Walton's store, near P?tstoria, where, she will he pleased to see her friends and the public gener? ally. Shi' has the latest and prettiest I styles in shape and shade, with all the) novelties of the season. Foil Sa i.ic?Three year oltl colt, Lady Morrell. full sister to St. .lames?has line action and promises to be speedy.? A. T. James, Locustville. Foi: Sale.?A bagat elle table, newly covered and in other respects in good re? pair for $2-5. Ceo. F. Parker, Accomac C. II , Va. W. Morrill and Gray Morrill will! make the spring season in Accomac and J Northampton each at ;?25, to insure mare with foal. Chancellor and Middlcton will be at | Kastville, April court, and stand there, $80 will he charged to insure a colt by j either. Fred Waddy, March 1st, 1SS5. Fou Ukxt.?ITouse and Lot In Mo l estowu belonging to Mrs. A. P. Nor thum called Plateau Lot. Apply to Ben T. Gunter, Accomac C. II. Or .lehn D. Wimbrough, Modes town, Va. Mrs. Walter J. Hall, of Messongo is now in the city and will return home on Monday. April 27th with a fine line of millinery goods, notions, ?.tc. Notick?Sam Bell, purchased at the | sale of Jas. H. Ames, will stand for ser? vice at Lilliston's slaliles in Druin mondtowu every Saturday IT. Lec Lilliston, W. B, C'oxton Challenge?My three-year-old Mor? rell colt will trot any four-year-old in tliej county for $100 G. Welly Count. Drum mond town Fou Salk-A Rood cow fresh to the I pail. Also a calf 5 weeks old on reason? able terms Elizabeth A. Lilliston Diummondtown Floyd & Co., corner of Pratt street) and Itowly's wharf, Baltimore, Md. manafacture a high grade Bone Super Phosphate, which has been thoroughly I tested and proved satisfactory. Their "Truckers "s Delight Universal and] Peerless brands have no Superiors for early vegetables. Coin, Potatoes &<:."?| Consult your interests and use no other. For sale by W. E. Jacob & Sons. Bell Haven 0. AV. Godwin. rJ-ulford. H. E. Floyd, Northampton. "Thj Greatest Cure on Earth for I'ain." ' roliuvo moro quickly than any utlu-r known i out: Khcunialismi, Ni-nralffla, BWMllllSSi Slid Nivk, Ilruines, Hums, Scalds Cuts. I.umba co, l'ltnrlsy. Surcs, Backache, wulnnr, Soni Throat, Sciatica. VV.iimK Ilcadacho, Toothache. Vpralaa, etc 1'rieo i'.i-.s. a bottl". Sold by all Klraggfota. Caution.?Tho (Ten _ .?t. ~ uinc Salvation (til Ixhu-s oar ?C H? registered Trade-Mark, and our facsimile plfnaturo. A. C. Meyer <? Co., Solo l'ropnctors, IlaHlmore, Md., 17. S. A. Dr. null's Couch Syrup will corn your Couch at once. Price oulv 25 Ctn. a bottle. TOWN LOT FOE SALE IN BELLE HAVEN. 1 offer for sale at private contract, my lot in Belle Haven, opposite Ward's store, upon which Mrs. E. J. Savage at present resides. It contains H acres, more or less, is improved I>y a comforta? ble dwelling with all necessary out? buildings, and has thereon also a build? ing now used as a Millinery Store. A more suitable location either as a home I or for business purposes cannot be found | in the village. The lot will be sold on reasonable terms, and ample time given to pay the purchase money. For fur? ther particulars apply in peisonorbyl letter to JOSEt'll .1. WESCOTf. Locustmount, Va. FIWNEY'S WHARF, accomac county;, va -:DEALEItS IN: General Merchandise, Shingles Laths, Bricks. Lime, Hair, Sash, Doors, Coal and Fertilizers. Flour a Specialty, W. M. Dines, D. II. Mansfield. Mines & Mansfield, Commission Merchants, and Wholesale Dealers in GENERAL PRODUCE. 1 and 2 Prospect Avenue, 2 Devoe Avenue, aud 25, 20, and 27 Vesey Pier, WEST WASHINGTON MARKET I _Mew York._ -ESTABLISHED 1857. Silverthorn & Co., ?Wholesale Produce ^Commission Merchants, 303 S. Front and 302 S. Water Sts. Philadelphia. L. X. BOGGU. JW. F. WATERS Boggs & Waters, (ducc users 'it j. C.Boggs k Co.,) Nandua, Accomac county, Va., ? DEALERS IN? Merchandise, Peruvian Guano, Kefuse Salt, nnd other Fertilizers, Glass, &c. Produce taken in exchange for( goods. SALE OF TUE COLLEGE PROP? ERTY IN ONANCOCK. Subdivided into lots. Pursuant to a decree of llic Circuit Court for the county oC Accomac, pro? nounced on tlie 10th day of February. 18S5. in the suit in chancery Hierein pending in which Tnlly A. T. Joyues, Jr.. et als., are plaintiffs, and Arthur Watson et ux. et ids,are defendants.\vc, the special commissioners by said de? cree appointed will proceed to expose, to side iit public auction, on Saturday, the 6th of June, next, at 3 p. m., on the premises in the town of Onancock, the tract of land iu stud decree, described as the College. Property, and for the pur? poses of sale we have divided said prop? erty into the following lots: Lot No. 1?Is the western part of the College Property containing by actual survey 14.30 acres, upon which is the main residence. It is bounded on west by College branch, separating it from tlie lands of I. W. Bagwell; follows said branch aud Onancock creek to Titlow's branch which separates it from the lands of Dr. 0. B. Fiuneyand Lot No. 2,then up said branch to the new street tobe opened, designated as College avenue, t hence along said street south 7? by west 1.2!) chains to a post, thence still along siiid street, south 15J- west 1S.25A chains to College branch,tin,1 point of beginning Lot No. 2?Is bounded on the west by the lands of Dr. 0. B. b'inney and the Episcopal church lot. on the north by Main street, on the east by College ave? nue, which runs south 21 west 5So chains to Titlow's branch, parallel to aud 28 feet distant from the line of the lot of R. T. Ames, thence it follows Tit? low's branch to point of beginning; this lot contains 1 03 acivs. Lot No. 3?Bounded on the west by College avenue, on the north by Titlow's branch, which separates it from the bind of R. T. Ames and D. J. Titlow, on the east by lot number IS from which it is separated by a liiie running S 154 \V, parallel to College avenue, and equi-dis tant between it and Joyues street, and oh south by a cross street running S. 74i E from College avenue to Joyues street and on said last named street dis? tant 3.31 chains from 1. W. Bagwell's line. This lot contains 1.25 acres. Lot No. 4?lias a front of 99 feet on , College avenue, beginning at said cross ? street, and runs hack 272 feet between parallel side lines which said side lines are perpendicular to said avenue. Lot No. 5?lias a front of 90 feet on i College avenue, runs back 272 feet he- . tween parallel sidelines, which saidside , lines are perpendicular to said avenue. | Lots Nos. 0.7, S, and 9?Are exactly I the size of lot No. 5. each being a front of !)9 feet ami a depth of 272 feet. Lot No. 10?Is bounded on north by College avenue, on north by lot No. 9, east by aline running south 15j west \ eqni-distant between said avenue and Joyues street, and on the west by Col branch, which branch it follows down ? to the point where said avenue inter- I sects said branch. This lot contains 1.65 acres. Lot No. 11?Is bounded on west by lot No l'J, on north by lot Nil. 12, on east by Joyues street ami the line of it extended till it reaches College branch, which branch it follows to the point of ' beginning. This lot contains 1.24 acres > Lots Nos. 12, 13, 14, 15. Iii and 17 are I all of the same size, each having a front | of HD feet on Joyues street, and running I hack 272 feet between parallel side lines, 1 which said side lines are perpendicular to said Joyues street. Lot No.IS?Has a front of 3.31 chains on Joyues street, by which street it is bounded on east,is bounded on south by the cross street, on west by line separa? ting it from lot No. 3, which line it fol? lows to Titlow's branch, thence down said branch a short distance to a post, thence north 19- east (>5 links to a po3t on 1. W. liagwell's line, thence along said line to Joyues street. This lot cou tains 1.50 acres. J.ot .No. IU?15egins on Joyues street at a point where Thomas Johnson's line intersects the same, runs back along said linesouth 74east 4.07 chains, thence in a westerly direct ion along said John sou's line to the line separating it from lot No.2U,which line bears south 75J east thence along said dividing line 407 chains to Joyues street, thence along said street l.o7 chains to point of begin? ning. Upon this lot there is a dwelling house. Lot No. 20?Has a front of 1.57 chains on Joyncs street runs lack 4.67 chains to Thos. Johnsons' line, between paral? lel sidelines, which lies south 754; east. Lot No. 21?Lies on both sides of Joyues street. It begins on sa d s iee : ai the point where the western line of Lot No 20 intersects the same, follows said line, running .?outh 75A east 4.G7 chains to Thos Johnson's hue, thence along said Johnson's line till it reaches the point where the line separating this lot lrom Lot No 22 intersects said John? son's land, thence it follows said sepa? rating line which bears south 73 east 3.15 chains to Joynes street, from said street iL follows a hue running south 52 west, which separates it from lot No 22, 2.25 chains to College branch, which branch it lollows down to Lot No 11,the hue of which hist mentioned lot it fol? lows to Joynes street Upon this lot is a small house Lot No 22?Lies on both shies of Jojnes street. It is bounded by Lot No 21 from which on the erstem side of said street it is separated by a line running south 73 east 3.15 chains, by the lands of Thos. Johnson by Lot N o 23 from which on said side of Joynes street it is sepa? rated by a line running south 74? east 2 chains, and on the western side of said street by a line running south 73 weit 1.23 chains by College branch aud Lot No 21. On this lot is a house. Lot No 23? Lies on both sides of Joynes street. It is bounded on the north by Lot No 22, east by lands of T. Johnson, south by Lot No 24from which it is separated by a line i mining south 7S east 1.40 chains and by Lot No 27 from which it is separated by a line run? ning north 78 west 1 20 chains and by College branch. On this lot is small house Lot No 24?Is bounded on the north by Joyues street, upon which it has a front of 2.(50 chains, by Lot No 23, by the lands of T. Johnson and by Lot No 25, from which it is divided by aline run? ning south 73 east 1.40 chains Lot No 25?Is bounded by Joynes St, Lot 24 and the lauds of T. Johnson. On this lot there is a house. Lot No 26?Is bounded by Joynes street, upon which it has a front of 2.03 chains, College branch and Lit No 27 from which it is divided by a line run? ning north 79 west Upon this lot is a small house Lot No 2T?Is bounded by Joynes St, upon which it has a front ol 2.82 chains, College branch aud Lots Nos 2(5 and 22 College avenue, Joynes street and the cross street are to be reserved for the benefit of the lots abutting on them re? spectively. They are all 2S feet wide ex? cept that from the point where Joynes street crosses to the cast to College branch said street is ouly 20 feet wide TERMSOFSALE 1? Five per centum of the purchase money must bp paid in cash on the day of sale, with liberty to the purchaser to pay as much more on that day as he may elect 2? The balance of the purchase money will be divided into three equal instal? ments, for each of which the purchaser .-oust give his bond with satisfactory per? sonal security made payable to said com? missioners respectively, six, twelve and eighteen months after date with interest from date 3? The title to the property will be re? tained as-additional security till the pay? ment of the whole purchase money 4? The premises will be at the risk of the purchaser fiom the time the same are bid off 5? Upon complying with the terms of sale the purchaser will be let into pos? session on January 1st, 18S6, but the rents for the can tut j ear do not go to the purchaser, but are retained for the) benefit of the parties to this suit B?Upon payment of the whole pur? chase money conveyance by deed with special warranty of title will be decreed the purchaser, the costof such convey? ance being borne by him John J. Gunter J. W.G. Blackstone, May G, '8-5 Special Commissioners The above named special commission? ers have, before me. in myoffue, with sureties deemed sufficient, executed the bond required bv the decree referred to ] in the above notice. Test: M. Oi.dhaw, Jr., C. C. s. N. UIUCKUOUsE. JNO. w. OLD. SMITH N.BRICKHO?SE& CO., -WHOLESALE? and m Cor. Commerce & Water Sts? Norfolk, Va. BULL RUN. Accomac county, Va. dealers in W $k W y ik?da?) Fine Jjiqaors and H. igars, Will open out next month, a select stock of General Mrecliandise! NEW YORE. PHILA. i NOR F0LK1R. CD, Quickest and Only Daily line between Boston, New York, Phila., Norfolk, ami Old Point Comfort. Northward. n r. Stations. Mix 0.1 "t Ex Leave a. m. p m. Portsmouth. Norfolk. Old P't Comfort Cape Charles.... 5 55 12X5 Uheriton.*0 22 *i2 45 Bastvllle. ?40 f 12 5(5 Bird's Nett. 7 05 fl is Bxniorc. 7.33 ft HO Keller. S ?U fl 47 Tasley. 8.30 f2 05 : Parkslev. 8.51 f2 17 Hallsivond. 0.21 f232 New Church.... 0.50 f2 4-5 I'oeomoke. 10.20 258 Adelia. 10.40 *3 07 King's Creek... 11.00 f3 10 Princess Anne 11.20 3 20 Loretto.11.35 *3 26 Eden. 11.45 *3 32 Fruit land. 12.01) *3 38 Salisbury. 1.00 3 43 Williams. *1 12 *3 50 Delmar. 1.25 3 55 Arrive p.m. p.m. Baltimore. 8*25 Wilmington ... 5 5n Philadelphia... ? 30 New York. 10.03 "Arrive p.m. Leave New York. Philadelphia... Wilmington... Baltimore. Southward. oVt Ex. Mail &Mix night 12.00 7.32 S35 6.35 Leave p.m. Delmar. 12 20 Williams.*12 25 Salisbury.12 30 Fruitland.*12 S3 Eden.*12 39 Loretto.?12 43 PrincessAnne...I2 4S Kincr's Creek...fl2 52 Adelia. *12 59 Pocoinoke. I 07 New Church.... fl 21 Hallswood.fl 37 Parksley. fl 53 Tasley.f2 05 Keller .?222 Bxmore.f2 36 Bird's Nest.f2 50 Eastvllle.?8 05 Cheriton.*3 15 Cape Charles.... 3 25 Old P't Comfort Norfolk. Portsmouth. Arrive p.m. p. m. 12.20 *12 45 1.45 2 02 ?2.15 f2 2S 2.44 3.15 f3.32 3 55 4 30 5 00 530 5 50 6 20 6 45 7 13 7 40 ?8 00 S 15 p. m. in N.Y. Ex. p. m. 6.20 6.30 7.15 9.05 9 15 f 9 25 f9 42 ffi.?s no. is f 10.32 f 10.45 I'll.U2 f 11.20 11.35 ?11.45 f 11.53 11.5S * 12.05 ?12 11 ?12 17 1225 ?1230 12.35 a.m 6 45 3 15 3.55 7 00 a m. 9 Nfk Ex. p.m. 8.00 11.10 11 56 7 35 a.m '2.40 *2 45 ?2 51 *2 58 *3 04 *3 09 3.15 f8.20 *3 30 3.40 f3.57 t' ft.35 f4.50 f5.Hl ?5;30 f5.5G ?6.09 *6 22 6.35 8.3(1 9.15 9 30 a.m Crisfield Brauch. Northward. Mir. .Leave a m. Crisfield. 7.00 riopewell.f/.10 Marion . 7.25 I Kingston. 17.40 I Westover. 7.57 King's (/'reek 8.10 Arrive a. m. O.P't Ex. a. in. 9.15 9.30 9 52 10.10 10.35 10.50 a. m. Southward. O.P'tEx. Mail* Mix Leave p. m. p. m. King's Creek 4.47 3.00 Westover. 4.55 3.15 Kingston. ?5 09 ;3.40 Marion. 5.19 "4.00 Hopewell. ?5.82 4.20 Crisfield. 5.45 4.40 Arrive p. m. p. in. "f" Stops for passengers on signal. *Does not stop for passengers. TrainsOandlO run daily; all other I trains daily, except Sunday. H. W. Dunne, Sup't. Princess Anne, Md R. B. Cooke. Gen'l Freight and Passen? ger Agent, Norfolk, Va Millinery! Mrs. TJ. B. Henderson is opening a full line of choice Millinery and Notions, consisting of all the novelties of the season, is selling them at the low? est city prices. Hats from 15 cents to the best that can be desired, choice Ham burgs and Ibices, extra cheap. Vases, Toilet sets, Dolls, Jewelry, &c. STAMPING AND EMBROIDERY doneattheshortest notice. NOVELTIES received weekly as they appear in the cities. A cor? dial welcome is extended to every? one at MRS. U. B. HENDERSON'S, Pocoiuokc City, Md. BTOTICE. By virtue of an order of the Court for the county of A ceo nine entered nt the February., Term 1885 in the matter of A. Frank Byrd. and other petitioners for a public road we the undersigned Commissioners named in said order for the purpose will re? ceive up to the .'30th, day of Marsh. 1885. scaled proposals for the build? ing of the road begining at the foot of what is known as the "Corbin' road in said county, thence by a straight line in au eastwardly di? rection over the land of the heirs of Peter VV. Corbin, Spencer J). Fletcher, Littleton D. Corbin and William S. Horsey', to the rail-road station on said Horsey's land a dis? tance of about eighteen hundred yards-- said road to be thirty feet wide, fully cleared of all obstruct? ions, with the bushes cut therefrom piled in the midale thereof at low places, to be ditched on both sides, its entire length with ditches three j feet wide and two spits deep with the dirt taken out therefrom thrown to the centre and leveled off to the sides. Said work to be completed on or before the 1st, day of June,. The right to reject any and all bids being reserved. 2nd of March 18S5. Commissioners. Spencer D. Fletcher, Wm. S. Horsey, Thomas IL B. Corbin. Willi Kr Accomac C. H., Va. DUFFIELD SAVAGE, Prop. BOARD ?1-50 PER DAY. Ratos by iho Week or Mouth ?lvon on Application. | Livery Stablew Attached, and passengers convoyed to any polut of the Pe? ninsula with Comfort and Dispatch, and at Low Ualcs. Hacks will Connect with all the trains of New York, Philadelphia and Norfolk railroad at Tasley station. EO. E. SCOTT, with G Geo. R. Coffroth & Co., wholesale dealers in and manvfacturers of CIGARS, 330 West Baltimore St., BALTIMORE, MD. ESTABLISHED 1854. M, DDXDOX. 0. H. AMES. MASCFACTCIlEItS OFj FINE HAVANA CIGARS ASD WHOLESALE DEALERS IH Tobacco, Pipes, Etc., 90 Light Street Wharf, baltimore. ENTERTAINMENT. Board and Lodging at Moderate Rates Thomas S. Byrd, MAPPSVI.LLE, Accomaccounty, Va., Respectfully informs the traveling pub? lic that he is prepared to furnish board and lodging by the day. week, or month at moderate rates. Livery stables at? tached and passengers conveyed to any part of the Peninsula with comfort and dispatch. T O THE IT BMC. Dr. Y.cwlft J. nurmaiisoii having return? ed to tils natlvu county from Baltimore, and lo? cated at Onancock for the praetlco of DENTISTRY, offers his services to the public being a graduate of riio Haiti nioro College of ?outal Surgery, and having liad somu experience In practising his profession In that city, lie may be relied on to execute all Ulswork In the best style. Us will visit Drummoudtownevery court . iy, an1 can n'wys bo found at Waddy's Hotel. Office: Market St., opposite Baptist church - wn J. HAKMAN'SOX, D. D. 8. Onancock, Va. Gbakgeville, Accomac county, Va. Dealers in Dry Goods, Notions, Plats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Hardware, Crockery, Queens ware. Groceries, &c, &c., in fact everything useful and orna? mental found in a country store. Flour a Specialty. FOR SALE. The lot and tenement, consisting of dwelling house, bar-room, office with two rooms, blacksmith shop, two corn stacks, and belonging to Mr, A. \V Dow ing, situated in Bridgetown, Northam ton county, Va., can be bought on reasonable terms, payments made to suit the purchaser. For Rent.?The ollice and blacksmith shop, and com stack, for this year. Apply to A, W. DOWNING. Bridgetown. Va. ixeorge X. jBcnson., GRANGEVILLL, Accomac county, Va. BLACK SMS THIN G in all its branches done promptly, cheap? ly and satisfaction guaranteed. Horse Shoeing a Specialty. Arrangements have been made with Mr. Louis D. Drummond at Grange ville,to have all necessary wood work in j connection with his business done on| most favorable terms. WM. E. DOUGHTY, WITH E.P.Bayley&Co., IMPOETEES OF CHINA, GLASS, Queenaware, Lamps, Clocks, &c, No. 27 Hanovee Stehet, BALTIMORE. John C. Justis & Co. Hunting Creek, Accomac county, Va., dealers in General Merchandise, Shingles, Laths, Lime, Lumber, Bricks, Hair, Windows, Sasb, Doors, Geor? gia Pine for oyster shafts, also, Oyster Shafts already made. PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY. ALL YOUR WORK DONE RIGHT AT HOME. JOHN W. DUNCAN, peactical WATCHMAKER AND JEWELLER, Main Street, Ouaucock, Va. The above named firm also keep * variety of first-class JEWELRY, 14 and 18 karat Solid Kings, with or without sets, Gold and Silver Watches, Clocks of various kinds and prices. The most beautiful Lace Pins and Ear Drops ever offered to this public, and a general line of Jewelry, such as may be round in a first-class city Jewelry store. Call and examine our stock of goods, and also our machinery for work. if Cirdletree Kill, Worcester county, Md. t. mars, Tro/r This hotel located' immediately o? the railroad, recently built, and with rooms large, airy, conven? ient and newly furnished is now open to the patron? age of tho public. Special accommodations provided for those fond of gunning, fishing, &c., on the wa? ters near at hand and charges reasonable. James Bally. G. Frani Bally. Lynn 0. Byrd James Baiiy & Son, Dealers in DRUGS, CHEMICALS, AC. PAINTS A SPECIALTY. 174 W. PRATT ST., BALTIMORE, MD. M. W. Gladding, Wholesale Commission Merchant, S. W. Cor. Pratt & Sharp Streets., Baltimore, Md. For the Sale of Potatoes and all kinds of Country Produce. ?-References. J. W. Hunt & Co., Baltimore, Md. W. H. Marsball, New Church, Va. P. R. Clark, Agt. E. S. St. Bt. Co. Baltimore, Md. T. H. Nottingham. Northampton, Virginia. Shipping Letter, 5V3 Livery ani EicMfe Stalles, Accomac C. H., Va. Jlenry X>ee lilliston, Proprietor, Keeps always on hand, for Sale or Ex? change, a Select Stock of ^Horses. Horses fed by the day, week or month at reasonable rates. Passengers conveyed to any part of the peninsula at bottom prices and with comfort and dispatch. J13. THOMAS, ? with JOHN HENDERSON & CO., (Formerly R. Mason & Sons) confectioners, Manufacturers of French and American Candies, Fancy Cakes and Crackers, No. 145 and 147 W. Pratt St., Baltdioee, Md. GEO. W. ABDELL & BRO., . Belle Haven, BLACKSMITHINQ-, in all its branches done at their place of business promptly, cheap? ly and iu a workmanlike manner. fiorse Shoeing a specialty. Our numerous patrons in every part of the Eastern Shore are given as reference as to our proficiency in this class of work.