OCR Interpretation

Gainesville daily sun. (Gainesville, Fla.) 190?-1938, February 24, 1905, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of Florida

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn95026977/1905-02-24/ed-1/seq-2/

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Owns Vnfc v Artftirf ArtN lwlsft Bwh oh TfoilH TfoilHWELL ii iit
111 t Floiiff PloridLWELL FloiiffWELL
Surv Survtad d E 1tJ1 Rafto Weed u I1R UM u Through Thr uJh North NortlFis NorthFIHWa NorthFlerfi
Fis FIHWa Wa Fifty Yeors y Ago and Say SayTMbor SayD SaytTirubrr
TMbor Dovelepmsflt D Mt SYnc Theflow That ThatTInM ThatTime
flow Kt Been Marvelous 1Aarvstousf Marveloustho rvll us usv
f Ares v the Us prominOAt JUOII1tn t visitor ti tit to toolIIIU toOshteettille
olIIIU t is Ho BOIl n H 0 Putnam Petnambonke PutnamIce Putnambank
bank Ice finftoeter llaAIN r and devtlopor o oBoelall 6f 6f8oclal ofEaeWll
EaeWll Boelall 8oclal Wte wise Is tfct tJagUu us gtias o oPerry of ofPerry ofPerry
Perry M OoJsoB Ook at bb f beautiful liomi liomiOB fiomude 10m 10moa
de OB Al AJaehu4 bua sT avenue ue u In tbi t ttb l o ooti11Jna ttptttbibatiou ooti11Jnatiou pttifna pttifnatlott
° tiou there in nottowblo the ohtfalry o othe 01 01the ofthe
the West W and South Mr OoUon him himaelf himseU himR
R salt being the tli very rer owonaa venue dJf hospi hospitality hospItality hospitally ¬
tality talityOol tallyOol
Ool PatDaltl Patnamisoneof i is one of Ute Utemoitprum Utemoitpruminent milL prom prumInat prominept
inept and distinguished dl eltlzons of the theNorthwest thoforthwNt thec
c Northwest being at the head of one on o othe of ofh8 ofthe
the h8 argon Jar et and most powerful financial financiainstitutions financialtnltlcutlonl flnanefallnatttutions
institutions In WiMonsln Wf ou J Ho is also alscone aJIOono alsoone
one of the IaG pionter lumber mirohants mirohantsof tn rdbBn 1 1of
zt of that bl Ecctloa owning timber from fromChicago fromChinago rom romChla
Chicago Chla gQ to the tb Pacific Fact c Slope H lie life is isnot flDot isnot
not only onl14 a man of groat business acu acuxnen leumn1arg acuJ acumen
J men mn1arg large wealth and vast influence influencein
in his hi hisseation section but bu is a man of oftingutehed dis distinguished distlosurehed ¬
tinguished ability f philanthropic ideas ideasand idolssnd ideasF
F and a broad humanitarian humanitarianOol
t Ool Putnam Is isa a former vioepresi vioepresidorit vu vtue presl presldont pre l ldont
dont of tho American Forestry Associa Association ASlocltloD Aseoctationt ¬
tion tiont and has given A largo proportion proportionof
of his hi time and considerable moans to todovelop todovelop todevelop
dovelop and orgalnze the associationtho association R assoaiationthe ftUctllttontho
tho object object of which is to prevent the thodestruction thej JiG JiGdOltruoUon
j destruction of the American forests forestsHe for08 for08He forestslie
He spent several IIVoraler years abroad study studying aLad aLadfog studytug ¬
fog forestry oroatrylon alone so 0 deeply lntsmstewas Interested Interestedwas
was 18 he h in the tJa work workMr workMr orIc orIc11r
Mr Qolion has extended every cour courtesy eourt court courttesy ¬
tesy t tolilidistinpulshedguest to tohia bf dlUuu dIsttupuilhodguwt shod gUilt Tlmrs Tlmrsday Tbu Tlnurefiat ra raday
day htdrov h he drove him through the tltolty city af after arter atj ¬
j ter which he took him on a short trip triptothiootnitry tripto tripr
r to tothiootnitry the b eouutry GOUUtrllifW ctjjl bowed him some someof someot someof
of AJaebua countys virgin pint pia forest forwtwhich rarlltwhloh forestwhiob
which he h pronounced among the finest llnsatbe finesthe ftnlltbetld
he betld had seen In the Sooth Ool Pot Potnam FatDam Putnant
Dam owns sovoral ral hundred thousand thousundaoros thoulndlOr thousandserve
serve lOr of otpius plnt land 1a C1 throughout the theState theState h hItat
State and d 1 h greatly interested in inFlorida1 InliJorlc1a inf
f Florida1 welfare wotftreThis welfareThis Uar Uarthis
This dlitlngiiishMl gentleman ii t by byno byno byno
no means a stranger to Floridai Florida i in indeed ludied Indeed ¬
deed he h might be termed a pioneer pionoorfor
for he states that fifty nUyoar8 years ago l lvisited be bei hevisited
visited the h State t rte and ran a nroUmitmry nroUmitmryline proJlmlnlUJf
7 1 i line for a ruilroad than projected projectedthrough projllHodi projsUtodthrough
f i through tit lUt northern ssetlon tlon of IflorIda Flor Florida Ulorrt ¬
rt ida He Ii remained in the th Stets for forBomo forr forsome
r some time tl1u let I an agreeably sar sarpritod surprttd ar arprUed
< pritod M well M gratified at the nip rupid nipid rapr
r J id growth of the for forests sta of Florida J1lurhlaI 1f uridt itNo aide aidet
t 1 surveyed the line IIn he h paid 141 for at1Lat H HIrhftt It ItIrhl
Irhftt time there Wit not Ot a tree rel U t th th8t u uI the the8tntu
I 8tntu 8t t4 as far M I know that was bit bigi A Anuovgb
1 i nuovgb for tars a sawlog sawlogOol swiD swiDOat 101 101i
i Oat Putnam Patn txpotti to 0 tank kl a b bill bestnew si sinoes <
new n trip to Montbrook Moat mok and other otherpoints o etherpoints ker kerllolntJ
points where he U Interested 1Irt wilt WbtaI wilth rh rhli
h I will return to Qnlftfirllle for a fe fed few tewdan
IN Q1ROUIT OOURT DauerThursday OOURTThursday O URT URTThurtday
Thursday Was Consumed Oo l1mldln In H Hurml HearkigOnes ariitg ariitgO
O Ones as BoutwAr > n + s MaulKtoy MaultdttyThere MaulKtoyTburt MaulttbyTbtrt
There was wa little done tn i the olrovit olrovitooort eir INultoourt + aait aaitx
x oourt Thursday Thu rtct 11 Utt tit h oiti ea of T L Thou Boolwaro BoalWArt Thoutrail
WArt n J A UtnUtbyMtion n In the theosjo tbea theoaee
osjo a boifig conliaord during Ins entire en entiro 1 1I
tire I rt d day y The notion aettoawae WM tot the b value vntatof ftlutof valueof
of oomUn ee p molot valued at a ftto JI and andafter andof
after of Ur sr i ttrooft srmaneat nptm nt Us stun was wassubnjtIMtd WIIIllblal wask wassubptllid
k subnjtIMtd Illblal to tht jury J q shortlyl shortly utter 8 tioelook 8oeloak I Iooloek
oeloak Abool 6ttt tSi celook the jury juryretarstod Jilt Jiltre juryretard
retard re arM4 a rordtel r41e In favor fa of the thepUlnUff theplatnUf tbeplaintillD
pUlnUff In thus MM of I l 1I 1111 1111Ituring M MDuring
During I > unDa tae th dny tide tit grind t jury o el came camer mt mtinto
r into 110 open o en eoer eoort M all d rrportod t iotted two true truobilUM tNObUll truebills
bUll bilUM as a foliowtt foliowttfttsu foUo t tIt
fttsu It v ra Stint Qttjrton ttyIoe murder murder8IW mardor8UI ma maIMH
8UI IMH s 5 NstbnniflTrl stbpalei TrAPf BiilUM alIM John JohnBrown Jt1hnhowA J tthn tthnBrown
Brown forgery forgeryNaUuuiel ftHJrrNabauit furgf ry ryKslhautel
NaUuuiel Tripp alias Iiu John 1 linttrn linttrnwas JfHrAwu ltntaawas
was arraigned rralDtd ant nJ pleaded guilty guiltyUr luilJfer guiltyafter
after Ur which the th 11 court ct pus iree xototvtti xototvttiverdict re fwd lb lbveMiet b bliClt
verdict liClt of the t jury in the ho oast eu ol Boul Boulwaro n itoulware ut utr
ware r i M aaoheby uluby Ib and tM III adiosraed adjCMIna foarntd un until tsoId 1 1hi ¬
til Fri 1 > y morning ht > Nook oclocki NookMr ook I IMr
Mr Craigv Ora Orilil1Ut driiuialitYAl Orilil1UtAa
Aa i no 11 ongnifctot of ri r tiug iiip Svivet Svivetj aJyerItnr IvesF
j F iMnrrsl Itnr rnrra Passvu cr 1v ciu nt W J JWTti Jt
t 0 Qa uf the be llal1o COl Coast Lree IDe deeetees de dela
WTti la tnullon Mr Ortigt rala latt latest att attfuli t eh ehtort C Cfort
fort i is a baogvr edvrrti drrnutug iug iprctal iprctaltau i > ciil ciilrmu
tau IA > nr > r the he Atlantis tf Coast sst In to toWML toWMl 10R
WML R atwStou Kioii t oo oeoosioo of the Ih in inau in uKu uKutstiiou I IIOb
tstiiou 1101 IOb ut U iresfeite Kouccwit ltWtlhlbt ltWtlhlbtt ih ihof lbe lbeben
ben t rontetae4 stagnifeent Iktnesof liktntlu liktntluof
of Ib the be Pr Pro > 4i flrat > ttt 1 lit hftlltoar hftlltoarwhkh UtODC at athigh l lWhNk
whkh high it i trrtug erraugsl r 11 4 the e grand Amir Amireatle Amrrrea AmrrreaE mCtlCjtI mCtlCjtIIetbr
E cadslhr eatle Ietbr lb < Bird tti fibrtyand ofl lh rty nd ndu II ttlame
lame of It It xpitotbding Iitot bl dn ft iit i ijj
u tu jj ii oL > it t u e r y yound rs Al b l sad sadtsuad ct II III
I ound ou to 0 stuei attoottoa aU aUI allostwsr
I C > fM
m J Jca
< ca
When Wh n We W fcuar Gu Gursntar ni Vino Will Mk MkThem Make MakThem MakeThem
Them Strong StrtNt Robust Ro ust and xndHealthy andHealthy d dHealthy
Healthy HealthyI
I wish every mother In InOahIJlOu1d Gaiaeevifi Gaiaeevifieould Galneevifecould
could know what Vinci will do dl for foitkeir torheir fortheir
heir little ones who are ar tl weak thinleggtlhoi thin thinlegged tJinlggtdboUoheekod
leggtlhoi legged lggtdboUoheekod boUowohosked > ew eheekud and blood blooduld bloodless bloodlesssaid Its Itssaid
said DruRgfob W y II Johnson I I Iseems ftseems It Itleem
seems almost wtekad Jok d for parents to let totheir lettheir lettheir
their cMfdron eJtfJdr p grow rbw np weak potty all alllug allfD alllag
lug fD and nervous lrCusJ1DtJ jand fZ if fathers nod nodmothers ItoclJI1D nodmothers
mothers JI1D 1tera would 0 gIve fve Booh children childrenVlnol ehUd ren renVnul1ou renVinul
Vlnol Vnul1ou yon weald s se a i Irea great raat difference differenceIn
In the younger youl lCer er generation neralJolS in thisvieinlty this thisflolulty tblsIolnlty
flolulty vieinltyfuel flolultyViuol IolnltyViual
Viuol fuel Is just the tonic tootegf BtOwlocchil BtOwlocchildrn rowingehildren owing chil children ¬
dren need as aslt it builds them up and andcrofttg andontates andoroatea
crofttg flesh and Indatrsulth strength so rapidly rapidlyIt
It contains taIOB In a highly C9ncentratedform concentrated concentratedform
form all 11 of the medicinal bodybuild bodybuilding bod body buIld buIldIng building ¬
ing elements of oftod sod liver vor oil without a adrop adrop adrop
drop of oil or grease and no sickening sickeningdrugs slokenlngdrug siokeningdrugs
drugs Children love it because it Is laBO isso
BO delicious to tho taste and you knowwhat know knowwhat knowwhat
what you are giving your your little lI tJ ones onwContinued aniContinued onesOontinued
Continued MrJQllnsoo Mr Jphnsen flam lamoon lamoonUnually 1 am OOD OODtinuaUy oonUnually
Unually hearing of eo naudh good oed It is IBdoing isdolnl isdoing
doing not only children hat the weakaged weak weakaged weakAgod
aged rundownr run dOWnrtired tired and debilitated debilitatedthat dobnitatedthat deblHtatedthat
that I cannot help being enthusiastlc enthusiastlcIn
in regard toYjrol toYjrolI to V Vlvol VlvolI vol volI
I wish every over mother moth or in Gainesville Gainesvillewould GalnosviUewould Jainosvillowould
would try Vlnol on our ourguarantoo guarantee that thatIf thOlltIt
If itdoos It does not no do their little ones nil nilthe nl1th8 allthe
the food wo claim we will refund allthe all allthe nIlthe
the money paid us for tho medicine medicineIt
It seems seems as n though thou h it was tho duty of ofevery of ofovary f fovory
ovary mother In dalnssvillo G to accept acceptthis aoaoptthis acceptthis
this offe offariI oiler W V M 1 Johnson druggistDEATH druggist druggistDEATH druJglstJ
Citizen of Vermont Coming Com In Here He for forHealth forHllhh forHealth
Health Passed Away ThursdayII Thursday
II A Burt of Bellows Fall Vt Vtwho Vtf Vtfwho Vtwho
who came to this city in November Qf Qftht Qfthe ofthe
the past year for his hi health died athis at athit
hit 111 boarding house hoo In this city 1 1 at a anearly an anearly an anoarly
early hour Thursday morning aged agedflflythrot agedatlythr agedQttythree
flflythrot years yearsDefeated yenI yearsDeoeaud
I Defeated for some time tlm hat a beansuffering bean btanBuffiting bnentradn
suffering entradn < < from gastritis and oama ea tnl to toFlorida toFlorid toFlorida
Florida at the thluUasUon suggestion of h1i h pbU pbpsIef pu pbUffanl js jslafans
Ief lafans ans with the th hope hop that the aIuu change changewould ollangwould ge gewould
would prove beneficial but butit it was W 8 too tooIxte toolatl toolate
late and although ftltboilltli1tla his condition fora foratime tar a atlmu atime
time Doomed 50um d to improve the Inclom Inclomont inclomant inalomant
ant weather of tho past ut row woeksserved woeks woeksnerved wleksIHauld
nerved detrimental nnd ho at a laatsuc laatsucaumbed JaJtsucsaumbld la9tsuooumbd
aumbed to the Inevitable At the theside tho thoside tboaldo
side of his deathbed deatlt bed was his faithful faithfulwife faltbfulwlfo faithfulwife
wife who has watehed over and carting oartUfor oarJfor cartingfor
for him for the put few months monthsThe monUTh monthsThe
The Th remains were embalmed by byUndertaker byUndlrlAktr byUndertaker
Undertaker JieOlellan 011 and ndplaet pissed In laItDe a afine aline
fine metallic casket and wart re shipped shippedyesterday Ihlppedr4 shippedyesterday
yesterday r4 to his home In the U greenbids green greenfields
fields 1111 of Vermont for lnttrmtnfc The Thtwklow Th Thwidow Thewidow
widow has ha the Ut sympathy of the good goodpeople 1004ptepllor goodppI
people ptepllor of tills oommnnity oommnnityGraye oommnolt1G eommnnltyQrarfo
Graye G < I Trouble Forasein ForaseinIt att attIt
It asap s wU but little IH le foreslS1ttW111 foreslS1ttW111that forsstgkt ror t ttt to tell tellthat 1J 1Jtlt
that whtft your stomach and liver anbatfly are arebldlllUtotod arebQlq
batfly bldlllUtotod tweeted grave Ira T iro tbl bW ll t ahead
a ia you take ta w the i proper medicine ititulotaefor 1111010tor medicinefor
for your uHt d dtseas i a ai Mrs John A AYouugof Ay AYouug
Youugof y Youug OUI or OUyN Olk Olay N YdlU Y did dko says 11 J
1 had neuralgia IUNIII of the tJa llm and sadstomaeb andstouten d
stouten 0 uy m heart was wa wok wkent4 ne4 and andI
I ftonUl not laO eat I WI rats ra very bad for forJo fern fernlong a aloaf
loaf Jo time bat b In 11 Slottrlo Bitten BU n I Ifoond 1fOlid Ifound
found Just what I needed eded for they theyqolohly theyquickly beyquietI
quickly relieved nod oored ours w Best Bestmertiotne Bune Bestm
m mertiotne dlelne ne for weak alt women wum Sold uader ua andtr uaer
dtr er IDuln guarantee to ran lee bj b nil druggists at BOe 1001tourt a aWm abotti
1tourt 1tourtVm bottiWm
Wm H and C ft Joaftohw Jaaee J Jof ysts Confess Confessof
of Nation Natl s and 8a IHur IHurbe bpsplurThe H ir irThe
The be success whloh wht h is ttjoyed ee f joJed by byWm byWm i iWill
Wm H and E B Joattlyns J0IM1 Con Congross Conor Congrey
gross of Nations Is greater 1 than that thttOaJ6e4 th thJ thattojOyod <
OaJ6e4 J by any an pictorial prod production prodoetloaeftI net Ion Ionevor
evor attempted beaus b us U U U I an en entirely t tllrelr ratireiy ¬
tirely new n w attraction Iud nothing Do binl of ofthe orb ofthe
the b kind hat lV ever ver r D bees CQ protontod protontodfort NI ec1 ec1fON he hetore <
fort aM o4 When you rajah UIIt that h 4t 4tnow shii shiinerr hitJ hitJa
now a woUM prostate tt 815 actual actaa pbo pbotnf pbotnttaatelaa photogrsptiS
tnf tnttaatelaa togrsptiS rtphto ttt se seen e bM at each ch presenta presentatkni pr p < nn nntion nt
tion ion of two we boon bou a4 a twentyfir twesty Jan 11ve r min tainu miautet
u utet 1 < o which i f4 t four fourlimea time greater ban tbsnM
M otof t t tefltmM oIe1ttpairhed plb > o d botore and andprsissttlng andra andptsulltat
prsissttlng ra thlrtythrg thHT JhN dWetont cIn tub tubott subeels u ut
eels ott to this time t you J Il will readily readil i ue ueulhn teewhat e ewhtl
what lb lire Attvoetlwn ulhn holds out oa to o ycub ycu ycuby JIb
by b way of Information and pl pktuurr pktuurrThis ar arThis < >
This un immense lnaaea wi ew sen w atra attraction Uoa i lfi not notall nolaU notau
aU oo aPSpinr Mfor sad ad fctot tdftter p uteri rt l yak ak k TH THxooda Thm Tate Tategoods
I goods wm m bt how for dtHvotf U UOpe sLg sLgh 1M 1Maid
aid Ofiorft Ope 111ro ro Hoot p Wednt Wednosdof q l lMrelilet h hi iw
I > Mrelilet Mreta 1 let Also l too sstet s e oi fro from flow flowI or orand
I and plat JaJ of ofi hlWaHllr hlWaHllrI
i I
U US 8 Collier Out of Commfsjsten CommfsjstenNorjjpj Com ComrntitenNor1pc n nNer
Norjjpj Ner Va Feb W rIThe The crew of ofthe o otho oState
the 1 i d State collier Alberenda Al e d o otho of ofna oUse +
Use Wofctolk k nary na yY yard has b bee beexcbftai beerepJartJJ beerebsFie
ebsFie cbftai from regular repJartJJ enltiU Allbted 1 tM men otgtars o oiiti Of Of1M
iiti 1M tgtars y back to morehtiitnon Tits Thtovmm TJupent Titsjovdnient
jovdnient pent ovmm it decide to to1Ke place all ool oolIloftrojG cotJleWf oolliehlir
liehlir IloftrojG JleWf oC a the ae nary D in ohntgo of enlist enlistel Ust Ustlit
04 stews ere trews recently receDUyud and the Alberendi AlberendiWM Iberendiwas
WM ooo of the first nt upon which this thfachange thkciau thischin
chin change wu made tJeut LIcuteuttt Com CommawUnr Colatobrbacber Cornnuasder
nuasder mawUnr ftohrbaeher tobrbacber T7 6 N ha has ro rolln roUnWkW rolingttla
lln UnWkW lingttla iti hoa command of the Alborandt Alborandtand AJbe Alberaatdtsod aadr aadraad
and the ihlp hlp went out of commission commissionW corn ntsslon ntsslonIttefyrevelt
W B l lRoflfevelt
Roflfevelt Re cvelt Spe spi f < a to Students StudentsWtakjagtop stud StudentsWs nts ntsw
Wtakjagtop w a1dbtgtop to Fu F 0JL 2Iproal48It 2Iproal48ItIt 3LIreaidenitoeeeaf PrcsWea PrcsWeaJtoottvoit
Jtoottvoit It and party rtr lMt 1enmf > Jaen ero M t 741 741oclbefc 74cid 741oclock
oclbefc cid dthlB this moraine for Philadelphia Phiiadelphiito
to attend aU N the Wnahtefton birthday ex exercjtoo exerQ1lelf ezrcio
ercjtoo o at the Unlrbr UnitotoKy ity of Penneyl Penneylraaiawhere PellHylyuJa Penneylvaaullar
yuJa vaaullar raaiawhere where h he win dettver an ad adi addrill d ddr
dr drill i to totbe the students aW a where th thdojfro tbtdgre tbdrOot
dojfro drOot dot doctor 61 t laws will be con conforrod CODterred confrrd
forrod an him A email nifl crowd wai waiat WIUat at atat
at thosnoop the sttkm tIon to sea oo qo the preeidont pr8lridentoU pr8lridentoUnUt off offTho offThe
nUt Cloth will arrtro In Phlladelphij Phlladelphijat
at 10UO IO 40 O Wednosdar Wec1n a1momng a1momngMflUon morning morningMillion morafngMiliion
Million Dollar Fjfe In fnLon London LondonLOUdon tonponLbrtddtt on onIAlul
LOUdon IAlul Il Feb 23 J31oIIa x31 Loa o g Acre cre tht thtcenter thtctlter thecenter
center center ctlter 9t the motor car carnd Und carriage carrlaeInduatary carriagenduib1 carrfagtlndustxf <
Induatary of this tJ111c1ty city wa WQ the seen seenof SCeJ14or scentat
of e olaaatrous fire today raoultlng li Isdamege lidamage 11damap
damage Ao timatdd ootimated at 1250000 U OOOOHIl1I OOOOHIl1Idro Hnn Hnttdrods Hnndreda
dreda dro of automobiles which whf h had taut Juslbeen 11I11been tautbean
been ro r turned from the oxmotpr race racewhich r rw racer racerwhloh
which w Joh closed t lCd Monday wore doitro atroThort e ed edTboro L LThere
There wore some oxqltlng escapes ol oltenantjt 01tenkntl oftenknts
tenantjt who oocaplad flt4 fldta above ikt iktloe i iw thtWarehauiee
Warehauiee w rha6 I Iloe tlog
loe Block the tijeisIssippl tijeisIssipplNatolgz Mississippi MississippiNattf MtJIIlul pl plNat41
Nattf Natolgz l z 3Ils 111 Miss rob 28 28For For < the thtfirst th thfirst thetiNt
first wire u in six st yoj y navIgaUon nav gat1op botwoen be betwo betwoea
twoen two fetchez ftitchez tchez and VIok VfoUblighaa VfoUblighaabOln Viokrbtirg bHrg hoi hoiboon hatbeen
boon suspended yttt ponded ended on account of floating floatinglee flofitinaice 1I0 t1nt
ice T r1ti td river Is I filed with lee from frombank froJDbapt frombatik
bank to ta jaak ank The flood Is f the hoar hoaploit hoaTlat hoarlent
lat In bt80 40 o rears ear Tko ferryboat Bay flayon Bayou Bayou ¬
ou S v i AtchCat1 Atchfal ya and Ouaohfta Ouaohftarlvor OUlohftarly Ouauhftariver
river rly r i iltets t runJng ruDIn south out ol olNttehiz 0 0N ciNateheia
Nateheia Nttehiz N bfin nfay be held hetd up ori accountof accountofIpe acaount 0 0tPt
Ipe Ip
If 4he 4h Baby bY Is Cutting CutUn teeth teethBeBur TeethBe TeethBe
BeBur Be surd U and nd uBothat use that old and well welltrlotl welltriad oU oUtrhMl
triad remiay romi y Mrs Wfirslowa Sooth Soothing Sooth Soothing SoothIng ¬
ing Syrup for ohildron teething tC8th > It Itsoothes ItlOo
soothes lOo hel the tl child chll softens th the gumiallays KUmSaUays guns gunsallays
allays all pam cures auras wind collo and Is Istho Istho Isrho
tho bMt b rethedy for diarrhoea Twin Twentjftvi TwntiJtn Twindive
tjftvi dive coots a bottle bottleWoman bottleWomcm bottleWoman
Woman Killed on Trestle TrestleSp > iSparl
Sp Sparl 13 partr rtuimrc inbtii < lnOsI 8 C Feb f3thoUttaCoroner 18 J3AaUIi J3AaUIiCOtoult AoUa AoUaCoronar
Coroner Holt kts aa held an InqHMt M aver oveitbo Q111thi averthe
the totMiUns rflIulneqt 1nrColrlc ot Corrio HaniS liana HIIUcmO HIIUcmOWUm ttl a wfce wfceWM whcran
WM WUm tttft over OT Ud Jtdtd11ed d killed by b1ttieGJeDJI b1ttieGJeDJISprinp tbo tbeG1n tUona tUonaSprings > t tprIOgs
Springs trate tr The MI tragedy occurred occurredon oeeutredon
on the abort trostto U tIt1e between the SOUth Boutborn SOUthern Southera
era depot tat aMf1Ie ° tbo C aid hi W WD WDUOD C eta statlon etation
tlon The Th wofltan woiun was wa walking alkta the Cbttrack t1attraek thetrack
track and continued her way wa wathe acroe uet0ethe acroetho
the trestle despite tb the tact that th thtrain tit tlaftralA tittrain <
train was approaching mea it itaotred itDeUed 11Heated
Heated ber oho made 1 4 an effort to 91 91run optrun L Lru
run it but flU f U tad before the tbeliar on ongfnovr fatgtasr
liar coul4 caul orUit bt Alit l train to it ushe Jtor Jtorno 11 11e
she no e bad boom b AtMbod to death bo bsheath bonoatb b bt1l
heath t1l the wb whetl wheels 0 of the Ua engine Hal Henface K Haltaee i iface
face was AI utB ut uttlated Ud e4 beyond roooga rooogatlon reaopi reaopilion reeo reeotime
Pe1 pe QN Ir1 Food FoodPenhlpi FoodPerhaps
Perhaps yi y Ji10 tlelil itart raaltwthttt tmllm 1 tbfc Uta many manypuln man manpaiD manypain
paiD poisons btiflnAU e4t ht your JourtMMI food but Uatsome butlome butrst
some day ydtt mT feel l a wring wringdyspepsia of ofdyspepsia Itdllpepala
dyspepsia that th will oonrlnoo 801 yo you ro Dr OrKfngKowUf DrNew DrRfnga
KfngKowUf Rfnga New LIlt Pills are x pUa pUato geartnted geartntedto UM nto d dto
to care alt iHAneos d die to 0 potsoo of ofundlRfsted orUIIU ofundigested
undigested UIIU t toot od 4r r awwy > back taeat tie c cat
at all drug sftttsY elr Tiy trrt trrenounf f eTh eThthnourrt i ii i0noun
i I
0noun enounf I leokef Nke WSltiilngton WSltiilngtonNew W hlfteten hlftetenf
New f Yorr Yorfc r b U CHUetmtn ol ofBoos oluhtafteB 0 0Jk
Boos Jk > oJr er T hIi uhtafteB sad n loei IDeldtaI lucldeetally < onUI onUIly
ly oi rrfdo Pr tint t Bno ftSYSIt TIt t by b th tl the Bet BetDr Be BeDr RevDr
Dr nieric ClH clJ i dtorrta Hmr in tb the bt Movnt MovntOti lounlOliva loan loanOU
Oti Oliva t Viaitttt tta b t ckoreh African dean it itYo 1a11n4t
11n4t W Yo t Finyttil Fifty ttr street et ftt has caned < utm < i igtvst tgrnal I IIat
gtvst ui ulm > ro fjiMOM ASS a larr > sodknct sodknctof II
of nfjmxs tn th the atdst tdst of o which w hith twc tyreworut twcwomtn tcwonltn
I womtn n rlt raintati ititit In i > Dr Morrts t rrt rrts IK ip paatoi paatoiof j
I of th AbyoindUfe Boptint church churcnHI chiarelli churchNtr
j HI lib < rrmsrltl tehleh W > Wert yeti frrqucntU frrqucntUtnterrupttM trrqlhnlbtDtrruPht frrgttrntltMerrupttit <
tnterrupttM Von it t hlwes and crt crtof craw crawof i
of Out OufraK raget Utter h be was M Mn 4 4nounocd I IJWlaned
nounocd n uned by a Mbe wnh r of rera1mea c rera1meal1m rs7m a ltd nnlhoale ltdlJmea
l1m lJmea D I I II II II I
n 1turM iharrttin
I I Itt
in tt tu taint 5S1lred aDd pttr perfeetly perfeetlyhrakd ll lltH
hoale tH I l by Rttotto 180 BeerdiSa t Aratot Ana 8 Sah 8alre lre 0 0KivnSatk 014Tk 0nlrark
KivnSatk nlrark 14Tk 4ft Jel1o j1 Norfolk VnrHt Va writes writesI ri riutpt o
1 burnt utpt my 11 kale dwsdfollf ddtDItb that Itblirter it itbl I Ib1lflnd
bl b1lflnd > u > rd d all U Nor Bockl 6uaklns o AmisS ArnloftSaiv AmisSe t tall
Saiv all e < ntt trPf41 > rp pd i to tM pein P1 OB and 4 < healoi bealelllf II IIa
< < < a c tit fM t Alto t heals all Uo UoalII wooo4s wousdsand wooo4smui
and alII M or > r < fte at all druggists d
t r r Ill h < ft ftDo
Do you pin your hat to your our own hair hairCant hairCut hairnt
Cant nt do i Havent enough hair h ir it I t 18 must rau t be 1 you OU do notknow not aotnow notnow
know now Ayri Hair Vipr V Vi c Here Heres ai I0t1 introduction io tCdon Mar the theicuitaMce teeacq
icuitaMce acq C rcatrit re U 9 b l IIeIvy tvy vp trovth n wth ol rids thick thickvt tbiekhair thickhdr
hair I vt bow VM trill w l never Ye be bea bersy rsy rsyW tJr tJro
> > o 1 W i 1tt S t x XV1 r ft 4 4w 4ii t i 1iJ 1iJiVp
> lf
< iVp
I c rf rft1
t1 rJ F 1
r1f IYoi If You Y u Are Insured InsuredIn nur nura a
In a aQqp Oompany Q PaJ1 pany tbai tha ft Responsible Res ti ontfbI fbI t Have a Policy Correctly CorrectlyWritten Corre CorrectlyWritten tly tlyVritL
C Written VritL n With Vie ieJa Wbarality Llboral ity of Policy Contact O uaet and the Company CompanyPays Campa CampaPys CompanyPsya
Pays Losses Promptly PromptlyYou Promptlyi PromptlyYou PromptlyC
C You Are AssuredThat Assured
1 That norf no saripus > loss ltIOSB can ovoroome ororoo ne iQu yqu withodt withottE i hoi you have some somerofuge loeru somerefuge
refuge rofugej ru refugeFU e
i iYll
Yll j Ufuj I IHone Aooi Aocidet 11t an gild HealtbInsnrooc0 HealtbInsnrooc0NOlIe ioalth iiisuraiice C CIlene
Hone but i Reliable Rellable ellable Oompanias Oom oiei Represented RepresentedInformation nepre ntd C CCt1SH
Ct1SH AN aILL ILL ILLInformation
TAB M GRAHAM President GEO W HYDB Vicepresident VicepresidentTEEE VicePresidentTHE VicePresidentTllE
t tTHE
Oapttal Oapjt i 5000000 5000000Surplus 50OOO OO OOt OOSurplus
1 1SurpluB
Surplus and Undivided Profits 25000 00 00Doe 00Doe OoDoes
Doe Does extJtaslveljr a oanklnK IMU1I 1D5 btulnesa with iKdHUoc equal iual to ROT bank In the tb State Solicit Solicittbe SoUcbe Soliettthe
the Beodunu ac l1nta of r Faraoci BAI1 OfI Merchants OorporaUoos etc fa I Iatarastaliowea west allowed aUoweby
by apodal In aiiecialarraaccneet cf l nrranecme t Alt bufllnow tranfiagtod tratB atod tad proflt Droerpttr Droerpttrill tly tlyH Ii Iia
H E TAYLOR Cashier CashierTake Ouhterr OuhterTake
Take The Atlantic I ntic Coast LI Line LineFOR ne neFOR D DFOR
11 VlnDunonV Via VI Via 11 Via VtaPO VU VUDltnon VaDatpnt
DunonV DunonVor Dupont Dupontor Jup a PO POStoamsblp P O Dupoat Du Ont or orJackvlBe oror
N t th E t S th W t
111 or JaoksBvlMo Jauksn or orJaoksBvlMo iUo as JaokwnvIMe or i iJaokwnvIMe on ViA Steamship IJno es JackvlBe JackvlteiJauksn Montgoelerr Montgoelerr1apid onlrOlen onlrOlenapid ftai il 1
3 1apid apid Transit and Unsurpassed U nsurpJ ed Service ServiceDepart ServiceTim ervicoTama
Time Tab Tab a In effect e < < let Jan JanS TanS 811 811Depart 1906 1906GAINESVILLE 9Ofi 9OfiDopart
Depart For GAINESVILLE GAINES E Arrive rriveFrom rriveFromI From Froa845pm
845pm 845pm12i40pm 8145 p pin In High Springs and Inter Intermediate ¬ 880 8 00 am amDaily a m mD mT
D T ny mediate Points PointsOcala Daily Daily840pm Dally1240V Daily240pm
1240V 12i40pm Ocala Luosburg and Tampa and andIntdrmodiato 840pm 840pmBally 8 f1Opml O pm pmUy
l > ally Uy < Intdrmodiato Points PointsPalatka Bally DaU DaU1OOpjU DailyfOGp
1OOpjU fOGp n Palatka Pal ka Daytona Jackeonvillo JackeonvilloKQrtUi Ja ksonviUo 0 150pm 150pmany 1tjpmDaily 150 pm pmDaily
Daily any North East and West WeatHigh Daily Daily8il5pm D Daily1ps15i 1J1 1J112dtilm
1215 12dtilm a in inDafly i RfBhPrtltssWayUroH High Snrlujga prlttgsWayeroesSevRnnahBrunswick wayoroM Savtmnah SaY nnah Brunswick BrunswickAllMiiy 8il5pm z15pmDaily 8il5pmDally 1115 pm pmnatlA1bttU1
Daily natlA1bttU1 Albany Atkata j tal all Point WorthBaafe North Rash Jlu West Dally DallyDally Dallyf Daily11p
I a15 = 11p pnt tn 9 III am amDatb > xi xiDaily
RoeboUe ileiwpy utl py and Oitra
Dally Daily DailyHI DaU DailyIail
1 = 10 rJI 720pni 720pniDafly 7 pm pmnaDI n
Iail Iailrn naDI Bilk HI H Springs 7Daily 7Dailyexlliulatay Daily Daflyex DailyuUPtUr +
uUPtUr ex Sunday SundayLine SaoollIn6irlbaJtpaW Sundaytattle
In6irlbaJtpaW tattle eltaa ble Mileage TiM Tickets good ovarlOOO over 11000 miles of among the prin princlpalra prineipal
clpalra eipal rallwayi wan 1n the Southern States art on sale by the prIBolpalasen prIBolpalasenhroup prinolpal agents agentsfihnwgh
hroup Pullman sleCl sleeper er Port Tampa lImpa to New York vii Atlantic Oout OoasiLin OoutLbiIJ
LbiIJ Lin Line also via Ia Atlantic Coast Line and Southern Railway
For complete information oall on onJ onJ onJ
J A GOOD QOODWIN VJN Ticket Agent Gainesville GainesvilleAddrofta OalncsvilleAddr GainesvilleAddress
Address AddroftaFRANK Address1VRAIa1K Addr AddrlfRA1Ut
FRANK O BOYLSTOK Com Alt W WoD D STARK Tray Pass Agt dgtlie
lie 18 W Day at Itz Astor Mor BnihUng Enlidin JacksourfUt Fla FlaH kola trIa trIaB y
H L1 M 30ISE80K R8OI twtf 1 raf ifgr fgr cr fy V J J CRAIG OR G bon Gu Paw Pa Agt
Wilaahygtoi lh l1O K 0 WiJmlagtonWO Wilmington X O
F rr
Sacd Y01lr Z oc r Order to toTHE toI boTHE
l J I Ir
r Jll Irw
I l FaySholes FaySholesi FttySholess
t Typewrlier TypewrlierA w ri s er ert erAcE1
A AcE1 owLDlJm owLDlJmI
f ft i Has Tabulator Tabulatoroh
UnlYfltSAl nDOAKD 111 I E En OH
L IlL I UW4ILI1 Uir Every v Machine MachiDeithtat MachineIKhir
n J o c cI
IKhir I ht shift hifc Ughtott LiP K Itstinisg Mis Tko TkoCharipk TheChampicn
Champicn R Sp ttpeed W Wrftos of the Went WentCie WotWTM W Wtl
TM the tl Fiyghoke fS Fay t3Lelet Uo Fny8holof hJ tAtoles f fPI In Inis
PI is f u III I ailtrTills irrni HUM a any other vonohioo vonohiooFor taeebleeFor w
1 1For
For Sale 1 h hI by >
I TAB Sill StliwTllle ft P1 P1i
I i
l >
n < Jt II r vIJU I T
1 < tit I

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