OCR Interpretation

Gainesville daily sun. (Gainesville, Fla.) 190?-1938, March 22, 1905, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of Florida

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn95026977/1905-03-22/ed-1/seq-2/

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II 1 I fIi
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2t f R Rl
i Met to Certify Certifyto to Nominee f fComing fir firComing forComingCufiielpal
Coming ComingCufiielpal Kunieipal 9ici Election Electionj ElectionALDERMAN El j On OnALDERMAN
i t
Law Says Hfc H Cannot Ca nt RprtOIt RprtOItand Repre Represnt nt pltr pltrand ity ityand
and Oourtty at Same Time and asH asHHolds asHas asHasHolds SH SHHotds
Holds Two Offices it Was Necessary Necetfsarto Necdaryto
to Relinquish One OneThe On OnTh OneThe
The Th City Council met lu Racial sea sesslon seaslon
1 lion slon Tucsdsy Tw edey night for the purpose o ocertify of ofoer Ofi <
i 7 e oer oertUping certify iJ InK to th I the he nominees fur the oom ooming uomlug
3 lug municipal muul lpl campaign campaignTher CAtnpagllThrH campaignThere
There Ther was a full board pr prc preernt > rit with uiththe withl
t the exci exception ptlon of Alderman PedrwkI Pvdnuk Pvdnukwho P driuk driukwho
l + who was attending the K of P lodge lodgeAldrrmnn lodgeAJdrmnn lodgei
i Aldrrmnn Pdrick red rick was WI Indifferent Indifferentabout fndifltrentabout Indifferenti
Ci about the matter because of the fact factthat fAcethat faetthat
that he has bl discovered di covlmd that HH he in not notentitled lIotentitled notentitled
entitled to sit upon the Ira council III an analderman analdtrman analderman
alderman since ho in I now representing representingthis rfpre enthl j jthis
this district as a county commlesionatAlong commissioned commissionedAlong commission commissionAlollJ
Along with the th other busine s wa4 w altsresignation th threeignation tb1 tb1reiJUHation
resignation of Councilman Pedrlck Iedrlokgether 1tdrloktb 1tdrloktbget111 b bIfelher
Ifelher r with the Ih reason of his hf actionThere action antlonTlure antionThere
There is a clause in the Law 111 of ofFlorida orFloridA OfFlorkia
Florida which fully provide A that no nocitic nocltizfn ltocitizen
citic citizen n i hall represent olflcsiHlly a 1 mu municipality municlpldity municipality ¬
nicipality and a oouoty at t the same sametime umetiml sametime
time and as s Mr Pedrick P riok is an U1llder U1llderman alder alderman alderman ¬
man and a member of the Board of ofCounty otCounty ofCounty
County Commissioners ha h felt that it itwan ItWAil itwas
wan a duty dtHyh ho owed owadto to the city to re resign rlsign resign ¬
sign Tha resignation r Bi nntlon was accepted acceptudunder acceptedunder 8GOptudUtldlr
under tho dontiittona but there was wasnot wa waDot wasnot
not a i member of tho oounull who did didnot didnot didnot
not regret ft Councilman TPsdrlok lifts liftsbeen hllIbeen hnebeen
been n f fftttltfnl and ootttolantlops ootttolantlopsworker oonsolonttcuuworktr > I Iworker
worker nnd hit influence and energy energywill onur energywill u uwill
will b bft greatly missed mieflodOn mlBRotlOn missedi
i On Tuoeday tnornitil morn It it seemed that thatthere t thntthero nt ntthero
thero would Quld be little or no exoitotnont exoitotnontin excitomctitIn I IIn
in the race for aldermen but tho inu muniolpal inunlolpnl I
+ nlolpnl politicians will be OB lt happily dis disappointed dlsappointed disappointed ¬
appointed There are ro four alderman aldermanto
t r R i to beeloctod be Gloatod and the candidates num number nurnber num number ¬
ber six as friends of Dr j Harrlion HarrlionHodges BarrhonHodgl8
1 Hodges And H 15 Benson yesterday yoatordayciroulntod Y08tordayciroulRtod yesterdayeiroulntod
ciroulntod petitions and prcnunlod prcnunlodcanif
Faint to the council when they wqro wgrer wqroduly QfO QfOduly
r duly cert ctrllftld fled Tho law requires requirestwontyflva rotJulroltwnntynn requiresf
f twontyflva names on uath h peUtlon peUtlonbut petJ peUtfonbut fol1 fol1but
but both oontnlr oont oontdnud fhod od many more which whfoltwas whichwas blah blahwal
was evldotictt ehJ ulIi of thtt flh thus popularity of ofthese oftbue ofthese
these guntiomou guntiomouThere IlmtlomuuThere
1 There are af to b he tour aldermen aldermenoleoted aldrmonj aldermenelected
j elected of the following Nominees aomineeaA t tA IA
A M Cuihmani I L 0 Lynch tynoliW
W B Taylor TI110r1 J B Padgett J Har Harrison ElarrllOI1 hirrison ¬
rison Hodges H HE IS Benson Messrs MessrsLynch MillrLynch 11etsrsLynch
Lynch and Taylor have served tho nlty nltyfaithfully nlt1nithrull nityfaithfully
faithfully nithrull in their aUUrmanlo poai poaitionrf poaltlonlf poeltiond
tionrf 6r and l Ire oanUldatoa for realao realaotlon falootlon realoe
tlon All candidates n ldlte1 ar are competent oompetontand oomptHQntand competentand
and worthy bu bui > Inaimnah as ouly tour fourare fo tourarll i iare
are to be elected It must InU naturally be bertduod b bI IM IMreduced
I reduced to tt personal prefernnse prefernnseTim pretereneThe
Tim rtilgnatlon of Alderman Ptd Ptdrlck Pedrick Pdrick <
rick rick will neosisitats a ipiolal Ittlion Ittlionwhich lestlonwhich Liona Lionawhioh
which must bet b oalM by a proolamR proolamRtlon proo prootou
t tlon tou from the tit mayor Title lcUou aletioai lcUoucannot 1loaaAnno
i cannot be held within thirty daysbeue days dayshence dA11118D08
hence U will m b be necessary to 0 call a spa spaaial Iptelal spaI
I aial election et Llon for thu purpose nr f fllltaj fllltajthe IIU IIUthe f fls flsf
f the nnexplred nOlx lrtd t term term rin of Alderman Pod Podrlek ledflak Padrick
flak rlekThret
Thret candidates w wers r ft eertifled fo fowarshal for formbatoh fomarahtOhas
> warshal mbatoh 0has Plnkoson R A Au B ek ektraadDarid eki
i u traadDarid aaLl Daid A Robertson Th Tba Tbafor Thr rat ratfor rs
r for marshal nanhaIIJromls promise i somthiitg M hhl title titleettlng lu lutin nw nweeting
ettlng tin although the campaign IK I pr prgrsssing 119 119ftNtln p
grsssing on th the most mot friendly terms rma
ti The Passion Play V Ean 1 lrt4lrr lrt4lrrAt tow red d 1 fitf Btwt Btwtfit seer seerAIrE
fit AIrE iff F irThe S SThe IThe
The Passion Petty of Ob Obf Obfnltla + ntmmtrma ntmmtrmaBavaria ratanterEtuBavaria
Bavaria wllii IOa all allhid wortng pltHinw pltHinwvivid pielirweh
vivid eh hid ld dvtttlnUrt Itttart ami I apfionri apfionriat 101 101muI
ate at musical muI itltolloai will bo MI b Nrtttml Erseatteel Nrtttmltd
I td Friday Frida night Mnrck MIa Ks Ub Hi tits ttoopvra titsopera H
1 opera houie houieNothing bouteothh
I Nothing > othh g Hat k InttrttttA ht ntiMl the U i rtiiglotn rtiiglotnworM 11111 11111i Ilgleasworld
worM orlel so o math at this a btantlfvi nU1 r rUgioui rt rtUiota
i I Ugioui Uiota drama tl of the tit lift of the tIuloar tIuloarraadrted Barloar Barloarai ttriottras
ai rendered tvery nr tM t < m y years an IN h that thatlitil thatr haLlint
r lint litiln tanuAB u vlllagt ll1I awl thousands thoosandiof
of peopl have travtitd T fWMi he all parts jMrtsot partsof rfil rfilof
of the eiviUasd world to wilsioM wi wiIIbJim laliTh title titlesublime
sublime pretntataUoe pretntataUoefhe
Th fhe AthWtta t h 1 AssotlaUoall IoIIoa It Itha fortwutt fortwuttlu
lu siMsuriujt ulult Mr r Fowler to Ifw Ifwtaf9 fltt Olih t 4l lot lottart Matune
tart with his sl famous kswrta wovUif ittHtrtt ittHtrttand a1Mud OMrs OMrssad
and at e Mr Fowlr has pi pittiliHd 1 1PuI60e Msd < < M MPattkNi 00 00i
i PattkNi PMs oe Play PI over 01tke two haadrtjii Uma Umaiht MHs MHsthe
the audiraee udi U assured of a Mil Inpoo tunnel tunneletaplets aslootiiiltO
ootiiiltO de dtteriptioo wrlptioc poo of tttry rJ rJaM ItMttnx ItMttnxand ttbMtutw3
w3 and saai ttttat ttttatTho
i TIM T i Pltttoi 1 May embratet b all 11 the thtprtfttisml u uI they
I prtfttisml pri > Ileeee f nee a from fro ih at atWI shpMt Utahtrdt Utahtrdtwateta s swathlal
wateta wathlal WI tfeir if flattest doe ducks at aiffht Ia Iai to tkt tktgrat4 sit siti
i paid 1 trittnpfcal tWapbaa Miirr 11 Into Jr J Jrasa Jrasalm ta talemtkt
lemtkt 1 lm tile trial of tat Mair earrytstg earrytstgthe laJ laJtbe
ht the ttt SUMS ibs M ftfttmotkon Iu arottoa aDd At Atc A AI
I 1 ernetda c > MtfMi 011 Ml all HNMjrfour Jfoll r liftHkt hf hft htellbrtit
rtit a e Lad tillltatt tillltatto t
0 u oe eaa tt1at Ie akR t f fll R Iad Iadintr
ll intr IsMM tI eaa er rI rIi rIlt1 12 12t 12i 12t lt1 lt1x lt1a74
a74 t
< aTS O
Mb btu Julia M Beu Overworked Ov rWQrk8d and andNervous andNervous andNervous
Nervous Tells of Her Rernarkble Remarkable Remark Remarkabl
abl able ble Our by Vfnol VfnolHoar VlnolA VlnolliON VinolHoav
Hoar many woman right rlh horn horoGllntllvditt in ioGain inGiinvcviHrt
Gain GiinvcviHrt viiia are in her condition ondi on draR dragsing draRaing draRnl
sing nl nut n weary w lry existence They art artliot xrenot art artnot
not liot sick t iok enough to lit u l lu bed but they theyHreoverworked tlu theyare y yJire
are Hreoverworked Oufurkd ttr tired < i oo rundown rundownthin run rundownchin down downI
thin I n JwrvolJ Tvoiw nSU iitUfrrnbV tnlllftbtflSu Such SuOha Suchwniii h
wniii a 1111 nnir Ti will lp interested In Miss Ii BtuY oeuaIi BtuYlifter ui uiI
lifter lifterMi I Ii Ltcr Ltcr1I r r rIi
1I Mi Ii r nu lu > ii writeaj I was uer ut neticpu9 neticpu9r ua USIInd uaand
and wrtvk Ilk having linin constant lieHtlftttfyei lieHtlftttfyeiaid lu heft adjf4fte r 41ioe 41ioeand a aBlld
aid Oiii hilt general glUfA worn outov outoverrrpriied outoverrrpriiedtiredniltiietlmu rtf r i rktd rktdiir J1edu
tiredniltiietlmu iir < iMllih u lIin thnu feeling Vinpl illn lWN lWNr tips tfpjtretiommpinied tipsr
r retiommpinied mmt > lIIltd to ma ft II a ti wdndsrfol wdndsrfoljod wondrtu1tlJ
t < jod + xi liver oil reitoratim torAtIA for weak tired tiredavum tirtdwiifn rd rdrnn
wiifn rnn n I trl tried d it I and lId it has hR ui ultcl utlide d HII HIIentirely anontirely iUontirdy
entirely different person of inf t am amwell amell am amwell
well ell and strong and eau do domy jfpy q workwith work workwith work workwith
with ease find nndythhont andyvithontfatfguai jvlfhoot fa lafau fgu vJiglvoB vJiglvoBme tglvosme Lglvo8 Lglvo8me
me great plaafford ploa brG urAi W rtaoiinftiiilYJnol rtaoiinftiiilYJnolto Jt a 1utarli1Vtnol 1utarli1Vtnolto
to overworked tired nervous women tfomunRB
I Iwonderful
RB I believe b lIiVO it I fa without An an 1 1 equal in its itswonderful it itwonderful
wonderful ruatoratire ru toratln powers powersMr p powersMr WOrBJI WOrBJIMr
Mr W M Johnson our well known knowndruggist knowndroglflst knowndruggist
druggist slates stat thnt Vinol never ne1 neder r fail
to t t4 cure our and build up such s ch woman andho and andho Rndho
ho offers to every one in Gainesville Onineaviliohealth Gainesvillehealth GainesvlJlohealth
health and strenth if they will but tryVinol try tryVinol tryVinal
Vinol ou his guarantee Sl ran e Jieonuso Beo uso Vinol Vinolcontains VinaloontlI1I8 Vinolaontalna
contains the aatlto Rcitl o curative principles principlesof
of ood liver oil n actually aa lally taken t ken from fromfreeh fromrreBb fromfresh
fresh oods liven it works in harmony harmonywith harmonywUh harmonywith
with nature makes rloh red blood and andstrengthens andItrlng andstrengthens
strengthens Itrlng hlns In a natural tnnnnor ovary ovarymuialft overymutola everymusols
muialft nerve and organ in the body bodyIt bodyIt bodyIt
It t la the grtatoat greatest vludixer Tludi r and strength strengthcreator IttrllllCthoroAUJt etrengthcreator
creator known to mutlloliio mutlloliioIt
It gives nt new li w life and strength to theaged the theagod thogod
aged god It cures stumaoh troubles hard hardoolda 111maulds hardcolds
colds hanglngOti ooiiRli roatoroa f88 or08 lot lotappetitti loat81PlLltll ledappetIts
appetitti and gives RI a strength to the theoonraleaoent thaIf tboQon
Qon oonraleaoent oonraleaoentIt fa ledont ledontIt
It it It falls to give aatlstaetlou MrJohnson Mr MrJohnson r rJohnson
Johnson agrees Rlf to t thtuttftUy doUy refund refundthe rrnndLb refundthe
the Lb purehase moneyOPERATION money moneyI monerOPIR
Man lturad Injured at t Eddliw add dIns MQI Mill Oompelled Oompelledto
to Undergo Operation OperationJ
J H Morton 01011 the man m who was a therletla the thevletlm
vletlm tl of an aooidtat ldeaL at 4he be mlU of theEddins the theSddlof theWill
Sddlof Will Haattf MnoufxeWdatS rwrlIK t r1 R Company Moo MooUj Ddoaday WooW
< Uj resulting rlLta in a dangerous rojUwre rojUwrewas e etrue
was towntllwl eoap lld to umlnrgo uld an operation operationfor
for strangulated nermlan Tuesday Tuesdaymorning TII41A TII41Araili
morning raili HM Dfttratlon l1ttOR was per performed pertraed performed
formed at his boifts ho1t1 liy Dr J Harrison HarrisonHodgtt
Hodgtt 8 aiilttttl MI by oilier nhyetoians nhyetoiansof
of ih thII1 thII1Dr the city cityDr lty ltyDr
Dr Hodges Hod mted that the patient nattontbore patieRtbof9 patientbare
bore up II remarkably wU w under the Lb op opration optt opratuott
tt ration which was < MM of the ilia moet aMI
dleu dlmeult dlffleulibe b be h had d nil rer performed pertorteIt1t else elsethe l lihv
the t1t slomaeh had to 0 b be opened Th Thptllfat ThpaUf The Thepatient
patient paUf U yrt i tit > t in a critical condition eoadisiwtbee conditionbut aItIaI aItIaIbot
but may r worn wornrtBd rftorInade recoverPriced
Priced rtBd of Mr Morton lor a lutel d Easily Easilydply familjttoplf
ttoplf CMI deplore Iortl this Ihl wleforttto Ifott and aatdtruest andVrtMi RIICtNtt
truest Ntt that ha the Lb patient will m MMM MMMlitvuhiabh soarsorer M Mr MU MIua
sorer r
litvuhiabh Iua for Rheumatism RheumatismI
I hare I b bM bees M suffering QIrin for this tlitiinailmn nUitn past pastfew
tn jeers wl with s a Nttrflt attack kofrt kofrtAIMS of rba rbausat
inailmn usat AIMS ovmi that BiUUtiV Danartua 8 8Linimottt llniaw llniawLleist
Linimottt ua WM ih the only oaa thing tbha dust tit titMfutloa Ears Earsm g t twe
we m MUtUeUoe and traded lad ta Matot aUtt aUttau alircwt
au mj print Xarvh MI Seth h ItOI 1 Salts J JO
0 Daises Klnamim III IUa He HeandlU 1 1and
a and andlU SL tnUnrWMJohnwn tnUnrWMJohnwnK IDW 1t1 A M Jobasat JobasatEarat J Ia IaIarMM
K IarMM m l Workers S solely solelyThe l ty tyTho tyawn
The a ntaabrs b awn r of the Eanao Kam 1 i Rrdlt Rrdltarttlodty Wo Woart W WWI
WI arttlodty of lb b Pbwriata shestl shestlU
U art tt t qmtd 9noM d to 0 ttaet Mt at 1 ih u sktsnis Ntlll NtllleI reidssof r sktsnisf
eI f MMaO X 0 O O n + driek riflk that ht wetaMIsyhsnto WtdkM WtdkM4ij >
4ij Isyhsnto 111 tfltfiMKNi at 4 oclock M tom k Mbttelaw kbojlntu IIof
bojlntu of ltaportauee l I O ortane to 0 be t atunded atundedto u uM
to MM M 0 C rsnaitnc Not
j New York Woman Wants Her SM SMto SeJCto 8eacto
to Form Labor L bor Organizations OrganizationNew OrganizationsNew
New York March 21To 21 To organize organizethe
the working worJd women of New York Intc Intca Int < i ia
a union and to inaugurate ina Igurate an aggre aggregive JrKtessive 5ggresgive
give campaign in their behalf MissGertrude Miss MiwGertrude MissGertrude
Gertrude Barnum dugbterof daughter iau bUr of Wil William William Williant
liam Blmulil B mum formerly 9 jodse in inChicago inChlcIO InChicago
Chicago and who spent some year ru ruthe D Dthe nthe
the a settlement ttl me t work of Hull house houueiq hOUliieh
iq h i > t that City hM opened headquarters headquartershere
here on on t the th lower Ea East t Side As sec secroUry sectAry secrotary
rotary tAry of the women trade unioft unioftleague uaiobleague uni < m mealue
league ealue Mia Id111s Bamura um baa balled a con contereooe CODreruC8 contereooe
tereooe to b H heW next summer when whenthe whenthe Whenthe
the protto protJJeia pt of t iworJt111wom work woriting tag women will willbe 18111be willbur
be 4U tisot oat4 tlil t1 J 3i r l t0Z80 gorsona orBona I from rom all gentst pan panoi gents p8mof
oi tM t couriers Jtr1 The general loUe l propotl propotltkm pf9polltioI1 prpposiflail
flail tkm b0L iv0Kat that puMIc opinion o lnloD should shouldtappon shouldiuppdrt houdJCJ
tappon JCJ It rOIifJon t l1tfona t it fonB in their efforts toorgaattlte to toorgaaljrt toorau
orgaaljrt orau iEli ESQ Irorklns klng women womenMil wo womenMl n
Ml Mil 11 UtcHltet declares that a quarterota quarter quarterof quarterot
ota of a alltionWbrlUng xnllMon d1l OnrirIt1ng worjtlng girls glr and wonren woa1enin wonrenIn w01lt8in
In New York aojer irons every poses poteible po posesble l lbl
ble bl jftdttttrlal Ja4U lal evil They f11e aw u shesays she sheam I e ert
says am rt treated unfairly work in mann uatanitarf mannfta ununital
itarf fta ital 1 pttjee P endure 8l ei 4ure long boll and andlow andlow andlost
low w Nt and there t1 re Is a nat amount amountdif amountOf mountl
dif l Irrtgular employment einployaientALCpHQL employmentALCOHOL loyment loymentALOOHOL
Declares Declar a Well Known French PhyslCtanDegsatracy Phy Physician ¬
I Isr
sician sr slCtanDegsatracy fan Dtftrieracy Dn cy Traced to to It ItNew ItNew I
Ne New York York JAjarch J Jr + Lrch 21 21AloobolY AloohoWsm if ifsteadily 111 111teadIJy issteadily
steadily becoming worst wor In France Francewhile JrrancewhJ10 Ihancewhllo
while H Is f disappearing dpp rln elsewhere ao according aocordJnl aocording ¬
cording to assertions erUonl made by Dr DrPoltou DrPoltou DrPoitou
Poltou Duplessy in a public address addresscables a44rellcal addresscables
cables cal tile Heralds Paris correspon cgrrespondent correspondent cqrreapondent ¬
dent The speaker Is a widely knownphysician known knownphysician knownpbytctu
physician physicianTo
To Oit tb drink + evil he said could couldbt couldbe couldbe
be traced the gradual disappearance disappearanceof
of the family acd the th deterioration oi oiracial 01raoJal ofraoial
racial tttrlbuteaGradual attributes attributesGradual ttrlbuteaOrad
Gradual Orad al degeneracy y is sure to result resultunless rOlultlnleu resultunless
unless alcoholism is t checked checkedDr
Dr 1 rjupJetay > dtol dolaredthat declared red that drink Ii Iia 1 1a Is Isa
a a primo factor in causing tub tubtreulosii tubtreulosiiand tubtreuloalland rculoaia rculoaiaatd
and tnadatss misery miler and crime The Thionly TheoRJy Theonly
only way to sueceesfwJly abate th thevil the theItvJl theevil <
evil lit h says a la to aroust aon tut t1 tli public publioonsdencf publleoond publicoonecieppe <
oonsdencf oond Tim law of social soliditrity soli solidarity 1011darlty
darity htsaid b lAid lt had d a scientific basewhleh base basewhjeh bANwbteh
whjeh Impostd hl OllMl a moral duty upon upoimembers uponmember uponmembers
members of society to defend themseines them themselves themHIII ¬
selves and their theirfollows fellows r l1owl from such 1M a amtnaodaa fImllaGO amuaaaras
mtnaodaa mllaGO muaaaras U that t11 thktwhich which wbl h alcoholism now nowpresents nowpre nowpresents
pre presentsLarge presents presentsLarge raLa raLalaroe
Large Sum Hinges Hlng on Letter LetterRaleigh Iotterbleich tetterRaleigh
Raleigh N C March 21 lndtnl 81tltsndin8IJa9ter lndtnlMuter ejtandln ejtandlnMaster
Master EXifffno Mare J 0 Cnrrconnsel Carr C Carrconned rr rrconnsol
connsel conned for bondholders and an rxJwdg rxJwdgC eia Judge Judgen <
C K Bryan counsed ter rat or Nuatluloin Nuatluloinera inlssloln inlsslolnora
era of On Onlo slow county count are here exca excatnlrg EJ exar4tnrg rA1 rA11Dr1
tnlrg records In the Ocslow Oil o ow county countybond eCluntybofad countyhofid
bond Ale cat In whlohike whloh Vhloht the comty sefks sefksto euktp etrkstr
to tr repalItfi r fpudfl < e fiOOOO 0000 bo71s boj a isu 1 lapped 1Md d un unU u ud u1drr
U drr < r aa tin act act et of 1585 According Accor ing to a aruilng Irui1t1 aruilag
ruilng rui1t1 la I the fb supreme FlI me court both the theeye t thece e ere
eye and d I the no vote t must b be < > record recordetf recordtt recordrd
etf In the tb K4g legsla1rf IaMir Ia lIrt when voting by b7H byn
11 c un i fir t r boll l1 l tsano I lu i bills b lLc In tra trai trsth
i i the th < 1 c vote Is t rcrorjij t > aal aalui anlLilt an i ituna
ui tuna ra l Ii i mark after aft r tht > no vcte vctev vctcthr V < tc tcS
v > M S thr > conrtycowmJfgJonws rourtrtommlf oonrt r commiseknera Jtn eon eont
t < nd la f ouly o ly n I cumi comma a and tb the bond bondholdtrs hopdhoi4m bondholders
holders fttttlrt is a Mt t Dignifying ont ontrotecaot OIUvote onevote
rotecaot vote CARt If they art ersrights right the bone bon4iar boIYsare boneare
are ar valiQ Talii unnor unr cr < r the helhs rating If it Is only onlya
a comma thru the bonds boa are no goodCASTOR good goodCASTOR roodCASTORIA
For Infants and Children OhildrtnThe OhildrenThe ChildrenThe
The Kind You Hava Ita a Always Bought BoughtBears BoughtBeara BoughtDears
Bears the thtSignature theSSptWa thef3lusture
Signature of ofUnknown ofUnknown ofUnknown
Unknown Man M a Msneltl to DeathWest Oath DtathWest OathWelt
West Pont rA March llTlle llTllehd d1TheWiled The Thettaagl
Wiled ttaagl hd d rtnftlna urna ns of osa aft uaknown irhitc irhitcMa bUt bUtth
Ma wile th fjujsl f + und this rid wftmlng naa 6cattrr scattered ttfT < yj yjtottc J Jte
tottc t te > t railroad IaC erMtfe from the tb ear earAtJd earto caraleg
AtJd to a distance dbtseca e fit N yards HeMNoad H HJfsAltostd He HeJI
JfsAltostd JI to aaft ha + N att Mpt ptect Ki t tt ttM to tobsid
tfUd t cat th o oet4s4 tg < ii iM4kt t train that thaiptVMt thatat thatw
ptVMt w here at I tJltJlMk 1 t M The Thttrate TheMsda Theafter
trate after BOOM stmtiig aa H Nfl NflIe ienthe n nU
U the Ie tfctd was mortal IM ntovwilt wtat Wi ana anato speed SIWHte speedpi
te order to make m Ijbt h toeltet elMs a abort aborttttUMM abortdlstie
tttUMM sh ahead kl east s IW hs tnfortwiatt tnfortwiattsa gafwtttaatetMa fortuattwu
tMa sa was thrown wtMrtjM wt wbeels cla and andiaslifd anddsfard
iaslifd Into rfruity t11I t11Iw M a tsvoBd tsvoBdHtfjt ueroadAt
w i iAt
At light lpht of k11at11 has tales QIMOI talesCltltituu
Cltltituu OI tsu A As sh I ItAt ItAtr At AtlgW to
Htfjt sear ciir r beve her aPt lgW J Jvrr iV iVWbraell I Id
Wbraell d dropped tw4 dsMoa ylewlag e1rla a aIJIpoY1Md ah ahptorled
IJIpoY1Md fOutt IplMiaK tckool rx rxSJM nOn cxee
ee Mte vrr > 1 pgl SJM 1I UI tn A It t In oa oai one O1trth oneausssa <
ausssa r slue t r pPv4 et tt g t 4ad 4adt
t u cNwtt 11m lt M the a rob bn bnr ry ryurns
urns i Mr r Voodalt tt Voodaltftrtoaalor wdsil coikseeat n trrt trrtperooakw 1 1tor
ftrtoaalor tor of t th lM e tetit l lung t r rra rradead 1 1a
dead seas a eaa
d V VYon
You can trust a a medicine tested 60 years yearsSixty yearsSixty yearsSixty
Sixty years y w of cxr expcnec > crtaK > t think of Uu < I Bx Hxpwioict i ee with withAycrt withAyers withCJ
Ayers CJ E Srtiti srMplriUa > triUg M tlM di orifliMil M Strstptrittt riw itro Itrocet ItrocetSarIIIpIC1Ial r eest eestStntptdttii
Fitt FittY
Stntptdttii OK S r p fflbi Ml tM l d t doctors OCbOtZ e ntarll dirM for tlti tltiWood thia thiablood
blood votk atrrct 1ft tacaWMKlM toMnsl I debllkr WIlly WIllyr1 lJCte
Y + + r Mll4rNR + H SFr + nyy M
r1 J Jlc
Womens en Headaches HeadachesL
L 54212 542 I2 Congress Congr Street StreetI StrootPORTLAND1IAtXK StreetPORTLND
I PORTLANDMAIXE PORTLND dLUxg Oct 17 1903 1903I 1 1Ioonsid
I Ioonsid consider r Wino of Cardui superior r to arr doc doctors 00ctars doctars ¬
tars medicine I ever used and 1 know wfctteof eo I If II Isue
f speak I suffered for nine months with withiU du ifflfces Jrtrtlled JrtrtlledmonltrDBtion rtieeed rtieeedmofteraation ed edtnontinmtian
tnontinmtian which completely completel1JX01tn prostrlwa ne ratePain net mePain
Pain would shoot through thr gh my back b ck and andldsa Hdca and I Iwould Iwould Iwould
t would have blinding headaches My limbs would wonldswell wOttldIwell wouldswell
swell up and I would feelsoweaklppjld feel 10 weak eak I Ipptld Id not potstand notstand notstand
stand up u I naturally natural felt discouraged dllloour for Iseemed I Iseamed Ieemed
seamed 1 beyond yond ond tho help h help of physicians out ut Wine Wineof Winer Vineof
r of Cardui came as a Godsend God nd to me 1 felt a aohangefortho t tI at
t I t ohangefortho obangeforthobeUerwithinawook better within a weak Aftermne Aftermneteen AfttlliDCo ternfne ternfneteen
Co teen days treatment tr tmont I menstruated without suf suffering aufferinjr sufforin ¬
fering forin agonies ag DI I usually did and andlOQt1 soon became becameWiae becamer becameregular
regular r and WIthout pain painWiae m mWhe
simplywOIderfl and I with ih tkatsll tkakallsuffer tkakallsuffering suffer suffering
Wiae o of Cardniis Oardui to s simply wonderful w er ering ¬
ing women knew o of its good qualitiesA qualities qualitiesd qunhtlelyU
d A Jfr yU iMw iMwTreasurer t tTreosnrar
a Treasurer Portland Bconomlo onomio Learns lxutHoadachofl LequCoHeadaches LearnsHeadaches >
Headaches are MO the danger signals of coming disease Both men and andnaina andwomen andwomen
suffer headaches but p portodical lodical headache e falls falls only to the lot of ofwoman y ywomen
women find is the uperring Tfug stg liIOf of irregular rregnBr monlltraationandbeerin monntrnatlonand b fUinR dog own ownins n nUsing
woman tq1l
Using ins Completelynrostrated Complotely prostrated prOltrated by by nine nlMmonthsof nine months Sn of f suppressed supppas uppr made lMdmenae manse blinded blindedby 6lindedDV n an
by headaches h daclMs and racked with painhealthy pain Mrs Snow was made a strong and andcases andh
healthy h 1tbY woman again Remember with Wino Wino of o Ctudui 110 case is hopeless hopelessbccnu hopelessbecause
bccnu because c this groot remedy cures pcrmnn permanently Uy nineteen out of every twenty twentyca twentycases
cases ca es and never fails to benefit a caw of irregular 1lT Iar menses bearing down downtrains downains downtsins
trains ains or any anrJemnlo female weakness If you are discouraged and doctors docto have havemean havefailed
failed Filed try Wino of Cnrdui and trY it now Remember that headache headachemean headachesay
mean female weakness Secure a bottle ofoWino of Wine y me of Cardui Cardui today todaydruggists tod today0J ay Y YAll
All 1 druggists nggia sell sell 100 100 bottles bottles of Wine of of Cardui CarduiZPIRIOIE CardulWINEoJCARDUI
AIj iii a aImr
EXPRESS PREPAID PREPAIDHatohetisPrime Full Quart Measure MeasureP
Par ParGallon P Or r Four Six SixQuarts Ix Per IerOatlolJ PeraalIon
Gallon Quarts QUart QUart8H Ca Cave CaveIiatobettsPrivste 1 1ItatoettPrlnte
HatohetisPrime Suwk SuwkHutohctfs 400 00 H 400 DO fO 040 0 00 00eo 112 t13r t13rUuWbetts It ItUQt
Hutohctfs UQt hett81hat8 Tbsts AVMskay AVMskayllaiohottsOM t 410 of j eo opo opoi a 00 li H 7 7atohott014 S SIIatohotte
llaiohottsOM IIatohotte Oki fire RreEureka 1st t 96 If 4 i 4 60 11 f fEureka F FIuroka
Eureka N 0 Apple BrMOy BrMOyN Dna 1 4 11 4 7 h 700 00 H 11t 11tN i iN
N 0 A Aiinle 1 + lebeads Brand BrtllICSr J 1t 486 486SCO oJ 9Eureka 9 1 1Eureka
Eureka Eureka Malt f 9 4 a SCO e 00 1c Z l lBureka1i a aEurekaIt1
Bureka1i O Peaob Peaorardr DralW1 4 k 1 700 70048B 00 11 m mN mN
N C PSMoh Flrandy Dland J II f 48B 4 Sfi s sEureka I it it1tureklNUCorn
Eureka 1tureklNUCorn N Corn 49 49Kuroka 4 II t + 7 7Eureka iI iIEureka
Eureka N C Corn tit X i 4 5O II IIUrekNOCorBS NEureka
Eureka UrekNOCorBS N C Cora XXX XXXKuroka X C 276 76 ra 0415 0415EurekaN li o oEureka
Eureka N C CCornXXXX Corn XXXX XXXXQklOrow X XX 2 fiO r It 15 r y yokiOrowiourbon vl vlld
okiOrowiourbon QklOrow ld Orow Bourbon BourbonSunny 460 4 W 4 111 Jt 1thermitage
Rrmttlllceur hermitage Rye 450 4 50 4 O t17 71 11 11unnyDrookn 1 5 5Sung
Sunny unnyDrookn D Brook ookSour Rjre RjreHOBO 175 1 I 1 b 11 j jun8
Sung un8 DroolcSour Mula Ill TI I I 11 11Doho u uEeboSpring
HOBO EeboSpring Spring SpringSffltVttlTOt 4lie I Y 4 eye 00 1 1SI1kV 1a 1aSnkVelvot
SffltVttlTOt SffltVttlTOtOak SI1kV 1tot boo 6 T TOaksnd J1 J1Oak >
Oaksnd Oak awl 15 4td tit e BW BWOIn CO 1 Z
Gin From 250 iiO to 850 For Gallon Delivered DcllvorfiaSure DeliveredSsve < ll1 ll1San
Sure twahf twely welTr tabtto lsbeknot of Hntobttte IlatohettaPrtvate Prirvte prf nt Stock S k and secure a Settle bot e free Sire SAVPtwelve SlIwele Sirewelve
twelve label or of 0 Uatoliatts teheus CM Rye and secure oure a bottle free Suva twelve twehllbel twehllbelawheu 3abet labels o onawheifs oitatehetta
nawheifs awheu Tbati W1n Wbuk Wbaker key r and secure a bottle free Save twelre twol Ubote labo of Eu KuN rb rbN Ii IiN
N C Cora and secure a bottle free Save twelve labels or Buroba N C Ai AIJ AIJraDdr ArrIkandr > r rIlraadr >
Ilraadr aDd aeoure oure one botUe free Save twelve labota of Emoka Malt and secure secureOBO secureone
one bottle froe fr prioaj riees aes of aU goods 0008 bought at oompanra store are Ito nor J tenon 1Wean Je JeIhBD J JUun
Wean wkea danvered N No charge for ju lugs boxes or drayage drara < < e All or ray bottles err urpfull lifffilII errrun
full GMUurc All standard brand of wkiskieatbld wkttldea ibM over my bar at lOOper lQo per drink drinkfroniMaavestforjrou drlnkI drlnkItro18 r rfrom >
froniMaavestforjrou from 15181811 lri leaves i for you ou AU wines WII1 1I quoted on application We ateo Oftrrr obeai cbealIqaortl ec ecliquors f fIkiuoru
liquors than t cue tboo quoted Quote Special price on large qunntittes peeked eked say BUCK iU iUrired l lred deBred
Bred red Money refunded if rouT arOO l not Mtlufactory aattrfaetorrEUREKA MtlufactoryECKEKI t1 > > faoLOt faoLOtEtUEK
Se Sea Islartd Isla n ci Ootrbon OotrbonSea
Sea Is Iikittd nc1 Cotton Seed Bagging giDg and Twl TwlLeatihar TWit1 W Wa1r Wa1rLeather R h hLeather
Leather In Strips or Sides SidesManofiottims SidesManutamnrers SidesMal1rLatnrers
Manofiottims of the James J fmes Doig Improved Ixnpro Snga SngaSea EngiSea 11g ih ihSea
Sea Island Cotton Gin and Supplies te SAme SmeGAINESVILLE SAmeGAINESVILLE sae saeGAINESVILLE
II III 4rlI4gr 4rlI4grI
I If You Are Insured Insuredraj i iIa
I Ia a CoanpeaT that Jh 11 Rpouiblo Hire Ha a P lwIIi J y tot 0 1 rr r Eetl1 < ij ijYou 11
Wt5u Writwa itA Lib UarahL1 > t lhl uf PotW Pofiey oo OoatrMt tM 1M s
Pall raj Lodtei LoM Prompt PlOIDpLilYou PromptyYou j
You Are Assured AssuredTiit
Tiit itritM ten IOM 00 ta taD n ottrtwat OT oar p jW y < m wkJlos Wwtt jt ys 111 111A 111tire T re ion ionFttM some someMille
tire Life BII BIIReHab1
FttM hat Rtlitblt Coenptftiw eo Btptttmttt BtptttmtttOlimVIU u uf ly lyU
i IahraaiUsat skestlnlly 11111 t tnlsleti OlimVIU GaiJ G DVItLJI I itHUPJt Fi JI OIUJ11 OIUJ11iA O 1DA 1DAi I IAdvertise +
iA i Advertise Advertiser d ver t lse in In e THE SUN Su H HI r rver
1 1Y
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