OCR Interpretation

Gainesville daily sun. (Gainesville, Fla.) 190?-1938, July 19, 1905, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of Florida

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn95026977/1905-07-19/ed-1/seq-1/

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I i 1 ra n V 4y t F
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S rtu rtuf i pr 11181 SIT SITl J
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Yt Il l MlYXrlNED MlYXrlNEDof C L Y
1 1t
of n Palo Which Can Bew Be BeLeading
w I Ii
L1 i
w1 itlllng Leading Papers Pape of JtuMa Athas JtuMab RUHIat
s that b at t Their Plenipotentiaries PlenlpotttlariceWtsna Plenipotentiariesiiuf PInlp tlar tlarY
DtfMI iiuf the Caucasian Race RacvV Racetj Racetyq
tj tHa > Yellow Peril Perilfcrifeura PerilpoJurr Perilurg
fcrifeura poJurr urg July 17 17127 127 p m miveo mO mvile
vile O Vromya today prints th thStatement thtt4temunt the thetftlitoment
Statement of Russias poll poilIpbinay pod podici I
Ipbinay ici ilia be Inspired Inspiredt Inspiredcan I Ican
t can can consent only to such a afijiii awIJ1 atwill
fijiii will not affect the dignity or urJptt7tegts orntW orjttiltl
jttiltl ntW s or the empire To not nottyTlMi aote notis
e tyTlMi J is would < ould bo total to RuasU RuasUwjptfld RUBSIhl tuAslalid
wjptfld lid hl threaten all Europe Eu EuVjjW Eut u ulonger
VjjW t longer believes in Japans UK UKif U Ulbut awthat
if that she shewm will not reatflct r utrl t Hu Hufciatorests 1JulatJrelta 1 u uJrtorestd
< fciatorests In the Far ar Ea FASt1Lveu FASt1LveuElgntl t Even EvenBi
j Bi < fl Elgntl hint nU and America the th vdldon votdoeWqrs1 vdldonJKH v l ot otbu
Wqrs1 JKH Inntigdllons bu Ug 1t1unll can be heard Iti Itiit 11twt luol4kd
> it PJf ol4kd twt IKo indirect Intorferonce al alfwwrtf ofjoWilf II IItJOr
fwwrtf tJOr joWilf to moderate Japans d dOur dq dqOur deOur
vV 1 Our plenipotentiaries must mimtthat mutbt mustthat
1 that bt they must defend th thri tbf tbfiJnIY throtonly
ri tiinly > iJnIY of HiiHHla n 8Kla but Jut alo alofcf alllGdtir ale u
> 4 fcf dtfjier oter Caucanlon C uoa lon powers an anwlllnd and andwJjlrnd I1ndllt d
wJjlrnd llt < < nd moral support In Berlin Borllnsabtngton Berlinitehtngton Berllolin8tQn
sabtngton itehtngton in8tQn add perhaps even event eveni eve eveCI n
i CI t HB i pur Our army In the field l lI II IItrnlJlCrth Ietr
I Utrpnyor etr trnlJlCrth than n It was 15 months monthsff moutbeI mopthThe a 1
I The ff e Hamburger Ifanb µ rgoC Nnchrlcbten Nnchrlcbtenkeja Nacbrlcbtcntbat NacbrlobtetbM n
keja 4 thai Europe I urope intimate f 1tmat to Ja Jatit Jawt Jat
> tit I t ftonno rb mo demands j iYULbo UijH ro roil reI ret r rfir a ¬
il fry t ifrrope in general and ell app apprtlauy espo espojjrKMndany po t > I
jjrKMndany 4 noaD rtlauy Tula It u 1 valuable valuablesltr vah14blet e
sltr t f We mud mu muiJ t ascertain A the thelit thet th thbte e 1
lit II t maximum of of our con conI CODtrJaplB conte7apaa
I tr trJaplB apaa from th the European Europeant DuropeaAIt uropcaa uropcaaet n
et t view lot ot accordinglyi accordingly Iccon1InllMtI1l
i j jV >
rr V t
s MiHMera MtI1l lt 1n era KIM Officer Officerv OrnceY OfficerYorIt
v f York Y rk July 18 18salclmen Salesmen em emg emrwoot emt
g f flrawH t tment t stationed Itallon d hero mutln mutln44ay mutlnand mutlnay
44ay ay and killed an officer i if 1nr ulerK
lerK f n were w ru arrested arrtjt d Owing t tt to totlU tott e
tt tlU t P 011 t siege the citizens of Lad LodxHiled LadUed LodisPelled
sPelled Ued to ooutrlbuto ViSix ViSixff x150I 5ol 5olt + t
V f ff I t0 It < t the maintenance of the troop troopiI troopW troopKI114d e
I 9 4f lv Killed by an Unknown Unknownv
v rjlKfW wt July 18A 18 A tiergeant of th the0 the theit4lf4 e
it4lf4 e0 WM shot and killed here to toliy t tby o
liy sot n unknown roan A patro11utry patrol patroltftfnatry I
tftfnatry while purdulna the auwwulu auwwulujaf
jaf 4 valley killing a merchantwI merchant morchanLWHI
< WHI W Acom ACOIIIIJllny any Envoy Invoyalit EnvoyfI
fI lit t t feteriburx ht rburl July 18 1IThe 18l The he report reportHo NlpotlI rt + por porM 1
Ho M alpo dlreotora of the tree treuniffftrUnont t treeel fl fllInont I
iffftrUnont el ratmont lInont would wouldtot not accompanett1 accompany accompanylUMHUan Icoonl an1 an1n y f
lUMHUan ett1 in n peace mission mlllsionto to Wajhlug Wajhlugj WuhhuIll Waahina g
j ta Ill ToorroctJerrme Incorrect IncorrectJerome correct correctI correctJarime
Jerome Receives Testimony TeatlmonyNtW TeltlmonyrN TestimonyNw
rN NtW York July Jul 18 18An An official copy copy0J5 COPJtIC cop cope 7 1
tIC ta tMtlmony taken by b Superlnten Superlntenpint Suporlntpnt Superlntt e n
pint t 6C orralufaaoe InaurajMc Hendricks in his hi in Inr It Ittry
ikirr try r into the affalra of tho Bqultablt Bqultablt3Uf NqutableJJr IOqultablL11k
3Uf L11k A Aaufaloe uraao aeclety I8clc tYI which hlcb Dlstrleraey District DistrictMUrMy Dl trl CI I
1 < MUrMy eraey yJ Jerome rofI made soveral unsuc unsucitul unsu c
itul 1 atlempta to procure last wttok wttokwcelved WOO wdereceived k
received at tho district attorney attorneytoday Iltorn IltorntOdAJ attorneytoday e
> today It was takn there by byIfdcUl b bIl b1a1 J 1
IfdcUl Il messenger from the office officert ofnt ol ollejiMrt 01r i
lejiMrt r rt Hunter deputy superintendent superintendents luporlDteudenttuurallCfl nt
s < 4l laaurance under an order ord r Issued IssuediNMterday laluedttlrdr1 Issuetetchy d j
iNMterday tetchy by b Superintendent He Heticks Hen Hen4rcks Henkka
4rcks ticks Mr Jerome has announced tba tbatuRKl tb tbalit bat batwill al
will make a careful examination examinatlontestlniuny ol oli 01t
i teKtliiiony t lt Imul and if conditions stem socmA stemtrarr t > emt emtRrr t
A trarr warrant Rrr nt It criminal action will b bi bifilers I Ii
1 > 1 filers UI 11dIen Guarding Prisoners Priaonenui PrIonl PrIonlbam PrisonersMIt +
i MIt IMrMfham + bam A Alii July Jut 18 18A A spe speMtf t pt
Mtf 4411 1 i frt tt i OadnltMj this Ihi morning sal sayu sayutkt 811tt pts s
tkt tt t t tlElttl J > o l mrirary 1111 Huy is t twanllng utlIlIJ th thtelHrfjeiat the the1tfJt thp e
telHrfjeiat 1tfJt p t dilat the lynching of th the fir the theM S Swho
IS T M It who t attt IUPc surpteted r td ot v t thp > Vt DtUI DtUIor nai4K 4M 4M4er
> 4er of itrt 41 J l3nu Smiih h the tb whltr wo wr wrblr 0 0W
1 M WM W WM Mtouud found f UUd dwul d aner having havingiia h harm harmcritttlaMW uhtK uhtKll t
iia = L i tiiiIaiaiy < ll Ur ouUauUM u t ywterdny ywterdnyj y
j l ej omlaf The TI s p4 > w which hlch Furroundcd d
11 Ue e san during durID tIght nl bt had not en ent e etjrMy nl a
< 1 t 5 tlreljr 11 tetT djspfiwtf tttl fttat4 USl Lt jmorBJr morn but ha hadHvea bad balI a aHB 1
HB I drltca back tt wit aOrllt t thojfc tb iho t a who whotad ro IXa1aH
ir tad atOOtS oR t 2e It IlIlaD stance la I Ittpa a
+ ttpa pI Igo lo ttash nfNr e d dyriap RC the lb e
I l kkkK4dp f 1 tro troyM t ttd ttdtM as
tM tats tatsi
j > >
I Mtc4ri0VYItH oIri Ju turfacv Wr4 rfac ace Car Car r U e Cause C of otNijiKYcifk ofnl oflp
lp Ing nl lsJ I Ij w wN
NijiKYcifk N Yc Yqt July Jul 18 1SI Two young 10 your 1 wo woraeui womelt 0 0JJ1Jt
j melt W tte f6 o probably fatalljr tatan hart and andtttlrHwq andItwQJ and441r
441r > tttlrHwq ItwQJ twQ male Ial compftnlons l kad hd0a U4 a TO TOrkbla relrrarksble r rr
lrrarksble rkbla r abl escape from Injury todaj todajwhen tasfn tasfnwhen aJ aJwl1
when wl1 nthe the automobile of Fred Jr d K 1 Mar Marshall MartJb MarshiI1 ¬
shall tJb l of fit st tJoula iJuls which bad been beenborrowed beenborrowd beenhorrowed
borrowed by Mrs Marahalls cbaffeur chaffeurtray cbaffeuriraa chateurcau
tray caught cau between an elevated railway rail railway railw
way w 1 pillar and a street car at Bevoptynlntti Bev Seventyninth BevoPtrnlnU1tro ¬
entyninth oPtrnlnU1tro strfiot and Third avenueThe avenue avenueThe avenueThe
The automobllo was reduced almost almostto
to scrap Jron The 4Qhprse 4Q burse power powermachine powermachine powermachine
machine attempted to race in front frontof fronlot frontof
of a mirfftca car bound down hill and andas nndas andas
as It t dodged between the elevated pil pillars pllIan p11lard ¬
lars and whirled on to the track Jtwad jt jtwas jtWall
was pinched between the car and andpillar a apillar apillar
pillar The rear half battbf 6f the automo automobile IIntomobile antomobile ¬
bile in which were seated Miss Mis CocaMichaells Cots CotsMlchaells COI COIMichaelis
Mlchaells and Helen Donfichauser twoof two twoof toof
of the chauffeurs friends trlendswas was demul demullahcd demolJahcd demul demullahed
lahcd and the girls were to entangled entangledIn
In tho wreckage of the car and aut autmobile auto automobile UfO UfOmobile o
mobile that It took half an hour to erf erftricato extrlcalo cxtrieato
tricato them themA
A male companion of the tb chauffeur chauffeurwas
was thrown out on + tho sidewalk but butthe butthe Jutthe
the chauffeur was uninjured uninjuredNearly uninjuredNenrl uninjuredNearly
Nearly Nenrl all of the occupants of the thestreet thestrc thestreet
street strc > t car was WD thrown to the floor and andthe ILndthe andthe
the conductor wpa was W 8 BO severely injured injuredthat Injuredthat Injuredthat
that he had to betaken be taken to a hospital hosptalFrederick hospitalFrederick bosJltntrederlck
Frederick < Marshall M t11 hnl1 owner of the ma machine mnchine ¬
chine was not In the city city at the time timeof tlmoof Lim e
of the t e accldoqt accldcqtHQGAR8
New York Detectives Uncover a Big BigScheme Big8cheme BI g
Scheme to Fleece Italians ItaliansNow ItallanaNow ItaliansNow
Now York July 18 18DeteoUve8 Detectives em employed employed ¬
ployed by tho charity organization so society 80clet ¬
piety clet have caused six alleged beggars beggarsall
all property owners to be arraigned arralgnedIn l I
in the Harlem court It was assort assorted u aeserted nrt nrtad ¬
ed by tho officers that the six prison prisoners prisoners ¬
ers had formed themselves into a sort sortof Bort Bortof sortof
of beggars trust to t do the Italian 1t lan feast feastof reaaor teuof t
of Our Lady of Mfrunt bunt Carmel which whichla whlcto h
la I being celebrated e In Harlems little littleItaly littlellaly llttlItaly e
ItalyAll Italy ItalyAll llalyAll
All of the prisoners were bellnved bellnvedto bellev bellevto
to have bank accounts and were land landlords landlordl ¬
lords When one policoman found iG8 iG8In 1583 1583In G88 G88In 8
In bills and a quantity of small coin coinAnother oln olnAnD
Another AnD ber had a bank book showing de deposits deP05UI ¬
posits of 91400 1400 It U I alleged the th gong gongnmdo aantDlado Ban Banmade b
made elaborate plans for their opera operations oplratlonl operadons ¬
dons In tho neighborhood of the lead leadIng Jl leadlug > a d dInR
lug Italian church where they were werecaught weccaught we e
caught They Thl found the Italians qulrlf quit quitliberal
liberal during the festival and wore wtrcrupln e
reaping a harvestWIII harvest harvestWill hnrveHtWill
Will Sail alloon Soon for Panama PanamaWashington PanamaWashington nma nmaWallhlngtou
Washington July 18 18Chalrman 18ChalrmanShonll 18Chairma8honts Chairman ChairmanShonts n 1
Shonts of the Panama canal commit contntlsales
ales chief engineer en lneer Stevens and Colo Colotie Ctl Ctlnot 010 °
tie not O II Krnst Ern t also a member of the thoromml tic e 1
commission romml illun and of Its It I engineering com commlttoo om ommIUN t
mlttoo will sail for Panama next nextThursday lIlxtThllfluay urx urxThursday t
Thursday on the steamer IIte Dcr Mexico Mexicowhich Mexicowhllh Mexlcwhich 1
which has recently r cently been purchased purchasedand purchasedand > cI cIand <
and will nuke Its first trip on that thatdlh t
date Two Iw o other members at the thecomtnitiHlon thtCOIIII tic
comtnitiHlon COIIII In Major llarrod and Oener Oeneral O ens ensal tr trat r
al llHliwi lIu It WI art on the Isthmus as also alsois alsoI alaiIs 1
is I Governor Mngoon Mr Bhontit will 111 1111I0t I
not return to VanhlnRton before b rore lea leav leavInc leAYI r
Inc I l hut ul Mr Ir Stevens will 111 reach here to tomorrow t 0 0morrow
morrow to conclude matters in his of offlee otfte o r
flee fte an he doe mlI not expect to return r star turn turnfrom n 1
from the isthmus for several months monthsKilled
Killed Man In Church ChurchOwlngMvilk
OwlngMvilk Ky July Jul IS ISTtI ISTtIIf8ms Tele Telegrama r
grams a from jtM Ui UiMlllir u w Htyvllle + t IIIC Ky say ny I thai I IJohn
John Mlllir 1tll IU o oC tut 1lrrathttt Ur < Hthltt county oount shot shotand shutucl t
and killed Jam Crt ertts t a and wouudea wouudeaJames wound woundJames ounthdJames d i
James M Thuuia ditritiR a fight 1 bt in inchurch inchurch II IIcburch
church on Kraly 1 111 raly itv ftle n 1 k Not county countyyeaterday count counteat countyyesterday
yesterday eat r Miller t rutrrrp utr a tk tee church churchaccording oburchaccortllnR I Iaccording i
according to the th repu report t p t nK t1tCetd > < Hved hore horeand hureaud Aor Aorand e
and announced Annauno d l that I twas tat tkt l IlUst IlUstJuan Ixusplan > esi esim i
Juan m n in tan homo CUHH C Na IUW aadsoma i THomas THomasdisputed MtomudlsJtttl s
disputed tau tba and th the ht tkootiiig Mott fol followed fo 01 01lowtod h
lowed A nub n formed tu Ijruck eo MU MUler MLter IU IUtlr l i
ler tlr 1at ur the eo skwifC 8a sltt + rlft rlt Hn leads d4 4 hie t prisa rU < m mor n nor I Ior >
or sahfu safiv 51 ia th the nrl Dratl att vli vi tI u fail JliCentral ii iiGeneral
General Thom 7homaR Passes + Av t ay ayI y yDaloa
I Daloa > lfoa CJ Oa la Juttiy JU lull 18 18Gtt = O TTA 1 H I ITbun M MTboni
Then + all ittM ttd at a him M home om T 1 It L < < r > IrlloIc ty tywan t P Pt
Irrltos rlloIc + N war 08 Qauiv t d < to ab abIll t D
Ill rra tMY a gradYwe ItM if ltibet ot 1ft 1ftdttlolttI
wan a dtr dttlolttI dtFt + t ui uiIn glalt d brte d C 111 al
In U thfl cv ctnt hutr1rak < nfv4 nfv4one < u derv aa 1 I
one of lts rteiicw pes w lie cwt Ire sr n4 tf tftl11 a
Mtlllal tl11 Ck n asA hu teM a t tt r1cieNtaf
t 1cieNtaf t or Ja I r > I rt t tf tfII u r rt rin
in + Y II + M S 1 + At at1E
RAlo o T fm fmSouth
South American Jagu Jagnor < E Ecapes Es Escapes 9 9capes
capes From Gage On Car CarI CarAFTER CarAFTER
More Than 2000 People and FourTrains Four FourTrains FourTrain
Trains Were Held Up at TunnelMan Tunnel TunnelA TunnelAMan A AMan
Man Is Badly Clawed and a t Lady LadyBreaks LadyBreaka Lad LadBreaks y
Breaks One of Her LimbsColorado Limbs LimbsColorado LimbColorado
Colorado Springs Colo July 18More 18 18More ISMore
More than 2000 people and four pas pasftonger 118lOnger paasonger
lOnger trains of the Colorado Midland Midlandrailroad Mldnnrailroad Midlandrailroad
railroad have been held at Tunnell No NoG NaG
G 2 miles west of Manltou by a fierce fierceSouth ftcrctlSouth flercSouth e
South American jaguar jaguurBefore jaguarBorore jaguarP3ofore
Before he was captured the animal animalclawed anlmatclawed
clawed Joseph Bennett cunett of this city citymaking citymaking citymaking
making a severe gash across the right rightlog rightleg rightleg
leg Miss Belmont a pscnger p ptsenger Bcnger on onone onooe o oone n
one of tho trains became fr frightened frightenedand ghtene ghteneand d
and In endeavoring to scale u highcliff high highcliff blg blgella
cliff fell a distance of 20 feet breaking break breakIng breakIng
Ing her left legThe leg legThe legTbe
The jaguar and n polar bear occu occupied oecupled occupled
pled two compartments ina 10 In a largo cog cogthat cage cagethat cagtthat e
that was loaded on a flat car of th thtrain the thetrain tH tHtrain e
train belonging to a circus The car carwas carWAS ca r
was too large to enter a tunnel and aa aathe nsthe a athe I
the car struck the root of the tunnel tunnelIt
It was torn off The koepet threw threwon threwon thre threon w
I on the airbrakes and stopped the train trainH trainHe trainHe r
H He threw rocks athho at tho bear and fired firedblank firedblank ft
blank cartridges at tbe theJaguar Jaguar to keep keepthem keepthem
them from escaping The animals animalscrawled animalserawled animalcrawled keepI I
crawled under the car and durlig the thoefforts theefforts theefforts
efforts to drive It into another anotherl cage cageBennett cageBennett cageBennett
Bennett received his Injuries The Theanimal e
animal was Anally finall driven into a small smajlcage smallcage maJIcnStt 1
cage but before the door could be beclosed becloled b bclosed e
closed tho train started and an thojjagu thojjaguar th Jagu Jaguar
ar escaped It dashed through throu throw the thetunnel thotunnel tic e
tunnel but upon emerging at the otner otnerend otnerend r
end found itself 1t11l lr In a narrow nartow cut The Theannlmai 11Uannlmal Tit I
minimal was again captured and aadpJlLced as asplaced andplaced d
placed In his cageSEC cage cageSEC cllgeSEC
At Dedication of Now York Y M C A ABuilding Alulldlng ABuilding
Building at Lake Geneva WIs WIsLake WI WILakG
Lake Geneva WIs July 18 18Lealle 18Leallelf Leslie LeslieM
M Shaw secretary secreta of the treasury treaauryhas treasurybaa treasuryhas
has delivered the dedicatory address addressat
at the new 50000 Y M C A build buildIng buildIng bull1lag
Ing here Mr Shaws remarks were woredirected werettlrocttd
directed to and for the benefit bent > ftt of tho thoAmerican thoAmerican theAtnertei
American n boy He raid ald that there therewere therewere therewere
were few f w places where the boy was waswanted WRIwanted waswanted
wanted He waa always In the way wayBoy wayBoys wayBoys
Boys are shoved Hhov out and there th re are arefew
few open doors for them laid Mr I r ShawIt Shaw Shawit Sha w wIt
it was to provide an open door for theboys thoboY8 the rhoboys
boys where they would bo surrounded surroundedby
by good Influences and be directed dlr ted In Inpaths InpathI
paths of reclttide reeIt ide and virtue that this thisbuilding tbJ tbJblllldln
building blllldln has hers h n nrortded So S < that thatby thatby
by means of the right to thu uplifting upliftingenvironments uplUUngln
environments ln vlronmtnt the t hl > boy will be enable enableto nableto + l
to become a good ood upright u rlght honest and andInfluential andInnupntlal andInfluential
Influential cltUen of the community I Iam Iam
am often asked what hat a boy should do doanti doand
and my answer IK to do anything untbln but hutbe
be sure and do that thing better than thanIt I IIt
It 1s I now being b lng done That is the theone theone
one great secret of success in this thl life lifehllc
Police Relieved of Strike DutyChicago Duty DutyChicago DutyChIcago
Chicago July 18 lBThe The frequently frequentlydeferred frequentlydererred frequentlydeterred
deferred plan of Mayor Anne to take takepollcemoA takepaUccmOl tak takpolicemoi e
pollcemoA off at the wagons of the firm firms firmsaffected ftrmsatrtOtld er r
affected by the th teamsters strike sea went wentInto t
Into effect today in the business dls districtI di s stricta
tricts About 300 policemen were r te >
turned t to ordinary orlilual duties Ftor t r a time Umothe e
the t h business bllstn streets and crowing erouls will willb willguarded 111 111bf
b bf > guarded ardtd by additional pollcea poUces pollcesea pollceseaSpecially e
Specially s > > t lan1 guarded ront testes a to all freight freightpUtkm tretlItlit + t
pUtkm lit Aliena 9111 rllt m be takes by wngoui alGU ejf erth
the th trike a aiCcated < < cote4 firms rms Aertt Ao A AImlau av trt trtHwlaary
t Hwlaary Imlau mlaary to the change today toda r Ui9 Ui9lc tk tkU 1
U Hr lc on wagons In the business bUlLa s district districti dlalrl
b parts Y < for a week been o to plain clotfc clotfcUK CO COtB clo clotag
UK tB instead of uniforms uniformsTwo unlr uniformsTwo rml rmlTwo
Two Electrocuted at Sing Sin Sln SlnOe II IIo 1n 1nOwtx
Oe o Owtx ii fL N t Y 1 July 18 1SJ1 Jan t tlr
fit fitIlrwa
lr Ilrwa a white te a allft ad H Charles Jltksqa JackrupQI Jackfe Jltksqatete a aa
a tete > > m 1 weet1 < r twt to death la the tJl el eJfO eJfOrUlr fr frtilt
tilt cair ni It SIr r 3 leaK K pri proa rl1 oa a today tojjptaU to < < 7
1 > wtL It 1 11IIrwIa + tbet w ire iticce
1IIrwIa clot 0 PeU l + ata A ay ptaU + a ata WUliam 1rWhaitKrlwCatta Wlqa K Ku
ap KrlwCatta nar a rllar glra el la u u1nI t1es
tKr e 1nI + Iln j1l t V I par k cIt tray 84 84t 1
NiL i c W
1 tta
t u 4 fcu < > ro Oa f
All Arrang Arr ArrAngementa nl menta Made Except Nam NamIrijj NamIriS Nan1 Nan1Inp
IriS the Day ef Meeting MeetingOyster MeetingOyster
r Oyster Bay U 1 L July IS 18Prea1denl 18Prea1denlRQos 18PresldenlRoosevelt President PresidentRoosevelt
Roosevelt RQos velt demoted d voted himself almost ex exclusively exelusively exelusively ¬
elusively today to the transaction oi oithe 01the ofLbe
the executive business forwarded tf tfhim t4him tihim
him from Washington and to recrea recreation recrotlon recrestioa ¬
tion at and about Sagamore Hill N Nc2 Nc2arrangements NCarrangements < J Jarrangementa
arrangements for visitors yl ltors was madeand made madeand madeand
and no visllora was expected Except Exceptfor Exes Exesfor
for the naming of the day the arrange arrangements arnul8menta arrangetnenta ¬
ments have been completed for the ap appproaching approaching apoproachlng ¬
proaching visit to the president of the thepeace thepeace
peace plenipotentiaries The navy navydepartment navydepartment
department has suggested and the thepresident theresldont thepresident
president has approved the Idea that thatthe thaIthe thatthe
the envoys be brought to Oyster bay bayfrom baytram bayfrom
from New York on two cruisers Afterthe After Afterthe Altelthe
the Informal reception the plenlpotettiaries plenlpotej plenlpotejtiories plenlpotetlarles > >
tiories will go aboard the Mayflower Mayflowerand Mayflowernod
and Dolphin here and will be taken in inthose 10tboso
those vessels v 8l1els to Portsmouth N H Hwith Hwllh Hwith
with an escort of at least one cruiser cruiserand cruiserand cruiserand
and perhaps two Commander Came Cameron Cuweron Cameran ¬
ron MeR Winslow who has been ordared or ordered ordered ¬
dered to command the Mayflower Mayflowerwhich Mayllowcrwhich
which will be at the disposal of the theenvoys theenoys
envoys during their ttjjourn ourn in the theUnited lheUnlttd theUnited
United States will continue nn the thepresidents thepresldEn thepresidents
presidents ts naval nn ul aide notwithstanding notwithstandinghid not wJth8tulldln wJth8tulldlnhid
hid new command commandVOTE commuulVOTE
Teamsters Strike In Chicago Will Be BeProlonged B BProlonged BeProlonged
Prolonged Indefinitely IndefinitelyChicago IndefinitelyChlcngo IndefinitelyChicago
Chicago Jyly J l 18 ISBoth Both the railway railwayexpress railwayexpress
express and the department store driv drivers drlvers ¬
ers having hnln voted to continue the strug struggle struggle strugglo ¬
gle union leaders predicted today that thatthe thntthe thatthe
the teamsters strike would be pro proIouged pro10uEed prolonged
longed until after the convention of ofthe 01the ofthe
the International Intl > rmttlonal Brotherhood of t Team Teamstem Teamsters Teamtiters
stem which opens In Philadelphia Aug
7 The department store drivers de decided dlch1ed ¬
cided by an almost unanimous vote voteto voteto
to continue the strike after they had hadbeen hadbeen hadbeen
been informed that the railway express expressdrlverls expressdrlvpzihan
drlverls drlvpzihan hadiaKen Ken similar action actionThe actionThe
The railway express drivers vote re reculled Telultl resalted
lultl culled > d In a count of 163 G3 for war and
121 for peace There are more than
700 members In tho organization andthe and andtho andtho
tho light lI ht vote that was cast is due
It is said to the fact thai tic nearly half halfof halfot halfof
of the members of the union have ob obtained obtalnltl obtamed ¬
tamed work In other lines Those who whcchave whnhavo whohavo
havo become Indifferent remained remainedaway remainedaway remainedaway
away from the pollsTUTOR polls pollsTUTOR pollsTUTOR
415000 5000 Worth of Jewels Were Missing Missingat
at Same Time He Was WasNew Wa WaNew WasNew
New York July Jul 18 18Edwarlt 18P Edward Park Parkwho Parkwho Parkwho
who has been arrested at Christian Christiansand ChristianlIand Christiansand
sand Norway Norwa In connection with the thetheft thetheft thetheft
theft of 1115000 15000 worth ortb of jewels from fromthe fromthe fromthe
the home of Banker J J Hlgglnaon HlgglnaonIs
Is learned harn > d to havo been bcp a tutor in intho Intho Inthe
tho household One of the bankers bankerssons bankerssons bankerssons
sons was us recently placed In Harvard Harvardby
by h Park and the th second boy has kernstudying kern hernstudying h > n nstudying
studying at a private school in Massa Massachusetts Massaehusetta Iasfnthusetts
chusetts under his coaching cORchln Parka Parkawas larkWI8 Parkswas
was held in high esteem by b the family familyand r familyand mll mlland
and wad Implicitly trustedWhen trusted trustedWhen tmstldWhen
When the robbery was UtA reported reportedsome rtportf11somt reportedsonic
some days ago the police Inspected InspectedParks In inspectedParks plCted plCtedPrk
Parks and asserted that his bl photogrph photogrphhail
hail been Identified by b a pawnbroker pawnbrokerwho panhrokerwho
who held some stolen jewels ax pledge pledgefor pJ gl glror
for loans Leave 1A e of absence front fronthis trottlhis fronthis I
his duties wan as granted > d the > tutor onlythe only onlythe on I Ithe
the day before the police suspected suspectedhim 11IIJ1tttedhim suspectedhim
him and he h took passage pa sagl by steamer steamerfor IIteamfrfor steamerfor
for Norway Norwa under his own name nameNew nmNew
New Baptist World AllianceLondon Alliance AllianceLondon AllianceLondon
London July 18 18Tbe The Baptist con congross cong
gross g 5I at todays session approved the theconsUtutlorf thenlUtutJod
consUtutlorf of the ne wBaptlat wBa Ust world worldalllaace worldalllarce orld orldaUlu
alllaace aUlu the objects obJ t being belD to promote promotegtxxl promotrIOOd promotegood
good fellowship t 1o8bIP and eo cooperation cooperationaaumg
aaumg ar ta 0111 > og U the o BfcptUts of all countn countnAlt countrAlt untf1 untf1AU
Alt unions or association of Uoptlsr UoptlsrtimxBCi IJa JithU JithUtIa
timxBCi tIa t rOea st can join Tho executive exwutlTiceamlttee t1tCUtlYIeeIIalttte
ceamlttee wlir nr FeUst ulst of den Y > n mem mfmIIQtI mrmbtl
btl fctjr a frtc frewtaa tma be United 11n1t 4 States Stat < < fire from frottat1teat from1reat
Jret < Bflalato Britain two frost fro Canada and andma ItD ItDleTea andrutea
ma from ffORItJaerHt the rest ot 0 the world worldEv worldI worldEty worldElrwKer
Ev ElrwKer tf f Fell Ply ft ftt iietlq iietlq1llilt3t
1llilt3t t StMM rk Jlxr 11A Ils AM I elentor
SAIi n ° flittitltle t1 pew 4 et Ute Lu LaBd < l lTttW
TttW 1111 1 tlrtt t etst ik tb1era erapet erapetrte 1f 1ftu
rte JrL t1 t + 1 tu ttekrM Job
c I aU i iI iN < <
N Wl
No One Has Slightest Concep Conception Conception Coaception
tion Of Their Demands DemandsTHE
Russias RUlli Financial Agent In
London LondonSays LondonSay LondonSays
Says Say Peace Depends Upon the Rca Reasonableness Re Resonablencss
sonablencss of the
laps Demands
at attho attho atthe
tho Conference ConferenceLondon ConferencelnDdon ConferenceLondon
London July 181t 18 M Houuuwdki Houuuwdkithe HOUU < Jltdkl Jltdklthe w ki kithe
the HuHslan financial agent In LOUJOU LOUJOUinformed lnujuInformed Lon1ouInformed
informed the Associated 1resi Pre JI11 n4 diy y
that ho had not
received his apjna apjnament IIIJIJJ IIIJIJJment c cwent
ment to the peace commlsaion tti ttihe ttujgj l J 04
he expected to accompany tb b <
p a apotentlarles Uo Uopotcntlarles apotentlaries
potentlarles to WashigtunSince Washigton WashigtonSince a hlgtun hlgtunSince
Since M Wlttcs uppcynlniei uppcynlnieichief nIJtJ ntnll ntnllchief a achief
chief plenipotentiary M 1 Iti Ithas > b i ihas Ihas
has been sounded bythe b the un unand tHand h hand
and has signified lib hi wllill wtiltcact wliiiiu wliiiiuact wllillnet
act M Routkowski said saidJapan Ktll1Japao saidJapan
Japan has not yet It Inttriu1 Intlrll i iterms Iterms iterms
terms and the retorts of h hterms ° i iterms aterms
terms are generally specuiauv iptcutt specuuchave 1 t J Jhave Jhave
have been dropped to Itusa Hui a f ss sstime JJotlnlo a atime
time to time through British ar u U i isources J6ources csources
sources but nothing positive i ibeen t tbeen tbeen >
been proposed and we have b bformed btormed bformed
formed that Japan will lay 18 tur i < lrj lrjpropositions i ipropositions
propositions only before the Wa1 Wa1ton 11a1ton Vas Vaston
ton conference The Jiipan J Jitpanesr illalll < t 11 11great > t p1 p1great < a agreat >
great confidence In M 1 Wltte auj au + I M MWltte MWitte 11Witte
Witte has great admiration fnr tam thtniThe tumThe tamThe
The personnel of Russias commls commis commisshould ua uashould UDstiould
should convince the Japanese fdtt fdttpeace nUlpeace rhlcpeace
peace depends on the reasonablp reasonabEneiJ reasonabEneiJot elei eleiof eu euof
of their terms I believe Russian a1 a1ceptance a aceptance aeeptance
ceptance of peace proposals is a grew RDMer grewor
or show of f strength than a continue continuetion conlln11Uon contlnuaLion
Lion of the struggle for the sake ot otpride atpride ofpride
pride Binding Endln the war and turning turningher t1lrnl t1lrnlher + nA nAher
her attention to international itnimvn ImprwrPmet itnimvnmet IDlIJrJVImet
met and the development of her Indus Industries inJurttries Indulttrlcs
tries will enhance the prestige pre8t1 e of flu fluala rt Iti Itiala l lala
ala more than a continuation of Iho Ihoconnlct ho hoconflict hoconflict
conflict until Japan Is finally over ovarcome ovrtrcome overcome
Charged With Murdering the Two Ctf Ctfter Ca Catar Cster
ter Children ChildrenValdoata ChildrenValdosta ChildrenValdosta
Valdosta Ga 0 July 184nr 18 On > > f the themost h hmost hfl hflmost
most sonsatlonal trials ever h1 h < > u uthis 10tbls crthis
this section of the state came < ip I r i iIIpecl31 i ispecial cspecial
special term of the superior supE superl > rl > r r N > rt rtday a aday 3day
day Judge Mitchell of Thomiusv Thomiusvpresiding ThomaiYprpflldlng Y Ypresiding
presiding presidingTho prpflldlngThe presidingThe
The case is that against Ml It JIl JIlJe n nJesse no noJesse
Jesse Je se and I Leonard Rawllngs Itawlingsleged h i ilege 11t1 >
lege 1t1 11 l accessory accessor and J 0 Haw It t rtho ttho ctho
tho father of the boys anti Franx < l 1ner T1 T1ner ° 0oer
ner a negro preacher as al aliS1 aliS1stlgators + rgF rgFstlgators 1 18t1gator
stlgators of the th crime Abov Abovthese 1 > 0 0these a athese >
these however stands J 0 Ita Itawho X1 X1who KIwho
who Is charged char d with being beln ft a ainstigator aInstigator 4 4Instilitor
instigator in the murder of Vi 11 t h > 41Carrie ItJ ItJt J JtArrlo
Carrie t rrlo Carter 15 and 11 J3yearr year o j jdren jdren 3dren
dren of Mr r and Mrs W I ca caof tV tVof < 1 1ot
of the Hahlra district districtThe dllitrlctThe districtThe
The story of the killing and andha h hI fa fasurrounding f ra i isurrounding jlIurroundlng
surrounding It almost BtagKir Stagg + r 1 11 11eller sbelief
Belief eller There were many cirrv cirrvces circ circces
ces In the case it IB claim clalm1 1 1pointed > tpointed
pointed Olntt d to the Rawllngs as tho thptors thrr T c ctors cs cston
tors of the crime even belle bellestatement bef bEfstatement > jfe jfestatement
statement of the Carters or the r rcion I Ilion s sslon
lion of Alf Moore bad been m mGunboat ma maGunboat maGunboat
Gunboat Goes Goe Aground AgroundNaveslnk AgroundNaTeslok AgroundNaveslnk
Naveslnk N J July Jul 18 18Tt Tfc r rStates f fStates I IStates
States gunboat Dubuque U I as asthe a acthe r rtbo
the Horse Shoe SbooJowpr Mower N New Newneu w Y Ynear 1 1near
near Spermacetto Core Tt1 T 1 W WIs o J Jis
is 1 light 1J bt and sea smooth Tfc Tfcis nII r r1s
is in no danger An aUem aUemthe attentthe > r rthe
the vessel at high tide this f fwas tII fwas
was II unsuccessful unsuC < < satul Tugs Tu 1 w i ito t ito tto
to her assistance and will willfloat ir11 q 3 3noat r rfloat
float her at the next full M MDobuque f1Dubuque t1Dubuque >
Dubuque came here for orders ard ordersto u uto r rto
to her going 01D up the Mlisis Mlssiaapp Mlssiaappto > pp r rto rto °
to Iowa IowaNew IowaNew
New State Judiciary System SystemProvidence SystemProridenoe
Providence R G July 18 Tfi Tfitate T2r T2rstate
tate Judiciary system of Rhode Rbodewas Rhodetray
was inaugurated today IB p pthe 6the
the supreme court aa it ba bafor has hasSot <
for over a century a new s sn ss sscn
cn n ilea be besa a farmed to carry carryIW carryof <
IW of the former appeDate di diWlar dla
Wlar a iape rtor ceirt to s
c z
l2 yir

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