w L i GI Ar e An Anl eY l M MaP I aP wu trk FLORIDA JULY 14 1907 1907f GAINESVILLE f 4 filE DAILY BUS r CAt DAILY LY ahe 4 un unT unl1iMMU n nj T j r rlur l1iMMU lur wM1Irleae oeS at f > leeeln HienrmeHa HienrmeHaCHT rl IDerla1 IDerla1JIII > tr trruuNIS ruuNIS JIII r rAIIY aWa er erLi Li uOWRT AIIY uK ed MnbtMtr MnbtMtriMAL b ba iMAL a > MRlr CHT Mltei Mlteii MI MITf dttteftr tr 1 Tf Oea OeaallOa Oespa X Xc ileotl c trsictti allOa i room at BLOCK BLOCKJsjtBtoBBBy ocR frr Wp Mtnf TuzeeoaP re 1 taw t1tArltolltiui r enq ataratag ataratage a JsjtBtoBBBy 1 oUUtrei 1 dulled by eaitfcr canin1e wte wtedir to tkecity tkecityrpertef tMdt tMdt1M dir dirtt tIr rpertef tt ttt tkeUattwlStatesBMU 1M + e VaIW VaIWa I ILji t t Istra 1 a M Lji sue MMfe Uot liJS IS ttow ttowfor tIancr 5 r sKgb esaM for flv gYe wccbttrict1J ctfc Hrktly III tos H Hi IIII I A s 1s1iMUgretMrM i to teal cotauM cola i eo mat at a UM UMfMd u lIaM1t M1t 11lsrMe 11 liu sad 5 cent < < lib rt for sack MdJUeuI MdJUeuIII II dl r fsss 4f tiWpay enm edmtWg rude kaowaoi kaowaoiless knows 011 011jJt oaL jJt hl 1Nsar hlT ar 5k Y1pTIeewek T hd air less is a ctpt l e forty fortyerrijr fort fortI tortei i I M e eltirisa lfll every Monday II sad sadOf adtL acedt tL t fly sal etlesess IntT sn tie w will aim 01 Ibe Ibee be iJ eiJ e e M rut dikeCaltd dikeCaltdr1aM kc c cr r + t tj r1aM tl r s visaice edrct edrctri f j ri ffM1Ll ti1Mn A 1i lasers tae A hitter Icr first firstt nt 1 t ° elf eserefrnarf Lll J l t Mbcrwise Mbcrwisek edIcnt edIcntjf jf < tE k 11 t l II IlsiMr aM kaew Ie Ietill es M J till Jl r war t1sg tae taek + I l k i > fifaia Of t TkO Th PSBSSr PSBSSrBBVHtw PetI Pers1t14 ttI 1t14 II BBVHtw IIr Nora T A elegy o at < that exe ex exijriftojt exii e ijriftojt ii MSJOT b baa sit fcossj M received receivedBCiMsi celvedN fr I N BCiMsi til It C a ejsVoB far Bsrofal seal at weeks weeksn n n I Ii Iz < i T z fu + ks hIIDrn M iIsina that thattrllM at 1 j je trllM ° 11h laser I IrtM9 Aeatk tII e 7 iIII sit t1 w1 Pi UIAQr Wt ue theIIMMM ueii ii IIMMM N MR 1 II as1ttg sg their theirc tHIrtfl tfl c t iM I ra a 1 > flt M ens neelpta neelptaT neestptselMrM t elMrM T I WUIItIV1IIIIa tl11111ir 1Hdb dIS tot tott C CJ J 1 1j 1I 1n I j t n 1 hr At s1 Jasper I II IIfmj IiIrlMlflrap fmj r IrlMlflrap 11 1p Iuuid 11 n nfl7 hour hourNM fl7 NM MIriM1a i Sreal a aIi1i leuM leuMz Ii1i FT f I bi z a aailate TAa1 TAa1t 1tk t 1 tf Ill s u UrMM aiMlytM rH MlI1a euul w be f flMlsfNlw = fjtlt fjtltff lMlsfNlw Naw bM sea tbrt tbrtMw ff Mw at OLW I Besltir rro rrot troy troyi t I I 1 i1 i1r It ItW W 1 LdtlNttre 1 II has I IOI re r tjjllt1 URn II Jln halt Bacon BaconTii Batonty Tii ty + i rawM Wr ride asd tamer fonaero tamer1skMM o + 1skMM 4 ha beer 1MIe4JJ 4 4JJ IlhikM I W s Asrr A LetMlatsre LetMlatsreK twe twefi8f fi8f K Ns 1 tb Ms Iatlatar 11 II II1Inl Mcrps Mcrpslancet lancet eft 1YkIs1a1 krt fer t 1 ri Jk tlna dens Ba be u tbs n Na 1 a r Bair laoti FJ 01 01I I r l f lnl wfll soar force forcecomaty foreetm tapei tm i lira lu 111 taOnlfr M OraSI comaty comatyUajBors eGUtlJ ealrtyMr lJ i Mr Mil a1 fill tsWrleaag tJ iI UajBors UajBorsIt ucrs ucrst t 11 > y > 1 is It It ki not adsa U UJ a akotfl J a b kotfl Martoa sad Orange Oraaieto OraqeJCTJ OrangeFpr Fpr JCTJ wa I Mies to t tae e tall tAJIyear tallitfi tallIE1 itfi r t filT IE1 s deadug tile year 1MV 1MVto INTu 4 u q r MfIINI 1e1111rt a aim be aide to place placet plseeIMII aee aeetrLl trLl IMII 111 mil esafy VIII t 1k th the SBBM e colnnn colnnnla columnF X C C4t 4t 4tt t F Illrrr4 ft ie uJ V la tkroateBeel Unat with wltllIf witha withwet < If a l 11 r wet asji dry election aad r4 the tkeIMBSB thfI thet fI t a i orrice IMBSB of UM OBMtjr tT hate ap apto apoJP apF JP F 1d11 to I tae v wI ton en not to alp a tile tkeelectkm tiler r l 1r1 1 mr 1s lrgaust1s 111 asst eiectoi electkm to toof tort toM 8 8Ev rt > M eulNr rlll The 11 of Bradford BradfordMholjr BrMfordl l r tip Mholjr to via U the county countytkaa CXMIntytINt co uty utyj j aplla tkaa wewM tINt people ple of ofMkey oft I It Ev t t rl1IMb be Mkey to do so TIle Tkeof Ther EVt FX FXEVt r t 1 1rM of wktaker kas lIMa beeaitfos lIMar I K1 K1fc tp Ian r sd 11 rill k ttMe eeatli itfos for atu at atMr atlir fc rV u 1st rw 7 gala Ice trey treyi treyMr i Mr FBsrkBBka i ooght k to have kaowno Down DownIoItT b S t1s a o Bee Jest et forty Man Manoa MannrtrJan Manbtlltala btlltala nrtrJan oa tIM occaakNi of ofM ofIr oftr M Ir FrislisBls ull 4sM s visit to iBdJaaapolls iBdJaaapollstke Itadts apolis apolisr poI poIR r TM s R seed III tIM forty tofus fortyaa4 foftrtH s Mlasp aa4 54 the Maakattaa brand brandtreet 1tnndWaD branda1RNrta a1RNrta WaD treet tklovos Ithe If Ifa Ifa he W rioted sa a odd BBBiser a of offclla ofeedta1III ofMil Mil wblbey eedta1III fclla ke Btlfht have haveI DYenu haveswirl swirl nu I the wratk ath of ejoed d Dwaocrau DIoaautilla Dwaocraukfci ti sect tilla kl kfci Metkodlst Repwbll Repabnaces Repwbllkkked pwbU aces btetlrer 1146 kkked kIeIr like steers en But ButI 4 I as k is ke kM bao BO srvpathy tlly from frommy fromWall my 7 scarlet esee oxospt Wall Street treet and andOysssr andOyMw Oysssr Bay aad ev eTeB m the President PresidentJ a i J elrie kiaji biz for miring kiss up as seelse asesie aatM else ef the tMftI wlae wiaaNlbetL wiaaNlbetLY bibbers bibbersOorda 1 Y ftI 1f41bs Oorda RermM II l Inclined Inclinedto IncUn IncUnopIIIJoa fs to Ike OBjteloa tot CoJ Browns canNIMi can canfor NIMi 111 W for the United States Stat Senate SenateBrore SenateJnY SenatewN wN Brore aaythlag aaya W tkI bat a Joke The Theamjrs The1hnJI w Herald amjrs The Th Bewspapers aewlp ell may mayI mayrsla rsla I OoL T J L Browns roWD announce announceUalted announceUalted announceaaat aaat lie Ualted Bates tate Senator as a aseeae aJu aJ Ju J as seeae of then say they do doiNst doCaL dobet bet V CaL Bisrlaisii keeps out of the thewill theOIL thehoe hoe OIL C 1 a v will esBOBstrata the theMdHary thetNaq the1YK 1YK Ilan W Wr MdHary Idacr to I aaytkinc alq alqlie lit s Jake B lie to a kBstler wtk wtkP wt1to t P a ty of aMUty to aroma tke voters votersat hM at 4b i abash II IkI fail to t electrify electrifythft die e Mwsamaers It to J just st such pluck pluckil pluckact act wiry If il as ko aosoesses JIICNI that usual usually usualIT usualply ¬ ly will art te > ray kind of an under UDderi underLfr skIsM Is i Lfr c r7 t z 1 s p = J t LO1 t < 1 s e FROM THE PAGES PAGESo AOE ° 0o o OF FLORIDA PAPERS o oNot ohe Not Until he the theThe Millenium MilleniumThe The authorities of Jacksonville > are aredemanding aredemanding aredemanding demanding clean Btrtvts ttrt tH Next cat t thin thinone thing thingone one known the citizens cltl ns of that pro progressive JlrolTe progressive ¬ gressive lTe lve city clt will be clamoring for forclean forclean clean i JlolltlcKPalatka polltics > olltlc8 Palatka TlmvaHer TlmvaHeraid Tiiiit s Her Heraid aid An Echo of 76 76A 76A A West Florida exchange f > cha f e state statethat flL1tetlthat statesthat that Bopchoppy IB solid for Jenning JenningThe JellnlllThe JenningsThe The several other wouldbe Governors Governorsmay Gon > nlorN nlorNmay may as well take the hint and seek seekthe seekthe the tall timbers tlmbtrsPalatka Palatka Tliwn TliwnHerald TIIlItHerald TI nles nlesHerald Herald Too Early for Campaigning CampaigningThings CmpalgnlThlngl5 Campalgnln0Things Things are quieting down a little littlefrom Ilttltfrom littlefrom from a State political standpoint Ix t tas tus us hope this quietude will continue continuefor > for several months to come It Is Isall Isall Isall all wrong to begin be < < ln the campaign now nowManatee nowfanatee nowMautee Manatee Record RecordA A Cheerful View ViewThe ViewThe ViewThe The MadUon New Enterprise says saysthat 8a1tthat saysthat that Madinon county will be enriched enrichedseveral EnrlchffileTeral enrichedseveral several thousand dollars each year yearby yearby ear earby by tile provisions of the new pension pensionlaw law This ia I certainly taking a cheer cheerfa ch cheerful r rfu fa flew of the matter mntterPen matterPensacola matterPensacolaJournal Pensacola PensacolaJournal acola acolaJournal Journal Journaltweet JournalIweet JournalSweet tweet Music to the Ward Heeler HeelerWhen HelrWhen HeelsrWhen When Cromwell Gibbons return returnfrom returnKtroID returnsfrost I from Cuba after winning that great greatHit g1at11I1t greatsalt Hit his roU will doubtless be besufficiently belIUklently beiutklently sufficiently large to make him a de decided dtelde41 decided ¬ I cided factor In the gubernatorial gubernatorialsprint IUbernatorlalprlnt gubernatorialsprint sprint in the event be decides to tobutt tobutt tobutt butt In InPalttka Palttka TimesHerald TimesHeraldThats TimesHeraldThat TimesHeraldThats Thats Whore W They Th Belong BelongAs As we go to press there to a com commotion com1IIOt1oa cornuotfor motion in the blind tiger camps campsBO BO less than tb six of them being up be before before betore ¬ fore the coaaty court for trial Let Letth Letthe Letthe th the good work proceed until every everyOB evnyOft everyore OB Oft of then are In the chain gang gangwhere gangwhere gangwhere where they belong Bradentown BradentownJournal BradftltownJournal BradentownJournal Journal Reformer or r Teddy T tear tearBrother RearBrother r rBrother Brother Holly of The Orlando Re ReporterStar ReportfIr8tar ReporterStar ¬ porterStar grew quite mappy because becausewe au e ecalle4 we called him a reformer Dear DeareTear Dt Deardear > ar arwbat dear what will please him if that thatwont thatoot thatwont wont oot But If he wants to be a bear bearwhy bearwhy hearwhy why he may have hid way so o far as asThe asThe asThe The TrlbBBo is concerneda a Teddy Teddyone one at that tllatTampa Tampa Tribune TribuneBusiness TribuneOa TribuneBusiness Business Before Pleasure PleasureOB OB this till our birthday came a very verytad verykind er erII II kind tad letter with the offer of a round roundtrip roundtrip roundtrip trip ticket from Jacksonville to New NewYork NewYorIr NewYork York so that we might go and visit visitoar visitour hiltov oar boyhoods home but business Is Istoo latoo istoo too intease Intea e The Sarasota Times Timesmust TlmtSmalt Timesmast must come out every Thursday Much Muchttae MuchUBI Muchtlne ttae and money would be required requiredfor for such a trip and we must stay stayhone sta staooe8arasota stayhoeSarasota hone ooe8arasota Sarasota TimesPavers Times TimesPavers Timesve Pavers ve Local OptionThe Option OptionThe OlltlonTbe The prohibition advocates have havefigured baeftlUred havefigured figured It out that they have plenty plentyof of votes to put their State prohibi prohibition prohlbltlon prohibition ¬ tion measure through both houses housesof of the Georgia Legislature lature and they theypropose theypropose theypropose propose to do 0 so without delay It Itis Ita ItIs is a summary way of solving a great greatproblem gr greatproblem t tproblem problem and we have ha e little faith in inthe Intile 10the the result The people In every e ry coun county county county ¬ ty in the State are clearly clearl entitled entitledto to vote on such an issue especially especiallywhere lt1peclatlwbere especiallywhere where the question was not made an anIssue anluue anissue Issue in the election of the members membersof of the Legislature Statutory pro prohibition prohibition prohibltloa ¬ hibition in Maine is I a farce and it itwill ItwUl itwill will doubtless be so In Georgia GtOrglaLhe GtOrglaLheOak Live LiveOak Oak Democrat DemocratIf I > t > mocrat mocratIf If everybody thought exactly alike alikeit it would be no sign In this wide world worldthat worldthat worldthat that their thinking b nk is isHows right rightHows I IHow Hows This ThisWe ThllWe ThisWe We offer One Hundred Dollars Re Reward Reward Reward ¬ ward for any case of Catarrh that thatcannot thatcannot thatcannot cannot be cured by Halls Catarrh CatarrhCure CatarrhCure CatarrhCure Cure F J CHENEY CHE EY i CO Toledo ToledoOhio ToledoOh1o ToledoOhio Ohio OhioWe We the undersigned have known knownF F J Cheney for the last 15 years yearsftnd I aDd believe him perfectly honorable honorablela I la aU business transactions and flnan ftnanetally flnancurly j dally able to carry out any obligations obligationsBude Imade I IIUd IUd by b his bl firmWALDiNO firm i iWALDINQ I WALDINQ KINNAN k MARVIN MARVINWholesale MARVINWholesale Wholesale Druggists Toledo Ohio OhioHalls OhioHanl OhioHafs I Halls Catarrh Cure is taken Inter haternally Internally I IDl1y nally acting actin directly dl r upon U OD the blood bloodand blooddand I Iand and mucous surface of tbe system systemTelt1moaal systemTutlmoaiala j TestlmoBial sent tree Price 75c 75cper 75cyen I per bottle Sold by all druggists druggistsTake dru druggistsTale lats Take Halls FaxsJltr pills for conrtl coostJIUI I IUI THE KNOWNOTHING SPIRITr SPIRITThe SPIRIT SPIRITThe SPIRITTh r The Th Palatka News S > M one of o the theably IIIOt IIIOtabl mintably ably abl edited wiekly t > ekl pipers i i erd in the theState th thState IhtState State says saysFlorida saysFlorida lUrKFlorida Florida Is preeminently pre emhnentlr the t ht Stat Statof Stateof t to of o native Americans Outside of o Ke KeWest KtWe Key Key1Vest > West We t and Tampa with their large largtnumber IMgtnumiJfr largenumber number of Cuban cigar makers am amat and alldat andat at Tarpon Sprint with Its It Greek GreekHponsers GrNkHIfllI Greekspongers Floridas population i ilargely Ilargtl Is Islargely spongers HIfllI erH largely native American AmericanThlK This fact always aIW3 makes its It favor favorable favorable aor aorahle ¬ able impress irullrf > 8 upon the t h > traveled tra tId citi citizen citIzen I Iawn ¬ zen of the United States who lingers lingerslong IInglrIOllg lingerslong long in Florida It Is such a 1 pleas pleasing 111t 111t111J pleashog ¬ hog sensation to bo among American Americanthai Aut rican ricanthat thai he does not fall to cmmmnt cmmmntfavorably cutunllntfavorahly omrulnlra favorably ra upon It ItIt Itrt itIt Its It weight weiphtin wl ht htIII It IH a fact also that had > in the defeat of th tht < > immigration Imlt1i ratloll hill billbefore hillhtfon hillbefore before > the last legislature The Theaverage ThRerae Thraverage average Florid Floridian Ian hesitates h ltattt to cncourage en encourage tlcnurag ¬ courage a condition that means ul ultimately ultlmattJ ultimately ¬ timately the elimination of o native in influenco IIIfluence illIluenct fluenco both moral and political politicalHe sditicall sditicalllie lie knows we gain nothing i In morals morassfront moralsfrom moralfrom from the t average II lge immigrant and that thathe tlmth thathe he h soon learns to get tt busy In i olitics oliticsIn OIi ti II IIrn In nineteen IIlm > ttn of the Northern States Statesthe Stahthe Stattythe the number of the foreignborn forelgn born and andtheir andtheir andtheir their immediate descendants exceeds exceedsthe the number > r of the nativeborn mtI tborll In Inthe Inthe Inthe the largest cities cltl > the > number is I two twothirds tothlrd twothirds thirds and even t > n threequarters threequartersThere threelll rt > r rTht There Tht > rt are more Cohens than Smiths SmithsIn mlthsIn In the New tW York directory New NewEngland Se SeEngland NewEngland England even en Is no longer puritan puritanbut but foreign So is it in the Middle Middleand Middleand lIddltand and Central West and not only onl in the thecity theclt thecity city clt and town but in hamlet and coun couutry country try tr The average an > raRe Floridian is not so ab absorbed absorbed airsorbed ¬ sorbed In business bu mess affairs as to tooverlook toofrlook tooverlook overlook the loss from a social socialmoral HOCla1moral socialmoral moral and political standpoint which whichwould whichwould whichwould would result from a large influx of offoreigners offorelgnE offoreigners foreigners > rl4 It may ma be that this is isprejudice ItfJrtjudlcf isprejudice prejudice but whatever it be it is ishere 114hfre ishere here present presentIt It is probably a relic of the old oldKnownothing oldKnownothlng oldKnownothing Knownothing spirit of 1856 which whichhad whichhad hlcbhad had it not been bet > n for the more lmj import important > ort ortant Ortant ant issue of slavery and State rights rightsthe rlghtth rightsthe the th South together with Ith a large part partof Il8rtof partof of the country would have ha stood on a aplatform alilatform aplatform platform of America for Americans Americansforgetful AmerltaUlforgetful Americansforgetful forgetful of the fact that we are all allthe alltbe allthe the children a of Immigrants ImmigrantsCongressman ImmigrantsCongrtMIHnan immigrantsCongressman Congressman Frank Clarks Idea of ofsecuring ofsecuring ofsecuring securing stttlers for Florida from the thefarming tlwfanning thefarming farming sections of other States in the theUnion th thUnion theUnion Union should appeal to us all Such SuchImmigrants SucbImmigrants Suchimmigrants Immigrants though largely foreign foreignwould rorelgJIould foreignwould would yet et have the advantage of hay having ha haIns haylag ¬ Ins served their probation or novi novitiate nmlUate novitiate ¬ tiate In other StatesThe States StatesThe StatesThe The Starke Telegraph says the thelargest thelargest thelargest largest deal in stock sto < k cattle to be b made madeIn In this section for a long time was wasclosed wasclose aR aRc1o closed c1o ed a few days ago when ExSuite ExSuiteSenator ExStltSenator ExStateSenator Senator Chas V F Barber bought theWm the theWm theWm Wm Underbill drove consisting of 260 head It IB understood that the theprice theprice theprice price paid was a 10 per head ht > ad or a alotal atotal atotal total of 2fOO Immediately follow following rollowInB followIng ¬ ing his purchase Mr Ir Barber sold soldsixty soldsixty uldslxt sixty slxt head of the cattle to a Jackson Jacksonville JackHol1vllle Jacksonville ¬ ville butcher and they thc were driven drivento > n nto to that city to be butchered The re remainder reomalnd remainder ¬ mainder > r of the drove will 111 be left I > ft on ontheir ontheir ontheir their present Ilrt nt range in the vicinity Ilnlt of ofStarke ofStarke ofStarke Starke Mr Ir Barber is becoming an anextensive antxtenRlve anextensive extensive cattle owner He > now has hasabout basabout hasabout about 800 head in Baker and Brad Bradford Bradford Bradford ¬ ford counties countiesThe countltThe countiesThe The Manatee Record says a11 a reas reasonable r3onable reasonable ¬ onable estimate t > of this reasons cropof crop cropof crollor of oranges plucks IIIIL < t4 it at about twentyper twenty twentyler tEnt tEnt11tr per ler cent The shortage > is due to the thedrought thtdrought thedrought drought however it Is I thought this thiswill thilwill thiswill will be made up for in the price for forfruit forfruit forfruit fruit fruitWORMS WORMS WORMSor Mrssnli4Jtnd treta IINI edtel aI et trepta 1 a 4 Caanb of 011 t e BKL I aer1 A I pre prekaed a bn bnt t Cue Careiu t and w sr or orJM PrtN 10 e tad tbs bM I ba layea wtgline I Tr D tnirelne II lfs r Jadt JIIt Ollr doetor 4 tor sr in = whe n 11104 IhowQ hi hio shiny nett d aced 114 ID rosier W lb I rnaaan abotl 1M tlao leII tb 1Qf s r = r atntksthasbalaopine I 1 J riialttyforJsun UI for Je JM JMtnut Uoy 4 Ibe lb baof 0 halth bealt6rlaee Iue T tnut tnutCo ikM Malsonial LI will appeal to other her asseen n I Cu hlatkock IUMk odlmt ntf Dirtnlty HIU PI P1e tirct W CI CIeatror Pkttalpiis Pkttalpiisbeat I beat eatror eatror1he ror rorThe The Dow ilb ilbe I IvPl I e Nefr e rMruvle rMruvlerleaaat vPl rleaaat rslbt abl Pnt Pnt ttt Tat 0 rnnt OOG 1p3oo Ifo e r 5lekq Itk W weaken > n lor lifI ae t ee > s I 141Q Irrsataabulk blllk The Thegenutne seDuln 1 tmpJ CCC t 1 1V1aaraas V1aaraas td io > > can or your rtJ tut t lok agtnageedy uc sy Co Chie I Chicago o w Ny 9 5M MHULUU TUIHUH lEI NIUSN MgS MgSMEK M MME V J I 1MEN MEN ME AND WOMEN1 WOMEN1It WONIEII I II Ir ILath r Lath It I H f r < i J I II IIra I 1 re reH Ira 3 H I l I I II ft I I IN INIrtt t nNY Is4 i I t Irtt L t I II IIk I + ttcf IMt3 1e w t ttu I tu tibia Ik 1 llra Lrarlta LrarltaL < < lta i iIt L r It II 1 vtit rt I h t ttr rrl HC w I erswr nul M i w rCo restt 1 1A A 1A f V A Healthy Liver Makes MakesA j jA A Well Man Mancure is isL t L fllslLT tan LTSMS CMN11Im UI and theMST theMSTIECT the UIIT IECT 1Iftfa UU MplpN fIIol > DIO1111 Do not flu your ourm I Iwith twith WI = Ii a aran arand with Calomel Arsenic or QuInIne guam guaml teed d cure for forand all l diseases produced ftf d by ajwsursf ajwsursfNmi T 111 Ufl and Nmi It I wWciirelOlUlU will can M without bou bouf le lar larksg T Tanyol ksg anyol any of f The the deadly dead1 effects of many man drugs used for that thatbottle U UOne thatOne One bottle purchased today rr trice MJ MJA AW you from frompeU froms Quickly cu cures curesA s Ida k spell tomorrow T TA in rt = A PROMINENT PHYSICIANS PHYSICIANSENDORSEMENT PHYSICIANSENDOnarr PHYSICIANSENDORSEMENT ENDORSEMENT ENDORSEMENTBettle Dr A J Haab H T a JeacInc phyeleka ph 01 Umadli UmadliPIa Umat UmatIces PIa Ices ays 9 bawbee bare bests nt usm HertMne III mlPfM mlpvee mlpveetie 61 tie and aw well 11 pi pleased with the results I aJ sways sways1iar r ban aM think it iItMv ussdiabeIaris 1iar Is1Ja + Ib iani n Jf1I i aali 1 Complaint Complaint1Ic Compl rs4 Iaris Bettle Sw AnY AH AHBalkrd Su SuBallard 1 1JaIIard Ballard Snow Liniment Co CoSI C Citl SI 1 Lsa1Be V VTo LA L LOLD OLD MOOMlINap ST STw w M OSNSON OSNSONTo IIi IIiTo To The Jamestown Exposition ExpositionVia ou ouVia ViaThe Via ViaTbe Via1he The Atlantic Coast Line Railway RailwajPeople RaillaPeople = People all allover over Florida Flot idh see ee the Atlantic Coat Coa t Line LinePurple LinePurple LinePurple Purple Folder for schedules to the Jamestown J am 8town Expo Exposition Ex Exsition Exposition ¬ sition Two daily trains each way with ith through Poll Pollman POlJman Pullman man Buffet Sleeping Cars OarsSeason CarsSeaw CarsSeason Season > n sixty sixty days ayo and fifteen dayslimit ilays limit excursion excursiontictets txcurioDtickets f xcursioatickets tickets on sale daily from April mh 1 to November Nov nlber 30th 30that 80that 30that at low rates ratesCoach ratesCoach ratesCoach Coach excursions at very low rate rateFor ratFor ratesFor For further information see your nearest nea est railroad railroadagent railroadagent railroadagent agent or tr write writeFRANK wriuFRANK writeFRANK FRANK C BOYLSTON BOYLSTONDistrict District Pissenftr lslInllr Agent Atlantic Coast Lint Jacksonville Fli fqrSEAB FliSEABOARD fllSEABOARD SEABOARD SEABOARDAir SEAB OARD OARDAir Air Line Railway RailwaySAVANNAH RailwaySA RailwaySAVANNAH SAVANNAH SA v ANNAH COLUMBIA COLUM IA CAMDEN SOU SOUTHERN souTHERN SOUTHERN THERN PINES RALEIGH H RICHMOND RICHMONDWASHINGTON RICHMONDW RICHMONDWASHt WASHINGTON W WASHt GTON BALTIMORE PHILADELPHIA PHIL PHILADELPHIA PHILADELPHIA ADELPHIA NEW YORK YORKTwo YORKTwo YORKTwo Two Elegant Trains Daily DailySEABOARD DailySEABOARD DailySEABOARD SEABOARD EXPRESS EXPRESSSEABOARD EXPRESSSEABOARD EXPRESSSEABOARD SEABOARD MAIL MAILModern MAILModern MAILModern Modern Pullman Equipment EquipmentThe EquipmentThe EquipmentThe The Jamestown Exposition Line LineNorfolk LinoNorfolk L118Norfolk Norfolk Va VaExcursion VaExcursion VaExcursion Excursion Tickets on Sale Daily DailyFor For fun informati 11 ID and d 81 Sleeper t seaboard or write r tt r ftffrutcra call on aD any or orc Ap ApC Agent 6 c EOI8I EOIISjN Ja t Assistant General Jacksonville Fla PUNpr PaaaeagerAapatt 1 Z F