OCR Interpretation

The new enterprise. (Madison, Fla.) 1901-1908, February 27, 1908, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of Florida

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn95047178/1908-02-27/ed-1/seq-4/

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F tir i < iii Jo c n t
I t el 1
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Sll the l hands an s Is aloQd a goad way 7 7raysyour
raysyour 4 yQ1r money If you yo keep peeplbuwZ
lbuwZ t t AaAngs vtnirs about the ho house houseti se sei
i + t ti Y tmt J1ybecom tb the p ptey pteyrobbers ey Qf Qfr
l Jand robbers Open an anaccount aJ1 aJ1o
r account o ntin in o our r Savings Departm Depart Deparfrh
m rh j reltw It will 111 Le absolutely absolutelyF absolutelyyrf
yrf tteJlnd afe and drawing interest at at 4 4p 4pgr
p pgr r cent ent It t n need ed not be alanie alaniearf a large largeam
arf am rintt unt tb beginwith Onedcil OnedciltriyJ One del dela
a 1a triyJ > vih lst start < irlYou you on the rif riftoa right righti
i toa roads roadseFjirst 4 4Firsl
eFjirst Firsl Natl Bank BankF
4 F Capital R tl1l Surplus and andProftts r ts tstQOooo
tQOooo tQOooooa
oa <
tt i ht htTOWN
TOWN 1 lop1CS lop1CSilpbone f ft
2r ilpbone Phone 76 76t 76tI t rJ > 1 1r
r t B Harden spent p n aVaay adejor > kT or two this tblajjk thisID tb tblk
jjk lk ID Gluing rr rrIlex > xfi xfiResell f <
ikrnold Artl ld Broa Broaugica Bro DrolJiIC3 Bro1ugtca
Resell Ilex ell Vaun b hafpal i pdl d rnbld
ugica 1ugtca Call at t Ills Ul store fir prices pricesPS prlcesp
PS p S Ccggins U at at home for A few fewiji fewIarter fe feqi
iji Iarter after a succeeafuj lI 1cce aful 4 trip in South Southlorida Soutblor Soullonda
lorida loridaMrfcHeUltellijgDoxyUlej lor dl iF iFlr i nl nllire
MrfcHeUltellijgDoxyUlej lire lr Ilefeaellat e leU gooxvhle f6 ivlI Tonn Tenne ODD is issguitofMl8sNeltyhtldre5Ji IS9fUlt
gust e sguitofMl8sNeltyhtldre5Ji ofMssNerJhlldt of Isiisa Nell 3htld reKa J at t the theDM thenM th thsea
DM House i 4J3 4J33d i 1 r rd1flo
3d d1flo rla BUlocUaridrhla BlalOCk ldtidbls dud his friend Mr Mrickey Mrckey MIekey
ickey of Vildostky spent Saturday Saturday8nnday Saturdayinnday Saturda3ryunday
8nnday In tbevcity tbevcityE the by byE
i E Oobb and ndMaster nd Master Sam jrof jrofkoiivUIe jr or orbOlivlUe o oluonvilie
bOlivlUe koiivUIe made mad lti a > abort ort weajcan weajcanit weacenlUo
it Ito to Mrs P 8 dogglm G glna last week weekfa week1I
fa Munroe Dioks t ot Chattanooga Chattanoogasaninteresting Chattanoogtao i iun
un saninteresting totereetingpnd Interes rD Jibd d interestedvisU interestedvisUlo Interested vial vialto
lo 0 Madison Saturday Baturda1Rnd and Sunday SundaylinbalDtle BUDdll BUDdllanbalDde Sundayfarabal
linbalDtle farabal Dale lamping is s1 oiD oIog iA ifimself neeit proud proudelytrlthhU prom promlly I IelT
elytrlthhU elT with his itr tyroa Tf fjJirgVk a orlri r1tt Theiesi Theiesiace The lesl leslce
ace ce streets streel84re are all aUbikTI takiinr shape II ape rapid rapidV rapidW
V W n nAI1 tt tttodmoat
Ire Drojden Brogdenof ofV Vbldoat ii t bas termt termtled termladamost
todmoat led a JlOltplee pleasahtyiBlt pleaeoat ht visit il to Mrs J JSkipper JSklp Jikipper
Skipper Sklp r returjtfnfr returjC Ji9m8 Jbpme lla ma Oath eaW last lastrt 1utek Iasik IasiOR
rt k vVi vViOBSAM < i ioa
OBSAM oa BALI Ter Tart isherca shares 8 of stock ot otFlorida QteFiorld 0 0iFlorida
Florida Sumatrai BumatiILq SumatdLeaf eat f tobacco lobacooCo lobacooCoplr CotIy Co CoUy
Uy to 0 W N Dloklnebn Dl DIui 1iID8 ineoti P R F D No NoEbb Notbb Nobb
Ebb bb Pit V VInTbeoC tw twt 4wra
InTbeoC ra t Tbeo C t Smith SmihlaJlt IB teat at homo eg again againIf in int
If r t delightful visit of several CGvar l weeks weeksA
A II I her h r sisters a8tersM Mesdames 8daQlel Bartfee and andair u4
air 11 In Live Oak Oakteedsmea Oakeadames v vieMames
ieMames A L i Wingiton ingafon l i nal add d A Ltv Ilvstonjr Ltynlon Ltvton
nlon stonjr ton Jr bavi blvlr8D bavoretiiraod retnrned d from a deUnl de deWol dehUgl
Wol Unl tripof trip ot of aevoraifyeolc eev irW031tJ to pointa pointatbe pointibe
tbe be Florida peninsulas penfnsulax peninsulaserrIii a arol1
rol1 x rrIn > IQ to town vn last Friday Fr1d a paIr ot ofI o oI
4 I I bowed b9edaDI1 ana rimmed tpe spec peciaole taotea ol MI Up Tiptetnrnof Upreturn Upeturn
tetnrnof return of same Im to 0 Wit this hl office om e finder finderU flndeireceive
U r receive clve tve suitable fe reward rewardhuk fetkrd fetkrdrank rd rd7ulIc
huk rank Parrainore came uID In jmme jmmeawjlay bomeraday me meuradar
awjlay alter several weeks absence absencebatioess a abaeneeroelnese > enelo enelobu
batioess bu lneaa He expects sxp X ect to o go out on onJrwd oUroad1Ijtatn optoedslain
Jrwd road1Ijtatn again nexlMondsy nexlMondsyar next M Monday Mondayr l1dar l1dart
ar t Brfdin Parramore Pufa or6 ot N Nw w Jerney Jerneys Jens1eaecl
eaecl s led d through tbtouthMadllOll Madison Tuesday en enlie eOte ate
lie te e for Qulocyiwherflbewlll QulnC Qu1seyiwberebewlltspend wb6re bevUlBPQnd spend a aV aek i ik
ek V k then return hew b r for a abort stay stayla ItaTlInW stayraW
lInW raW Po b Ivey 11tij oatied li fbY by tale talea
la a Saturday iq to vW A1 abamewhore b atnttwhere im w er aalB aalBvuRerlously a film BIRlIerlouI1t filmwad
vuRerlously wad seriously JlttW lll Wgnbp W1 1hopetbe bopelbelld bopelbelldi tb lady ladrflf ladyrl4ber
flf rl4ber ther er loved I v one o one Improved td upon uponJ uponsal
sal salBit i
Bit J g s Ltttb Wvefills Live v lRlll w wake asks k up la lalivetg lahVers lavers
livetg vers clean clea tbe50Bwra ibe be a Ja slain Ip and 9 J clear clearrkla Olearlak1D ear earukln
ukln rkla Try tjea t aaiafaibtlloutcueaaand aaiafaibtlloutcueaaandheadache iorlbttiouVnesa t mPE le llDd llDdt and andkhwdacbe
t headache ferleij lJrI 2 He e Bold Sol V by 1 O OUweloy I Ioseley 0408eI111
Uweloy UweloyOhwlevPartsjmd 408eI111 408eI111tr oseleyN
tr N OhwlevPartsjmd OharleeP Charles Pail J n 1Ioltll 4 children r n nso nsoStoj aIm aIma alsoStoy
a Stoj 8 and nd Mr M ajbt gee lIlot loft Tues Tuosfcs Tueslor Tuoator
lor Cordel g Cn navel I 1th81 theq will wUltwo willd
d two weeks 4rI Pos Iitoya Iitoyabars tQt tQtc
c > ter terra rl1r8 bars Lit Litt fie fie1rs
fcs ra Lucille i Ll < iVriifrtt6n t6 OJ1lr of Boston BostonhoiefatbrQsplT DQlonboea BertonWhose
Whose hoiefatbrQsplT faLbwQp father Qapt T J Livings LlvlDRBwto LIvlt1IIliS
liS > wto 10 well hseirti k Jdar lttkearrived iarriv mv d JM JMV yeey tI tIr
V r and will refnUi tOfDdUj tJ tje e > guest Itt N of ofi ofIt ofd
It J D BrItfn 23rIn oa fospeveaM v8ffl weeks weeksa s st
t a t i 4e 111 Q snaeessikiiry D eliMrrt ea rte LkrotJllt LkrotJlltr through throughaa
aa r txpeael eapeRetves 1i stVon i D for Pile Pileite Pilea
a te r i Me MaaZa0 Zwe lrkttv Tut P is 1 1f a coIP colisli colislis >
31 f a nltb a 1th BOM IIO > sae lr Wny aet to apf apply appltt1 applyr f fr
t1 r = r form of Pik PBW dt pfloe COe W Sold SoldB 8 Sol Solrei W
B tdoeNSV rei
John J hQ H Haven of Auollla Auof la wag aa a bust bustneaa buslnen bui buiness
ness viettor Ultor In the city Monday MondayPpraeiticlde MondayPpraslticlde MondayPeara
Ppraeiticlde Peara alticlde cures Itoh in inm 80 80inlnuUs SOml1
inlnuUs ml1 m inctes t4e Price 50 cents Sold by D DaSmitb DG I IC
aSmitb G C sr4itb I1 tb t13 f138t f138tMrs StMrs St StMrs
Mrs L 0 Ruter him gone tOOl to Live LiveOak LiveOAk Lh LhOak
Oak for Cora a visit ysl of several days with tier tierBt liersiUer b bsister
Bt sister ter Mrs Barton BartonMr BartoDMr BertonMr
Mr and Mrs John Wadswortb nre nrerejoicing nrerejOlolDIt pi pirejoicing
rejoicing In the tbearihal arrival of a a hundeome liandsomson hundeomeeon l audBo e eIIODbbr
eon IIODbbr born Saturday Sa urdLy22nd 22nd nat instMist In In1lIsI8 natMiss
Mist 1lIsI8 S A Randall did ndt D t go to toJnukeonvllle toJlck8onvllie t tJacksonville
Jnukeonvllle last latw week we k as S nntlolpatcd nntlolpatcdbut antioipatebut d dbu
bu but left instead for her homaatSampa homaatSampala
Among the jolly drummers who ho pay paytheir Pl Pltheir pa patheir
their weekly visitsto visits to Madlsou ozone l lwore il ilJlIorewlllcom Iwere
wore JlIorewlllcom welcome than Charlie Beggs of ofPavo ofPavo c crave
Pavo Oa OaMissMadge GoulsSM anMistMadge
MissMadge ulsSM die Burnett nurn tt baa be returne4t returne4tber returned to toher t ther
her home at Hamburg after a visit vsltor vsltorsome vlsitosome ol olsome
some length with wltbber her sister Mrs It L LCaulk I LCaulk
Caulk at Hanson HansonMr RaniotMr HansonMr
Mr and Mrs F W Wllllarotof William of Ma Maopn M Moon blotcon
opn con Ga arrived In In Madison Monday Mondaysnd Monda Mondaaud Meridaand
and will pay para a visit of several weeks to toMrs t6Mrs to toMrs
Mrs Hunter Patterson PattersonThe Pat PattersonThea3 rs n nTbea
The Tbea ft M Society will bold its Itun Itunnualsoctal an annual annuej ¬
nual nualsoctal social meeting at the the titcbol bomef home loofMn of MrsT Mrs MrsT
T 1 J Beggg next Dex Tuesday afternoon afternoonMarch afternQOuldarcb afternoonMarch
March 3rd A full full attendance atteDda ce of mem members memobers memhere ¬
bers is urged urgedTheU0C urrcedtheU urgedTlieU
TheU0C theU D C will meet meat Wed Wednusdaj Wedneeds Wednsd8
needs nusdaj with Mrs fl M Taylor ns nsbosteta 81hostess eihostess
hostess A full meeting is dealred not notonly notonli notonly
only by tbe prospective hostels but but by bythe bytbe bythe
the officers as well wellJ
J S Coker cok CokerP r a pupil of last year ha haretprncfl hRr bat batreturned
r returned qrnei1 He brought another aD ther with withfrom wltbhI1 withhim
hI1 him i and nd8r8several days several more are comlEi comlEifrom come C Cfrom
from DeSoto DeSotocllunt1 Oiunty Ten cn pupils frdin frdinDeiJoto fr frdmDesoto m mD
DeiJoto D to county Oulityare are now oW enrolled at the theNormal theNormal theNormal
Normal NormalMrsO NormalMrs NormalMrs
MrsO Mrs G C Dougherty 1 > oujtbertya a young youngmatron VOUDgmatron youngmatron
matron well remembered r and esteemed eeteempdby esteemedby eoteemflby
by MediBon lad ln people came CI from her herboroe berhome herhome
home at Sjtatssboroj Qa 0a and spent spentgeveml spentsevarIl pentlIey
lIey sevarIl geveml days daTIot of last l t week with her berfriend herfriendMrsCharlie
friend friendMrsCharlie Mrs Charlie Carroll OarrolUKett CanollNeJf8Qldamiib CarrollNeat
Neat NeJf8Qldamiib Sunday roTgbt be appropriately appropriatelyoallod IIpproprlteloillod appropriatelyoaliod
oallod Baby Day dt the Methodist Wethodlatchurch Metbodistcburcb Methodistchurch
church 6a 11 several veral Httjo ones are to be bebaptitod beblptiz belJlaekburn
baptized blptiz tJ Mr BlaoVburflrequests niaokburn TequeBts that tbatAll tbltaU
All Mothudla1 parents who have haveloung haveloungcblldren youngchildren young youngchildren
children to bo baptized bapiizxlbring Mot r10 tbem en enthis CIltbllc ccthis
this tbllc occasion occasionOnly x > c6aaian c6aaianOnly aaloD aaloDiJ
Only iJ m 1 Florida can c can n be befol1Dd found the thedeal thell1eal theIdeal
deal olltnate and weather which we weave webavnzpri mehave
bavnzpri have ave experienced Dced for the past weekThat week weeVThat weekTbat
That iprjDK epr 1og is rapidly approaching npproaoblngtbero ppr l1oblDIt l1oblDIttberClcan
there tberClcan can be ip hap doubt Jo bt for lortbe the fruit fruittreasure fruit fruittro fruitfrogs
tro treasure frogs lure all a puttlDgforth putth putting lf forth their beautl beautlfuland beauLIful beautllul
fuland ful and od fragrant t blossoms blosomsA
A A masquerade ma uerade dance wasRlveo at the tbeopera t theopera e eoper
opera oper house Monday Monda1111jtbt night by Dr W WParramcre WParr Warramore
Parramcre Parr mor anti ua his dancing dauclnOl88 class Tho Thomusio ThoU1UIIIB Thopoem
poem Was furnished rut lsb by the negro o r string stringband efriolZband stringhand
band and t ufollQWlojt hefollowingparticipated participated < t en enmasque enmaeque enmasque
masque Mlsa MIKathleen III Kuihleen Thomas as asGrandmother asGrllldtDQthClr asGrandmother
Grandmother Wlea lIee Ethel lbeISaSMr lbeISaSMrV1o Sasecr BaslerViolet SasecrViolet
Violet V1o e Girl Mix JiH Hattie Lou Dlobln DloblnOB DlokloII Dlokinson
OB II VLtttle Ltul Japanese Jl pooeo and DlitsesBugle Mifnes MifnesBugle MI 8 8Bugle
Bugle Vaunr VatJl1aqd and Boohel a el Martin cowgirls Cow Cowgirls Cowftlrlll
girls besidea beeldieMIBBH Mines leees Agnes Parramore ParramoreOrena Parramore ParramoreOrlna ParramoreDrone
Drone Smith enaBttl andEI1I1i Itaseell llllell who wlodld wlodldDOt didrotgo did didB0tpo
DOt B0tpo rotgo ftoln in costitmfe Tom RwJdlnapefeooated IWdlnRIpetiooated gadding gaddingpersonated
personated Wild WndDUI Bill11 hill WalUr alto r Patter Patteron Patterno Patterns
Jobs Vaon down and andlaidYrtB AndudWIZ
no on Cow 00 boy I
laidYrtB Mordt Little Bd R d BWing BWinghoodaiia Bidingfood
Wardlayr Url U tiripson tiripsonCott rip BOD BODTom oo ooom
hoodaiia 100 food < 1 a and 4 M Mewra Mra
Tom om J XMllfl > llo end And Ueorge ueori8 DavU danced dancedbutdld dancedtut i ib
butdld b tut dill ao ant mask and many others otherswbo othersaboee UieteWhOM
wbo WhOM fl ikOH8 we did not learn attended dtel1dedU
U i apasltetottl JtAtf
u ufltr
Mm fltr WIHDSVlrts wn Driltt b istd convalescent oonfat qentlrom qentlromIL froi froia from fromshort
IL short but quite qU ta kerjout serozieillneae serozieillneaeUnto 8rotit illneM illneMUOB llll llllUon
Unto B 1 L Mililtior Mlllh ori1d and Judge Lam Lammons Lammone LeaMons
mons ot Ellavlllfrwore ElJavlllir wore wore business visitors visitorsIn visitoiIn iBitor iBitorIn
In In the city Monday MondayMlrt Moutdai MoutdaiMlt MondayIs
Mlrt Is JIamlo lla to Vaird Nand rd of f Tallahattee Tallahatteespent Talla TallahaasiPont I18leo I18leopOl1t
spent from Saturday to to Monday in inMadison InMadlloll I IMadison
Madison visiting v It1Ir Also Mita B Clyde Baum BaumAnother DlumJ DlumAnotber BaumAnother
Another brllltanfriariy brI1lIRn pRrtT is In prospect prospectMr prospeoolMre proepec proepecMrs
Mr Dr Smith wlMjehtertala jl letaID a large largenumber lllrgenumber tart tartnumber
number of Mnditipnfl MridISOD Madt onmB omen women tomorrow tomorrownfternoon tomorrowIIrternooD tolmorroafternoon
afternoon IIrternooDMrs afternoonMre nfternoonMrs
Mrs VVllliam Mitchell witched Ja II expected expectedarrive to toarrive
arrive from Jacksonville today or to tomorrow t tmorrow ¬
morrow for a visit llit of ofleeral several d + ys with withMrs withMrl wl wltire
Mrs tire TheoC Theo O Smith SmithPineaalve SmithPinesalve l I IPineulveCarQoh
Pineaalve PineulveCarQoh Carbolizod e < acts like n poul poultice po pot pottine l ltl ¬
tine tl e draws out nflaraatlon IDtJamatlon and poison poisonAptiseptlo polsonAntilepUo polsoAntieeptlo
Aptiseptlo healing Porchapped or obapped hand haoditllpBouta handIlIps bin binill
IlIps tllpBouta ill ps outs burns Soldby Bold v p B F Moaeley MoaeleyMrs MoseloyMra Iloseh IlosehMrs
Mrs J T Skipper klpperlDdMrs andMrs and Mrs Hunter HunterPatterson HunlerPatt Hunt HuntPatterson
Patterson Patt raon returned rotnrn dBaiurda Saturday from llromvisit a avwit amltof
visit mltof of rare pleasure to Q Mr nnd audMr audMrW 1nff Mre MreVV r rW
W P Thompson at Oakland Mr MrThompsons MrThompsol1s At AtThompaona
Thompsons country ountr home homeL bomeA homeL
L A FraJeigb and A Livingston LIDlstonjr LIDlstonjrratutDed jr jrreturned ji jireturned
returned Saturday from fr m St Petersburg Petersburgwhere PetefJbdrgwhere Peterebd Peterebdwhere
where they attended the annual mcetr mcetrIng mee meelug Meelug
lug of the Bankers Association Both Bothgentlemen Botb1l0nt1emeD Sot Sotgentlemen
gentlemen express themselves as having havingbad haVIDghad haver haverhad
had a amost most delbJhtfaltclp delbJhtfaltclpAnhal delllthtuJtcIPAn delightful 4tip 4tipAnha
Anhal An bal I Our fame has gone ODe abroad abr abroadthe ad in inthe iotbe
the land aa a brilliant social centsthe center centerThe centerrhe
The Monticello MODti ello News of last week gave gaveus gaveusa ga gaus
us usa a a little htt snlel ot Rood natured raillery raillerywith ralllerJwith sal le lewith
with our gay assemblages and Par Pargowns Paris Parisgowns PllrlIfowns
gowns as a text Madison 3Iadleonis is B All Bight Bightsocially RlgbtsocIally RIghsocially
socially speaking speakingMlsa IpeaklolrMI3s speakingMine
Mine Lizzie Taylor entertained tbe tbeyoung thrvoun tl tlyoung
young voun ladles club Monday afternoon afternoontheir Ifterlioonbelr afternootheir
their number being augmented by seternl set severnl saverlll
ernl visitors and young youu matrons matronswas 42 42was 42wae
was playedMlB8 Parramore Parramorewlnning winning tbe tbeprize tbeprize tt ttprize
prize Tbe daintiest of refreshments refreshmentswer retreehtuenwere
worn served a and d nil had a 8loely lovely time timeThe timeTbe tim timThe <
The Ore alarm Monday morning called calledtho oalledtho oalic oalicthe
tho people to the thereBldence residence of Wm IS ISBurton M MBurton MUurtoD
Burton where the kitchen root ws wsfound wtlfound wi wifound
found to be ablaze Prompt action up upon ullon ul ulon
on on the he part of the volunteer fire flrellgbter flrellgbterprevented fighter fighterprevented fighterprevented
prevented what might have been beenserious a aserious 0serious
serious conflagration The damage was wasvery wasvery we wevery
very slight slightTo sllitbTo slightTo
To stop that pin plinln in the baok tbat tbatstillness tbatIUltDleS the theitilfnese
stillness of the Joints and muscles take takePlneules takePlneuleB tak takPineulea
Plneules They Tbe are guaranteedDont guaranteedDontsuffer guarant guaranteed Dont DontBuffer Don Donoffer
suffer from rheumatism rbeultlatlsm backaohe backache kid kidney kidDey kidfey ¬
fey trouble when when you g get > t 30 daysreatment days daystreatment Ilayetreatment
treatment for 1100 100 A singly dose d sB at atbed atbed a aed
bed ed time proves proves their merit Get them themWday themtodaySold thenoday
Wday todaySold Sold by B B1 Ii MOle ler leyB lerB lorB
B B Townsend of Bennettsvlllo n8Doet 8vl1lo S
0 3 spent Sunday Sundaiwltb with ils sister MrsD Mrs MrsD MrsG
D G Smith Smi h en route for Pensacola Pensacolawhere Pensacolawbfre Pensacolwhere
where he will pay a brief Visit vl ttohls ttohlsbrolller to his hisbrother liltirotber
brother Edgar Townsend It has been beenseveral beeDleerlyears beereveral
several leerlyears years since Mr Townsend Townse ndvlslt ndvlslted ad visit visited visitd ¬
ed d hero last apd his friends regret tbat tbatbis tbathie thatits
bis its stay was such a short oneJoe one bneJoe oneJoe
Joe Stanton and Lewis Lpwte Wadsirorth Wadsirorthhave Wadswortbbavt lVadoworttlave
have lave resigned their potuion as weigh weighera
era rs of mill on the East Coast Railway Bailwayand Rlillwayand Railwaycod
and cod bnvereturoed borne Joe got It t badly badlybruised 1Jadlybruised badlyrutsed
bruised up In h a wreqfc and that scared scaredLewisso sClredwle scarceawls
Lewisso awls BO both quit their Joos and came camebaclrlo Cameacir
baclrlo back acir to Madlain 1ldle n whore everything la laso is iso
so o lovely and danger Is unknown unknownThe unknownThe
The ladies of the Buptist church have havebeen bAVObeeD bay baysea
been sea busy this week getting their choir choirarranged tboirarraDgsd thoilrranged
arranged and in practice praotlcefor fQr their meetg meet meetlog mee meelog
log g which Is to begin Sunday March Iarc Js JsIn ISIn let leta
In a this meeting meatlo ReV W R Rher Ivey the theearnest tbeupeet theartiest
earnest freecher < in charge will besainted bo boassisted boa
assisted a sistod by Rev Oflara OUarapator pastor ot the theFirst tbeFirst tbsfirst
First first Baptist church of Montgomery MontgomeryAla MontgomeryTown
Ala AlaTown AlaTo
Town To n politics are warming up a 1111t 1111tIs lit little littie ¬
tie Is The nominating mass meeting 1D tlnlf wll wllbe Will Willbe wiJe
be e held on the night I1lgbtof of March 13th So Sofar Solar Scat
far at as l1t wft have been eon able to learn le rn there theraare therere I Iare
are re no candidates Clndld for mayor save e Hon HonBendell Hon1Randell liontandell
Bendell tandell II Rowe who u expected to toask tcsk I Iask
ask sk the privilege of succeeding sucoeedlDQhtm hfmaelf hfmaelfFor hfmsellor lf lfFor
For or marshal there are already alr 8dy three threeannounced three1nou threeonounced
announced 1nou lcedcalldtdote candidates Messrs bale baleBen X Dxleen > h hBeD
Ben en Stewart and Hunter Patterson PAttereonwith PAt Pattersonnth reOn reOnwith
with nth others to hear hear aar from fromLetterto frgmLetterloP rqm rqmLetter
Letterto Letter LetterloP 10 B J Paterson PatersooDear f PatersonUPSSON atersollKDI6QN
KDI6QN err errDear JL JLDear
Dear Sinfay milk is I8wort1 worth 800 84 8aquart 8aquartif quart quartIf quartJf
If 34 water and old 01 < at t Scathe Sci Will wUUin tollkIn Willtit
in tit U fetches 12i I > a quart qnartIf q quartIt 8r t tIr
If K a water wa t er 16o 16oIf 16 160It O r i S < T Ta
If Witter 2to 21o1f o oIt
1 1Thats
It waterS2o water X820 X820Thut t tThull
Thats rather rall lr toy > etSttti st4n f fprmiikl r f milk palkl but butatercd butwatered butatered
watered atercd paint is 11Ia eolii apWi Cl In lriaU alt oose thoee prontiooa pro proportions proportloo ¬
portions portionsPure ntiooa ntiooaPure < r rPurs
Pure paint Devo D Day lr le sold ll1 for for 175 a aillon IjllIon a ailiac
jllIon jllIonP iliac iliacPaint illon V ViPulnt
iPulnt P Paint ln at tthajBrl9e t tba than i prlpe I add al1dk Awhile AwhilewRsh white wblteWIiBb whitepi
wRsh ash fetohea fl l1 W 021in 2 fe Qaljbnfor Mjjbn 9 for tO the paint paintpirtotit al alp alJ
pirtotit p in of it itPIrath l lvv lvvPafnt
Pafnt PIrath J iii ithi hgiH h 0 tiii pall fetches notches 43 4350 4350gFIJoA 3CO 3COjit ro roa
a gltt9 gFIJoA Jortbe or b8 r1i pe ttJiU t tt rt rtaV
gillbWbJl4itf Io aV jit whll whitgi iaii i i fttobes tob S7qOa S7qOaKBlforfW 57003ilia 7QOalfo
KBlforfW lfo iliaIo bt the 118 nctu uctul1 otu Vi > ilntH l lnt tU It contains contains1Any c6ntalnAINr containsAndi
Any AINr people people ple are are paying pa these hee ptlcei ptlceifor ps10c1ror ptlceer
for r patthen pI paltlt t whell they buy siult arli3ltetated arli3ltetateddatd t Jlt lIl lIlpalnU tcJ tcJpalntl
palntl datd Ttrtre tttrl1Srll are 900 such 6u b only on1y8 8 pure purepaiflU purepailU pure purefists
paiflU fists only 001 ceo Dsviw DsviwYour De DeYour Deye DeyeYour
Your truly trulyta trullU
P 8 1 D 0 Smith Mils our paint Fiorl
rl t1of
= tIM J 1r r 1
w teia + ptr + Miiar + ser seialiet 111
G1t 4 ea i40qr 4reelAri6Rleaqer alqalrW eies + eseleglrairsrM 1 a t I t talqalrW r1 1 1i 1Ito
4 t 1
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Q E L LrL LrLAppreciate LBiel L 1 f i
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4IIGi Biel I H Jt JtI y ya
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i5 a Appreciate pr it your account connt if if given giv tVJ rito ritoPay to > e i 1 1Pay I If IPI1y
Pay you yoltburpercent ouJO tour u rpeJcentintrstic per cent intOrVsVcoW intOreS Ca1ille Ca1illej V < uU uUAct < a
j 2 f f Iw uttirtorly qtr qtree I 1 1
rkj iw r < r t toal f + 1 1 1n
n ee and your oti ni ihoy Y safely a anti a iYgll iYglleta it r j
eta Act Actqs as guardian l fpr your estateV estateVTreatyou estate < qtIA qtIAao i I
ao I Treatyou Treatyouc Treat you cburt courteously ur busly and attentively attentivelyIJiscuss atten attentivelyDi8CUs vely i l j jI
> IJiscuss Pis es your y ur financial affairs with you 7011Advise you I r jr jri a aAdvise
i 00 Advi Advise e withyou jvith v thy you regarding eg 1r i your your business businessQive businqs9 tl f d dQive
Qive poor t > Pbr roan tp mansame ns saine 1rie treatthent tte treatlilent 1bent as rich ridhBe richoI I < 11
GO De pleased plcasedto to tolglllre inalce your you your I accfuaintance accruaintanceao accfuaintanceCITIZENS
00 00 oI
es iy 31
+ ao P
1 1as
alt 1i I lriO Iii
00 00 I 10o
QIJ lit litO litThis
This Is the Bank B lUk that t atTreatsyou Treats you Right RfghtWeath Rightooeoo 00 00iflleeteateboecosasseseeseoasoO
iflleeteateboecosasseseeseoasoO ooeoo ooooooooooo ooooea0aob rel I aoeeeoooriS o ooooooo i iJooaooeale
Jooaooeale oooooo wedenseoR woeoooo l se aooooQsa owaao owaaoMo o oI
= HeaI Health h is tj
11 I i MOre Mo MoHealth re Than ThanWeal1jh ThanWealTh
J RE CD WealTh WealTht
t sattaaoy AIOJ Use UseT
I Iyon
yon Will always al W1JI havo good icod health TThatla What ts more to a wan waninn 1 1tlum
C Sou tlum inn good Health JI ltb All 1l tho th nionoy nionoyin In tho World cant make makobapplnoaa makehnpplnoo3whore o ohappinoaa
hnpplnoo3whore bapplnoaa whore health healcl1ls Is unknown Bollards Snow Liniment LinimentIURES
Rheumatism Cuts Euros um Sprains Neuralgia NeuralgiaiSorer Neurar NeurarV 5 5Back
CURES V Sorer Stiff Joints Contracted Muscles Lame LameDock
Dock 1 lc md a all the His that Flesh PlC i la ttelf to toJ toOne toCane
One Who Knows KnowsJ
J G Soott Bait SnltLnktHUtfiY Lake City Utah Tnitoa mitcaJ U Icannpft Icannpfttoo Icmnnofltoo a atine
too highly praise your Bollards Da ards SnoW Jilnlmoat nlm nt for tortlie t r rthe rt S
the relief of of acute rheumatism caused tlsed sudden
x c by suddonohango suddonohangoand bnngo ohangoand bnngoand
and exposure to tho weather I also recommend your yourJJallArda r 1 j j jBallard I IallAras +
Ballard JJallArda allAras Horehound Syrup for coughs and aadcolds aadcoldsThese colds coldaThese coldslheso
These used together defy all pain painGET painQF31 l lQaT
GET TH8 GENUINE Three Sizes 25c 25c 2S SO SOc 100Ballard 100
1 1BaUard
BaUard 1 Snow Liniment Linimenteo LinimenteoSOO50Z i t t Co Cor1 b M
r1 500502 North Second Street StreetST Str StreetST
Sold and Recommended Recomrilendcdbyi RecomrilendcdbyiWr by byW byW
If you want your Panama Hat Hatcleaned Hatol Hatcleaned
cleaned ol aned sod blocked blooke lour see Fred Sanders SandersMiss SaDdenMill SandersMies
Miss Mill Connie Charles returned Mon Mondy MondA Monday
dy dA from fromLnllahnsiee Tallahassee and is spending spendlogthe
the week with sites 11 Lula Bardee BardeeThe Hard HardThe HardeeThe
The skating akatl r rink under uoderLb the manage management maulllfe maulllfement manageinentnnd
inentnnd ment and control ot Jimmie Toblce To e Isagain Is Isagtin 18g
again g 1ln in full blast blRstand and ia Ii fitaipleaaant fitaipleaaantresort a pleaaanf pleaaanfreiort pleuantre60rt
resort f for or crowdi crowdllot of out young people peopleDeWltfs peopleDeWitts peopleDeWitts
DeWitts Csrbolized Carb tlzed Witch itch Hszel Hszel8alv6 HszelBalv6 HazelSalve
Salve Is best for f r cuts ennui boils boilsbruises boilsbiutses boilsbruises
bruises and scratch es If I U 1J e peottlly epeQallygool1 espeotallygood peottllygood
good for piles Sold by W B DavisThe Davis DavisThe UAvlaTbe
The cheerful cbl > 8rrul ring rlo of tbe hammer ammer la laheard IIIbeard toheard
heard all over town Tbe residence of olI offrs ofSire
MM frs Wadswortb adjoining the hone honelot hoaelot loze lozelot
lot 01 of on her son On In rapidly Hearing com OOIUpletlon cotmpletion completion ¬
pletion and both J < H Smith and Dr DriC DrC DrC
C C U Smith are are having extensive e tel1lSlye ad additions liddlODI additions ¬
ditions and Improvements Im rove n ot made inadeio inadeioihelr to totheir to tot
their t ieIr respective re tG homes homesAn UomeaAn UomeeAn >
An entertainment entertainment more mor carefully carefullyplanned oilref carefullyplanned 1l1 1l1plallned
planned 6r r with a more beautiful mo moUye mo motive Motlye ¬
tive oould cot nl ba conceived or than thanXhat ibinbat thanthat
that bat given 011 Monday 1ond ni night IRb ht by b Mra MraOm MraOla MrsOia
Om Sanders S nders to the Madison Boys BoysLeogue Do DoLeoi BoysLeague
League Leoi e These youdg yo o ubg IRrnlmaqt uillitaqte about abouteighteen t telctiteea tItthteen
eighteen strong met mat at theirclub their their club room roomand roalDand roomand
and in full regalia with flioK 1lol banner bannermorcbejl baunermarcbe bannermarehe
morcbejl marcbe through tbrou h town to hire SHD SHDdeis 81111d Ssadote
dote deis d resideboe They were were entertained entqrtaloedby
by Mr atid IoIId Mra Senders aud Mla MlaJoala 1 MissJosleMcDonald > lIs lIsJlslllldcDonllld
Joala JlslllldcDonllld McDoDiild the chief game Ko ue ofhe ofheevening orlheveu1l1g of the theeveutng
evening being OeoRrapbj an inter interettioc llitertlDg Intersating
sating tlDg gue guoKjlnR gu iing IDI contest COpkB iu rhioU which Ray Raypqd Ita1moqd KayInord
moqd pqd Wheeler was pap the th Toremost 10 m18t A Af Af Aleast
f least ln Hslofvood of yood tood tblnga tbtDlsO1Ddleil candles a a etveet etveetcourse ewee eweeural sweet sweetcourei
course courei < ural a salad a1ad Ciiirse onrse aud hotcboopjstp hotcboopjstp6ntUflod bQ hotchooolstosatl1IIod hoootato hoootatosllt
6ntUflod sllt f1ed the tnn innerboyto rboyto r replellon af after al alr ofter ¬
ter r Ayblcbthero vblcb thoro wertftnorq i itiI 1orq TbiiT KameJ gas I 5 utitlll utitlllthe ubtHtbe uutithe
the hour 1 o r for leave taking Tbtifflig lbl Mg Mgand II a aand i iand
and tbe kind tavern It t IJ bay > as F regei re eia jejj d Ij Ijraskiog 1 1rak1nlt ismalting
malting the Madison boy Oyfttit feel th ttia lhatvi lhatvir n It la lareal lereaty
r real reaty sly worth vblletOMbe 1tblle tQbe goodaadnaust goodaadnaustprove good1 mad al1dJi u IJL IJLpro t tjprova
prove pro a grand rlnd factor in the msuldlog of offuture Qftl1ture forfuture
future > 6ro Uro Uroet t Hearts Jl heartsMOOR attl attl1rIi
MOOR 1rIi t1
Mr Phillips of Tampa returned laturnedbla to tobia i ibin
bin homo Saturday after fter spending th thweelc thweek the theweek
week with his atster1tra lsterM Sam Morrow MorrowNext MorroirNext MorroyNext
Next Sunday SUDda afternoon in the courthouse court courtbouse oouttbouse
bouse at 3 oclock Her T A Cox CoxState Co CoBtlte CoxState
of the Christian Christianohurob i icburoh
State Evangelist Christianchurch
church will preach pr IIoh from thesubject thesubjectOar the eubJect y I IOl1r 1 Fe FeOur
Oar Lords LotdBPCIr Prayer for the Oneness Ol1eD ot otSis i 1 1See
Sis People A cordial loTltation la ex extended eK eKteDded a = r si sitended
tended to the tbepu public 1l0to to attend this th ser service II IIvloe ¬
vice 5
THE Jaws lfWiILlER lfWiILlERHa i 1 j 4 4Hagas
Had Ha Hagas as asusaaltheij asusaaltheijs usual the tin Jjneatatid tinfist
eatatid fist s Jmdl an d largest rgeststoC atockof atockofFine atopfrpfr atopfrpfrFine Qf QfFine
Fine Fine tSOLD G GOLD LD < JeW6lry Jew Jo al al1nT9vil lry i iin i iin
in 1nT9vil 1nT9vilBracelets Town Towni TownBracefets >
i k kBraceliets
Bracelets BraceletsLouke1s BracelietsLocliets Bracefets Bracefetsloc
Locliets loc esChains esChainsWatches Chains Chains ChainsWatches 1 1 1Watches
ac Vii
Watches Pins and andAll andN
N N6VELTIES tiii L T I IE s sAll s I IAll
All goad o d and guaran guarantijed t i C Ctoed
toed te d and engraved engravedfBEE engravedItt i
< fBEE REE Itt E of charge chargejrvyill i iCut i it
Cut t Gl G1S13 sS sSrwill a awill
jrvyill will sell my tttyentirf tttyentirft entire entiretock entirestock
stock tock t ckof of Cut GlasVafc GlasVafcGdst Gflas la at atst atCost
Cost st and Spebtitols SpebtitolsatHalf SpcntdclcsatHntf i iat
< atHalf at Half Price PriceR PriceRDAVIS > 0 0I
+ 1
Madison M Mud disou isou Florida FloridaJ J a
1J i flr

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