Newspaper Page Text
.r-'V x aL v . in rf ..f r s. . E 3 i xt 3Z? 3 - t: b -3r a"0 C.O D a" fc"! c 5 J Eric- m t - t A c,g n Oft U mo 'a g 3 9 ? f K it at -S a- - -" - tr ' n 83521:5:! ? A? i'7. 7 7 f ' 3 B"S- - 2 " o a " rrS o i ' E'nEE b if c -A 1. ; ) W V V H win " C f x L J i - hj t h . . , " " . l- i - ' . Active at 87- . Tbis woud be unusual newa If men tod women would keep themselves free from rheuniatium end ail 'be rdJ paica as well as keepitjC their ruueclee sod joints limber with Bhllnrd'i Snow LloimeDt.' Sold by w. B. Davis. Burglars have beea successfully ojeraUr.g in Bradentown. mrbore iter- 'I have found Buoklin'i Arolea 8lve to be the proper tbiDg to us.e for ore feet, se well as for he.-ilini? bums, tores, cuts and all maoier of abra sions," write Mr. W. Stone, of East Poland, Maine. It is projxr thing too for piles. Try it! Sold uri'Ier kuut- antee at all drugieta. ' Eaty Morchftie Fiends are made by ' all foothine syrupi and baby medicioe tkat contain opium Had narcotics. McGee's Baby Elixir "cod- taiDS do Injurious or narcotio drugs of any kind. A sure and safe cure fur disordered etomacho, bowels and fret- fulne'as splendid for teething icfaats. Bold by w. B. Davie. bout seven miles of paving will aoon begin in West Tampa. Sfj; Likes Cool Thlnjrs. Mrs. Olas. E. Smith, of West Frank lin, Maine, says: "I like good tliinu and have adopted Dr. King's New Life Pills as our fif 'fiy lasstive medicine, because they ar'ood and do their work with out mtUing a fuss about It." Thee pipleis purifiers sold by all druggists. Price 25 cents. . ' The raising of poultry in' Larle county promises be greatly de veloped id the future years. A Weakline is the only way to de-cribe- the poor child Unit is Hillicted 'with worms. No luntterhow muoh oi how often it eats, the worms gel all the nounshrueul from the food,' the child gtUt practically none ' White's Cream Vermifuge gets rid of the worms quickly, easily and with no Ud after effects.' .-x Price ili cents a botile. Sold by w. B. tu vie- A force of men are at wuik nuk ing repairs to the extension of the Hutcl Alc;, in St. Augustine Disagreeable at Home Lots of men and women who hre agreeable with other, gel "trunk;." bt hoiu. Its not disi Ofition, its the liver. If you find In yourself tlwit you ft?l erof, around the ' lui"-, litt.e ll nve worry you, jit buy a bottleof BailarJ's Heroine and put your liver in (-rape, You and everybody around you will feel Wtter for it. Krice 50 cents per bottle, bold by w. B. Davis. The county commissioner of DaJe county Lave fixed the tax rate at SO. J Bids for tbis year incfuding State tax. Granulated Sore Eyes Cured "For twenty years I suffered from a bad case of granulated sore eyes, try? Martin Bovd of Henrietta, Ky "In February, 1903 a gentleman asked me to try Chamberlain's ralve. I bonght one box and' ueedbout two-third of it aud mv eyes have not given me any trouble since." This salve is for sale by w. B. Davis and D O Smith. The E. O. Painter Fertilizer Com pany, r.f Jacksonville, iaitanning to erect a branch factory in II-vai:n. Cuba. What Is Best for Indigestion Mr. A. lUiblDson of Druu cjiiin, On tario, has beeo troubled for year wi'li indigestion, and recommends Chamber lain's Stomsch and Liver Tablets bf 'the best medicine I ever u-d " If troubled with indigestion or cm6!ip; tion give the id a trial. They are certain to prove beneficial. They m e&y to take nnd plea-ant in effect. Price. cents. Samples free at w. If. Duvir and D. G. Smith dm2 stor! The Seabont'l Air Line b ill pro ceed with extensive- improvements' aloni' the witer fr'.nt at the .Tamnn teriuiimls. A muss meeting t'f the reople'e l'artv in Florida hs teen call"d to assemble in O.'ala on August 27tL. Chronic Diarrhoea Relieved- tr. Edward K. Henry, with tie Uulte-d States Expresa Co., C'h'ict"', writes, "Our General Superintendent, Mr. Quick, handed me a bottle of C'hniu berlaiu'e Colic, huleia and Dmrrboea Hetuedy eouie time ago to check bu at tack ol the old chronic diarrhoea. I liave used it unce thut time ard cured inany on our trains who have been mc k. 1 am an old fo!d:er who aervtd with Luthetfurd li. Iiaef 'wofl Wiiliani McK. nicy four year? In !e 2-!.- 1 Ohio J.'-girneiit , and have no nil-r.-i.t i-' ct-iit Chronic diarrhoea, winch thla ri"ii".'y stops ct once." For er.le ny w. 15. I)vi Ld L. G. Smith. ' Excellent Health Advice Mrs.. M. M. Divison, of Nr..' 079 G;f- ford Ave.. an Jofe, Cal., eaya: "The w-crth of Electric Bitters h a general family lemedy, for iieadache, bilious. titti'-i and torpor ofTrre liver and b ele is so thut I am prompted to av a word m its favor, for the benefit of those seeking; relief from tucii hiHir- tione. There is m.i heallh for the d:. geetive organs In a bottle of Elect tic bitters than in anv other rnie.1-.- 1 know of." .old Uifder guarantee, at u:i drupgiets. WHKRKAS. the Legislature of 1W7, iinHer the Copstitutiorr of 1"). oi the Sutc of e'lorlda, did liiree J inl Ki:nluli(ins proposing ;imrn lnt:.ts to tiie C onrtitmion of the State of Florida, ond the Minre were agreed to bv vote of lliree fif th of nil the memtier' elected to each hoje; thnt the vtrtrk on kJtld Joint Kesolulinoi Were entered '.Mton thti. r snrrtive louriuU, with yei Mr.d nyr. tlitreon, Mnrl tlirv (lid .ieterinine and dirert that trie ..i(i Joint Kc."lii:i.i be 'ibinitted lo tlie elecOirfc of (he Sute fit the Oenerul Klection in Noveiiitier, 00 NOW, THFHF.t-ORK, I. H. CUV IRAW FCH1, Se'TttMT. of ttnte of tlie Stale of l-.oruU, do herthT jfie notice thai a . GENERAL 1.I.F-CT10N wi'l be held in enrh county In F lorida on Tuesd.iv nijit -'icceetimfcr (he hist Mond.iy in Novemter, A. D. the laid '1 oeJuv bclny :he, THIRD DAY OF XOVEM HFR, for the ratification or rejection of the laid ) Int tte-ohitioos pro;Ksiiit? Mn-.ei.'lmt nil to the CunMi tutlon ol the Male of Korida, vir. A "JOINT RF. SOLUTION- proisinir an amend ment to Src lion iIle (Kl ol Artl. le tive (6i of the Conatitution wf Hund roialini; to iuulcoj alariea. Be It Kmolved by the lKisl.iture of tie State of i-iorida: ' That Section Hm fto of Article Five l5j of the Constitution -f tnc state of i-lorida. be and t e ame ia herthy amended to as lo read a follows. viz: n Section Kire The talariea of liiiiiceii of the Supreme Co'vrt. t irciiil J'ldyes and 1 u.!rr of C nin Courts of llcco.d artalt he fixed "by. ifie Lcl-I.-I Hure. . That the forroiit' amcndmrnl of Section ln P) of Amclt tiie 'o) of the Cor,.Htiim;on ol Flori da l hervbv ar-eeti to, and the same sllall be auh nnttrd to the t .ectcrs of the State for aioirol nr rctfYtion at Il.eiit-Kt general election of taove here.'flcr. a ri quired t'v Section One (1) of Annie cvle;lUen (17.of said Constitution. lOINTRKSOLVTION- propo, an a-Tten.lmcnt lo Article I wtlve of, tlie CoiiMitmion of the St ue of Fl' ruia relative lo edmat Oil, to te kriois n a S'.-ction Sixteen ol sa:d Attic. e. pros id- leir lor tlie levy ol a l.,i t .1 the sup..,rt . " - .".', "t uic , invailiv oi ire .-lue of Florida, Ihe I-lon.ia ftin .it t olUsit-, the Iti itilate for the 111. ml, I leaf and, aud toe Cuiorcd Nur.oai School. He it Ke.iilvtd : y the Legislature of the State of Florida- 1 hat the fo.lowinit amendment to Ar: k 'r Twelve A tne Constitution ,,f toe of Florida, lo he snow n as S,rtion Id "1 said Artir!,, ie and tht--annys herehy agreed to und sh.ll lit: siihinnted to e t .triors tt ti.t Stale al the ntxt iii,tial eletlma "f Kfprtrntil.ies. to bt held in u.c yc.4r lt. lor rutilicution or re;,vi;on. Sec. HI. A special tax of on mill on the itollio of nil TaxnMc property in Ihi St ,tt -shall le It I'd m.ualiv for I t S'ipporl and inioiileiianre of tl.i I nisrrsi-.y of the State of F lorida. the Fir i.'.a F e. ' .'ot C o.i. i:e. the los it He for the Hi md.7.- if ar.j I'uu.lianil the Colored Normal School, v. hit It si 1 l-e p ud into the state i r.-.isi,'r .,-t , h:in to the c r.ln ol (he Slate Itoard of K: :i an. ,n lo he app.irtis.ntJ and disp .s.d of for the I t-irht oj -aid in lioni'irit us rc.pilnd hv the act crti..K and na it.iliiintr :!.t - nut-, k:iow n as Ch ipt, r ol Hit law, of KliriJa, approvt I June 6, llnj. I MNT niJSOI VTION ,-n,.o. rtr an nn,e,,e,,t 1? seen of .vtlKle I iveof il. c m sli'atio'i of r .orida, rt.a'.lnx to esta: iis'imt-.ts ol Com rs. r r . ' 1 i i WL JrrMl D 4T Heailh i, More Than v WcalHh- BALLARD'S SNOW ' AfiD . . 7 I von trill a?ray have fod l.trAlh t . n.r err. c( i .;i 11 -.i f A ( Kim OF j THE ALL ! t t t k lifipplnrsn tThro lior..ur;5 ucs-novn. ik..:.-cd's S- LtrirocntV-' wUivilw3e;0re-C' - ::f' j0!ntf, C'Ll.-vIfj-MLirVs, Ua M ti,K. a:-J ell tits I: Vtr.t T'-i.'- is lir to. f . J. O. F-ott. S-n Luke Ciy, Viah. wrlfc-s: " 2caut-.ft h vio i:ii'iu' praise) year j.nuaru s Snow L' ""- ircuniauiiai, cu.-ti(u ny sa istion ":an,r w carticr. i uo r coirinx -.'J our JiB-tlard s Kor'-thouud Syrup f..r coui;ha tii'l coijs. 'Ihurio used tojretlier licfy all pain. GET THE GENUINE. T!iree T cs 2Zc. nt, lor B' it H FlM,. i!ed l.y the Legislature of the Suite ol 11. it Iht f .i.loveintj anii ni'iiH ot to Section T'irtv rue of ArtK !e Five of the .', -million of Horj ia IS here' y ai;r,e,i to and shall la pr.,,,s, ( ,. rot'r d to the ills tors ol lot IV.ilt tor hi (,r o in or o t. lion at tl e ihm central eici uon l.ii. alt. i tint s to sav. sa. e. U..I-. 1 lurtv-lo t of , ,,,1 a'i lis it -U..II l -:it-r il, .'. , ,,..,) J( W. - 4 ;0c, JJ.C0 ti Eallard Scgtc Liniment Co. 00-502 Nort'i Scind Street, ' ST. LCUI3, - J,IISSOLT;I.s '"-(all r.T . a Sold and Rccommendct! ky W. B. DAVIS. LECAL ADVERTISEMENTS. ')TIC F. TO ( HF:niTOKS. All rx , le A white Municipal League hws been organized in Tampa for the purpose of clitninatinj' tlie ncyro vole from the city e!eclioi:s. . . : s-:..K . I I. to e i . In .. . I .i " r ! an h tri-in . f : : f to- '- te i. -' I i-i . : , .i.t ; - r e s ill. i a- it hernu ' s lii-relti nin a v tloloe anv Hailroa.l t o- II i i. . ii. i ' tl -e;'t tha M 'ii a i t --ii. in. ih ri lor 'I l' .):.. i a. sd.,11 l a U.e till Hit e.' IT. mi. i.,,iV . " :th i.ii!,. i.. I , nir.ll.r., ted Willi u,f I'unttior.s ol taro Why James Lee pot Well. Everybody in Ztnenville. O., known Mr). .Mary, of rural route b Slie writes: "My hi.aband, James Ive,tiiiL)v believes he owes Lis life lo thu u-e of Dr. King's New Pie-.-overy. His nn(a were o stre.eiv aifei-tcd Itit Coinjuinp- ti'.iB seemei lnt'vit!i!e, vitten a friend recoiiini'eniied Nesv Oib -over y. We tried it. and Its i:te hoa r'Htoreil hnu to ir- fert heaitli ' f'r. Kng's i' I'ibS'jV' ery is the Kit-; of ti'r'iut and lung rem edies For cwi.glis K-i.l it has tu e-jual. 'I he t ret d i-k g'i e relief. Jit It! S ij 1 i.i,..i(.r cm; i.i t '. it al ail tiru,; g !. i.i:-. ai.-l jl."'.'. l.' li fr.-o. tl.sir unite Ti l. votes cast in corepliance vsl h said proooied airrei.iliTieiils. an., (he cmiia,H ,-. I... - . . . Ii.ereof. snail bt Mil.,,., It, t. . the same r Lu s son re-tni li.o.t as are nr-vi 1,-d t,vla .l,,r il elictlan. In 1 1. 1- stale of Florida. ' ( ll TtsTl SI'IVY Will FSriP, Ihlst to, le iii'o s, t mv 1 sad and ai.. e.. me Seal of ,,r f., ,it ol 1 ai Ishaa-ee. the te. , !isti ih it-es and nil p,r ,r d. m in is against tin- -t ite ol lis.ii;e I., li.a-s. late of M adison county, Fli.r ida, ill-e 1 ,1, lire- h.-ehv ri'pili' d to piesiiit tilt - unt-, i.ulV a.ji ,iitnal, .i. lo the Ulid. 1st. lull .i .r I -aid cslate. wilhiu tsto. seals Ir.-ru t i'e t Of here"! a- n .pi I by l.nv, and a'iv and all fa ' .n-iii.'eht-.-d to said f-t .le ait- hei'tl y re utllroi to pay tilt sume to sod flrh'" K 1. .MII.I.INdlt, ' A.l'fiiii Fl-tate of ( .eor-e L. t.iass, tie. enstil Madi'ou, i-la , Ju.yUi, V5 h. JslsAl) . I, tl I tvv, of Jt.h , A . 1J. Jit II. CLAY t RaWI OKI), Sc. ret.i-y ol Mrtif. T.KK MiVICE. Tbi'.t I vy'il nn ti Brat Tl'M'.-.lav of s, r.m. 1-r. A. I.. :tM..,,s s,.,.,,,.. ,.,.:..r Js , l- m-nl I. Il ' 1 t 'I a p inl'in f ,r , m,,.t ''"'' ' '""'I Inn-'i . ft. It, I .i -'ill I oji I 'i -I,- o i oil in ) , ai t i,e :. t-i,u rttiyi.e rh on I us ol 11.' I' 1' r-o v tlu . o . be h.. lit) r.rj (Sjo . llni(,)i ' 3' f .r i ijiiutior. 11 trl KtlltS' lKfri,tI ton ji.oo SOTIf (! At'fl It ATKiN 1UK !'. X 11 El) I Mil-: 'i m: 1 ki.ns y,i ri',6iF i iie OKNlsKAI. c I A 1 LKsof FUlKliiA. Kolhf ti boreby Kfn tliil Jcs-lo M. Tlioin. s, sui.-lnia.-r OI 1 ,n la rl llli no- .No. s, uut, , Hi.- i.,d il) ol JUl)', A. It. Ila, l,s, m-il ki.i.i orsiiii. ate In my u i o, a .d Lai ma io M i.,.ii.-.t-ti"u i"i ta d.-i ,1 to iMiio id aot'ui.un n ii Ins.. sai.f rrtllicaie i iiihra'i-a Hit. l.ill"Wii. o. st ilta tl propei iy sp onied Iii Maill-i-n t "in. v lorl'.ln. lo-ii- s W l4 of s w la s. i'i I 'n L-i l'"Sii-l,lp 0. Sorth Untige F.itsl , t!'' h.H.l lu.i'l In li. it ussi'-si i nt till' dale of tne lis-uaiu f ol ha II felllli.'ate 111 ,1, l,iK' ol lyi-y A. Ilioiuas. I i,. .sx Kud cortini'.ne fiiail be n - U' .-I it U aeC' rrlllia- lo law tax ih-erj will ls-:t' Ib' teoli no the 4 1 tl liny Of s.. Meliita r.A. t. 1H.. H II III -s 'i.V lll'.ilill t.lj.'liali;r Hlill Mill lliiS I lie .i 1 O t V of Aa&UM, s. U. 1 is. a;,. T Z. .V o' l'IV, llerk til Cull f'eurt. SHalsob luunl, :'l illii.l. NOftCK TO IIOS'DIKILI'I KS. , r.".i,:y. V Hold,,, of l,,..!s of M are he,,-!'y notui -d that lis. 'o;i.i' ol said sji'iiuts, ti, is- o and U..I..I I.. . l.'r five h.ii'itr In.t t . n .'i ns ii h, (.,; 1,1". Ill- ! "It I - '.f , I , ,1 i , l avineiil, in..' t. ! I.e - o' Ui- u-i.n. v. ill U- p n I on id A. II lvvil v. I.iui dan- i-i. An .ISti , l'.'rt. '..r 0 .1 i'i.i I'n llo I IV IS' - I'l.S .1. V ANS 'lr N 'I I'll E OF .Al'I'I U "AT l 1". HI I A V , t.lVKN 1 Ai l ( il; l ia Nt i: WITH 'I f!74AXn STT, ii F" lili: i.lM.ll.Ai S I A'I'i ' I I s ol I I. II, IDA. Notice Is hn in i'Iv..,, i' at , I ! ' chasiT or 'I ax 1 1 r: Hi' n't- .1 1 1" a ' G.ty ol J'ilv , y Ii , h i . In inv o: lias i. ... iha .1 M l-Mlc I'l a. ':! :.. rs-l 'Id. ato e'l -s ' I projiorl jHt'irti.On s . i Oil, SSV'i4l'( 1 - II in a' i h III I" ', " i u. e i sn ti s op M-fuovTMN vi'Htax i'Kri l.NLlr ' s l.l 1'ioNs :., i . fi r, .F i n F, oi:. f.ti v i. s i .mi i ; - t r HOIill'A. VnfK'e s llo--. l,y uu.-j, tli;,r .1 p O.'.t'.,, piitrl ,v'.r .1 lit l .1' I Ii i a , I - N s. It l I ti, t . led tue -Int (l.'l .. J'llv, A. II i , ,- ta'.d ( -n no a' . p. ii . : , . , , it J, . . pip tttioll F.f l tl ,1 I t.i I--:..- Iti i,.v .1 i VI I' a la W. S a lu I , !,. . ; . Ihs' ll' - I O'-'.l p! ,...1 V Sl' ti i , jl, ... .'...jut V, f S..1 l.l'V . ( -VI .t . - i l.f Ml .; v ., or ,VV l: ol . a ft. ( j t- i. i s'l S. . , J ti ';. j,. i . a t -o, ,'. i .N a , 1; ,, ,:e Ii I .,! 1 lie -...M 1, J I,. . k. , , ni I so- Halt o !.(' , ,1,,,. .. ,, s,,, ; i . . ll. fie Ii 'li ,.( f- , . ,:, l - 'd e.-; sh .. la r i- - ii -I ... - r ImiJ-iJ m , 'i-i.. ; . i , 1 1 i j, in. f a . . . a . ; . - !i t ; ' ilal.. of I 'I. ' lisloe ol I I .'IliH Sllail lie r.'-l llc. lj IV Ii IssllC Kaat, A. 1. la-'s. lo., s ii' y i L'lth d iv ol i alv. A . ,1 I . I I I s a is. I rk C: NOIK )-. c 1 1- Ai ' i ii I (I 1. V IV A, . i.t - in mi c h UAH ITS i ., i." Is ..-. ' v -. l . Ii O-i OI Ji. .. -II Ci uc .1 1