Newspaper Page Text
CM? ji VOL V III NO. 7 MADISON. FLA.. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15. 1908. $1 A ?K'B froceeJInes County Commissioners. Madison, Fla.', Oct. 7, 1908. The Board of County Coramis ,ioDers met this day in 'regular set. lion, all members present. Minutes ef the last two meetings were read tnd approved. On motion Jane Finny, pauper, was raised to 13.00 per month from date. On motion Henry Sap, pau per, was reduced from $8 to M per moDili from date. Bi ls lo build bridge over gum Swamp, north of Greenville (of Kbidi Jefferson county is to pay 0De half the cost Of building) were received as follows: Hamilton & Porter, 400.00 K. B. TitU 355.00 A. A. A E. E. Bishop, 353.00 ,n,l i,n motion contract was awarded to said A. A. 'fc K. E. Bishop for $353, iheiis being ttie lowest bid. Commissioner Shaw reported that lie had ii'l contract to repair lt 11 m causeway 10 J. Anderson fyr 55.00. Commissioner Bishop reported that the Converse Bridge Company had completed the three small s eel bridges not lit of Greenville and ttmt same ljal bueii inspected and receiv ed by him, whereupon the clerk was instructed to draw warrant for $307.05 pbjable Aug. 1st, ll)u9, in tavor of said Converse Bridge Co. in settlement for said bridges. County Judge presented report of occupational license issued for uionih of September which shows none is sued, which was ordered tiled. Tax Collector presented report of taxis collected during the ruoir.h ol .September as follows: ,;,:;,..; lu-ntiv "I u,vi 2MM Kjji'k mill llrii!(: H .in I Korli-ilure S No mint v li'inils SW T Crilectioiis Ue also presented, list of Iusolveii' ties, Errois and Double Assess ments apportioned as Mlows: r,'-r li Iti-v enue, li, i tuv .ii d Hildes,., r ..Pil r frltilTf, . :-itv u i 71 I SLUM .1 41 I'll . . . U .... ' Ml-' . . . .VI7 I mi w which was ordered credited on' the i . collector's licdount. Bills were taken up and pa d as follows: - I.ab..t R.b 'm Tbiupen lrilgt W.7 5 ... .i -,n. e ililiv. lu. cement .S5 .:, it ..n -.line ' 10-:'" Kr,...' '-'-'1 W. K Wi :, luinlH-r, 4" 1 I P... .... K..!. ... 1 15 McL M-os., rails, F. W. Keami, nail Greenville Hilw, Co , nail, Convent Bridge Co. bill lor bribes W. K. Stanley, work on culve-t , A. D. Stanton, washing jail blanket A. D. Stanton, feeding prisoner 8. J. Ellison, bal. on col, taxai ltH7 H. F. Kye, insp. bridges .. . . . Electric Power Co. lights c. h. mid jail,.., W. B. Davis, mdse for countv Sam Tompkins, burring pauper Mike !.ewta, T. Z. Martin, on auditing VV, M. Uoodinail, j.p. cost Jackson case, Constable J. K, Wi.liums, Insp. bridges, S. Shaw, ' J. A. Williams, lumber and Hails R.J. Patterson, bal . on 1M07 assesnsent, 1 ' Co. Judge, cost l ills appruieil this dav.. . Sheriff VitiiLes in Co. Judge court J. W. Ilibhop, insp. bridges T. V. Dale, ri! It. and dis. CO. funds, Knieriirise-Kecorder, l-ll License Ht-piirt,, Enterprise-Recorder, pub. 3rd ir 1 00 M WbJ 887 - 4(0 ss eu iiVrtOS 0 2 tO 1UJ 8 II) SOU IliOUO fXl U 15 '.'1 u to SOU M 11 Hi 04 46 18 91 amo HIM 17 SI i 5 T. V. Dle, county treasurer, presented his books and accounts anil made settlement with the county for Hie ujonlh of .Sept. Same were checked ui nnd found correct with the following balances to credit of the different tunds, to-wii: t.cncral lli'Vet.'ii Fltu; .itld !'. It .lilt. .. It. ..ids ill. J l..-,..g,., . . . 'I cash in '1 n.i- ... l.-Jll.Ts which was ordir."l leporicil lo the State Auditor. Petition signed bv C2'J voters of Jefi'eisoli county to have the name ot D.i .nitte II. Mays become a can didate lot KepieseiiUttive in the Con. gie?s o'. tbe L'nited States for the Thiid Conai'siinal District ( Florida, to be voted for at the scl eral election to be held Nov. 3rd 1908, was present d to the Board and s:iuie was ordered filed. Cerlitieate of nominees of the dilleient po.i'ical parties were certi fied to the Board of County Com missioner by the Secretary of .SUte to be placed on the otlicial ballot t be voted at the general election Nov. :trd, 190. Board was ordered paid up ti and including this date. There biing no fnttber business on motion Bjard adjourned until Wednesday wornini next. T. '.. Maktix, Clerk. Notice-' No hiinling, tisbins! or other tres pissing u ion mi of uiy lands in Madison county, Fla. Trespassers will be prosecuted lo the full extent of the law. tt. . MclsTvitE. The Floiida Female College's new dormitory "ill in the future he known as the Bryan Hall, in honor of the late Senator Bryan. ANNOUN CEMENT With pleasure we beg to announce the arrival of our New Line of Fall and Winter merchandise. A most complete line of all things good and desirable. We extend to the trade a most cordial invitation to call and inspect our large new stock, and we assure you we will give some real bargains. Thanking you for past favors, and trusting a continu ance of same, we are, Yours to serve, The People's Popular Department Store. RUN-OVER LOCALS The Weather. For the week ending Sund"y, Oct. Uth. tf.mpkraturb: Mean maximum 78 Mean minimum, 54 8 Highest, Th'day '........810 Lowest, Sat, & Sunday, 4" 8 rainfall: Friday .43 loch Saturday, Trace. We Bpologjza to our readers this week for the shortness of local matter. Ad Influx of advertising, shortness of help lo the otHce, oourt business ami other things combined to keep us very busy and w onuld not get the time to get up our ubuhI amount of local mntter. Ice Cream fresh every day at D. G Smith's. A large numher of the Woodmen of the World attended tbe service nt the liaptirit chureh last Sunday morninp and listened with great pleasure to the nion', eicellent sermon by the pnstor, Kev. W. ft. Ivey. To those atllicted with kidney nnd blri'lder trouole, buekaehe.rlienniatisin, I'ineulfS for Oik Kidneys Jjnng relief in tho llift tlnae. lliin hxils of people lo tiny tirlify to Iheir ri-niiirkable bfallng itnd tonic pijpipert ie.i. M dn s' tr ill 41.00. Th-y purify the blood S hl b li. V. .MOei.v. Mrs. li. U MeC'all entertained the "liovs" Momiae nlsjlit and the young chaps eertuinly had a tcost de. light ful time with guines, tioylsli sports nii.l lust but tipRt, plenty of dainty ref resliuiH'its su dear to the heartf f'J of yiiiijg knd groK'ing boys. Iting Little Liver Pills for bilious uets, si'khen.lnche. Tbey keep you weil. cents. Try them. Sold hy K. F. Moeliy, Miea Clara Coigins who has ben gre illy enjoying a visitor several weeks wills Miss Lulu Jonlun in Jacksonville, returned home Monday. MiB Coggin whs t he recipient of inaov pleHsnnt encial intent iu'iH during her visit to the metropolis. Come in ladles and see the ?4ftfl Piano that is to he given aav free hy W. .V. Taylor. To night the long looked lor and ea gerly expected entertainment of the Epworth League will take place. This entertainment is the reult of a contest lately de.'ided between two (livisloun of the League c!ld respectively the K'tls" and the ' Blues," the contest being f'ir the procurement new mem bers of the Leugue. The "Iieils" won having secured forty-six new members while the "liliies" only prevailed upo,A,()lh p.lillleil at tl,e !i!llll9 tnM ,JV.j M .k:..... t:.. ... i. . i Ti... .ft thirtv- live to become members. The entertainment is given by the losers in the contest. Mies Josie McDonald, as captain of the "Ulues" is in charge) of tbeutTiir which is sulliclent guarantee that there is something nice in store for nil Kpworth Leaguers who attend the function to-night. VViitch f ir the big Pluno deal. See Taylor. 400 jPiaDO given away Jfree. See THylor. The Fall term of the Circuit Court convened in regular session Mondi y with Judge Palmer presiding and States Attorney Hardee looking after tbe in tereet of all matters in which the .State is a party. Tbe grand Jury was em panelled and proceeded with ils work by selecting Knox Withernpoon as fore man and J. II. Smith as clerk. The business of the court Is very small, there being only five cases on the civil docket nod seven or eight on the crimi nal docket. The civil docket was dis posed of at the after noon session Mon day. It is more than probable that the business ot tbe court will be finished this week, though tt Is pesible that the session may run over into next week as the grand jury is it t work and there is a murder care from Columbia county to be tried here. Looking: t or Clothing? See Taylor. One of the must pleaeai.t social fuue Hons of the wimnii was th it given bv Mr. Ola Sai.ili-iK . li.e members of tbe Methodist Unr.ieit d iss in the parlor nnd dining roimi nf the Mercbauts Ho tel Inst Fritl iv evening. Ruv. K. V. .tkinpon of Live O ik was pi es 'tit nnd delivered a inu-t inspiring ii,i.I iirnetieal talk to llii gentlemen eonip.i.-ing tbe t'infs lifter which inlj'ui : uin-Tit vns t iken lo the illni ig room wiit-re oyjit.-r were served in all styles and in quanti ties sullii'innt to s itisf v the gr.ite"r ap pent" present, President Sunders l Deeply interested in the Banicn move- mnt and especiallv i" the class of which he is the presdenl. ami h leaves nothing undone tn promote the interest an 1 pie tsure of the cluse. M rs McC'iill. Mrs T. '. Vatm nnd Miss Ag nes 1'iirraniore were uutiii-g inlheir efforts to promote the pleasure of the guests of the evening. Free, a 400 IVino by ',V. M. Taylor. Wood's Liver M"dii iti. in liquid form for iii'darm, chills and fever, regulates the liver, kidneys and bladder, brings quick relief to biliousness, ickheada he, constipation. Pleasant to inlce. The ?1 .ll'J but tie contaiiiH 2'a' rinie.s nuan' ity of tbeoOj size. First dose t)ring relief. Sold by B. F. Moaeley. Found: The latest ntyles in clothing at Tavlor's. Plank's Chill Tonic for malaria, chills, fever, colds and lugrippe. Price 2 j cents. Alldeilers. Ilin. Letter to A D Stanton MaDISoS. FLA. Bear Sir: We can't get over tilUng about thosi two houses at Lufkin. 'l ex, owned by Judge I. I). Fnlrchild. ' Both houses are exactly alike and - 'rr;ioce . ne ti.uK l."i 1-2 gallons Mevoe; the iiti'.M gallons of nnother paint soM at smne price. That 'Jo gallon paNnt is weak and l."i percent whiting; that's why it took tt I -'J gallons iiinro. Vours truly, t" F. W. Bkvok A Co. P. S. IJ. (i. Smith sells our paint. Minutes of School Board. .Madison, Flo.Oct. 6, 1008 Boa d met promptly at 10" a. 'm , Full Bonnl present, minutes of last me'ding were read and approved. II A. Woods appeared before the B mrd and asktd that assistance be ; given in carrying children from hi neighborhood to Pinettn school. On motiop tbe Board agreed to pay 15 cents per day for each child livibjf 2 1-2 miles from any school when so carried, provided that all children in said neighborhood be carried for a maximum price of $18.00 per month, W. II. Porter appeared before the Board with request to assist him in getting bis children in the Green ville schotl. On motion same was grnnted under fi.rne conditions as assumed by Mr, Woods. Walter liuniing and W. B. Davis members of the Finance Committee of Tortii Council appeared before Board in reference to 1,000.00 to be iwl by the town of Midison lo help mnilitniil the High School'. O.ung to the fact tlmt the High School roecivtd iSii'VI, OO S'.ste Aid instead of rcc-ived when ncivcmciit was cnteied into with Town Council it w s noreed that the Scliood lioifd would prototej bacn tt) Town Council fl.10.0u when Male Aid for li'07- 08 is ieceivod.J Coin n it tee of patrons from Pine lind school appeared before tbe 15 mrd and asked thit salary of said school De raise! to $o0.00 fo- ibis term in ordei to secure and keep a teacher. On motion same was granted. Applications for State- Aid for Ellis, New Ib),ic and Madison (Col ored) schools were made out aud signed up. Greenville (colored) school asked that their term be extended 2 months by the County under the 80 per cent act. TLis request was refused because the State is now due this County -o00.u0 for Stat Aid which the Board advanced the funds to provide extensions of terms Imiid which tint Statu cannot pay nt present. Scttl 'incut was had with the treas urer and all bills paid. '''here lieing ii o further business li-iard adjourned. W. J. Bl.AMOM, Chairman. "W T;:i'DKit, Secretary. NOTICt- II I I I