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$1 A S'i:4R
Sacrel Concert'
For ii veril weeks those compos
... i.a Unntlst Chnrch choir have
!ng ui- -i - ---
.n practicing for a .Sacred Concert
which will be given in the church
k,mday night at 7:30 o'clock. The
program ' s follows:
Prelude: fliies rearr iiasseu.
Anthem: "Hail Mighty Victor,"
hoir. .
Prayer: Kev. W. R. Ivey.
Duet and Quartette: "Tarry
IVith Me, Miss liishop, Mrs.
ivingston, Mr, Joiner, Mr. Leslie.
Solo: "Rock of Ages," Mr.-.
lunler Patterson.
Scripture Reading, Rev. V. R,
Antbem, "Abide Willi Me,"
Duel: "There is no Lcve like
is L"ve to Me," Miss Uishop, Mins
Quartette: "My Happy H"iue,"
L. Joiner, J. R. Joiner, A. I).
anton, Theo. Leslie.
Seruionette, Kev. W. R. Ivey.
Solo: ' City of Refuu-e," Mi.-s
Anthem: "Crown Him Lord of
II," Choir.
Quartette: "Ccme Holy Spirit,"
In. Patterson, Mrs. Knight, Mrs.
Iviogston, Miss Pearl Hansel). '
Offertory: Prelude in F minor.
iw Foye.
Hymn: No. 378, Baptist Hymn
1 Praise Book, 'Lead me Savior."
Beneiiction: Choir.
Prelude: Reverie, Miss Pearl
Special Silver Offering.
No bunting, fishing or other tres-
JssiDjj upon any of my lands in
jadison county, Fla. Trespassers
all be prosecuted to the full extent
the law, R. S. McIntyre.
The average annual yield o' tlie
fippernong grapevine in St. Jolas
lunly is a half million pounds of
Where Bullets Flew.
David Parker, of Fayette, N. Y.. A
:erD of the civil war, who lost a foot
Gettysburg, Bays: "The rood Elec
c Bitters done is worth more than
etuocired dollars to me. I spent
uch money doctoring for bad case
ttomich trouble, to little purpose. I
o tried Electric Bitters, and tbey
rd me. I now take tbem as a tonlo,
i they keep me (irons; and well.1 50c,
ill druggists.
Proceedings Town Council.
Madison, Fla., Oct. Cth, 1908.
Council met in regular session.
Present D. II, Yates, W. B. Davis,
Walter Bunting and K. C. llassel.
The President being absent W.
B. Davis was duly elected president
pro te.B. The minutes of lust meet
was read and approved.
The finance Committee made the
following report. That they met
the School Board this day in refer
ence to the appropriation by the
Town for school purposes. It was
agreed that the Town should pay
one thousand dollars. The School
Board ngreed to refund to the Town
f 150.00 as soon as the slate pays in
the amount due said school. A
communication was received from
Piof W. B. Cate iu reference to
increasing the fchool facilities.; same
was tabled until next regular meet
ing. A. communication 'a received
from tli e Maor conveying his rea
sons for vetoing O. 'finance No. iG
and alter lioin: pa l v veto was
The following bills against tlie
town were examined, found correct
and ordered paid.
New Enterprise printing 118 75
Tharln & Leslie hardware hil. 1 CO
V. A. Dale mule board salary
and street ork ).4 T.'i
Wardlaw Wilsoo salary 4" 00
W. II. Butler "
E. J. Vann 12 SO
S. P. GriHIn " 37 50
Mort Bunting filing pipe 2 10
Mrdison Klectric Power light and
water .'.CC tf
Walter Bunting salary 10 00
E. C. Haaeell ' 10 00
W. B. Davis " ! 00
L. A. Fralelah " i 0
D. U. Yates ' 10 00
Madison School Board for s-hool lOOOOo
Total l,705 29
Upon motion Couucil adjourned.
S. P. Griffin, C!erk.
The Weather.
For the week ending Stind-y, Oct. 1th.
Mean maximum, SO s
Mean minimum, 52s
Hit-beet, Saturday 85
Lowest, Monday 48 3
rainfall: None.
The total amount of lumber .ship
ped from the port f Fernand.na
during September wss 7,4.r9,459
All ncrsons are hereby forbidden
to hunt, flsh or in anv wise trespass
on my lands, enclosed or not enclosed
without written permission from
10-15 8-5 m.
Photoa Six fine photos for only dO
cents until Nov. 1st. Shaw's Studio. 2t
Mrs A. E Fruleigh and Mrs. T. C
Smith left yesterday for Montgomery,
Ala., on a visit to the State Fair of
Tuylor, the Clothier, next door to pott
J. B. Brinson left Monday for a trip
on the road In the interest of the Sou
thern Omg Co., of Jacksonville, of
which he is a representative.
Found: The latest style In clothing
at Tavlor's.
The fall term l the circuit court
came to an end lust Thursday after
noon, the, grand jury having finished its
labors and adjourned that morning. It
whs a dull and uninteresting ses-ion ,
thern being but little business of aoy
kir.d and onlv two or thr-e unimpor
tant chpi-Ii on tlie criminal ducket beiog
disposed of. We understand that a
special term . of the court will be held
here seme time iu November, probably,
for the trial of the murder case transfer
ed to Ibis county from Columbia coun
Until Nov. let will mute your Photo
at greatly reduced prices. After that
date price go up Sbsw's Studio, it.
Dr. Blalock got busy a week or two
ugo and by personal solicitation secur
ed twenty four dollars in subscriptions
to the democratic campaign fund from
various of our oillzecB. Last week lie
editor of this piper was banded one
dollar by Judge Vanu and three dollars
by Thoa. Z. Martin, as their subscrip
tions to the cause. The entire amourt
has been sent on to the treasurer of the
democratic cuuipaigu committee and
will be used where it will do most
good. If there are others who desire
to contribute we will undertake to for
ward whatever amounts they may see
fit to donate.
1)400 Piano given away free. See
Up atSeaville this week a crop of
orange estimated at 1,200 boxes,
was sold at $1.50 and 11.40 f. o. b.
including russett and all counts.
Letter to Ben Stewart
Madison, pr.A.
Dear Sir: Two men on opposite sides
of the same street sell suusage", oi.e at
lOo lb. the other at 5. Which sells the
more sausages, think vouT '
The answer is: It 'depends on the
street. There are plenty of streets in
the world where 3u SHUSnje go like the
Devoe is n honest paint; there are
eight honest paints, 200 adulterated
slid short' measure; Devoe 'S the heal
of the eight. I'evoe has more strength
than the other seven. The painter sde's
generally a quart of oil to Devoe; he
still has a atronger paint than anyone
of the seven.
The seven are sold at one price 61 75
a gallon: a common price of stO'ind rat
paint Is (1.50. It takes 3 gallons Devoe
to paint amill house, and 12 of aver
aye paint; 8 gallon cost less than 12
the price is moie than offset by lefs gal
lons It costs i'Z to H a day to get paint on:
dav if ft gull. in; i8 to SI0 moro to
paint the more gallons-gallons paint.
The difference in the tirt cost of the
two Jabs is tl-l to $22 and which wears
be' do ynu think? It is the les gal
lons because of It strength.
There are plenty of people to buy
those .V sausages '
Vours truly.
M F. W . Df.voB A Co.
P. S. D. (J. Smith sells our paint
More than one hundred acres in
the immediate vle'nity of Daytoua,
will be ur.der cultivation for vegeta
ble (-rowing this season.
"The Devil.:'
The announcement that the re-
muikabU play "The Devil" which
, has created the greatest sensation in
years in New York and all the large
'cities East, will .be pr-sented in
Madison ill he bailed with delight
; hy t'ie amusement loving people.
This play was given a splendid
production in Jacksonville recently
by the Mabel Paige Company with
Mr. John H. Wliiteman as the
'Devil.' Mr. Whiteman made
S'-eli a rematkuble hit that Manager
Ritchie decided to put out a com
pany with this talented actor at its
head. He will te ably supported by
an excellent cast, and with special
stflf-e settings and properties this
will be one of the finest productions
that has ever vikiied Madison and
will undoubtedly ui tract a full house.
At the opera boue Wednesday,
Oct, jiSdi, Reserved seats now on
sale at Davis Drtii Store.
For Chronic Diarrhoea.
'While in the army in 13 I was tak
en with chronic diarrhoea," says Geo.
M. Felton of South Oibon, Pa. "I
have since tried .many remedies but
without any permanent relief, until
Mr. A. W. Miles, of this place, persuad
ed me to try chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, one
bottle of which stopped it at once." For
sale ty w. B. Davis and D. G, Smith.
Flank's Chill Tonic for malaria,
chills, fever, colds and iHgrippe. Price
25 cents. All dealers. 'tin.
Next Sunday night at 7:.10 o'clock,
Father Breenaban, assisted by Father
Buckley will start a series of religious
services in the Catholic church. Father
Buckley hns juet finished a com e of
religious and secular training iu the
Catholic University at Washington, I).
C, and besides being a good preacher
be bas delighted many already with his
singing, so there la quite a treat in store
for the people of Madison next week.
There are many people in this neigh
borhood who claim membership Id do
church or religious society, end the in
vitation to attend these services is sent
to them first of all. Such questions as
j the meaning of Christianity, the ori
gin of the Bible, the rule of the Bible,
the rule of faith, the means of justifica
tion and salvation, the eternity of Hell,
Purgatory, Confession,' Communion,
will be discussed during the next week
and a cordial Invitation is extended to
all to attend the services.
Come in ladies and see the 1400 Piano
that is to be given away free by W. M.
DeWltt's Salvo
For Piles, Burns, Sores
We recently leceived by the kind
ness of Congressman Sparkman, the
annual Year-Hook o'. the Depart
ment of Agriculluie, for 1907.
In looking1 it over, we Lappened
upon the Tobacco statists of the
states where it is grown, and were
surprised to note that Florida tobac
co sold for a higher avei age price
per lb. than that of any other state
viz. 45 cts. Georgia comes next at
40 cts. The Connecticut product
Drought only 11 1-2 cts., and al.
though Connecticut is'scd three times
the quantity, yet the Florida grow
ers received nearly $700,000 mors
money for theirs.
The same is true of the rice crop
of which Florida is ciedited with
69,000 bushels, average price being
II. 1C, while Louisiana rice averaged
only 85c per bushel. Wachula Advocate.
Track Laying on Near Cut
Track laying bos begun on the
Georgia $: Florida between Douglas
an! Ilazclluirst and is progressing at
the rate of half a mile a day. , It is
about ten miles from Douglas to
where the cut-off strikes the line
again, and the distance to Ilazelhurxt
will be greatly shortened. The com
pany expects to have trains running
over the new line hy the first of No
vember, and in a short time, to have
a double daily from liazelhurst to
Madison. Train service will be main
tained from Douglas to Broxton over
tha old line. Douglas News.
. pz&zr.r c r. ? rz ? : -j b -, . : . s a - - - - vrr zs&t s x, ,t
X Clothing! Clothing - Clothing! i
We have the very snappiest and up-to-date line of clothing ever
shown in Madison- Mens suits at prices ranging from $5-00 to $25.00.
Mens melton and cravenette overcoats from $3.50 to ?15.00- Youths
suits, extra strong and good values, at ?8 00 to $.10. Boys knee
pants suits from Si to $5.
- We invite you to call and see our line before purchasing and we
will prove to you that we are offering real good values
Smith Mercantile Company,
The People's Popular Department Store
Madison, - Florida.
f r ' a
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