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1 . i I Zkc Enterprise-ftcroriirr. . . NEW K.M hHPItlSK, I..I..MM ed IWI MADISON KKC'OKDKIt.K.lauli.tiril ij. CONSJ..IlATIiD June 25, IWS. Madison. Florida. gO1 BUSHED WT.EgI.Y. . Ku'ereJ t the M.rli.r.- rW OWr """"T"' U. .Mauel June 36, lHUJ, uii'ier Art o( March S, K COLUMBUS B. SMITH. FdltOf. .TOM.' will please wrile on onn - ' , B. brief in your item., hut five ry Item of !.... W. inuil have the name el everv conmlui- ... . ' I.. .1.1 nf thr nailer or. not tnr publication. Inn tn..i wc m, rrMponden eiulhtntic. Al' .ncoymo.i. com. munientiom will lind hone I . waate ha.-k.-t. Arfd,....Mc VsTKRPRISR. Mudiion, Florida. THUKSDAV, OCTOBER 22. 190$. ForSale-To The Craft- By the consolidation ot tlie Madison Recorder with Ihis pHper I nm enabled to offer for fnle a oomplete newspaper plant, eonelKtitifj of Country Cnmpbell Cylinder newspaper press. C A. P. Gordon jobW. 10xi:..q'i..o'.ltiM ot body .-A i. .,a ,l.l.v)Cr,H un,l evertlimir I od job anf diRplny tvpe nl ever tiling neceseurv to tlie publieat.nti of 11 nef nuner. AIbo eiirbt or ten tmndles rf white tie, lu unbroken pack-MRP, ju.-t as from the mill", slza S.i.JU. Ifvou know of ntivotie who wants a news aper outfit at ft moderate co't refer them to THE ENXEUrivlSE KKCORDER. Madiron, I'la. DEMOCRATIC ELECTORS There will be a l.irge number of Presidential Electors on the ticket to be used in the Novem ber election, and it behooves democrats to become familiar with the Bryan electors, who are as follows: For Presidential Electors: H. P. BAILEY. P. W. BUTLER, ROB'T. E. DAVIS. GEO. C. MARTIN. 1 SAMUEL PASCO Tbe Supreme Court is expected to band down its decision in the Kehoe-Mays controversy to day. The decision is awaited with in terest throughout the State. October is nearly Rone and yet that extra session of the legislature has not even been called. What's the raa'ter. Toir,'.nus? Your "sit thinn" prophecy seems to l.avir s.ij l'f l a cos or two At the special rqJest of tl-.e presidential candidate. Mr. Pry an. Congressman frank Clark nf Florida is putting in this week and next mailing speeches in New York State. Clark is one of Florida's greatest political orators. Beginning next Monday and continuing through the week Jacksonville's big carnival will occupy the center of Florida's amusement stage. Jacksonville carnivals in past years have been worth a trip to the city and this year will be no excep tion to the rule. There will be fun and frolic fast and furious enough to please and satisfy the most exa:tinc and it is a safe bet tbai thousands of Floridians w"il' gather in the city next week to enjoy the festivities. Justice of the Peace Howell and Will Coulter, clerk to Jus tice Willard. became involved in a war of words in a Ja'-kson-yille restaurant one day last week. Coulter pulled a gun and shot Howell. Howell got tbe gun from his assailant and then hot him. Both men are now in the hospital seriously wound ed. There was no necessity for tbe shooting and there would have been no shooting but for the too reody pistol in tbe pocket of one of the men. The carrying of pistols is dangerous and unnecessary Public senti ment should be aroused to the felly of it. Han. J. Walter Kehoe bas signified his iutentiou to with draw Ins name as a candidate for Congress in the event that the Supreme Court shall decide that Judge Malone bad jurisdic tion to issue his mandamus to the Executive. committee requir Jitg tbat body to re-canvass tbe returns and declare the norm according thereto. But sup nose that the Court should de cide tbat Judge Malone bad no iuriadiction in the matter that the co-nmittee itself was the court ot last resort and tbat from its decision and judgment there is no appeal, will that alter the fact tbat a biased nd partisan majority of said com.nittee de liberately perverted justice and declaredtbenomineeor tbe party to be the favored friend of that majority in the face of the fact lUal u,e Peol)le 01 u' e district had by a clear majority vote elected another as their Con. gressional candidate? We think not, and we Delieve that tbe people who constitute tbe true court in this matter will not reverse themselves in the final ut-cision wmcu win oe nanaea down on Tuesday, November i.'id. Mr. Kehoe can well afford to make his "grand stand play"' at this time, but he would have found more favor with the peo ple had he accepted the result of the primary in June and not lrouglit upon the democracy of the district all of this confusion and bitterness. "If your friend goes wrong, even -.grievously wrong, it is base in you to desert him," says the Gainesville Elevator. "Then, more than ever, does be need your help, and on tbe supposi tion that he has been your true friend, be is entitled to it. Of course, you can neither approve or condone his wrong doing. . It may become your painful duty 10 tell him with the utmost c.i:.dor what you think of his faults, but never kick hitr. while v"-yh idy else is engaged in the -a ;; - 1 l:-;:u's. To do that re quires no courage nothing but a !;'.t!e cheap bluster. " V. II. McCormack has taken editunal charge of the Live Oak Democrat. 2.cCormack. who is better known in Florida as J. I'. Sherwood, has been :n charge of that paper before Indeed it might be said that it was under his management and co'ntrol that the paper grew to its present importance and use fulness. We are glad to wel come bim back to tbe ranks cf journalists and hope that he will succeed in bringing the pa per back to its former bub standard. Florida Confederate Veterans aie gathered to day in Tampa in annual re-union and tbe peo ple of that wonderful town are outdoing themselves to make the occasion one to be remem bered by the guests. Tbe ranks of the "Johnnies" are being rapidly depleted by the grim reaper, death, and it is the duty of all of us to render unto these heroes of another day that re spect and homage which is their just due Have you contributed to the democratic campaign fund yet? If not, permit us to remind you that the time is growing short and as the day of election draws nearer the need of cash to finance the campaign becomes more apparent. Send in your dollar to help along the cause. It will be appreciated and used w'.tre most needed. I I r ji 1 . w w ' 19 - m. i STOVES, I HEATERS, I Cooking Utensils, j; 1 THARIN & LBSLIB : Heavy rains in the Ever glades and high tides on the east coast are about to knock out tbe governor's drainage scheme. Everything is flooded and the dredges are at a standstill. We sincerely trust that conditions are not so bad as represented and that all tbe work tbat has been done thus far will nt go for naught. Bartow Courier-Informant. Amen, and amen. When they enter the polling hoo'h (.. Election clay Florida voters win ue co;i fronted for the first time in the State's history with the rare of a woman as a wumu.uuc i. ..ii. cite. x je lady is Mrs. S. F. J. Lynn and she is tbe candidate of tre Socialist party for the office of State Superintendent of Public Instruction. Florida voters are proverbially gallant but it re mains to be seen whether they will permit politics to mix with their gallantry. Cold Weather Advice to all is to beware ot coughs aod colds od tlie chest; neglected they readily lead to poeumonii, consumption or oth er pulmonary troubles. Just as toon an th cough appear treat it witb Bsl Nrd's Horehouod Syrup the standard cure of Amerlov Ve as directed perfectly harmless. A cure and pre ventive for all diseases of tlie lungs. Prk 33c, 50c, and 11.00 per bottle. For sale bv w. B. Davis. A creditable fall dition of tbe Saoforrt CliiO'iicle bas just been Issued, dealing largely with tbe ere at celery industry which bas rru'ie San ford famous. FOR SALE. 1367 acres (cultivated and wood land) near Madison, Fla., known as the "VTaddy Thompson planUtion." Possession January 1st, 1909. En quire of F. J. Whitom, 130 Broadway, 8-3-08 Hie VKfcCUy Pineules 30 days treatment for $1.00. Guaranteed or money To the Sheriff of Miidison County, of li.e State of Horjdii . BK IT KNOW N, That t. H. C-AV CRAW. FORD, Secretary of Stite of the State of Florida, do hcrtby give notice that a GENERAL ELECTION Will be held in Madiion county, State nf Florida, on TuetdMr next fcucceedin ttie first Monduv in No ember, A. D. 1M8, the aid Tuesday being Uie THIRD DAY OF NOVEMBER Forfive Presidential Electors, t'nr Kepretentatite from the 3c1 Congressional ri.ttict of Florida, it. the Sinty first Congres. of the L'nited Slates. For Governor of the State of Kioridn. For Secretary ot Suteof me Sute of Pbrvla. For Attorney -General of tlie State of Florida. For C'lmptroller of the St.ttr of rlortda. Vr S.!Htri-.e:.0er.i of Public In.:.-: St te ot F'.orirl.i, For Cot:i:;U';:o:ic f Ayr:. ,.' ::l- :'f 'fir '1 v. o I :i. ' f '; s 1 Slilvf F.-- . 1'iT H ill-.. i. f lorlvwi H-t:.i-ers II: . tt-..- tm of the t :e ..f IV.-.4a. 1 r C.. :r:tv K.Jac. .he:.rf. ' F.. Clerk, oi the (':.; : I r ror I rea surer i 'I the S' . .c ot r ir rida. of the rt of the f Fioriila -p-eel.U' 1 . I- r Com tv -itH-ri-., r C. unty Tre... .'. I -. t r ;tlon. i.-u c 1'abui e fallowing F..' C Hor Five t .i.:,:v I F.-.rTl.rct Mcir.t-crs Itistruct-.or.. Fr Justice of he P, Ju.tkD:lcl. . r . 1 4 ii 4 i F or Constable ir. .v D.stricts, No,. 1 a s 4 i 11 11 m for t lowing lusticc 1 7 10 II 1-J In Tetimov Wttmior, I have hereunto set my hand and af. IL.. S.; rxed the Oreat Seal of 'he State of Florida, at Tallah issee, the Capital, this the. first day of Septemltor. A. D. 190S. It. CLAV CRAWFORD, Secretary of S'.ate. To A. D. STANTON, Ssheritf Mautsoii County. A Voice From Automobiles Take no chances buy a' real Ford Runabout aDd take a drive, one ot our Society Fords will create happiness for tbe whole farcily. You run no risk when you run genuine Ford Automobiles. For furth er information see H. S. COLEXXAsX, Ageat, and Satisfaction refunded. OLf T MOSSLEY'S DRUG c PROFESSIONAL CARDS, C. BLACK ASH LEV, Attorneu-at'Law Practices In all the Courts of the State. Prompt attention given col lections. Fire Iuauronoe. J. J. CONWAY DENTIST. MADISON. - FLORIDA. OSt-e Phone lV. H.H, Residence Phone Xo. 34. REMEMBER FL DAVIS- THB JB WELCH, Has, as usual, the tin est.'and largest stock of Rne GOLD in Town. Jewelry Bracelets Lockets Chains -Watches Pins and NOV ELTIES, All good and guaran teed, and engraved FREE of charge. : Out Glq,ss: I will sell my entire stock of Cut Glass at Cost, and Spectacles at Half Price. : ; DAVIS JEWELER. Madison. Florida. Ilheumttism. K.EUEVES BACK-ACHE STORE