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VERY SATISFACTORY to bank your cash, walk off with your book and begin to pay your bills by check. Time saved, accounts simplified, even your health improved by less handling of soiled bills. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK will gladly explain many other winning . points. Ask for them to-day. The First Matioija) pai)k . Capital, Surplus and Profits: $100,000. TOWN TOPICS. Our 'Phone 76. Walk-over shoes at Taylor's. Krnest Bradley ti spending a few ;ajs in town. a-.vlnr seta the style In Madison. Hi INeit door to poBt ofllce. Cot. D. O. Ashley, prominent lawyer und banker of Valdosta, wai in town a l,. i- UnnHflV For Sale: -Seed Rye and Early Oat. Apply to Fraleigh Lines-Shelfer Co. Rev. C. Fred Blackburn is at Lloyds ibu week assisting a revival meeting in Jibe Methodist cburcb at that point. Another New and Stylish lot Bonar niata j"lt arrived at the 9mith Mercan- I . rtW (l.1l A Mrs. Angua Hinsoo ot Quincy terml itd her visit to Miat Clara Coggins od departed for Valdosta Mooday. BreeJIove'e ice cream, all flavors.fresh i-very dity at Madison Drug Co. Comrades F. V. Farrell, C. D Tuten ndj. W. WiDfleltl are attending the '.C.V. re-unioo at Tamp tie delegates rom CaicD Colquit. Those having y trnnMn, lipariache r nervousne! eh'uM eo in Jaukeon illeaiul tee L)r. Aruistrouf, specialist )(lice 0 Laura street. 3w. Mrs. Id Whltlock movd into her ne ot Mucliscn a newest and qozietl RiiiK. Little Liver Pills fur ui'.lous w, sukheadache. Tliey keep you ell. 25 cents. Try them. Sold by IS. '. Muteley, Dr. and Mrs. Chandler H. Smith left undav to attend the Fair at Atlanta, a. They will be gone from home oout one week. Mrs. Columbus B. Smith enjoyed todays visit laat Thursday and Fri- jay from her mother, Mrs. Carroll, of HoQtlceilo, and sister, Mrs Atkinson f. Atlanta. Watch for the big 1400 Piano deal. fee Taylor. The ladies ot the Baptist church MIs- oniry society met at the church Mon. -y afternoon and after transacting the nines of the sooiety enjoyed "a cup of and other good things. Ustor Strayed off, about Sept. 1st pe large Berkshire boar; black with isc anil leu. Weight about 'loo uodi. Liberal ruward for return to B. Ashley. The srnual bazaar of the Cemetery "provement Association will be held next Thursday afternoon and even ly iu ma vacant store next tbat or tbe JJiith Mercantile Company. The ladies f the association are making great ppsratlon for this oocaslon and conB "tjr woect tbe liberal support of tbe Tlc- Kemembet tbe data TbUrtday, k-ber 29th. a all WANTED oeas Magazine r- tbe services of a man In Madiajo lk arte eiplrlog subscriptions and cure) new buMnaaa K immi nf , ros unusually effective; position j p'oent; prefer one with experience, i 'Ul consider "J applicant with j j" tatural qualifications; salary i - f uiy, wnn commission op- with, B. C jw ijna, Suit-ess Magazine Build- York. Sw i Do you want a hat? ee Taylor. Rev. and Mrs. T. C. Bradford of Greenville was in the city Monday. Kreedlove's ice crears.all fluvors.fresh every day at Madison Drug Co. Lawrence Haynea of Jacksonville, in surance adjuster, was a business visi tor in the city Tuesday. Wanted: Sewing bv Miss Gertrude Plant. Rooms with Mrs. M. M.De Laugbter. Afire-pin alley is tbe latest attrac tion of our town. It occupies tbe va cant lot adjoining the First National Bank. Sctiloes Bros., fine clothing at Tay lor's. Tbe negro camp meeting at the camp grounds a few miles out ot town on tbe Valdosta Southern, attracted crowds of Madison people Sunday. If you are a sufferer from piles, Man Zan Pile Remedy will bring relief with tbe first application. Guaranteed. Price 50 cente. Sold by B. F. noeeley. Porter Plant and Manton DeLaughter returned Saturday night from a ten days trip to the coat where ttiev had a fine time fishing and hunting and a belter time eating th fruits of their guns and lines. For Sale: Heu.ii.g!iu -' :.. !:::'-. practically new, at u hartum. .'. W Shaw. il M! T'-i-n l"-'.' i :ir.-iv."! from (ireenvihe Monday iiliernoon and is agHln the tuest of Airs Manton fur a week or longer. Mis9 Ulslinp will He. aiht the Baptist choir in the su'.'iej con cert Sunday evening. Free, a $100 Piano by ',7. M. Taykr. J. B. Brlnson, jr., left Monday for Montlcello where be has accepted a position with Montloello Drug Co We oommend tbe.ycung gentleman to tbe good people of our sister town as one worthy of every respect and confidence. Russell Vann handles Arnold Bro'e M. ingles. Call at his store for prices. Jos. II. Redding ef Greenville wan business visitor la tbe city Monday. For Sale: 50 bushels seed Uje. C. B. Ashley. Tbe infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Char lie Carroll is ver illy and a trained nuree caaie from Jacksonville Monday night to attend bltu. Dr. Armstrong;, stiaightens cross eyes without knife and overcomes all forms of eye trouble, Olllce 9 Laura street, Jacksonville, 1w Is your came amocg those stricken from the registration list. If so, and you want to vote in the general elec tion you'd better meet tbe county com misalcners Saturday and have your nam restored. Wood's Liver Medicine in liquid form for malaria, chills and fever, regulates tbe liver, kidneys and bladder, brines f quick relief to biliouaness,sickheada be, constipation. Pleasant to take. The 11.00 bottle contains 2. times quantity of the 50c Bize, Fir6t dose brings relief. Sold by B. F. Moeeiey. Pope reached home Tues day. Mr. and Mrs. Pope have been away all summer ami their time Las bceu delightfully spent at Saratog , iu New York city, and at Ashevllle and VValnesvllle. ?. C. Mrs Pope is now 'n Henderson, X. C. with her parents, and will not return until next week. 'Jo those afflicted with kidney and bladder trouole, bnckBche.rheuruatisin, Pineulee for the Kidneys bring relief in the rlret dose. Hundreds of people to day testify to their remarkable benl!ng and tonio properties. 30 dajs' trial $1.00. They purify the blood.' Sold by B. F. Museley. The Woodmen of the World of Mm1i son Camp and tbeir friends will have au Oyster feust in tbe lodge room to night. Woodmen are naturally hungry and what they propose doing to tbe oysters Height Is a gracious plenty. The attso dancaot every member of the order ia confidently expected. The Epwortb League social latt Thursday night was, without doubt, one ot the most delightful and successful social affairs ever had in our town. Dr. George O. Davis generously donated tbe use of tbe opera hojse and It was there that tbe Leaguers to the number of about seventy. five or eighty coogre gated. Misses Vann Wilson and May Vann were tbe general managers of tbe occasion and they were most nobly as s ated hy a willing corps, the chief Idea of each being to make the evening one of genuine pleasure and enjoyment to all. Tne baud boys were out ami-reud ered fweet rrusic wliicli greatly enliven ed the occasion. Vr. Blackburn witti ly mtro luced Mine Ktta Morrow who In icn. i l e!( rHnt and cordial Words or wccu.iim I nil. dui-Bsing games were p'nyeit ii;e p lr"irg captured by Mis" Oreua Sml'.n u'l Gordon Car. roll. A t the last, and us a Httnig c'lmax cuiin delii'iou' Ice cream and cuke dmiitily eeived liy a bevv of fnir young Leaguers ami the chief beauty ol ilns part of tbe program was that no sir. wms committed bv asking tor a second helping. It was lute in the cunt be fore the merry gathering dispersed to their homes, and every onedeclured that the entertainment afforded b the ' Bluea" was in every resp'ct woi thy of them. ARE YOU IN THE DARK as to where to put your savings? Lookin? for c, a RELIABLE SAVINGS J BANK -?Z2 where sensible method, wise investments will earn interest on your very dollar, ourg is the Dan yuu nccix. vwuc m, sib vhuwhu iuu open an account We pay 4 per cent . i.' I '. i I i FIRST NATIONAL B ANlq FLORIDA t . It e a o - YOUR CHECK BOOK Will give you constantly at hand the means of paving your bills without the possibility of error in making change; and the cancelled checks, returned to you by the bank each month, give you positive and indisputa ble receipts for all bills you pay. To transact all your, business through the bank gives you prestige and stand ing in the community not possible in any other way. Your regular and frequent deposits in this institution furnish A BASIS OF CREDIT that will enable you to take advantage of business op portunities that may call for more ready money than you have at your command. In-making loans, all bank ers must give first preference to their depositors, and they are always ready and willing to help those whose steady deposits and thrifty habits show their ability and determination to help themselves. With a growing account and established credit at the bank, and with a check book in your pocket, you can virtually MINT YOUR OWN MONEY CITIZENS BANK OF MADISON, MADISON. FLORID fi. i :: :: . r c m SCHEDULE OFZTHE Georgia & Florida Railway. Valdosta Southern Division. DECEMBER 18. WOT. CENTRAL TIME. a. in. a. rn. a. m. 6.45 6.4;") 12.50 Lv. a. m. a. m. p. m. C.50 6.50 7.45 Lv . in h. m a. m 10.04 10.04 3.05 Ly a. in. a. m. 5.35 5.35 Lv a. m. a. m p. m. 6.50 6.50 7.40 Lv p. m. p. rn. a. m. 1.50 1.50 6.40 Lv 5 3 1 (Valdc p. m. p. m. a. m. (Valdi 4.00 4.30 9.30 Lv.... 4 25 4.57 10 00 4 32 4.57 10 00 4.43 5.20 10.30 5.00 5.35 10.5! 5.10 5.48 11.10 5.30 C.lo 11.35 Ar n. ni. ). ru. a. rn. Macon G. S. fe F. Montgomery (A. C. L.) Savannah (A. C. L.) Brunswick (A. C. L ) Jacksonville (G. 8. & F.) Wavcross (A. C. L.) (p in ip m ,Ar 4 25 10 35 p m .Ar 6 15 p m .Ar 1 41 iNoon . . l 12 10 Ga. Vaidonta, Briggston. ' Clyatteville, Olympin, ' i'inetla, F'.a Hni)8on, Malison, " A a m . Ar 10 30 2 a m 8 15 7 45 7 35 7 20 7 00, C 48 a m 8 05 p m 11 59 p m 9 25 p ' m 9 00 p m 6 05 4 in 3 30 2 58 2 IS 3 33 2 15 2 00 m 4 25 p m 6 15 p m 1 41 Noon 12 40 am 10 20 6 a rn 8 15 7 47 7 3!) 7 2(5 7 li 7 0i 6 25 1 40 15 40 h m 'ti ml a ru Daily, f Sunday only. Ti-leplume Siattor.s: (Ja. , Pinetta, llnnsoa a Jladion, Fia. A. l'ow:, '. M TiiiM.n. I Trnfflj Min-ijer. General Manaaer. Auitiis'.a Goora'a. Auyustu Georgia. Valdosto aud Olytnnii, , F. Holtzi'.M'Oi:f, CoinuiHii.ial Anient. Iiiiiiglax, (-Jeurgia. 5 SOOTS v3.C $4,02 There are few ladies who can withstand the temptation to own a pair of "Dorothy Dodd" Shoes after they have once seen them on their feet. There is some thing unmistakably "smart" about them. Smith Mercantile Co. "People's Popular Department Store." American Girl auoes at Taylor's. Dr BlalcH-s accompanied Vjr his son Jos, and Carroll Smith loft yesterday tor Uo days trip to tu ooast. Do you want a 900 Piano, free? Sec Tarlor. Erening arfleM at the Methodist ohurch, beglnninf with osit Sunday, will oommaocs promptly at 8 o'clock Instead of 730. The Junior Lsanue will bold its service each Sunday after noon at 2:45 o'clock and the Senior League at 8:30. All those interested will take notice, ot these changes and govern themselves accordingly. Looking: lor Clothing? See Taylor. We print taia week the list of quall &ed voters for Midleoo county. His long list and your namS may b on it or It nay not. Belts investigate for yourself and it It ia not there ee the county oommineioners when ney meot iaturday and try to bays it put thers. Bees Laxative Cough Syrup alwaya brings quick relief to coughs, colds, hi arens, whooping-oougb and all bronchial and throat trouble. Mother specially recommend it tor ctiildren. Pleasant to tuke, geully laxt'.iva. Sold by B F. Koseley.