Newspaper Page Text
8 The Pinch Game and oar friend decided to cut down on his grocery bills. Hp bourht a pound of coffee t 15 cent and It lasted exnctlv threw days, Insipid, dish-watery (Hiiffnt that. He went bnck to M'ZIAN.NE OiTKB at Socts which always lasted a week, all the time delicious and iattttfylnar He learned the lesson that lower price does not nl ways tpell economy. HAVE VOU learned It yet! LUZIANNE COFFEE 14 Itirrwtan The Rtlly-Taylor Co, IW OBLEANI, V..A. I VI 2r. Grigg's Family Salve saved-our-Baby For Eczema, Tetter, Itch, vx"r"t Chapped Hands, Pilci. Burnt, Sorea and all Skin Diseases. 7i 1 nal 14 tn M4I minv nt .V, j ' iu,nai oi MOTHERS who have used "Dr. Tnurnton'e Essy-Teether." It U a guaranteed remedy for Tetuing, Summer Diarrhue, Flui, indiges tion, and all Stomach and Bowel trouble! ot INFANTS. It la alto the hast tlilnn you can five your baby lor a C l,D. It will cine a cold hi throe days or le.e. If you want something that will carry your hub throiu-U the most trying oerlo 1 in In life. nd 21 cents tout and we will anil you a box by return mall. For ilebyall druKirutt and country merchants. Gainesville Medicine Cc Ev-T..ti,.rM.d!ein.c,H.rtw.n1cfc Wrl'.e to day for free BOOKLET, "The Baby" GAINESVILLE, fit I id "How t) Care For It." The Retentive Country. A New England clergyman was taking breakfast one Sunday morning In a hotel in a little western town. A rough old fellow across the table called over to him: "Coin' to tho races, stransrer?" Tho clergyman re plied: "I don't expect to." "Coin' to tho ball game?" "No." "Well, where are you goln'?" "I'm going to church." "Where do you come from?" "New England." "Oh, that explains It! That's where they keep the Sab 'iath and every other blamed thing t,n'- run lay their 'hands on.' Argonaut. 1 J. X. K Itrhen, Jackson, G., tvii "I havv ueI jour fnlte for pile, and wouM cot tk" ll.iuu for tie benefit 1 not imm one t.oi." Soldunrlar .nam n ton to tile-.. ' J or mnnry back. I'nra 2f: and ftuu, jtUtM t mall, if ou oauuut Had It at i I M Doctors recommend it in their prescrip tions. It cures constipation and indi gestion. Leaves none of the bad effects of calomel and other violent remedies. Valuable a a tonic. Cures stomach and liver troubles with nature's remedies. Helps every age and sex. Hundreds testify to its worth. W. D. Thomas, of Boaz, Ala., says: "The fact that I am alive and well today, I believe to be due to the use of Nubian Tea." All dealers sell it. Manufactured by SPENCER MEDICINE COMPANY Chattanooga, Tenn. PLANTERS. i3PtciVHrr:.Ntcai IIYER'WDHEYS r w'j vr.- h arret twee I Deafness Cannot Be Cnre4 STlooal applications as theycannot reach th Uieased portion of tho ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that 1b by consti tutional remedies. Deafness iscaused cyan inflamed condition of the mucous lining of Ihe Eustachian Tube. Wbeuthistubaiain flumed yon have a rumbling sonnii or imper fect hearing, and when it is entirely closed CfwifnessiBtno result, and unlaw the inflam mation con be taken ont and this tube re stored to its mrmal condition, bearing will beilestroyed forever. ont often reoausfilbyeatarrQ, wbichisnothingbntan Inflamed condition of the mnrons snrfacee. We will pive Clno Hundred Dollars for ant case of Deafness i!onfecltivctrrhthatcan DotbecuredbyllitirsCatiiiTh Cure. Send fof treulars free. F.J.Ciiknky & Co.,Toledo,0. 8idd bv Dmtr(n'ts, T.V-. Take flail's 1'uiuily Pius for constipation. A typhoid fever survey, to deter mine the means, aside from domestic water supplies, by which this disease Is transmitted, is to be conducted in Pittsburg at the expense of the Rus sell Sae9 fund. RAISED I'ltOM SICK IJED After AHHope Had Vanished. Mrs. J. H. Bennett, 59 Fountain Me., says: "My back used to trouble me so severely that at last I had to give up. I took tp my bed and stayed there four months, suffering in tense pain, dizziness, headache And inflam mation of the blad der. Though with out hope, I began using Doan's Kidney Fills, and In three months was com pletely cured. The trouble has never returned." Sold by all dealers. 60 cents a box. Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo. N. Y. The m,,, ii ot Canada contains inrlv 3.741.111 Fiu.iro miles. NOT FOR HIM. Mrs. Newly wed It's Just brutal of you to call It "this stuff." You said ; you'd be glad If I baked my own bread and - Mr. Newlywtd Yes, but I didn't say I wanted you to bake mine. io Drive Out Alulaiia und Uuild U the System Take the Old Standard QnoTsTs Tast LMaa ChiixToicic. Vo l know what you are taking. The formula is plainly printod on every bottle; Showing it is simply V" nine and Lrun in a utstoloas form, and the most effwtual form, tor grown people and ohildxen. oOc RBSOURCEFirU "You must find," said the admlrlne friend "that you have Ideas which word cannot express." "Yes," confessed the musical com edy poet; "l sometimes happens." "What do you do then?" "I let the chorus say 'tra-la-la.' " Washington Star. . . nicks' Oopudlne Cures Headache, Whether from ( old, Heat, Stomach, ot Mental Strain. No Acetonilid or dungeroua drugs. It's Liquid. Effects immediately. 10c., 25c. , and SUc, at drug stores The Philadelphia Press eays tto . shall "soon have battles In the air." UKWS I St., Gardiner, TIOW HE LOST' HER. They were on board the excursion boat bound for St. Joe. : There wasn't a cloud In sight, bill he saw his opportunity to get funny. "It looks like rain," he said. "What looks like rain?" sh queried. ECZEMA CUllIU, J. B. Maxwell, Atlanta, Oa., says: "I suffered aifony with a swvere euse of ecze ma. Tried six different remedies and was In despair, when a neluhbor tld mo to try : Pbuptrlne'g After using (3 worth of your tittkrini and soap I am ' completely cured. I oannpt say too muob , In its praise." TETTiniNa at driiKglsts or i by mall&uo. Ponp 25?. J. T., Dept. A, Havannah, Oa. ! I A clergyman was recently telling a I marvelous story, when bis little glrll said: j "Now, pa, Is that really true, or Is j It Just preaching?" 'London Tattler. HIS SKIN TROUBLES CURED. I 1 1 mmk 1 A :i pi VVf-...".I' American Cotton and Business University and School of Telegraphy, Consolidated ii i n i:s a ii a i t ii it ii I I w 1. h A LKN 1' (AlAliliHAL .IKI.I.V tui ('eafnes and Catarrh. Trial treatment by P'e'l free. UFA f" vinpeatilN. Minn. 'MILLEDGEVILLE, GA. POTTO M fftJarantw to com pi ft any onf wltti good velgnt In to 'ly how to trade a w averaae, ouy ana m-ii ooiu irket. W alo tab nni to ara'l cotton hr a ( BOOKKEEPING MEltCUL LAW udill LI1F.HAHX brsncho, HMK Telegraphy and Railroading: aoatb. Mipttuaea reaaonable. Writ (or c-talcnm. and tuite la ilfr. rFiindenve (our. Our mruvle room unlr eiir finile quo cm lie rntr., liuget ijiicin, ffco. mi. .rt tiv l.nain.B in. n In ! thn lift.t. COM UHUKTHAND, TV PKWHI 1 IM1. Ore? and Hlfftric. road irv. i hf let euulutad ithuol in tao Uite otiunta dai rttd. BEETHOVEN TS" IT. I.UIIS, MISHOl HI. The oldest, larire-.t and best music school In Mu State. All tuaiK-he of music tanirht. Send for handsomely Illustrated eataloirue totne itKOTIIKKS EI'STEIN,,r unci OlMf. Ilr-rrl First Hnd HrlilnR Hash Threatened Later M'lth Hlood-PoNon In Te? Itolied on Cutlctira Hemcdies. "About twelve or fifleen years ago I bad a breaking-nu, nnd it iiclied, and stung; so badly that I could nnt linve any penoe be cause of it. Three doctors did not heln me. Then I used some Culirura S'nap. C'utirnra Ointment, snd Cnticura Kesolvent and be (an to jet better rieht awav. Tliey ruril me and I have not been bothered with the itching aince, to amount to anything. About two ye.nrs aitn I bd la grippe nn-1 pneumonia which loft'me with a rain in my side. Treatment ran it into mv le?, which then swelled and beean to break out. The doctor was nfrnid it would turn to blood-poison. I used his medicine but it did no good, then I used the C'nticuin Remedies three times and cured the breaking-out on mv lei, J, F. Hennen, Milan, Mo., May 13, 1907. " When Women Rule. "Women couUlo't run the fire de partment, anyhow." "Not muscular enough, you think?" "I was thinking that they'd Insist i on drop-stitch hose." W'ashlngton ! Herald. ' ! The University and Commercial School, Abbeville, Ga., rivet individual trslnlna preparing students thoroughly for collie and university work. Uitst enre irlven to character building as vfe.l ns tlioroueri trnimna Inielli-ctually nu-s arc complete and thorough Krtnch . H rfll, l.atln and hnirll-li Literature taiiKlit bv tfaclieia. The Commf rcial Courses ai.i brace Typewrltlnir. H. ...k k . .l nyr. Shorthand, t'rltlir.ietie, Cnrrepitidence, writlliB, Bnnklliit Full course In Telecnmhy and allied work. Ami'lrsround!!, ..od-board, ten mimtlu' tuluon ;all for JIMi. Write for ile.-enptlv boolilei to C. M. GCRDCH, Pria. Commercial Ocpt JOHN t. MILLtR, t B Superir.ten Jenl The back ia the mainsprin; of woman's organism. It quickly calls attention to trouble by aching. It tells, with other symitoms, such as nervousness, heatluehe, pains ia the loins, weight in tho lover part of the body, that a woman's feminine organism needs immediateattention. In such case3 the one sure remedy which 6peedily removes the cause,, and restores the feminine organism . to a healthy, normal condition is LYDIA EaPINKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND Mrs. Will Young, of 6 Columbia Ave., Rockland, Me., says : " I was troubled for a long time wltfc dreadful backaches and a pain in mj side, and was miserable in every way. I doctored until I was discouraged and thought I would never get well. I read what Lydia E. l'inkhani's Veg-c table) Compound had done for others and decided to try it i after taking three) bottles I can truly say that I never fell so well in my life." Mrs. Augustus Lyon, of East Earl, . Pa., writes to Mrs. I'inkhain : "I had very severe backaches, and pressing-dow n pains. I could not sleep, and had no appetite. Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound cured m end made me feel like a new woman." FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. For thirty years Lydia E. link ham's Vegetable Compound, made from roots and herbs, has ueen the standard remedy for female ills, and has positively cured thousands of women who have been troubled with displacements, inflammation, ulcera tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities, periodic pains, backache, that liear-mg-down feeling, flatulency, indiges tion,dizzincss,or nervous prostration, rEARl BORAX m s I Tonus Men und I.i.Uenof amMtinn houl,l imtterTolesrai-luranil R. LuUlil luluUlliUHV Ulfelsls. M.iD-lo.s wire. In ill our ..hool.. I'.minno. slwiluulr . J j J ijrd. tun ciiuil.oltnl. Work lor UnrJ. l'r.ieilu. Ire,. National Telegraph Institute, (Dept. A. N.) vWIZWm:. AlV-aiyB. c. ; we. PkR. . "V-" A heaping teaspoonful to a gallon of ho4.vatejr will cleanse your dishes, plates, caps, earthenware, cutlery and kitchen utensils from dirt and fjrease, leaving neither taste nor smell. Georgia Normal College And Business Institute FOUNDED AT ABBEVILLE 1698. REMOVED TO DOUGLA31906. Bst oduirped Bu.nui Clle in the Soutli. Couims; ScUntinc, liachers', Businsst, Penmasbip, Etc. Wnte (or cstalugue and specimens ot PcJmmhip. W. LlTTI.t, l'rln. A. A. Kl ML, 1'rlu. Cam'l Dept., DOl'C.t.AS, riKOKfil A Local agonta wanttd, Writ for money making plan. Ml R. WATKINS MEDICAL CO. .WINONA. MINNESOTA. Artlclrtt HOUirnOHl urniruir., "tr..lAr. xlraSUBll skin"-. ..:--- " ' . rno.rrM Wanted in E-Cery County. 40 Years Eip'rlenre. .0O0,0 BEST PROPOSITION 01 j LIGHT RUNNING. SIMPLE, DURABLE I 'W!" ' ' I' ml ii. ,, li 1 1 I f till- a tAI AllaDTn CDARANTEKi) CAPACITY 1000 PER BOOR SIMFLEX PRESS COMPANY, Inventors and Manufacturers of the Simplex Newspaper Press. HAND OR STEAM POWER. 16T-1S9 S. Fortyth'st., Atlanta, Ga. rel Taoseofuswho have .been advising our readers to patronize nome Industry, now have a chance lo show our faith by our works, by putroui2lnt a "borne" In dustry tbat Is turning out a product Unit we believe Is equal to the best, If not the best thing on thq market for our u.e--The News, I'alrburn, Ga., June 6, 19JS. W. L. rnutlas mslccs and sells mui men s j.ih anil K.l,3 shoes tlinti any Vithcr mntiiif aftiirer in the wml.l. Ire 'cause tliny licilfl their tfiape, lit better, and wear longer than any other inaka. , Stioet it All Price,, for Every Mtmber 0 tbt Family, Men, Boys, Women, Kineti Childita W L Doa,l,,$4 00sn4 $5.00 OHltCdr, lho csDn U tuld &t vy prlc. W. L DoujIm a. SO ul SJ.OO ikon gn lb, tMrt u th,worlil ' Ff Color Kittletn f Kjccluirltt. - lukc n Nul.Mtilulv. W. I.. Luui 11.1TT1 anit pr1'- I, els-nitej on bottom. S.'M every lu-re. Miots iiia ii'l frcnn Isclorf to sny rnit ot the rntl,l. t'amloai" tive. W. L DOUll AS. IS7 Spark St.. Brecktos. MM. (At41.'il3) T'.'.iy have banished the automo Me from Bermuda. But they still have'-:; onion, proclaims the Clil "ffo Evening Post. HAD ECZEMA 15 TEAItS. Mrs. Thomas Thompson, of Clarljsvllle, Ga wrlti-s, undr (Into of April 23, 1Wi7: "I JutTere.l i5 y(,nes with tormenting eczema; d the best doctors to iirescribe; but uoth '"gdiil me any g0od until I got tftierini:. ' cured mo. I am so thankrul." inousands of others can testify to slnilkir "ee. Tettkrinr Is sold by drupists or by mall fur 50c. by J. T. fcnui'TUis, wpt. A, Bavannnb, Go. nly 6 per cent of amputation cases j fult fatally at present, cwlng to he ; 'nprvcnient In cntlifptic 'surgery. -'ATU M BIl-IOl'SNESa. j v. """."Ipstlon Sends tinUf.nniii matter ! our i.K ,hrou?!' thH body. Dull heaiaohe, Los oi l ' """nth, Bleared Evei, aiirVT. f-Trv and Appetite are the surest pishivii honffl,"lloa- 1'ooko'b Liven rn.LB the sl i . " "-"'""pntlon. I nsy utrakra , the ho. , sn llv"r t" better action, oltanso lil. "r"lhea the weakened parts, Si ee,. n''lMl" "d aid dlirostPm. 1'ri. e I the'ia, n 5'0,lr "nlr or direct from I sddrc. , tr"9 "ample bv mall to am a- J. A. Yocxa, Ja., Wayuro-s, Ga 'mni; (tcoilno? ' -vows, ihr.-o CURED lve ulck Relief. Pemovr, all owellinj? In 8to davs ; meets a pemisneni cure In jo to coilBve. Trialtreatmenl .1 Wri'e Dr. H. H. Greon Sons, !c.,i-.n.n Bat a Atlanta. Of Oropsvi ,...Mnn .Hf'v .r'F.Ia.77ua;..ii ZUiiMERMANN STEEL CO., Loo Trta. low. j wtIJI'stJUiiHi Malaria Makes Pale Blood The Old Standard GROVE'S TASTELESS CHILI, TONIC, drives out Malaria and builds no the rcio?n Vnn l-tinm t-It n f vnii ore til; i n cr Ths fnrmtila ia nlninlv ririntil rn r-t- Krrft cViwriMrr ojstu. -- - . ... ....j .... w wwvb, ouwru6 ri is simply Quinine and Iron in a tasteless, and the most effectual form. For adults and children. 50c. B &U'a,HB Vrtf WT MTITfHfti. HU. If MWIII JOSiJSJtUJr PUTNAM FADELESS DYES Color more sockIs hrlshter sod fftter colow than inr other dT. One Ilia, package cnlor, all tlber Ther d In etiltl wnfer bf-tler than anv other ilye. Voa. vie rlvp. nnv sermeni wtlliout rinnmif apsn. Write for fres booklet How lo ue. HIinmii aud MIX Color. MONHOK lltUla CU.i Qniucr. illiuokt. exclaims the Da! are a few fads lot! A- I Simple Remedy B 30 ,.giTOWJJlagllit,gBn with Cardui is a purely vegetable extract, of 'certain medicinal ingredients. a specific, curative influence, on the womanly organs. It is a simple, harmless, non-intoxicating remedy, acting gently and natural ly, and is recommended to girls and women, of all ages. To them we say: Take VV JULIUS Wxl for womanly pains, dragging feelings, nervousness, and any other form of sickness peculiar to females. Mrs. A. C. Beaver, of Marbleton, Tenn., writes: "I suffered dreadfully, but took Cardui and recommend it to all ladies with female troubles." IirTtlTT' IPAT1 mrr nAflJ Write for Pre 64-psre Book for Women, trlvlrf symptoms, csnsca, borne treatment and IVItllr. rSKf rnl'T, IkllllEi aluabl hints on diet, eiirel.aa, elc. Oent free on request In elaio wrtntw, br caail -JiJ M.M.1MJLJ XJSJJLX vmA. Ladies' Advitorr Dept. The Chittsoooca Medicine Co. Cbattaooosra. Tonn. Pile's VsWCaJL U.UL man may talio up v.)ith Ll Paylns aa Initiation fee.