Newspaper Page Text
it I'ta rc ti KiSifj i I I V.S!7 ill S I 1. $ 3Sw. 4 1 s5 3gsfi ul l rl, 8 For Chapped Skin- 'happed shin whether on '.lie or dice may be cured it) 'hp Lik.'rit hy pDb'i"8 Chnmbpr!ain' Salve. It is al o uneijuHletl for sore nipples. b.iriiF nn 1 valds. For sale by w. B. Davi? Hnd D. (J. Smith. Ad epidemic of dengue fever is raging at II) gb Springs, A Healthy ramily- "Our whole family has enjoyed good I f nl' li since we beena tiBioif Dr. Klii's New Life Pills, three year ano," says L. A. Harlot, of Rural Route 1. Guil ford, Maine. Thpy cleane snJ tone tbn system In a gentle way that does j( J good. 2")Cls. st all druRgiEte. Dade county's assessed valuation this year is $6, 100,000 as against fj ,809.000 lant year. Lame Back. This ailment is usually caused by rheumatism of tbe muscles of the small of the back, and is quickly cured by apply) u Chamberlain'! Liniment two or three times a day and macsaine the parts at eacb application. For enle by w. B. Davis and D. G. Smith. Volusia county's tax valuation this year is (5,461,94$ an increase over last year of 1330,000. A SHAKING UP sXAU be very well so far as tbe trusts tbe hftrned.but not when it cornea to 'jfever and malaria. Quit tbe porta tal real cure Ballard's States bContains do harmful drups West 4rtain at taxes. If it doesn't Jh,rget your money back. For show. B. Davis. ear i'be Florida State Supreme Court .as convened at Tallahassee fo tbe all and winter sittings. MoreTnan Enoufh is too Much' To maintain health, a mature man or woman needs just enough food to repair tbe waste and supply energy and body beat. Tbe babitusl consumption of itore food than is necessary for lees pur poses Is the prime cause of stomach troubles, rheumatism and disorders of tae kidneys. If troubled with indiges tion, revise your diet, let reason and not appetite control and Take a few doses of Chamberlain's Stomach and I.iver Tablets and you will soon be all right auain. For sale by w. B. Davie and D. G. Smitl . Contracts for several large com mercial buildings Lave recently been awarded by Tampa parties. HaJ a Close Call. Mrs. Ada L. Croim,tho widely known proprietor of the Croom Hotel. Vaughn. Mis., says: 'For several months I suf fered with a severs cough, and oon aumptioo rero to have Its grip on me, when a friend recommended Dr. King's New Discovery. I began taking it, und three bottlfs effected a cotn plet cure." The fame of this life shv ing cough and cold reiuedi , and lung aod throat healer is world wide, Sold st sll druggists "0c. and !l.t0. Trial Lcttle fre. Would Morteage the Farm. A farmer on H iral Koute 2. Empire, Gh., W. A. Floyd by name. fays: "Hunk len's Arnica Sc-lve cuied the two worst sores I ever saw: one on my hnnd and one on my leg. It is worth more than its weight in gold. I would not be with out it If I had to ni-irtgage the fa'm to get It." Only iVls. at all druggists. Tbe Florida State Presbytery was in session last week at Creceot City. Sliehtlv Colder With Snow. When you see that kind of a weather forecast you know that rheumatism weather is at band. Get ready for it now by gettiDg a bottle nf Uallard's Snow Liniment. Finest thing made for rheumatism, chilblains, frost bite, sore and -tiff joints and muscles, all aches and pains. i"jc, 50c and J1.K a buttle. For sale by w. B. Davis. An enormous acreage in cabbage will this season be planted in the Gainesville section. A BANQUET spread before you would do you no good if you couldn't eat. What g'.od can food do a child when as soon as it enters it's stomach it is eaten by worms. That's the reason your baby is ailing, cross, pasty faced aod tbin. Give II W hite's Cream Vermifuge. It will ex pel the worms and act as a tonic for the cbilJ, For sale by w. B. Davis. Tbe city council of Miami will plant a large number of shade tre of the best varieties on tbe city streets. Why Colds are Dangerous Because you have contracted ordinary colds and recovered from them without treatment of any kind, do not for a moment imagine that oolde are not darjgerous. Everyone knows tbat pneumonia and chronic catarrh have their origin in a common cold. Con sumptioD Is not caused by a cold but the cold oreparee tbe system for tbe recep tion and development of tbe germs tbat would not otherwise have found lodg ment. It is tbe tame with all infectious diseaeee. Diphtheria, scarlet fever, meaels and whooping cough are much mora likely to be contracted when the child has a coiJ. You will see from this that more real danger lurks in a cold than In any other of the common ailments. The easiest and quickest way to cure a cold is to take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. The many remarkable cures efl'ected by this preparation have made it a staple article of trade over a large part of the world. For sale by w. B. Davis and D. G. Smith. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY FOR LETTERS PATENT. Notice : fcrrrby ffivtn that the unac rirfn.l will api'y to the Honor.iMe Nolion b. Brovird, tfovcrnor of thr State of Ktnrida, at Tillhriee, Flontl.1, on the '.I'Lh Hy ol Octntn r, A, D. Iflt. lor I. "tier. Patent, incorporatirtr I'IS'KTTA I'MOX 1NNJM' CO VITA NY, jrdrr t.e f.illo-vinij pro ;H--d e.artr, th- original ol which is now on file '.'" ,vr th.. Svcr.-lalv jf Si ce ul :ht ol Morula. . I- IPPFUER, II. A. WOOD. W. J. RAOAN. K J P.LAIK, FKANK ALLEN. ARTICLE-. OF INCOIU'OHATIOV OK THE PIN ETTA UNION Ol X NlXo C'OMPAN Y. The urulir'ii'ned henhv .K.oi-;.itt them-eh-.- to-' y. -hen- c. n. oration ii'nii.-r the Uwitnf thp st ite ol hmrula, with unjei tla; loilown g i.n io,e,1 vh-rter; 1 1 ARTICLE I. ..vT.n,t.".n" " " forl.-.r..iiin hl h. I'IN'I Tl A l:ON CIS SIN i CJMPANV. .d .' 'hal hi'. e it4 ofti.-e and nrincinil nl;a'e r,f hosine-s : Pirot.i, in the i niintv of M oli'oo.Sl.Ue of !' lititi i, .vith branch r.tfite iit Mich othtr lit, t in Klor ila mil vlsew hei c t in iy he-re. iftcr he es.tabli.-hed. ARTICLE 11. ''Tie nature 'if tin- hosiiu B lolu-t-atia t ei. hv tM corporation h:ill h-to yurrh.i-e. leae. ii-o lire, hold, own, operate nd nunae coltnfl if ln and yln hoiise fur prori'.; to liuilJ anil operale -.varchoiiies for the -tor.irft' of cotton, co'lon M-eil, hay, ifr.nn and other farm pro. nets of whatsoever .iesenption ai d kind; miTchandif.e, fertilizers and hidc, and it sh it1 have'the piiwer to in-ure the name ntrainst dam ic or Iocs Ijy lire on ib. own be. half or on behalf of it hailors, to r-snc- waichouse receipts and matte and collect c-h irtfe.c therefor; to operate a irrist mill, to bic , sell, lease, hold, ccnccT and niorTgaire real property .Hid improce tbe same; to make contracts of any kind to further it- purpo ses and biisine!, to borrow nrn-v and s -. -ire the same b note-, inort,f.ies, bfindc or other obliga tions upon the property of the corporation, and itenerailv to exerci-e -uch power n- may be Inci dent tc the or business of the- corp'.ration, or other business of a like nature, and to ha-, e, ex ercise and enjoy all the rifht8, powers and privl Uires incident to corporations orirani.-.ed and exist ing under the laws of the State of Florida. AHT1CT.E III. The capital stock of thin corporation -hall So Thirty-live Hundred Doll ir rn be -livid, d into three h'indrcd and fifty shares of Ten Dollars, each, nd capital i.tock to be paid tn lawful money of the I'nited Stales of .Vn-:rit-a, at such tunes, in nch manner and in -jch in.-tillinentt a maybe required b the by-.a-.vs. ARTICLE IV, The term lor which thit. corporation shall exist lhall be ninetynint years. ARTICLE V. The b'i-T:ies ol thli corporation shall h- con tucted by a Pre-ulert, Vice-President, Secretary, Treaiurer and a board ol directors to consist of not Ir.-n than three nor more than seven ol its stockholders. The dirccor -hall be elected annu .il!v hi the first Tuesday in February ol each Tear, and the officers shall be elected annually by the directors as soon alter the annua! election ol direc tors as may be prac'ic.ible. Until those elected at the rirr.t auaual eltction shall he qualified, the- bun nes of tbin corporat or. shall be conducted by tV e follou Ing officers. S. L. Zipperer, President: It. I. Biatr, Vice President; W, J. Ilaifan, Secretary, an. M. A. Wood, Treasurer, and S. L. ipperer, H. J. Hlair, 11. A. Wood, Frank Allen and W. . Kaean as directo: s. ARTICLE VI. The hierhtent amount nl in 'ehtednes or liability to which this corporation can nt any lime subject iee,i oc oeven i nousana uouar. ARTICLE V1L The names and re,-idences of the subscribing in corporators are as follows: S. L. Zipperer, Madison, Florida, Ten Sharen. rs. , xiiair, jiauison, r lorida, J-1 e -shares, H. A.Wood, Pmetla, Florida, Ten S.-.ares. Frank Allen, Pinetta, Florida, Sixty Shares. W. . Rattan, Pinetta, Florida, Five Shares. 9. I., ZIPPERER, H. A. WOOD, W. J. RAO AN, K. J. BLAIR, FRANK ALLEN. State of Florida, County ol Madison. On this ,lav nersonallT auneared before me. ar officer authorized to lake acknowledgements of ueeus, n. L.. .inpercr, re. j. uiair, n. A. s OOJ, Frank Allen and W. J. Raaran, to ma well known and known to me to be the persons who u--scribed to the foTeirolntr charter, and severally acknowleilged that they signed the same lor the uses anr1 p-irposes therein mentioned. In Witness W'hereof . I have kereuntn net me- hand ind officii! kca thu the 2Urd dsy of Sc ptem her, A.I). 1!J8. (Seal) C1IAS. E. DAVIS, Notary Public. NOriCE OF KLECTION. Conntitmi' t !.,, uf ttia st ,v ,, . , , , ; pi! tiirer .? ilT. Urn.) UUv ; men- to Lin- c.tri'h'itM" ..f the V t - if H-.t; anil the "i i.ti? 'vcii- ,;'!. i hv :i iu- -tt .Kr fid lit. 'if Ul fV i-int'er .-!ei.lfl r i a :..,;-..; the viiff-OM 1 .1 ir.: id-, l-m.t Slit- m". upon thur r -tv U c !.-nrtiul. wit'i vfi.. i-id Ihert-ivi, th'V itht .!trtTminv ,iirr; ! th;i'. tKt s.iii luint Ucf-ol Jtiotif. bf siibmiticil t i "). .. .f,.r. of the Suit- .it tht General t lection in No. tmLxr. i Am NOV. TiiEREFORF. I. II. rl.AV ( flV. FOHD. StcreUr. of S(te of thr- Stair- ,, ki,!r..i . 4a hereby iive notice that a , - GENERAL ELECTION wi'l be I.eM in each couvtiv in Fhaida on T-ieJ.iy next iccieilinrf the tint Monday in ovei:iber. A. U. l-tt, the Mid Tueuduv bcinv the THIHD DAY OF NOVEMBER, for the ratificition or rejection of the md Joint Ri-tlutmnn prupoffing men J menu to the Cor.fti iutlon of the Suit of Kionda. viz: A JOINT RESOTal'TION proposing amend, ment to Si-ction Nine (0) of Article Five &l of ihf Corwutution of Florida relating to judlciai .iloriei. Be it ltrnle,1 by the legislature of the Sta'e nf r luri'jdi: ThAt Se-tinn Ninff i.l liilrl. P.,, .1 ' Cortit-ith.n ff the State of FJjridti b :mH f Ame if- h -reby amended o a to read it f'ji;o . St-iflirti Nine(ft. Tiie talariet of ,A ri,-. ''P",'" Court, i ircstir Judiret -nd Jv.-rfe of Cnru ture, Th-(t the forrffninsT amendim-nl nf Enril. vu. in of Article hive ft) of the Coi.stitutinn of Flon u.t hrrt-bv -jfrei-d tu, nd the Mnic thll be Bub niitted to the tlector uf the ."tate for Mpnroval or rrietion at the next nertl election of He prom t;itive. htrre;tfier. a- rrquired bv Scrtion One (1) f Artule tkventeen (17) of stud Constitute. n i Mothers! I Look out for your Children' fe Ueallh while they are young. 5 IRA OX AA K- sr r. rrrzt merAtcine ior children. It keeps their liver active irin wild ircntie mnrnor, yuu will sec a healthy color appear cn Uitli cLxtka. and iilue-es for thim will be a thing of thopctsst. A Positive Cure JFtL F V J4 HI Bk 12-V3 vA. '-T Sold rH r w. e. JOINT RKS01.VT10N propoeinc an amendment to Article Twelve of the Coiiililution of the' Sute of Florida re-lame lo education, to be known lis rjection Sixteen of said Article, provid ing f.ii the leey of a special tax for the support and maintenance of the t'nlvcrsuv of the Stale of Honda, the I- lorlila Female o'llee, the In stitute for the Blind, Deaf and Dumb, and the Coinred Normal School. Be it Heaved ly the Legislature of the State of r londa That the fo.lowini, amendment to Article Twelve of the C'onstit'ition of the Sute of Florida, ro be known a. Section lti of said Article, be and the an H hereby agreed to and shall be submitted to the electors c f the State at the nct election of Kepre-entatives, to be held in the year lfj8. lor ratification or rejection. Sec. lij. A spe-eial tax of on- mill on the doll.u of all Ui;ibk- property in the State shall he levied anouaily for I e support and maintenance of the l Isjversi-.y of Hie State of Florida, the Flotilla Fe. male College, the lns itute for the Blind. Deaf and Dumb and ehe Cnlor.,1 Normal School, which shill he paid i nto the State Treasurer and s,t .,-, Dv him to the c-edit of the Sute lloird of Kdlication to be i, priori uined and di-po,ed of for the benefit of s.lid in-'itution. as re-,,.re.l hv ihe act cre.ilin ar il ina.ntHininir the same, known is Ch.iurer .VtM of t;ie I. k vi. of Florida, approved J. ine 5, lKkj. "T,.RK,aV'-VTiON l" '".endment to Section Ihirty-fiveol' Ar.i, I,- Hve of the Con- of Courts 1 rila"" " "'l'l'nr?i ;?lw1 t IuUlatiire (tlie State of s ,Th V lhf ';'1!win '"ndmert to Seetion Thirty nve of Article h ue of the Constitution of Florida is hereby aureei! to and shall be proposed and sub mitted to t he electors f U,e Statefor approval o, rejection at the next jrer.eral election hereafter thst o-av. said st.r,,n of said Artie " hall be aeier.ded so a. to lead as follows- WlTi'' N,,cr'''r''' than herein speci-fie-d shall be established ,n this Slat, except Ptlut the egi-lature may provide for the creation ar d e.tal. isnment of such additional judicial circuit fa. may front tune to time become necesrv. and fo? he ,,,, hv the (ioiernor af.d co"-nrniali. Z T the Senate of additional circuit judife. therefor a hose terms of oJ,ce and eral juriA.ciica, shali be the same as . herein provided for the cireu S-n1", Provided for. aridTa' Ihti, orfice. "ceowniifnt Iiin.-t.ons of a--T.,0iV";.'.' "" ""ipliance with r. aid proposed In TMT1M0NV wiuator, I have hereunto set mv hand and affix- .IESI.J ofr r: , a, Tail .1,1.,,,, ,ht of Jul, A. D, ltaa,' 3 II. CLAY C.RS.WFORD, Km CCNCTiPATiON, CHILLS AND FCVER. MALARIA. CVSPCP IA BILIOUSNESS, AND ALL 5rrs- J- IIopklnB, Man chester, Run. writes: "I have used Hcrbino for ymrs. knowof no better for chills and fever, berwluohe, biliousness, etc. My child ren are never sick. I will use it always." PRICE 50c. Balis, d Snow Uniment Co. 500-502 North Second St., ST. LOUIS, MO - nded by DAVIS. LECAL ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTICF. FOR PUBLICATION. I'nittd States Land Office, Caintsvllle, Fla Sept. SB IK Notice Uherchys.iven Q. Leslie, of M .seley Hill, Florida, who, on September gth, ItsrJ, made llornestead Entry, No. 111781, (Sena! Number lW for W uf N H , xrlon 4, Town ship i Sauth, R.nite 8 East. Tallshasw. Meridian, r as tiled notice of intention to make final five year Pri J' "ubl,h cWm lo ihe land abovt desairi li ed, before the Clerk of the Circuit vJoort. at M idi -son, Florida, on the I4th day of November, IU (.Immani names as witnesses: W. A. Sbaur and '! '.J '"'; ',al'lison, Florida, Geortxt H iss, Flori'iU " ' ' ""d W' F' Kl'stll. of Ebb, " 1- ' HENRY S. CIU'BB. Reirlster. NOTICE OF DISCHARGE. Notice is hereby ul- en that six months afterdate, the undersigned will make Aral returns of their ac. co-.nts a, F xeculor. of the will of E. J. Hays, dc- . ceased, and that they will at such time apply to theCOTnty Judneol Madison County, Florida, for tl.e-ir discharge , i, such Exeeutors. ' L. C. KUTRR, A. B. HAYS, Executors will of H. J. Hays, deceased. NOTICF. TO CUED1TOR8. tMLf.'hiVti JraTe" 01'trlbuwes ind til unSirXrlA ,uly ' "em letted, to tbe WKhl?v?o vf!,UleZll',1,trairlX O'! 0u!rerihe?.'U'Rn,a'r8ln,,,e,Rl " Tp ea to fu la estate tre hpreh rsnniMrf i. sr tbe game to tuid u,ZTnxq ed 10 p T aa,...- Mrs. .M title Younff dpo'ed " 18 0f ,,eu' w' volLne tttng i V aladlson. Fit.. Oct. 8, 107 NOTICE TO CREDITORS. t? Florid, a" "rr"lcr'"n l" Mtdl-on OOuD WtliTth,; aam ,r "qUln-d to undMtiitTeii iini'a,,ul. tnib.enti.Mttd. to the whbiu ml ? " Mmiiiiatrator of said etM. ru;rr.iromth'.oa,e hereof t, re- lOHbj C WHITE, Adrnlnlatrttor Ksttteol Jolin io- via HU'der.on. deotsa-d.