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1 rii porcecl to Raise Money We Need it and Must Have it. Our entire $25000.00 stock of high grade merchandise must be sold in ten days to satisfy ie demands of our clamoring creditors. We are in debt, so in order to meet our obliga- jns we have decided to sacrifice our entire stock for ten days beginning Wednesday Bee. 2 at 9 a.m. AT LESS' THAN MANUFACTURERS COST. Stop for a moment and ponder and you will realize what it means. W. S. Overstreet's igh grade and complete stock to be CLOSED OUT IN TEN DAYS. Prices go to pieces i all sections. Do you like fairy stories or blunt proof? We trust that you who read ave long since learned that noise is not business. Every price in this ad is a statement f facts backed by the word and goods of W. S. Overstreet and his long and successful eccrd of merchandising in the city of Madison. Stoi 3 Closed Monday Nov. 30lh and Dec 1st to J n Steel t i i trs a t rr At n,1 ., . ioi.t o.n i r V 1 1 nvvf-j loonrivriliviiKi )h -i , e .. i . e j .1 ..,1 T?....,.,1 Oolrt ! in ,.,,tt 0n wiil bring tnousr.r.a.s 01 ; eopie ircm iur -.:;u ut-ar iu .awit. i wim --".- , his munificent stock. The Time IEEsis Comae- From this time on every dollars worth of the seasons goods must be closed out. Wonder jW n,.L-;r nvirps at evei-v turn. Glance at this wonderful list of superior values. Vv e would ua - Ui be clad to quote every article in the store but space forbids. are some won- 1(( derful bargains we are offering: W Mens High Grade suits good value at 12.50, forced sale price 3.6D Ladies medium length coats well made from selected material, regular ?:j.50 to $5.00 value, forced sale price $1-27 Ladies extra good quality $1.00 sliirts forced sale price 1.19 Mens good heavy Weight 10c hose forced sale price :- M..T:S white hemstitched handkor cl'M the K'c. kind forced sale )c. i" "' ps good 25c. suspenders forced l;,c. yak- pnetv food 10 cents towel, forced sale 4c. :,;.'!is,35 and 50c. negligee shirts, fy::-:A sale price 2:c. Good full weight yard wide sheeting forced sale price Extra good quality fancy ta'jle oil cloth, the 20c. kind, forced sale price per yard 14c. Good finality width Panama suitings regular 25c. value, forced sale price per yard 13c. Ilich grade Standard makes corsets lv.oui-.r price $1.0'!. $l..7) and $2. 00 forced ?ul? price 50c. (Vat os thread (: .-.po'-l-tocu?to:ner) forced sale price 4c, OctaT'on soap fu'Cdil stile pi'ico ier cako :- I'.rown.? Mule t"bacc, forced sale price per plug ' Sc. )) A Square deal to all, one price only the lowest- our reputation behind every article, statement and j price. Money Back if Dissatisfied. as I. S. OVERSTREET. Madison, Sick HeaJhce. This (listrtstdng disease repups from a disordered coi.dltlon of the s'oinatli and can be cured hylakiig Ua r Iain's Stomach and Liver Tablets (jet a free aumple at w. B. Duvis or D. G. Smith's drug store and try it. Mvion county Is to LoLl a big fail' at OjjIci laxt month. ! : 1 1 b Vi u' t 1 Mind Your Business! If you don't Dobody will. It is your business to keep out of bll the trouble you can snd you can nd will keep out of liver and bowel trouble if you take Dr.. King's New Life They keep biliousness, malaria hdiI jaundice out of your sbtem. 25". at nil dru Btoree. Marion couD'.y claims to have five acres in cultivation now agai.nsl every tilled acre ten years ai;o. Watched Fifteen Years. For fifteen years I lime watched the workinit of Uuek'en's Arnica bulve: ami it has never failed to cure aoy sore, boll, ulcer or burn to which it was ap plied. It has saved Ui many a doctor bill." suyK A. F. Hurdee, cf Ksist Wil tuu, Maiue. "c. at all diutf storeB. The Jacksonville Hoard of Trade is now workii.g fyr a 'oul cliua nel to the S'T.. How to Cure a Cold Be as careful as you can v-m wi'l oo- casiotially talie eold, .fn ju 'M et a oiudiciud of k"O.V:i i,-'.. -b',.. , , !... that has an established reputation ami that is certain to effect a quick cure. Such b medicine la 'Jhainberlaln 8 Couyh Remedy It has gained a world wide reputation by its remarkable cures of this most common ailment, and can always be depended upon. It acta on nature s p"'n. relieves uie uiuua, aids expectonition, opens the secretions aud aids nature in restoring the system to a healthy condition. Duriiid the ninny jeHrs In which it has been in gen- use we Lave yet to learn of a sin gle cold or attack of the grip having resulted In pneumonia when this reme dy was used, whiuti shows conclusively that it is a certain preventive of that dangerous disease. Chamberlain s Cough Remedy contains no opium or other narcotic and may he given as ointhlently to a baby as tu an adult. For sal by w. li. Davis and I), u. Smith. Broken Back i iin in your bm-k cauei il by .iinilmLM. si tt' iiiti,-,t, or a strain i i n 1-,. tiling ') Urt I i t "I- 1...I. 1 S .ua Linuiii'iii curi ? ih-uiiiii'i'ii w.o. -ore and ill' in iiselet'. r i . til i. H. Ull'. I.'U I tl. Il LI IS' r-, r- . ' 1 - auh'.t? an I, )J .1.1 w. i in Miur d hih. m,m uy w. I.. I'a'in. The city "t 1 all.h;iaeir h:: t.ikcii oVtr t'.u; ll'.' I wai'T i'iKS tint, at .i cost uf A Tiny Eaty oan't tell ou in woiuft wiitit the trou ble if-'.ljut if it's ciTiipiexiun gets pasty, if It gets weaker and wi-ak.-r. Im. rl 'oh and is cross ai d pe-vlfh you '.au Ije ci'i Lain it iih Woi-u.s. Cjivu II W''t iJieam Vermlluge, guaranteed hanii- i less. Kxpels the wutu. s and puts the baby in a healthy mural condition, fc-ohl hy v. I). iJavitf. There are 35 i acres of pineapples to hearing near Roynton. Seven Years of Proof '1 have 1m l seven years of proof that Dr. King's New IM.-eovery is the hi st, iii"oiciiie to tnk for coughs and colds and for every disease I enii lition of throat, chest or luny.." siiya V. V. Henry, of I'ananiii. Mo. The world has na.l tliirtyignt years of proof tint Dr. King's New DNcoverv b' t'ie b-sl rc.n edy for coughs n-i'l colds, li gi'iiipe, isthin i. 1 ay 'ever. I --or. eh ' i i -, lieuior Tinge of .he Im "-. a'i I I he en ly Kt-ig- f , : -. hi m 1 1 1 ii . i- ' in.'iy idwii; i, w ; Im 'i veliij ' "f ,i.ifiiiiior.; , ,,1 ui, I r giiaranle- at ml drag aiou' ",ii... and si .CM. b .t'le free. Tampa's cii,'armaliers are leported bnty to the limit, and all the lactu rixs rtmiiing full foices. S.-wxiiiu-e L'oiin'y rep ids her ol l st while viit' r to lie 07, mi.i! her il lest !.; :- !'." . How Is jour Dicestion? Mrs. Mury Uouhng uf N'o. 2J8:h ve.. San Fi ancpo. r, r:(iiii:neails a reihedy for stomach tioul .e. Klie s.iys: firatitu le for the wondeiful ell'eet of I'.iectric Hitters In a c-aso of acute iiuli-,'e.-iici:i, prompts this tesliinoni il, 1 am fully convinced that for stoma'ili ind liver troublos J L! etrio Hitters s the '.( sr remedy on Hi" niark.-t tu-daj." i'i grei.t tonic ati'l lilt- r.tive in'-di-i ue inyigiirates: tliC systen , purities the blood iiml is especially h.dpfal in all forms of female weakne-s. ")Uc nt all Irug stores. How to Treat a Sprain. Spraii.s, fcwolliis mid laments.- are pruinptiy relieved by Cijainberluin's Liniment. This liniment reduce!, in tli.nniiiii.iiii and por-ue-s bi tlial li sprain may he cared in about ni.e-lhinl the tinifl n-'piired b.,' toe usu-d treat ment. -'" and cent t:.-s for Sale by v: 1',. IJavi- an i U. 0. Snntli. Yi'itat Wjuli You do? Jn -Nise of -x U rr or scald what w mM you do to lel.i ve t'.e pain ':, in juries are i:,h mi'i ar :u any f..m 'y and every. iLe mi:. , id be ireoar.-d for tlom. Cio.mij .'i.air.'s Salve applied on mft chitn te.ieve the i.i;i almost o;ml!v, and un'.-ss t!ie ii.jnry is a very n-wr one, w: rao-c i,.e mi i m l.enl wuhotit lean ag a se ,r, I.r sale iiy w. li. I 'avis at J I Mio'ii. The slieriir of Marion coii.ity is alter the pistol tolets. mid warns them that a license does i.t wut- ratit thiJ concealmeiri. c: weajn ns. Florida. Six otmces of c.n l.olio acid was !.!ie dose a Tampa vvoniii'i took one lay 1 ist Ws'ck to escape the cures of ,ife. It's a Crime .. i' -,:'e,'t ymir heiot h. 'I'i worst i.e.' , v-t ihH! you e.n b- gi.iity ' to al- i.v eons; ' ial'ioi;, 1 1 ', 1 . , 1 1 1 ; i" m'. or any Vf i.r I : I I lo.loie !u r n'. .1.1... It. . o- e.o.,' y oor i n ile ! ,i. and :.:.v ..;id t a s -v ' . - cli'oa'is oi- ' '-e. d'ako 1 dlardV li .da i ,d t ' a' : v e:l, Ti ' ! ' i ' 1 ' :'or . y aud all ioiaa, of X:- 1 i'.vr old la, .vis. S d I '.v v.-. ::. 1) .v:-. A l: la.," i. phas.'. Ids f.i 1 Ml i. : o': e." h ' Kt e: I- 11. A Hair's Breadth Escape- Dovouknow tout every tune yon hiive a cough or cold and let it run on thinking it will just cure itself vou are iiivitiiiir nneumoula. eoceumption or some other pulmonary trouble? Don't risk it. Put your lungs back in per feet health and Btnn that cough witb Ballard's Horehound Syrup. Price 25c, 50c aod H.O0 per bottle. Sold by w. li. Davis. Since the middle of June about 130,000 acres of state lamb have been disposed of in the Everglades section. Colds and Croup in Children- "My little girl is subject to colds ,"' says Mrs, Wm. II. Serlg, No. 41 Fifth St, Wheeling, W. Va. L,BBt winter he ku.l a sever mell and a terrible cough, but 1 cured her with Chamber lain's Cough Iteniedy without the aid of s doctor, and my little boy has been prevented many times from having the croup hy the timely U" of t bissvrup This n-meiiv is for salw by w. K. Davis and I). G Smith. ; M. ' i :.i .n ,-!; i ' et v. j.1 a a a, j . !i:i 1. poltl'. .1.1 to l ed his vie- va- : '' fo la; Id I i- to . til, i i..' Ids n oi. !'!. t !.'..:', I: i '. -.-.r. i:; i;.i" i:!l;- p'tf fe:v,l r.. : l' -." f tv!'."t:e. 'It's pretty loivh to I.' sue-' Hin.n:;h like this, ti in' t it. sir':' I: hupm ed. - -oli. thai's all rLdit. my man.' the held up' o'l" answered cheerfully. 'I whs on my way to n bazaar. 'Voit're Orst, and there's mi end of It!' "Lon don Telegraph. Lack Right Quclitles. Mrs, His Mrs. June strikes no as being entirely too masculine for a wo man. Mrs. Dlx Yes, Indeed. Why. very time she has an ache or pain she makes as much fuss about It as man would. Smith's Weekly. Retrenching. "I tell you, they are retrenching." "But they still have their auto." "Which they run well within the speed limit. Eah!" Loulnville Courier Journul. Hardened. "Listen to this. Maria," said lr Btubb ns he unfolded his scientific ji per. "This article states that in sain, of the old Roman prisons that have been unearthed they found the petri fied remains of the prisoner." "Gracious, John!" replied Mrs. Stubb, with a smile. "1 suppose you wuld ad them burdened criminal."