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p iji15- M " v ii lit ii i fulfill g iibkw Km I I Slifri S5 Pff 8 fe2feSi ' 1 lb; Sick lleadhce- This (lii-ti'tPciii? liitHii-e reeulN from a disordered cocdlt Inn of the stomach I and mil be cured by taking Chhniber Inio'e Stomach ami Liver lal'lets (iet a free sample at w. B. Imvi or D. Ci. Suillli'e dni(f store ami try it. Marion county is to hoi 1 a bit fair at Ocala next muiitli. Mind Your Business! If you duo' t Loboily will. It is your business to keep out of nil tlie trouble you can aud you can and will keen out of liver and ton el t rouble if you take L)r. Kind's Xtnv Life Pills. Tliey keej biliousness, malaria and iautulice out cf vour system. ;.':, at all druij stores. Marion coun'y claims to linva Hve acres in cultivation now every tilled acre ten years ago. Watched Fifteen Years. For fifteen years I have watched the working of llueklen's Arnica Salve and it has never failed to cure anv sore, boll, ulcer or burn to w hich it w as hp plied. It ha' saved us nianv a doctor bill," eays A . F. Hardee, cf East Wll t.Tj. Maine, "jo. at all drug stores. 'I ie Jacksonville Board of Trade i in.iw workiiig for a 30 foot cliaa i.t! '0 the sea, Broken Back. pain in your back caused by lour atfo, stitl' muscles or a strain Is an tldng to net rid of. liullard's Sdia Linimeut cures rlieuuiatisin ,lucn ba"i sore and stilT muscles, strains, epraiiiB, cute, burns, bruiBe, tcalds and all ii'-hee and pains, You need a bottle id niir bouse. Sola by w. Ii. Uuvig, 'l iie city' ot 'I' e Las taken over tlie g:is n, l v. iter works al that place, at a c.-t of fc75,000. A Tiny Eaty cant tell you in Wur ls what the trou ble iEjtiut If it'e ;,!exlon gets pasty, if it tie' '.vcak'T hi, J weaker, loses rleeh and ie crof- and j cevieh you can be cer tain it ht ? worms. Give il White's C'r'-ain Yermlfuye. guaranteed liarm-le- Kxpcls the woircs and puts the bf'o.v :n a hea'thy moral condition. Sold , Vy w. Ii. Davis. Tairp.i'. ci'ai makers ate reported b;y t j the limit, and all the facto, rics running full forces. How to Treat a Strain. Spralcs, swellings and liimentss are promptly relieved by Cnaiiiberlaiu't Liniment. This liniment reduces in flamuiiitiou ur.d foreiie-s bo that a priin nmy be cire.l in about one-third the time required bj' the usuil treat ment. 2i and uO cent, siz- tor sale by w. B. Davis and U. Ci. Snulh. Pin eules SO days' treatment for $1.00. ' wranteed or money nt What WoulJ You do? Id cae of a burn or scald whit would vou ilo to relic :e t !j pnln ? Such in juriee are liable to occur in any family nnd everyone should be prenared for them. Chamberlain's Salve applied on a soft cloth will relieve the pain almost irjant!y, and unless the injury is a very severe one, will cause the parts to heal without leaving a scar. For sile by w. II. )avis and I'. G. Smith. Tliore me 354 ncres of pinpnpplcs in hvnriny wwc Be nton. A Hair's Breadth Escape - Do you know that every tune you have a couyli or cold and let it run on thinkl nj it will just cure itself vou are iuvitiiiu pneumonia, consumption or some other pulmonary trouble? Don't r sk it. Put your lunjfs b:ick in per feet health ami i-top that couiih with iiallnrd'f Ilorel-.ound Syrup. Price i'.lc, .'Uc and 81. o0 pt-r bottle. Sold by w. U. D;ivie. ince tlie mi Idle of June about 130,000 acres of state land? Ii ;vc been disDOsed of in tlio Kvere ; section. Colds and Croup In Children. "My little girl Is subject to colds." say Mr. Wm. H. Serltf. Xo. 41 Fifih St. Wheeling, V. Va. LaEt winter she had a severe spell and a terrible cough, but 1 cured her witu Cbaniber Iain's Cough Keinedy without the aul of a doctor, and my little boy has been prevented iiiauy times from having the croup by the timely U6e of tb issyrup This remedv is for fale by v. B. Davu and D. G Smith. The sheriff of Mnion county i. after tlie piftol totti", and warns them that a license does not war. rant the concealment 01 weapons. How to Cure a Cold Fie as careful as you can you will oc casionally take cold, and when you do get a medicine of known reliability one that has an established reputation and that is certain to effect a juick cure. Such a medicine Is ' 'liaml erlain'? CoukL Remedy It has gained a world wide reputation by its remarkable cures of this most common ailment, and cad always be depended upon It acts on nature's plan, relieves the limgs nids expectoration, opens the secretions and aide oature in restoring the evstem to a healthy condition. Dining the many jcars In which it has been 111 gen- uee we have el to learn of a sin gle cold or atta'.k of the grip having resulted In pneumonia when this reme- iy w:s used, which shows conclusively that it is a certain preventive of that langeroua disease. ChamberliiD's Cough nmedy contains no opium or other narcotic and may be jfiven b confidently to a baby as to au adult. For sale by v. Ii. Davis and I). G. Snulh. tor and Satisfaction refunded. r t Mose-Le's dpug Seven Years of Proof "I have hud seven years of proof that Dr. King's NV.v Discovery is the'Vicst nieoicine to take for loughs and col Is and for every dis-u'ed condition of throat, che-t or lungs," says W. V. Henry, of Panama, Mot- The world hns had thirty-eight yeirs of proof that Dr. King's New Discovery Is the b?st rem edy for cjughs and colds, In grippe, asthma, hay fever, bronchitis, hemor rhage of the lung-, and the eai ly stag' of consumption. Its timely use nhvaj prevents the development of pneumor' Sold urder guarantee at all drug ston: .10c. an.) 81 .00. Trial bot'le free. Suwannee county rcp'nts her old est white voter to lie 97, and her oldest negro 100. How Is your Dieestion? Mrs. Mary Do'vhrg of Xo. 22$ 8th Ave.. Sao Francisco, recommends a remedy for stomach trouble, t-ihe says: Gratitude for the wonderful effect of Electric Bitters In a case of acute Indi gestion, prompts this testimonial. I ii'u fudv convinced that -for stomach mil liver troubles Electric Bitters is the bc-t remedy (ft the market to-dny." This great tonic and alterative medi cine invigorates the system, purjles the blood and is especially helpful in all forms of female weakness, 60c. at all drug stores. Six ounces of carbolic acid was the dose a Tampa woman tool! one lay last week to escape the cares of life. It's a Crime o neglect your health. The worst netf. tct that vou car. be guilty of is to al inv constipation, biliousness or any iiver or t cwel trouble to continue. It ie p ilsoning your entire system and may lead to a s Tious chronic dlBot'.se. Pake liullard's Herbine and get abso lutely well. The sure cure for any and ill troubles of the stomach, liver aud bowels. Sold by w. ii. Davis. tray an emotion. When In 1S13 be left Napoleon after his last audience, the generals guthcred round blra to see what Impression the Interview bad made upon his face. "I don't think I satisfied their curiosity." said I'.e. with a characteristic pride In his grave aud cu:.i:!ng demeanor. At tho same time lie lo-'Uert with a Jealous eye upon Lis craft. lie bated what bo called "the policy of egolhiu. the policy of good pleasure." In bis view the rival states were all members of human society, of which reciprocal forbearance was the first duty. "Do not unto others," said he, "that which you would not have others do to you." An Inflexible bu reaucrat, be preserved bis principles Inviolate, and thus he was able to look buck upon a Fingulurly uniform career. lie adopted for his device "la force dnus le droit," nnd he was certain that the right was always on his side. Charles Whibley in Blackwood's. the Kidneys, liiaaae Rheumatism. RELIEVES BACK-ACHE store. j&mfmz2 t, ? ..:'TJ-v.v., - 'V.- SYRUP irh c '. !i ppnor.""j' a trerunurT of many eeriona It nli rr ?-p B'pl'ctcd, the huin breathing i i.;." ' t.. : itn i'f r.l .1 s. : :i: toils, viiich miust bo : : i- t 1 ii.ttrij icA be u I ilu Ic-rC-?, rForehound Syrup CUR Cured cf a Chronic Ccugh. J. IT. r.Y.'.'. I'.ii. lo, :'o-it., v riles: "j cheerfully rncom inend Fl;t:i.'i:,'.';" Hortiio jr.d yrup to all people afilictod with enroniu eoulis. I Fiif'cie'l jor years with a chronio ou jrl: rvHci: vvuid In it all v,-int: r. Eallard's HortJioand fciyruy tii-.wUi uu iLi ji-.itmte and pennttueat cure." BaEaird Smvj Liaiimcnt Co. 500-502 North Second Strest, ST. LOUIS, MO Sold .r-, Oc.rm-npeKjgjj -jy W. B. DAVIS. PROFESSIONAL CARDS, C, BLACK ASHLEY. Attorned -at-Law Practices in all the Courts of the State. Prompt attention given col lections. Firo Insurance, J. J. CONWAY DENTIST. MADISON. - FLORIDA. Office Phone Xo. 101, Residence Phone!Xo. 34. K (' A. ii FRIEND TO FRIEND. The personal recommendations of peo ple who have been cured of coughs and colds by C'.iacibtrlain's Confh Remedy have done more than all els to make It staple article of tr-lo and commerce m lirjje part of the civilized, world. Tc-C,W ii t. FTT- r.r &rr! " . .. - - vr---K -4 V WINTER mmr you need ,? nol tsar Ci?.em if you BALLARD S V.r;C0?:Na COUCH, CROUP. .L i-ULi'.iONARY DISEASES. LECAL ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTICE OF DISCHARGE. Notict is hcribvcl' en that six months nfter date, the unitirsiuruil will nmlse Ii- al returns of their account-, an Kxt'i-utor ..f Ihi- will ol K. J. Hays, dc leased, and that tiny Mill t such tin s apply to the County'e "f M.iditun County, Florida, for their diMhaij;e as siu h Kxt-eutnrs. I.. C. UtTKB, A. B. HAYS, Executors will ot E.J. Ilayi, deceaied, NOTICE TO CKEDITOR8. All crfdltois, letrateep, aistruteea indall persons having cl.iium or di-mands against, the estate or lieu. W. Vnunsj. late of Madison i ouaty, -inrlda, deceased, are hereby required to present the name duly authenticated, to the under-lt:ned as admlnistrajrlx ot Bnld estate, within two years Horn the date, aereol as re-qnlr.-d by law, aud any and all persons Indebt ed to h.od estate are berebe required to iiay the eauie to said administratrix , . . , . Mrs, .Maitte Younir Administratrix Estate or ceo. w. Vounj depea-ed. .Madioou, Fla.. oct. 8, 1W7 8. Notice. Nohuntmg, fishing or other tres passing upon any of my lands. Tres passers will be prosecuted to tbe full extent of the law. J.L. BUNTING. NOTICE All persons are hereby forbidden to hunt, fish or in any wine trespass on my lanls,enr;losel or not enclosed without written permission from me. K. E.WEST VVliST BROS. . Notice. No burning, fishiau or other tres pifsinjr upon any of my lands in Madison county, Ha. Trespasser will be prosecuted to tlifull extent of the law. Ri s. McInitkp.