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NEW fc.M'I.Ui'UIMi, l.Bil.liM...i ii MADIsOV HELOilDKH, EtuMuluil , CONSO..IHATKD Juneltt, IIMS. Malison, Florida. PPBLISKED 17FEKLY. Rn'crel It th Pn.t (1 n. im Ihin M .Iter June 3S, IW8, under Act o( March 8, jftfu. COLUMBUS B. SM,-TH. Fdltor, r4riini.-ritlli. Ji.oo per year. Advertiftlnu 'r nwHe knnrt on nnnltcjition. Oorrrannnilriit r.ll plrmc wntf in .nlv one l't nl the paper. Bj huff in vour item, lint ulve every Hem tif rntwr.. V'e have 1 lie name o( every comrihn- nr, " t for puhlicatinn, Hut tlmt we mv kn.w the orr:.xwlence ii authentic. Al' innnvmnu com-miini-HtMiii will tt n rt u hoine r ie wiilc batkel. Adrt'HM nil rnmrmmlnl inn tr the xtw KN rrKiirnisE, ' .Miidibon, KUtiUh, THUKSDAV, HECEMCEU 17, 190$. Col. Fred L. Robertson d':ed in Tallahassee list week. s editor, official. Confederate Veteran and citizen Col. Robert sou was widely known through out Florida and was greatly esteemed and honored. Since the war lie lnd worn the Con federategray exclusively. Tbe Jacksonville Metropolis of last Saturday wag a "bum tner" both as to size and qual ity. Eighty pages were Includ d in the issue of that date and with tbe immense circulation of tbe paper it is safe to say that many tons of white paper were consumed in placing the paper in the bands of its patrons. The n.erchan'.s of Madisoi: are progressive and up-to-date Quite a few of Ultra Ixl eve n the vse of printers ink to show to the neoole tl.e hiirtr- iiis which they have ui'on their slu-lvt Just take :i clance il.ruiiuh thi paper and read Hie adverti- ments herein, iou will rind r. protitable always, to trade with the merchant who advertises Ex-Sonator Chandler of New Hampshire is out with a new religion, lie claims we will in habit one of the countless mil lions of stars after we leave this earth, and during our resi dence there will have a full con of ourexistence here The gentleman may ht? correct in his idea; we don't know, and we are in no particular hurry to test th !r.:'. h of his theory. The city of Jacksonville con tinues to grow aud expand. By the latest city directory the population of the city is' shown to be more than sixty thousand. Claims are made that before the year 1012 comes around Jack sonville will have a population of at least one hundred thous ands. If push, enterprise and progress can accomplish it the prophecy will be more than ful filled. Director North of thecensus bureau, has estimated the. cost of taking the next census, in 1910, at thirteen millions, in round numbers, which prompts the venerable editor of tbe Bar tow Courier-lntorraant to sug gest that, "no one need be troubled in this case by the fact that thirteen is an unlucky number, as by the time the job is done it will probably cost double that amount " All space required will be fur nished free by the management of the Jacksonville Exposition next month to counties desiring to make display of couuty pro ducts. Wouldn't it be a sight worth seeing if Madison county would only send down a Jot of ber field products, such as Sea Island cotton, corn, pinders, tobacco, etc.? The attentiou of home 6eekers would be di rected to this county and our iaagnifl:ent farming lands. Can't we have an exhibit? The Amtli Florida Sentinel of Orlando lias the following food iu regard to home-build int.': By all means build a home and bU'ld it now. Probably you will never be able to build it cheaper. estate is rapidly advancing iu value, and build inir material is fully keeping pace w, .i it. Building right now may mean self sacrifice, sorrow, labor and care, but the more it costs in these respects the more valuable it is. You cannot value a home by dollars and cent9, but by memories which cling to every part of it. The kindness of a. neighbor is manifested here. and some self sacrifice of kindred is shown there. These are the things which make a home, and it is with real pride that you can look upon the completed work. It may be humble but it is yours; it is your contribu tion to tbe world, and its value is not to be measured in dollars and cents. It binds you tbe more closely to your people and gives you a personal interest io legislation and legislators; and, while yours may not be the home pointed out as a repre sentative of the progress of the town, it is the one best worthy to represent it. Build you a home, for as long . s yi. u are a renter or a boarder io 1 jrg will you fail to take the proper interest in nation, state, coui'.ly ar;d city. I lie home is t lie l.iilc winch binds ail. lou lived it a ii' l so noes t lie nation :m:iI t lie sooner vuu Dunu, the ti'-!. I- r citizen you are bound to oe. The Washington Post of last Saturday contains the an nouncement that Wilkinson Call will be a candidate for Senator from Florida before the lesris- ature next spring and that he will ask for the position ia a Taft platform. The poor old man seems to have ljst not on- :.U st.viig democratic princi- es o; other days but Ins good ense as well. The idea of ask a Florida legislature, solid ly democratic and pledged by the Stale p-imary to vote for Duncan U. Fletcher as Senator, to elect a Tatt republican. Ii is sad to ee a man, such as Call h.ia been in Florida, decsending rapidly and emphatically from his high position. So far as the criminal laws are concerned, the Supreme Cjit of Florida is "small potatoes,' says the Tampa Tribune. Al though composed of men reput ed as able lawyers and students of the law and its interpretation and application, men above partisan or factional considera lions, this august body must bow in unavoidable submission to the Pardon Board, composed of men who are neither lawyers nor scholars, but who set aside ludgments of the Supreme Court with all the assurance and ease imaginable. We'l, now, the Board got very busy and as a result ot its tv-two cases were Pardoning last week labors fif considered and fifty of the number were pardoned, conditionally, and otherwise. That is somewhat of a record even for the Board of Pardons of the great State of Florida. The question is pertinent: What is the neces sity for courts? Why not save expense and time and tbe feel ings of criminals by permitting the Pardoning Board to adjudi cate all cases first hand 1l will in tv rot former fri-nds of Wilkinson Call who remem ber that he and his adherents were the originators and sup porters of tl'e State primary to know that since lie has be come a republican he has seen a new light and now abhors it as the practical overthrow of the constitution of the I'nited States and of the State ol Florida" and "a disfranchisement of the law fully qualified voters of the State." In'au interview givea in the Washington Post he uses these words aud gives them point by this denunciation: The primary system sought to be established by law 'in the .Si at of Florida effectually dis franchises a majority of the white people of the State and the entire negro population." Alas, fi.r the bitterness of dis appointed ambition. Short Talks in Times-Union. The Methodist preachers of the Mate are all at Miami this week attending tbe annual Con ference. "Yaller-legged" chick ens co.nmand a hifrh price in the markets of that city and the supply will be greatly diminish ed before the reverend gentle men take their departure. In the meantime the thousands of Florida Methodists at home are Christmas is And we are prepared to supply your wants from the Largest HOLIDAY GOODS ever brought to Madison. Crockery, China and Glassware. Dolls, Toys, Pictures, Leather Goods, Doll Go-Carts, Baby Go-Carts. Wagons, Velocipedes, Etc. " ' ' Inspect our Line. Select your presents early and have them set aside for future delivery. B. R. MOSBLBY. If ypu have a pair of Gauss Scissors or Shears that have not given satifaction, bring them to us and we will ex change them. We can furnish both Right and Left handed Shears. Tharin k Leslie. eagerly awaiting the "reading out" of the appointments so that they will know the name of their spiritual leader for the next yenr. Here in Madison we are all of one mind we know that we want Rev. Blackburn sent back to us for another year, but like loyal Methodists we will accept whatever the Conference in its wisdom sees to be best for us, and if Mr. Blackburn isn't returned we'll royally welcome and support his successor. The Tump Tribune now issues Motiitay edition. Oeoryia & Florida Railway. MAIN LINE Effective Dec. 1st, 1908. ARRIVALS From Hazlehurst, Douglas, Nashville, Valdosta From Nashville and Valdosta Fiocn Nashville and Valdosta DEPARTURES For Valdosta, Nashville. Douglas, Hazlehurst For Valdosta and Nashville For Valdosta and Nashville, Daily t Daily except J. M. Turner, Qeneral Manager. VrrWVW(rW FOR SALE OR TO LET. 13S7 acres (cultivated ami wowf land) near Madison, Fla., knovn u the '-Waddy Thompson plantation." Possession .lanunry 1st, 1903. En quire of F. J. Whiton, 130 Broadway, 9-8-08 New York City. . 1 NOTICE. All persona are hireby fu'rbiddn to hunt, fish or in anywise trespass upon my lands, enclosed or unen closed. Trespassers will be proseco , ted to tbe lull extent of the law. T. V. CAL1IOTK. 11:40 am 5:35 pm 6:10 pint 2:25 pm 6:25 am 6:10 am f Sunday SufYty Only 'A . Popk, Trafflo Manager. Comie and most complete line Toilet Articles, Stationery of