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The enterprise-recorder. (Madison, Fla.) 1908-1933, February 25, 1909, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of Florida

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TI)i fciitrrpr tec - &rrnrflf r.
NEW KM-EliriUSK, tCMaMtthed Ml
MADINOM RliCOKDKIl.t.lnMulied 1W15.
Malison. Florida.
t ttl M lin- Poi 0C!
. lil Miner Jun 25, mW, un-Itr Act ol Marcn a.
tVSubcnplloi. Ii.oo per year. Advertising
rm w made known on .innlicatlon. CnrretnondenU
ill .. . .1.1. l Ik.
win iirn.r nin. un vuiy vhv v. .- ,-..
HI nriei in vour itema, dui iv every m
ntwa. W rnu-t have the name of every contnlm
of, not for publication, but that we may know the
OTTCiponucniv li aumrnuc. n,o, hmm
runlcitlon, will find a home r the watte basket
Xddrtae nil communication to
... Madiaon, Florida.
Good for the Monticello Board
of Trade that hammered and
kept hammering until it secured
a good exhibit from Jefferson
county for ths State Fair!
'A get together society" in
every town and community and
every body a member is the sugf
trestion of the DeSota County
News. And a good one it is.
' The streets of Live Oak are
said to be in better condition
than ever before. The city au
thorities have bought a hundred
car loads of rock from the fin
ing company at Luraville ' for
use on the streets.
Our Florida exchanges for
ont week only add two more
to the list ot younp; children
acrificed to the fire arms. When
will the parents of our land
learn that guns and pistols are
death dealing instruments, not
The last grand jur' present,
ment reports States Attorney
C. A. Hardee as saying that
Hamilton county was making
greater progress in putting
down crime than any other
county in the Third Judicial
That Brooklyn girl who mar
ried a Chinaman says that she
did it just to spite her mother
but wasn't it rough on the Cbiua
man? A woman who has no
more high ideas ot the respon
sibilities of wifehood is a
creature to be - pitied. Ocaia
Only fourteen counties have
made an exhibit at th-; State
Fair thus far. If it was twice
fourteen U would only be what
is reasonable. We haug our
heads with shame that'the num
ber is so small, and our shame
is augmented by the fact that
Madison is not among the fourteen.
Public schools throughout the
State are trying to extend a
knowledge of our native birds
and the laws protecting them
by calling for prize essays on
the subiect. This would not be
a bad idea for our grammar
school teachers. Who among
our public spirited men will of
fer a prize for the best essay on
this subject?
A freak bill recently intro
duced in the legislat ure of New
Mexico provides for the taxa
tion of all bachelors past twenty
five years of age and al widow
ers past forty fiive, the tax to
form a fund tor the support of
indigent widows and old -maids.
Now wouldn't that jar yoti?
Commend us to 6ome of . our
solons for idiocy pure and undefined"
How sileut and neigbborly all
become when the church bell
tolls' Differences and dissen
sions are forgotten, and friend
and foe get together. "Orje
touch of pity makes the whole
world kin." We realize that
someday very soon at best--eacb
one "will take his place in
the silent halls of death." Why
not make up and feel kindly to
ward everyone, before the bells
tells that one has dropped out
of ranks? What sense is there
in hate? "Why should the
spirit of mortal be proud?" Very
soon the man and woman who
ride in ease along life's ways
will occupy the same level with
the poorest that now wearily
walk. Better get together be
fore jou sleep in the sarne ceme
tery. DeSota County News.
A Sea-board employe in a
certain town recently "got hot'-
because his local paper "knock
ed "the awful accommodations
of his line. He need not have
ciiedout unless the knock hit
him. The supposition is that
our cars on small branch lines,
and also our depocs and waiting
rooms are fitted to the tastes of
the people. If they hand us out
uch accommodations and we
submit tamely they naturally
think we like it. People, kick
and kick again. Our columns
and also the mails are open for
protests. If twelve .nen should
agree to write, each one in turn
to the Sea-board officials com
plaining of our waiting rocm
we verily believe som e th i n g
would come of it.
Alexander Bey Francis, a
noted Turkish official now
touring America, gave a recent
nterview to a Sav. News
reporter in which he "discussed
the recent bloodless revolution
n Turkey. Among others things
he said: '"The introduction of
he constitutional from of gov
ernment wil' mean the rapid
ipread of Christianity. Under
he new law the Christain is
he equal of the Mohammedan
n law, in business, and in every
way. Christians are admitted
to the army for the first time,
and it will increase 100 per cent.
n size quickly as a result: Half
of the members of Parliament
re Christians
The Weather.
for the week ending Sundy, Feb. 11
Mean maximum, 72s
Mean minimum, 42s
Highest, Sunday 810
Lowest, Tueesday 34
Tnuredoy .00 Friday .40, total .S2' Inob.
Ttio. Thornton cams in borne Sun
day and spent several daya iD this city.
Just received at Smihe Mer. Co. a
pretty oew line of Spring and Surnmr
drees goods. Call and take a look.
Gbarlie Carroll's beartiful cottage in
rapidly assuruiog finished proportions
It will be ready ror ocoupancy by the
1st of March. -
Col. and Mrs. Knox Livingston and
Mr. and Mrs. A. Livingston lefti'burs
day for New Orleans to take In the
p'eaeures arid diversions of Mardi Gras.
Mrs. Emmett Atkl oboo of Montioello,
with Master Robert, baa been the guesi
ot Mn, C. B. Smith for a week past.
Mr. AtkinBoo will prob.br con oyer
to day to visit hie family, who will ao
eompany him on bli return borne.
At the Episcopal church Hund7,IJe ,
Curtis Crubb beld two services, at 11a.
m. and 3 p. in. Mr. Grubb also returned
Tuesday and beld a sweet and earnest
service at 10 a. m. Wednesday, miu
guratlcg the Lenten season.
Some things we beed; slean streets,
town library, clean streets, a park
square, oleasj streets, a board of trade
city officials whose organs of smell are
trained to small out the blind tigers, s
stock law, aril lastly clean streets. . j
Call on us. for necessary imple
ments, such as
Corn Drills,
Guano Distributers,
Cotton Planters
and any other
that you may need.
Tharin 6c Leslie.
Free Piano: See Taylor.
Mr. and Mrs. Stephens ot Tampa ar
rived Sunday and are the guests of
Mrs. W. W. Wbitlock.
Mrs. Walker MHy of Monticello visit--d
relatives liere Inst and this week,
h iving come to enjoy tbe protracted
Mrs. Wash I"es ot Lake City with
several interesting little folks arrived
Friday and are visiting Mrs. Ida Whlt
lock. Dr. Ives came over Sunday and
spent the day with bis family.
Miss Jessie Taylor ot Macon is the
attractive gueet of MiBS Lizzie Taylor.
She xH alter completing ber visit to
Miss Taylor, apend some time with
Mrs. W. Preston Thompson.
Madison's hunters tbe "one great and
original" hunting party, returned Sat
urday beorty atd sun burned from tbelr
delightful trip They reported not
much luck but grand weather and dead
loads of fun, enough to talk about for
h year to come.
Trof. V. A. Cats who will be a mem
ber of tbe Faculty of F.N. I. the rest
ot this school year, la to bave charge of
tbe Agricultural Department and Is
planning an experiment garden. In
tbla he will show the effects of different
fertilizers and different methods of cul
Why cso't we bave monthly Honor
Boll from our school? Our exchanges
all over tbe slate bave oarefully pre
pared honor rolls from all tbe High
school and grammar school grades.
That It would call attention to the good
work being done, please and gratify tbe
pal rons and serve as a stimulus to the1
students all goes without saying
An amueihg incident is told in con
nection with (lie fire Thursday night at
Dr. Blalook, illustrating the Scripture
truism. "Faith without works is dead."
Melvin, tbeir faithful negro eerrmt was
asked wbv be didn't give tbe alarm, as
be claimed that he saw the Are In Its
incipiency. "Me, boy I whst you tnlkin
'boot!" he replied. "1 went back In my
houee I did and just prayed to mv
God data' what I done."
Sunday was a notable day in Baptist
circles. At three services, morning,
afternoon and evening Evangeliat T. T.
Martin held spelled bound immense au
diences, charmed bv the eloquence,
wit and spiritual force of this grand
man of God. The singing all day was
wonderful but Mrs. Schol field's rtnder
1 g of "The Holy City" at tbe afternoon
service will lonsr be remembered, no
one who herd it, sod felt the 8pirits
power accompanying the beautiful
melody, could ever doubt the reality of
"New Jerusalem,' and many hearts
responded with a longing desire to go
to that "City Dot mads with hands
eternal in tb Heavens".
Mr. Cha. Noegel, Madison's Indus
trious and enterprising baker will move
into hie handeome new quarters on the
1st Prox.
J. S. McMullen of Pinetta spent Sun
dav in Madison on tbe usual impor
tant business" that calls young men
from one town to the other "over Sun
days." There were no Prenbvterlan semes
Sunday, Dr. Alickle tilling his appoint
ment at Live Oak on that day. There
will be the reguaar services at the
Presbyterian church next Sunday.
Doctiyr Armstrong made his profes
ional vicit on the first of the month as
by appointment, as the Doctor is doing
much good and meetlnir with great suc
cess in the treatment of eye trouble and
reflex trouble such as headache, ner
vousness, stomach trouble, etc. He
w'll visit Madispn again April 7 Mer
chants Hotel for one day only.
Capt. Geo. M. Lynch of Gainesville,
Florida, State Inspector of High
Schools, visited the F. N. I. officially
lust Friday, nr.d was well pleased with
(lie work. He expressed himself as
gratified to note the large number and
also the mature appearance of the Nor
mal pupils. He said the school and
town were to be congratulated for at
tracting such a large band of Florida
teachers, and predicted that, with en
larged facilities the F. X. I. will have
hundreds of pupils in tbe near future.
A most destructive fire occurred
Thursday night in which Dr. A. L.
BlBlock was a heavy sufferer. The
alarm was given at 11:15 and but for
hard work the residence would bave
burned, for it caught and burned fu
riously in several spots. Dr. Blalock
lost bis stable, surrey, wefgon, valuable
ouggy horse, buggy and harness, all
bis stock feed, and a valuable milk cow
is so severely burned that she will pro
bably die. The loss was partially cov
ered by insurance. The origin of the
tire is uoknowu.
A Times Union dispatch from Brooks
villesnys: "jat.rday mo nlr.g Feb. Ctb
about 9 o'clock, after returning from a
bunt, John, the 14 year old son of .T. N.
Edmonson, w;,s instantly killed. He
was Billing on a fence near hie home
with the ahotgun In bis hand, talking
with a companion, when tbe gun slip,
ped from bis hand and jiecbtrged Jts
load. It struck ths boy below tb right
shoulder, and tearing the flesh up into
the neck. His head was nenlv vr
ed from bis body. He died instant I v "
The above gives the details of ths tra.
gio deatb of Little John Eijmondson,
son of Mr sud Mrs. John Edmnnrt.'
ths latter formerly atlectionately known
bere as Miss Mary L Thomas. Ths
boy was s a most lovable ohild and his
untimely death Is a great grief to
large circle of frituds nod relatives.
Mrs. Dr.Blalock will entertain the
Boy's League neztMondav evening.
All are anticipatlcg it with keenest
Mrs. Raodell Walker returned from
Valdosta with her mother last Thurs
day and with her little daughter bu
epeut tbe past week in Madiaon.
Col. H. C. Broun, who for several i
weeks has been happily entertained brv
bis friend E.L.Adams at tbe Merchants
Hotel left, Sunday to return to his home
in New York.
You bave said many times tW- you
appreciated the advabtagea ot ths art
physical oulture and musical depart
ments afforded your children! Provs
It by going dext Monday evening to tbi
college auditorum and help the scholar
and their plencky little teacher r ate
tbe means for the neccessary accexsorjei
Only a small admission fee will be char
ged Tbe only services at the Methodist
church Sunday were the Sabbath
School, and regular 11 o'clock feniiw,
In the absence of Uuperintent South.
Mr S. D. Morrow conducted tl S. Fi
and taught a large and Interested '
Baraca class as wtll. Rev. L. D. Lows
preached a moat impressive Berruoo to
a large audience at the 11 o'clock ser
vice. In addition to the special music of
tbe choir, the congregation' again had
the pleasure of bearing Mrs. Emmett
Atkinson, who as Miss Bertie Carroll
has often pleased Madison music lovers.
Rev. A. A. Tilly of Atlanta who I
travelling in the interests of the Y. M.
C A. was In Madison on the 17th Icit.
fur tbe purpose of securlDg a local cor
respondent bere for tbia grand organi
zation. Tbe duty of suob a correspon
dent, it is report to Y. M. C. A. head
quarters every young man who leaves
t-.wn, soHiat he may find friends and
helpful hi flue osea where he goes. We
bave not lenrned whether he was suc
cessful. If any ons consented to bi't
we would le glad to be notlBei).ioslr.t
it can be published in our next IsbiA.
Miss Emma Tucker who will always
be remembered and loved In Mad if on,
since the 14ih Inst, baa ben holding
meeting in Oval. Of her first services
the Ocala banner says: "This illustri
ous woman is no stranger in our city,
a-d wl e : it was read in tbe local papers
that the was to be here it was natural
that she should be greeted with occu
pled and expectant pews, and in thlsex
pectation there was do disappointment.
at. cigni also the same coinplimeni
was bestowed upon tier, a.id
was me body ot the .
out i no
not only
church occupied
t the annex had to be enoroarbed up
cn quits Ubi-rally to a :;oinmdes
Urge and well pleaattd eonpjpf'.'0
Her theine for the evening was "V in
ning Souls." an for an hour or snore sbs
made ths toplo one of thrilling interest.
Herself enthused with her subjectebe
found little trouble. in enthusing others.
She read fitting paragraphs from tbe
Bcriptnres for the authority of ber state
ments and by oommeni, annotation anal
illustration gave life, vividness and to
tensity to her theme.".

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