Newspaper Page Text
Keep It on Hand! CaaJm end toWt wy tens) tar member tf tur r ", Kianr Oad co!J beo avtrfexj tQJ much acanett end sudenn ku Ues) sered br pranc uw of Fiao l Cur. Thtta M Bothtn Lit it iobwlnmeoutln iilcl). 1 not It no bronclual or lung trouble Inal H will not relieve. Free from ooiales or harrnlul in gradients. I iua (of chtldraa. At all druggist', 25 lU. a; ftnasuS SLlOdRS wear wen and they keep you dry while you are wearing them I300 EVERYWHERE CATALOG fftt V a nhumofft BoiTom'lHA- Tower Canadian Co. uin. Taaoxro. Can. III Western Drama."' e. SHAFTING, PULLEYS, BELTS LOMBARD IRON WORKS. AUGUST, C. Tie man who can bo cheerful In the fact of reverses must wear the trulle that won't come off. FrHEADACHE-Hlcli CAFCDINB Whether from Colds. Hoat. Stomach or K.rvoin Trouble. Cepudlne will relieve you. It's lluuld-pleasant 10 teke-a-u Imuieut lulr. Tr 1UC- ud " drug Bore Lesson from the Past. The Chinese were building their great wall. "This will prevent unjust Indiscrim ination," they said. "Ji will keep every thing out." Thereby, too, they saved tie troa lie and expense of having to revUo too tariff every few years. Chicago Trlhune. A Domestic Eye Remedy Compounded by Experienced Physicians. Conforms to Pure Food and Drugs Law. Wins Friends Wherever Used. Ask Drug lilts for Marine Eye Remedy. Try Murine. Man seldom realizes how many mares there are for the unwary un til It Is published In the papers that he has been left ft bunch of money. ' . Only One "Bromo Quinine)" In... i. I.,iln Browo Uuinin. Look HUM ' Le Haney, advertising manager for the Midland Railroad, was oner, manager of a theatrical company Playing' "My Wife's Fat Uncle." Onii day the company Btruck Falls City, Neb. At each performance about five supers were needed. Among the sup ers secured at Falls City was a young fellow who had been worklne on n railroad construction gang. He tola all his friends that day that he wns to appear with tho company that night. When the curtain went up half a dozen young men who knew Mm were In the front row. The young super persisted In whispering to these friends over the footlights. The stage manager was very much worried over the actions of the super, but could not come out before the footlights and call him down. At one place In the play, when the super was right up near the footlights, one of his friends, In a loud whisper, said: "How you gettln along as an net or, Bill?" "Fire," was the reply In a hoarfo whisper. "Coin' to be with the show reg'lar?" asked the youth In the audience. "Don't know yet," replied the sup er, after he had taken a big chew of tobacco out of his mouth. "I ain't saw the foreman of tho company about It vet." Tionvpr Post. To Cure Ring Worms and Skin Diseases. Varavllle. 8. C. July 17, 1901. Mr. J. T. Bhuptrlne, Savannah, Ga. Dear Elr: My wife used ynur Tetterlne for Ringworm, alao uses It In her family for all kind of akin disease, and sn thinks It a good medicine. There la no substitute. Ilespect fully, L. It. Dowllne. Tetterlne cures Eciema. Tetter, Ring Worm, Ground Itch, Jtclilng Pll.js, 1 fant'a Sore Head, Plmplee. Bolls, Kourh Scaly Patches on the Face. Old Iluhlng Sores, Dandrurr. cankered scalp, i-wn-lona, Corns. Chilblain and every form of Bkin Disease. Tetterlne 60c; Tetterlne Soap 25c. Your drugglrt, or by mall from the manufacturer, The Shuptrln Co., How can a friend In need be any '.".cln to one? Singers and Speakers use, Brown's Bronchial Troches for Hoarseness and Throat Troubles. They glvelnstant relief. In boxes 25 cents. Samples mailed free. John I. Brown & Son, Boston, Mass. Lightning struck the store of Hor ace Swan at Georgetown, Del., and when Swan recovered from the shock be found one of his ears had beau scorched until It was brown. aauCT.-waiwrv" i "il!?ZK,1!Z.'.;!I.i- 10W TO BUILD RURAL Want aTeleone? It you do you can get It. If you arc anxions to get into closer touch witli your friends, with the family doctor, with the store, wit i the post of-icc, or with the cotton buyer, you can do it with a telephone at hand. If you want to make the, farm a more livable place, if you want to protect your home, you can do it by installing a telephone. If you will cut out this advertisement, write your name and address on the margin and mall It to-day to our nearest we will send you at once a copy of our Free Bulletin INO. 102 a "How to Build Rural Telephone Lines" This Bulletin explains clearly how a rural telephone system is built anel operated, and it also contains full information as to costs. In a Former's Mutual Company a few day's labor and a cash Investment of about $25. per subscriber, will purchase all material and build an absolutely standard system. A Rural Telephone is an Investment, not an expense. The telephone which enables you to sell ten bales of cotton at cent per nound more than the travtlinpr buyer offers you, has paid for its en tire cost. If you have some hay down all ready to go in, it is worth, something to have a telephone with which to call on Neighbor Smith "for a lift" before the storm breaks. The Rural Telephone pays for Itself each year and we have brought the initial cost within th reach of every farmer. Present prices are especially favorable and thousands of Farmers Mutual Com panics are now organizing so as to build their lines this Spring. Write us to-day. WFTFfRN ELECTRIC This Book Sent Free Sostatr Ofllcr Atlanta Kinus City CiDciaaatl Portsmouth Dallas Stint Loc'.s Indianapolis Savannah The world's oldest and larretl tele phone nianufscturrf. There sre over 4,006.000 Western Klectnc Telephone la list in the United butts to-day. Ssrsl TtltpbesM a specially Kortsrr as W triers Office Boston PhlL-.delphla Chicao Pr..,burr Denver int fiul IxtAtifele Silt Uke Cltf New York Fan rrancisco Omaha Seattle ?.aaalabktlMi hTtb. Ttur. ol li W Grov. Used the World over to Cur a Cold in On Day. Better to be a has-been than never to have been. Talk about grit, what's the matter with the sanda of time? Many Children Are Sickly. Bother Grav's Sweet Powders for Children, ted by Mother Gray, a nurse In Children Borne, New York, cure Hummer Complaint ererlhne. Headacb. Stomach Treubles, Teething DIord-r and Destroy Worms. At til Drug(rlt'. 20- baroplj m.lled F. Addles Allen 8. Olmsted, Le Hoy, N. a- The word to the wis is one hears so much about should come from the wise. ' Mr. Winalow'. Soothing Byrop or " tehmftTttheruriu.reduc tion-aUly pain. cure wind college bottla Luckv thing that face powder is not explosive, for if It were more sparking couples would he brown up. The Favorite. Millions of suffering eyes have found In Dr. Mitchell's famous salve a real blessing. Reject the offer of iny dealer to sell a drug for your e. Dr. Mitchell's Eye Salve Is a simple, healthy remedy to be applied to the lids. It cures without entering the eye. Sold everywhere. Price 25c. A remarkable piece of work was recently shown at a German exhlbi tloa In the shape of a well-executed landscape made of colonies of differ ent colored bacteria thriving In gela tin and meat extract stiti or Omo, Cttt or Tolido, I LtJOaa Couwtt, I to J. Cbsmbt make oath that he senior partner ot th firm ot K.J.ChenkY l, doing bosinesa in th City ot loledo, lountjr and tslat aforevaud, nd that earn ra will pay theattm of ONE BU.NPBtu vr LakS lor each and every ca-se ot CATARRB taat cannot be cured by tb use ol b ALL S UtaHKH ClIKE, VrAKK J. C'HENET. bworn to belore m and suljacnbed in my preaenc. tbi 6lh day oi December, A. I lioo. A. W. OLEASorr. Iseai.) Notary Pubfie. ilall Catarrh Cure iaUken internally, and eu direcuy on tb blood and mucou ur "or ot the ytem. bend ior teatimonial, bee. if, J, che.ieX ft Co'Aoledo. U ld by ll DruKkist. 75- . . Xak HH't iWiy 1'ill for eonatipauon. THE ONLY ONE. . - 'Preachers usually marry young." ' "Yes; that's e only game of . chance a preacher" Is permitted to gay." Louisville CourleTJourcal- Stiff neck! Doesn't amount to much, but mightv disagreeable. You've no idea how quickiv little Hamlin Wizard Oil will lubricate th cord and make you comfortable again. ?Iany a chap who is called a dare devil would be classed as mighty small potatoes by his Satanic Majesty. Brooklyn, N. Y. Addree the Garfield Tea Co. as abov when writing for free samples of (jarheld Tea, the true remedy tor constipation. Bury all grave thoughts. MUST BELIEVE IT. IS "I am your friend," writes Miss W. M. "Wicsman, of Dorsey, HI, "and send you my thanks, for what Cardui has done for me. My health was bad for two years. I suffered dreadful pain in my left sido and headache and fainting spells every month. Since I have used Cardui, I am on the road to "Wellville and I cannot say enough in favor of Cardui." This famous medicine grows more popular every year, and when you have tried it, you will under stand why its sales are constantly increasing. TAKE Kidney Pills. Every Header Will Concede the Truth of This Statement. One who suffers with backache or any form of kidney trouble wants a cure, not merely tem porary benefit. Rev. Maxwell S. Rowland, of Toms River, N. J., makes a statement In this connection that is worth attention. Says he: "I was sud denly taken with an attack of kidney trouble, had severe pains In my back and loins and was generally run down. Doctors were not helping me, so I be gan using Doan's They brought me prompt relief, and as I continued tak ing them the pains In my back disap peared and the kidneys were restored to normal condition." Sold by all dealers. BO cents a box. Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Oleomargarine. Dictionaries seldom V words; It U a general case of dodge, because the lexicographers are not I.!- f their cround. Nearly every person you meet pronounce, oleornv krine that famous artificial butter, n the "ga" soft, as "ger." The em phls in general 1. correctly placed upon the "mar." I said to a butter nTwho sell, about a a year of genuine stuff: ,ou call this artificial product? He 7 ,.rinr." 'No; I mean Its repiiou. i.Qh oieomui tal IMV - I call it. "ie "Don't Never; .. . k .iietinnttrles." Yet inave taai ".o t.uw iTknoVthat tie "ga" in "nvargaroa. I. York Press. It Will Help You Q H 145 Cardui is a good medicine for women. It does the work. It is pleasant and harmless to take and seems to go to the sick spot and coax it back to health. Headache, backache, sideache, hundreds of other symptoms of fe male trouble have all been driven away by the use of Cardui. Try it. a - ME FOR LITTLE1 FAT FOLKS ; Most grateful and comforting it a warm bath with Cuticura Soap and gentle anointings with Cuti cura. This pure, sweet, econom ical treatment brings immediate relief and refreshing sleep to skin tortured and disfigured little ones end rest to tired, fretted mothcrsJ For eczemas, rashes, itching, irritations and chafings, Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Ointment aroj worth their weight in gold. . Sold tnmushout the world. rru: rondo. IT, rhsrterriiiia. Bq.i I'srw. 6. Rue dMs Puis; Aiutra ruirutts: CTilos. Hon Kon Dnir Co.: Jspmi. Bo. Atrlrs. Ltnnon. l.ta., lpt t o.a itsruvs, Ltd.. Toklo; C n I in.nn T.tit Potter I'ruc Cb'esa- Corp.. Sols Props. Bottom PlTTNXM fadeless dyes Tjsa-i uyo maj srruiT-in -' w ante? 7 aulvalent, jnt trv to trap me. .ame as all dealer do-'oleo.' c the full wora: MACON, GA,, Prepares and Place Student. lent Onr student are rtcoanlsed as thoroughly eomre- ates. Tonsotsohool In oieoipiine auu morals T.,nl, and Oui it and oc.d Dnalttons are assured our itraduates. Tons of sohool In dieolpllne auu m dorsed bi Ft? M"a as being elean and wholesome. Send lor eataloaue Ho. I. The woman who holds her own Is the one who knows how to hold her tongue, , Pflea Cured In to 14 ! Li t to U day " mony refunded. 60 Resentment has to be killed before one can have complete contentment. sr. rnl.ns and GRIP. Hirk'a rarrniN 1 the beat remedr ".re. the achlr and '?rMZ"ZCUul Tc "i and restore normal condlUon. It . rel ltould-effecta Immediately. auc., at drug storua. Is a man who has an eye out for the main chance one-ideaed? When pleasure becomes a babil, Itch eared Id 30 minotes by Wooltord's Sanitary Lotion. Never fail. At druggists. Man's sphere Is baseball. POTATOES 60 ct9. a bu. Per Balsor's catalog, page 1. Laraatl errrwere of s--ed po'a'o and earlr vtaeiahlas la Uia world. BU catl.i free; or. un,t lUi.. in itamn, and reoelva eaUloa and i,.tt kMrnals aaoli of onions, carrots, celery, radlsliet, IW) laltuca, rutabaa turnips, I ii 1UD tomatoes. 1U0 melons, la I eliarmlin'OowBrwads, In all 10,n kernels, ..u. ih I .fin of anr man stnonev. Or, Mad 'J Or. and w add oat pacaagtof Earllaat Paau OUar Sweet Com. MIZER jrEB CO., oi ft. C, U Cr, WrS. fc'VJ F j ' f 's !, ja rt n tjToRKOkC" HAIR ftTOR-lRv.f-rto, tl.OO, rUll. The Beuon I Wnk and Bell Mere Hen! $8,05 $3,50 Bhoei Thvn Any Other Uuiufactiirr 1 WtiiM t flw tb vMnt th bsjeallt ef th votyt cBplu art Miikttoa f triklMd ixpuU w4 kiu4 tllttusaaar im im rvs,u n j . Th MiciioD of v. lutbart m Nti ytn ef tn um. i, m a tut ir sVQil rtrr tlsrtAll f tk anik.tftf to wrr dr&srtitiBt. looktMt sviar hr th bMt ihoeBtirri la th ahoti iBdutrv. If I ootUd iksnr roa hefw cntl)T W L. DovcIm thotM vr msvd, r wotud tb udintuia why thT hold thtit Uf AftfiosY ef Tanning the Solet wAf thtm Hon ritJcioit anO Longer wearing titan any otntrt, Hhoei tor "'.TPry Mrmbrr of th TnmWy MUt Rofl, Wosnru.M ud C hilirtw T t ut iho dVsr Tprrwht. PRIITIfiN I loi) Btiuihi without W. L. TVinrli vMUllUll 1 nm sUtd prlr MKiiit(l on ttoituim. rfi Color Ervltts Usi ExeJulvaly. OftUlag tim. W. L DOIOLAS, W Spark Si., Brectvttw, lUu KTIionipscn'sEyeWater