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A TYPE WE NEED NOW, f KNTfcKPIUSE, F.tuMlrhdl IWI WVDISOtt RKCOKDEH.EilHbliihrd lt. ' I'ONHOLIDATKD JuneSS, 1SKJS. Malison. Florida. PUBLISHED WEEKLY. "-wel at thf MnHlvnn Prt!t Oflirr nW'' ft Matter Jooe 3)6, lVt, ynder Act of March & COLUMBUS B. SMITH. Editor. MrSubttonptioi. f 1.00 Per vear AdvfriKinir T. roW Known on application, Corrt-Mxir.rienU Msl'ptHtse write on only on ile "( th paper. hrief in vmir item, hut give every item of .. Wt m'lmt have the name of very contnhn 9m ft tor niiMicitt inn, Tit that it miiv know the n-rn tn authentic. AH Hnrtnvmnn mm- w:ition-t will fin J a home r ihe wite basket, f Mmi all crvmrntiniratlnn to THE NEW E.VTF.RPKISK. THUKSDAY, MARCH 23, 1009. One hundred and sixty thous .joi pounds of fine wrapper to 36CC0 went up' in smoke at 'Otimcy last Friday night. The Cms amounts to about 175,000. Ibugh on the owners of the leal ilit then that is what the to Jueco was made tor to burn, now the whole woilcl may assured that Gadsden county Jsbacco WILL BURN. The Quincy Moon has gone .out of business, permanently, the plant and good will h.n in oeen taken over by theGausde i-tmnty Times of which R. E. JkFarlin is the new editor an proprietor. The Moon existed precariously since its beginning and we arenot surprised that i as finally forced to close out Ti the Gadsden Couuty Times and its new and owuer we ex tnd our very best wishes. f he county jail at Monticell was destroyed by fire last week 3X was on a par with the court bouse ot the same county about 3eventy-five years behind times Sow that Jefferson has let contract for a new and modern tourt house the old lail would have been even more conspicu oas for its antediluvian appear ance. A good fire properly located sometimes proves blessing in disguise. Jefferson "ill of course, have to build ; acw jail, and we are of th opinion that it will be as modern and attractive as the new court "4ouse. Brother Wilson of the For Pierce Tribune has evidently run up against something no Tery pleasing and he comes back pon somebody or something in this most truthful and virorou style. He says in his last issue A. newspaper, it it das any brains, conscience and muscle tack of it, must continually de cide between doing its duty and injuring its pocket. In any position but that of editor the public is able to separate the individua' from the collective citizen. But if an editor does ot please them it is at his pockets they aim. Thus it is the newspapers learn who their fiends are. The man who reads a newspaper and admires it all the year round, j'et gives bis Cosiness support to some other concern, is not a friend to the former newspaper. Admiration alone will not run a newspaper. There are too mauy men who xpect an editor to slave in de fence of their pet notions and bobbies, advocate their views against the strongest ODposition and coolly withold their busi ness support, by which alone a country newspaper can live. Talk about a paper having a public duty to perform and an editor having to work for his principle is cheap when others; stand back and extend a luke warm neutrality," Where are the strong men of the past generation who took the lead in the community life of the South; who were wise in counsel, pjompt in decision and courageertu in action; whose voices were not silenced by timidity, policy or expediency in those constantly recuring is sues between rigut ana wrong in every city, town, village and rural neighborhood? They were positive men, of force and de cistoti of character, lhey were deeply grounded in the religion of the Jen Commandments. They believed ia strong, effec tive government in the family. the community and the State They believed in the enforce ment of law. There was iron in their blood, and they insisted on penalties for wrongdoing'and in prompt obedience to the voice of justly authority. Such men made that priceless force, now so lamentably scarce public sentiment, bra ve, clean, righteous public sentiment that was the very moral lifeblood of the com jiunity for under the infenction of their high exam Dies ottier men, lacking t tie qualities of leadership, were nr.t airaid to speak out when speed) oat when speech was needed in denunciation of evil and evil doers, and thus public sentiment was crystalized and made a mighty force for good. Such men were positive, frank and tearless, stern apostles of law and order and moralty who ffould make no compromise with vice or crime, but were always tolerant of the rigbts of others and held to no iron code or creed to restrict freedom of opinion and its decent expression. 0'ie such man in a town was a steady tonic, a source of moral health and strength and courage to all Paints And Varnishes ; A Great Help lighten Up House Cleaning. The modern housewife realiz:s that there' is no more sanitary way of cleaning housthat) by using paints and varnishes on the floors, woodwork, porches, cupboards, baseboards, screens, stove pipes, etc. She has, however, been rather unfamiliar with the best way to finwb exoh of these surfaces.' For her convenience in purchasing and using, The Sherwin- Williams Company have included their line of old established household products under a new name. : ' ' : : ; SHERWIN-WILLIAMS BRIGHTEN UPFINISHES. This line includes a paint, varnish, stain or enamel for every purpose. All you have' to remember is the surface you want to finish, and we will tell you just what Brighten Up product is made specially for that particular use. There are 12 kinds, 77 attractive colors. We will be glad to show you color cards of all these products. It will place you under no obligation to buy. Remember our slogan, "Brighter Homes for Everybody." Tharin & Leslie. MADISON, FLORIDA Then there will be a grand illuminated launch parade on the bay in front of the city. The entire city will be brilliantly illuminated for this occasion and there is no rioubt that many thousands of vistors will be in attendance. the rest, and around him in every public emergency, large or SLY EDITOR SMITH small, the better elements rail The Starke Telegraph says lied, sure that he would take that thirty liens were filed for the riirht side and confident in record in one week in the clerk s his leadership. office, averaging 140 each, given But where is that type ' ot the by citizens of Bradford county Old South now? Has it disarv tofa liirbtning rod agent. These Deared in the timiditv and LTeed liens are blanket affairs which of commercialism? Has it flow ered and gone to seed? Never did we need such such "?en more. and it we naye ceased to pro duce them there must be some tliiug fatally defective in sys tern tails at so vital a point. Here is a paragraph on '.his line taken from a late ex change: No community can flourish unless it has its proper quota of will enable the company ti sell all a man's possessions. One man who was too poor to put a chimney to his house hart it covered with lightning rods. Levy county farmers are warn ed o look out for the lightning rod agent. He's a smooth arti cle. Bronson Times-Democrat. We might extend the same warniugto Madison county far mers if it were,, necessary, but FLORIDA LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY HOME OFFICE: JACKSONVILLE, FLA We issue all standard forms of policies for Life, Accident anr Health Insurance. Our policies contain every feature, hpnofi and privilege to be desired. They are the right kind and the rate. are rignt. uet a sample and compare it with others. See 'wha it win do tor you and your dependents. They give Superior Pr leciion. positive men who are wisely af- our farmers in this county .ire urinative and who cheer and too wise to be taken in by any energize by tneir speecn and sucn lamrs. Maaison n e w action .-They are a bracing Enterprise. tonic to the business and social A sly way Editor Smith has atmosphere. The negative man, of putting bis readers next on on the contrary, depresses, and the lightning rod proposition. so far as his influence goes he What has become of all those serves to check the spirit ot en Madison county people who a terprise and thereby works few years ago bought rights to against the progress of the sell patent rights in a washing place in which he dwells." machine? Siarke Telegraph. Lve Oak Democrat. We pass it up, brother Mat thews. We support that they Among the various features have the "rights" yet. But if of special interest connected you would have accurate infor with the Ponce de Leon cele Imation on the subject inquire bration to be givea in St. of Fred Sheffer, now a resident Augustine on March 31 and I of your city. "lie probably Features of Life Policies. Highest Cash Values. Liberal Loud Vn'u 8. Full Return Premiutno. Extended Insurance. Piilil up Insurance. Policies Aut.iniBtically N'on-Lnpsing. Contaiue Total Disability Clause, incontestable from Date of Iue. Cash Value Increases Daily. No Restrictions us to Residence or Travel. Henelieiary Can be Changed at any Time. Premiums can be Paid Quarterly, Semi-Annually or anually. Tbirtv days of Grace In Payment of Premiums Without Interest. Thirty days extension at 5 per cent interest. Our Accident Policies. You pay us 120 00 a Year. We pay you $23. to $50. a week while disabled by aocident. Can you afford to take the risk Then Let us lake it. Phv us $20 00 or Leave It to Chine! Our Standard Policy pays foi Loss of life, or both hands, or bol reel, or bolb eye, or one nara mx ono foot, or one eye and one foot, t! one eye and one lianil : : tV' Lobs of right arm si el ow : : Lews of right hand at wrist or left r at elbow, or either leg at knes 13,0 Lobs of leff hand at ivrln o; either fk at ankle. : : : Loss of one eye : : And in Addition the Indemnity Provided for Loss of Time fror Date of the Accident to Dat of Such Loss, i Double Indemnity 1 AH the above amount shall be dcut led If injuries are received In l,ustl er car or steamer. Florida Life Insurance Co. For Desired Information, Address X B. BRINS0N, District Manager, Madison, Florida- April 1 and 2, will be Pain's reworks display on the last evening of the celebration. The committee in charge has gone to great expense to secure a pyrotechnic display that will be entirely out sf the ordinary. I knows." The true old soldier despises the misapplication of militaty titles and General E. M. Law of the Bartow Couries-Informant-- who was a sure-enough so'dier, rnmeducely after this display justly and honorably entitled ill come an attack on old Fort to his military appellation- waxes righteously indignant as follows: "In the noted Cooper. Cirmack trial, which is now the defence of the fort by the drawing to a close in Nashville, United Sta'es regular troops. I fiFKEEAL Meeks, one of the Marion by the Indians, Span U I ards. French and 'British and rnnncal t IL. 1 r .uuuoi mi i lie ae enre. an nounced his belief that it is the proper thing to shoot down an editor for any distasteful criti cism of politicians or other pub. lie characters. The doughty GENERAL seems to ignore the fact that most editors can. on occasion, handle a gun about as well as political bummers like his clients, the Coopers, or shyster lawyers like himself. We never heard of the GENER AL during the war. lie is no doubt same tinhorn affair who never smelt gunpowder or 'heard a cap pop' in his life. Such blatherskites are always care ful to indulge their bloodthristy . . . the court, and if confronted irf, the business end of a gun won , afford a fine opportunty to at; J one who could get near enouj to him to play marbles od t coat tail. - veterans would suirceat to the heroics under the protection of cnt state psaiion law. . With 8,500,000 feet ot mahofiV bandied through Pensacola du'': 1908 ihat port stands second in -importing of that wood In the Uei States. New York stands first 12,000,000 feet. The State pension board, tbroi Its secretary, Miss Jefferson Bell, ' writingto the various camps of Ci; federate Teterans in Ihe state to ' out what Amendments, if any,