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9 Simplicity, Poise These Jlro tha'Thrce Essentials in Perfect- ing Home Life and By Mrs. lurton Smith OMEOXE lias said, "Tlie We can find a whole IS I 4 ded In that simpio remark a philosophy which will take us straight to the heart of the question before us. If life Is to mean anything for us besides futile regret ur.d restless long ing, we mint make It mean that something in the present We must make It beautiful In the passing hour, and when I say that I believe the three essentials of a perfecting home life are simplicity, system and poise, I Intend the reply to stand the test of this philosophy In Its broadest application. I Intend to affirm that simplicity, system and poise In the home will not only make tho passing hour beautiful there, but that tho results will push beyond the walls of home and carry good into the great seething social life outside. Truth, sympathy, self-control, organizing ability these are some of the qualities needed to attain Simplicity, System and PolBe In the home; and will not such qualities serve, not only to perfect home life, but to evolve a spirit of the highest citizenship in the individual? To attain simplicity Is to solve nine-tenths of the difficulties that now fret and furrow tho surface of our dally life. Why is It the days are never long enough, our strength barely equal or utterly unequal to the demands upon us, and the life of the hour so proverbially Intense and over-strenuous? Why is It, with the enormous advance In convenience brought about by community life (water supply, drainage, lights, public sanitary service, and often heat) and the strides In mechanical Inventions why is It that with all this mar velous tribute of Inventive genius, peice and repose seem to have fled with the beautiful old New England kitchen, and the plantation days of the dear "Old South"? Why Is it that all of these things. Intended to simplify, seem only, to complicate lire? Pleaae understand that In nsklng this question I am not decrying the complexities of modern life, nor Blghlng for the simplicity of the stage coach and the town pump, rather than the railroad and the water supply! All life advances from tho simple to the complex, a man Is a more complex and higher form or organism than a fish, society Is a more complex and higher form or organitm than a physical man. The trouble lies not In tho complexities but In us. What we need Is not to do away with the com plexities but to master them not to return to tho simpler forms of social and economic life, but to meet the higher, more complex forms with distinct ideals and well-defined standards In which tho spirit of simplicity Is domi nant. In operating the house plant, the division of the Income, the question of domestic service In nil these matters and methods the spirit of simplicity will define our standards and lead us to outline a system, and system will help us to attain simplicity. And if over all and through all there be felt poise In the executive officer of this home, wo may be sure of our ideal. Simplic ity, system and poise will surely operate to elevate the whole atmosphere and quality of the home. They will bring about repose, without which the Indi vidual home has no excuse for existence beauty which educates and Inspires and that "sacred flame of Joy which throws a dazzling light over life," MUM i English Interest in Politics By Edward IDESPREAD popular dated at least as far mora than a centurv W new agitation for parliamentary reform, and with each ex I tension of the parliamentary and municipal franchise. I extensions of the franchise, of necessity, involved the crea tion of some machinery for parliamentary and municipal elections. But the machinery has not become so Intricate or so elaborate as to overshadow the elections, and the questions and principles at issue In parliamentary or municipal contests. There has not grown up in England, as has long existed in this country, one small and Interested class exclusively Intent on working the electoral machinery, and another and enormously larger class, much more loosely held together, whlcu does little more than march to the polls to vote for the men whom the smaller and more Interested class really the governing class have nominated for election. Hence the wholly different meaning of the word politician In this country and in England. In this country my under standing of the word politician is a man who is closely, continuously, and ac tively concerned In the working of the machine, or who holds an office, or la a perpetual candidate either for elective or appointive office. The word haa no such narrow Blgnlflcanc in England. It Implies a man or woman who Is interested in political questions and principles; who is a student of politics in this wider sense. From the Atlantic. Might: Ey Ramsey ITH as much truth as W i iue reign 01 cnaus ana oia nigm. uui mai was long ago. Since then chaos has much declined In Importance until II nnlu fni tho ftitnrltttnn ef ilia TlntnnriraHn no it v it nrmiM scarcely be known. Night, on the other hand, has steadily grown more Influ ential and popular, to the end that in our time Its ralsons d'etre are both many and vital. To mention only the chief of these: The richest women frequently look best by night Nothing, perhaps, Is so satisfactorily turned Into day, where one has a notion to be a good fellow. It Is the prior fact to nighties, as Is shown by the testimony of trareler. who assure us that in the land of the midnight sun, where there Is no night, the nlghtlo Is unknown except as It has been brought In by missionaries. Night Is night, wherever you find It. The fact that One Thousand and One Arabian Nights are no more, In effect than Ten Nights In a Barroom with us, is nothing to the contrary. We elmply live that much faster than the Arabs. From Life. One More Chance. One day the office boy went to the editor of "The Soaring Eagle" and said: "There's a tramp at the door, and he says he bas had nothing to eat for six days." ' "Fetch him in," said the editor. "If we can find how he does It we can run tills paper for another week." Illus trated Bits. System and f ? Making It Beautiful greatest hour of lifo Is the present" system of practical philosophy embed Porrltt Interest In politics In England can be back as the American Revolution. For this Interest was intensified by each Eenson felicity, doubtless, Milton speaks of In the Race Suicide Zone. Mrs. Dyer Have you had any ex perience In taking care of ohlldren?" Applicant No, ma'am. Heretofore I've only worked for the best famil ies. Puck. New York city's new penitentiary, planned for Rlkers' island will be the largest In the world, and will accom modate 2,000 men and 600 women. JEAXKTTU AM) JKAXXOT. You are poind fur nway. !'nr away from poor .leannctte, There in no oni! left to love mo lutv, Ami you too mnv forgot; Bui mv hunt will bo with you. Wliertver you may fro. . Cnn you look me in the fare And h;iv the name. .Uv.nnot? When you weiir tho jacket roil, Anil the IxMiitihil coclv-ide, Oh! I you will forju't All the proinin? you've made: With your quit ujnm your piiouS'lcr, Anil vour l'd oiiet liy your i'le, You'll be tnkiiic Bonis piou.l lady tAnd be niiikin? lier your hriie: You'll he takimi nome proud huh And be making her your bride. Or when glory lcadg the wny. You'll be Tnacllv rushine on. Never thinking if thev kill yov. that My happinemi in pone: If ou win the div. perhaps, A general you'll be. Tho' I'm proud to thirk of that, What will become of ne? Oh! if T were CJuen of France, Or (till better, l'opc of Home, I would have no fighting men abroad, No weepin? maid at home. 'All the world ahotild be at pence. Or if kinua imit show their i 'cht. Whv let them who make the quurrcla lie the only men to fight: V, let them who make the quarrel lie the only men to fight. Charles JefTerlei, THE NEW BOY. By MARY IIl'DllARD HOWrXI. ' It was a bright autumn morning. The fall term of St. Rudolph's School had begun on Wednesday; now It was Saturday, and the boys had a long holiday before them. Out on the playground Tom Hadden a new hoy who had only arrived the night be fore was standing by himself, and looking about with the curious but sober eyes of a boy who felt as if he were In a new world, and who was as yet extremely doubtful as to his chances for happiness in that world. "Hello, Tom Hadden; is that you?" some one called suddenly. . Tom's gloomy face brightened, and he turned eagerly toward a group of boys near him. who were talking and laughing in the manner so expres sive at once of good comradeship and much self-importance, that always marks the' old boys at the beginning of a new school year. Tom knew several of those toys; he had met them (luring the summer vacations, and their greetings now were so hearty that In a few minutes he quite forgot that he was that forlorn crea ture, a strange boy in a large school; and he gladly accepted an Invitation to Join his new friends In a tramp over the hills to a village some miles from St. Rudolph's. In high spirits they set out; the hills were crossed and early in the afternoon they reached the village. "Now for Cruger's," shouted sever al of the boys, and they led the way to a saloon and boisterously pushed open the door. Tom held back. He did not like the appearance of the place. "What are we going In here for?" ha asked. "For a spread, of course," one of the boys explained. "They cook groat dinners here; come on." Tom was quite ready for a "spread," and willingly followed the boys into a little back room where the saloon proprietor assured them they would be undisturbed. Their dinner of oysters and beefsteak was Boon served, and thoroughly enjoyed by the hungry boys; then a dessert of fruit, cake, and pie was ordered, and when the last crumb of the last cake bad disappeared and the waiter had removed the dishes from the table, Frank Jones, their acknowl edged leader, said gayly: "Now, fel lows, before we go, we'll have a lov ing cup." "A loving cup; what's that?" Tom asked of the boy nearest him. "You needn't be afraid of It, it won't hurt you; it's only beer," the boy answered. "Beer? I don't want any," and Tom pushed back his cbair. "Sit still; you can't go yet," Frank Jones said, and at that moment the waiter returned with the black beer bottles. Amid shouts of laughter the corks were drawn, and then one of the boys started the song: And here's a hand1, my trusty friend,' And gle's a hand of thine. And we'll take a right guid wille wought "No, no," Tom Hadden shouted, "this is wrong. I will not drink. Let me go." The boys stopped singing. "So you are a'kill-sport, are you?" one (if them said scornfully. "No. no," Tom cried, "but I can't drink. Let me go." The beer was foaming in their glasses, but the boys left It untouched while they stared at Tom. . "You are a fool, Tom," one of said. "What harm can a glass of beer do you?" "Come, Tom," coaxed another, don't make a row about nothing;, be a man and drink our beer," "I won't," Tom said sharply. '"Lei Die go." . , "We aren't, quite ready to let you go vet," Frank Jones said angrily. "You are a pretty fellow to kill sport !! this wav; and now If you don't drink you shall give ua a temperance lecture. If it Is wrong to drink beer vou shall tell us why. Come, boys, ... , llolnn pnv attention. iou win uu to an address on temperance from the cloqusnt orator, Thomas Hadden." "Hoar! Hear!" shouted the boys, and t!un one of them called: "Staud him up on the table." t'p with you," cried two of the strongest boys, us they seized Tom, and, unable to resist, he was forced to mount the table., With a crimson face and something suspiciously like In his eyes, he faced his tor mentors. "I can't, boys," he faltered. "I can't talk to you." More shame to you, then, for spoiling our fun," growled one of the boys. "Come, you needn't think we'll let you off. If you won't drink beer you shall give us some good rea son for not drinking it. That's only fair. Come, be quick and begin." Tom Hadden waited a moment. Once or twice he swallowed hard, as he breathed fast. Suddenly he threw liHck his h?ad and straightened him self. "Boys," lie said. In a clear voice, "I will tell you a story a true story a story that belongs to my own life." "All right," said Frank Jones, but something In Tom's face made the other boys watch him In silence. "Boys," Tom went on, In n tender, pathetic voice, "I knew a little boy once who had a beautiful home. He had a kind father and mother, and he loved them eo much iliat he could never tell which he loved best. Boys, that little boy's father had always been a good man; but once, when he wasn't well, the doctor ordered him to drink beer, and he began to drink It, and " Tom's voice was thrlll- I113 In Its emphasis now "he soon began to drink stronger things; and there camo a time when that little boy's home was so changed from tho lovely place It once was that it seemed as If a fiend must live there. That little boy heard his father rave and curse like a madman and he was mad, for rum made him so and he saw oh, boys, to his dying hour he will remember It he saw his mother struck down by his drunken father's hand." There was a dead silence In that little room. The beer had ceased to foam, but not a boy had tasted U, or noticed it. "Boys," Tom's thrilling voice went on, "that little boy Is a large boy now, and he is almost alone In the world, for his father and mother are both dead, and now he has no home. Do you wonder?" and no boy who heard it ever forgot the pathos of Tom's tone "do you wonder, boys, that standing by his mother's grave that boy looked up to Heaven, and solemnly vowed never while he lived, to touch or taste the drink that had made a madman of his father, ruined his home, and broken his mother's heart." Tom ceased, and for a moment not a boy stirred. "You will let me go, now," he said, as he jumped down from his high place, and started for the door; and then with 0119 impetuous rush, the boys gathered around him. "Tom," Frank Jones said, "you are a hero. Why, I think you are braver than a soldier. I am proud of you, and I would do .lust like you it I were in your place." The boy stopped; a new thought had come to him. He looked around on his com panions. "Boys," he said earnestly, "it seems to me that what I would do if I were in Tom's place, I had better do now In my own place." Perhaps the head master of St. Rudolph's was never in his long life more happily surprised than he was that evening, when six of his oldest and most Influential boys called on him and asked to sign the temper ance pledge. Years have passed since that even ing, and to-day those boys are ma ture men and widely parUd; but they have never forgotten Tom's story, and through all the trials and temp tation of manhood, with God's help, they have kept their pledge. Chris, tlan Work and Evangelist. -H rayment in Kind. The editor of the Trevorion (Pa.) Times seems to be plentifully sup plied with everyiiing for the winter except money. In a recent editorial wi) read: "We have taken wood, po tatoes, corn, eggs, butter, onions, cabbage, chlckeus, stone, lumber, la bor, sand, calico, sauerkraut, second hand clothing, coon skins, scrap Iron, shoe pegs, raw hides? chinqueplns, tanbarfc, dogs, sorghum, seed, jar wnre and wheat straw on subscrip tion, and now a man wants to know if we would send the paper for six months for. a large owl. We have no precedent for refusing, and if we can find a man who Is out of an owl and wants one, we'll do it." London Globe. The value o pearl shells t,aken from the American rivers last season toUUed &00,000. r FIE PLANT HYBRID. Tie plant or rhubarb is a perennial of the same family as the common dock. The present varieties are hy. brlds, or the result of the work of the plant breeder In crossing. CARE OF TREES. Do not forget the trees set out last epiing. If the season is dry they may die for lack of, water unless you see to it that they are artificially watered. Make a little hollow at the base oV the tree and frequently pour It full 0f water. This may save the life of the tree. Farmers' Home Journal. LOOK AFTER THE ORCHARD. The orchard that is not looked af. ter will be a failure. We have seen orchards that have been planted by proxy by city men who evidently ex pected to make a great fortune out of them. But their end came as a result of being overrun by grass, caterpll lars and scales. Farmers' Home Journal. APPLES WANTED IX EUROPE. Large receivers and distributors of fruit in London, Liverpool nod Ham burg, in letters to the American Agrl culturlst, are unanimous in the opin ion that there is a good market abroad for high class American ap ples. Fine looking red fruit Is de manded by both English and German consumers. The English crop, ac cording to all accounts, is not as sat isfactory ns early reports indicated, there being a scarcity of choice ap ples. Furthermore, these European crops are always largely out of the way by the time our winter season fot shipping Is well on. Germany is in a tlmllar position, having a large home' crop of common apples and offerings from near-by countries. AVhat Is de manded Is the finer grades of large red apples, which make a good ap pearance and also have the right fla vor. With reference to further ship ments of choice apples these dealers are of the opinion that a good market will prevail. THE CARE OF CANXAS. A denizen of the moist swamp j of the tropics, the canna, In order to do its best, needs not only sunshine and water, but moist air. Without s lawn Bpray this cannot very well be supplied, and even when It is the pur pose Is not always completely an swered. It is possible, nevertheless, for any one, who will take sufficient pains with them, to grow cannas sat isfactorily In almost any spot or place. A good way, when the plants are tak en up in the fall, is to topdress the bed with well rotted manure to mako it rich for the next season. If no manure, otherwise, Is applied until spring, it should be exceedingly fine. While growing it is also beneficial to use on the bed a liberal mulch of well rotted manure. This will keep the roots cool, and at the same time if watered daily be a constant source of moisture to the air lying Immedi ately over the bed. Planted with other flowers in the centre of the bed helps to keep the cannas more moist if plenty of water is only applied -American Cultivator. BAGGING GRAPES. When grapes are bagged at an ear ly stage there is hardly any work in the fruit line that pays bttter than it does. It practically assures a per fect bunch to every one so treated. The time to bag them Is Just as soon as the flowering is over. Many in sects and' blights are not long in find ing out a bunch of grapes, and though a week or two after flowering would be soon enough, in all proba bility, it is better to do the work as soon as the flowers fade. Almost everyone is familiar with th length of a bunch of grapes, and In bagging, all one has to do is to p'ace the bunch inside of a bag of sufficient length, give the mouth of the vag. a folding or twisting together and then pinning the mouth and the work Is done, and the bunch Is Bate. With the closing and fastening of thi mouth of the bag It both excludes fungous germs and all insects, both of which pests destroy whole crops often where not molested, says Prac tical Farmer. When the fruit is taken from the bags when ripe it presents a beau tiful appearence. The berries are covered wl'h bloom, much more so than the best bunches which are produced without them, inynany districts more grapes are dostroyed by an Insect that lays its eggs on the fruit, which later produce a maggot which destroys the-berry. Usually such an attack is not confined to a berry or two, but takes every berry on a bunch, Bagging gets over all such troubles, and unless to preserve the foliage from blight, no spraying of any kind Is required. The com mon paper bags,-such as grocers ne. are quite good enough for bagglnf purposes.