Newspaper Page Text
It Saved His ' Letr. 'AH thought I'd lose nay let,," writes J. A. Sweoson, Wnlertown Wis., "Ten years of eczema, that 15 doctors could not cure, Imd at last laid me up. Then Buckleu'e Arnica alve cured it sound ar.d well.-' Infallible for Skin Eruptions Eczema. Suit l',heum. Mollf, fever Sores Burns, SohIiIp. cuts and Piles 25o at All DruKcmts. St. IVtcrsbur'i sixth annual diautauqia has come to a successful close. For Diseases of the Skin. Nearly all diseases of the skin such ts eczema, tetter, salt rheum and bar ters' itcrj, are characterized by an in tense itching and amarUng, yjich often makes life a burden and disturbs sleep ' and re?t. Quick relief may be had by applying Chamberlain's Salve. It al lays theit.'bin Bnd smarting almost in ttantly. Marjy cases bave been cured by its use. For sale by W. B. Davlf 4 B. Ft Mo3?lty. Lewis Strang W.'U ipY? the Sa vannah Grand Prine Renault in the Daytona Deacli races. The Luril Clow Of Doom. was seen in the red face, hands and body or" the little ton of H. M, Adnics of Ii'enrietta, Pa. His awful plight from tezti'ia ""i for ve )'e!,ri detled all re tneJie and bunM the best doctors, who eaid the polsioned blood bad Bfl'ected bia Iuoks and nothing could save him. "BuCwrites bis mother "seven bot tles of Electrio Bitters completely cur ed him." For EraptionB, Kczenia, Salt r.heum, Sores and all Blood Disorders ad Rheumatism Electric Bitters is supreme. Only 50o, Guaranteed by all DrugRins, Pensacola may ask tbe ilatfe legls lature to establish tt) commission form of government for. that city. Stiff Week- Stiff neck Is caused by rheumatism of the muscles cf the Deck. It is usually confined to one side, or to tba back of the neck and one atde. While it is often quit painful, quick relief may be bad by applying Chamberlain s Liniment Not one case of rheumatism in ten re quires internal treatment. When there Is no fever and no swelling aa In mus cular find chronic rheumatism, Cham berlaln's Liniment will accomplish more than any Internal treatment. For sale by W. B- Davis A B. F. Moseley. The Atlantic Radio Company is now preparing to established a wire less telegraph and telephone station in Jacksonville. Aa Ideal Cough Medicine- "An an ideal cougn medicine I regard Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in a class Vy itself.', says Dr. R A. Wiltshire, of CwynneviKe, Ind. "I take great plea sure in testifying to tbe result of Chain herlaiu'e Cough Medioine, In fact, I know of no other preparation that meets eo fully the expectations of tbe most exacting in cases of croup and cuugbs of children. As it contains no opium, chloroform or morphine it certainly makes a mort safe, pleasant and effica clous remedy for tbe Ills it is intended." For sale by W.B.Davis & B.F Moseley. Dr. Forter, Fiorida'a state health officer, is conducting a war of exter mination against ibe disease-breeding house fly. Near Death in Bie Pool It was a thrilling experience to Mrs Ida Soper to face death. "For years a severe lung trouble gave me intense suf fering," she w rites," and several times nearly caused my death. All remedies failed and doctors said I was incurable. Then Dr. King's New Discovery brought quick relief and a cure so permanent that I haye not been troubled In twelve years." Mrs. Soper lives in Big Pond, Fa. It works wonders in Coughs and Colds, 8ore Lungs, Hemorrhages, La Grippe, Afthma. Croup, Whooping Cough and all Bronchial - affections 60o and tl.OO. Trial bottle tree. Guar anteed by all Druggists. Hon. II. Clay Crawford of Tilla Lassee warn elected Grand Chancellor of tbe Florida Grand Lodge, Knights of Pythias, at tbe annual meeting held at Miami. Kills Wool J-Be Slayer. A merciless murderer is Appendicitis with many victims. Eut Dr. King's New Life Pills kill it by prevention. They gently stimulate stomach, liver and bowels, preventing that clogging that invites appendicitis, curing Consti pation, Biliousness, Chills, Malaria, Headache and Indigeston. . 15c at all druggists. HAVE YDU SEEH ' DB. BAILEY JA KSOWILLB'S EMINENT TAlNl.ESS DENTlVl: AND DIFFICULT 1E1M 0PEBATI08S Demonstrates His Painless Meth odsHas Branch Offices . in This City. Everyone for whom Dr. Bailey has worked is marveling at the gen- tleness and skill with which be batsJshow me an occupied nest of a hum dies bis patients. He performs the most difficult dental operations with out pain and is able to save many many teeth -where other dentists ould fail. Dr Bailey removes nerves and extracts teeth by his own painless methods which have no equal, and at which tbe people mar vel. Dr. Bailey will be in Madison at the Lines House to demonstrate bis painless methods as executed at bis Jacksonville office (the only strictly antisepU? Office in tbe South.) His force of experts fid large volume of business enables him to turn out lite best work at prices below that charged by dentists in small offices which will not average more than one set of teeth per week, while Dr. Bailey's force make fiom five to fifteen full sets in a day, As much practice perfects the operator, you should not fail to take advantage of this Opportunity, on Thursday of each week, more especially as Dr. Bailey (to advertise his Jackson ville office) will work at the follow ing low pricesi Full set of teeth, 5.00 rp. Crowns 5.00 up. Bridge work, fj.oO up. Filling, 60c up. To demonstrate tbe painless work as done by Dr. T. A. Bailey and bis experts in bis Jacksonville office, Dr. Bailey will be at tbe following branch offices in the Live Oak dis trict as follows: Live Oak, Friday and Saturday, at McCullers Bros, building; Madi son, Thursday, at Lines House; Jas per, Monday, over P. D. Sandlin's store White Springs, Tuesday, over .1. Jb. jsuuons store; LSKe city, Wednesday, at Central hotel. Tbo above schedule began on the 3rd week in January and will be continued weekly. Dr. Bailey will bring expert assistants with him. , Jacksonville office, 12 E. Bay, over Florida Trunk Co. FLA. TRUNK MFG. CO. S. H. ETTER, Proprietor. Trunks, Bags, Sample Cases, Fancy Leather Goods. 12-14 East Bay Sireet. Jacksonville, Flu., Dec. 8 1908. Dr. T. A. Bailey, City. Dear Sir: The work you bave completed for me, which consists of crown and bridge work, I consider as perfect at Is possible to do. I am more than pleased. I'our painless and antiseptsc meth ods are commendable. I cheerfully recommend them to others, and pre dict for you tbe success that your careful treatment of patients and excellent work merit. Very sincerely, S.H. ETTER. J. F. WHITE. Merchant, Mayor South Jacksonville. So. Jacksonville, Fla., Dec. S, 1908. Dr. T. A. Bailey, Jacksonville, Fla. Dear Sir: Tbe work you did for my wife baa proven entirely satisfactory and to be all you claimed for it, and though tbe prices were most reasonable I know I Could not have prooured bet ter bad I paid double tbe price charged by you. "v Your antiseptic office and clean and paiulees work will always be Jappreciat ed by your patient. I gladly rsoommend you at every opportunity. Respectfully, JOHN P. WHITE, Mayor So. Jacksonville, Fla. JACKSONVILLE OAS COMPANY. Collection Department FRANK COOPER. Cashier Jacksonville, Fla., Dec. 9, 1908 Dr. T. A. Bailey, City. Dear Sir: I am very muob pleased with the work you did for - me. Owing to tbe extreme dread of the dental chair, I had put off icy wo k from time to time and I believe bad It not been for your gentleness and painleea meth ods, I would not bave been able to en dure the pain usually inflicted in suob operations. Others would profit by se curing you servioea. Very truly yours, FEA.NK COOPER A NEST HARD Rsmarkabla and Artiatic Home of h Humming Bird. Tbe homo of the humming Mrrt Is one of the most remarkable find urtistie creation of nil bird nrclilteoicne. It Is a tiny, delicate cup. innile of "the soft est plant down, -saddled upon some rather slt-nder brniuli so deftly tbnt It seems a part thereof. Tbe saliva of tbe birds is used to compact aud secure the materlHl and likewise to coat the exterior with the gray green lichens so generally found upon trees. This makes it so assimilate wltu.t'ie "ur roundlngs that it Is a very difficult ob ject to discover. And thereby bangs a tale. A gentleman had told me that if I would call upon hlin be would ruing bird In bis orchard. Wbeu I came, he was out Of town, but I thought I wonld see If I could not find the nest myself. So I made Inspection from tree to tree, and presently tbe fe male hummer began to fly about me anxiously. We played a game of hot and cold until It became evident tlint the nest must be in a certain low apple tree which had many dead, lichen cov ered branches, Some of these came down noarly to the ground, aod f'r quite awhile I stood by 4 he tree, run ning my eyes along each branch in or der, trying to make out the nest, while the femgle kept dinting frantically at my bead. It must have been nearly a quarter of an hour before I discovered that I was standing almost touching the nest with my bands, having beeu looting right over It nil the ftnie. it contained two fresh i-fffs, this being Id the early part of June. Tbe branch upon which It was built ros wuiplete ly overgrown with lichens, and tbe nest, being to'vftVed with them, too, was wonderfully disguised, though there were no kaves to bide it Prom "Ex periences With Humming Birds," by H. K. Job, In Outing Magazine. To Move the Road. There appear to bave been In the Old Dominion during early colonial days a great number of dogs of a mon grel breed, the chief use of which was to destroy the smaller kind of animals running wild In the woods and fields. How valuable they were considered to be by their owners is shown In a ase which ocenrred la Northampton oes ty about 1091 and Is recorded by F. A. Bruce In "The Social Life et Virginia In the Seventeenth Century." A complaint was lodged la tbn covin ty court against Mike Dlxoa on the ground that be permitted bis dogs to rosh ont tnd bark at persons passing along the highway, which was sitoatefl Immediately In front of his door. Instead of proposing to kill or re strain the dogs, Dixon simply petition ed tbe court to have the public road removed some distance back from his dwelling bouee, "because It was nec essary," be declared, "to keep dogs for the preservation of creatures from vermin." Tbe "creatures" he referred to were poultry and young pigs, and the "ver mln" were wolves, foxes, minks, pole cats and the like. ' It Is not stated whether or not his pe- aa era D tod The Victorian English. Tbe England which spoke the Ian gnage which was alrendy dying in the elgbteen-slxties was before all things a world of the country, Tbe sights anj sounds of nature played a far greater part In the lives of the mass of the people than they do today. This Is re flected, for Instance, In the way In which birds and animals were spoken of and the names given them. 1 bave myself once or twloe beard old people In the- country speak of the ben as' "Dame Partlet." One Is familiar with the phrase from books, of course It is Chnucer s "Pertolette" but once or twice as a child I actually beard It suppose It would be Impossible to bear It anywhere now. London Outlook. Fluency of Speech. The common fluency of speech la many men and most women Is owing to a scarcity of matter and a scarcity of words, far whoever is a master of language and hath a mind full of Ideas will be apt In speaking to hesitate up on tbe choice of both, whereas com mon speakers have only one set of Ideas aqd one set of words to clothe them In. and these are always ready at the mouth, so people come faster out of ctfarcb when It Is almost empty than when a crowd ts at the door. Dean Swift LECAL ADVERTISEMENTS. FORECLOSURE SAL ft. Under and by vtrtoc of a TVere of Foreclosure and Sale made and enters) by the Ctrcnit Court of the Second Judicial Circuit of Florida for Jefler. eon l-ountr, in Chancery eitUnff, on the Srd, day of March A. D. lard, In a certain cause therein pendirur wherein The Downinjr Cornpan.a corpo ration is CornnUina-t and The Walker fsprinaa Naval Slorea Company, a corporation, et at, are defendants, vbcr-in the nndersifrned was directed tn carry out and eiecute the on er of aale therein made; I shall offer for sale and aell to the hiehrs! and best I id Jer for cash in front ! the Court House Door ia the Town of Montlcello, lefleraon County Florida, on Monday the 6th, dav of April A. 1. and within the lrKJ hours of aale, the following described property lo-wit: All ol the right, title and interest of the aaid The Walker Sprlnt-a Nsvsl store Company in and to that cer tain lease, contract or asrreement eiecnted on the 1st, day of February A. D. 1HH by Milton W. Covington and wife to The Mfcrdre Trading Com pany, a corporation, and conveying the right to work for turpentine and Naval fTtorei purnoars all of the Timber or Trees on the following drarribrd lands to wit: The SW of SW xt ol Section If, IhcSb'iand the W ), ol SW'. .1 SeeUoa 11 to find, Ksmmm .K ' 1 -cf W.n -III i,f 111 I -.'vrr-l of the "i V -r. v ,iLr M-rin-'s in .ili.l t" t .11 certain ..tiler m ill -.Mcatc I hy ""' , .1 uif,- (I. CJ : It i-c. C fiir.ul "t Aare ! Milun V. -;. ir.i.-: .ii i l.vit. a. i l ' horL-I.t .,I'I fs.r't'j-vnil-. an- XaU '". use. nil -.1 the ihcd i 1 Hill tr or I run mi ; .... , j lion 2.iIhM; ' ft N'-V 'jf, N '., 1 " ! NW?4;iNW'..Vi,oiW4: the sv l.airtl Ihe Nt'.nl SK '4 of stclior, i . ilu - , VEtiKl" he VV ''Tuf SK ... of and Hit 'j ul 5 -i '.i' ?? 4 of the Jit 'i ani! tli SV ; nt the N vT H nf S.,c- 12; ilif f-'i"' N b f rLl.?J'Z.-' of E the F. ', o! SW 'i auJ lh SSV 4 of SvC l. of Section II. th N the N'E li of SK 4 the SW of bt M. he W 'A of SW and the NE 'i uf ll.i SV I-, of Section 15; th X 'i and the h. of V Ij ol rttion 1; the E ', of bit. ion 17; the E of the E j. the W of fit ( the W pf .N' . tJie Sh of .V4. the Ul K of SV i and tli NK '4 of SW '4 of Scition 1; the ' anil the N'E ',' of Section !: the 8 li and the h of MI 'i "mi the W ',of NW ' of Scctioa SI; the N Jml the Y -j of SW of Section W; the S .. :ii'l the W 2 of X K '4. tlje ESnf N W Ihe'SW l. of the N tV 4 ol Se.lion .; tin- N W i of the Xb 'i, the N 1 3 of XV l, the S W '4 of te NW ' of section ft(; the E'.of NW '4 of Section 11V. the N', nnd the X '.of S ' the -F 1; of SW ', and the W '3 of h nf section :4l ill of Section Sl.except the SE4 nfsE'4 thereof. I heS'j and the Srt'i'of XWl of Section K2.AII of the .ifureJccrihed Undl helnt; in 'l owilfhip 'I wo li) South ol K.ince Five (5 East. Also,lhe W ', of X W '4 of Section OH; Township 2 South Rani:? Four East. The ahnve described hinds situate I)' inn and h-ine In the Counties of Jefferson, Taylor . inc a Vl 4 1 I ami ai.l'iison .laie ui rimntrt. I A'C the f descrihed property ... -.. .H. l.KWn- T.,rn.nlir. Sllll And tO-Wlt: - ............ FiMnres No. 2 steam pump and boil er. 16ii patent dip harrels, Six tad of mules and two lit..J v( fcorwt, iwe two hirst anil on ftril liirsc -.:;;! Mrntss, one butttty and ha-niss, tws s .c'.les aii'l hrniles. nnd also any and all other personal property of el erf kind i h.iracter and de scriptor, ust d in a:if'. around and beloninif to the said Turpentine husin-ss of the said The Walker springs .Naval Stores Company, on said lea-ed prei:nr. Term-rash. Purchaser to pay for title-, P.lted this fjth daynf March A. U. limy. J. W. TllM'IXS, C. b. I i.AHKE. Receiver. fur t-oinrl.iinant, 4; XOTICE OF INCORPORATION. Notice is he-rehy eiven lht Iht MruJersijrned in corporators will, after four week publication of this notice, apply lo the linvernor of tbe Stata of Florida, tor the issuance of Letters -Parent, in corporating SINCLAill L.C 31 nlitl IUMM.M, into a body corporate with chafer, as hereinttfiei set forth. , C. W. SINCLAIR. A. HART. . . W. T. BOATtVrIvSIT. ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION OF SIN CLAIR LUMBER' COMPANY. We the undersigned Incorporators, do hereby associate ourselves tceretrfer for the purpos- of forming a corporation in pursuance of the laws of the State ol Florida, and do hereby make, sub scribe to and adopt the following articles of in corporation as a charter for said corporation: BECTION I. The name of this corporation shall be SIN CLAIR LUMBER COMHANY, and its princi pal office and place of business shall be at Madison, Madison csranty, Florida, with such branch places of business in the State of Florida, or other States of the United States, as may be decided upon by the board of direclore hereinafter named SECTION II. 'Hie genera! business to be transacted by this corporation shall be that of aaw milling, turpen tining and merchandising for profit, dealing in, buying, selling, leasing and releasing lands, tim ber, pine trees, and all other varieties and kinds of tre s; erecting saw mills, sawing and manufactur ing all kinds of rough and planed lumber, both for tiri- ate purposes and f r the public, buying and selling lumber for profit, whether as owner or or. commission and as brokers; manufacturing and making and selling for profit, of cross tiaa, shingles, barrels, staves, heading, lathing, sashes, blinds, doora, nd a general line of noveltv works; marketing and selling ol wood, and buying and se.ling for profit, at wholes-le and retail, nil kinds of go.sds, wares and merchandise, more particular K drv goods, shoes, hats, clothing, etc., groceries, hardware, oueensware, buggies, wagons, harness am' al! kinds of implements for farming, horses, muls-s and live stock of all description, which said aoove doscrip ion shall embrace all kinds of per sonal properly, and this corporation shall have the power to deal in, manufacture and sell the same for proht. '1 his corporation shall have tl e power lo conduct a treneral brokerage business, tn deal in stocks and bonds, arid to ow n other stck in oth ers corporations. This corporation shall have the power to acquire and held real estate, lease, rent, improve, mort gage, encumber and Sell the same. This corporation shall have the risht to do, per form, make and manulactu-e anv and all things, or to eugtge in a-y and all business or lines of business thst may be incident to, connected with or necessary to carry out the objects, intents and purposes aforementioned, aod at such times as may be expedient. It sUll have, use and enjoy all of the rights, powe s and privileges granted to corporations of this character by the general corporation laws of the Stale of Florida. SECTION III. The capital stock of this corporation shall be TWENTY-ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS, dh vided Into two hundred and ten shares of the par value of One Hundred Dollars a share, which shall he paid for in monev, or in lieu of such pay ment In nioney, the sanse or any portion thereof mav be paid for In property of any kind, the just valuation to be fixed by the boird ol directors and fifty percent, of the said capital atock shail he subscnliesd and paid for in ca-h or coinmodi ties and property equivalent to cash, upon the or ganisation of this corporation, and the balance of said capital slock shall be pai when and in such manner, and amounts, as the board of directors shall direct, and said corporation shall at any tune have ihe right to increase said capital stock under the laws of the Slate of Florida, not to exceed FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS. SECTION IV. jTh time for this con oration shall exist Hi-all he Taventv : ieeears, unless soonsr dissolved ar cording to law. SECTION V. The highest amount of indebtedness to which this corporstlon shall be subject shall be TWKV TV T.IOUbAND DOU AHS In ,m,.er and form aa may be provided by th by-laws to be adopted. ' SECTION XI, -J5l$,nIr, .till a lhl, "V"10" shall be eoe-doeted try a President, Vice President, and a Secrr ,y,nd Treasurer, which last poaition may be helel by one and the same person; and the board cat directors shall consist of not le., three nor more than five stockholder. The president soH the board of director, shall be electeifK "lZ iik. holders at that annual meeting In each year, or as soon thereafter aa practicable, and the directors aad o fhcer. ef said corporation shall bold their of hce ai.til their successor, sr. duly qn.lifird; and until the rs annual meeting of the stockholders of the corporation the following named incorpora tors shall be she oncers of, and conduct the affairs the said corporation: C W. Sinclair, President; nf A Hat, Vlr.PM,.w t- b - . " - - - - "-1 " - - noaiwrlgnt. Secretary ana) 1 reasnrsrr; ana C. W. Sinclair A Hart a.d W. T. Boatwrlght. shall compose the board of dnertora. The board of directors shall have the pow er at any time before the Srst annual meeting to adopt by-lav a foe the regulation of the business of aaid corporation. SECTION VII. Tr.e fWt annual meeting of the atnrltbA1t. this coiiasr.ncai, for the purpose of electing a board of directors sod a President, and the transaction of such other business as shsll properly come be fore ei e si.h fcholdcrs thereof, shall be held in the town cf 1 a.lisam, at the onirea nf said on the first 1 , in September A. D. Hkju, and ' s bvcsq uierearter aa is practicable. SECTION VIII. The runrn ssd place of reaidenre of th. i. cori-otauics wh-i have hereto subscribed their names, r-eihet with the amount of capital stock sub t ilssu ttj each, are at toUows. 'si .n -i lit mr niciri, YV. Sinclair, of Madison, Fla., ci ( Hart, of Onji.Coviiisjton Co. Ala 7tii.i'4'' T. Uoatwlight, of Ot.p, Covington, '1 Co., Ala., "OShirJ C. W. 8IVCLAIH, , A. 1IAK r, ' . ' W. T. IKMTWHIt.ln'. ' State of Florida, County of Madison. tl, me on Ihis.d.iy personally appeared li ats-ive naine'-i C VV. Sinclair and V. T i, writthl, to me well known lo he the persons d ..cubed in and who executed the foregoing a,, clis ol Incorporation, and each severaUy ackn?wl dired that he signed and executed th canoni. the uses and purposes therein set forth. e same fo, Witness inv huno, and official seal this Oral, a of Ke ruary A, 11. 1DUV. . "It Oaf 'SEAL) n. II. ROWE, Notary Public ttate of l-'loridaat l.nrge, My Coinmissiorf J,, pirn May iSth, lull. , State ol AHbaniiti County ol Cbvlhgloit. Before me on this day personally p.- earw) alsave nanied A. Hi rt, Id ma well known toheUw 1 pernsin described In an . who executed the fortro I ing Articles ol Incorporation and acknowledjrf 1 Ih.H he signed and executed the same for the uits and purposes therein set forth. Witness mv hand and official seal this In di of March A. I. lsOV. . ' (seal) K. C. DTJXN . -Notary Put,!!-, My Commission expires at option of Governor NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Gainesville, Fla.,' Ha-cb eth, us Notice U hereby given that Joaetih fans, ef Madison. Florida, who, on February isti,' 1C04, made Iloniostead Entry. No. Sivvjr riwi.i xo. OJili, lor SKMj of NWt N E'i ol sWCl a W'-otf-K Heotlon 8, Township g gj-,? Hniige Eajt, Tallahassee Me-rldiau, has nita notice ol luientlun to runke Final ne yesr prnof. to establish claim to the landaboredr. BCrloed, belorethe Clerk ol the circuit Court a, idlsou, Florida, on the 15th, d ,y ol April' 19W- ... ' Claimant names as wltnessf-i! L. v. Ilass, e. F. Bass, A. w. Reliy and . C. carter, ull ol Sladison, Florida. henky e. cHrnn. It ejflister NOTICE FOtt PUBLICATION. Ur.i'cd States Land Office at Gainesville, Fla. February SO, lt Notice fsereby rriven that William G. Tbsaiail' of Madron, Florida, who, on F'ehruary 4, )Wt made Homestead Hntryc No. HtCHaS, (Serial No,-f-X lot SE of S Ei, Section !, Township I South, Range 10 Fiast, Tallahassee Mens in, W filed notice of intention to make Final five year Proof, to establisn Claim to uie ianu snovc sr scribed, be-fore the Clerk of the Circuit Court, ft Madison, Florida, on the lOtb day of aHaril, nK. claimant names as witnesses: 1 .1. W. Vheeler. I. H. Turlington, W, It. Hil J and John Davis, all of Lee, Florida. V HKNRYS, ClItBB, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land Offict wt Oainessvllle, Fhr. February SO, 1K . Notice is hereby glwsVrmYt dames F. McMclIra, of Ellaville, Florida, Vbo, on October 18, 1M, made Homestead ErsTrV. No. 878,l. fSerial No. WHO) for N'4,ot Ht'.Sh, sertion t, lownslus I South, Range 11 East, Tallahassee Meridln, filed notice of intefifioVt to make Vinal Coninraul- tion Proof, to establish claim to the land abort described, before ms Clerk of tbe Circuit toft-t. at Madison, Florida, on the IMh day of April, Ull Claimant names aa witnesses: I. H. Larrrmon, I. C. Black, and J, H. Stanfort, ol Kllavilie, ylorida, and lame, ol Um, Florida. HENRYS Cltt'BB, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land Office at Gainesville, Fla, February SO, 1W Notice Is hereby given that Jefferson V. Deet, ol Madison, Florida, who, on Droember 4, list, made Homestead Entry No. KKW, (Serial, Ns. C(,)for SW'fi of NW'i Section t and Sh'i of XE'.Sectlon , Township S South, Rang. 10 East, Tallahassee Meridian, haa filed notice of in tentron to make Final five year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before the Clerk of the Circuit Court, at Madison, Florida, on the ' lOtb day of April, 1H0. Claimant names as witnesses: (i. T. McClamma, W. A. Brown, M . V. Harris and J. C, Williamson, all of, Flo-ida. HENRY S. CHUBB, Register. NOTICE OF DI8CUAKOE. Notice Is hereby (riven that s-lx taonths rtr fla'e the iinclersigut-d will jnuke rloal return! of their accounta as admlirlsifatora ol tbe es tate of Mrs c. O. Slaughter, deceased, ar.d that they will at such time apply to the county Judge ot Maolaon cwiniy, Florida, lor Uelr discbarge as sues adinlnlstrators. 8. K. vET M ' , - A. K- G AKNRTl Administrators estate Mrs, C. o. Slaughter, oecease-d. jjec. 17, '0b. COMMISSIONERS SALE. Kotlce ts Hereby given that pursnant to a de cree ol partition and aait, duly male and fil tered on the Wth day of February, A. D. 1. In a cause pending In the Circuit Court. W Judicial circuit ol Florida. In and for Madlaoa County, In a suit In chanoery wherein Cora U. button and her husband Huk-n HI. Sutton. J. E. Hajujell, Eula R. Hansen, and Pearl L. Haftsell and Willie h. Hasse-n by K. c. Hassell their latner and next trlend are complainants and J. J Ilarrell Is defendant, we. a ounimlaslonera appointed by said court and directed by I4 decree, will on Monday, the 6lb day ot AprU, A. D. I9d, during the legal hours of sale, before the court House door In aaid ( ounty of Madi son, state ot Florida, sell at public- auction t Ibe highest and best bidder for cash the land lo said decree meutloned and descilhed a fol lows, to-wlt : tbe north hall ol Lot one huudred and forty-ei;ht (liii in mock- tweuty-two (J of the Town ol Madlaon, Florida. H. It. MORROW, A 1 3. CONWAY, W . 8. COFFF.K. comuilealooers. In the Clreult Ceun, ST Judicial Circuit, U fj'0' Madison CuuDiT, liViUla. In chanoery. Gussle Moore, 1 Will Moore j Whereas, a bill of complaint has been fried la this court by tbe comptaluanl agaiDst Use de fendant, and an amdayit ot complaint baa teen nied to the effect that defrndant; rr-oioT-uoe is urianown, Dut Da 1, su pposea suj belived by complainant to he out ol the Stale of Florida butwliblnine United HtaiUss of Amer ica; and tbat the defendant la over the p1 twenty-one years; ana that there la no ooe l U e btate of Florida the service of Bobpoen upon whom would bind the defendant; Kowi Hvke DtMloo, that you. Will Moore, are reqnlr. ed to be and appear at tbe court House, at mj ?J?cS.?.n th Mb of -April lti, to auawe-r V) the bill of oomplalut Died herein, and herein fall not, else a OecreaS Dro ooaifeBso will be ea tered ralnat you. The Eiiiernrlse-FecoTrter, i, "tjr!'"per Published weekly at Na.ln. Florida Is dwlgnaL-d aa a paper lo whca tbia order la to be published. VTitnuaa my hand and offlolal seal at Madlaoa Florida, Oils tin day ef Marca Its- bL) T. Z. MAsll lN. Cleric Clrcsult Court-. NOTICE TO BONDHOLDERS. Holdert ot Bonds of Madlnon Cmtnty, Florh1 are hereby notim d that the following ot standlug bond ot aaid coumy, to-wlt: Bond Nuiiibe-r nine id) lor one hundred (H') dollars, Las bes-n drawn by lot, and called lor paiment and tbat tbe same with aiv-rued lntrst ti ert oo wmoepi(i oo tbe Hk. of April lf ' which time be Uittrest thi rr-or v ) c-. A. LI VIM-'-iOJi, R. J. VAkN, Tmsteeaof Bntnls nf v8j,or, e ounty, r-Iorld Als-dUou, . l.ildu, i.i,ix;n -.0;