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VOL 7'Hl'l0) 35
state Wide Prohltitlon Uc to the
By an .vote the
question of - wUtber the ! voteiij of
.' Ifloria ibnll bavj the privilege of
saying whether on not .Statewide
prohibition UrIl prevail in Florid
after jtf'y 1911 was. deckled' in the
normative by .both-1 ranches "of , the
' Legislature last week. . The- qus
tion came- up in tho Senate on ' iast
' Thursday when the iropostd Con
stitutional Amendment by Senator
McMullcn of Hilisboio county wax
' called uj) out of, its, regular order.
Senators Demd, Bucbmun and" Zira
were the thief speakers against the
passage of the resolution ani Sens-,
tors MtMullen, JirWue'.and others
r champfoned the right of the peoplw
. of the ifcntire State to Vote upon tji
question. Argument pvo' anil cod
ejntinuel through the entire mora
ing session, do adjournment be'ng
liken at the dinner hour..' The vote
wag taken at about) three o'clock ami
upon the .call of the roll the Senator
voted as follows: ' ,
Ayes Adkins, J5akert of Twen
tieth, Baker of Twenty - h i n t b.
jjroome, Crill, Cone, Cook, Oottrell
' Dayton, Flonrnoy, Girardeau. Hum
' phries, Johnson, Le'sgelt, Massey,
f McCrcary, McLeod, McMullen, Mil
Mer, Sloan, West, Willianis, Wither
! Nay a P-eard, Biokman,
Henderson, Ilosford, Sams, Zlin..-
So the resolution was adopted by
hhe Senate by a vot,e of 2i to 7, S;n.
tor Oook being absent 1 when vote
s taken. Had be been present be
! i
Clothihsr that is niavle right, cut stylest
'" : m
' I'
;' 'j I
'v t
would baye voted -no." making the.
Senate stand 24 for submission to 8
On.Friday the proposed 'amend.
Kent wai taken up in the House and
after nearly an entire . day spent In
peech making by the friends and
foes thereof a vote was taken at four
o'clock p. m., which resulted in the
passage of the resolution by a
of 53 to 10 as followst
, Tliose voting againuthe adoption
oitMereso.ntiowere.tbe 8pe.ker,;,Sunday Sch00, pcnc
i,.miion or Sanson, iJutier,;
ujnuro, t alkins, . Chaiies, Chase,
Davis of Madison, Dornpsey, Uu
pont, Hatcher, .liriowlcg, Malone,
Smith of"Jnckson, and Wells of
Leon 16.
Those yoting for the resolution
were' Alpvmutpr Pruwl A'.ws.a
warier. v,arn, bsd, Clarke or Jeffer
son, Conwsy.'Cox, Doke, DurrenTje,
Epperson, Godfrey, Grace, llWclee,
Ililburii.IIodget, Hull, Kelley.King,
Knight, Light, Littell, MaeWilliams,
Mahaffey.'McC.skill, McKenzie of
Putrosn, McKenzie Qf Washington,
Mi)lor Moore, . NeelVy, ciewton,
Ogilvlej Page Pattlshnll,- Pelen,
Register, Uichbourg, Kobertson,
Sbeppsrd, Stewart, Stokes, Stringer,
Taylor. Terrell, Tbaggard, " Thorn
ton, Tldwell,Trammell, Wall, Wat-
; ford, Wiggins, Wilson. J-3,
The Legislature having suhtnitted
the amendment it is now up to the
lcople of Florida to say by their
ballot at the next regular general
election in November 1910. wbz-ther
or not, Florida will join ber. sister
r ai.-s of tbe South Georgia,
... ' ''i
Ur,. .
terns from vh- best
; t v
; t
. The
'Mthmti, Stem K to.
u ( I
bama, North.' Carolina, Tenr s-1
and others in general ' prohit tt.H
or a bet her we' will continue 1 i U
the fesort of the outlawed bunhiesj.
of these other States. That the Nnif
paign will be fought every incb dur
Ing the next eighteen months, e p e the liquor interest, is a loje
gone conclusion. And we are rither
of the opinion that the temperance
people will also getbnsy .
1 1"..
Kround Saturday May 1st
fttiss Parramore PotteJ
Sometime during the night of Sat
urday the 24tb, Inst. Miss Agnes
Parramqre's room was entered and a
'clean sweep" made of all her Jew
elry except on ring which she wore
and onavmall brooch wbicli was
overlooked by tie tbief. She is
shre that tbeman slipped in 1efore
bed time and' was locked into the
house. Just at. what time the deed
was done it is impossible to surmise,
for In her baste to prepare for the
Sunday services, she did .iot miss
the jewelry and indeed it was not
until 2.30 when she began to dress
for the.atternoon services, that, she
disoovered her loss. ' Apart from
the inei limable sentimental valiu of
Ui? lost Jewels, their intrinsic value
was serious, as they included a band
omd diflin'on.d and a beautiful fra
ternity' pin. . 'AlUof. Mi,S8 Agnes
friends sympathise deeply wiUw bed
in ber loss and it is to be hoped that
tbe offender will be discovered and
b.ought to speedy justice.
makers at the cheapest prices.
Taylor's Clothes are the' best because they
I V' I r . ' '...',''' ' ' '.'
Mila right, and the price is
rdfinced see Taylor for aAsuit, can fit you if ; you
t k M !1, can fit you if you are. short, can fit you
iij: V? are fat, can fit. you if you xire lean, have
lor everybody. - Taylor the Clothier, hss the
complete vstock of Clothing"', Shoes, Hats
. , ',' V . 1 ' ' .-x . ' ' ' f :
.ind Furnislrings
APKIL 29. 1909.
. Pevival Meeting Clostd
The Kevlval services which have
ht .i in ptogrcs 'at the Mcthodiit
linDob for two weeks, closed with
lb? Tuesilay t.ight fervice.
N innencall v speaking, the results
of Die meeting have not been tabu
late i, but there were quite a cumber
of conversions; and the eye of God
alone saw all thu cold formal christ
ians who were lifted to a plane of a
real vital living religion, .also the far
nest christians wh? saw and entered
Into the expejlepccof Love Perfect
en ana especially an me ueans aeaq
in" sin wbo foil the tender wooing of
the Holy Spirit to yield to God.
. Kev. W. C.v Swope is a "grand
monumont to the lifting and keeping-power
of . Divine' Life. ' After
spending most of his past life a
stranger to good and God, be. at
length cried unto God from the
depths, and ever since be has been
kept and used of Him to carry tbe
sweet message to other fallen 'and
enslaved men. - His message is essen
tial to men and Is one calculated to
break up a very heart of stone.
Tbe higb standard of Christian living
which be preached appealed to it it
did not altogether convince every
real christian here and surely one
who so fearlessly wielded tne Sword J
of tbe Spirit may rest cssured that in
this community it will not return
unto Him void but will accomplish)
that whereunto He has sent it."
Rev. W. L. Burks who mad many
personal friends here, left for Annis
ton Ala., bis home at 2.30 P. M.
Tuesday. He.v. Mr. Sworje also left
at Hie. same time for pbarlestoii Mo.
where be will spend one day witbbn
family anrfiien begin a meeting at
Jackson, Mo.
and the very
the cheapest. To
that can be found
Memorial txercises
' Memorial day exercise's vere Uik '
at Oakridge Cemetery 'Mouday afi..
ternoon, SJGth'Inst.1 . ;
Tbe program though old and ifcv
honored, held elorpcnts-vbicL
fail to touch a rcsponsivi chord iitt
every worthy Heart, and on tli -m-, ,
casion it seemed sweet, riasonalIe.J.iit,
vitally helpful to be Vius asstaiiiif
The venerable exto'n Mr.' But5ir,. -himself
a Cofifcderate Vttenin,
the line March and was Mlowet ' '
by the Madison Orchestra,' wliiJt. t
rendered most impressively Dej.
tl , Comrades-" v Next In or4
came fifteen Veterans, eacli- one jtp-
ceiving as he passed, glances full
lendnr love and respet from evwy -. -by-stander
. Last came the love- -. '
est sight that from years end to yow
end ever greets the Lmrnan eye-a IHE" '
procession of children, marching ttr
and two, tbeir tiny bands laden witiii
floral offerings. Separating at ti. ' ..
graves of our Soldier 'Dead, WKSf
marchf In two lines on .either s4
of the graves, and, at a given sigad..
laid upon tbe graves. Ihe trib6r
which once more silently breatart: - '
the words "Gone but net forgDtteuy
Rev. W. R. Ivey made tbe invoca-
tion after which'CoIumbus II. Sawtt
in behalf of Ike 'Veterans spoken 1 '
few fitting words comraeuunorsilq;. t
the occassion and paying tribute v
the Southern Soldier and to tbe Wo
men of the Old South.
Crosses of Honor were then -presented
to H, H. Gibson, J D WiJEt
and W. U.Butler, Mr. Slater rv.'v
being present to receive bis. .
L, D. Lowe pronounced . the Bene
diction and with the sweot'4f.rt!u-;
notes Of Taps ringing in tacli Vhrt, . ,
Memorial Day of -'09 passed into - '
memory. -
latest 'pat-
r T