Newspaper Page Text
I Klw Hoses For Oil' , n The la8t achievement that I have ' pea of this Ingenious surgeon Lexer ., reported to the German Surgical Stress in April, 1908. Most of y readers are familiar with the fact when a patient, through disease 'r accldenthag loist hlB nose, a new 0n cn be,:ade for him. This Is a .ery'. ancient operation. The new 'note Is usually made by cutting a flap trom theorehead, leaving It attached , b. footstalk between the eyebrows. I This flaP 18 tbe-n twlsted on lts foot ' UlK nd sewed In place. But it has 'Orlops disadvantages. Sometimes ibtV.Wt In the footstalk Is too tight; 'this compresses the blood vessels and She flap becomes gangrenous. In that 'nose, but he Is left with a face dls ' Attired by a great scar In the middle hi hl forehead. Even If the attempt '0 give him a new nosa Is a success, the scar on the forehead always tells 'the story, and, moreover, the new 'note, having no bone, Is flabby and ynslghtly. Lexer records a case stolen Is not only surprising, but one may say also amusing. Having a pa tient requiring a new nose, and hav. 'l amputated a leg for gome disease 'Lkih did not Involve the thlch bone. I it took a bit of the lower end of this Mgh bone, whittled It Into the shapo if a oose, and bored out two nostrils jolt. He then made an Incision In ' . he, 6 in oi me lurearui ui me pa I '.lent, loosened the skin to some ex l lent from the underlying muscles, sliced the new bony nose under the jikln and closed the wound. After jihree months, when the skin of the 'forearm had become firmly attached jio the bony nose, which was only a (temporary tenant of his forearm, the 'skin and the new bony nose were cut out in one piece and transplanted to lb toco. This gave the patient a '.kooS firm, bony nose, which at the kame time was covered with the 'healthy skin of the forearm, and 'avoided any disfiguring scar on the forehead. Dr.' W. W. Keen, In Har per's Magazine. x !The Head of the House. The baby was ill, and the doctor ordered that he be taken to the sea. (Thls involved the closing of the house ..until the little one should be well plough to return. After the wife had recured hotel accommodations by the JoDj-dl.'jUuee telephone, the man of J he house went to his room and slow, jy and tboughfully spread the entire jrontents of his wardrobe upon his Yed, that they might be convenient .for his wife to pack. I He stood surveying them, deep In meditation, when his wife came Into (the room and began to speak to him. I He raised his hand rebukingly. ("Don't talk to me now, Susie, don't ''alk to me! I have a great deal on py mind. If we are going to the Seashore day after to-morrow there iftre many things to be done, and I hnust plan." ) His wife, who had already tele phoned the butcher, milkman, brTker, grocer, expressman and ticket office, ,nnd given the maid a month's vaca tion and arranged with a relative for Ithe care of the dog, gazed at him In silence. I "A great deal on my mind," he re peated. Then the Interrogative na ture of his wife's silence forced him !to explain. "You see," he said, "I have got to ,put a nail in the cellar window and 'stop the newspaper." Old Musket Buys a Spring. I The seventh generation of a family which has done nothing since 17S3 jecause it owned a spring Is repre sented In A. B. Rlcker, a guest at the alrmont, whose great-great-great-' grandfather traded an old musket for .Poland Springs, Me., In the year :.1"83. The spring has kept on flowing the family has been bottling it. f Rlcker hat been looking around at California's multitudinous springs (anl Bays of them: I "The owners of these places are j'o be envied. In time all of them will jbe bottled and every drop of the prec j'oni outft4 will be shipped away to ''he cities. ", A good spring Is better ,'han any business, because you never face failure, the money market does j iot trouble you at all all you have i'o do la bottle It." San Francisco Bulletin. A True Story. The old lndv who was in the habit j looking under the bed for burglars i "ery night after many years actually i fud one, armed to the teeth, with I dark lartern, Jimmy, and all the bur I Har'a stock In trade. The old lady, after a careful scrutiny of the armed j TUlaln, addressed him with a bright, i'atber please.J voice as follows: "Oh, there you are, are you? Why, I have been looking for you for i years." I The desperado made no response; astonishment disarmed him more et- Actually than any weapon could have j'tons. He crawled from under the led, slunk cut of tlie room, down ""Irs, and out of the house, and tbe ' 'J lady, quite happy, got into her M nd. went to sleep. Strand llag- Jlne. A Hogarthlsn Inn Sign. One of Uie most humorous inn elms Is "The Man Londrd With Mischief," which is found about a rr.lle from Carabrlde, on the Madlngloy road. Thj original " Mischief was dflslsnei bv 3Ifarth for a public house In Ox Cord street. It Is neoJlers to sy tsat the Sln board and even the name hnve Ion? eso disappeared from the busv Lon don thoroughfare, br,t ths qmtnt de vice must have been extensively coo led by country sign niln'era. There is a "Mtaohlef" at Walllngford anl a "Loal of Mischief at Norwich. The Inn on the Madlnsley road ex.hlblti the sign In its original form. Thougn the colon are much faded from er asure to the weather, tra- of Hog arthlan humor can be detected. A mm Is staggering under the weight of ti woman, who la on h! back. She li tioMIng a glass of gin In her hand, a chain end padlock are around th man's neok, labelled "Wed'ock." On the' rlght-b-and fide la the shop of "S C-rlpe. Pawnbroker." and a c-.rpenter la Just going In to pledge hla tools. Strand Jlafl7.ln. Tetterine Cures Piles. "One application of Tetterine cure! mi of a .u, of Itching pile I hud for II v year." uaynard Benton. Waiierboro, S. c I Tetterine cure Kctema. Tetter, King Worm, Ground Itch. Itchli'f Piles, in fant'a Sore Head, rMrr.plas, Bolle, Rouch ' Kraly Patrhee on the Face, Old Itching ; Snrea, DaaJruff. Cankered S.aip, nun Ions, Corne. ChllMaine and every form cf Pkln Plieeie. Tetterine SOc; Tetterine I roap .dc. lour druggist, or by mull from the) manufacturer, The Shuptrln Co. (savannah, Ga. Chicago children Infected with tub erculosis will go to school in the opn air If a request to be made by the Chicago Tuberculoma institute i granted by the Board of Education. ForCUI.DS and GIMP, niclc'i CaPCDiira la the ben remedr-!J"?-Tr!S 1 '"hln "id raverUhneu-cu'rea ue Cold and rc.torw noroul cwiJltlom. It' llquld-effecu Immcdlawly. luc., 20c aud Wte., at drug itorea YOV'SE DRESSED VP. Crandma's guest was elegantly but slnply dressed in black chiffon vollo handsomely trimmed with silk over lac. Mttle Birdie, bkA four, climb ed on her lap and patted th many gray hairs and smoothed the soft lace and silk, then peered lovingly into her face and said: "You'se dresaed ur good enough to be killed, ain't you?'' Hee Hive. A BROKEN WILL. Dyer Did his widow succeed In breaking his will? Duel! Yes; long before he died. O-lck-Me-Up. ru-d. Weak, Weary, Watery Eyea Reliered by Murine Eya Remedy. Compounded By Experienced Thyeiriana. Conformt to Pure rood and Drug La we. Alurrae Doeao't Smart; Soothea e Pain NOTHIKO LEFT. "What are you going to give up for the New Year?'' "Not much. I gave up about all I bad for Christmas." Louisville Courier-Journal. Antomoblllstj, Read Tills. At the end of the trip when the eyes are stiff and inflamed from wind and dust there in notulngquite so soothVig as Doctor Mitchell's Eye Salve. Just a little particle rubbed along tie eye lashes brings instant relief. At all drug or general stores or by mall. Price 25c. Hall & Ruckel. NVV. City. There should be no gulf between men of the same mental and moral caliber. The checkbook has little to do with character In wise men's cir cle. Weston, Walker, Said recently: "When you feel down and out. feel there is no ue living, juet take your bad thought! with you and walk them off. Before you have walked a mile thinga will look roeier. Just try it." Hare you noticed the mcreaae in walking of lata in every community? Many attribute it to the comfort which Allen'a Fool-Ease, the antiseptic powder to be ahaken into the ehoes, givea to the million now tuing it. Ai Weston baa aaid. "It ha real merit." It cure tired, aching feet while you walk. SO.000 testimonial!. Order a 25e. packag today of any Dmcgut and be ready to for get you bav feet. A trial paokage of Al len'a Foot Eate een Enrs. Addreea Allen B. Olmated, Le Roy, K. Y. PECULIAR TO ITSELF. "What does the baseball reporter do In winter?" "Nothing," answered the editor. Tv-e can't use his line of language for anything except ba?eball."-Louls-vllle Courier-Journal. There i no need to auffer with Vtiffneea of jonta and mtiaclea. A 'mi. Oil , bbed . mil limber tbem up immediately. FORGETFUL. Mrs Youngwlfe What is the first question you ask a maid whom yoi think of employing? Mrs. ldone-I alway. say first, -Have you ever lived with ma b fore?" Ufa. Becaui Of tho DYSPEPSIA Mt'NYONS DTSPrrSIA riFMKUY iot aliuoit Immediately on the Guttrlo Julcff nutl ftlvft ttic KoDiLich tnu uutX tr;icth to rile.-it ftltufsi rvcrytbtDaj that lias 1 put v.o ll. It Boi ihoi iui aod Iri.ratlntnuiKi'ha that Dim-titftn luii-nirnl yy phyale and tnjurlomi drurA. We cannot 1do HrK"ntly at! viae oil pertona "lio auffff from fiDjf of the ff' Inwinjj vruptoma to try thla rrmMy: IHmrmi ntXvr Hitinf, b'.ORtltie of the a U' much, Itioltic of tine food, Wd torbrtiib Konr Stou.ncli. llnrf burn, Ixaa of Appetltf, Corntlpattrtn, lUritoc. Falnttieits. rnliiMntloi. of the bcurt, Shortiimi of brent li. nod nil nfTC' tl-iiii of tho lirgrt ntuwl liy lndin't1ou. We want every dloAur:iK"l and d'ioa dent aufferer fmra lv!ip.pila or lud'.g"' ttrn to rat aMe oil ntLtr nicllrlnp nnd give thli remody a trlul. If It fulla to Klr aatlafactlon 1 will refuud rnur mo t-y. ML N VON. For aal by ell drufglm. Trtce, 2c. THE DIXIE TELEGRAPH INSTITUTE Offom romplett eeewe In TKI.TGRAPHT ht hJf rrlre enrlna te monthR rt Mi!, od .lse lo e little work for m le your lorelltr. tiflrlna at edr tie bJ we will rive roe e fre wbnlftrlitr'. aond Itt enter ee time eft, FppI. lit. Write nalrk. we nred ee. S. B. ni'DD. Miuiu, abberllk. Oe. TKAC'HERS; WrltWor free t.ool(let,"A Plan" ihowlm how we help vou ecnre a lietter poeltlon. 1 houhandi. excellent vacarw?lt- open puj' monthly. K-hoolupplled With teaclien. Otin t.he lurtrettt SouUn rn Agency. SouTBRajt TnrniRi Aih.k i Columlira S. ft, SAD STORY. Kind Lady What drove you frot home, my poor man housecleanlng? Sandy Plkei So, Mum, me wlfo bought one of dem new-fanglel dresses wld 600 buttons. Chicago Dally News. State op Ohio. ITtt or 1 oleoo. Lucas CtotlTT. Kna.KK J. Cwenet makea oath that n la aenior partner of the firm of K. J.Cnr.'itv t Co., doing bumneaa in the C'HT ot Toledo, County and State aforenaid. and that aaid firm will pay the u m ot ONE IIU.NDREt) Dot, Lxns for eacb and every roue of catarrh that connot be cured hv tbe use of H ai l's L'ATAnan Cuiib. Krask J. Coeev. Sworn to before me and aulwcnhed in my preenc, tbia 6th day of December, A. J.. IS1. A. W. Oleaho. (seal.) Notary I'vblie. iinll'a (tarrh Cure ia taken internally, ai.a acta diroctly on the blood and mticoua aur face of the avutem. Send tor tentimoniala, free. F. J. Chemey A Co., Toledo, O. Sold b all Inieeit. 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for eonitipation. Orders have been given for the establishment at Amoy China, of a branch of the American Marine Hos pital. Surgeon A. D. Foster will be la charge. For HRADACHR-lllrkaM-A Hl'DIIVK Whether from Colda. Heat. Stomach or Nervoun Troublej. Cipudlne wHI relieve you. kt'a llo.ulu-pleaint to lake acta Immedi ately. Try 1 1, inc., iJc and Sua. at, drus aiore. Nearly 45 per cent of 11 the Im ports to China last year paid duty at Shanghai. INSTANTLY RELIEVES THE ITCKINQ Don't auffer a moment longer from Ecze ma, or any form of akin trouble. Don't acatch or rub tie akin. Juet apply Han cock Sulphur Compound to the affected spot and it will atop the itching at one. A preparation that eoothoa. hnals, and curea all skin and aoalp tronblea. DruggUte sell It. Write Hanoock Liquid Sulphur Co., Baltimore, for booklet. H. C. Sorry, of Baltimore, write: "Hancork'a Sulphur Compouni. baa cured me completely. I am never without It. for it ia the moat delightful adjunct to a bath that wa ever gotten up. I cannot apeak too highly of iu beuelit to ma." A man doesn't always do bis duty when he does somethkng he wants to do. Mrs. WinalowV Soothing Svnip for Children teething.eoftenatheguma.reducee intlamma tioo, allaypJn, cure wuid colic. 25c a lottl None of us are perfect; but deep down In their hearts there are many people's conviction of their perfec tion. Rough on Rata, unbeatable exterminator. Rough on Ben Lice, Neat Powder, 25c. Rongh on Bedbnga, Powder or Llq'd, 25c Rough on Fluaa, Powder or Liquid, 25c. Rough on Roaches, Pow'd, 15c., Llq'd, 250. Rough on Moth and Anta, Powder, 25c. Rough on Skeetera, agreeable in use, 25a. E. 8. Wells, Chemist. Jersey City, N. J. If a man deliberately turns away from all good Influence's, then whines about Ill-luck, no power can lift him from the swamp of Inertlon. Dr. B Icier Hnckleberry Cord I el Cures Ohlldrea Teething, Diarrhoea, Dy entery. ChOleramortiue and Flux, ail Stom ach and Bowel Troubles. At Druggie'- 2ii and 60a per bottle. A soft answer may start good luck vonr war. n ugly, flllly, ray hair. W " Woman's. Friend Nearly all women cuffer at times from female ailments. Soma women more constantly than others. But whether yon have little pain or whether you suffer intensely, you should take Wine of Cardui and pet relief. Cardui is a safe, natural medicine, for women, prepared scientifically from harmless vegetable in gredients. It acts easily on the female organs and gives strength and tone to the whole system. ff3 FX tmeOI The Woman's Tonic Mrs. Verna "Wallace, of Sanpcr, Tex., tried Cardui. She writes : "Cardui lias done more for me than I can describe. Last spring I was taken with female inflammation and consulted a doctor, but to no avail, so I tool; Cardui, and my housework. Since then my trouble hns never returned. Try it, AT ALL DRUG STORES ShoAely, SSaluwU joltye nieciirrivs ookmt rue lnt KAIjAN BLOOD REMEDY FOR ALL FORMS OF BLOOD POISON W mi lelt the moat ob.tlnete uue. We care toetay cured Write for Information P. O. Box 91, Atlanta, Ga. The diileronco remember .his it may save your life. Cathartics, bird abot and cannon ball pilla tea apoou doaes of cathartic medicines all depend on irritation of the bowels until they tneatenough to move. Cos cards strengthen the bowel muscle no they creep and crawl naturally. Thia mrana a cure and only through Cascartts can you get it quickly and naturally. S39 CancaretelOe boa week' rreaN roeot. All drucsrlAte. Biaaeeteeiler In tbe world millloo boui a mknh. SACRIFICE SALE OF Town Property AT Milltown, Georgia. To meet our autucrlptlon on two new railway enterprises oomlnif to our town j wim ovner moiury ruiorjirism, wm wni log 200f -hoioe. Iota close in at the low prk'e, of S35.00 eiwh. pavablw 4)10 eab, balance 5 monthly. 1'liia ia'ttie irreateet aiwrirtoe evei oflured'lu Kl Eta'.e, as our town has nearly 2. OOJ people now, and with ciairt labor driven out of our town, a i60,00C Baotist Colli'it' completed, two mora rail way headeii this way. v?llh aeveral faotorj , enterprise, we cannot help doubllog out ; population la another year. Tbra t a ennn; write qulok- ae they can- ! not Inst loni?. No dlay. Nowaitlnir. You get deed toe day paymeat are oorapleted. 1 South "Georgia Land & Industrial Co. 1 Vox 80, Milltown, ; ! SECURE A FREE COTTAGE BUILDING LOT AT MERIWETHER WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS, Th Queen of Georgia Reaorte. The company ha already spent sev enty thousand dollar ia improvement, and propoee selling a few shares of guaranteed 6 per cent stock. To facili tate Its sale, they are giving with eaoh bare of itock a cottage building lot, SOxUO, and tbe free use of the Springs. Muke application at once, tbuy will not last long, over one-bnlt of tbem already taken. Write at once. Meriwether White Sulphur Springs Co., Room 100 Marion Hotel, Atlanta, Ga. LOW EXCURSION RATES TO TH K Unitei Confelsrate Veterans' Rennisn At Mtmphii, Tib., Joie 1-10, 1009. The Atlanta. BinntDchani k AtUntfo RftHroal vill Mil round triu I irk eta oa Judo Mh iK. trlatp, Htopovn will h tiloved on rflum tri at rrtl poiou. Rtt r Ixtaed oo ftlxrul on ocat par nil U4ral . . fl i'trost, Oa., . Hi 10 11 K 11 Hi 11 && ii Li i u TBnmi8ii!la, Ok. IlrB.wit-E, (., tVeh.iAjT. mi f iN-vm nfhr nVntv IhtaaJTorU opxrtunttv to visit on ot tti frtftMit tit la In thf MiMlailrpi Vl)7 od njo UM JUkMt Remulp M nili oot W H ,1. E A B T , CHAH fATTO!, 0Brl favawntM Aft. TrrliB At. AtlatttK, a. ie.lK I ' i efi imiii - tun mr r-iiiirfc -int LA CREOLt" HAIR RCSTORIR. frlctl, tt.OO, rwtsll. suffer more acutely and 0" J 31 inside of three days, I was able to do GAINESVILLE, OA. Duties paid on Manila linporU of opium fortunately decreased from ,294. SSI in 1905 to $64,891 In 190R. Has Your Dog Distemper? CML bRMV sail Ifssa si Cora k! my. ai tiruM- v. mm m w lrr Ut, i. Oaai'i A4rwr WARLICK Sheet Metal Manuf acturlog Co e W. Alabama St. ATLANTA, GA. Hot Air Furnaces. METAL CORNICES. CCILINUS, Ventilator, SlcyligbU, Roofing. Regard Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Ointment as unrivaled for Preserv ing Purifying: and Beau tifying the Skin, Scalp, Hairand Iiands, for Sana tive, Antiseptic Cleansing and for the Nursery. It nOUrtl Thompson's Eye Water Willi we. (At 2209) .J 6 "--r--T-r-CTtj,toii. i. ii BnW thrwiftwut th world Dtxtr Locdoo. fT, rrunwriciia tq ; ran, o, nu ia rii, ius lla, R. Tovm O. Drtinry; IndM, h. K. Paul. Calcutt; China, Hong Kong lnit Co. Jfvn, Manivv Ltd.. Tuklo; Riiiwia, frrt Wowwi fk. Afrfr'a. Lfnnon, Ltd., Cte Twwrn. etf.1 l'fi-A4 tottpr Inig A Chtrn. Corn. Wa lrfr-, rrtoa. F-1'o.i Free, Cuitcur liookltt on U bain