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SMALL AND LARGE DEPOSITS are equally welcomed in this institution and receive the same courtesy and attention. We invite you to open an account. Paying bills by check is one of the greatest con veniences and safeguards a business man can have, and the satisfaction of having a growing balance in the bank results in great er care in expenditures. The First National pank. MADISON, FLORIDA TOWNJ0PICS. Oar 'Phone 76. Walter Parks spent last Sunday io Mooiicello. Call on Fraleigh-Llnee-SheHer Co. for corn, hay, oats and "Stafolife." Bora to Mr. tod Mrs. Guy M. Si tin on Monday morning, a line baby glrf. 1 Miss Lila Tucker is visiting Mrs. A. 1;. Fralelgh out at tbe Slmkine planta tion . Morgan (registered) stallion for ser vice at Bevan Bros, stables. See Uevan Bros, owner. Mr. P. S. Cogglns and son, P. S. jr., left Tuesday (or an outing of several diya at Panacea. Miss Bessie Sanders is visiting her friend, Mis May Bowen.ln Cordele, Ga. and will be abeentseveral weeks. For any thiDg In the feed line, sucb secorn, bay, oats and "Stafolife" call on Fralolgb-Lines-Shelfer Company. Miaa Cbristlue Sasser and Koy Cole man returned M onday from a pleaant visit to relatives and friends io Georgia. Miss Kate Bessley of Jacksonville leaves shortly for Madison where she will visit relatives. Times Union, Mon. day. For Sale Cheap: Ooe first class sec ond hand McCormlck mower and rnke,j ' in first clssa condition . Smith Mercao. tile Co. Prof, and Mrs. Walter B. Cate re turned horr.e Saturday from Pansoea Spring where they bad a most enjoyable visit of two weeks. Mis Aibtoo Thomas of Jacksonville is the guest of Mrs. A. D. Stanton, having arrived in our city last week, to the great pleasure of her many friends. Mr. and Mrs. Beville fcave returned from a pleasant trip to the Virginia home of Mr. Beville and are guests of the lady's mother, Mrs. W. J. Witber spoon. Attention is directed to the adver tisement of Warren Harris. Insurance Agent, iu this ieue. Mr. Harris writes insurance of every descrii tion and will be glad to attend to your want in that line. The Madison Orchestra is preparing for another concert which will be eiven on Thursday night. 12th Inst. The con cert will be given in aid of the Monu ment Fund and an evening of fine music and gjteat pleasure is assured all who attend.1 Walter Bunting left Sunday afternoon for a two weeks vacation. He didn't Wins where he was going said he wasn't certain himself We might bear ot him next In N'ew York or some other seaport to o. We wish blm a pleasant trip and a safe return. Another live stock and vehicle corpo ration organized in (Madison this week and the notioe of application for letters patent appears In this week's paper, i It may be dull time but there is pledLy of capital In Madison looking tor profitable investment. T. W. Dale returned Fridsy from Panaoea where he spent most delight fully a two weeks vacation. Prof. Cate is our authority for the statement that our popular county treasurer cam near loeins his heart to fair guest ot the hctcl at that popular resort. Wardlaw Brir.ion Is spending the week in Jacksonville. Col. 0. B. Ashley left yesterday morn Ing for a business trip to Jacksonville and Tampa. Miss Clara Coggins will go to Suwan nee Springs to-morrow for a a visit to Mrs Sidney Hinely. Notice: All persons indebted to me can kettle accounts at B. F. Moseley's drug store. A. L. Blalock. tf. Alex Smith returned yesterday from a week's visit to Mrs. Smith and the children who are at their summer home near Dawson. Gs. C. Purdy Kelly has returned from a pleasant vacation outicg which he spent most delightfully at Mt. Airy, Ga. Carroll Smith went to Hampton Springs last Saturday and will visit his cousin. William Smith, for a week or two. For Sale Cheap: One first class sec ond baud McCormick mower and rake, io first class condition. Smith Meruan tile Co. Dr. Conway will leave to-morrow morning for a few dys stBy with rela tives in Clny county, returning the lat ter part of next week. Anyone failing to receive last week's paper containing the lws enacted by the last legislature may secure a copy of same by calling at or sending to this office. he Whole Fam'uy In Trouble. The man who was too economi cal to buy a clock sent his little boy to get the time from a neigh bor this rainy weather. In nis haste the boy ran over a $4.00 stand of bees and in ten minutes ooked like a water summer squash. His cries reached his father, who ran to his assistance and failing to notice a barbed wire fence ran into that breaking it down, cutting a handful of flesh from his anatomy and ruining a $5.00 pair of pants. The old cow took advantage of the gap in the fence and got into the corn field and killed nerself eating- green corn. Hearing the racket, the wife ran out, upsetting a four gallon churn full of rich cream into a basket of kittens, drowning the whole nock. In the hurry she dropped a $7.00 set of false teeth. The baby, left alone, crawled through the spilled milk into the narlor. ruinine a brand new $20.00 carpet. During the excitement, the oldest daughter ran away with the hired man, the doer broke un eleven setting hens, the calves got out and chewed the tails off of four hne shirts. 3FL- DAVIS Jeweler, Sells Watches & Clocks, (Mjoir US!N& THAT MJBBERSTAMP AND GET SOME REAL LETTER HEADS Good Letter Heads Are Good Business VM PRINT THEM FOR YOU ITS EVeri Farrjier Ii)Viled. t, a 0) When a farmer has the time to "come to town" he usually comes for a purpose to get money for his produce or to pay money for something. But whether on bus iness or not he is invited always to come to the II CITIZENS BANK OF MADISON, jbl sal MADISON. FLORIDA mm It If you have financial transacf Ions to attend to let us help you. ' Deposit your money here- a e (a l.Ht week we Dubllshed In this p- ,p a reclDe for the destruction ot rues which we copied from another paper, in urMi'h it whs stated that the material for malting tbe "destroyer" could be secured at any urug store, said matet lai being a common article of commerce known as "Quassia Chips." We know that not less than a dozen people have told ua that tbey wanted to use the remedy but couldn't find tbe quaesia cblpi at any of the drug stores. Seems to us that tbe druggist of the town ought to appreciate lbs free advertising enough to at least order sufficient of tba chip to aupplr th demand of their patrons. ' Add to telephone list: J. W. Barrett, meat market, No. 10. Mr. John I.. Fonda departed last Kri day for a business trip to New Vork. Mm. T. C. Bradford returned Monday from a visit of a week with her (laugh ters In Live Oak. W. H. Dial is spending the . week at Greenville looking after his plantation attain In that vicinity. Fos Sale: A double-barreled bam merless shot gun. Ezcellf nt bird gun Will sell cheap. Carroll Smith. Miss Kathleen Thomas Is the guest of friends in Greenville this week, having gone to that thriving town Monday night. Send for special announcement ot courses in Music, tbe Fine Arts, and tbe Mechanic Arts at Stetson Universl ty, DeLand, Fla. Mrs. Sldoey R Whaley and children arrived from Ocala Monday night and will spend a season with the lady's moth er, Mra. R. E. Dickinson. Miss Elizabeth Smith left Tuesday morning for Dunuellon where for tb next two weeks she will be tuo guert of her aunt, Mr'. M. It. Klbler. Tbe county commissioners, scjooI bosrd and town council held their reg ular monthly meetings this week. Tbe official proceedings of each will be pub ltsbed next week. All aboard for Jacksonville! Tbe big excursion will leave via tbe beaboard to-morrow morning and from all reports a large orowd ot mhciisoq people win titke advantage of tbe -. round trip to par a visit to ths great and growing metropolis. 15u0. Lot contalnlnir one and 85-100 acres. North Horry street. New 5 room cotta? wiih artesian water connection, also stable and feed room. Good garden and bearing pecan tree:. Entire lot un der fence. Good neighborhood. J; P. Baum, Capitols, FU. tf Don't forget the lecture by Profeesor Charles I.nne at tbe school auditorium to morrow night. Professor Laoe is a rare entertainer and hb his abilities in that lice are well rec goized In Madison we are sure that a crowded house will receive bim w hen he walks upon the platfcim. While eogaged in stacking fodder on thefirmotP. K. Lanier, hhoul. four miles south of town, Napoleon A nin uud his son, negroes, weie both stricken dead Tuesday iifternoon by a lightning holt wblcli set fire to the fodder stuck on wbiob the men were at work and it was completely destroyed. The friends and acquaintances of Mr. and -Mrs. W. K. Hollingeworth, one time residents of Madison, will be griev d to learn of tbe death of Mrs. Hollwge worth which occurred at the family home. What Cheer, la., on Monday, Ju A letter from Mr. lloirngs- worth to A. I.ivinitston, jr.. conveyed tbe sad intelligent and staled that Mra riolllnffsworlh had need a sunerer ror many months. A grest msny of our people will remember these pleasant naonl wto came to our town several year ago and mad their horn among na for about two years. Mrs. Houings worth bad many very sincere friends arnrtnf US who will be rained to learn r.t hr riaath and whose sympathy goes out to tbe husband la bis deep aralotlon. I ll 1 Warren Harris As Agent, Issues: Fire Insurance Policies Life Insurance Policies Accident Insurance Policies Tornado Insurance Policies Call iu person or write. Office: Smith Building UNIVERSITY of FL0RiDa, Florida State College SalstarrUlt. yiorS.4 An Institution of the First Bank, "P- ported by State and Federal Funis, for Florida loungMen. Thorough Ceurars Leading la Otmrm of B. A t B. Sc., M. A , 11. Tie., nod L. I.. B In Arts and Sciences; Agriculture; Chemical, Civil, Electrical and Me chanioal Engineering; Law; Normal School; Graduate School. Expenses Exceedingly Low. For Catalogue write to A.A. Murphree, A.M.,L.LD., President. FOR WOMfcN Tall-5aAe, risrlia. A College without a parallel in the South, offering degrees and diplomas in ths following departments: I . A College of Liberal Arte. II. A School of Industrial Arts. III. A School of Fine Arts. IV. A School of Expression. V. A School for Teachers. No Tuition. Other expenses very low. For further information address; Edward Conradi.M.A., Ph.D., President. For SPRAINS, BRUISES, AND WOUNDS USE Get the Genuine. Three Sixmt, 25c, 50c and $1.00 BALLARD SNOW LINIMENT CO., ST. LOUIS, MO. ilUXi'i', r'1Jt- and Reoommended layt'l m 'n W . 'IJ'V'I W. B. DAVI3 For Kent: My etore formerly occu pied by W.8. Overstreet. A.K Fralelgh. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Livingston left Tuesday morning for Aihevllle, N. C. where tbey win spend several weeks af ter which Mra. Livingston will go to Marietta, Ua. and Mr. Livingston will take a trip to tba west. Rev. L. D. Low will leave Saturday for Tallahassee where ha will supply Trinity church pulpit on Sunday for Rev. I.S. Patterson, paator.heno there will he no preaching eervloe la tba Methodist church bera on Sunday. Sabbath school at the regular hour and Epworth League devotional meeting Id, tbe afternoon. V ...1