Newspaper Page Text
illlfill in ... . n iour liuuo-aorsepower ',-reral Electric alternating current naior.. the largest In the world, In frail mill of the United States Steel Corporation at Gary. Ind., was recently staneu tuK.iuu,. made In Germany nrll-. ihat the gqrrus of cholera or Lhoid may endanger not only those ! bo "ve DeIow stream, Dut Bls3 iose above the polluted point, as j-a carry the germs upstream. ; .lotthnw Wilson of Djsart, Iowa, he has Invented a process of elding copper and steel. He also ... v has welded two nieces of ' ;0,,pcr as solidly as if they were 'molded- tin exniDiis m ma uui I . ' . hanmer. the handle of which ' 11 of copper and the face- of steel, i H8 con I'o seen pounding an anvil .... av with this hammer. He says iyg" proCHS of welding is the first In tie history ol me wonu 10 inu 3 succer'-'il- 1 i arpnt deal of attention has re- f cently been given to the cultivation f 0f rubber, on account or wo cununu I -II- InprpARfnfiT demand for it. Piof. j Frar.cls E. Lloyd points out that "Uio ' ..a.itniilfl struKele of man with na- ituro" has already manifested itself U this new field. Already a con-.i.inr-iiiin number of parasitic enu- mies have been discovered, "whose Br-rie annear to be largely con ntrnted unon cultivated rubber trees." It is another problem for science to deal with. innther steD forward in the gigan tic work of charting 50,000 stars, be pm in 1687. will be taken when the iirnatlonnl committee superintend ing the production of this map of the heavens meets in Paris, April 19 to i I. m. Faissinet. the general secre tary of the Paris observatory, says that the man will not be finished for mother ten years. Day and night for six months every newly discover- star is under examination by as tronomers all over the world. The Paris observatory has up to now de .i.noH i7nno celestial maps, each enntninina- from 300 to 10,000 stars. A catalogue map for the current use cntainlng 5,000,000 stars la also in preparation. A ctrious result of the fly-pest in rMtiirntinn In London has been tho discovery that the number of rites in t house varies greatly from day to Hnv th eookintr operations and greater use and warmth of the rooms causing a large weelt-enu increase The dally average noted by one o) server was twenty-six for Friday tu Monday, fourteen from Monday to Wortnoartnv and eicht from 'WWdnes- day to Friday. Washing days have a marked influence, and in one instance wfMnit nrenaratlons decidedly in creased the flies. Horse refuse is tie chief breeding ground of house h. Thn number on some localities i. limmt incredible, and the bulk of a summer's catch with fly paper In one small room would have been an appreciable percentage of the room's niottv With hot weather and many flies are associated a prevalence ol summer sickness. PAW-PAYPILLS jm The bt Stomach f and Uver Pills known and a posture sad speedy cure for Con stipation, Indigestion, Jaundice, Biliousness, Sour Stomach. Dead ache, and all ailments arising from a dleor dared stomach or sluggish liver. They contain In concentrat ed form all the vir tues and values of UunyoD's Paw-Paw tonic and are made from the Juice of the v irnn tue juice or iui Paw-Paw frnlt. I lnoltatlDgly recom mend tbene Dills n belna the best Isza- tire and cathartic ever compounded. Get 8.1-cent bottle and If you are not per fectly snttsBtd I (till refund jour money. e-MUNJtpN. luii-i iiiriL ana jr.r r tKMJl Bi3., PHILADELPHIA. PA. Wo .Matter what Liver or Bowel medicine you are using, stop it now. Gel a lOo box week's treatment of CAS CARETS today from your druggWt and learn bow easily, naturally and delightfully your lirer can be made to work, and your ftoivsfe move every day. There's rteto Ce in every box. CASCARETS are nature's helper. You will hi (he fVerence 883 CASCARETS loe box for a week's treatment, mi uniriristf. cnggeii rnoi SACRIFICE SALE OF Town Property Milltown, Georgia. To meet our subscription on two new railway enterprise ooralng to our town with other factory enterprise, we are ofler Ii,r 200 iholoelou close la at the low price of t35.00 eaofc, payable 10 oMb, balance f 9 monthly. ThU U the greatest saorlnoe evei ottered In Real Estate, ae our town bos nearly 2.000 people now, and with labor driven out of our town, a aau.iKM t i'-h . ..lato'l ttn more rail- wave beaded this way, with several faotor) enterprises, we oannot help doubling oui population in another year. r . . - , .,. i-v thee enn- . i i, j..,. suit Ifil, Yon noi lan lone;. n ucmi.. ,- - get ded the day puymenU are oompleteO. South Georgia Land s mausiriai 10. Box , KUIltowe. Oa J. T. Llvlna Expenses In India. The Increased cost of living In Indli. onomllv and in Calucutta paiticuur- ly, writej our correspondent, is s verelv fplt not only by Europeans but also by IndianB. House rent in recent yeara has trebled ana even Ten years ago a family of half a dozen persona could live in lair com; fnrt fr H200 a vear. excluding extras. With nothing leBS than 200 can one lira in thn enma wav now. This Is recognized by the government, and the salaries of subordinate officials bavn hpfcn rpvtnprl. Domestic servants' wages have In- rroiuBil ennrmouslv. . A gOOd COOk canDOt be had for less than 40 a year vhereae half that sum was con sidered sufficient ten yeasr ago. Lon don DallyTWl. Too Old To Learn New Language "Why don't you try to drive that horse without profanity." "it wouldn't do anv Rood, an swered the canal boatman. "It ain't fair to tha 'orse to ask it to start at its time o' life to learo a lot of polite words." Tit-Bits. Tetterine Recommendtid for Eczema, Ringworm, Old Sores, Risines. Etc. Mnnln Ala . AuiTUSt 1. 100. Dear Sir: I received your Tetterine all O. K. I have used it for tceema anil Til.. . niA m i ,r am a f A rlslnire and can gladly recommend It u a aure cure. Voure truly. J- k. uounue. fr.,,urin i,r Fn.mL Tetter. Rlnc n. . A T.k ItViintf Pll.kil in. worm, uruviuu in. m --- fenfa Bore Head, Pln.plea. Bolla, Rouarh Scaly aicnei on me rur, vi Sorea. Pandrult. CnKerd Scalp, Bun- lona. Corns. Chilblains and every form of ri n-n..lna Rn Tottarlne Soap 36c. Your druggist, or by mall from the manufacturer, ine cnuvimw Savannah. Qa. t is ooBior tn rlodee resnonslbllity than It Is to dodge the result. m .. i u.m WAnt. nut after fake drags and patent medicines, Dr. Mitchell s Eye Salve with never a change in formula or label at once reiriatered anl received .rtt rrUm. itiAiiAnr of Dr. MltCil- oenai rtu. mi. , - , ell s Eye Balve has ever apreaa iurouKu v . i nnf.iillnir enre for sore. weak and Inflamed eves. Price, 25 cents. llnnaiHnnahlel EIenThey are not smart people, are theyT . Eleanor Oh! dear, no. no last year's clothes, and she uses last season's slang. x ... lha sad Burnt r-L.. . ...,..i,a Allvn'a Foot-Ease, a powder for the feet. It makes tibt , or new shoe, feel easy. Cora Corns, Uunione Bwpllen. Hot. bm.rtmg an LfS&?J S4td ingrowing n aiie. " f T and Shoe ttore M cm. Sample sent Fas. Address Allen 8. Olmsted, LeKoy. N. Y. u.... ..n,. akq, nnticprl that a wise nniD wu w-w. man keeDS his mouth, shut a good deal? Connie Mack. tTnr rilLDS and OKI P. m .1.1. . I. . k u MMWM riles uriiwin" l A t 7 V ' reiieTea wie ecniwe icwm vu.'a the Cold and restore normal conditions. It s IIQUIO enecte immNitiaif. m " Uc atdrua stores. Hastv soeech nuts many an oppor tunity out of reach. THE RIGID TRUTH And Confirmation to Any Kidney 8nf. ferer Who Asks It. Mrs. W. H. Cobb, Nicholaavllle. Kv.. says: "I will keep strictly to toe Pluck loses no time m account of hard luck. Special Announcement 1 1 The Atlanta, Birmingham & Atlantis Rail road will Inaugurate sleeping car service on sight trains between Atlanta and Bruns wick, effective June 10. Pullman sleepers of latest deelRO will be used In this service. Southbound, leave Atlanta 7:5) p. m., ar rive Brunswlnk 8:40 a. m. Northbound, leave Brunswick 7:00 p. m., arrive Atlanta 7:2(1 a. m. These trains make close connection at Brunswick with rUeamers for bt. Simon's and Cumberland Inlands. The elegant day coaches and Pullman sleepers In these trains afford an opportu nity, not heretofore ebjoyed to travel to and from Georgia's famous Seashore resorta comfortably. Ary Tloket Agent of the Company will give further Information. W. H. Leahy, O. P. A. Chaa. Patton, T. P A.i W. A. Mtokes i C. P. A. Blessings of poverty may look good to the millionaire. Better than (told Like it in color Harn Una ' Wtaaid Oil-the beat of all nrmed.e. i n.iimlcnn. and all Pain, lor niruuw,'.'", ' p - aoreness and inflammation. Simplified spelling, to the Philadel phia Record, is simply the ragtime of orthography. Mm. Window's Foothing Svrup for Children toething, softens the gums, reduces inflamma tion, aliayspauo, cures wind colic. 25o a t ottla A price mark holds all right on al most anything except a man. Rough on Rata, unbeatable exterminator. . Hough on Hen Lloe, Nert Powder, 25c Rough on Bodbngs, Powder or Liq'd,34o. Bough on Fleas. Powder or Liquid, 25c. Rough on Roach, Pow'd, l&c.Liq'd, 25o. Rough on Moth and Ants, Powder, 25c Rough on Skeetera, agreeable In use, 25a, E. S. Wells, Chemist. Jersey City, N. J. London now has its Lambs' Club, which has Just been opened In Jermyn street It la not on quite the sarua plan as tho similar society in New York. o.ini,ni..Piim n m-i ' M rr w u t h in Asm. tmationfromstingsof been and insects. Al- 1 mAn mab-ao tha mORt. Of htfl opportunities his opportunities will make me most oi mm, juuu Brush. Dr. Blggers Uuckieberry Cjrdlal Carta. All Stomach Trouiles. unuaren i 3irainir. Diarrhoea. Dysentnry, eta. At Druggls.s aso ana oua per Doine. Tp to a certain point exposure to radium rays stimulates the germina tion of seeds, .but If that point be posted the growth Is stopped. SOOTHES AND HEALS SKIN TROUBLES Not only doe Hancock's Sulphur Oint ment soothe the irritation, stop the itching and relieve the pain from Burns, Scalds, Open Sores, raw surface and chafed parU, but It heals and cures. In cases of eczema it is the beet thing you can use, in connec tion with Hancock's Sulphur Compound. Many doctors treated Officer John T. Car roll, of Baltimore, and failed to cure a ter rible cae of ecr.ema from which he suf fered. He ued Hancock's Sulphur Com pound nnd Hancock's r-ulphur Ointment, and writes that he ia Completely (Tired. The ointment removes roughness of the face or hands and keeps the akin soft and smooth. Your driiBgi't sella it. Booklet free if you write Hancock Liquid kvv rnCB Co., Baltimore. Md A friend in the hand Is worth two enemies in the bush. Harry C. Pul-11am. Modesty of a Great Man. ' The modeaty of a great wan o) acleno la ahown In the relations be. tween Darwin and his publisher. John Murray. When he sent to nia pun Usher the famous "Origin of Species," Darwin wrote: "It may be conceit, but I believe the subject will Inter est thie public, nd I am sure ttn' the views are original. If you think, otherwise, I must repeat mr request that you will freely reject my work. I shull be a little disappointed; I ehall be In no way injured." He wan "astounded" at the fact that toe trade ordered 1.413 copies before publica tion and delighted with Dr. Wllber. force's article In the QMarterly Re vltw. "I am quzzel s-l?ndldly," be aald. "I really believe tha-t I enjoyel It as much as if I had not been the unfortunate bun." vVberyhe brought to Mr. Murray his book on earth worms of which seven editions were within a vear. Darwin said: "I doubt very mttoh whether It will In terest the public, as the -subject is, not an attractive one." Science Pro gress. I ' SHAFTING, PULLEYS, BELTS . LOMBARD IRON WORKS. AUGUSTA, U. SECURE A FREE COTTAGE BUILDING LOT AT MERIWETHER WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS. Tie Queen of Georgia Resorts. The company bos already spent sev enty thousand dollars in Improvements, and propose selling a few shawe of guaranteed 6 per dent stook. To facili tate lis sale, they are giving with each share of stook a cottage building lot, 60xlt0, and the free use of the Springs. Make application at once, they will not last iona. over one-half of them already taken. Write at onoe. Meriwether White Sulphur , Spring Co., Room 100 Marion Hotel, A'-la, Ga. an te'? d. udtnedd MACON, GA., Announcement for 1909. We .re rlee4 in mnoMO Ih.t onr hnnl will eontlnoe .ndr uJe?S aw- ,. r ueikill I Jlif Va I TfillT Hanrl Inr OaI.a inatU numur Kuniaat IV1UU1 B&AUB f ' a-" f Macflu. BUrtsCaal IUUU1 Kicnco a Womi i woce THE SUPREME COURT Has just sustained the decision of the Lower Court that FRENCH OPERA COFFEE Is not an infringement of any brind, but gained Its popularity In the coh'ee world because it is always a weet and mellow, I "l"nI " .... twfim rv.FlVE CENT SELLER IN THE SOUTR We won firat in the field of commerce on merit and again in the highest court in the land on equity and justice. We will continue to give the public the 35 cent kind for 25 cents. Our claim la FRESH ROAST, CLEAN, AINU r ULL. wuiitii. AMERICAN COFFEE COMPANY of NEW ORLEANS, Ltd. yrrrre A M P TCAC r iaill man f fmilllTil H.;a7T" A fool with money has many lowers. porHBADAtHK-HlekeM-APCDINE Whether from Colds. Heat, Stomach or Nervous Troubles. Oapudlne will rellere rou. It's llyuld-iileai-ant to lake acta Immedi ately. Try li, inc.. ioc and Sue at druf swrea Peals of aDDlauee often Kieot ' man who slips on a hanaa pop1 National !he! Institute ATLANTA, GA ESTABLISHED 1074. v x.:rw i in aw iyjL.s j Counk Medicine. The manufacture of a cough mix ture from the Wood of sparrows got n ennll. Inin trnnhle yesterday. On Sunday he was found In the Stnza district with a couple of poles, a tin of blrrl lime and ten sparrows in his possession. The man was brought up it the Mixed Court charged with ha lug cruelly Ill-treated the birds, and in the course of the case It transpired that the rnnll was catchlnc the spar rows In order to sell tbem to medicine dealers. Tfie reason be wished to keep thenf! alive was that the medicine thons. who made a sort of cougn mix ture nut nt ihflr hloorl. would not b"iy them if they were dfad. The coollu aa cautioned and his grnr coi;:iscdJ- fle.-Shans.-hul Mercury. most rigid truth In telling: of my exper ience with Doan's Kidney Plllsv and will be glad to give corroborative evl dence to anybody. A catch or stitch In my i back was followed with dull, constant backache and pain In the hips. Throbbing headaches took all the 'go' out of me. I lost ap petite and weight and grew weak. The kidney secretions Became u ty and dropsy set In. I suffered so I hardly cared what became of m. but the first box ol Doan money mi. n,'. better, and I used tne rem edy faithfully until all symptoms left me and 1 gained li pounce. Bold by all dealers, eu cents a uu. Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. T. l ,1 ltnh nntlirallv feels DUt out If tha indite turns him down. HANDS RAW AND SCALY. Itched and Burned Terribly Could Not Move Thumbs Without Flesh Cracking Sleep Impossible Cntlcura Soon curea witms. "Aa itching humor covered both my hands and got up over my wrists and even up to the elbows. The itching and burning were terrible. My handa got all scaly and when I scratched, the surface would be covered with blisters and then get raw. Ths eczema got so bad that I could not move my ' thumbs without deep cracks ap pearing. I went to my doctor, but bis medicine could only atop the itching. At night I suffered so fearfully that 1 could not sleep. 1 could not bear to touch my handa with water. This went on for three months and I was fairly worn out. At last I got the Cuticura Remedies and in a mouth I tu cured. Walter H. Coi, 16 Somerset Bt., Boston, Maes., Sept. 2S, 190S. Potter Drug i Chem. Corp., ole Props, of Cuticura Remedies, Boston, Mass. Don't argue. That's a bigger fool trick than drinking too much water. .Toe Vila. Food Products Vienna Sausage Is distinctly different from sny other ssuiage you ever tasted. Just try one can and It li sum to become a meal-time necessity, to be served at frequent intervals. Ubby't Vienna Saw mgO just suits for breakfast, Is fine for luncheon and satisfies at dinner or supper. Like all of Libby's Food Products it Is care fully cooked and prepared, ready to-eerve, in Ubby't Great White Kltohon- the cleanest, most scientific kitchen in the world. Other popular, ready-to-serve Libby Pure Foods are. Oooked Oomed Beet Peerlema Dried Beet Veal Loaf Cvapormted Milk Baked Bemnm. Ohow Ohow Mixed Ploklea Write for free booklet, "How to make Good Things to Est". Insist oo llbby'e at your groccfte Ubby, MoKofll Ubby Obloago I This Institute Treats Deformities of the Spine, Limbs and Feet and CHRONIC DISEASES. Send for literature. BEAUTIFUL RESORT JOOKLETS! p t.....r.ful illustrated resort book- let, issued by Atlanta, Birmingham and Atlantic Railroad, entitled "Seasnor. and Mountain," with up-to-date resort map, send two centa in postage to W. H. Leahy, Cen'I Passenger Agi., - & A. R. R-. Atlanta, Ga. TOILET ANTISEPTIC NOTHING LIKE IT FOR TUP ei i III Paxtine excels any dentifrice I rifc I LL I II in cleansing, whitening sod removing tartar from the teeth, besides deshoyug all germs ol decay and duease which ordinal tooth preparation! cannot do. THE MOUTH wash dumfefU die mouta and throat, purifies the breath, and kills the germs which colled tn the mown. cauHng bad teeth, bad bieath, grippe, and much SKkness. It" PVFt when inflamed, tired, ache TKC. tltO sod burn, may be insmeily , relieved and strengthened by Paxtine, ftlTIPDU Paxtine will dearer the genus LA I Aliiirl that cause catarrh, heal the ia. gammanoa and stop the discharge, k is a sure remedy lor uterine catarrh. Paxtina is s harmless yet powerful (ermicide,disio(eCtant and deodonier. Jied ia bathing it destroys odors and leaves the body aiiosepocally clean. roei.i aTCRuoToaii,soe. on ostaid at MAIL. LARGE SAMPLE FREE! THI PAXTON TOILET OO.. BOSTON, MA8, .eTIioiiipson'sEyeWater rHirinj! 19..12? forelgntTS Und- "'1 at Yoki.hnri'.a and 15 bther c; i n inriu i!.T,:.n I4n(l frwer tiiiui In (.!, ..,., l.d with CS44, folicr WJ i II Ml a I 1 because ol those ugy. .rttity. gray hairs. U.. - tA CBiOtt" HAIR MTORtB, f rlcii. i.OO. r.ull. tv l:r!tlsh.