Newspaper Page Text
VI - Tha Planet Mercury. Tbouli Mercury Is one of the small est of Hip plnnets, It Is-perhaps the most troublesome to tlie astrcnionier, It )lo so clo.e to tbe sun that It is s(eo but svldiiui tu comparison with tlic otlit-r (rrcut pluuets. Its orbit Is very eccentric, and It experiences OlS' turbances by tbe nttrnctlon of other bodies In a wny not yet fully under stood. A special difficulty has also beeu found In the attempt to place Mercury lu tbe welcbluc scales. We can weigh tbe whole earth, we enn veiRh the sun. tbe moon and even Jupiter and other planets, but Mercury presents difficulties of a peculiar chnr actor. Le Verrier. however, succeeded In devising a method of weighing It, lie demonstrated thiitOur earth Is attracted by thl.s.plauet, nud he showed how tbe amount of uttrnctlou mny be disclosed by observations of the sun. 80 that from an examination of tbe oh serrations he made au approximate determination of the mass of Mercury Le Verrler's result Indicated that tbe welirbt of the planet was about tbe fif teenth rart of the weight of the earth. , In other words. If our earth was pl.lced In a balance and fifteen globes, each equal to Mercury, were laid In the other tbe scales would hang evenly. "Story of the Heavens." When Hsr Turn Cams. The Journal had tnken on a "woman editor," whose duty was t& look after the "woman's pnge." Space being scarce In the "local room." a desk was given bor In tbe managing editor's room, directly adjoining. For a week or two no fault was found with her work, but one morning the managing editor said to her: "Miss Tenfield, your style of writing is a little too terse and epigrammatic for tbe needs of your department. You most study expansion." "Very well. Mr. Ringgold," she an swered. "I will try." Thereafter her work appeared to five entire satisfaction, for there was no further criticism. About six months )a.L-r. however, the managing editor After a morning spent In working at bis desk suddenly wheeled in bis chair i.Dd said: "Miss Tenfield, I want a wife. I want you. Will you marry me?" "Mr. Ringgold," she responded, 'with ft mocking smile, "that is rather terse and epigrammatic. Don't you think you ought to study expansion a little?" Touth's Companion. A Word of Warning. "Yon never proposed to her on your knees!" cried tbe veteran married man in dismay. "Sure 1 did; sure," tbe youth repent ed, a glad, proud light shining In bis eyes. "Well," said tbe veteran, "you'll re gret it about twice a week for the rest of your life. After you get married the lightest argument, the first impatient wor3, will cause your wife to say, 'You weren't like this when you went down on your knees and begged me, with tears In your eyes, to marry you.' "It's, pretty bad to have an nugry wife rend out your old love letters re proachfully," said tbe veteran, "but that Is nothing to being reminded of your kneeling proposal every week till you are n great-grandfather." "You proposed on your knees your self?" tbe youth hazarded. But the veteran frowned and. made no reply. Los Angeles Times. Tht Seven Wiie Men of Greece. The seven wise men of Greece were Tbales of Miletus, Terlnnder of Cor iuth, Cleol.ulus of Lyndus, Cbilon of Lncedaeinon, Solon of Athens, Bias of Trienne and Tittacus of Mityleiie, Some fishermen of Miletus sold a draft of fishes to n bystander. When the net was drawn lu It contained a golden tripod, and the purchaser claimed It was his, while tbe fishermen contend ed that they sold only tbe fish that might be In tbe net. The dispute was referred to the oracle of Delphi, who awarded the tripod to the wisest man In Greece. Thereupon it was taken to Tbales, who declined it and suggested that it be given to Bias. He In turn refused to accept it, and thus It was successively declined by all tbe seven, and tbey were thereafter known at tbe seven wise men of Greece. The Number 4. There are four cardinal points, four winds, four quarters of the moon, four seasons, four rules, of arithmetic, four suits of cards, four quarters to the hour, four legs for furniture, most ani mals go on four legs, tbe dead are placed between four planks, the pris oners between four walls. We Lave four incisor and four canine teeth, and our forks have four prongs. All ani mals when butchered are cut Into four quarters. Tbe violin, greatest of all string instruments, Las but four strings. Four of a kind is a pretty pood band at poker, even if they are only f'urs. Exchange. An Epitaph. Jn the churchyard of Leigh, Dear Bolton, will be found a tombstone bearing the following amazing sen tence: "A virtuous woman is Ss. to her busband. The explanation seems to be that space prevented "a crown" being cut in full, and tbe stonemason argued that a crown eqnals S shillings. London Notes and Queries. The progressive citizens of Kis simmee will soou vote on a proposi tion to bouil (or an amount sufficient to Install a complete waterworks system. Tbe election will likely be held sometime in August, A Weakling is the only way to describe the child ttint is afflicted with worms, matter bow much or bow often It poor No eats, the worms get all the nourishment from the food, tbe child Rets practical ly none. White's Cream Vermifuge gets rid of the worms quickly, easily am! with no bud after efl'ects. Price 23 cents u bottle. Sold by w. B. Davis J. II. S.'biK'iler fc Co., of New York, aie Ltertsteii in foituitig one cf tbe largest truck farms in Florida near Micauopy on wbat is known as the Powell estate. A great deal of money bas been invested in clearing up large tracts of land, one lake ot about CO acres ba9 alivady been drained. Besides vegetables tbey propose to make a specinity of fancy frame lettuce and choice celery 1 here is something like l.oUU acres in tbe tracts and if Ibe venture proves successful, the company will add a great maoy more tbe following season. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera & Diarrhea Remedy Almost every family has need of a reliable remedy for colic or diarrhea at some time during the year. This remedy is recommended by dealers who have sold it for many year and know its value. It has received thousands of testimonials from grateful people. It has been prescribed by phy sicians with the most satisfactory results. It has often saved life before medicitie could have been sent for or a physician summoned. it only costs a quarter. Can you afford to risk so much for so tittle) BUY IT NOW. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. J. J. CONWAY DENTIST, MADISON. - FLORIDA. Office Phone No. 101, Residence Phone No. 34. Q, ELACK ASHLEY. Attornen-at-Law Practices in all the Courts of tbe State. Prompt attention given col lections. Fire Iusurauce. D. B. CASWELL, TDEISTTIST Office over Smith Merc Comp'y, 'PhoneT5, 2 Rinps. There is one way to save your Piano and that is by EXPERT TUNING Drop me postal and I'll call. All work guaranteed. J AS. M. HALL Post Office Box 24 Meat Printing Creates a good impression among your correspon dents and helps to give your business prestige. We do Neat Printing : : : : at Reasonable Prices : : : : Enterprise-Recorder The commissioners of Leon county have passed a resolution favoring the bonding of 1 he county for ? 2 00, 000 for building of haul surface roads. Tbe date for holding the election will not he set until the August meeting of tbe "board. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTICE OK INCORPORATION. Notre is he-cby given that 'he sui'scnders here to intend to apply to the Governor of the Mate ol Klnntlrt, at his orlicc In the Cunitnl, at, t Ir.mla, at Hi o'clot k, a. m ., on the Is' d;iv t Sip-tt-mlier, lUtUt f'T I-tlem Patent u;o.: the proposed churtcr herewith published. .J.J. II A It" r.l.l., C. F. MIZKI.I., II. H. McCAI.I., A. E. JOHNS J.V, ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION OITIIB llAiiKfa.LLJOUN60N Ar COMPANY. The undtrsifcfntd herer.v associate tlii-nnelvrf and Socome incurpiiuted unritT mul bv irtnc ut Ihtr nvi of rlorian, reuulutinif the creation, or (Trituration and manak'tment of corporations for profit, and do hereby unch lawf as thtir or- inc 1 iw ami do iufo;t the following u their Ar- uue cl Incorporatli'fi: ARTICLE 1. Section 1. The name of the corporation fh.ill b the HAKHhLL, JOHNSON COMPANY Section 3. The general office nnd principal pint e of business of the corporation shall he in the town of Mailmen, or Madison and Sine of F.on da, but such branch office, nenae and place of bulnefr mftv be established elsewhere as the board of directors hull from time to lime determine ujon, ARTICLE II. Section li The general nature of the business to be transacted bv the company shall be buy and cell live stock, busies and "wagons, har n is, grain and hav, and the doing of all such a. is attd tiling as may by the bo ird of director be deemed necessary, proper and expedient to be done in the carrying on of such business to the best ad vantage. Section 2, Thia corporation thall have, use and enjoy all the right, powers and privileges grunted v corporations for profit under the laws of Florida and the corporation shall hav the right to pur chase, acquire, hold, use, mortgage or otherwise encumber, sell and consey any real estate or per son a I property dermed by the board of director necessary or advantageous to be purebred, ac quired, held, used, mortgaged or otherwise encum bered, sol"? or conveyed by the corporation in con nection with its said business, ARTICLE III. The capital utock of this corporation shall be FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS, divided into fifty (fit)) shares, each share to be of the par value of One Hundred Dollar, to be paid in by the sub scriber to aaid capital stock in such sum and at such time as may be required by the board of di rector or bv the by-laws. Said corporation shall have the privilege of increasing their said capital stock tu $jO,IAK).UO. ARTICLE IV. Term of Existence. feec'iort 1. The corporate existence of the corpo ration shall commence at the issuance of ..tUeri Patent and fchall Unntnate ninety-nine years there after. ARTICLE V. Directors and Officers. Section 1. The business of the corporation shall be conducted an J managed by a president, Vice- l'reident. a Board ol JMrertors ot not le than three nor more than eight, a Secretary and a Treasurer, and such other officers and agents as the Board nf Directors may from time to time (provide for. The board of directors shall be chosen annu ally at the annual meeting of the stockholder wMch shall be in the company' general office at eight o'clock, p. m., held on the first Tuesday in August In each year. Thj Board of Director shall annually, a h on as practicable after thri election, elect a president and Ihe other officers of the corporation. Section 2. The dutie of the Preident, the Vice President, the SecieUry and the Treasurer and such other officers a may be provided for, sr.aU be such as usually per lain to those unices, unless otherwise prescribed by the by-laws. The ame person may fill the two offices of Secretary ttnd Treasurer. Section 8. The time, place and manner ol call .nir nud holding meetings of the stockholders and directed, except when regulated by law or bv the charter, shall be fixed In the by-laws. The election of the Director shall be by ballot, each f t'-ckholder to be entitled to one vote for each share of stock owned by him. Section 4. The officers who are to conduct the tunines until tho.e elected at the first election shall bej. . Harrell, President; C K Alizell, Vice Preident; B, B. McCall, Secretarv find Treasurer, and J. -J. Harrell, B. B. .VcCall, C. V Mizell and A, E. J'hnori shall constimte the Hoard of Direc tors unuJ their successors are elected in August 1WU. Section 5. The Board of Directors shall provide for the election or appomtmer.t and shall fix the du ties of such other orrceT! or agent as they mav deem ecetarv or advisable, and shall make such rules- and regulation and take siich actlcn, not in consistent with the chMrter and the by-1 ,wi of the corporation, as they may deem advisable and pro per to regulate uud carry oa the business of the corporation. ARTICLE VI. Limirof Indebtedness. Section 1. The corporation h:tll at no tin.e cur an irtut -Mediics or liability of over rive 1 hou- -.d UoiUrs. ARTICLE VII Corporate Seal, Section 1. The corporate seal of the corporation snail pe an imnre stamp, circular in form, hi inn the words; "Harrell, Jui.nson & Company, Oca). ARTICLE VIII By-Laws. Section 1. The stockholder of this corporation Khali adopt bv-laws not inconsistent with the ch ter of this corporation and the law of Florida for the government cf it officers. Those first adopted shall be adopted by the vote of a mnjoritv of all the shares uf uic capital itrck of th corporation at that time ubcrita, and may be amended in the manner provided for in aaid by. lawa. The forefroinjr Article, of Incorporation art this day approvtd. adopted and signed aa the proposed ch.rter of a corporation, at a meetinr held for that purpose in the town of Aladison and cute of rl Ida. The names and residence of the subcribing In corporators are a follows: to-wit: J. 1 . Ilarrell, H. ii. McCall and A. E.Johinon, all ol Madison, Ha., ar.d C. K, Mir.ell of Chiplcy, flu. The mM h). HnrreM hi subscribed for ft OW 00 B B Mcc'all. M,U" W, C K. Mizilland A. . t. J JiriMm f l.UU.isj each, of the said capitil stock. In Witness Whereof, we hereunto supscribe our nanus this the Sud day of August, A. I. 1W, J, J. IIAHUEI.L, C. F. MIKIX, ' B. B. MrCAI-L. A. E. JOHNSON. State of Florida, County of Madison. Before me personally appeared J. J. Harrell, B. B. Mi fall and A. K. Johnson, three of the above ramed jbscrihers to me well knmvn, and acki.owb edged oi-veraliy that thev signed the foregoing Ar ticle of Incorporation in good faith for the purpose I he-rein expressed, and that thev have eath suh, m ribed for the amount of the caniial stock so sta Ud in the Article ot Incorporation. Witnos mv hand and official aval at M.nlion, Florida, ihi.'thc 2nd duy of August, A D. llW. 'Seal -'. AMILKV, Notarv Public, State of Florida at Large. Mv Commission expire July flth UMB. I BIDS MK BONDS. Vhera. irt vlc-ctiou was held imrsuallt to call, i 1-ilv . I', "i the Town of Madinon, Florida, i tU-uriTiine upoi the is nam e ot coupon bonds by i.l town for water works cxtinsion, for sewerage tun and I"f .lie erection or a imrmuory iur mil nuriKf to be used in connection with the Florida Normal Institute, n majority of the votes c ist at saM election were in favor of each uf said oT'iect-: Now, take notice that I, R. H. Howe, M.iyor of aid town, will, on or before the expira tion of ix:y davs from the firs, publication of th:s notice, recede setlvd bids for the (lurch.iseof Irimi. worth of Coupon Bonds for Waterworks hMciiMon. fl5,Mi is.' wcrth nf Coupon Bonds for the erection 'of a Dcnnttory to be u-ed in connection with the Florida Normal Institute. $25 0 (MO worth of coupon bond for Sewer.ige Stt m, haid honrff shnll bear Interest ni the rate of 6 per cent, per annum, interest payable annually at the ortke of the 1 re.uurer of the Town of Madinon, Florida, on September 15 of each year. All of th bonds shall he due and payable thirty years frcm their dale at the office of said Treasurer. But the right to take up any and all of taid bonds nfter the expiration of rive year fr-im their date is reserved. Ten per cent, of the amount of bonds for each purpose shall be of the denomination of $ln ajid llie balance sh ill be of the denomination of f a near as compliance can be had therewith. In rase it shall be deemed unnecessary to Issue the full amount nf said bonds lor the purpose or purposes aforesaid, the right to Issue only ao much as is nece sary is reserved. The right to reject any and all bids I hereby reserved to the discretion of the town council and tnnyor , No bid will be received for less than P8 cents on the dollar of the face value of said bunds. All bidden are required to accompany their bids with certified check or security bona with approved surety payable to the Town of Madison, Florida, conditioned 'hat the bidder will faithfully comply with the terms of his bid, said check or bond to be for 6 per cent, of amount of bid. K H. HOWE, July 22, Pt Mayor Town of Madison, Florida NOTICK OF SALE. Tbe State of Florida, Madison County. Tlie Circuit Court. In chancery. Ella C. I'aiterson, ) ts Partition SiimuPl Y. Arthur, et al J Notice Is lereov irlven that the underpinned ConmilEf.loner8 apvolnt'd by the court will un der and bv Tlitue ol an ord.r ol this Court, of date thr 31 st day ot July. IW9, sell at public auction before the courthouse door In Mfdlson Madlion coun'T. Florida, on Mondav the ih day ot September, ikok, between the legal hours ot sale, 10 the highest bidder theretor for cab, the following drscrlb.-d land, to-w.t: Th Bouth east quarter of Section iwent3--one HI i, and the nortnwest quarter of Section thirty-two (3i) in Township one (1), south, of Hauge ten (10) east, lying and being In Madman count) aforesaid. j-urcnaser tot av ior title oeea. It t MolNTYitK. JOHN D. Mc DONALD, JOHN TEltKY, couimlssloner. In Partition. 0 V. Barnsey, Davant It Uarant. Complalnam s Soll"ltors. MASTER'S SALS. Ynder nod by virtue of a decree of the Clr. cult Court. 3rd Judicial Circuit, In and for Mad ison county. Hoi lda. made and entered on the 81 st day of July, A D. IK 9, lu a certain foreclo sure suit pending In BMld court wbirein rue Hrat Nntlenal Haute of Valdosta, s vorporailon Organized and existing under the laws of the United States wa. complainant and -I. P. Coffee and c , D Mocre were defendants, and wherein and whereby I was appointed special Master to execute said dece. I A. 1). stantn. Sheriff. Special Master as store sa d. will, ou tbe pin dav ot eepteuioer. A . I). 1M09. during the legal Lours for sale, exfOse for sale and fell at pub lic on tcry for cash In hand, to the highest and best bldacr at tne fi out dour el the court house In the county or Madison, state of Hondn, the following d-scrlbrd property, to-wit: tine two hore wa;dn: one flft y-hurse-power return tu bular bchctk'ld boiler; one llxu cle'ached en gine; one hand-Ned shingle machine with paekprs. bolters, saws and belting complete, a. d one No. j Frick saw mill. A. L. STa.NTON. 'herlff, special waster. nADTED-A TO amiia Mm wwiei -unnjfiT pici'cic lurmsried by as. Our aKL-nta .vertM-rc ar. julnn money Utt. Write Jor ul! p,;r:iculrt anil ifrtial fjrr ml net. NO MONEX KEOl lltKL) until you rrceive and approve of your bicycle. We ship to anyone. SDj-whtrcui t!,e C. S. u ithcul a ctnl tUfsU in advance. prrpr night, and allowltN UAVS' Kh.E,TKIAl. during hich time you maynde the bicycle and pui ii to any leal you wi,n. II you are thel. not perlrclly uruirird or do not wuui t keeptiie bicyiie ship it back to ua at our expense and jv mlt net it pul em ctnl. FACTOR V PRIfFS 'unnali tha hit-heat grade bicycle, it i. poaaibl. to makt nwiwni I nivk at one small profit aoova actual faclonr coat. Yo save fi. to fas middlemen s profit by buiinr direct ot ui and have tht nianufacturer's ruar ante, behind your bicycle. Do Ktllnttl bicycle or a pair ol tires from amyimt at vtj trut until you receive our catalogue, and learn our unheard at JaUrf fruu and rtmarAatot tptcial ejftrt to rldeir aagtinta, YOU WILL BE ASTOKIHFD mh'.a "cive oar beaotiful ault IWU II 1LI, CL, ,ludy our ,Upe,b model, at the wendtrvlf rwi wean make you thia year. We aell the hiarheal grade bicyclea lor leas monry mi ..w... iricea rarurina? Irorn S3 to 8 niuuu ub iwuu mkto in (Tnifi IIED2ETII0I1I1 (ID BICVCLB UKACtKS. you can sell our bicycle und your m oann put iur price. Order, tilled the day received. iU BAND B1CVCLK8. We do not reruUrry handle Mcood hen Wrycles, I t a number on hand taken in trade bv oar Cuieare, retail M,a 7 Km. w, clear I CPI r.lfPftl TirVTC A SAMPLE PAIR Vs-bl lla.faa.IUU IlllhW TV IKIKODUOCOMLT The regular retail trict ot tkete tires it S6J0 per parr, put to introduce, we wtli uityouaiamrupatriorfMneuntnintratrMMU S3 MOEETEOBELE FROM FBRCTCBCS NAILS, Tack or OUm will not lot tha air out Siaty thousand pain sold last year. Over two hundred thouaaod pairs sow la sac OraTOfffTc7irrMaclelBtllaliea.ItUlivcly and easy ridinK.vervdurableand lined insidewith a apecial quality of rubber, which never becomes aaordinarytire.Uepunctiirereaistingqualitirabcingsivea 1 l??M"SnZt mnioir bywrrslUyet. ofthm. .pecially prepared fabric on tht t j 7w.or 1 aSwO u4 tread. Theregularpriceof thetireU! 50 Jer pair, but for f TiZTtiTilft advertisiDBDurDcaKawcaremalLiriffatDeciallactorvDriceto aa nxiiau. the rider of only fa 80 per pair. Allotderaahippexiaameclay tetter la recerred. W ship fi . f. approval. You do not pay a cent until you have examined and found then airlctly a reoreoteo. Wc will allow a csub dl.oount of 5 per cent (thereby making the price aa.ou per pan) if y end CLC CASH WITU OKDlift and encluec thia advertisement. Vow run do riik sending ua an order aa the tires may be returned at OI K eapenae if for any reason they ar tuk. II yotj ordtr pair of time tirrt, you will find that thtv in. I ride caairr, ran wwr better, latst lauger aod Uk fiuer than oy tire you bavecrer used or mrrn at any pne- e know that you will lie to well plraartS that when yon want a bicvele yon will give ua jour oroc' w wbdi you u acoa us .riai oracr ai once, oeoce a ap svavfA mm mm . am aawawa mtm aawaaa. aAdtl 'I htiv r WUlf FtLLiJ 1liiWw HrxlKetbum Puneture-Pixtof tire 011 tov1 and tn-1 the aterial Introductory price quoted abo: or write lor our big Tire aud fcnu-liy Cliunue 1B dcacnoca and quutca all make and kmda of tirea at about half Ihe ui. 1 rn 'n. FlfM aVI r IV A rff" bt write ua a pota! today. IXk NOT 1 H l n k K PTYIO Wrrrie BJKJ f 1 J t A- f or a pair ot liia ttvrn aayooe until you nowtVf r-w ud wtitxkM-J ofle-i we t rc uaakiog. It only coal a poataJ to learn cwrytbUig. V rue it i o W. jl l eek) cycle nrr?, c::rc".:?, 111. NOTICRTO BONDUOLDEHs, HoMcrn of Bnnflnof Madison Cotmt'. are hereby nntlib d tht the to ijJi10 stfttidlng borifli of Bam county. in Zr, o,y NutJibfnd Iciriy-elgltt an.rnfiri ; i?fJli i-ACU for nve huudrf-d rtniiH.l T'ht No. llfiy-slK (M) Mr one hundrcl I 'J, ,'4 have befii Urawn by lot, and culled i tmi', inent and tlmt the Mine wih ih. Vr liiter-t tlirforv will be paid on t h u' of Aiitrn-t iw at m lib b time the lutTrelV.'W ou will ceatw. , rem A. LIVINGSTON E. .). 'ANN 1 Truntpfgof mndaof Madmon t ouVitv . Mfcdlrion Florida. July u orda; NOTICE OF PlKsJiiAKCB Notice 1b hrppby Rlvon that Mx mnnthi date tlieuii(U'rlsrned will iiitr. n ', 'i'.1."' .Wter ner auoouniHRB aunn-tratrlx of u,p pJIt"1 c. W. SancVrs, debased. and that Mip iueoJ idon c ouni j . Floi ldu, lor her U(scLuil. ii.M: FANMEB. PATTEKsfiN ci a cd. ""e lu. law. sdiwi run J UUCICATIOS. United States Land onioe at oalnenviiie, fi JUlv .Irrl lam Notice Is br-robv given that Afa J. i owr , Madison. Klnrida. who. on .lnn a ni Tr 01 Homestead Kntry, No. 81W1, (serui : Dld owili) for the SWtj ofhKij, .section iJ Khlp if north. Itatige8 Kast, Tallahns' ur,T dlan. has tiled notice of Intention to mill tin a! flvs year Proof, to establish claim to ii, land afcjve di sci IDed. oefnre the clerk of hi Circuit Coitil at Madleon, Florida on the ii.k day of August. 1B09. 0 "l0 lalmRiii nataes as witnesses; H. B t.lbson, N. 1. Hughey. vy. S. I)urr.P and T.J. ulbson. all of Madison. Flrirfa HK.NKY 8. cilL BU, Heglster. NOTICE l if APPLICATION FOHTaX DFRU UNDER 8KCTH INS 6T4 6TS OK TIIK OENJvKAL HTATUTJCH OF1 FLOHIDA. Notice l herehy elven that A . W.shacko'forii Surchaser of Tu Cert Itlcates Nos. 1, 3 t -ated the 1st day of July. A. I). 1U07, has Wri snld rertincates In my office, and has made an. plication for tax deed to issue In sccotdara with law. Said cert ideates embrace the follow lug described property situated In Madison county, Florida, to-wit: wu of SE'a irJt SK of NKH. tec SS. and SWx of nw u " ,o a, township 1 south,, Kange 5 hast. K TM of bVi'H, Section 1 Township 1 South Hunge 1 Eat. The said lanO being r.mvgK.i at the date of the Issuhiios of such certificates In the name of I'lilnowo, Klsworth Trust Co I'nl ss said certificates shall be redeemed mv cording to law, tax deed will Issue therton tin the 6th day of Au?u-t,A. D.1909. Witness my official signature and seal this the sin day of July, A. J). lto. (Seal) T. Z. MARTI V. Clerk circuit Court. Madtson County, Florida NOTICE KJIt BIDS FOK SUPPLYING BEtr Until Tuesday, August 10'b, 1909, stlOo'clock a. in., the Board of lominlssioners of ytate r-4 Bt It u t Ions) ot the State of Florida, will recela 1 bids at Tallahassee, Florida, for furclshm f.etsh beef for the Florida Hospital for the In 8ane at Chattahoochee. Florida, for the perlud ol two years, beginning September 1, wfi. aii Mas must c seaiea ana aasiressea to The Floard of i ouimlHsloners of state Inatitutiona Tallahassee, Honda, nod marked "BUs for supplying esh Ileef." The three following propositions will be con sidered; tl) lids to furnish, as near aa mar be. tns following weights of beef on each ol the days oirne ween, aa oeiow mentionea; Monday, 1 200 pounds; Wednesday. pounds; Friday, 1,.K) pounds, said beef tooe tutchered near the llorital and delivered fresh it) nldstofnrlithh in car loa'l lots at Hlyer Junction, Florida freight prepaid, fat beef cat tle sufficient to produce the abore atat'd amounts ol bref, there to be received bv tnt Hospital and butchered by Its employes r :9 Bids to furnish the amount of fresh beef sneclfled llnrlpr DrOnnntllnn n. hut rl,.llt-.ra hflyer Junction, freight prepaid, In mli lmum Cur load lots, lu properly Ued refrigerator cars. Bidders to (.peelty whether Western beef, or Southern cattle butchered In or near the state of Florida. In m iking contract the Board will resets th right to vary the above stated quantities 15 per cent, either way. A bond of KM i(illl be r. qui ed of the successful bidder, conditioned forthe faithful performance of his contract. Each hid must be accoinnanlcd by a certified checa Or 00u OU as an evidence or good faith. ' G. T. WHITFIKLK, 7 8w Secretary of the Board. NOTICE OP ELECTION. In accordance with section 408. Article J. General statutes of viorlda. the Board ofPub llo Instriu-tlon hereby orders an election to be held at Flnettaon Tuesday, AUguvt lst, 11, for the purpose of electing three Trustees and to determine the nuoiber of mills to be levied for tbe succeeding two yeatB All qualified voters residing lu tn? district who pay a tax on real Or ptrsunal property shall be al owed to vote In said election. A. A. w etherlngton. .1. A. Gray and John C. Coodv arw hereoy appoln- t-d manager-, one ot whom shall return box 1 containing ballots cast to this office by noon of Sept. 6th, l'tru ! Pone at the office of the rioard Madison, Mad ; lsuncounty, lorlda, Ibis August 3rd, ltn-9. Seotctary. chairman. ItfDER ilSEEJTSS a,c Hutnea wim ai.oo pront aoove factory puus .a u rnl,Hl ttanU riml lw,J kirvrlM hot war Dy oar ciucaro retail alorea. nr alio. 1 . . I, ... , im. PUIICTURE - FHCOF VAS JfotW tlaa thick rabtwr trastd "A" and pnnoturs) avrlpa " atad "U," salM rtm atrfta H una rcmarnatiu tire onrr, inv kind a I anv nr.- nmil nott aTii4 InT 4 f"