OCR Interpretation

The enterprise-recorder. (Madison, Fla.) 1908-1933, November 18, 1909, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of Florida

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn95047179/1909-11-18/ed-1/seq-2/

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"' "" "i 'i i i k
1 The Gonqyest of the Pole j
j By' Dr. Frederick A. cook
't" "....-! .l. . limn I... ... . m . u
.-"(I.THIJUI, ."-, i-y uie i'w lorn
Hernia Con.pjny. Rrtfiidcrrd In
Canada In Accordance With Copy.
riijM Act. Cupri.rlil In Mrx.
J ii'i Under Laws ol Ihe Ur public
ol Mexico. All Ki f'iirved
fw-Mi i; , , .;.. r 1 1
';-ii..'!- !''. .!.... -v miiMiii's,
W ii .1 I'M i.i, ; r.ii 1 1,,.
i'i'. in . n..i ; . ., i . j : . -, ..
I lii' li i"H i ' sir I ii,.. j, v ,;.
The Vole ii Last Amid
Singing of Eskimos and
ifcwlingof Dos Explor
er Rccckes "liifj Hail."
v -j ::;:: ;
'I III' W 'Hi
i ;
:n ll..
w. M
i. l
ihln 11 'o.
Tllollllll tin' b'l'lj" I-.-'. !-. w.'is i
Vil'V InW Will il 111" Villi WHS Iliull.
i ,i'a..;l:tl r:. I''' 'I I he Kill; 'ill.
II, ,.1 I' ll '!, i,V nil Hill' I.I1HVS )..
iii ..,!,v !ni.i!)iT. In strong w'-
W ;." ll iW .! I Hir.V t'l I'l'IM'l il S'l' "
; ; vi.: I" i-!ii'.!il tlii" tent.
Optical I!1umciie.
We wore oscilid to a fever heal.
Tlio foot wore light on tills run. Even
the dogs caught 1 lie infectious wit husl-'.
BKin mid runliod along nt a puce which I
uiiulo It dilheiilt fur mi" to ki'cp n sulH-'
dent advance lo sot n good course.
Tli Ii oiixoii win still m' arched for!
soni.'lhlng to mark the a p in mclil sic; j
boronl renter, bill nolliing unusual wiik j
seen. It wan tlio sumc expanse of i
moving sons of ho on wlilc Ii wo had
lived fur .i(K miles.
But, looking through gladdened eyes. I
tlio scene assumed n new glory. Tliero '
were plains nf gold f( Weil 111 purple
wails, villi gilded en'sls. It was nni:
r ill'1 few days mi 1 1 io stormy pa' I:
wh"H ill! niinii'e smili'il Willi ekreiiiv
...............yrc miniMimiiiii mmm.
f 7 mammammwmmmmatmmmmmmm ant W!IJW"M Hhiiviw mm win up ma. ' l.
I'l'liMI IhV
yard ahead
i '!'
piisitinn a few linmll'i'l
of till' sleds 1 could in. I
i:.ii;ili"ii t i Inni fn -jin-iitl.
i: m i-mi el nf i !i.. il":: Ir.'ii.
.'V lire. I'l i : i ii'i : ; '"I
oh.. mo w "I'i riMi'Mil. 'I'll'
i I hi i li'iri inr i n!
i : e i i::eil i V'l'y
' ' ; i.' I.iiiiI wcT"
, ! .1 I ii' j 'l'e iii '
.eu Mul ii nierl vi
i: :i 'I lh.ll snllli'li
':. .-"1 Hi" line inn . i ;.
" 'i.tii I; i iie :iii'ir::i:ii
i "l'e pr.', i.'.
Vi lu ll t!ic miii '.:i.i
ni:l .
: c. e' e lii u
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' ; l.l .. m:
At t'u
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I. VI'
& ,' - ' i ...
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Tiilnll'Jl i!:k
a tin- uiili a .
1I.IN U : : i : I '
Ml.lix iii,:' i ! . : i
I'i '..illi"S. t -1 j .- ..I
Willi i-:y s : . 1 1
ft. Ii li n I
iln i" I . ii ''ii
'a :: .',i wis mi'
il : i'l S I'I'il Li I
' a -l ; tlji- p:i' !; :.
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'It v.
: ii
Iii'ul.i) tlic f i'i t;il silence wlili nil neeii
slmi.'il iiiitljiii'M. A lit 1 lo fivh eiillnisl
asm liiiin tin. (Ii hei's wns ipilekly ful
lowed 1 t.v I'lMiine ncllvlly.
Wo were in (.'inni Him ,, ,.,,V1.' di.,
tmiio ei'iinnnileiilly. '', f,.,-,.s
Iij;lit; nnr limlies were lliin. Ail tli"
lilllseli'S ll.nl slil'iveli',1. I.m the (1,,;;.'
I'el.'lii.iil liilli ti n' iiej,. si . l, ',' ..,
stripiml fi.r tin. aM la,,, ,,e Imriziiii
lifter .'iin tin r was iii'ied.
Ill Hie ,",,i',.'d el)'., rt will. Ii r,.!,nveil
vie v ie fri'ij'ieinlj' nvi'i'l aleil. The
' u.i, i.iiiii'e was sle nly al 1 1 ilerees
I lw :' 'l'ii 1".. I, i'l pi'i'M'll'all'iii e.'lliie
mill e.le :n,i a eerlalll
t'li'::'lll,'. ! II, I'. Ii.nu.vi I
l"n ' il a 1 1 a : 1 1 ef .I'll, i
nays, 'i I'e i' ' ht i.r
Miii-I v..i"
V (" .l:i' kel. 'I'i , I, ,
illnminl nf
'. III. re f,,.
I'l : f 'i' in.'iny
H.e I'lnlskiii
I "'i ll i'. i' '' i. . i in ,.t ii...
. I'll' limits
and I'i,. fur si", ' , 1 .,,,, ,,.,,.
IIKi'le-.; nnhi (i".. ,,,
Fura Ct.cn r i .
'"ilii'ial, : ... n. ......
" -: ,Vil'''i ' 'i"'" 'i in r . :: ens ;
llllV" l'.",'.:' if :. ' ' ; , ,' . sl.
' "' 'I'" ''"I. In i'. - !:,-i ,1,, Vs '
'' ' '"'i'.'- " , ""S nf per
' i 1 ' 'I li I'l lii .i'l "I " ,..,;! .f ;,
'i" ' ' ,.' r , : i ,, .. j,,,,..
sl '" :!-r ' ii- y i-' ni'deil n
i1" "ii ii' . . .: 'i v-s ii,n,.
'"ii a" '. 1 :! in : : ila , ' everv pre
( "' '" " 1 ' 1 I- V' ' "i. lai 1
ni'l v. ii' 'i il ' s li a ' i map I'f till' I
l.'llll-'lil": . II ! I,,.
' ! ' '1 :i y.inint I
f ' ' I'l'inark
11 li Vl I'l'lleet
s ill' I'M'i'W th.'
" a imi,. .,f
l'"pil Was
We Wi I'e ,.... ,. '
The p i'pi-li.al 8!j:..
Willi ll i:i ;,.'li I
nljk' i viiiiiiT. Tin'
rd fi l the iry-l. l
nill ' li'S n 1 ,i 1 1 1 1 Hie ,
eliri nle f'inili ii'ii',1, T'
naliieed to a naTe i' Iinle.
'I'liei'i' wmi mi ei'il ef li"ui' le nt mnd
In endi'iiviiilinr In . ;i the window
of llic wml open, ni 'l a' ,,f efTert
wns run Iuk 'titer In n yet e.':pres-i,ii)
cf liai'ils'h!;i nnd wrlnl:'"" t,.. shmild
l o railed tlio Imrenl KijnPit,
Ncoring th Pc!p.
This li'ireiil squint Is n part r.f the
riiSM t liinn-e ph.i sl"i;iini'iv v M, h fa;.
to tlie ut ef every nri'lle i" i 1' T'n
early winds, with n plmi ii: !.;;;, .rt
turo, slart n (In li nf s. a"1-!, v. hi'
frorpiciit frost lilies leave (inures In
Mnck. Taller (ho !.i;rn!n;.; stm l.f, i v
the xkln: nil seiiin inly simp:.: v !'
Rep (ho iiiulyliire. harden ill" ' ! '
leave open lissnn s.
'J'ho hard work nial rnlie ed timvi 'i
nu'iil einitrai't the iininles. i!!-pe! th"
fat nnd leave tlio skin fn shrivel up in
fnliU 'I'lio Imprint of tlio (.",'..;! t'"'
dot I'spressloii of liiinl lines nini t'i"
mental Uank nf (lie I'livlruiitnent h:i"e
removed nil Kplrllual iiiiiinailnn. ,.
have the color nnd the l!m j of old
russet He. les nnd would easily pas:
for preLinu'i lo iirnceiilluin of tniin.
In the I'lifiiiTiMj effort to spread mr
the Rtiffenod !' over the Inst reuches
tborc wns no !nii;;er sn."' lent enorjjy
nt -.i I ii) iIiijt iini"S Id ia . I a snow Hliel
lor. Tho silk tent was !!,ou pressed
I, nt
1 ! r i . in::'. , ,.; r,, , ; , .
I Vi'h n l ',. ,:.,. ,.:'
l IHiiiiii'al ni. :' a' :.iiiv i, I,.' j , , . ;
now n.'enraieiy i'.m il i' a e i, i. :
pi'i.;!'".'. .s .,'.. I,,. f. . ,
I iimic . mi i k i ., ,.
.'iliiiii'.t 1,;. i i ,. i, :.
! us. '1 la. l,,, s I'ai.i ,1 i !,
ami '" '! . a! :! I had a n
nlisi'l'Mll ii'li :'l'i plelllly. .
I'lllllaje ill the liilei'tinn i.f
ullereil 1 1' ' lid in mil' Jnnpi rameiii the
horizon i",::'i d and ,eeanie ei:'...er
only to .ii.'di fan her into llu- niys'i iy.
l-'l'inn the l'i.:;!ily-eilllh to I he cluhty
lilinll Hie h e was In very lar'e lielii.
iinil Ihe snif ice was less Irregular, hut
ill other respeetH It wns n I mil I the
Willie ns helnw the clhly-sevi'iilli, Wo
notlii'd here nlsn mi (xlenslnn of ll(.
nniK" of vlsluii. We seemed to sec
limber (llsiaiiees and the lee nliuii; the
horizon Inn) n less annular outline.
The rolor of the sky and the lee ulso
-lifi iiui'iV to deeper purple blues. Wo
hud no way of cliceklnu; these Impres
sions hy other observations. The
oiiKoriiess to lind siitnolhlns Itnusunl
limy h'tve firi'il the 1 tun rii 1:1 1 lull , but
since the earth Is flattened nl the pole
IHThiips a widened horizon should ho
At S ii, lurk on the iiiornliiii of April
li wo eniiipid on u pletuivsiue old
field with eiilivelilelif Iiiiiiii,i,,,..u n.
whii h we could easily rise for (ho fro
iiueiit niitlonl; which we now maintain
oil. The tent was pllrhed. The Uous
were sili'iieed by blocks of pcininleiin.
In ns new eiiihuslasin was nrnused by
il lilieral pot nf pea soup nnd n few
ililps of frozen ment, and then we
liiKhed In life niviiiK siiiilienins. si-leen-oil
Ii'.ini th,. pieniii- air by slilt
strands. It was n beuutiAil day. ami
hud inn- sens,' i.f aipi'eciiitinii nut b.vn
bliniled by iieeumiilii led faik'ne we
would liinv croniiy enjoyi d (he play
of I i u 1 1 inni color In the ever ihiiiiiinir
Sei'lie of SMllkle.
The Ksl. linos were sunn lest in a
prol'iiiind sleep, the only cuni.'i.rt hi
(heir hard lives, but I reinaiiieil awake,
as li.nl Ik 'on my habit on siiocooilhi;.:
days, tn get nniitiral observntloiis, Tin-
inn nil IKK- eulciilnlioiis lined us ill I
decrees :i minutes. At noon tlie sun
annum.' was carefully set on the sev.
lunt. uml (lie latitude quickly reduced
pnvo S!i iloiri s III minutes-twenty-
nine miles from the pule.
My heart Jumped fr Joy, ami the
mi niix'loiis commotion whleli was
creni inif iiw.'ikeiied Kluklshuli. I told
him ihai in two avernse ni.iri hes o
would re.irh the slin" (the hip
Ahneluli was awakened wllh n kick,
and tniii'ther tiny went out to n hum
mock u:id thrnunh j'lns.ses sought for
a nini'l; tn locale so important a place
us the terrestrial nH. If but nie
sleep beyond t must ho soon.
I Hied to explain that the polo whs
not vlsilde in tlie eye; that lu tmsition
wns loi iiied only hy a repeat- il uso of
tlio variuiis liistrinnonts. This entirely
siilislied their curiosity, and they ,rs't
out in hurrahs of Joy. 1-or two hours
they I'iiaiiteil nnd dance,! the passions
of wild life.
Sleep Is Impossible.
It was the first real slnn of pleasure
or rational emotion which tliey Lad
Plmv.-n for several weeks. l"or Koine
time I had entertalued tlio four that
we uo longer imbsessed the strength to
return to land, but the unbridled flow
of vigor dispelled thut Idea.
More sleep was quite Impossible. We
browed an extra pot of tea, prepared a
favorite broth, of peniinleun, ilu up n
surprise of fancy biscuits and filled up
ou tjuod lUlnt's to the limit of the al
lowance for our flnnl feast days. The
dogs, which bud Joined the chorus of
Kindness, were given an extra lump of
penimloan. A few hours more were
agreeably spent In the tent, nnd then
we Bturted with a new spirit for the
uttermost north,
lii. in
wp ii
mr i
ill i'l' ay IV
1 nl null.
il I,, Us i;
h:'i I.,
' T ll il I'
(he ii' a::l r,
a'. Ton ; : ,
up ef lea.
pniiii'il down nnd
poiilliied Willi ll:"
"f tin. jaws. Tin
(he meal
wns lust
"Vr llVei 11 Lie i 'I'
!! of "-( i''i".:i'i'l:.'
a n! .-li'i'l ' I" w "il
Moiled mini a '.'.. ' ,'
I ''I' 'l'lllll:il .'HI W'. S
ax to e:i-e Hie as:
e.viM cloved In W
was fliiish.il. and Ihe wnial
(o ns fur :.: lit linui's. 'I he
I'lisi'i'vallon (.rave laiim,:,' s!i ilegi'ees
i'i.'i inluules, Ini a.'itiul,. pi decrees ,'i2
Willi (he 1 oys shn'i'u? and (ho dor-s
howling we staried oT nller midnight
on April 21. Tlie iloys looked large
nnd noble as they came along that
(lay, while ICIuklshuk nnd Ahwehih,
though thin nnd rugged, had a dignity
an hemes of the grentest hitman bat
tle which had ever been fought with
remarkable success.
We were nil lifted lo (ho pnnidlse of
winners ns we stepped over (he snows
of a destiny for which we bad risked
life nnd willingly suffered th.. tortures
of an h y hell.
The Ice under us sreriod nnut sn
cred. When (he pedometer registered
fourteen and a half miles we rnnmeil
and calmly went to sleep, feeling that
we were turning on tin. enrtirs n:K
The observations, however, gave fc!l
degrees 6!t minutes 47, soroi'iK We
therefore had (ho pule, i r tlio exact
spot where II should bo, within i-lgbl.
We advanced (ho firieen feennds.
made supplementary observations,
pitched (he tent, built a snow lloo
nnd prepared to niaku ourselves com
fori a bio for n slay Iniigciiougli for two
rounds, of observations:,
Our position was thus doubly assur
ed, anil a necessary day of rest wu
pained, rriuklslmlt nnd Ahwehih en
joyed the day In quiet repose, but I
slept very little. Mv L'onl wns 1'i.fich.
ed; the ninlilllon of my life had been
filllilled. How could I sleen nwnv
such ovcrw helming moments of eln.
Ths Dream Realired.
At Inst we had reached the lioronl
cooler. The dream of unliiuis hud I H'I'll
realized. The race of centuries was
ours. The flag was pinned to (he mv
eled pole. The year was ltms, Ihe dav
April Ll.
The sun Indicated local neon, but
(line was a negative problem, for here
all meridians meet. Willi n slop It wns
lllissllite III iro fY.oii ....
' I ....i.i init ,,, mi? I
globe lo the ontiosltn slit,. from Mm t
hour of midnight to Hint of midday.
Here there nro but one day and one
night in each year. The hitltinte n-im
fit) degrees, the tern pern lure 38.7, the.
nimospneric pressure 2D.83. North,
: -
rv'-;.n;''j',''wl',v '''i: ,
east and west bad vanished. It was
south in every direction, but the com
pass, pointing to the magnetic pole,
(Contlou6d oo paire 3.)
i'i i t.,.i.
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m ! W F
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'f')'f': 'r f';. .'.'.' V"'" ''.';'','
tw,, mUl iLJ Liiiiiiiii'iii(iiiii',iiiiiiiii
To Every One Paying
up their Subscription to
The Enterprise-Recorder-
and to every new
subscriber paying one
year inadvance-during
the months of October
and November, we will
send free, for one year,
The Best Agricultural
Publication in the South
published at Nashville,
Pay Up Your
Subscription !
And Get Two Papers for the price
of One. Only $1.00 per year.
U Ail aafcsi agksmmmA (
Madison, - Florida.

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