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GREETI NGSI This Bank wishes to all its patrons and friends as happy a New Year as it is possible for any one to have. Times are good. The 1910 out look is bright. To everyone with a cheerful and optimistic spirit who is looking for chances to butter himself, the coming year is going to offer abundant opportunities. Here's hoping that every one of our readers finds himself and her self much farther along on the road to fortune and independence at the end of 1910 than now at the beginning. We are very sure that our Bank will be a help, in this respect, to everyone that use it, and we ask your patronage with the assurance that it will be of great benefit to you as well as us. In the coming year, as in all previous years, this bank will be found to be loyal to the best interests of all its customers. The Firsl National paijk. MADSON. FLORIDA TOWN TOPICS. Our 'Phone Ii. Glove for everybody at Teybr'e. A tent show tt hnldinu forth on the lot south of B. F. Moselej'i residence thii week Pmite for pupa, pants for (on, at Tay lor's. Don't forget thnt Art Square jou promised your wife for Xtnas. Beauti ful line at V. J. Begi & Co. MissOllie Sloan, daughter of Mr tod Mrs. S. II. Sloan, la visiting her UDcle, Mr. A. II. Sloan, at Barlow. Reward to anyone who can find better Clothing than that at Taylor's. Wanted; Permanent bord for man ind wife and 7 year old child, in private f imlly. Address, stating terras "K," this iifllce. Mib Rucbel Martin, the attractive daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thoa. Z Mar tin, Is homo for the holiday from Bre bbu Culltve, Gainesville, Ga. A good six-room bouse on bait acie el ground, in the corporate limn of the town, for inle i heap. Good well of water. Inquire at this ofllea. tf Miss K u 1 ii Haeeell, who is engHgnd in teiiiliing school at Green Cove Spring?, arrived home Inet Saturday to spend the holiday vuoutlon with her futUirt Mr, E. C. Hansel I. A (lollur will buy 100 cents worth ai Taylor's. Lost: Muck ninre horse. White star if forehead. Wiilks bow legged in left hind foot. Totes hlb heml. Sway Iibuk. tlJ reward for return to FrHleiih Llnee 8helf,-r Co. Tim whole community will be deligh' W Wnilne ill coiilinun to serve the Melhoilii-t church in Mudisoti na psslor lor antli er year. Our thank are due the Uisliou for his kind consideration. Every home in Madieon county should use silver knives, forks and poena. Gel tuem this chriBtui.s. It will miki Jour w.fe, your, bunbiind, our niott er. vour children, all bappy. K. Davis the jsweler, bus Uiem at piii-ea to suit vou Hiirriih for the Board of Trade! What ll did (or tbe town last week in enter 'fining the visitors is bound to d - gooH, &very citizen and business man should Join this orgnnizntico fewl lend bie miance lo tbe work id band. A mail box has been ' p'ovlded for the children at Moseley'e drug store in "tititn to mail their letters to Santii Cliius. 4W P' Mowing the list of minister al ap I'Oluunenie all'mUmr ihe Meibodis' chiirehea of irljiton county, n put-, h'tied in lna imeh-Uiiioii'e A mum Cui.ference report on Tui'silay: Tnlln iaee Ulsirut-L. W. Monr. presiding shier. Greenville. J. B hep,rd; M d w. H. W. Wbitnellj Madison CI ouil. JVC. Bradford j West Madison Circuit, ' V. Holund We were In error two weeks ago iD stnting the time of tbe next meeting ol the Count Farmers' Ui.lon. It will held at Hanson on the Hist Fri 'ay in Jnuary -the 7th day of tbe month L"t all Invested take norioe and gov ri tbenisnlvet eeoordlouly. At this meeting there la much biulnees of great eoriano, to the organ zatlon to be t'soaacted and it is earntatly hoped that very local la tbt county will be repre-ated. Underwear at Taylor's. Have a good lime this week betdon't forget that there's plen'yof fun in store for next week. All gorle of toys fur lift children al Most-ley's drug tore. 4 MiesS. A. Rimlell came from Li v.- Oik Mondiiy and will spend sometime with her sister, Mrs. Theo. C. Smith. A splendid line of Hnu Ilavllnnd elm for the boll day trade at MoBeley'i drug store, 4W Col. n. II. Rowe and C. M. Kenny returned from Jacksonville Friday night after spending several days in that city on business. All persona indebled to the late C. B. Ashley, will call on me and make set tiement. Chas E. D.ivis, attorney foi Mis. Cora P. Ashley, administratrix. Shoes? Why yea -at Taylor's. Messrs. L. A. Fnleigh, Archie Llv. ingston and Columbus Smith spen several days in Jacksonville last week returning honii-Friilny night. Notice: Mr. Phil J ParrHiiiore mi l continue the Insurance business or .Tor dan, Ashley A Co., at the eame ofllui which he basoccnpie l heretofore. Mies Nellie '.Imely arrived Saturduv from Forsyth, Ga., where she la attend ing Bessie Tift College, and ill Biienit the holiday with her sisters, Mrad iiiihi. Charles and Claud Moirow. Ask to see the latuHl, Christmas prre eut for your sweetheart at T. J. i'eg & 'ompny. Col. and Mrs J. X. Stripling of Jack soiiville have been In the city sivern diiya inifc we' k, Col. Su ipling ulteiiciii,. Lhe spcciiil lei in of voiu l, Iim being m lorneyfoi J. A. lieaity cliatge-l win the murder of C B. A-'hley. Liul: Vly old hat Bud found a new one at Taylor's. Vans will he celebrated ul llie Culll" Ho Cnurch Cliristmiis moriiing nt 8 m. 1'tuMock. At the latter hour ku up propnaie soniion will lie pea ched h father Hreenahan. A cordial inviu lion is t n culled lo the puuliu to iilteie these services, Bverjbodygo to R. Duvjg' jwelri store an ) see the prettiest and iimn elaborate Btoi-rf of walcheK, clocks, jew elry, luiiBical Instrument, epeilusits silver a ure, entwines ami Chribtmas in. elites evr before tin-plated in Mudig .n. Ke member everything engraved free i Charge and Siittf faction guaranteed. Tbe 8ieciiil term of Ihe Madieon (Joi n ty Circuit Cnuit c nvi rjed o r a; moruiiig and a gr ind jury was cop in elled consisting uf R. S. .vlclntyre, fie nan, Joe U. lHiper. clerk, N. V. Mi; Douiild, W. N. W'. hl-, .1. A Coil, hi-, v Ii. .Vliis, J S. linker, K. W. KentliH, ,1. Li. Wright, II A. Wood, .1. T U-r, S S. .Mooily, .1 It. Ivili s, J. W. Aiiitrewt. , Alex Wnde. W. lj. Hendersi.n Bl.d C. (.'. Koisoin After hearing the ch.uve i i Ihe court tliis body gol. to work and b l'uei-d iV afternoon hud returned indict iiieuts uliargli g murder in the, I! rat d - gree against tliw following: J. A I'eat t,y, for t Iim luiir ter of (J. B. Aalilej; Similiter Mitchell, colored, for the mm ili-rof hia wife. Josephine; George VVil ion, lolored, for the murder of li.a wife, Ellen; Kit C'ozcne, for the murder ul Frank Lee, both colored; Den nurd am Karly Welib, white, for toe murder ol Amos Mitchell, colored. Tbe grai u jury was discharged Tuesday afternoon ind tbe court adjourned until the rem lar spring term In April. Christmas Is Coming, A N D lrl DAVIS THE JEWELER, Is making full and ample arrange, ments to furnish EVERYBODY with EVERYTHING nice and good. PRETTY NECKWEAR Is Popular this season. Remember, I have everything in GOLD JEWELRY, SILVER NOVELTIES FANCY CLOCKS and a big variety of WATCHE S. Everything engraved FREE. Don't forget SPECTACLES are all at HALF PRICE, also CUT GLASS. IR, XD avis JEWELER REPORT (cOMoevseot OF THE CONDITION OF THE CITIZENS BANK OF tVIADISON, MADISON, FLORIDA At the Close of Business jn the ICth day of Nov. 1009, As called by the Comptroller of the State of Florida Fine Clothing at Taylor's. The weatkier was so Inclement Inst Sunday that no Sunday school wus held at the Methodist churoh. Get s Christ mas present for the "Old Man" at T. J. Beggs A Co. Mrs. K W. Steams carre from her hom- at Live Oak Tuesday and will he i lie guest of Mrs. Ben Sanders for s few days. For Sale: A one hundred acre farm known as the Mrs. Whittle pi nee near Westrurm, Fla. J . W. WBdsworth, Ad iiiiniKtrator. 4t Hee the ne-v style collar st Taylor's. Misses Agnes Parramore and Willie Fi nely spent the week end with Mrs I toy al C. Dunn at Tallahassee, return, mg nome Mondty afternoon. Don't foiget to buy a gold ring or bracelet before New Year's dov. A old baud bought in 10(19 gives good lock to wearer, R. Davie, jeweler, has i hem and engraves name free. Willie Brinson, son of Mr. and Mrs V. It IiniiBon, arrived from Culumhus, (in , Saturday night and will spend the holidays wilh the home folks. Willie is i stuuent at the Maseey Business Col e,-e, in Columbus. VV'e heard several of the Henrgis visi tors of I '.st we.k apren themselves us lelighted with the sppearauce of our own. We wouldn't be surpriaeil to olin nicle the arrival of enme settlers before u ureat wh'le just na a result uf tin' barbecue In). we;. Yt oia4a.iiiaassii0eaiia na 4 l 4 resources: Loans and Discounts -Madison County School Scrip Overdrafts - - -Furniture and Fixtures Cash in Vault and due from Banks Total, LIABILITIES: Capital Stock Taid In Surplus .... Undivided Profits (net) DEPOSITS Bills Payable, - - -Total - Deposits November 16, 1909, Deposits September 1, 1W9, $20(5,725.51 7,402.07 1,18!). 71 4.541.G0 - 73,88(5.04 $291,041.93 $50,000.00 4,000.00 - 15, ;!;!!. 17 209,705.76 15,000.00 $291,041.93 $209,705.76 151,976.63 Gain in Deposits since last call, $ 57,729.13 The Only Way to Save Pork in this climate without having more or less of it spoil is to put the meat in COLD STORAGE. We are now ready to handle your meat; to keep it properly cooled REGARDLESS OF THE WEATHER While the salt is getting in its work, and to deliver it back to you, ready for the final smoking, SOUND AND SWEET. Your hogs have cleaned up the pinder patch, and are no v going back instead of gaining weight unless you are feeding them a lot of corn; and if you feed most of your corn to them now it will be a case of BUY ING CORN at a high price next Summer for your mule. Why wait longer? KILL THEM NOW, and SAVE YOUPCORN. BRINGJTIIE MEAT TO US, and SAVE IT and so have next Summer, when money is scarce and prices high, plenty of corn for your mule, and HOG AND HOM IN Y FOR YOURSELF. Madison Electric Power Co. lie Lead Them M! A : -Ul S Old Santa Claus has been particularly kind this Joyous .12 Xraas Season and u visit to our Store will convince you ! '4 Christmas Gifts If Suitable to all ages and conditions. Call and look over our I Stock of It rp P ll """.II .lsv. . Waiious, Go-Carts, Dolls, Doll Go-Carts siul evertliiDrf to loys tor the Ciiildren : piellfiea;,a dei,bt ,he iiuie fou liox S'atiooerv, I'lotures, Frames, Cut Glats, Chlnawnre for ever; member of tlie fi.iuil y. I Fine Perfumes, IXXm.?. I Gifts for Husband, Father, Wife, Mother, Brother, I Son, Daughter, Sister, Uncles, Aunts and Cousins. ,A Mako Y'nir SeleotioiH K n lv and have them Set awi M Clerks will crive vu prom it attention. 4 le for la'onlelivpry. Courteous COME JJD SEE XJS DANIEL G. SMITH a oa o -' f.i S) e 0 ft '