Newspaper Page Text
'.1 1 f I . 8 EWE" PPPffP Ami rnCNun t America's Leading Manufacturers and Dealers. Sole Distributors of the World's Greatest Musical Instrument the STEINWAY PIANO, Created to express the soul of music, the masterpiece that defies imitation. ) ..r J ' t : A ' 5 -;:. J. t Manufacturers of the renowned STARR PIAN viu iiioiiiiiiivuio lunvu in vaviiuiiVi il ill iiiuuv iviiuo lu emit x This Company Sold the Two Pipe Organs Recently Installed in Her Ban wis Brokeo 1sWum hr eomplejtion was bad and the ould find Dotting to clear It up. Lalier bad complexion li caused br D inac tive lifer. An inactiva liver will be put j Id perfect ror.ditlon by tnkltg Ballard's Uerblne. The uneqtialed liver regula tor. So'.d hj W. B. Uvi. Tiuipk is to have a te theatre osting f'ij.OOiJ an'l seating 1100 profile. The Correct Time to sv p a cnL,gi or culd la Just aa toon an If ''nr'- tr.ifii flu-re wnl oh r.o dang er 'if pr.p i rr. .r,,n '.r i'it,piri,ptirin. .hist a fi-w iio.f i.f I'm ,M,r :k ilorurjound SSynip talis a sit I , Mar ii! ui the Cno'isi). If it .:,e I,-, r.nrii.g mi f.,r FoiTjti i.e : I.h v- i! i.h', -a ',i ir- i . . r tr -1 but t.',e r .; N mr.-. .- , i . J l V.'. li Iv.s. Tin.- government hi- ti-iYiAed 'In new l-ud.-iul liu;Mi'iL' wiii'.'li Ln ju-t been compl'-ted u! 0 -ah. For Eczema, Tender anJ Salt Bheum Thi lr.t.r.f) :tcliii;g ctiHrM'jiHri-tic of thtt aiimcnta l HllT;ls', it H'htjtlv (lilliV ed by Cli:n.l;tr!:utj-' S!vi-. M a n v feverc ohh-b hhvf liccr. turnd t.y it. I'nr sale by W. IJ. iJiivmiind li. K. MoHi-li-y. Di J.arnl is iniikiiiK grt-at tioris for th': incctiu of ilie Floii'lu State K l':f iitional Ai-ocintion in Lat city on Dec. 2- to CI , inclusive. Bow One Doctor Successfully Treats Pneumonia. "In truit'iig r";"iioioiiin" pnvc fir. W J., Smith, of .Siind'-r-', AIh., "tiic only rem edy I for the Iiiiih in ChiiiiibT.Hi .'a Cough Iti-iiiMily. U'I.iIh, of courKf. I would trmt utlit-r nvioploniH with dif fernnt nifdi'-ini s. I Imvi; u't-d Hub rt-m edv many i Imes In iny medi.tnl procure and hiivvynt f mIh.1 to find a cuHe w hf r It hit. Dot ctitrollfKl the trouble. I have ud it nj-t-lf, a bus also my wif fur cugha and colda repcate-dy, and 1 tnoHt willingly find ehw-rfully reoom. mend it an (superior to any other cougb remedy to inv hnowledge." For rale by V. I), Imviaaod b. t . .Mobey. the perfection of complete harmony and durability The Richmond, Trajser and Remington Pianos All of the Highest Standard. The Product of Generations of Piano Progress. Write for Catalogue. GAINESVILLE. - - FLORIDA. 5. A. LEDBETTER, Hanagcr. Old Instrnments taken in exchange. Will make terms to suit. the flethodist Don't Be Hopeless about yourself when jou r crippled with thBunntifm or etiff Joints of 0 utm jou' tried lo'a of thlncs and they failed. Trj Bsllards .Snow Liui- j meut-it will drivaaway nil aches, pa na and stiffness abd leave you ait well as you ever wera. Bold bv W. B. Dim Tbe bij-h school at West Palm I!-3f.'!i is now fi'.tel witb fine biolog ical, physical arid tlif-mical Ihbaiu torics. Ill Health is More Extensive Than Any Cure. TiiiH I'our.'ry i i o- f . wi'h .oi!f 'aI.o li.lgtrilo HiTohg li,t i-'i,'itorit in ill ; 'il'f. t.'jD- rwk'.IHt tllHt 1 i tl goM ?Htj- r.i.t i, i. Mi,-- t-u,!,c "f tl."in urn '.f I' ring f.""io thru it hi.'! iut,.' r or i:!ir' i-ii- i .'n.-rti r!cn;tn.g froia Lt-k:l'-li il - i:'i'-.n. m.'I f,i-Lili,( f.irfuin-.- vainly trv if Z to r-ir.iti at hfilth. t.'ouM i-vtsry .f!T-r but undo the pant und cure ' if. it firi-t iii-ilccffj I'oid, nil tln s- rnjvv 1 p iir,, hii.viutv and np nf- roulil ho v Own av i ilc-l Cliuintifrl.'iin'a Coii'li I Iti'iiii-ily is faiiioua fur it cwri' of d-liib imd Ciii alwuya be dpHi.(ii'.I upon. j Uf it nod (lin more -ri'iufl difaH-H i-y Ij avoided. For Sulci.)' '.V. U. ! li.ivi- Hi.d li, F. Mom-ley. Minutes of School Boarl .M i lison, Kl;i., Dec. 7, 1'jOS. li r I mt-t protiiptly at 10 a. m. f i l IJ'iur l pret'-nt. Minute of last ui'L'tin'i w-r; rea l find aiprov-d. A partition was ordered coi struct e l in the I'iiii-tti school buildirif; accord in ! to si.-i i ficat ioi prepared ny the U,erinUndcnt and the trus tee". (-cording to their former ruling the H'.urd will allow tetchers who attend every scsHion i)f Klorida Edu cational Association at Dc Imd Dec. 2f -:J0 to count that, week iu taught. The Superintendent ws instruct ed to purchase two fire-escapes, one ior each of tbe two story buildings in the county. Arrangements were made for is suing warrants on all reports rcceiv- and baptist cd at this ( fflce up to and including Dec. 24th. Tbe Superintendent was autbor'z ed to purchase ngisttra and report blaokk as needed. Settlement was Lad witb tbe treat urer and all bills paid. There beirg no furiLer bueinesb Board adjuurnt'l. W. J. Ulajstom, Attf-st: Chairman. G. W Tedder, Stcretary. Ot'AHI'I N' NOTICE. NM !'- Is tiony nifr thtf the arA r1. r xl Ouar'lUr i iUfli- I. UiO-ti, . tiiri'i A I'.l-t--I.'ii.'rr.i-t lll-U-'i'. Jt-title II ill hoji A I.. -iild.-i r. f lL"i. liiln r. nl .1. -rr.-rrt"r. LO'jr, tv. i-,oi 1-la. win uj..v to i h" oii'.iy 1 i:.-.- .-f V aillS'-n '''urj'y. ,-lorlfla nl b!" - iiji-i- -( i.t.. ii. i I-iiMj. '-n Ijoiuarv T n. ;!". H-lu ir t . . i;, & IIJ "I' B- t'Vilt I li I' lifter ItS I ll JV b.- ';0, f t Ii-hv.- to -i-ll ar .rl .il di" i t'n'- lno-r. -of 'b'- "iilu li.ln'.r.s In ui.U to the f .li wii,.' -. . C'-lltXd liinl I'l MiIItjii .-lillh'y, H'lti:.'!. I.. '111.- ii'.irhWf-.-t qijirtfr nf i. nii-t quirt"-.uifl i,'ir'Uwi.r qiiiier cr s"cii'.. t q'iArt-r ''I M-'-'l"'. Kl(-r,i lo '1 'jW i,.-lili, 1 1 horl a ol li .i.i-Mx ni-t .?.. C III -It fil. (luanllan of l!-iv - I). Hl-,h'i), ( harlt-n ,. iiirli. op. hmfcrie K liP-kup, Jlulic- Ii. Hl-h'-ji uinl Leouldja T. fliphup. Iiecr- ua iw il'AHI)I N NOTICK. Notice i tyivcn on llic llh iv ,, .Vu.iirfr; , 1-..1-I. I -iiifli in f.,r M. 1.. .,n- . I.H--U- Iti!; - VVjr-tijr. .mil llitoel.'c Wm-,. n,7' R'.r llllf- nf M tj'jr AT't.'. .;.( u.i ,1, ; t ilK-llon Jn...-i 1. M.if!in. f univ j i!' . f M i.ili'.' in Kim iy, I- .it i. in f i ir .in ir-!i r tn ... ,1 :c :)ridli-unit-n.i-unili nl. ii ont--tiif h' li ini.r.t ,( ..iiO in Oil: i -ll'.wiii. ile-rril'.i hu . t.. at. in M.fiiv.ti i. t;i,n . l-lnrnl lr.vii 'I ii; -i -I W,. -p S. T..V. n-mp S HiIIj... H I; ttie SKt.,i jjflj in J l.,..(fl( Src U. I''--.-, n -hip 'J N , It tiiif.: It L, c lit . i ni uif I'm .ii rp tk- fir lt' -t. II V AKIMi. 12 Ou.inlian l ..1 In the rirrinl C'.urt. ttr.l JuJiriil ( lT. rti t.i'i : f;.J ti.r l i(Jiw,n t'.ui tv, r l"P. it.4. In ClMiiccry. II. f. UYE I Forrclosure of M-.rt;' OEOItC.K (.1 NKIt.M. I To George fit-neral, It'-H.lence :r,knnwn You are ht.-n '-v rcportd 10 apprar to the Mill of Coiniil iii.1 fin d h--i. ni attains! vi 1 in the allow cn titled 'aii-.e on or before the 7th day ol Fcbruarv a. o. mm. The h.nurpri'1-lteriir.Jcr is hercbv iti-siirnnfcd as the newspaper ir. -Ahii.o th. ordef hall in- publ, sh ed on e a week for eihl conn-ci.tive w eks. W i.nevs my hand an I seal ol oltice tins a-.h da of Oecember, A. ti. lnr. (Seal) T. Z. MARTIN. t'lerk Circuit Court, Madison County, Florida. NOTICE Of DI8t UAHGb! Notice Is bereby nlvitn that six month", after the d -te hereof ths: undersigned will make nnal retUrliH ol bU aa'CDUlitat aai AdtnlniHtra'o ol ihn e-Mtati iff Jshn lirida-aon,, and that he will at such time apply to tbe 1 imriiy Judve o( Ma'ilarin eoumv. l-i'irida, for bla flnai dia ciarge tuii sucb adiblulairat'ir. JOIINC. WHITR, Adtninlsttrator Estate of Joan Hi -nde rwin, de- ceased. OcL , naju. o Churches here. In the Circuit Court, Third Juilicial Circuit c4 Florida, tn and for Mudi-oo County. Io Chancery bitting. Thcma GrecnwooJ, Complainant I v t Bl" ' A.berta Greenwood. Defendant ) liivorcf Whereas a Bill ol Compl.ilnt ha ben Sled in tht Court by complainant against tile defendant in aiJ cause, and an affidavit ol .licilor lor com lilainant filed to the etftct Unit delrmlant ii not a resident of the ute ol r lnrida but resident ol Savannah, in the Htate ol Oeorpia, and that the del nitant ii over the ate ol twen.y-one veara, and th .t there ta no one in I he Slate nl Florida the ier ice ol a subpoena upill would bind thedelerdant. .Sow, takr nuite that vou, Alberta Grecnwoiid, a'e ri quired to It ai d ipncar at the Court House, it m office in M .idisou, Klonda, on the 8rd dav ol Janoarv, A. D. IklV, to answer the hill ol com V-liunl nlt-d herein, and herein vou are lo all not, e.-e a octree pro conlesso will be entered aaruin.l i lie EntTiime-Urcnri!( r, n news paper published wii-s.v ft M 1'lc.on, l-loriiia, is dci-iKna c'! iu a pa. D.-r ii hich this nriier shall be piihl-shed. IV I'n is inv hat d and olticial sell at Madison, F n la, tin. Ihe 17th dav "I No- c-nber, A L) (Sea,) T. . MAIM IN, Clerk ol Circuit Court. ADMlMSTItAKllC.- NUl'k K. .Ml Cn dir., s. ), jutc.-a, rJIstrlbm.'pa nd all I--i irjs lnMiii cl iii.s or ili iniinils hs'iiIiisi thf '-t.ifojc n ..-bl.-.v.luii-oi Muils-ncouiuv, ri'TM... .1. .-,. hereliy r.-'inli to ,;.; "ot iiit pa-.,e.y a'ltin, i0 tbe tn'd.-r si.-t-m . aninliil.ti alt Iv ol all mlim.. wltliin ! ,'v" ;.r'' ,r"1"'.1"' 11 ''fhtrenr h reiiulied bv l.w. ar ( : f . l' ur.rl ull Pi.-.. ...... i. ... ? - . '. . al, ,r..,11B ll!Ut-llt" t'l Kalll V-l'tZ 1 rc'litli t'd to puy iu Bione to , , r!tA P AmIII.EV, AatnlnlstratrlxKstatenit', II. Aabley decetwri M.idlMiD. Kit.. Nuv ai, 'on n ' .! I. K HP VPI'I.ICT1HX t'OKTaX PREI) I' N DEU K- T IN S X, & 575 (IK 111 K GEN KHAL ST A 1 t'TKH Or" ELOltlllA. Nntira. u hors-hrifln'n that r. fi. Perry mir. ha -. r of Tax inliicai,- oS. as t irrjaied A I 'll .V lata and prli :. ih!.-, ban tiled glild i if ll -cili-s in on ortlce. and h.L-. uiade api-llc-al .,ri for ti-i di-id in is.ii ii .I..7..." ... .." I l.i w. saldc-riini-at-a embrace the followo," il'-sei-lbed property sltuaied in Madlviu C'liiuty . Hr.rlda. iwlti . S ot -r.'i and w ,r.l sit 14. (.ec 1011 M, 1 pi s itith, MmiJcseaHt l ln sum land D-lnicnssi-s-scd at ike uatc of , ibi-lsuanr ol nu-b cr-rtiilcatea In tbo n ,uu I'tLi'kiiowDaudtiriihaiiuk 11,11, y 1 I'nl a. a ,lrt (w.nlH.i ..D 1. .1, ... I '.. ...... ,, . n sunn ue ri'iii'cnjea no c"tlliitolaw, t .xd.-. dwi,i sue ihOTtoii on ttie ib day y.A. D. lWij. ,UL,t"" UD . 't'suiy onicial slKimture and seat this the'ih day ol U. wuibvr, . o lit at. (Si-Mil T Z, MnHTIV ' lf f 1 'rcult cv.urt. Madison uunty i-Torlda. l.LAIllllAN'is NO'l'Kh. Votite i her. bv ;ien that on the 27'h d iv of lie ember lliiH, I a- nu.' , Amiahelle la-e Kola:: I I-.. I ce and (ie.Ue I a e, r' ll'l Jltne. I. Martm. caitiljr ji,ue of Ma is.,,, .many, Honda, lor ao onl -rlo .e:l at O'lbbc or private sale, the u divn e-1 four-el.. hths interest ol sa.,1 miivirs in the f.,ll,vi des, r,I..U lands ,!, ,ie n M nil. oil county. -,, lo.ivif si, ol SKI. Si '."I. To ns.p' , Kanirs cast, conumfv lje u re', more or less ,,,, OLA SAN'IlhHS, " 1 w Onaruian ol said minora NOTICE OH HJDlFOK COUNTY CONVICT8 rlT ,,br'?1 . f''f'i 'hat th Board of County Coiniiilaxluuern of Madiaon oouniv a.'.r& 5111 P All btaTo bTinilrl SV T M' 'I? "! .u oca.-, a. m. of tald date . na hi .rd' r at-ryeti tbe rltfbt to reject any and all bid T. i. &f AllTIN, clerk. t t t t t t 3 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR LETTERS PATENT. N'otice is hereby niven that the underaiffnrd interat to apply to the (iovemor ol the btate of Fbnda, at lullahassee, Florida, on the i7th day ol Decern ber, A . I). ItMlv, lor issuance to them and their sue cessors ot letters Patent upoa the lollowioar P'O" posed charter. Witness our hniida and seals this 2ith day ofNo vember, A. D. llitlti. OKO. K. PORTER, SR.. libl). E. POHTKR, ,R C. L. HI,ACK.VbLL. We, the undersigned, hereby adopt this sroposed charter of an intended corporation.: ARTICLE I. Section I. The mime of the corporation shall he the THE IMIt I EH t'LA.NINO MILL COM PA N't .and Its pbue ol business shall be in Madi son, Madison County. Honda. ARTICLE II. The general nature ol the bnsincaa to he trans, arted by ihe corporation shall be the buvinn, sell. It'll and manufacturing ol all kinds ot lumber, i-ouiih and dressi-d. niiuiiitacturing ol all kindsof tmiidiiia-, huving mid selling and maim. 1.11 luting .ash, doors and blinds, building houses lor other bv c nlratt, orowning, bun,g, selling and building hou.a. for rem or lor sale, buvii g, .. llnisr in inuUilurlnji cross l es, and all kinds of Ii 'nlMoods. ARTICLE 111. The capital slink of this corporation shall be I'UThhN T'tllJUSAND IKK.l'.AIts, divided in to One Hundred and Kilt v shares ol the par value cil line lliilidted Dollars each, tin per cent, ol which is to be 1 aid foi in cush before said corpo ration is nullioili-,1 (,, .0111111. nee business, Ihe bal. anie of ihe said cipilal slock lo be paid in lawful money ol the I nit.-d States, or In proneitv. labor or si-mccs at 11 jn-t i-alualion thereof to be tiscd bv the Imard of directors at a meeting called for that purpose, ARTICLE IV. ("aid corporation shall exist for fifly years. ' 1 AUT1CI.E V. The business of the corporation shall lie con ducted I y a I', J , (i.-eral Manager, tn l a Secretary and l'rcasurer, and they shall he el.c'ediii, the rirst Tu.-s.lny of January tif each .ear, and until such election and quid ticition of s id on.i .rs. t ie business of the corporation shall be conducted by the undermined: ieo. K. Purler, Hr PresldeM and General Manager and Oeo. K. Porter, Jr., Secretary and treasurer, ' ARTICLE VI. The hiuhest amount ol indebt-nes. or liability to w mil l lie corporation cn at any lime subject" it- rh';ia',!d,i,;i,'arsr'1 ,hc "- ri" ARTICLE VII, H.T .f. r,,i"n.,"l,n1 'sidince ol the subscribers, and fomma " "''""'wl to by each is as George E. Porter, Kive Sltarc-s j corge h. Porte,, Jr., Kive sh ', Ki.e Shares All ol Live Oak, Suwannee County, Florida. m, this the -lltr. day ol .November, A. D. re2i?ORTKR.RR. ''to. I. Pull I KU. Ill c.d. ulackwlL. Sute of F lorida, Suwannee County. rJo'eE"5'," c'" Puh"c Pttally came m X""' beo E. Porter, Jr., and C. D. Hlackwell, to m. well known as th. foregoing sub !7h ; 7 uk""'',r'SX' ,hl l"V eecuter and Lt f'h ''" ' PurP alt h""1' and soil of the offic. this the Hth dav of .November, A. U. lung oUry Public Slate of Florida, at l arge. My oinmissien cipires Dec. nth, 1BU.