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mmmmamuasxfesi Lwgfa 7 riiMdMa. tMilfVnnfc'W-'"- 11 11V i IS THE TIME TO BUY , Clothing and Dry Good 3 li c mmmmmmmma P SI P ! ill 11 i III f IP WW 1 w A'tV. LOCALS. V l- a; I r nv i L" i.l . '. A 0 Cf' t '.1,1 e !. T'' "V i r w I :! : I ,r:.c. ' ..t ! H .: ! .-' ,'"! b' ... , '.1 tii-i- I '. ' s -t '.u I :.'r t" It .' . (.',.:: ..: .: v,m . f .. . K. -. 1 ' ro'-r:v fr a. n .. r,r- a :.i 'i l: w . f : . is . .t : . 1 'r. Am ' . i. . r.' .- i f c v tro b'i'. i.i-i v i.p'i. -ji K.V't VlltlHHll II. , f .. hi i ir'lit!) cr..n e 'i hi. I'f W ife. Ill iit-xf In'. '. Will t.t' nil J lUlMty .J'.tl. OlU t'll'lt 11 1 r r.i.-- V 1 - f ' ii Mi-r -.v ilv .i.i Mrs M. X. VU li il'V M "'l, :.rrn-i S.iii.U fimii (7 iK.'. Ju. h no will r-tiiiiin mi' ii Hi tiol I I . s ire p 'Ft. Sf Ruti m h'iiIhi-.i nt rri.ini i'h!i Hii'.l Mr tniv i.ii.I Mitillrll I live bOi'll iNtl" in Hit CU fi' wver .1 itK'i.'. ii. A-evi ln ; i. h a r tt'ttUrt ar turiilnrf t t;eir i')i in ti. , lirt-tnin w r k ml t' l t b uti t i miuoum; that N-t ik ai'iilonv nl f,ir;v-n ftiaili- r- r;i,a i. ''iBciiBtv rr mii Xunh (j r I.HTI I llri. 81' IMr HP .,.'011 pi lllfcl r.i t is ki; nva T 11' Mclnlire p tn'a. ti"ii. ... . ..r - h !..: .!t; i; l lv.iv of wr .1 lir,k I". tti" r-r;nr'i pirt i ii'v. ii ir t I Se.'rjiH in... .! Ki'ii tli.'t tl. 1 hu ti r of . ' -c r. r of ' 1-rs ut,,, iu i;r i',..,iit .t .1 t'-i;..' ,. f - Mil fti'i:- ' " I1 I il 1 U' -.ii' in 'Ii i r'. r in ti .n a h r ti .f t'i-y ntn' i x .U't iv 119 thu IV M.i'Onii' li 1 .- I ill! . r w nu'.il !i iv tl j'l We will save you money on lines if you buy before Xmas. doubt goods are going; to be vear than thev member we guarantee satisfaction, or your money refunded. iv? wfck mm The People's A 1 r - :;. . . n c and ir. n.n.j - I .1 V. M .rj's r ; - i . . . i." . -i t " .. 1: ..- . ..t U C 1 P .1-' ii t'r " : f 1. .'..'. I;el-7ai'( n, i.s -I .rti !( l. ! ' : r-,i: l'rH' i. . L i.ri'::. :.- Ar." iv,. Yrr.te -I,. 1 i. 1. 1 ) u:i. I I. iu-. J-.i-;lt.. I (, Hf! ii.tiK.f"!t" lhmr. 1 iu ti. Lo r..t is V. ir of JCbjiit. 'r'r -'.o, n-Ilt-i.-cr.-itm t 1 'i , 1' mi. a.i y; ' NOTICfc 1 Ytiiv i.oii.-e 'bit the 'nun-.l 1 '.v :i' ' 1. u' mi" f i.iif r".rt N I'm .1 IVilik o' M nl nl), ri'ill l.l.; v li I ,.' K '.'1 lit rs !''ii I; iiisi I:n i-o n !'u .!. . .1 .ii. 11. r.'ln, a 7 k p. n ., .c jui' i'i j, ', t K r' u a ' . .i li'f 'juri.Ms f. r ti;o n-ti : n f ' nil '..!'! H.i' t r -i i - -i In i; v' any ''Iu' i r v.. 1 U':iV ma; 1. f":e .7. W. Waik- 'Km, CatiiiT. Lee News. .M.-. " i i . in rxi b fnim Live O k i :iti -down Kii.l.iy to v sit Lit ,.-i'' U!s lit ir ' eio. M . MiiUkr si" iit Ti.uril iy of ten oon iih bi-r brother, l)r. Lin in Mi,fon. Mr. Joe J.'titiston f'om Live Oak mnle a tiort viii to Ms liro'lu r, Dr. J.i' Mi-s V rn Cal '.iiin aii'l Misj Ilnb Ft1' iu.i le niHil a bu-iiifsu trip to M :i 1 1 1 1 Satur liv. MN'rasul Hi-'fn KriiT U-ft p .tut I ii f r hrr Kr u,'lrailiir neir i V-l1,.i ,i. .I, roturn ifur Xhm M A K'le ri-'innt'l un'nv from a visi i i 'b-country n.'ir Klliville M'. .1 M. Hr 'wn is visitii j bt-r s:t r mar Ma li-. n. Mr. .T irk-on nn.l lrn from j f' :o- l.iM' w .k rim uii'i y to if j M -t"r Wilier Mel'ulUr !. Uqutte S!l'. Mr, H.'tirv llavri csm liom S it inl fr. ni Cipi'oln wlit-r he h nt lii faMi-r Its Keu qi.iir ill Out u some bottor row. have been for M TH CO, BLLS OLID HOBS Popular Department Siore. Georgia Visitors Hoya'ily Veicoinei and Splen didly Entertained. Ert.'cue for Hie CrowJ anJ Smoker for Rjilnai Officials Ye, Sir! M i ii m ami Malison county "ili l tl i mselves iroml" in eiitcit tir.iiii! tite (.x.,urst.'uit4 frotn ti"o:ia last wi-ik. li.o Haiti, rtbiob wm ilue to ar- r v n' .Malis ti nt Il:4U h. m., 1M . ot f. io'li tliis point until aliout 1 ;:M i. in, The trim a tuel at the le l ot l,v u il tai-hun nt of our ln-1 boni anl tin' i abotit i3uO in i . 1 1 1 1 1 1 o -1" we e ('Si'.Ttcl Ltie fotiil lii.iii.-o ar l winTe, oil lore table wa iteMil i rich feast of hai'lii'cucl l.wef. or nu I uiiitlon. bif il mil tiicHs aii'l Fli rila fun'. lb I'.' ft fhoit R'i lits O Wtlt'oliie ;ii p .U-'U by Kev. W. U Ive;. which as l'.q.ieiitly reJor.deil to otr tlie I chlf of "he visit. rs by Mr. Hirrtt. ttH'nil counsel of the fteo niii t'lornU Railway, Thin the visitors were ir viteit to the tn. bin niul tol.l t eat all that wu ire ared for thctn. It wan intetnlerl to have sp- akini; after dinner but a Ore alarm seatUred the crowd and this feature wa di-pensed with. About 1000 or 1500 piople pr look of thi bubecu which was first class io ev ry r pect. The "Smoker" jiirtn by thf Board of Trade to the railnad ffi- cials was l.el'l at the Men-hams i!otl. the dour to thu dining room heinti ojtrned at 9:30 o'clock. - The s's at this function were Mes-ts. A. l'oe, Tihtllc Manager, J. M. Turner, General Manager, an I Col. lJirrett, (7eneril Counsel of the Gioruia tii.'t Florida mid Mr. Wife, General Super'utendent of the S. A. L. The tables were get and arrange ed will) all the beauty ard nicety of all the above for without a higher next vears. Re- detail fur which Mrs. J, l is noted ami presented ti scene to i..e li.kU..'k'i's not soon to be for. L'o.ten. The first course cot s slcd of 0)ster cockttiils, followed by oysters fried, qtriil on tunst. che s.', ciiickei's and cufft' with all the nice thinf pickles, suited nut, etc., which add so much to a feast. After ample jutice had been done to the splendid spread Col. Chas. E, D.w is a Toasluiaster, welcomed the quests in an el' ipiei.t manner and lint. pn. posed vaiians toasts which met ready responses from Jn1'. I.. Fonda, president of the Hoard of Trade, Col, Pope, TraiUc .Man .gi r, Mr. Turner, Cii'iiral Manager, Col, llurett l-Jemral Counsel and Mr. Witte of the S. A. L, The speeches iverj all good riinl enihiisiiislic and the in hich Madison's l'i:ii-cj were suoy tens most p!eising t'. .dadisou ears, Lbinug the i veniiiij Madison Oichestra rendered sweet music wuicli materially a Med to the cc. caiun. . PInetta News- You can nee signs of approaching Cutis'ttuas on every side, but you cau most forcibly see it ;n and a. round the express ollice. The school closed Tuesday fur the Christmas holiday t uuil opens again about Jsny. 1st 1910. Dr. J. P, Kimey is pii'tin.;; ma. tir alouthe ground prepatatory to erecting a dwelling house. Wotk will start on it in the near future. Mr. C. O. Terry isexpeeteJ home from Bel nine, S. ('. the last of this week to spend Cliri-tm is. Mr. and Mis. W. II. Yotinj ex pect to leave about m-xt Wedi esdav for Plant C.ty to sp.-nd the holidays at Mr. Yi.ung's oid Mis. V. II. K. Terry ard Mi.-s I. la Whiuington lift last Saturday for IlahiM, Ga. where they will spend a few d j I w itb relatives. r J. , 4 ' ii 1 A colony of piople, Hixtv-lliret iu nil, came ilon I st Friday ii i cur from N(i''b Georgia nnd will m'iki! their future homo on the old Mclntyie plant ition. Mr. Moin, who is lie' main in . n ainoni! Hise people, has ptn'chns. d sevente n Ini' ilred acris of tliis platilalioii m.d w ill convert it into an up to date farm. Mr. A. T. Hi'tlune and little dauuhter. Fannie, went, to VhIiIosU Nuinlav to visit hi- sister, Mrs D. T. Yarbroiiuh, who is confined in the sanitiiriiim there. Mr. K. M. Witlietspoon of Ma '', son came down Sunday on the eveti- tna; lin'ii aiul stniu'lit way went t) Mr, VotiiiL's. Sunrcr county is stirred tip from one end io the other over the com it g county 8 oil election N' ally eve y set'I. tiieut in the county is announc ing it ciiiilid icv f ir the honor. Santa Chus Store End Florida Drug and Book Co LIVE OAK, FLA Are Now Ready for Christmas Shoppers. We guarantee to have a larger and better line of Xmas. Roods than any other town in the South the size of Live Oak. Two stores full of well selected Xmas. presents. COME to Live Oak to do your XMAS. SHOP PING, then you will SAVE Monev for our Drices are reason able Think of it Five Thousand Dollars Worth of Ch;istiT.ds Goods and Fireworks. Don't fail to visit Santa Claus Store, opposite Tost Office. If it is Christmas Goods, you want, don't buy until you see' COOK.' 3 line C2 P