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IMBMM ANNOUNCEMENT I Of G-reeit Interest To TQae Farmer f 600 Tons Cerman Kainit, 12.4 oer cent., just arrived. 100 Tons of the Highest Grade Potash Kainit ever imported by anv local dealer, Analvsing 16 Per Gent. For pome time we lavo leni studying the soil of Madison County with a view of finding out what is most needed to make yml crops, and our experience has taught us that the soil requires more Potash, hence we have imported One Hundred Tons of the Highest Grade Kainit kown. See us hefore it is gone. We cannot get any more Five Car Loads just received. See us. We have all "kinds, and our prices are the lowest. We carry the famous Syracuse Plows in single and douUe. Just received a large Wire Fencing- American Make hi r I I n I I rlDWS HOWS. OinSIB .flllQ UOUDIB shipment of genuine Stark Dixies, Georgia Racketts, and all kinds up-to-date 7 w Plow Goods. Remember we sell everything in DRY GOODS, SHOES, CLOTHING, HARDWARE, FURNITURE AND STOVES, And we have very jDeiry i Jiiv U rfiJ. tacaCw Uww ZKellEuTole Store. 9 Gltc ttttrryrinp-Kmirlfrr. VliW KM-i-.lrKIK.! li-lu-,1 1,11 M.MM KCCOKllKK, K-l lS. (.clVSOl IDA T! I '.''. IfWI. Malison, rinrila. rUBLISHED WEEKLY. ftcr.. I K I1"' M I'lii'i" j. Mu:,'i J.ncSS, WW, mi'lvr Ail of M ' C0LU.M3US B. SMITH. Editor. 1 1: im. f i . .1 ih- II. 1 1 - IV, ,.1 (..I - 1 1 1 1 . .1 1 ! li. .it I HIl. '11 1 ... ..i. A ii I'll ll -li'L' . ' rn Mmii'li tit v siiU- of Ihr li.tin-r, L'lvc tuiv mill "f "i - .if i i crv fvlnlMi i:it vi- ill. IV 'i I 111 A i' wmi mt"i rum' I .fiv 14Mr I'.tiKi-t, 1 1 1 'i 1 1 . 1 a niMi'luiili ill inpi W i in. i.w h i i:n ruiKf-' M.i.ii.o-i, 1-1. TinnisD W, .1 A N V A K V 20, VMC The State printing contract is again in the hands of tlie Capital Publishing Co., with Tom Ap pleyard as manager. The State printing will contioue to be well executed . William Randolph Hearst has boujjilf., Or Is about to buy a bid slice of the Everglades drained lands down bere in Florida Perhaps he wants a place to which he can retreat and get away "from the madding crowd" tbe next time his political aspi rations get a backset. The Lake City Index sticks to its assertion ot some time ago tbit Broward will not be in the race for the United Sstates Ben ate. Tom Appleyard bad to hed"-e a little bit when he made the prediction some months ago, but tie now repeats It and furth er asserts that Broward will be a candidate for the governor, ship when the time for that campaign aeain rolls around. On the other hand Broward says emphatically that he is a candi date for tbe Senate, and there you are. A Board of Trade is a business organiz ition governed by rules and laws under which it has to transact its business. To trans act business a certain number of the members composing the organization must be present at the meeting when such business is to be transacted. It will not do for a member to say "it is not necessary for me to attend the meeting to-night; there will he enough of the members present o attend to the business." If enough of the members think in that way there is dead sure to be nothing done. We have iu mind a recent meeting of the Board at which important bust ness was considered and some of the things demanded, itnmedi ate attention, yet because a quorum was lacking and only one member was needed to make the quorum the matters bad to pass over for future action. The Board ot Trade is a g:od thing, but it is only as good as tbe members make it. Remember that, i.nd when a meeting is held do your duty to tbe organisa tion, to yourself and to the com munity, and be present. Bob Gray of the Havana News has political aspirations, i t seems, and bis name has been coupled with one of tbe desks apportioned to Gadsden county in the House of Representatives Gray is a tine young man, sturdy and reliable, and if the voters of Gadsden see fit to put him in the House they will find him well fitted to the job. The advice givn by IIora:e Greeley some years ago to "go west, young man, go west," has become obsolete and now it is that everybody is saying "go South, young man, go South." And they are headed this way in great bunches, too. The pro gress of the South during the past few years is little short of marvelous, but when you come to think ot the marvelous resour ces of 'this wonderful section it is not surprising after a'l, the only wonder being that the peo ple of the world have not dis covered it saoner. Florida is getting a good share of the peo ple and capital from the North, East and West and we are going to get more. What we want to see is some of the people and money turned in the direction ot Madison county. We are sleep ing over our rights people, when we fail to let the world kniw what we have to offer. Wake up, everybody and let's get busy. Alachua county bad its first and only legal hanging of a white man last Friday when R LI. Owen was banged for the murder ot R. L. Smith in that county some time ago. few nice cottages. Certainly they would find ready tenants at a good rental figure If our town is to grow and attract new residents we have just got to provide houses for them. The Meanest Man In Town is the'onewho always weHrsa friiwn. if cross ami disagrcenble, and is short iimi sharp in liis answers. Nino cases out of ton it's not t he poor fellow's fault. if his liver and digestion that make hi m feel so miserable, he can't help be ing disagreeable. A re vou In (lunger of geUinu into Hint condition? Then st'irt at one taking Ballard's Heroine for vour liver the siife, sure and re liable vegetable regulator. Sold by W. B. Vmvm, Punts for imps, pints for son, at Taylor's. Ttie continued increase of pupils in the primary department of the public school at San ford lias necis-i-tated tlia assistance of one more teacher. A Sprained Ankle As a rule a mau will feel well silitll 'd if he can hobble around on crutches Is two or three weeks nfter spraining iiis mikle, and it is often two or three month before he ib fully recovered This is an unnecessary loss of time, ss by applying rhnmberlaio's Liniment, as directed, a cure may a a rule be tf fecied in less than on week' time, and in many oases within three days. Sold by W. 11. Davis and B. P. Moseley. The officials of the Seaboard Air Line railway are louring the Slate in the interest of the road. They have just left Tampa for other points on an inspecting tour. There ia no getting around tbe fact that Madison has a fine chance tor substantial growth if our people would only permit it- Every few days we bear of families who would move to town and make their home here if tbey could only secure a house to live ia. We have heard of one man who wants twenty five. room cottages to bouse people he can bring bere as permanent residents. Now we haven't beard the man himself say this, but it is common rumor that tbe statement is approximately cor rect, and we have heard of sev eral amities who would move to town if houses could be se cured. We fail to see why it is that some ot our large property holders who have both the lots and tbe money, fail to erect a 1 ' NOTICE I 1 No meat will be received for full Month's Storage after January 15th. Cold Storage rooms will be clos ed for annual overhauling on February 15th. Madison Electric Power Co. MADISON, FLORIDA