OCR Interpretation

The enterprise-recorder. (Madison, Fla.) 1908-1933, January 20, 1910, Image 8

Image and text provided by University of Florida

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn95047179/1910-01-20/ed-1/seq-8/

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America's Leading Manufacturers and Dealers.
Sole Distributors of the World's Greatest Musical Instrument the
Created to express the soul of music, the masterpiece that defies imitation.
Manufacturers of the renowned
I A N.
the perfection of complete harmony and durability
The Richmond, Trayser and Remington Pianos
All of the Highest Standard.
The Product of Generations of Piano Progress. Write for Catalogue.
5. A. LEDBETTER, Hanager.
Old Instrnments taken in exchange. Will make terms to suit.
This Company Sold the Two Pipe Organs Recently Installed in
the flethodist and Baptist Churches here.
1& tS3Si&Q&
Scientific Spanking
.'itiKlntf in pu uirdiiucnt only when h
child la Hi-tually timl. Some mothers
think Unit nil crying is hunt hm-, lt'
lot. When your baby crieB.lotikfor pins
er aouie external cause, if Mu can't
ml them (five the bubv Wbite't CreHm
Vermifuge bb the chHiicea art it in mif
lerinij from wcrriia which keep it hun
Hry and croaa all the time, Pleasant lo
take sure in It', action. Price 2o cents.
Bold by W. 13. Dbt:b.
County Judge R. H. Waldon of
llnnroc died it bis Lome in Key
West recently.
Came Near Choklne to Death
A little boy, the eon of Chris. D. Vat
.mot), a well known risidmt of tlie vll
laee of .'iii'ksonv'lle, Io :t, had a hud
tlen and violent att-ick ot croup, Much
thick strintty phlegm eaui up after
giving Chamberlain's 'ouch Remedy.
Mr. 1'eterson Bays: "1 think lio vioiiltl
have choked to dwilh hud we not gitm
him this remedy." lor tale by W. II.
Duvisand U.K. Moseley.
Every Mother
is or should be worried when tins litt le
ones huvK H cough or cold. It
rimy leid to croup or pleurisy or pneu
lnoniii then to something more serioi'8.
Ballard's Uort-hnund Syrup will cure
the trouble nt oi:ce and prevent Htiy
complicHtiou. Sold bv W. 1!. Davis.
Thirty miles more of concrete side,
walks are to be luid in Pensacola.
Ily vl t in- it an execution Issnina; out of the Cir.
cuit i onrt cil Madison County, Florida, in a .nit
wherein Suwannee Han'., arc LO , a corporation
oty aiii't',1 mill existing; under the law of l-'lorida,
Ku. plaintiff, and .1. A. HtalY and C. W, liil.lis,
tiBrlncrs trading under the stvle anil firm nam of
llcaty A- Co., were dcfendai Is, and a lew upon the
nrolu-rty hi realter deseri -id, I shall sell lo the
liiL'lict.r.it,J hest hid, Icr for cash, ilurinu the leual
hours nl Mill', on lilt' first Monday of February It'lU
at me dart house door at Madison, I'lontla, lor
Ok- purpose of KittlslvniK the imli;iiifnt olilaintd III
sai.l must' (or thi-hum ft lTi;.:U rutl ctMs, tl.tr
iollnwiny tli.'st'i iht'i) proptTlv, to wit: One Stink
hi MiTi'liamlisf I'l.nMstilii; ul lry (iooils. Notions,
Hats, liois, Caps, Maulwale, tinn'inis. Drills
an, I sl-.ri' tixmrts, the pro(,i'Mv nt C W, (ilblieh, a
patlnt-r in lliefirtn u( Itiatty .V I'o,
A. 1). MAM UN. Sheriff.
Attorn eys-at-La w
Madison and Perry, - Florida
ll rrnrllre In all Mtatc
and Federal Court
Office: In Conway Building
Cehimbu B. Smith Jo. R KoOeg
Will praetle la mate Federal roar!.
Office: C. B. Ashley Building
Georgia & Florida Railway,
13 f U
Daily Daily Daily
a.m p.m. a.m.
Effective cvetuber
21, 1909
(Central Tiaae)
t2 t t
Daily Daily Daily
Titty ciirlouds of littnnnns (ormtd
the c;irj:o of a frttit stettnur fruin
Honduras to "''ftmpn.
Fever Sores-
Fever sores mid old tUinu.ic Foren
bhotild not be. heiilid entirely, Imt
should be kept in healthy eondiiion
This van be dune by iippl iiift C'liiitn
lierlmn'a Salve. Thin BHlve hnn no
uperlor Tor thin purpoHe. It is hlso
moJt txcellent for chapped hunds, pure
niipli, turns nud d.aeiiHea of the (-kin.
For sale by W. H. Duvia mid U. 1''.
MoBi'lev .
The Hotel Ri'id l'tiiin'hiii!, nt Talin
IJcMch iici.t'd for llto fci'itson mi
Wedces 1y eveninft ut tin; tiinifi
! our.
In the Omul Court, 8nl Imlii-lal Cir
cuit, in i nil tor Matlisnn lolll tVi I'loi
ula . In Chaiittry,
U.K. HVF. )
f I'oTet Insure of .Mortirauc
,r.OIU,K (it .r.n.M.(
To (.iiii- Cuntral, lt('si,tciK-e iiiknotvn:
Yon art- (n r, l,v r qiiirftt to apjii-ar to tin- Pill of
Com plan it lilt ,1 lit 1 1 in auaoit on ill I lie aliovi- en
litli tl an-i' on or hefore tin 7ili tlav nt Ftl'rtiarv,
A. I. Inhl,
The r.ntt rprUi-Hrrnrili-r is rn-rtttv -V-lunated ar.
tin neit si.ipt-r II- wliii'li 11,1. or,li r shall hi- pul-lish-t-,1
-ail'i .1 wtek til' i iiilit , nnsreiltive weeks.
i.iit-s n, Kami an seal of iillu'e Ihii. hill ilav
of II, rti'., 'it, A, i). ll'llfl.
ist-.il) T. .. MAIITIV,
( li ik Circuit Ctmt, Msnlisou County, Kloritla.
Office Phono No. 101,
Residence Phone No. 34.
There is one way- to save your
Piano and that is by
Drop me n postal and I'll cull.
All work ituaranteed
Post Office Box 24
A Household Necessity.
Too Much Face
V'ou ffi-l " if V"U liitd one face loo
many wlu n you huvn Xeuralin tlon't
you? Savt; the fact, von may need it;
but, net rid of the. Ni-urultfiii lV upp'y
luit Milliard's Snow I.iniineiit. Finest
tliinif in the world for rliMuniatinii,
neiiraltt'iii. bnn -. cut a. n-;i!d, lame back
and all puin. hold by V. D.0aie.
CURES Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough, Bron
chitis, Sere Throat, Hoarseness, Etc.,
Th Fovorlto Remedy In ail Homes. It is pood for yonntr
mill old. Hun a Smoothing and Klires EKact on ail Coughs and
W. 8. Cerwln, Richmond, Wislk, wrltaai Soms Una neo I rot a bad cold,,
which turned into LaGrlppc. bo 1 bought a bottle of Enllard'a Hurehound 8trui
Compouodandit atrcghUncd msont mighty qulciily. I believe Ballard'a Uorehound
ttyrup Compouod will cure any cate of LaQrippe.
Price 25c, 50o and $1.00 Refuaa All Eubotitutea.
iiXiiWii'aTreiSolJ and Racomtriendod tsi
1 35 9 SO Lv
3 30 11 20 Ar
5 DO 1125 Lt
5 42 1202 Ar
6 31 1243
7 atj 1 38
8 00 4 68 L
0 30 9 15 3 13 Ar
7 45 10 25 4 22
8 27 5 03
9 13 5 42
10 18 0 47 '
11 40 8 10 Ar
Augusta C. of Ga. Ry.
Millcn (1)
Gnrflell f"2)
Stilmore (3)
Vidalia (4)
Bazeltiurst (5)
Douglas (6)
Willacoocbee (7)
Na'li villa
Valdosta (8)
Madiiion (9)
p.m. a.m. p.m.
Ar 5 30 11 30
Lt 3 40 9 35
Ar 3 30 9 05
Lt 49 8 23
2 00 7 34
1 00 6 85
Ar 12 49 6 15
Ly 11 26 5 05 9 0
" 10 12 4 00 7 44
" 9 32 7 CI
8 63 6 27
" 7 50 5 22
Lv 6 20 4 0
f24 urn f 18 an
10 2uS ;0 20
11 24 10 49
t (m Bioxton Brnmcli f7 am
8 00f Lv Douglas Ar 7 SOf '
8 27f Ar Brnxton (10) Lv 7 00t
f 17 pm f23pin
3 45 3 45$
3 19 3 071
t25 put tl5 pm ttf am Spaiks BiancU flO pm 16 am 20 m
K d.riK R All til T .. VTnl...:ll a- e r-trtj, a id O lAK
7 SI'S 7 20 11 25t Ar Sparks (11) Lv 4 20t 7 40 7 80$M.
tDaily "Sunday Only gDaily Kxcept Sunday
1. With Cen. ot Ga. Ry. 2. Willi K. A AN. Ry. 3. Witb Wadley
Sou.Ily. 4. Willi S. A. L. and AI D. & S. Rys. 5 Witb Southern
Ry. 6. With A. B. & A. Ry. 7. With A. C. L. Ity. 8 VVithA. C.
I., and G. S. St F. Rg. 9. Willi S A. L Ry. 10. With F. O. & B.
Ry. 11. Willi G. S. & F. and SiimUs Western Rjs.
.T. M. Tdhsek, O. H.Gattis,
Gen. ml Munager. General Passenger Agent
NOTIl K O" BISl 1! UtOB.
Notice Wheri-by irlven ti nt six months aft(
tne a te bt retn I lie undeisiiriird v III mulii-tliial
icturtiri oi hi- aeciiiiiiis an A-iinlnisi ui'o ot the
eMtate of Ji-ha lit'i,de,Hiin,deot'Hst-(l, and that
he will ul null time apply to the county judfe
oi ManlKoii 1'oiiniv, I- ioi'idi for ub rl uul did
ehure uh huuh atiuilalstrntur.
.Illll V C. WIIITB.
Artniinlatrntor Estate oi Juhn Meiidi rnon. do
ceutted. t)i.l. at, m.
All credltm, leuaieea, dltrll)Uieea and nil
persons hiivii k cl Huh oi-Ot aiatiili, nvraliiht, the
t-Ktaie oft, h hli- . lute ot Ma-Imiii cotinty,
Klorlda. .loci rWi d, me heret.y ri iptlreM to pie.
aeni the U"ie diily uuiheutit-Hted, to tho itiKlor
hit'ai d as adailnlsti alrlx or ulil lataie. wlibln
tw i years imni itiedaie hereof riqiilie,! by
law. and i n and i ll ie iiii8 ludebieu to bum
entitle are her, by i'ttulte(t to pay tha name to
bald aduiluit,! raior.
COltA P. AtaMI-RY,
AumlnlntratrlxKatateoli.. B. Aahley deceaHcd,
Mudlnoii, Kla,,NoT. at), '08 6 it
Ttv virtue of an execution insum out of llic Cir
cnil. Court nf Mndison Cuunty, Floritlit, In a suit
wlierrtii lluleltiimiiii Mmu Co., a cororatinn or
tranizerl anil cxitum umler the lawnol ICIoritla wan
plaintiff, and .1 . A. Hea-vanilC. W, liililm. purt-ni-rs
tr.idii, under the Myle nnd til in mime i f llealf
ar Co., were (Kft'iuUnts, and a levy upon the prop
city hereinafter described, I nhall sell to the hntn
est a-itl best bidJer ft,r easli, durinir the leii'
hours of sale, on C e lir-.t Monday of Kel'riiary,
IH1II. ut llic court l)inise door at Mntliinn, Klondu,
for the purpose of satitlji: u the judirmeiit olitilint-a
in anl cause for the sum of $:ltW IKI and costs, the
follotvil lie uihtd oroper V, to-wit: One Slot
of M. rt handise coiiMotinu; of Dry tioniln. Notion.,
II. lis, Mvr,, Caps, Ha -do-are, (iiiiccries, Ilrua"
ami si, .re i tur, , the . rnperlv of C. W Oibbcit, a
partmr in die linn of Penny A Co.
A. D. Sl'ANTOM, Bheriff.
Siib-cribe tor 'J In Kntcrprlpe-fteoortler.
ltcpatUecouctiaind taoaJaluntf ,

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