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70L IX-NO. 2. MADISON. FLA.. THURSDAY. JANUARY 27. SI A 4R Good Roads. toilers, I bi-K pardon if 1 annoy v0U oa the sul.j' dof good roads. j-eiave been disappointed to many isS ..... .aAtiimr t.hfl nnint ff lie- lIU'i e r I bftve made up my miud to ktrp "I1 sn t"rt'l'nlin campaign tntitwe sucked. Tliere is no butler way to settle liiquestion than to vow on me .. i. i. ...... 1 . Il !,. .I... popularity or a Pt of mer. la the unoi'me we siioum ciim.v riiuw ufliom e nre ti usthi jf this mat l,ri(lro linvc decided the ques lin lor out selves for we wnmt ex pftl 10 have a 8. t of men give the bsii result in the matter contrary lo tbeir own opinion, therefore in jus- ijetollie voter and citizens at iirge of this county 1 hope to set tttry candidate who makes bis an nouncement in this paper fo r ottlos Jo uiaiid himself the honor to say itit lie Is either fur or "gainst build. ;np, grading nnd bridging ti e pub lic hiuhwavt of ill's county. e hive noticed that in other counties jut have begun road building that lliii always decides the question. Input between now and the itit pi unary to discuss every phase of this pleat pioblcin. I have been ipformed that the old railroad bonds Live tarn paid. We fan now put tbii millage of our taxes (four Bills) that ne hive been paying on in two hundred thousand dollais rsilroad del t into at one hundred md fifty thousand public road bond or millage or present taxes need not be changed at all. Certainly if our forefathers could sea the point and I do oot question the wisdom of JjsI transaction at that time for a railroad through this county must tare increased the vlaue of properly lure than double that amount, oer ainlr with twice the population ot tbeir time and twice U.e real value uf property we can now bond for leu amount ana build for ourselves public highways inasmuch as tbey till be our roads. This railroad bond was all paid to individuals out side of ibe county, the money has left us, the property is owued by others sow, here is the comparison: Tbe dirt roads will be curs, the oney will remain with us. Not more than two thousand dollars needevur leave the county. We have the labor and the material, I n it will be with us during "the t thirty vears, cheap snoney at '"or six percent. It will circulate sDong us our money and our roads. D. II. Yatm. Show? Why yea-at Taylor'a. IMnetta News. Last Wednesday the inst., witnessed one of lie largest and most enthusiastic gatherings of people that lias ever before honored l'ineuu with their nnsencc. The occasion being the Kduuatiomil Kully which had been previ. usly advertised. The patrons, Uaehers, and pupil from four schools were pn sent. T h e weather was hl-al and nothing hup. pened to mar the happiness of the occasion)!' to dampen tlieentnusiasni of the crowd. Tiic local school in sisted by visiting schools entertained the people until noon at which lime a bounteous dinner was epic id mid all partook treel.v Until they would cat no more, nnd y t. there, wan plenty ielt. At about 2 p. m. the inxious e.xp-cluthuis uf ihe crowd were iv wi. rd ed bv the arrival of dipt. l.Micli, Supt. Tedder nnd I'.o W. H. fate Supt. Tedder, .toting chaiiuitir), imro'luceil the speakers, uin) gave some very cn courag:iig remarks. Prof. Cute spoke very intelligently on educational in Uresis, giving good advice lo both parent and teacher. Capt. Lvnch, the cliiiif speaker of the occasion, niade a very interesting and appre ciated lecture lasling about forty, five iniuuleN, which has made a fav orablo impression on all who were fortunate enough lo hear him. lin mediately after the s caking a School Improvement 1 ssociation was orga ntzed with Mrs. A.. A. Wethington, chairman and Mia. 11. H. Con ml J . secretary. The crowd soon dispens ed lo their homes with tirigbter hopes for the future in educational work ami mote determined lo do better in the future, and we look forward with pleasure and hope that the time is not so far distant when this distin guished honor will come to us again. Last Sunday afternoon at three o'clock at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. J. New some, Slia Mary Newsome and Mr. Oscar Goody were quietly married, Mr. A. A. Wethington, Notnry Public, officiating. There were only a few of the immediate friends and relatives present to witness the cere mony . The bappy couple left iui. mediately for their future homo about two miles north of Finelta. The groom is one of. Madison coun ty's rising energetic young farmers and bis bride is one of the county's fairest daughters and loved by all who know ber. We extend to them our heartiest congratulations. Mr. M. G. West of Haeelbnrst, Ga., and Mail Clerk on tbe Ga. A Fla. Ry., was a pleasant caller ia our town last Sunday, and we think tbe attraction is at lbs boarding bouse. Or. J. P. Klnsey attended the ses sion of the Grand Lodge, F. A A. M. in Jacksonville last week. Mr. L. W. Ross, brother of Mrs. A. T. Bubune is seriously ill al present, but we hope to see him re. stored to his much wailed health in the near future. Mr. S. B, Smith of Lamont, vis ited bis daughter, Mrs. J. P. Kin. sey several days last week. Friday, February 4th, lias hum S 't aside by Slate Supt. Ho'loway, as Arbor Day and we trust that pa trons of the school and all who will, will come together and plant out trees, as nothing is needed more in l'iuetta. Notice. The County Democratic Executive Committee of Madison county, Flor ida, is hereby called to meet in th court house at Madison on Saturday, Feb. olh, 1910, lo transact muh busi ness as shall properly come before it. A full attendance Is requested, M. L. Lksi.ik, Chairman. Photography. Come und get vur picture made. I have just got a nice supply of ev erything to make a photograph and for the next thirty days I will make the regular 11 a dozen cabinet pic. tures for $2,50 a dozen. Come and let me show you, C. T. LYENS. Too Much Face Vol) feel in if vou hull one fai l! too many when you Inure Neurdgia don't you? Save the face, you may need it; but gpt rid of the Neuralgia by apply Ing Ballard's enow I.inluieut, Finest thing In the world for rheumatism, neuralgia. buns, cum. scald, lame buck nnd all pains. Sold by V. B. Davis. Tax Assessors Notice Notice is hereby given that I will visit each ptecinct in this county for the purpose of assessing IStae and County taxes for the year 1910. I will be at the different precincts on dates named below. Let every tax payer meet me aud make returns as the law directs. Look for me as follows: Ellaville, Jany, 81st, 1910, forenoon Lee, " 44 , '4 afternoon Winquepin, Feb. 1st, 44 noon. Macedonia, " 2nd, " forenoon Oak Grove, 44 3rd, 44 forenoon Cherry Lake, 14 4tb, 4' forenoon Madison, February 5th, 1910. Moseiey Hall, 44 7th, 14 Tuten, 14 8th, 14 Greenville, 44 9th, ,4 Hamburg, '" lOtb, 14 Hixtown, " 11th, Kespectfully, Roux. J. Patkbsom, Tax Assessor, ' Scientific Spanking nnalats In punishment only when a otiild la actually bad. Some mothers think that all crying is IjkUdkhs, It's not. When your baby onea.lookfor pins or tome external cause, if vou can't Had them iv tbe babv White's Cream Vermifuge as the nances are it is aut ferins from worms which keep it hun gry and cross til tbe time. Pleasant to Uita sure in it t amion. rrice ia ceui Sold by W. B. DaTit. Ladles. Call at Moseley's Drz Store. I have u few nieces of rlcyatit china left over from my Holiday trade. 1 am sellinu utoost. I can please you it; price and goods. Overcrmts lit 'I n y lor s Phil Purranmre, the clever ami pmiu lar Insurance ayi-nt, Inm been contlned to his room this week with nn HttacK of la grippe. The hunting party cumpoimd of Dr. C. II.. T C. and Ales' Smith. Will Tay lor and .loe Loper. return, d 1 uenlay from a two wek Hiieei esfnl nn 1 plt-iia ant eiiiup at I'olU'n Creek. Tl.e pi ining null i'f the Porter Pinn ing M ill Co.. ih rnpidh lie--1 1 1 1 1 i pro portions mid before many l,a'e passed I he whit 'e of IIiik inst itnt ion will lie heard early in the neirning call ing IiiiikIk to v I k. S:itnrdiiy of next, week m the date set for the holding of a meeting of the County Kxecul.We Cointniltee Let all who a'e lutereeted read th" call for th nieeting mi l learn the time and plaee nf its holding. Ilv. W. U. I vey, pastor of the Hap tisl church, left M.irnlay eflernoon f"r (iHinetiVille where he Is Httendlng the State RapliKt Association. He expeo e to return home to-day or to-morrow. A Sprained Ankle As a rule a man will feel well a it U lied if lie can hobble h round on crutch.'S In two or three weeks ifter spraiiiiug l ie ankle, and it is often two or three months before, he Is fully reeovered This ia an unnecessary loss of time, ne by applying hiimlierlaiD'a Liniment, as directed h cure may b a rule beif fecled in lees than one week's time, and in many capes within three- days. Sold by W. li. Davit and B. F. Moseiey . loli. p e-i'ient .if a strong bank at the age of twenty-eight years is a dis tlnetion which ooeMi't come lo very many nun I mIi , and our oung friend, Areliie Ijiving-ton, IniH every re- soti to feel proud because at that lender age he line .'icheived hi great H dint metuin. A ml what is tn-l ter, he line the i iglit to knuw IIihi, bis own 1 1. .-l it placed him at the head of the (,'ili..-iis Hank of Madi son, one of the Ktinni'-l tinancinl inti tiitiunn in the cntiru Mule. Since the urgnnizu' 'on of the hunk a little mure Ui.m four learsngo Archie lias been conneeted with its ulTairs either as i ooli i. r or ice president. His tliorotigli kiicn le ige of Hie hiiuk iog bi.eineis as well as bis energy snd courlenuc drevanor at all tim-s lias piaced lion w.-il in the front, ran'is of Kloi id i liankeiii. We congral ulale I ho young man lieariily upon hie ndvmice inent and W" fulllier ciMigi'at'ilale the st'ickboiilers upuii their wife eeJui'iiou ot a bead for the iuhtiiutiiiu. I'roin the FlagFtaflT (Ariz ) (Je'n of a rei'-nl isyue, we el p the following con cerning n MiidiHiin ho : "J K. Kullin, uieiuber of the Uutlbi Drug Co., on Monday "old his Interest in the rlriil to , W V. Hunter. Mr. Itulllll haw been ill bueiuete here for nmn years. Ib anil his wife will move to California on to look nflr Mr. Ifulllu's Hue farming propertv. The new llrm will b't The lliinler l)i ug Co., and Hie business will lie coiitinueil at Hie preeent locution. Mr. lliinler will he the general manager of lh new ttrm He was in tin; employ of the old llrm for over a year and lias show n by his work II at lie is thorough Iv tiiinill ir with every detail uf the bus in. as. He is Hlteullve to customers, an exui Merit pharmacist, strictly liu-lness, and has made main fnende during his reaulence here. ,lr. nnd Mrs Itutlln will lie mi-acd tiy 'he r host of Flatstatr friends but nil wish them prosperity in their home In the floldeii State." The many friends here of Young will be de lighted to receive this evidence of hit prosperity und progress in his far est. ern borne. m 8 No meat will be received for full Month's Storage after January 15th. Cold Storage rooms will be clos ed for annual overhauling on February 15th. i Madison Electric Power Co. MADISON. FLORIDA - -x. nxk vnvn2 -vTV's? -VvTO "vTVTfS? "V-VJ "T?? "VTS'v wv 9 i Our Stock is Now COrVIPLETE 1 0 IN EVERY DEPARTMENT We Want Your Business. We GUARANTEE Everything we Sell! I . I If JoufMUST have a Cheap Buggy, such as you see in catalogues and newspapers for Forty to Fifty g i Dniiovl o fls'nnrt we will suTJTDly your wants, but remember, we do not guarantee a thing, but l I you will buy our OLD LIJNE Vehicles we will stand by them. REMEMBER, we will sell you just as f Makfi Good anv defects- '). m y-ojj eta a,ny uuuj a. mo. CF2?aleigli.-Xjiiies-S-h.elf er Op'y.