Newspaper Page Text
I -"1 RICE A3 FOOD. Educational Movement Hat Be A" gun to Show lt Food Value. nv Rice Association of America . jhe Texas-Louisiana Rtco Karm . Agfoclailon have Li'tsuu an educa Mil movement with the object of .fnlmliiK llH Americans, as we call !!, tolled States folks, as to the great li value of rice and thiB is a wove lt which should enlist the co-ope.-In of everybody In the South. Clr- tari exl'lain'ns tn0 mudta of rlcB d receipts telling how to cook It are trine lamely distributed among the " 1c of the North and thotieh the Lani of the publicity campaign Is aJ the Houston paper thinks that , results will cause an increased do nind for rice, and especially home Iwn rice. It Is hoped so, and it is boned that the rice growers of South Carolina will press their advantage, tie rice grown In this state being ad mittedly the finest rice grown in the lorld The Rice Association of Amer ica would not fail to obtain the re win at which it alms if it should con aort Its missionary experiments wltlt goulh Carolina rice m-iusnd. He people of the North on South Car olina rice, and that would be the end of their potato habit. Knowing how to cook It, however, is .very Important thing. Rice is good lo eat conked anyway as a paste as It le cooked in Connecticut, in pud dings as It Is served in Boston, with milk and sugar as it Is affected by the mollycoddles In New York, or fried In eottolene as the Chicago people Fervo If but it Is better cooked as it la rooked In South Cnrollna. Even the Teias rice Is good when it is cook ed In Charleston and Is served with tie rich butter from our up-country dairies or with beefsteak gravy. If the Rice Association of America could only pet one of the big concerns -which make "breakfast foods" out of everything from the excelsior of which the beat mattresses In Texas ire made to the moBS on our immem orial live oaka, and "kite" them as "cereals" to put rice on the market In highly seasoned paper boxes, the light for the recognition of rice would be more than half won. There must be an enormous profit in the excelsior foods, and it would pay the rice grow er to give up half of a crop to get the thing started. We now have puff ed rice on the market, and it "takes" rery Woii what we want Is to get the Yankees to eat steamed rice. Charles ton News and Courier. eTWVlWs. rii''l Mar V"W flt.lyij.ij,.. jf.l'WIMP'JI'WP UsY-l,ih1 ywpiiipunli I i illaall'l"Sli "inlaw"""' Deer. The Idea of keeping deer at large berbu?e they are beautiful to see nd make a new attraction in a land scape Is admirable for Inclosed prl Tate grounds, but there Is at least a question whether it Bhould be applied it lane and continuously by a state. Like any other large animal they do more or less harm to farmers, and al though most people forget it, there Is occasional danger from what are tailed timid deer. Some of them are so fnr from timid at certain times and places as to be actually danger cub. Injury from them Is a rather remote contingency, but It is not un known. The St. Albans (Vt.) Mes senger, however, ia all for having Vermont deer preserved absolutely. It wants nq open season at all as far if deer are concerned. It holds that 4"cr are worth more to Vermont alive than dead, and draws a pretty picture of the people attracted to Vermont by the hope that in an afterbreakfost walk they may see a deer. After all, the farmers will have to settle it. They own most of the land where deer run and they have a big voice in the legislature. Hartford Times. Asslmulatlng Names. The house haa a witty way of as simulating the names of Its members to their trades. Mr. McKlnnon Wood, member of parliament for Glasgow, Is timber merchant and Sir Edwin Cornwall, member of parliament for Betbnal Green, a coal merchant, and on their election were promptly link ed together with the fancy names of Wood and Coal. Again, Sir John Dewar, member of parliament for In-vernets-shtre, who Is' a member of toe well-known Perth blenders, is White Label. One of the most genial of men is Sir Thomas Roe, member of parliament for Derby. ' He haa keen a wood merchant in the Mid lands, and honorable gentlemen de light to know him as Tommy Saw duet. Tlt-Blta. r-;i tit? :;v 3 tr.w. i,- r l U ,... . -A 1 " X- 1 l iil mmmmmmmmm THE 9 M EFFECTS OF BLOOD POISON Tfc above aletare saewe what Blaoa Balm (B. B D.) will ao, elMrlDK the akla, healing all earaa, plmDla, asuvoau atba, nlcera, and II Ttdano tI blaa4 aolaoa, naktos ta kloo4 PJMra aaa rich, laaUarla ha actl polaoa la a blaoa, maklas a canvlat cura at blood polaoa la Bar ataga. ITCIUNG HUM03. ECZEMA Tba akora pleaara aaawa will Blaad Balaa (B. B. .) will do, alearlua Ua akla, haatlaa; all aeraa a ad arapMaaa, atoaalnc ka assalalas Iteblas, aiaXJn tka bloa para aad rick, curt on tka moat drp-aratad aaaa at aaaaota. OLD RHEUMATISM No one with pure blood ever bad rheumatism. Rheumatism is a blood diseaBe. If J'ou have bone pains, aching back or shoulder blades, swollen joints, blood thin or skin pale, take B. B. B. Soon pains cease, because B. B. B. destroys the uric acid ana poisons in the blood that cause rheum atism. B. B. B. makes the blood pure and rich. SAMPLE OF B. B. B. FREE! D. D. B. curea lUood PoUon, Eczema, rUnplea, ItcMnjt Ilnmors, Ulcort, atinf Korea, Slopa Bone Paioa, Rheumatism, Civtaxrb aud all other Blood Troubled. B. B. B. onrei whan all else full. B. B. B. curea bacauaa It acta dlractly on the brood, killing th humor and polona and diivlrif them from tba ayntom. B. B. B, alio maltM tba blood pure and rich, evading a, flood of pur, rich blaod dtract to Ui akin aurfaca, to the aoraa or ulcer, ta all tba ektn huoiara and J)lrotl. In thia way all tha ofranilva eruptions baa) natural?, perfectly and quickly. No one With pura blood avar baa any A these blood trouble. B. B. A. 1 the moat perfect purifier aver dlacovered. WEAK BACK, PAINS AND ACHES A SIGN OF IMPURE BLOOD WOUEN OR HEN, have you loat control of our nervea, o you feel blue and dsapondent, tired of Ufa, paor Heed, nerve force ail (Otoe, tartled at trlflaa, weak baokT Then take B. B. B., which toowi up nd Invigorate th whole y tam, dlipol the gloom and dpondendy, Imparu itreocth and energy and Invigorate th entire being, both In mind and la body. Bttlm (B. B. B.). Tt 1 a quirk, radical, permanent cure because It rids the svetem of the poleou germs that cauee caturrh. At tha same time UIdimI Halm (11. B. IV) iurl(l the bloixl, does away wlih every ymptom of catarrh. B. B. II. ifnds a tingling flood of warm, rloh, pur blpd dlrac-t to the paralysed nrv end parts nffacted by catarrhal polaon, glrlog warmth and strength Juet where It Is needed, and In tola way making a perfect, lusting cure of catarrh la all 1U form. WOMEN SPECIAL If you have been disappointed of a cure eluewhere and etlll have ovarian troubles, hot ftairhei, backache, pair In tha head, desire to cry, wea.r1n.-sa. ate., rive B. B. II. a trial. H-inrtrals of women have teJen It B. B. with happy reeulls, because It was their blood that was diseased. B. B. B. make yeur blood pura, rich and trong and In this way doe away with thane symptoms. BOTANIC BIjOOW BAI.M (B. B. B.) 1 plesennt and saf to take; eampood of pur Botanic Ingredients. It purifies and enriches the bleed. DRUGOI8TS, fl PER IARUE BOTTLE, with direction for horn our. Bad Breath, K'nanking, Ringing In the Ear, Deafness, Hacking Cough and Spitting: Quickly Cured. CATARRH IS NOT ONLT DANGEROUS In thl way, but it cause ulcerations, death and decay of bones, kills ambition, often cause lor of appetite and rasche to general debility, tdlocy and tnsanlty. It need attention at once. Cure It by taking Uotunlo Blood FREE BLOOD CURE COUPON ThU coupon In Rood for one wimple of It. B. B., mailed free, In plain puckee. fclmply III! In ymir uumn anil ailtlres on donna uuoe below aud mall to ULUOLl UALJl cu., jiuun, ua. Etati name of troulila, If you know. axrTXuatnaeaai Undertaker On Parade. When Yonkerg had 1U municipal rarade leading city offlclaU, Including iMayor Warren, were In the long pro 'slon. All wro out foot and all ore silk hata. Seated in a grand "and reviewing the parader waa a "'He girl from the country. In her vuiage borne sue had never seen a Blk hat, except on an undertaker' wad, hence she was puzzled by the HRh-hatted marching functionaries. Oh, mothfir," aald ' the child, "I "louKht you aald Yonkergwaa a heal- thy city?" "So It Is, my dear." "Then why do they need bo mr.n; OndoiUkers ?" New York Presg ONE RECOMMENDATION. The Customer Can you recom tuend these complexion powders? Tha Chemist Well, madam, I can't ay that they will waan, Ilka tne natural complexion, but they won't nib off on a coat Bleeve! The Sketch. Pile Cured in 6 to 14 Day. Par. ointment is mmruntaed tn i-ure any caseofltching.Bhnu, Bleeding orProtruding Piles in 0 to Udaysormooeyrlundea. duo AND WUNK OMLY TEE. Mrs. Meek Sausages are bo de licious. Have you ever tried that flat kind? Mrs. Cleek Only once: my hus. band 1 such a golf fiend he won't eat any kind but the links. Boston Trancrlpt. A rather' Worry. Toor oor wearied wife losing sleep nurs ing th little one suffering Irom that nltfht cauaren ana norror vo arau, ttnM h, a lw?t(la nf Tavlor'a Cborokee IlemedT of Sweet Oum and Mul lein, an undoubted croup preventative as well as family ours lor soughs, oolds and consumption. At druggist 2So. and Mo. SHOWING HER ESTATE. Miss Heiross Ys, as far th aye can reach the land belongs io m. Lord NocasB I hope, dear lady, that you are not short-sighted. Boa- ton Transcript I At-3'10) ihero In nioro fun In forming u habit than there Is In getting rid o: it after It Is formed. Mrs. Window's Soothing Hvrvp foe Ovfldrea teething, uofiens the gums, reduces inilamrua Ikm, aiUjra pain, iurm wind eobe. 36c a t ottle REAL WORK. Mrs. Bacon I understand your hus band Is at work on a new poem. Mrs. Efcert He Is. He's trying to get some magazine to accept it. YonkerB Statesman. Many Children Are Sickly. Mother Cruv's Sweet Fowders for Ohildren, imed bv Mother Gruy, a nurse in Children s Home.' New York, cure Summer t.ompis mi, Did oo ever hsve s (rood, dd fsahioned boy's storaach aehef Of course yen bar. A Httl doae of Jlamllns wiaara Kni wui chase away a colicky pain in th stomach like magic. HERE WE TURN OUR HEADS. H (ardently) Darling, you ar the very breath of lire of me. She (demurely) Well, don't you think you could hold your breath little while? Boston Transcript. A triflin cough mr become permanent unless stopped. A 23c. bottle of Aliens Lung Balsam wiIlstop it. All dealer. THE MUCH-MALIGNED CABBAGE. Wlgg Wht kind of chjars does Close flat smokaT Wagg Well, -when you' light one of them you taatlnotlvely look around for the corned beef. Philadelphia Record. Fevernhness, Menoacne. noiumu Teething Disorders and Destroy Worms. At all DruggisU', 2oo. Simple mailed rrtK. Address Allen S. Olmsted, la Koy, ! FREE SPE13CH. "w hnt ud.' said a yolce from the audience. "My friend," aald the Anarchist speaker, "don't you believe in the right of free speeda,?" "Sure thins," responded the voloe. "What are you sore about? I waa ex ercising that precious right" Phila delphia Ledger. , .j ror COLDS aad GRIP. Hick' CArmwir Is the best reirny relieves the aching and feverUlineM-cure the Cold and restores normal ooodiUon. Il l llquld-eSecu ImmedlaMly. lac, ibo. and Wc, at drug store. , " THEN HE WENT. "I think I Jnuat sTol." rmara ed the yeunr tna-n for the toeta tlaia. "You 4o not awer to in to be going," declared the young lady, In specting him carefully. "You en to be perfectly stationary." Lotus vllle Courier-Journal. Terry Dsns' i'ainkUler when thoroughly nihbeil in relieves strains, sprams, or acb trig joints, whatever may be tea cause. GROUND FOR APPEAL. "You are fined $50 for speeding." remarked the court. "What-' ejaculated the autotst. "Only $50, I shall appeal. I'm ageat for the car I was using, and my rival, whose old threshing machine couldn't go half the clip I was making, you soaked for a hundred." Philadelphia Ledgor. mm if TheHATOIAMriHahlgh (fratln lamp sold at a. low price. THE STtATY WHITE UCHT There art lnUis tuil eosi liirirj out luare n no mwwr muiv at any prl' The Burner, tlie Wick, tie Chlmnay-Hoiiter all arw vital tblnire n a lamp; ttume part of tha RAYO LAMP are parfwotly 04.nstructed and there isnolbL'g known in tlionrt of lainp-inHkitnf thifct oiniUI aild tt tht value of tie kAYO as a IIkUI jrlvind device, fiuttulile f"T anr room in the house. Every i!nlr, ir bet st yourH, write for ilreonUva circular to tba nearest As-mcy or lb Standard Oil Company fines raarnteil) ICO IbB. f BO erdlnsry Fertilizer (HKlUS 3l FILLKO. NrrBATEOraonA l LBS - Needs Sixteen Pounds of Muriate or Sulphate of RO.TASH. Well-balanctd Fertlllier (tsatln 110) to make it a D& "kiLi'ib.' ' ia Lan Arro-ammPHATX f if you I tilizers, it trTfto Potash in prefer ready-tnixed fer- insist on having enough them to raise the crop as well as to raise the price. Crops .MtltUArRW; HVTASM, ao Las' contain more than three times as much Potash as phosphoric acid. If you Jo not find the brand you want, make one by adding enough Polish to make it right. To increase the Fotasn 5 per cent, It was found yean ago that the com position of the crop i not a sure guide to the mort profitable fertilizer, but it does not take a very smart wan to figure out thai a wcll-BSlsatce lartlllier sneuld costal at leait as arach PeUsa as Pbes psoric acid. Insist on having it so. add 10 pounds of Muriate or Sulphate of Potash to each IOO pounds of mixed fertiliser; to increase it IO per cent., add 20 pounds. Talk to jrour dealer and ask him to carry Potash In pitjl. Pflvn stock or order it for you. It will pay you both, for 1 UialSil M. HJ& For particular: and prket wrilt lo GERMAN KALI WORKS, Continental Building:, Baltimore TAWMFRITreeore'l. rwrarwet treatmenter matt ta. sUTicUonaAdrs J.JOthria, alt Mala l LjMBbsn.Va. if mti With we ewes. HTtapson'sEyeWater ecauf ol thoa- ugiy, grlMly, rar.ratra.. " tA CRSOtf HMIIU KtSTORtR. .Prlc, i.OO. retail. , 1 '.Ml