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n '1 era a ? A T ll " W " ' ' 1 fe if lM ; J , J si a L M ) . L ft V J U U ,s I We cordially invite everybody to call and inspect our collection of I EASTER DRESS GOODS, MS f A Baseball One Belt given free with i I years of age. el?? tntrryrisr-Swnrlirr. VKW MX TI-.H I'ltIS-:, K.-t.ihlMu-H M.VIIMi IIIXdKIHiH.h.iabli,,.,! isnf). CiNS(l.m.Vriir Jum-J5, 11KIS. Madison, Florida. TtTBLISHED WEEKLY. Ki.lir-! .it th.' f i.Msrvi Pun Oflic.' rtt-con-tW At .ttw June a6, 1M, un.kt A.-t "I March II, COLUMBUS B. SMITH. Editor. tMil.Ti.tioi. i.on jr nt. Aitvrrlinni! ' J' lr.;u.v:i n-i :iiln .Minn, ('iirri-KpoiukMili-wiil , writi- .in r.tilv ni irli- of tlif p.iii-r. Ae hnrf in llt-m. lint uivc t-vi'ry iu-ni ni riWh, We n."il lilt' Mil mi' of t'vtTV cn-nribn--T, h.M lor P'l'.li. ;ilioii, hut th:il iiiiiv know the ftrrLtipoiiJuun imlu ntic. A) 1 unnnvmoti-. com- ii.ii:uiiiMi. iviii tinfl ii iimni. i .ne 4u .Vhlrtss :it; riii'iitiimi. utifins to I UK NKW I-.NTKUI'IUSK, M.iilison, I'loiKln. THURSDAY, MARCH 21, 1010. Get the habit of "boosting" our town nd couuty all the t;ra-. i'i will help in more ways than one can tell. ffbi'.'a the matter with hav ing a rattlinff ca ra p a I g n among the various candidates for public office in this county? There are many questions upon which the voting people should be informed and of cour&e each candidate for office is willing to let the people know where be stands upon the questions prom inent before the public. We know a speaking campaign has not been the custom in this county for many years but now is a- good time to make it a cus tom. Let the Executive Com mittee prepare a campaign pro gram providing for a meeting of the candidates in the several precincts. The candidates, we think, would enjoy it and we know that the people would de rive benefit trom hearing the Duolic questions discussed. EASTER COAT SUITS, EASTER NECKWEAR, EASTER HATS. outfit consisting: of One Ball, One Bat, One Cap and 1 , ' What would become of us were it not for the good women of the land? The lady directors of the Daniel Memorial Orphan age in Jacksonville.of which Mrs. Susan Hartridge is presi dent, covered themselves with glory when they spurned the offer of president' Brown of the race course who tendered the orphanage one half of the pro ceeds arising from a .Sunday night performance of the Mon crief Minstrels amounting to more than five hundred dollars. There are hundreds of people who will argue (hut the money being for a charitable purpose should have been accepted, but we agree with Mrs. Hartridge who saW that "God had taken care of the institution for many years and would continue to do so without the officers accepting money arising from SuDday des. ecration." The faith of the good women was rewarded speed ily by the voluntary contribu tion of admirers of the stand they had taken, and the rive hundred dollars was quickly forthcoming. A'l praise to the good women of our land. After Govenor Brown of Geor gia and Mayor Maddox of At lanta bad declined the honor of introducing Commander Peary to an Atlanta audience, the lec ture tour, of the distinguished explorer in the South was sud denly cut short, and southern audiences will not have the benefit of listening to the story of his "dash to the pole." We are not prepared to say that Peary is a fake and that be did not reach the pole but it is a fact that doubt of the achieve ment is possessing the minds of thousands of Americans. pactpd n every boy's Spring Suit from 3 toi6 Many of the county commu tes are Qverridiug the prescribed rule of the State Committee and are ordering the names of can didates for Circuit Judge and State Attorneys to be printed upon the official primary bal lots. Among the counties where such action has been tak en we note Escambia, Lafayette, Taylor, Columbia, Marion, St. Lu:ie and others not now re called. Up to this writing the executive committee of this couuty has taken no action on th'e question, the members there of being divided as to what Is the proper course to be taken. A few nights ago a man was knocked down on the streets of Jacksonville and robbed of every cent he had on his person. When he came to bis senses he rushed to the police station and told of his adventure imploring the policemen to use every ef fort to reover his money be cause he was on his way to get married, and if his cash was not recovered the wedding would have to be postponed. A brother editor of the State whose name we won't print, is unkind enough to say in commenting on the incident that "some peo ple dou't know when providence is doing everything in her power to help them out of trouble." Poll tax is coming in slow, says our Tax Collector. Very few are paying this tax which is absolutely essential to the voting privilege. Under the primary law every man must pay this tax (or himself no other nu can pay it for you April 9th i the very last day upon which this tax can be paid. Better not wait any longer. Go nTHiivn EASTER SHOES, to see the tax collector to-day this very hour and get the matter straightened You would feel embarrassed to be- denied the privilege of voting on pri mary day, but it will be the duty of the inspectors of election to deny you this privilege unless your name appears on the list as having paid your poll tax. ANNOUNCEMENTS Td Hie nople or the Third ConirrcasiomJ District of FlcnJ.t - t :m u c;tndi(Ute few Congrca, suSjrct to the ac tion of the dt mocrnttc prini;irv. 1 am deeply giale lul (.i the lienor of representing; t lie diftiict in the present i ornrrrs, find if renominated and elected 'he c.Wixn h.l lu-en, I rtrmiiit&c n faithful dia- h.irttc of every duty, with a lovaltv to mir inter ti. Vtrre respectfully, D. II. MAVP. FOU THE SENATE. To th? Public: Aft i-r due ronHlderation I hnV dvi!fd to .iniiounre hat I will run for tliu tUtte Son.tte in til rouiinif Iriiiary, I t bank the peo ple for ttipir p ist support and if I t)e elected wtll endeuur to j.tOve worthy of thu confidence. Verv Ke.sprctfulW, J. EM AS ULAN TON, To the Democratic Votens of Madison County: I hert-hv tnnotirtc myself a candidate for the State Senate from Madison county nubject to the action of the prirmry election . Your votes art solicited. If nominated I khall endeavor to merit yomr confidence. CtlAS, K. DAVIS, To the People of Madison Coanty ; I m-ieliy announce myself a candidate for re election ik State Senator from this, the Tenth Dis trict, a.ibject to the action of the Democratic prima ri, pl.-.lninj mvelf it elected, to faithfully repre xtiiit the will u( the people and perform t .e duties of Mid office honewily and fcurly to the best of tny ability. Thanking vou for vour kind and loyal support in the pi, I am, Very respectful!?, CHAN. L, L&GUKTT. FOR COUNTY TREASURER. I hereby announce rayselt a candidate for re election to the oltice of t:.,unty Trewturer and ko hctt the 'ipport of the democratic voters of Ma !i i m Countv. I alu taWe this method of ihankina my fiicnds for putt faor. Respectfully, T. V. DALE, I hereby announce my cundidacy for the office of Count Treasurer and earneittlv request the sun poit of democrats in the Coming primary. 'I ing my friend for past favors and promiainir, if elected, a faithful and coiiHrientiotis durharve of the dutiesof the olfice, Very respectfully. JOHN W. DAVIS. I hereby announce myself a a candidate lor the office of County frcatwrer of Madiaoti lounty, subject "tie action of the pHsnary election, ft elects, I pledge a faithful performance of the du ties nwtmiamr tn rlta nfKr Respectfully. ALTfcR C UcDAMKL. m FOR TAX COLLECTOR. I hereby announce myself t candidate for 'JVik Collector for Madison County subject to the action of the democratic voters in the coming primarv election. If elected I promisr to rill t' e oflice i iht; befcl of my abilitv, in a courteous pni.-. staki i-a manner Thinking you tor vour (eiierous supixnt. in the n, I am Verv Respect fully, S. .1. ELLISON. FOR TAX ASSKSSOll. I hereby announce mvsclf il cnnilidiite for T.ta A useshor for M.iJinon County, subject to the m tim of the 'W-iKocratir voters in (he cnminit election, mid hereby solicit the mi pport 'l dl deme crtits, voting in said primary election. If cho-i-'i to fill tli if. important lHrc, 1 pledge myself to di charge the ''utii-s renuired of me in the hitnif man ner a:- in the past, i'hunking you for your neiHi -out, and lovai support in the pi si, I am ery Hespectfullv, ROUT. J. iJA f ERSON' , FOR REPRESENTATIVE . I hereby announce myself us a candidate for the Mouhe of KepreKentaliv s him Madison count', subject to the Democratic primary, and solicit tbe support of all dy-jiocrats, ROHT, L. MIMJNOR. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER DtSTMCT NO. 1. At theearnfKt Kolicltation of friends I Imve cor sen ted to become a candidate for County Commi--sioner for district number one, The support f demtHTftts wlil be appreciated, J, E, liAKDKE. Dlt-THItT NO. 5, 1 respectfully Rsk the auppnrt by all democrat' of my tandidacy for the porition of County Commi fioner for the 5lh ilimnct, promlsinic, if elected, t devote twy beat efT rts to the proper diKchiwffe ' the duties of the office. Very trmv, J. K. WILLIAMS. DISTRICT NO. 8. 1 l..k.. k A.l.t.M. t,.T - "--'T niiHUIIIILS lllCII MB It CniIHlW County Commissioner for the Urd district, proinis if a. i..... a. .l- er disclMrjfe of the duticn Of the otticu. very itpctuunv. J. P. TAYLOR. FOR MEMBER OF SCHOOL BOARD, DIbTHICT NO, tt. . I am a candidate for Member of School Hoard for diHtmtnurr.ber three, and will appreciate the support of all democrats in the coming aiimnrv. Thanking the peiple for pait Muppprt, llewiectfully Z. M. McLEOD. FOR SUPERVISOR OK REGISTRATION. 1 hereby announce mysvlf a candidate for Super visor of Rcif titration for Madison countv subiect to the will of the democratic voters as will be e- fireKsed at the coming primarv election. pledge aithful performance of the duties of the office if elected, and I talte this method to thank the people for their gen rous support in the past and further Holicit the support of all democrats in the com in if primary. very reapeciiuiiT O. H. TEDDER. Pesristrttlon Books to Open. Tbe Regtstration Books will bo open at the Court House on Mon-r days, Wednesdays and Saturdays, beginning Saturday, MaroU 36v and closing Saturday, April 23. G. H. TEDDER, Supervisor of ' Registration.