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BANKING SERVICE Banks are becoming more and more the custodians of the funds of the people, of both large and small means. This is due to a wider appreciation of the value of banking service as its usefulness is extended and its methods become better known. In the case of The First National Bank ' THE BEST service is assured. Its officers aim in every way to protect the interests of its patrons, making use of every means of precaution. It's up-to-date system of accuracy, promptness and the same careful attention to large or small depositors. It is a safe bank. It i3 the bank for all the people -rich and poor, men, women and children. If you have any banking business to transact, come to the The First National Bank Of Madison TOWN TOPICS. Our 'Phone 76. Hop by no J see Taylor. W. L. Tooke spent several days last initio I.fon county on business. Taylor, the leading clothier and fur lihlcr (or the best. Hi, and Mrs. B. B. McCall left Tues !iv afternoon (or a visit of several days itb friends in Jacksonville. Mr. ind Mrs. W. L. Parramore re iiroeil lat Thursday from a very pleae. utf'tit of two weeks at Hampton spring. B. N". Tucker can sell you (rood Ken iicky mules and horses. Bus hltn at Hirrell-.lohimon Co., stables east o( cnurt bouse. 4w Prof. Iiovnn, an accomplished in ductor frtm Tennessee, arrived last rak and has taken a tench log position iitlu Normal. We ire Informed that several dwell :g house will he erected this summer n the property in Irontofthe heme of Mrs. Imogens Parramore. Don't forget that I nru Dow located at ! 1 arrell Johnson Co's., stables east of otirt Loupe. Come and see me if you ant h home or mule. B. N. Tuclcr. Real eftute in Madison and Mad I sen Junty is becoming very uctiye and Bob Mclmyre is kept busy putting 'limiinu ilenlK, Several transfers have awn made recently. The announcement o( Walter C. Mo Daniel nnd Juho W. Davis for counly treasurer, mid ,1, p, Taylor for county romroisMoner for district three, appear tail week. See their curds in the an jucf;cnient column. Mr. L. II. Bulley, one) of the county's tit citizens, who lives at Ebb. was a siuem visitor In the city Monday and Pid this olllce an . appreciated call, loavintc a bi round dollar with us for eekly visit of this paper for one year. Col. and Mrs. Knox Lmnoreton from 'tainetuviile, a. C, are In the city vis um their runny relatives and friends. Lol. Bnd .Mrs.LtvingsUn are very popu- "wltliallMadlsoniansand their fre It'wtvlnts are greatly appreciated and '"joyed. For outri ''"os t business at actual cost of mala. 'ul No charge for the labor. Our are reasonable nnd within reach ',fH. Estimates cheerfully furnished. Ullus un. Murtixin Kl.iitrin Pnaer 'ompany, 4W Mr. and Mm. A G. Anderson and U A. Thomp-on of .-omerville, N. spent MotidHy in the city the guests 'Mrs. B. B. UcCsll. Mr. Anderson la '.'ounty clerk in hiu M.. 'i'boniueon, who has reoently pur- a plantation near Greenville for J" "inter home, was unable to occompa l the party ibis trip bnt will ylslt our f'J later. annual Easter Egg Hunt will k PlC" 8"turdy afternoon, -,ll in.t.. t four o'olttolt. on th Pr. rmore addition Id front of the resi- rl u lmow Parramore. The ;,"' old folk are cordially In 10 preseut aod join iu the "Weh tor hundreds ot beautiful eggs f1Mfortbepri J is next thirty day we will take fits io wirs your residence or See Taylor's new Roods. Mrs. Albert Tldn-ell of Quitman is the guest ( her cousin, Mrs. C C. Car roll this week. Fleischinanu'a Yenst received nt l al'e Grocery Store fresh twice a week. Mr. and Mrs. Dnniel 0, Smith arriv ed Tuesday night fiom Columbia, S. C, where they hsve been visiting sev eral weeks. FREE! FREE: FREE! Teeth ex tracted without pain free of charge (or TO days at Dr.-Purrdinore's office over Davis' drug store. Miss Clara Coggins, who for the pact week has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Randall Walker, in VuMuatn, is expect ed to return home to day. All persons indebteil to the late C. B Ashlev, will call on me and make set tlement, di (is. E. Davis, attorney for Mrs. Cora P. Ashley, administratrix, 'The subscription list of this paper is increasing by leaps nnd bounds. No lees than twenty-five or thirty new sub scribers have been added to our liet wilhin the past two weeks. On next Sunday Easter there wil, be services at 7 :'.Q o'clock, p. m ., in the C:itholic church and Maes at 7 o'clock, Monday morning. Father Biesnahnn Will o Ilk' I ale at botb services. I have severed my connection with the Fi'iilciiili-Lines-Suelter Co., and am now located at the stables of the Ilurrell Johnson Co., east of the court house. Have Just received n carload of Hue mules. Come and see them. It N Tucker. 4t At the home of Ira Wright on Rural RjuleO, Rev. W, H. Carraway Tuesda afternoon uuited in marriage Archie Carraway and Miss Carrie Benton, prominent young people ot thutst clior Our congratulations and beet wishes are extended. Slight evidences of the political cbui pnlgn were visible on the streets last Saturday. There were a number of people in town and one might see on nearly every oorner two or three men with tbeir heads together a lure sign that politics was ttis subject uuder dis cussion. - The news of the death of Mrs. Suohu liartriilge was received with profound sadness iu Madison where she was greatly beloved. Her death occurred suddenly at her borne in Jacksonville on Tuesday. Her long life of eighty one years wai devoted to r.oing good to otueri. i Six or eight new students arrived in the city Monday from other sections of the Slate and enrolled us pupils at the Xoiuiul at the opening of school Tues day morning. The Normal Department at the school now numbers more thin one hundred and fifty pupils nnd more are coming in every week. Hurry up lbs dormitory. lieu Bishop closeii bis store Monday evening to go to supper and lis had not been gone manv minutes when someone across the street discovered trig lit blaze merrily burning id the store The negro, Will Higgini, rushed across the treat and calling help burst In the door nod in a few minutes the blaze as put out and lb danger was passed. A pile of paper bags and wr ipping paper under the counter furnished the mater ial upon which lbs flames were feeding but tbe manner of their Ignition is not known. A serious fir was narrowly verted. ANNOUNCEMENT OF DAVIS, THE JEWELER. My business has increased to such an extent that I have been compelled to add to my repairing department anoth er shop-devoted to CLOCK and JEWELRY repairing and from now on I will turn out work promptly and every job GUARANTEED. Gather up the Clocks, Jewelry and Watches and bring them on. I have full line of WATCHES, CLOCKS and JEWELRY. Don't forget SPECTACLES. I know what I am doing when I fit you to Glasses and my price is less than half what others charge. Call in and see me any how. I like company. BL XDavis, JEWELER YJ tt The savings habit means sound sleep, good digestion, cool judgment and manly inpendence. We Are Told By Some of our friends that their personal accounts are S3 small and checked against so rapid ly as to be of no value to ANY BANK. That is our business, so do not let that deter you from doing business with us. We will show you the same POLITE ATTENTION that would be shown you if you had thous ands instead of dollars on deposit and it will be an appreciated favor to have you as a patron. Why not give us a trial? CITIZENS BANK OF MADISON, MADISON. FLORIDA ea st e e . . e00jwiij1 Arc't thev pretty. Taylor's new goods Mrs. June B. Smith came down from Quincy luet Snturdav and is the guest of S. Alex Smith and family. Pur-a-Blt-B-cide cures Itch in .'10 min utes. Frlce 50 cents. Sold by D. (i. Siiiith. 8t Felix Ilurnett, who holds a nice po sition with tin Southern Stationery Co., Valdosta, was in the city Sunday aod M niUy. Morning service at the Episcopal church Raster Sunday at 11 o'clock and afternoon service at 1:30. A welcome for nil who attend. We offer our usual ten per cent, dis count on ice coupon books bought fur cash from this dHte to April 1st, Mad ison Electric Power Co. if Mrs. I?. I,. Groover of Quitman is vis it, ng Mrs J. U. Brinsoii. Mrs Groover sr nell rerfiembered as Mies Pegjjl Wyche, is greatly beloved by manv of our who are delighte l to bave her as a visitor to our town. Mr. C K. Coody last week purchased the P.itum Cottage in the northern part of town and with his family moved it -to town r'rulav and lire now tcrjiipying llieir new home. We bid this excellent family a cordial welcome A delightful program Iihs bepn ar ranged and will be presented liy the Suudav School children ami the choir Mt the Meihodist church next Sinn!.-iy tveiiintf in celebration of Fusiei'. These ii ii t . 1 1 it t K.ister celebrations bv the Met t-odisl people bave long since be come eagerly anticipated events and the celebration this yeiir will uul. if not surpass, miv celebration of former yenrs. cordial in vit at ion is ex'eml ed to everybody to lie present nt the church promptly st T::iO o clock, tb hour for the beginning of the service. And we ml,rht remark that you'd better come early if you would secure a good seat. The irr,d'iale of the departments of Music and Expression guvs tin entsr tiiiiiinent at the Normal Auditorium Mond iy night which was attended by a Urge audience Under the direction of the teachers of the respective depart ments Misses Agnes Parian, ore and Vivien Foye the young graduates ren dered a program consisting of musical selections and readings which evidenced their proHciency in tbe arts named as well as the efficiency of the teachers The graduates in Music who partici pated in tbe evening's program were Mis-es Mamie Lou liaddeu, Mary Bur. ton jmd Mils Fraleigh, and in Expres sion, Mies Wiln hmilh and Messrs Julian Calhoun Biid Angus Stanton. Chairman Leslie of the County Eisc utive Committee, has called a meeting ot the organization which will be beld at the court, house in this city to-day and at which tbe matter of placing the names of candi.lats for tbe judgeship aiid for States Attorney on the official primary ballot will be considered sad determined. Many of tba county com mittees of the Slate hav ordered the names ot these candidates to b printed on the official ballot notwithstanding the action of the StateCommltte wbiub declared such candidates should not have place on tbe ticket. Otthe coan tie of the I bird Judicial Clrouit Ham ilton, Columbia, Larayett and Taylor bav ordered tba names plsosd on tbe ticket, Suwanns has refused and Mad, i son is yet to decide. SI I Buggies, Wagons, Surries and Harness. 1 have opened up a place of business at Be van Bros. Barn and have on hand a jjood line of Bug gies, Wagons, Harness, etc. 1 will appreciate your business and will assure you of courteous treatment and fair dealings. Take a look at out line and get. our prices before you buy. A GUARANTEED WAGON FOR $35 00 All prices reasonable, for cioli or credit. J. J. NEWMAN ;A Twenty-five Oollar Hat to be; Given Away. A $25.00 Hat will be given as a present to the person mak in? the largest cash purchase at : v f ' J.E. GARTER MILLINERY STORE during their Spring Opening, A'hich will be March 24th, X 1 25th and 26th. This hat will be displayed in Window during . K y opening and will be awarded to said purchaser on evening ' ot 26th. This does not limit one to the purchase of hats i ' alone, but everything in stock including Shoes, Ready made 3 H . -? Garments, Underwear, Neckwear,, Parasols, Notions and all i , the latest novelities. . '$ . ae .OK'V. to-MJsrJMmmrjx-'jw .jej&jVB'Js& ' vi DESIRABLE CITY LOTS I have a few building lots left in PARK PLA.CE. Buy a lot build a home, and stop paying rent- P. J. PAR'RAMORE M'd&