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i ! ! DREADFUL CHANGE Mrs. Jones Was In a Serious Con dition Before She Helped Her self With Card ai, the Woman's TOnic. Dexter, Tex. "I certainly was in a erions condition when 1 wrote yon for advice," writes Mrs. C.ilviu Junes, of Dexter, Tex. "I suffered a Rreat ileal with thr.e dizzy, fainting spells Imt ;ii;er taking everal bottles of C'at'lni, relief finally came. "Canlni prepareil my w, m f r the dreadful change ami whui it erne it was not half as had as those di.vy spells I had hef'-re. I now help ev ry day with the li-usvvi.rk and aiii i:e".ir..i aloiiK tine. "Cardiii is certainly fine f- r feina'e complaints. My nci.'h!rs prai'c it ani SO do either." Take Canlni whin y.u feel ill it: :i"y way, weak, tired, ini-e li, vr ir the weather. No matter w hat the i:w hrtt r.ius?. tt will help to htaee J t:p, iv e yr;i new force nn.l vir., hr'p ' to throw off the trrnl'le that trot:! Ik yen. Cardiii w-l! n t iwvrfire with any Other nte liniie yi n may he taking. It ll a gentle, h:.rn!c. tn n, non poisni i;s iv n in'.oxica'.inK tonic, that trcry wrntan ought to Uk? when she U lo.kir? for l..alth, strength, beauty nd vitality. N. D. Write tot Ladle' A.lvlsory De partment, ChaManooiru Mc-llclti Co., Cdattflnn'.gn. Turn., f"r Special Inatrue flone, and i4-ruKO book, "iloine Treat ment for Women," Bent in jilnln wrap per, on requent. MB. BUGBNB ANDBRSOIf , PrMldtnt Oa.-AiA. Bui&im CoUM. Macon, Ot. Mr, Ajidpn't mLho1 f ltn.ium n hit won1rfui niplonu( LhoU & Moatlr mA kit od t tb rujl Mkipieaiui tJuottr In Cm Ottib. lit It Mil tu he rTcuUticmitiLtg tmtlaMt vtliw trttoioc mtttk In Atttrli. STOCK REMEDY Femalei-Irea. tor the bUodi Areeale. tor dlaee tleai Wua Vomica, untul heart tonlet Anttmoar, antlteptle toplei Aleea, luillni telleetre, kltnr eitaaoieet. sti umm Ik man dot to iwr table- etenfl. Writ for booklet. The Southern Stock Food Co.. ATLANTA', GA. Curei Conttlpatfon, Piarrhoea, ConvuIInr,a, Colic. gair stomach. ic. It Ifstroyi W rrns, Al'.ayt Frvnphe and Cnlcn. It Aids IHe. tiou. It Mulr'-nTEfcTiusG Eay, Promote Clieci ulnev and i'roduees Natural Sleep, "I hva suffered with pile for thirty lis year. One year bro last April I be gan taking Casrarets for constipation. In the course of a week I noticed the pile began to disappear and at the end of lis weeks they did not trouble me at all. CaucarcU have done wonders for me. I am entirely cured and feel like a new nan." George Kryder, Napoleon, O. Plaaaaat, PaUtablo, Potent, Teate Oiod.1 Do ood. Nvr Sicken. Weaken or Grip. JOc.ZSfl. JOc. Novor iold la balk. The xen nta tablot tamprl C C C. (iaaraateed to euro or your mooar back fajg Cants a Rati r r 2-l n. H'ljr Vneo : I s t4 f nr mmt ln.'to ! lor Sl lorli; LJULJ fur SMnihi t6 for a .7 Inch r r W t Fr:u Fv. to-inrk Pon'try rriu9l3. eol en 90 4v trtot. IW rfli .w,n) IdMtl hrt Wlreet.SS C'ewKifuefrM. VITSELMAN BROS oi iea MUHCia, mo. If aflttrtf FILES M4i JThompson'sEyeWater with WfH WHEN 8TANLEY QUAILED. Dinner Flatteries Too Much for the Man of Iron, "fiefore I mot Henry M. Stanley." I says William II. HiiloitiK in Met'lurp's "I had tallied with men who had bi-en tinder him in his Afrleaii expeditions, und nil thr.y told ine atiout 111 in was in ire or loss nppalllliR. "He was not inhuman, hut In desper ate si wit he ciian-il neither man nor beast, nor would he defer to the coun sel or the pic. iso of others or have any patience ui'li K ss than instant ;i :i .1 uiirjiienloniim I'hedlence to hi? orders under all el: eumstanees. He would not To: hear under argtinit nu or i ec us' .- or relax r.: seventy oy any ! I;i mi : ;i t-it v or 'il. iisantries, even when J I his object had been gained. He w.u j both ie;i t and martinet; stern, ex tii tine. ti:n omproiuUIng, silent, hn t:i. i:. -oratahie, Croniwe' ; " I i.oiint say we loved h:;i:,' one of !. 1: r.enants fild to me; 'we u. e ,,:! afraid of him. but we all he-I:- e : r. h;;n. When he hadn't his rifle ' " i he hal bis Bible, ar.d no : w :-re our camp was or h w I ,ri ss o . i "istrewins our mareh had heeti li-1 t.-ver tuifsed his bath and tiiave in the ntArning " T!;i a.-peet of the expi.-ror was very J:ff-rer.t from t':at which ho showed to .:. f ..vs;s ai 4 d'.r.r.r which the r.tnyr-w club cf F.-fon gave in his "Vfc:T S. t&; or i:.vl.'' says Mr. Ri.hxi. t.U-:-:'l .tr.4 answered in nv'-r..'.'.::i . r, iocause he was muraiA":: ..-iv?-c :.i.:;ve hut be cause -..:. rn: of iron, whose word in ti-; ;:-xXed no contradlc tion or to wio defled obsta cles and .'er as 4 pierced the heart of darkness was bashful even In the company of fellow craftsmen. "His embarrassment ftrew when af ter dinner the chairman eulogized him to the audience; he squirmed and averted his fnee as cheer after cheer confirmed the spoalter'B rhetorical eb ullience of praise. 'Gentlemen, I in troduce to you Mr. Stanley, who,' etc. "The hero stood up slowly, pain fully, reluctantly, and with a (jesture of deprecation fumbled in (irst one ami then unotlur of his pockets without finding what he sought. It was sup posed that he was looking for his notes, and more applause took the edge off the delay. "Ills mouth twitched without speech for another awl.ward minute before, with a more erect bearing, he pro duced the object of his search and put it on his head. It was not paper, hut a rag of a cap, and with that on he faced the company as one who by that net had done nil that could be expected of him, anil made further ac knowledgment of the honors he had received superfluous. It was a cap that Livingstone had worn and that Livingstone had given him." What He Thought. A certain retired coal dealer ts as tight as wax, hut has a passion to ba considered a "upendor" and a good liver, never neglecting an opportunity to refer to his ' wine cellar," etc. A short while ago he 6uared a well known clubman and had him at his house for dinner. A bottle of sherry was produced with considerable os tentation, and the glasses filled, The host held his to the light, then drank, and smacked his lips, "What do you think of that, hey?" ,he suggested. "Why er very good," the guest commented, setting his glass upon the table. "Dut. I say, old man," ha added, in a confidential tone. "I know a place where you can get wine even cheaper than this." Answers. No Snob. During the French revolution a thief nnd a marquis jolted in a tumbril side by side through the wild streets of Paris on, the way to the guillotine, while a venerable priest tried to con sole their terrible last ride, with moral rolleetions. "A has la noblesse! Down with) tho aristocrats! " shouted the red-capped mob. Thereupon the thief rose In the cart and i vied: "My friends, you deceive yourselves. I am not an nristocrat. I am a thief." Tho upteur nlm.l-pit lilm tiv tho olopvn sum;, repruaeinujiy: "Sit down. This is no time for van ity." New Ycrk Times. Thirst for Knowledge. "Father," said the sniHll boy with the thoughtful, Intellectual face, "how do you differentiate between an am bassador and a minister?" Differentiate!", gasped the father, struck all of a heap, but recovering himself, "we pay the ambassador about $"oo more salary, my son, than we do the minister." Chicago Tri bune. N Perhaps He Doesn't. "Pa?" " - ' "Yej." , "Why do they say, 'he swears like a trooper,', or 'hj swears like a pirate?' Why don't they use something more Vl to datef ' "What, for instance?" "Why don't they say, 'he swears like an automobile fixer?" Boston Herald. THE UBIQUITOUS CENT. No Other Denomination Has Under gone 8a Many Changes. The universal money of the people In this country Is the cent. The child does his earliest business thinking in terms o' cints. The hobo holds tip the passerby with the request for a few cents to relieve the panes of hun ger. It Is the unit of eolnnee. On the ether side of the continent, the center p: for it Is rapidly being over come, nnd the mints have to take a constantly inerensinj demand for It Into their rcekonlncs. The appear ance of the r.ew Lincoln cent Is one of the mor-t Ir.teresMng ndditlrns to this co'n.-ue has been produced, Fo- practically the first time It sub-s-'r-:tos the rent for the Ideal, or rather the fanrtfiil, hut It Is evident ly retarded as something rf an ex pcr'tiient, since the prnpwd 151.000 will riot go far towards supplying current needs. Perhn;is no ether monetary denom ination has undergone so many rhanges of design. Sin.'-e the repub lic was horn there have been almost annual chances In the character of the cent. Most of those have been trivial, thouch some have been radi cal. The cent of 1792 bore a bust ot Liberty, with flowing hair, and tho legend, " Liberty, Parent of Science and Industry." The next year what was known as the "chain cent" was produced, showing on the reverse a chain with fifteen links. There were many Imperfect dies In those days, but the Imperfections have not Infre quently made thorn more precious to coin collectors. A genuine 1799 cent lias 'been among the pieces mosit priz ed by the numismatist since they early became very scarce. This was said to he due to the enterprise of a Salem firm that secured several hundred thousand of them and sent them to the coast of Africa, where punched with holes they were hung as ornaments on the neicks of the na tives. dTostonTraticrlpt Winter Use of Fans. There is an old story of a monji who would have nothing to do with a stranger who stopped at his cell, because the fellow blew on his hands to warm them and Into his teacup to cool the beverage. "Away with thee!" exclaimed the monk. "I will have no man about me who Mows both hot and cold from, his mouth." But that monk didn't live In the twentieth century. Had he done so and thrown away his electric fan be cause It did as the stranger did, he would have lost an Invaluable aid, There are many uses to whlfh the eleotric fan can be put in the win ter, as, for example, the man who tias a heating plant lu his house can use It for creating a forced draft, thus aiding much in getting the house worm on a cold morning. The fan can also he made to bloir through a radiator and distribute the warm air more evenly. Merchants are now using fans for circulating warm air In the show windows to prevent the accumulation of frost. Of course they assist materially in ventilation In both summer and winter. Tha Pathfinder. A GOOD CHANGE A Change of Food Works Wonders. The wrong food and drink causes lot of trouble In this world. To change the food Is the first duty of every person that Is 111, particularly from stomach and nervous trouble. As an illustration: A lady In Mo. has, with her husband, been brought around to health again by leaving off coffee and some articles of food that did not agree with tbem. They began using Postum and Grape-Nuts food. She says: "For a number of years I suffered with stomach and bowel trouble, which kept getting worse, until I was very ill most of the time. About four years ago I left off coffee and began taking Postum. My stomach and bowels Improved right along, but I was so reduced in flesh and so ner vous that the least thing would over come me. "Then I changed my food and be gan using Grape-Nuts in addition to PoBtum. I lived on these two princi pally for about four months. Day by day I gained in flesh and strength un til now the nervous trouble has en tirely disappeared and I feel that I owe my life and health to Postum and Grape-Nuts. "Husband is 73 years old and he was troubled, for a long time, with occasional cramps, and slept badly. Finally I prevailed upon him to leave oft coffee and take Postum. He had stood out tor a long time, but after he tried Postum for a few days he found that he could sleep and that his cramps disappeared. He was satis fied and has nevergone back to coffee. "I have a brother in California who has been using Postum, for several years; his whole family use It also be cause they have bad such good results from it Look in pkgs. for the little book, "The Road to Wellville." "There's a Reason." -' Ever read tbe above letter? A new one appears from time to time. They are gennlne, true, and fall of human Interest. THE APPROVAL ol the most EMINENT PHY5ICIANS and its WORLD WIDE ACCEPTANCE by the WELL-INFORMED, jjliataiiiiiiiiiiiMjRaiiiiwaaisiiMiMiMiisisiiiiiMM BECAUSE IT5 COMPONENT PARTS ARE KNOWN TO BE MOST WHOLESOME AND TRULY BENEFICIAL IN EF FECT, -HAVE GIVEN TO Syrup of Figs ELIXIR, of SENNA THE FIRST POSITION AMONG FAMILY LAXATIVES AND HAVE LED TO ITS GENERAL USAGE WITH THE MOST UNIVERSAL SATISFACTION. TO GET ITS ENEFICIALffCI$, ALWAYS BUY THE GENUINE Manufactured bytheCAUFORNIAFIQSYRUPCO, for sale by all leading druggists Umb tm ami v Rtr.iii jb Miri KA6 mi krtTTi m lIlllllllMMMMIMWIIHIWIIBll SULPHUR "SULPHUR COMPOUND LIQUID, Poltn Oak LAROC, I.O0. SMALL. 90o. v Bi.nH. I Vnliibn Oak. Ina-ct PUusa, u Alt Jb!tt BrUptlOUl, Dd ttteip Aiimrnta. You oVd not C to th. Sulphur Sprlnira: thli S niUTUrUT I.AROE JAR, S0c. SMALL JSf. A MAOIO WONDER for Hemorrljoldt, Hlea, Sotav UlHIMtni' SwIMii. lnnanirdt.rtUafrd Parta.lturni. Brutiwa. S;roina me. Sul.ndld for tha r.mpl-zior,ilt.irpB the akin aort and ri'm,f Plmpleajtl'inlehe BarkhP'1. ate. Trrlt ir bale bj Prui.t.. Mauft'd bjr HANCOCK 1,101 11' M 1 1 II L H CO., Baltimore. Mi Itjour Celer can't lupplj jou.eenttor Mail or fcApreaa. prepaid. Write for booklet on Sulplni iNo one but a girl can do some things; for instance, cites the Atchl con Globe, a girl can wear an auto veil with the air of Just having step ped from her own michlne, when her present possessions and future pros pects couldn't be cashed for $10. Itch cured in 30 miuutes by Woolford's Baniury Lotion. Never fuls. At druggiAU, The only Inscription on the corner tone of the giant new municipal building will be the dnte In Roman numerals. MCMJX. That Is all very well, contends the New York Tribuno, so long as It Is not mistaken for a monument to some New York states man. It Is quite TOfslble that In a future age tbe question will arise, Who was MeMU? MR. CJNNER! Have you ever seen the ed () SAIMiTAIRlUiv. ATLANTA ftA A modern and thoronghly equipped isaaltarlum tor tbe treatment of all non-oont- u uurm.,, ur,riuiiie, icmaiB QitoMW, la mu nT.iru ami ijwtuuiui portion or tbe olty. Street cars every few minui Larue pitas ant rooms, trained nnr ..i. . ; . . .nmmaud. FattenU coojfnn; to the Faultarium are requested to notify us when they will arrive, nl ' .".mimiTiui prnpHr conveyanoe, tor pnrtfulain, aaareee RED CROSS SANITARIUM. VOTHWIOKICNt ' oo. The Right Way la AH Cases of DISTEMPER, PINK EYE, INFLUENZA, COLDS, ETC, Of All Horsea, Brood Mares. Colts. Stall; lions, is to 'SPOHN THEM" Ob thsjlr toofiim or Id thf ffM put fipohn't Uqo)4 Oompuuuft Uiei tb rtmtxty to i) oft hem. ItevU on the blood and ln(l. It roiiu tb 1.iam by ox pil)nsj thu di.,. Krrm. Il warJi off tlie trouble. rrom aartbifigltijilrloui. A ohtld ami sutiely take It, f dmsfuiaLal. htl-n iIaaJun neaaix aeLnu.... v, P. ' " " '"". sauSHrlUIVIT i ntsj thsjtluzen. fektld by Iks rn iaj l fma ll j l raw SpcUI Agents W SPOIIN MEDICAL CO., 008HKM. V.H.A. SW " M MW PIP Ilf ' I vamVA P Par Pottle W tablet 50e. Fruultiu I HDLL Oi.iimrlMiitf. lorL KIC A..1IH urrwU'a rum ,yiii nir piuwi, . -mi. m ..... pmala. , Ltlmbaijn. --f'H. fAeu"';'l;,,Jil.?;2' The two worst diseases in th world, declares the Pittsburg Dispatch, pre Inflammatory rheumatism arid h iio-minniCM y rr uij tri s. .. , ImrxiaJlhle to find anvthinn better for sidiwh", hackache or stitches than Vryi lavw fanktltr. 'ix., sac. ana sue, To be hnnnr in others' happiness to one effective way of keeping tns ! heart warm. Man ChfMtfm Ant Klrklr. Mother Gray's Sweet Powders for Chil dren, used by Mother liray, a nurse is Children's Home, New York, cure Fever iahneu, Headache, Stomach Troubles, Teething l)iordra and Seetroy Worn Ata)IDrugciits',25. Samplemiuled mif Address Allen S. Olmsted, Ls Roy, N. 1. Some folks would like their clouds lined with gold. LUMMUS BLAST GIN SYSTEM? Do you want to Increase your profits and at the same time lessen your labor? We have spent 40 years perfecting a gin system that would meet the actual requirements, and now we've got it. Your name and sddress on A poet CArd will brltiAT you full Information. F. H. LUNMUS SONS CO., Columbus, Ca. Cross:) nurgi-ry, etc. This nnltartum l iRw - g0. , ' i, AlU.ti"' A ahm ' Ti$k . i M I ' tW am 'J i lMLkfr - (