Newspaper Page Text
JjNCLE HIRAM TO HIS NEPHEW. C() th, Inadvliability of Nursing a Grouch The Boss's Troubles. -Pon't Henry," snld I'ncle Hiram to Us hopeful young nephew, "don't nurse a grouch. Nobody has any use. or t man or a boy with a grouch. 'Suppose you were the boss anil you bad In V01"' ""Ploy a uov wuo thought bf unsn t petting pay enough, and sup pose this boy fhonld get bo (llsratlsfk-d over this that it made him grouchy. Then you'd see him going around at- iendlul? to his work all right, mnybe, lit all the time half sullen over It; lour faced, slum, dissatisfied in every thing he did; grouchy and nursing his pouch all the time and milking it plain to everybody and making every body In the place uncomfortable. To he sure he'd be only a boy nnd wiu'd be the boss and you could fire him If you wanted 1o, but you wouliln t want to do that, so you'd help him lion?, but It wouldn't be pleasant to hive hi in around: and if he didn't get over his grouch, why, sooner or Inter you'd lie pretty sure to let him go. Isn't that so? You wouldn't want around you anybody that was nursing a grouch. "Now tn!;e your own case, Henry. Tou are a young fellow Just starting In and yen haven't had much experience, rtut you are learning fast and you are rorlutiK faithfully and working haul, just a-;ilii?g'lng awny the best you know how, and you're learned enough about the business now bo that you thini; your work Is really of service to the concern, and maybe it is. and you think you den't get enough ray. "That's nil right, Henry. You can ask for mors pay If yon want to, but I'd advise yon to go slow about that. Belter to keep plugging a while longer as yim are and pile up a bigger credit for yuiir.-clf in your employer's es teem. "lint whatever happens don't get proudly. That would queer the whole Dasiir ss and upset all you've done. "You vie, Henry, the bo.sii has his trou'iil.s that maybe you don't know anything about, and they may be great er than yours-; but he has to put up a pood front and look cheerful, and he thinks yen ought to. As a matter of fact we nil have our troubles, and no body ha any use lor the man with a growl). who thinks bis petty troubles are more Important than anybody (he's. "in f.ct you will discover as you grow oU,r, Henry, 'hat let alone the pnmcliy men, nohody cans much for a man with a grievance of any fort, not cvmi it' it has a good ground; the nun ilmt comes to us complaining is ai 1.1 tire us. "?n, Henry, remember, If you think you are not' getting all that's coming: to yen r that you are not appreciated, don't get grouchy over It; that's the vciy v.orst thing for yourself you could do. tilve the hots a chance and If he doesn't rise to it in a reasonable time, why, tVn you can kicK if you want to, but you must do this in a fair good hu mor. "New York Sun. Been Taking Turns. Ms. Rogers hod the barrel of rus set apples placed in the attic because they were not quite ripe enough to eat, and the warned ber three boys, whose brcb range from 5 to 11 years, not to touch them. I Then, one rainy day, when Bhe to'.ight the attic to get (something from a trunk, she came full upon her sons, surrounded by apple cores. At her ap proach two of the boys drew closer to gether; but the third, a little distance off, who lay on his stomach content edly munching an apple apparently paid no attention to bis mother's en trance. ".lack! Henry! Willie!" she ex claimed reproachfully. "Whatever are you doing? And those apples! Didn't J tell you not to touch them?1' "Yes, mamma," replied Jack, the eld est, "but we're not really eating them: e're acting the Garden of Eden. Wil lj and I are Adam and Eve. Henry, ( sr there, Is the serpent, trying to lead us to our downfall by showing us how good the apples are." "But," began the mother, as stern ly aB she was able, "you two must have been eating apples; Henry hasn't done It all. I see as many as ten cores around you." "Oh, yes," returned Willie, the youngest, "we've all been taking turns being the serpent." Fruit Grower. TKIALS of Thp NEF.DEMS HELLO' HRLLOl WHftTS THF. MATTER I CANT WA T HllKE ALL N LHT CIVF. ME. CENTRAL AND ILL HAVE YOU DISCHARGED! MUSTBF.FHaiNri a,'. IS 2 V lTftKE A 1' I Awys jS HI. 0.0 Wiltvest I Vi(,- IFOR THF WAV I SVOKE To YOU -i KIT! l wu rtuanuuui Or XT;t AT THE TIME r 10 ArtrLl)e,7.t I .It PAY I t I fig t&atv Cf''VK ' THAT WILLj M K A .L-.,-.T. I I KLSul.VED' I HAT iolLDiNu I i;U Piv'l.'E e'lil J. NOT OS LY UNK ND IT I I niLATSS THAT THF. HTnMfcf H AND ftdWT.i iiptn f . rin atmc. irtmniiriiLj'isrftwpAV hi. J M 10 u;l;.: 1 fnn l llvi-r Into lu ii.e M .'iir, ki Ijm. I liey.-l, I ii. I il.' IMilnynii's Vnw I'nw IMIlt sclh ny l.y ci nt I,- ji:i th...l. I h.-.f ilu ii.e or Wl'llki'll. Ttle.T Hlf II t"lll.' ( I lie HH.l niTves; 1ii i.irni.'f w."tl,i i led ilu. blei'il iiml riinMi ilu- .tiiiniK Ii t ri nirt Ml Ill fmiii f.'"l lleil Is .t lr' I ii IK .-mil hi h m, i n In mi'' I; I tn'V lire I loi.l -I iniiilii litis. I'iunii p I.v n I .I'li'j.'! ;'."..' sin's. 11 y. .11 nei .1 mi'ill.iil n.lil i- Jim's liiH-UitK, I'lii.y lllmlilsi' In 111.. I.," I -.f III I'lellu iil,u,ni,.ir fn r rin,.. VI N ON 61iil nml Jclli'mon Ht riiiliiileli.liiu, I'n. .-in. I Mule I ! MESSAGES FOR THE STUDENTS. Notes Enclosed by Factory Girls In Michigan University Toques. The student council at the Uni versity of Michigan de-clJed not Ion? tifto that the proper (winter liejdgear for all stiiilpiits was a loipie. Spe cial colorings were devised for the various cbws. About four thou sand trqucR ivere ordered from f.ic torles in Lansing. In tome vry i!ie girls employed In. tho factories l arn' d the t ratios wero going to the university, and If tlif colleite pajicr :it Ann Arhor Is to lio believed every thlid c.1,! contained a brief note Intended to lie rend hy tho vuui); man wearer (f tin- toiiui". Not nil tho notes were written In Ktis llsh either. "Young and a need cook," "brown pvpa und rurly hair," "crazy uhoitt college men." wete fiimo of the l.rief remarks Insinuated Into the tonnes. As far as Is known hi romantic at tachments rcc!i"od final tin- notes. llooaiiKp of the In' onvenli me cf tjiliinc off 1 ho topios each time an nccpiainlanoi' is met who uheild ho painted the i.i'ini:i ins apreed unof ficially that merely twlt-iin 1 lio tas Hel will he dan ret n'.:iiit!cMi when n wparer of a t-vpi" inn-is hi mo young woman he kir'Ws or an Instructor. Now York Fads for Weak Women Nine-tenths ol oil the ucknem ol women it flue to some urrniKcnij;... -ease ol the organs distinctly feminine. Sucu lickncsi con be cured cured everv day by Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription It Makes Weak Women Strong, Sick Women Well. It acta directly on the or(!an uflVcled nnd is at the seme timo rtcncral restora tive tonic lor Hie whole svMcm. It circs lemale complaint nlht in tint privacy til home. It moke unnecessary tlie diie-rccshlc tpicsiioninil, cxuminntitini anil local treatment o universally intiMcd upon by doctort, und to obliorrcnt ti cve'.y modest woman. c shull not particularize here as to the symptoms of those peculiar fificctiona incident to women, hut those vantinii full information ns to their symptoms and means til positive cure ore referred to tho J'eoplc's Com mon Sense Medical Adviser l'WM paid, newly revised ond np-to-d.itc I'dition, kent free on receipt of 21 one cent stump to cover cost of mailing only; or, in cloth binding (or .il slumps. A.kl-cts Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffiilo, N.Y. . r.i' il-say-' . II i. Mmiy'in-!" e..lil lie Prli'i. L'.r.i'. Mniiyei.'s In a few lionrx iiml n ilr .'in,' K'. i 'il. I 111 I'lli' il'lT I II. iui ilr r. ll.-v. .In v.. ITI.'i'L'.V The Jionnose "Hello jdionc Is "Mosh! moKhil" i ne!" with the accent on tho III I III; lell" or "Alio nay." A rnoi'KKsioxAr, xriiSE The fellow . maVes the most noise, dellnis the rhllaJi hdlii Ke" ord, doesn't always have a sound mind. Tells of Five YeiirV Siifroiins Willi Kidney ami Hludder Troubles. Mrs. Mary Campbell, 1312 Jackson i St., I'hila., Pa., fays: "For five years , I doctored for kidney disease und Rot no better. J lie i urinary papsai-es j wore too fro- i (juent and co- I jilotiH. I could j not attend to my j lirofessioiuil du- , Yii'4H.: liA ,.' every BUfferer I Ece Ilemember the name Poan's. For pule by all dealers, tit cents a box. Fostor-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. The man who can laugh when ho isn't amused, declares tho New York Times, Is always popular. A Woful Task. "You look harassed. You should have done"70ur Christinas shopping earlier." "I've done my shopping. Now, I'm trying to convince the children that they want what I got for 'em." Kan sas City Journal. Genealogical. She How far can your ancestry be traced? He Well, when my grandfather re signed his position as cashier of a county bank they traced him as far as Hlilna, but he got away. Pittsburg Observer. Wonderful Mntlstlrs. When it Is consldorcd that the iiereentRe of deaths from aonminipllun la 11 per tliim sand aRiilnat CS pi-r thousand of nuy other malady, bow importaut to guard uualiiBt a slight cold by taking Taylor's Cnemki-e Kt-mody of Bwaet (Jura and Mullidn, tho teatad medicine for coughs, colds and con sumption, whoopliiK coutth, oroup. At ilruggims, 25 . sol 50 '. Dead men tell no tales, admits the New York Times, but their historians frequently do. For COLDS nd GRIP. Hick's CiPcmsi la the bent remfflf miuvm th si'hlnff and fHTerthHrcsfc curea the Cold and restores normal conUltiona. li'a llquid-elTeeu tmmadlately. Inc.. ul1 We., atdiua atorwa. LOOK AT THE DARK. A 4-year-old boarded a suburban train ait Englewood with his mother one dark evening recently. Like all children of that age, he desired seat next to tho window, through which ho could look cut, explaining thnt he 'wanted "to 'look at the dark." This reminded a hearer of the child who, on being aeked why lie was afraid on a dark night, replied: "I'm afraid of the danger." Chicago News. Dr. Pierce's rieaaant Pellet. rcpdaU , and invigorate stomach, byer and bowels. Sugar-coated, tiny granule.. Lasy to take as candy. Wben a boy wear a pair of new shoes Trttbout protest, it la an indi cation, to the Atchison Globe, that h. Ii going away on the cars. a ni. rn rtnfsam Is the old reliable cough remedy. Found in every drag store, and practically every home. II sizes. The girl who works hardest In decorating the church, notes the Atr chlson Globe, can usually be depend ed on to be a poor worker at home. Only One "Itromo Quinine," That l Laxative Bromo yuinine. took for the signature of E. W. Grove. Used the World over to Cure a Cold in One Day. 26o The richer a man grows, observes the Pittsburg Dispatch, the less he Vtmiva on tho witness sisuu. In Akoii y With Kezemii. "No tniiKUC- can tell Low I snffired for five yearn with ltclilmj and blceil iii eczema, until I w;i cured by tho Cutlcnra Itemi (!!' aiul I nr.) k rrute ful I want the world to know, for what helped Me will help others. My body and fnrewerooowrcdwith sores. One day it would neem to lie better, ; nnd then break out nealn with tlm most terrible pnln und Itching. I have been sick several times, but never in my life did 1 experience such j awful HUfforliiE as wlih thl eczema. I had made up my lnind that death was i near at hand, and I longed for that I time when I would be at rest. I hail tried many different doctors and tned- tles. Since using I lelnes Wlinnr.i success, ami ni.v iiioin Iioan's Kidney . rr brought me tin- Cutlcui a Kemedies, Pills however I j InsistiliK that 1 try tliein. I bepan to have' found such I feel better after the first bath with welcome relief j Cutlcura Soap, and one application of that I now roc- Cutlcura Ointment, onimend Iran's , "I continued with the Cutioura Kidney Tills to Soap unil I iiiioui.n.'iiiimem,.niu n.tvu taken four bottles ot futirura uesoiv cnt, and ronslibT myself well. Tliln was nine years ago and 1 have bud no return of the trouble since. Any person having any doubt about this wonderful cure by the Cullciira Rem edies can write to my address. Mrs. All ie Etson, It 3 Inn Ttoad, Ilattlo Creek, Mich., Oct. 1C, 1909." Why He C Alexander 1 of Scotland '. has a go.'-d These lie Is s even If they t Pl'iylng on a i land he remnrki 1 caddie; "Hy th- round with T lime I was h' (in .:or!" "Av." said the cad 1 bate Medreper tl; Clink ?o?" ee',iii,t Lord Advocate, heir; Mctlrt-eor'H prowess. "Ay," (Ira'vl'd the fireiror's (' Id " (iep'.u uM Ceat McGregor. I:i V ill' ,i Ml ( Iird Advocate i;;fer, and he nolflng tales. mlv to relate, ,-" !:inisif. . "i ;l :-i. In Pent i' '.'ally to his : a veil ft th-- last . r, Mc I ami I It M 1 the i- cudip. 1 , i yrin til:, il Tl'F .JM MITK.T CAT. I want ui write ami tell you nlmut my cat. Hlr. name is Hoy. lie in an. nu'lv gray and .white cob r. lut ho Is the' smart pR- cat I have ever s'-on. He comes to the door every morn Intt and cries to cnine in the hoirse.' and whin he gets in he mes richt up to niv r-."M mid --s on tho bod and coo"- to s-le. p. At times ho f(,i,ws u". iioa-n to t:- d'-i'mr room, star Is hv my chair and looks at mo ns if to say:' 'Ticuse give me Mime thin; to ent." Ali'-r meals h- lies In t';p morris chair. II- I afral'l of anv one who conies In the yard, UJid rnns nv.av from any one exeopt Klbabetb. "Mniire, in the New Tr'huae. mo. York CONVINCING PROOF OF THE VIRTUE CF LydSa E. PSnkham's VesetafeS-s Cssnpcunt! What is tlie uc (if pmcra. tinr.tin',' in tlie face of such evidence as the following letters represent? If you area sick woman or know one who is, what ser.ble reason have you for not giving Lydia K. l'inkhum's Vectaljle Com pound si trial ? l'or 30 years we have been pi'-blUiIng such testimonial letters as tlie.-e thousands of them -they are genuine and honest, ton, every one of them. Mrs. S. .1. 1.ariKM- sit.vs: !fi:t.'.'' -. it'. .,'.' IMC mmm Happy Is he wlio liaiipily does oth ois without their suspecting it. Cut Thin Out And mnil to the A. H. Lewis Medicine Co , St. Lnuis, Mo., nnd tlicv will sead you free n 10 dnv treat incut of Nature's Item ely (Ml tnl.letl. Cuiiiiintied fnr Uhcii matism. Constipation. Si'li Headache. I.iver. Kidnev and Uluod Diseases. Snltl by all Diiiiiwists. Hitter than Tills for Liver Ills. It's fife to you. rite to day. Some shoulders are not fitted to go In double harness. Mi s. AV, It baa been announced that an air hip Una will be In operation soon be tween Potsdam and Berlin. Mrs. WlnalnWsSoothlni? Pympfor Children. teethinB.soft'nath(niiis.reduM-snrlHinma. toon, alhtya pain, cures wind colicaiftc a bottle The man who goes at his tusk half heartedly Invites failure. Free to Our Headers. Write Murine Eve Rioawly Co.. Chicago, for 4 jhk! illustrated Eye Hook Kre-. Write all about. Your Eye Trouble und they will advise as to the Proper Applica tion of th Murine Eye Heiueilics 111 Your Ppecinl Case. Your DruimiM will tell you that Murine Relieves Sore Eyes, Strength ena Weak Evea. Doesn't Smart. Sootlies Eye Pain, and sells forS"c. Trv It In Your 1 Eyes and in Baliy'a Eyes, for Sialy Eyelids auu uranuiution. Pull a long at Fate and you'll get her cold shoulder. NEEDED IMTOKMATIO. Important to PmplcLlvlnsIn fountry tv. .nnnnneement of the Bed Crs 1 Banitarlum, of Atlanta, - P"r ''V'; i where. It la a first-class Institution, tor tn , treatment of Non-eootsRlnus dt .eases and a.formbiea. Persons needln all th. coin- ord U, tirVt-claa, Institution, of Ulnjl would do well to write to the pbysi.-U" l" charge. The dead sure things are always those which disappoint one most. A Hoiirt-to-Jleort Talk. Blood is the life of man. If your svtcm has too much uric ncid, your blood becomm poisoned and you are sure to nave rinums tinn. Hy removing the cmise Kheumncule "1 think l.y.lia K. i'inkliaiu's Vcno. taliie ( ' 1 1 ! 1 J 1 1 1 1 ! 1 1 ;S tlie lie.,1 llinli- i-iiic iii tin- world l'or wmia-a and I I- el it. my ilui y to lit ut he r a itiiiiw 1'ie u I it has liiuie In,- me. Three yor.rsajio I Iiml ;i t u 111 or which the doctor Jsald would bav" to be removed by an operutiim or I coulil not live more than a vear, or two, at most. 1 wrote Mrs. rink ham, at Lynn, Mass., for advice, and took 11 bottles of Lydia K. l'ink liain's Vi'SeUtbli- t'otnpound, nnd ti day the tumor is pone and 1 am a perfectly well woman, I hope my testimonial will be of bpiiel't U oth ers." Mrs. B. J. liAHUi-.H, Scott, K.y. Mrs. E. F. Ilayos says : 'I was under the adoc-tor's treat ment for a. fibroid tumor. I suffured with pain, sore ness, bloating, and could not wallc or stand on my feet any letiRth of time. I wrote to Mrs. IMnkhatn for nd vlce, followed her .(directions and took Lvdia E. Pinkbam's Vegetable Compound. To-day I am a, well woman, the tumor was expelled and mv whole system BtroiiKtliened. I advise all women who are ntllicted with tumors or female troubles to try Lydia E. Pinklutm's Vegetable Compound." Mrs. K. F. IIaykh, lSlio Washington St., lioston, Mass. For 30 vonrs Lydia rinklium's Veeetalile Compound has ht'ea tlio Htandard remedy for female His. No ni-k woman does justice to herself who will not try this famous) medicine. Made excluivelj from roots and herbs, and has thousands of cures to its credit. Bfl7a Mrs. Plnkham Invites all sick women to write her for advice. 8he litis cuided thousands to health free of chaw. Addn'H" Mrs. Finkham, Lynn, It! auu. I nis ' ' " ' I Z:r.y : " No 01 e I'llWI . h.l , ( lil'.Ve Kllt- , -i- il fro 111 le i.ial. 1 roubles, i,, iK'il.'ia )iiiiis, .ml backai lie. My il' cto' Kaid :,e'eoiilil n it Rivo -ne antlii!iK to jcu iv it. 'J liroiiU JlliP advice of a ineiid I began ;(o u.-e Lvdia E. inkliaifi's V'e'.'e- talile Coinpouiid, nnd tin- pain soon disai peaied. 1 continued its use and am now in perfect health, l.viliii K. l'iiikham's Vegetable Com ji.'jiiml lias been a i oil-send to nio an 1 lielii ve I should have, been in mv grave if it bad not been for Mrs. ri'nkliani's advice and Lydia K. l'inkhanrs Vegetable Compound." -Mrs. (ir.fii-oE ilAY, cO 4tli Ave, I'uterson, -N.J. IMrsi, ieorrr." - '..'''..., 'I t.; ;-' . ' .yu- : 1 11 1- 1 h . Houish snyst "I have been conipli-tcly cured of a Severn fe male trouble by Lydia K. l'fnk liam's Vegi-Uiblu Coinpoiind, and want to recom mend it toallsuf- li'ering women." j.1 r b . vt . j . Horsii, 7 Lust view Ave, Cia ciiuiati. Ohio. liecatise your case is a diilioult one. ilocUirs Having none jou no good, do not continue to suffer w it h out givinff Lydia E. I'iiikbam's Veif etable Com pound a trliil. It surely has cured many cases of female ills, such as inflammation, ulceration. dis jilaceinents, fibroid tumors, irregu larities.periodic pains, backai-he.ete. , K ,. s"' s - (At-9'10) Not every man worth his salt can turn enough to buy meat these days. riles Cured In 0 to 1 1 Days. j Pnno uinrnieni is gnaranHieo v enre .uy case of Itching, Blind, UleedingorProtrmling Pilea in ft to 14 rla vs ermoTiPv lefTinded. fslu If opportunity never returned we would all be loserB. Baby Smiles When He Takes 9 compounded in liipiid and tablet form, cures For head A (II K-Illeks C Pf !' ihe worst cases of rheumatism. Rheuinaciile ia a specilio for cont'igioua blood poison. Begin in time. At druggists. Tablets by mail, 2a. liobbitt Chemical Co., Ualti more, Md. The wiles of woman are well match' ed by the lies of man ius.ih.. frnm Holds, llest. Stomach Nervous f roublea. Caiiudlne will relieve j-on. It's lluuld-Dleasant to lake-n-ta inmieill liely. Try It. IOC., lift and We. at drug ft 13. J) The charltnble Individual doesn't weigh the quality of need. a A 4. I vtx tin limit to (gttuistsi&3 1 So pImmbI that lie liltM it nd eontaini ft oth- j stssj. insn H Dot mm ua ii ih tsij.t All Drugrftiif ZS Carrtn -i w wmnnxr nil v '! M.Jt.VThOM u"rri;. rsy hair.. U.e "W CRSOU " HAIR RISTORtR. Prlc. i.OO. ratalL