Newspaper Page Text
Proceedings Town Council Mart isoD, Fla., March 1, 1910 Council met in regular sesaion. Present: K. C. llassell, D. II. Yates. Walter Bunting, V, 15. Davis am) 1: A. Fraleigh, president. The minutes of last meeting were read and approved. The chairman of the Ordinance committee bkU for 30 days longer on Ordinance No. 59 and upon moUuc same was granted. Ordinance No. GO wag presented through the committee on Ordinance by Mr, E. C. Iltissell, Chairman, entitled an Ordinance prescribing tbc form and details of the issue of 15,000.0 School Bonds of the Town of Mudison and providing for the levy of a tnx to pay the principal ami intcrebt thereof at maturity, which was read and duly considered and pluced upon its pussnc. The vote hcing taken with t lie following result: Yen: V7. H. Jhivin. K. t' HasMdl.I). II. Yates, Waller Bunt ing ami L. A. 1'ialcili. president. Nays: None, So Oidiuaiice No. GO was duly j passed, fifrned hy the president, attchtcil by I he clcrli and was order ed transmitted to the mayor for his apptoval, and upon approval of same to he published according to law, an l recorded in the thdinancc Book. It was moved and earned that the Treasurer execute nnd sell 45 sewer age bonds for 1500.00 each, aggre gating $-'2,500.00, to the First National Bank of Cleveland, Ohio, at 1)8 cents and accrued it.terest from Sept. 15th, l'JO'J to -March Ctu lit 10 and that the remaining 25 Sewer Bonds of the denomination of 1(100. each aggregating $2500,00 be held by the Tneatmrer subject to the or der of the Town Council. The following bills against the town were examined found correct and ordered paid. Tharln Sc Leslie, hardware bill $12 ill FralitiKti-Lines Shelter Co., Oug- ity for Jones 3 50 W. II. Butler, salary 23 00 Jim IienRiin 00 00 W. B. Stewart, police duty 3 00 M. Bunt ing, Axing pipe 0 75 W. A. Dale, ctreet work and mule board 1X4 40 W. A. Dale, salary 40 00 Total 2M Sis Upon motion Council adjourned to meet Tuesday night, the 8tb. S. P. Griffin, Clerk. Race Suicide is not nearly the menace to increase in population that death among Infante are. KlRht out of ten of these deaths are directly or indirectly caused by bowel trouble. McGee'e Baby Elixir cure diarrhoea, dysentery, sour etom acu and all infant ailments of this na ture, .lust the thins for teething ba bies. Price 25c and Tk ier bottle. Sold by W. 11. Du;is. Call A The Stationery Store i And Examine our Line of Illustrated Post Cards MadiSOn VieWS"Six Handsome Photographs of Mad ison scenes for five cents. A full Line of Stationery, Writing Pads, School Books, Pens, Pencils, Ink, School Tablets, all kinds of Medicine's, etc., etc. Your close inspection cordially invited. Sewing Machines A Specialty. W. L, 'Phone No. 47. School Exercises The exercises at the closing of the Hamburg School were greatly en joyed by all present. The untiring efforts of the teacher, Miss Agnes Apthorp, in training and drilling the pupils in their plays and recitntioi.s deserves a great deal of credit. The program was interesting from begin ning to the close and too much praise cannot be given the school for the delightful way in which the audience was entertained. Interspersed be tween the recitations was delight ful music furnished by Mr. .Sain Martin on his violin accompanied by Put Bilges on his guitar. An inter esting address by our County Super, iiiteiident was greatly enjoyed nfter which a collection was taken for the purpose of starting a library in our .school. Notice of ttection Notice is hereby givn that an election will be held in the Town of Madison, rloridn, on the 5th day of April, 11)10, at the towji market he Iween the hours of 8 o 'click, a. m. and 5 o'clock, p. in , for the pur pose of electing the following named ollicers of said town for the enstrng year: One Mayor; Three Membeis of the Town Council; One Marshal and Collector; One TuX Assessor; One Clerk nnd Treasurer. ' It. II. KOWK, Mayor. Notice for Pardon. Notice is hereby given that I, Peter Mrunghter, will after the ex piration of this notice, apply to the Board of Pardon of the State of Florida for a pardon for the offence of which I stand convicted, to-wit murder in the second degree. havi'ig been convicted at the Spring Term A. 1). 1908 of the Circuit Court for Madison Comity, Florida, 2w Piter Siboloiiti'r. Stiff Neck. .Stiff neck is caused by rheumatism of the muscles of the neiik. It is usually contioed to one side, or to the back of the neck and one side. While it U of ten quite painful, quick relief may be bad by applying Chamberlain's Lini ment. Not one case of rheumatism in ten requires internal treatment. When there ia no fever and no swelling as in muscular and cbronio rheumatism, Chamberlain'a Liniment wOl accomp lish more than any internal treat ment. For sale by W. B. Davis and B. F. Mofeley. Fifty acres of San ford celery land sold this week for f 21,500. A Swollen Jaw is not pretty nor pleasant whether it's caused bv neuralgia, toothache or ac cident, Ballard's Snow Liniment will reduce the swelling and relieve the pain. The great and sure cure for rheumatism, cuts, bruises, scalds any an l all aches and pains. Sold by W. U. Davis. Latest Ideas in Post Cards. Tooke. Madison, Fla. Wormolory I should be studied by every parent. If your child Is nervous, fretful, etarta in its eleop. Is pasty faced, lias ring under its evee. alwata itm hunnrv, not gaining weight, you can be sure the trouble ie worms. White s Cream V er mifuge is an absolute cure for worms. Is its own purgative. Sold by W.B. Davis. The agricultural appropriation bill which passed the senate Tuesday carries an appropriation often thous and dollars to light the white fly in Florida. Lovers of good health should prevent sickness instead of letting themselves get sick and then try fo sure it. So long as vou keep your liver, bowels nnd stomach in a healthy and active condition you won't get pick. Ballard's Herblne re lieves runsllpalion. inactive liver and all stomach ami bowel troublee. Sold by W. B. Davie. J. J. CONWAY DENTIST. MADISON. - FLORIDA. Office Phono No. 101, Residence Phone No. 34. There is one way to save your Piano and that is by EXPERT TUNING Drop me a postal and I'll cull. All work guaranteed. JAS. M. HALL Post Office Box 24 Culnmbim 1). Smith Jim. It. Ktiky SMITH & KELLEY ATTOKVKVSt.AT-l.AW, Will practice In Mtate Federal court Office: C. B. Ashley Building- HENDRY & McKIXXON Attorn eys-at-Law Madison and Perry. - Florida Will I'rartlre In all Mtftte and Federal Court Office: In Conway Building W. LT DOUGLAS 3.00,3.50,4.00 & 5.00 SHOES Best in tlx World UNION MADS Boys' Shoes $2.00 and $2.50 fast Color fjenti Use W. L. Douglas ahoea are lh lowett price, quality contidered, in the world. Their excellent atyle, easy fitting and long wearing qualities excel those of other makes. If you have been paying high prices for your shoes, the next time you need a pair give W. L. Douglas shoes trial. You can save money on your footwear and get shoes that are just as good in every way as those that have been costing you higher prices. If you could visit our large factories at Brockton, Mass., and see for yourself how carefully W. L. Douglas shoes are rnadq, you would then understand why they hold their shape, fit better and wear longer than other makes. I Tlny w. I. Donitlu name and prion Is atatniied n Hie to pruleet the weaipr nimioat tlilitl prleaiuid lnl-ru,r.hoe., Tukf Mo Hu.iatk t ule. It W. L. shoe, are not for uile in your yicnity. write tor Hail Order Catalog. W.L.Uouglas, JiroektoD,Lua. .... - r0R RALX IT T. J. Beggs & Co. NOTICE Of 11181 HAHOE. Notice la hereby tflven that alx montha afur tlie d ,1e lierenf the undei signed w ill returiiaoT Ills aecouuta as A,1uiliiiHi.a'(i' of tbe estate of H K Lee. deoeaaeU, and tbnt be will at such time apply to tlie count y Judae oi Maolaoti coiiiiiv, 1-lornla. for Ills llnal dis- ebarite aa auclt ailtnlnlatrator. It T. DAVIS Adminlatrator Estate of s. K. Lv. . deceased Marcto , 'lu . NOTICB OF DISCHARGE. Notice la hereby given that six mnhtha ft-r data tbe undersigned will make llnal returns of bta accounts as admit, l.traior of tbe eatate) of Mrs U A w litle deceaix d and (bat b win at ucu time appiy to me i otint y .ludgeof Mad ison C'ountT, Florida, lor his (llacliaive as sucb admlnlsuatar. 3. W. WAOtWOKTll. Adrnlntstrstor sstauof Mis. ti a. Wbinlese oea.ett. ORDINANCE NO. . I AnOnJiimnceprewriWnfiheloriinind drltlU of the iwiivof f lMHWnrhool foondi ol the Town of Mft,li-.n,nn providing for tlir lew oNtw to p;iv the principal mid ii.tvrenl thereof al miluritv. WhtrrHtt, Ht mi election duiv mid )xnllv culled rtiul held in l he Town of Mmlmon on the uitii dv of -liilv, more irrnn 11 majority ot the iim lined voter of RHld town voted in i;tvor ot the iKminm e of hmid ut Mid Tow n in the amount of $ ItYOUO for the purpoHe if rainnif money m be iiM-d in erect' mur or .tilling in the erection of a dormitory nr.d Kuch other hniJditmg in connection wiih tin public nt-houl huildiiiK now Hilunttd in hid town, now culled I lie Florida Normal limtitutr, or utich nddi tionK thetetn may from time to time be deemed necesMirv ' UielWn Councillor the niHiiiti linnet- or effleieiicy ol anv iw hool or achonU I hut may Ite etiiblihhed or conducted therein; nnd WhereHH Hmd bondk haw been duly advirttistd for wale, and a contract ha bt-en entered into for the wile of a pnmnl .mu of $14,000 of said bonds ui a price which is in excess ol W8 cents on the dot Lai ; and Whereas " , condition tind thing srrauirfd hv law precedent to the if huiince of wid bonds have been hud nnd done in the time, form and man. ....r r.n.yir.erl hv lsik Now Therefore, oe it ordained by the Council of the I own ot Mituison, ricriua: Section I. That for the purpose of raiainff money to be uki d in ereclintf or to aid m the erection of a dnnnitorv und svicti other huiiutinfa in ionnec- tion with tlie public M.houl bmldm(( now situated in Mid town, now called the PI or da Normal in tt tutc, or such addition thereto a may from time to lime Ik- deemed neccKwiry by the Town ouncii for the miiinteiiuiice tiru! efikiency of any hcIiooI or hools thHt iimv he ehiahlibbed tr condiu ted there in, there if herehv nidered and directed to be is sued the negotiable coupon bimd of said Town of 1 M.idtft n in t.-.f ; mount of Fifteen TliousHiid Dot larti (IKi.omi), conwiuiin ,if tliirty hnm.a of the de- , noniinaiion tf each, numbered 1 to !kl incliiK ive. Ktid lviiuiH Khali 1h known und denAlcd an 'chot Hondh," shall be dated September 16th, 1HHH shill mature thirty (JtO) .cure from their dale, the Tow, however, km rvinir the option to redeem the siime ut ai y lime after five veam fio.'Ti their dat ; shall bear interesf :il I he rate ut mx (tl) i er ci iiHiin per aumiin, nav.ilOe itnmially on September irlh (if eaih yviir; and Imiii principal and interest shall be p.milUr tn lawful money ot the t'niled M.ites t l lit oltice of ihe Treasurer of tlie Town f M adisoii, r londa, oi al tlifnplion of Ihe hoioer of said bonds at ihe othi e of l)n-e M r .irsim, in ihecitv of C'huat'o, Illinois, payable in -New ork It xehane. Sirlioni Snid hi ml nnd coupon sliall he fn sub--tantially the ollovii. fuiiim, lespectively to wn: Culled SMtea of America. State of Florida, County ot M.ullhon, low 1 1 of M.uli-on, SCHOOL BOND No.... y.vo. Know nil men by these present, that the Town of Madison, in the County of Madison, Slate of Morula, a duly orgum? d 'iiiuiik ipal lorporaiion under the laws of said State, uckmm ledyts itself indebted and for value received hereby promise to pay to hi arer 1' i vel I iindred Dollars. in lawful money nf ihe IT uiud Slaleit of America, on the Uilli day of September, A. L. IWiV, or at the option of said town at ai.y time after live years from the dale hereof, together with interest on said nun from the date hereof until paid at the rite of six (6) per centum per annum, payable annually on the 15th dav of September upon presentation of the interest coupons hereto attnehed as they veverally become Joe, both principal and intere-t bcintf pHyable at the office of the Treasurer of said Town, in the Town of Madison, Florida, nr at Ihe option of the holder of said bond at the office of Duke M bar son, in the city of Chicago, Illinois, payable in New York Kxihuntre. And for the prompt pay ment of the principal and interest of this hortd ut maturity, the full faith, credit and resources ot said Town are herehv irrt-t'oruhiv nledired. This Ifond is issued for the purpose of raising Hinds to erect or aid in the ereciintr oi a punnc . school huildinir it. said town, with a dormitory and such other biuldins in connection therewith or ad ditions thereto hk may from time to tune t.e deem ed necessary by the '1 own Council for the mamten ance and efficiency of any school or school that nay he established and conducted therein, and is issued pursuant to (he favorable vote of more than a majority ot qualified voters of said Town voting at an election duly and legally called and held f-r that purpose, nnd pursuant to resolutiors and otdi nances of the Town Council duly passed, approved and adopted, and is authorized bv and issued in full compliance with the charier of nid Town, and the t. onsliiulion and laws of the state of Florida And it is lurehy certified and recited that all acts, conditions and tliMijis required by the Consti tution and laws of the Stale of Florida and the charter of said Town to exist, bnppi n and be per formed precedent to and in the isMHtMr of this bond have existed, happened mid been performed in regular and due form, time -nd manner as re tjuiud bv luw, and that the total Indebtedness of said Town including this bond net not eiceed any Constitutional, statutory or charter linniation, lu witness whereof, Mid town of Madison, by its Town Council, has caused this bond to be sin- Georgia & Florida Railway. SCHEDULE Shortest and (Quickest Line to Augusta and all Points North To-rough Valdosta, Douglas, Hazelhurst and Vidolia. XOKTllBUUNt) Lv Madison.. .. .6 20 a m 4 00 pm Ar ValJoela 7 SO a m 8 2i p m Nashville 8 03am C 27 p m ' .... Willacoochee!)32a m 7 0G p in " .... DouKlaa 10 10 a m 7 45 p m .... Hazlehurt.. 11 20 a in 9 00 p tn ' ... Villains.....' 12 40 p tn " .... SiiPmore.. . 2 00 p m ' .... Millen 3 30 p m " . . . . AudiiBta. . . . 5 30 p m Connfctidns made at Madison with vile" ami Kiver Juno lon, at Valdosta wiiiacoLcnee wnti a. . l, , ni ma llrurswtck, at. Hazlehurst with Komh'nRv., to Macon, Atlanta anil Riuns iLk, at Vidnlia with S A. L. Kv.. tor Savannah and M. D. k S. to Dublen and Micon, at Millen with Cen of Ga , at August with A. C. L. K. A. L , C. fc W. C. for all points C. C. Carkoll, Agent, Madison, Fla. For Permanent Relief Take TRADX VW.IS.M. iafnHr?.81' B MALARIA AND CHILLS. It nr,i ., ,ree. .T-ll ll pntHonous rnlneral substancea, and ia com wart Xf' ''"C,,',Na.HERB$- Ifc lB adapted for weak and tl k 7 f onftitutiona atrenffthena the weakened glands and organs; It check all derangement of tbe body. "Try a bottle to-day." Fifty Cents a Bottle. Avoid All Subititutes. Ballard Snow Liniment Co. ffiX-.BALLAM- m oi. luub, ssmci Rceorrimeindad t ".""'-' mna lift If 1 hiirvln rti wvil ..I .. . PiI tD.ll.rh.d lo b. K,.,.d ih,'" I the )5i)l day ol Scplnnlw A f, 1 1. (!ivAI. K. II. HOWH ' S. P. GKIKFIN. ,.! (I'ORM OKCOU'ON) No. ol Mudix.n, in tir t omur ..( 'in n j'iw.'n'' T"" ! luiidu. will py to ln-nrw. Tliiny bi,li.' , " See ot th. Treasurer ol nid I own hi "vi r lorulH, or nt the option of tlir holder kL , ollicolUukeM. r.r.on.ith. citv ,,?i"l""k' the annual intereit then due on II. '.""t dined September 16lh, IWW, No,,.. "l 8ert.on The Mayor and Cl,,"'"' came .aid bond, to be prepared u!,u,n,,.," lonn aforesaul and .hall e.ecnle JSJ Wiiuiii I'UIIU, nilllHHTB J In IN in..). 'V UnkeM. Kar.oo olChicaaci, III.",, TZ'' ntetlt of the nurchnge ori. Bu..i ... .' 'lM'n 1.1- for. The remaining Imnd., m,rulr S i"' Khali not be executed by .aid ollit , ,7. " H .,me, but the bl,k form, of .,,! Ixind, '.ffi dcpoiiled for afe k.epinK wl.h the low urer, and .hall be enrcutcd only when n.l .. k alter ordered by the Town Council. """ of the Interen on wild bond. a. it fl, di? S"1 is herein, nidered and directed to lie levied , , iv noon an ine uuai'le pronertv in llc ,. Madison, for each of the year, said bond. ,,, " .landing a l. sulhciellt to ptoUuce each u,,i of tiubt Hundred and forty Llollars. Section 5. All lorin.r rcsnliitir.n. i V of the Town of .VfaJmnn . ...a.... .. . " " """ iifiona of tliis oniinaiue are herel v to ihV tent of audi tonriict amended and apiteitied Section tl, Una o (llnance hul n into effert ' " !l l'as"lie anil U irv, ,. r bomlK or t-ouoons are iiiiivi:in,li,, i . 1'ass.d by the Council Ihiv 1st ,l.u f u '...l I-. A. I-KAI.IU.,11, ,W Attest': '' ''"'"luilolCoud S. Pi (ilUKFIV, Clerk. i-.xainiii, (I and approved bv me tlii 3d d,v tl ir ,i lllWl .1 II l.i .it . " " ...... nun ii, aiaiu,, SOTICB TO BON'UHOI.DHKs. Holdi-rs o( BondH of MarilRnti couniy HoiM. art, heri'by notltlud iliui tai? t..ll.iuiiiKiiitMuS! In bout! nr snid vounty, lo-wii; i . . . uiUM. etl nveti'.-wynn VT) lor one huuilnd duilim La been driwn By lot, ami called l nr wt. iih'Iii and t bat tbe futitie with accrue,! mti'rri llieri'on will be f.ald on March lib, io u w alch dale Me iiiltjreKt thereon nuiceaw' A. l.lVINt.lsroN, E. .1. VANN, Trust Pea nt Bonds of Madison Coitntv, UnrlJ, Mndlbon, rlorlda, r eb.Uury litli, luio. ' NOTICB FOK PUBLICATION. Culted SiatcB Land Odlce at (.alucsviiie, Fit. February into, mo. Notice lnerebvrlvpnthat Wililitm II. ptu Htm ol Mad. son, Florida, Uo, on llayiti inn made HoineMiead Entry, No HIhuh (Serial io O.(WV) for of 8 W, sect ton u. Tin wwb, II II Fast, Tallabiiavei' Mvrtdian.biui Hied Dot ice of Intention to make final tlv) year Proov toesiabilsb claim to the lat.d atovn HewUM, before the ilerk of tbe I Ircult ou,l at xto. lecn, Florida on tbe aim day i Slaixb, lio, t'laltnaiil names as wltneu-etj; Henry Barker, Melvln T Bridges, .1 H. ('hpppai d and Joel E. Flillllpn, all ur Madliui, 1'lurlda. HKNRT S. CHi.KB, Kiglnter. GUARDIAN'S, NOTICE. Wotice I. hereby (riven to whom it may ennrtri, that as (niardian of Maraaiet Ifoiluits, totrK Koilaers, May Kodaer. anil Henry hTodKrt, in faiits, 1 will make application to tlie County ludgt of V ad iiion county. Florida, nt hi. office in tbt court ho..e at Maolunn, on Slh dav of Aptil A. t) 11110, for authority to .ell f interest ol the uli iiiianlK in and to certain lands situated, Kinif tnl beina in Madiaon cuutitv, Florida, dcsc'iM M follows: The east halt of the northwest qti.ntf and the northwest (pinner of the sniitheust ouaner of ttection eleven in township one north, rati(efti! eait, and co.itaiiiinc one hundred and twenty acre more or leva. EMZABKTII RODGHRS, Guardian nf Margaret Kodirert, Cortie Kodgrrl, May Hodger. and Henry liodaer.. I.v ". . . Ar. SOUTHBOCWD .. Augusts 10 30 a m .. Mllleo 1125 am .. Stillmore.,..12 43 p m . . Vitlalia 1 58 D tn .. Hazlehurst,. 3 13 p m U30id .. DoukIri . . . . 4 21 p m 7 47am . . Willaooocbee 5 33 p m 8 27 ... Nashville.. .. 5 42 p m 013 IB ... Va.dosta. ... 047 d m 10 18 a .. Madiaon ... 8 10pm 11 40s a , A. IV Ky., to and from Jackson' with G. S. & F. and A C. L .,, witii A. II. & A., to Atlanta k. North. C. II. Gattis, General Passenger Agent Augusta, Ga. naj., u. 3. A. W. 0. DAVIS