Newspaper Page Text
r If 1, :). U v i. Against Bonjinf. Plnetta, Fla., April 23rcl, JH10. Mr, Editor: I r.ava been thinking for sometime of offering pom of my viaws on bonding t.lie county for mik 1ng harj roatla. , The doctor very urgeiitly ami earn estly advoeates bonding as tlia beet iiud eheapVal way to iet them. I was indit-posed siidf not able to bp present the night the doctor and oth ers spuko on h sufcjeot in PlnetU hence 1 do not know what lney tnid ir bchwlf of bonds, but be thiit ne It iuv, 1 am unatterubly. opposed to bonding for "building hard roads or any other Dtxrjit nW KT the first plsoe, if I uo ilurfoHTid the subject, the comity il hava o be bonded for the whole amount , ofjpne hundred and fifty thousand dol k lure,' t,fforethre will be one lielc of JVrlTlt done on the roatlk, Hnd Hie Inter y. ; ep.1 will hin Ith the tsuini; of thi , ,.'bntida fur the whole amount, and nil tf ttn money will not he needed In eevsnil jeara; but Still the iuterest will b go- lag on.'mid will go on for ten yean be for the principal will be reached for . .,. ' .canei Iritlou. The lulereet on the ' tlM.OoO OO'at 5 per cant will he V'j'M venr or seventy five thousand in the Un years, half tha pr'nelpid bunded for. Kevenlt-Hve, thousand paid in the 'tan yeirs and the prici pwl cot touched Now the plan that'l would sttggea' ' would ba byconvict labor and direct taxation. Surely bo nan would object toadiraot tsietlorj to build roada, rather than tka taiatioo to pay interest n roads and tbe principal not reached for tap years, and than the interest and principal both to ba met Id tbe neit ten r twenty years. ' Seoondlr: Wbr csn't tha County Commissioner Ieaa it optianal with " wwid subjects to pay two or tare If re : 1 d tsi in plaea of eight days ir a t, toe public roads annuallT, 01 1 .U rc t lis road aubjects to work tb ,r' 1 as the law directa under a competed, road supervisor, thereby making road fond suffloient to csrry 00 tbe work anuuallr without paving any Interest! Tbe banks will, I suppose, csrry tbe 'bonds and get tha interest, and tb ' poor farmer and laborer will have tt weal it out, certainly the money po?e would carry the bonds whether it wen the banks or not, end ae a matter of interest they are tbe people who nil dvocsde bonding (ha county. fiutyu common man without monej At Interest t to let out for the Interee rfirimbar your money c jmes by th. -" -si'featof the face anj don't ned sn ; ,'-ltct t to be payinv. lam near ssv .,. 'V "t sge and I have been pny I iji ' i-en '.u -ailroad bonda ver "" y. ' Y'. I.1 ti. paid taxes, aad tha' baa tr- 0 v'C '- - I was 21 years old exoeptfur y. m that I was ii 4 tba war. ftt, Viihxr paid interest on rsllroad botteU be. J' ne, and I hav. paid interrvu 1 bona , and my aorta and . daughters ba paid Bterest on bonds. ' tj and yet it sti, jroea m, and-over half century nn:t . 'a e 11a who dhs ever been benefirt' ry b? The snonied nian is the onlv 0 it t jtt is doubly tenefit ad by UrA: J remiMiitt. ( th -f or four years ago Lowndes county voted down a fifty or er mora tbousHiid dollar proposition to bond the countv to build them a nice eourtbouee.. What dUl. they do? They kad a strong hoard of county commis sioners and one especially good financier Uijited Slates OTE Jas. P. Taliaferro MAY IOTH. 19IO His Record is Unassailed and . Unassailable A Senator who .". for the V His' Record Shows his Exoer- , j wba said we will fcave a new court houne, and they set about building and let tha contract and In about one year's time they had ae handsome a structure hs one uer J to look a cost ( about sixty Hvc thousand dollars, and I have heard no complaint alxiut the paying for it from anyone, which irovee to my mind that it ia not always needful to bond for ho enterprise. In fct. no need) to bend; if lliey can iv the bonds they can pHV the principal much wnoer w ithout the interest. Now brother voter mid laborer, in I'luichiMun let uie fay.go flow and eludr ciiiclnlly about voting bonds cn the county. Let me uri;e you not to vote bolide. .uivly ttiauv will regret bond ing if it, If done, liead lnit "Karuiei"' kuitl in lat weekV 1 'r. It's to the point ami every won! in Irwe to the best of my belier and Lnowleilge. I whh pres ent when the lift pio-Benger truiu rolleil into the depot Hi Miidison on 1'h ot July. 1S".0, ir I remember correctly, aiuid nnii'li rejoicing, but the rejoicing ceased wher. the puying of taxes come on and no inlet eSl ir. I lie road to pay for. John 'owaiit. S-k. A Knocker is a iniin ho can't bee (food in nr.y per son or thing. It's a tin bit viuiFed by a disordered liver. If you find that vou are beginmntf to see things through blue spectacles, treiil your liver to a good cleaning out process with LSiillnrd'e llerblne. A sure cure for constipation, dyspepsia, indigeation, rick headache, biliousness, all liver.etomach iind bowel troubles. Bold by W. K. Dims. Reply to "Firmer" Mr. Editor: Please allow me space to reply to the "Farmer" in Kbb who it 10 opposed to bonding tbe county for good roads. I also note t! at he is opposed to my "bor ing with 1 big auger." I Judge al- so that he Is opposed to all other progressive movements, I don't know who this "Farmer" is as ae wi ttil olds bis name and nt the same time handles my name rather freely. However, that is alright. Somehow I like to see my nam a in print and menu to attncli it to the end of this. From that article one would judge hit "J-'a'uiet" to be uu educated ican. Hut notice in my article whai I ant going to do with his figures. In other language be says we have been paying a J. mill tux f'r 54 years to pay a bonded indebtedness of t"5, Ouo for building a rail'oad and liuve only paid 170,000. Our county is sssesntd at 12, 676,275. Multiply this by 4 mills and jou get $10,705 nnually. Multiply tins by 54 eurs and you cet J ji 8,uu, or in otner words move than one seventh of the entire bond ii-ueeach year. At that rale the bonds would Lave been puid, interest and all, in less than twelve years. Now be tays the bond advo cates huve I ecu trying to deceive the people making them believe that their taxes would be very small. What alxul his figures? I believe he has deceived himself for I get it Senator FOR does Things rn: from the court house that this bond levy ranged all the way at dif ferent times from one-fourth to two jiills. 80 yo'i 8'C it lias not been such a burden after all lo the farmer. This " Farmer" does not see but one side, though he says there are two. He has shown you these bur dens, lie sees the aide that costs ouly. Now, let's lo"k on the other s'tle. What has the railroad been doing these 54 years? ?st. It pays annually i the coun tv taxes amounting to $5,71G. The interest on the bonds at first wus $4500, so the railroitd Itself has paid Miftkieut "tuxen to tiny the interest and retire M210 worth of bonds each year, Jt ' as been doing this for 51 years. Listen, Mr, "Fanner:" The has jiibt about paid oil these bonds with her own taxes and it will continue fur all time lo pay in live or six thousand dollars annually. That is the best investment the conn ty has ever maile, 2nd. It has hauled off the produce of the county that would bave been hauled iu wagons to St, Marks or to Jacksonville, 3rd. It lias enhanced tbe value of proerty at least Dity per cent. You do not hear of any land now at f 1 ,25 per acre as you did then. 4tb. It ba doubled the popula tion of tbe county. You would not be burdened with the writer if you bad no railroads. It bas brought in other taxpayers to lighten the bur dens. To bond the county for good roads will beat this. We could let the work out by contract, requiring each contractor to give bond. We could build the roads at once before we pay any tax on it at all We could make our money back out of men who build the roads long, be fore we pay the taxes. For want of space I will conlh ue in next week's issue, D. II. Yatis. 1 4 of Pouni Week at least, is what a youtitf tuby outrht to gain in weight. Does yours t If not there's something wroiiv wltb its diges tion. Give it McOee's Baby Kllxlr sod it will heir In gaining at 01 c-. Cures stomach and bowel troubles, aids dl geption.stop fretfulnesg, good for teeth ing babies. Price 25c and 50c. Sold by W. B. Davis. NOTIQi TO IIONDllOI.DEKS. loIitiTN nf lionilfi of the Tnwn cif MikIIi.oii,M.ii1 isiiii .ounl , t'lnnJn, lire licirhy noilln-d that tlif tolNiwitiK out.tandinit boiHlK nt raid l iiwn, .vit : Hund nupiluT live (6) for JMiu.OII. and IiuiiiIh nuin liercd -JV. t4, 4111I 42. v.irli for SlOo.llO, have I'immi tlriiwn l-v lot anil califil in fur ayment, and tlcit ttii- K.unif wnh actrut-il irlervbt tlirrron ill lit p;iul r,n ihf Jjittli duy of Mny, A D, ISltl, at which time l lit- iiitt-rrtt thtrctin wiii ifaar ttv order f Ihtf I'l'wn Coiuuil of the Town of, Countv, State of Kloriilil, S. P. GKIKKIN. I lerk and TreafeiiM-r of the Town of Madinon, 'liidii, llnlif .a, Fiorina, April 10th 1W10. HENDRY & MoKIXXON. Attorney s-at-Law Madison and Perry, - Florida Will Practlre la all Htat and federal t'ourtsi Office: In Conway Building J. J. CONWAY DENTIST. MADISON. - FLORIDA. Office Phone No. 101, Residence Phone No. 34. There is one way to save your Piano and that is by EXPERT TUNING Drop ma a postal and I'll call. . All' work guaranteed. JAS. M. HALL Post Office: Box 24 Cotumlmt D Smith Jai. R. KeUty SMITH & KELLEY ATTOH.i:VN.AT-UW, Will prartlre In Ntate Federal ronrta Office: C. B. Ashley Building: NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that in tmr sunnce of a Resolution lieietofor atlopted by this Hoard, an election will be held at the several places w here the List general election was held in the county of Madison, Stale of Florida, on the 10th day of May, A.D. l'JIO.ut which election the question shall be submitted to the legal voter of uid county whether ootids of the said county of Matlisim in the amount of $150,000 CO and id aring interest at the rate tit live per cent, per annum, payable semi annually, shall be issued fur the pui pose of constructing haid surfaced highways iu said county. That the form of the ballot at such election shall be "For Donas" or "Aguinst Bonds " By order of tbe Boa d of County Commiss ontrs of Madison county, Florida. Tuos. Z, Martin (Seal) Clerk. NOTICE. At the regular meeting of the Board of County Commissioners in and for Madison county, Florida, held on the 2nd day of March, A. D. 1910. tbe following Resolution was adopted: Whereas, the Board of County Commissioners of Madison county, Florida, de m it to be to tbe best in terest of said county to issue tbe county bonds of said Madison coun ty for the purpose cf constructing hard surfaced high waja in said coun ty, therefoie. Be it Resolved: That bonds of the county of Madison, Florida, repre senting the sum of One Hundred and Fifty thousand dollars is required for the purpose of constructing liard surfaced lnyhwavs in said county; that the same bear interest at the rate of five per cent, per annum payable spny,-ntinually on the first days of February andAugust of each ai d every year unlil said bonds are paid, nnd that said bonds shall be due and payable thirty years from Georyia & Florida Railway. SCHEDULE Shortest and Quickest Line to Augusta and all Points North Through Valdosta, Douglas, Ilazclburst and Vidulia. NOItTll HOUND SOUTHBOUND I.v,. . .-.Madiflon. ...020am 4 00 pm Lv ... Augusta 1030 am Ar Valdosta 7 50 am 822 pm Mlllen llKSam Nashville. ...S 53 a m C27ptn Stillmore..... 12 43 p m .... Willaoooclie3 32 a m 7 00 p in Vidalia 158 pm DoukIhs 1010am 745 pm .... Hazlehurst.. 3 13 p m 630am Haziehnrt.. 11 20 a m 9 00pm .... Doujtlas .... 4 24 p m 747am ... VltlallH 12 40 pm Willacooobee 8 33 pm 8 27 am Stll'more... 2 00 pm ... Nashville.... 5 42 p m 8 13 ant Milieu 3 30 pm .... Va.doats. . .. 6 47 p m 1018 a m .... Augusta.. .. 5 30 p m Ar... Madison.... 810pm 1140am Connections made as) Madison with S. A. L. Ry., to and from Jackson vilee and River JunO'ion, at Valdosta wltb G. 8. & F. and A. C. L., at Willacoochee with A. C. L , at Douglas with A. B. & A to Atlanta and Drunswick, at Hazlehurst with South 'nRv., to Macon, Atlanta and BrunsZ ick, at Vidalia with S A. L. Ry., tor Savannah and M. D. A 8? tv Dublen and Macon, at Miilen with Cen of Ga., at August with A. C. L S. A. L., C. 4 W.C. for all points North. C. C. Cabboll, C. H. Gattis, Ae5enl General Passenger Agent Madison, Fla. Aogusta, Ga. I For SPRAINS, BRU WOUNDS CUt th GamiiiM. " " as. m-j (fceTW BUal f JMFV 4t BALLARD SNOW LINIMENT CO., ST. LOUIS, MO J tbe date of issuance wit , of tbe county to pay all (, y of the same at any tira v .,. ' years from the date of it. , , T. Z. Martin, c, k .' on rt 3n Stale of Florida, SladiKc ' T. Z. Martin, fieri. ,i cult Court in and for ind clerk and auditor of II 0 of Countv CommiRsiimi r ., ii r. ' y UM.1 iod county, do hereby certi.y lmi jU8 .moving a i.ui nun co rect copy of the Resolution which it purports to le as it appears on tbe Minute Book of saitl County Commissioners WitnesK my bund and oiliciai stai this 4th day of April, I IU0. (L.) T.Z. MAUI IX. Clerk. NOT1CK OK DISt UAKOB. Xotlce Is hereby Riven that mix mmiilis ifn.r tile (title hereul the llndiMHiriiecl will lliiiki'tliij returns ot Ul account as AJinliostni' o or th cWHte ot h K Lee, deceased, and tht Ue will at .urn tlinenpplv to I lici ount.v Juike or Mttilsi)ii couniv, l lorid.i. tur bis niim aiZ cliurge us Mk:!i administrator. U. T. 1IAVI8 Adininlstrator Estate of s. K., deceased Muicbijt.'iu ' NOTICE OF DISOIIAHGE. Notice la hereby gWen that six monttm alter date the uiiderslyiied will make niialreiurnsdl tats accounis us HOnilnl-irntor et t tic estate of Mrs li A w litle deceased, and that he will at such time apply Iu the. 1 utility .liiilk'eot Mao iwiii c 011 nly, Kloildu, lor his dlachitige assui b adiulnlsiruior. J. W. WADSWOItTIl, Administrator csuti 01 Mia. (. A. Whttilede. cca ed. JaniiT, 1'Jio. NOTICE OF PRIMARY ELECTION. Netlcs Is hereby Riven that a white demo oratlc primary election will be held In tbe county ol Madison, Florida, at the respective polltng places menthol the twelve prcclncn of said county, on tbe 101b day of Mar, miliaria If need be on t lie 7th day of June. 141)0. betweea the hours 01 s o'clock A. M. and aundown ot 1 be same day, for the purpose of numlDatloa the MllowtnK candidates for offlce, to-wlt. ICS naior; I ontrresamsD for the 8r4 Conttresslonal District; .luat.lces 01 the Uu prenie court .4 Hallroad OommlBSinnera; ) xtate Auditor; 1 Hi ale ttenator for 10th benatorlal Olairlcl; i members House ot Reireaentatlyes; 1 county l ax AxaesHOi;lTaa l Ollector; 1 1 oun ty Treaaurer; 1 (Supervisor of Heidatiatlnn; I couuiy hurveyor; 8 1 if ttbers of Hojrd of Pub lie lost net ion; 5 members Board of county Commissioners; t .lust loo of the Heaoe In each precinct of said county; 1 constable .lo each pre. met ot said count y. Kacb voter shall oave tbe right to vole tor or against a State 1 onventlon. 'I he Inspectors for not h elections of May 10th 19)0 and Jane f 1 b lnio are as follows) Pteclnct No I-W. B. Iavla. Clerk. Burtoa Mcleaiy.J A. 1 ottlnubam; No. 2-lirew Mo Mullen, clerk, Oscar Dlauion, J. T. 8troud;No. S-J K. W hltiy, clerk, .1. D. Sullivan, 0. W. i.lbbs; No. 4-W. H. Bailey, clerk, W. I- Hen derson, B MOriely; No 6 J. T rorter, clers, J W. Hlshop, ('. Hush; No. --J. R. Wilson, clerk. ,1. A. HuriiCtt.J.T. Morrow; No. 7- J. O. Iiurnett, clerk, II. A. Duval, Jack ltlii1r:No. 8-W. H U. Teriy, clerk, K. M, lleudersou, H r. ( oiljett; NoTsA l. Never, clerk, w. L. Illanton, . I'. Andrews: No. Kl-Toin r.lbaon, eleik, w.C l.oper. I) U. Huruett; No 11 K. b Williams, clerk, Z. T lerry L. K. M'lUlaaia; No ij-w. 11. I'Williis, clerk, Dan Illcks, Juan Harris. The 11 Rpectors shall muke return and report to the t'otnuy democratic committee at. M; dl son, Ha bv iioon of i rldav. May 13ltt. lHl, tor tlrst prunary, and by Friday, June lotu, ltuo fur second niiiuury. L. J. POltTElt, Attest:- chaituiun county w . f. KNKiHT, tiecutlve Com. Secretary. TkrM S.m. 9C kl. .-J i aa i- 5 old aarid Rsoommandaol sa. Mr. S- DAVI3 : i4 , .. 'i '